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Who are criminally liable CHIEF ACTOR

The following are criminally liable for He is the one who committed the act
grave and less grave felonies: constituting a crime, such as the person
who stabbed and killed the victim. With or
1. Principals
without conspiracy, the chief actor is liable
2. Accomplices
as principal by direct participation.
3. Accessories

The following are liable for light

felonies: REQUISITES

1. Principals 1. That they participated in the

2. Accomplices criminal resolution; and
2. That they carried out their plan
The classification of Article 16 is only and personally took part in its
applicable under the RPC and is not execution by acts which directly
applied in Special Penal Laws because the tended to the same end.
penalties of SPLs are never graduated.
However, if a special penal law provides for
the same graduated penalties as those
provided under the RPC, the classification PRINCIPAL BY INDUCEMENT
under the RPC may be adopted. They are those who directly force or
induce another to commit a crime.
QUESTION: Why are there no accessories in
light felonies?

ANSWER: For light felonies are punishable by ELEMENTS FOR PRINICIPAL INDUCEMENT
arresto menor (1 day to 30 days) 1. That the inducement be made
directly with the intention of procuring
the commission of the crime.
2. That such inducement be the
ARTICLE 17. Principals determining cause of the commission
of the crime by the material executor.
The following are considered
1. Those who take a direct part in the
execution of the act; 1. By directly forcing another to commit
2. Those who directly force or induce a crime
others to commit it; 2. By directly inducing another to
3. Those who cooperate in the commit a crime.
commission of the offense by another
SCENARIO: A induced B to kill C, but B didn’t
act without which it would not have
do it, what is A and B’s participation?
been accomplished.
ANSWER: A and B cannot be liable for
attempted or frustrated murder/homicide.
PRINCIPALS BY DIRECT PARTICIPATION The requirement in order to incur criminal
liability to commit a crime is through overt
They are those who materially execute acts. There must be external acts.
the crime. They appear at the crime scene
and perform acts necessary to commit the
crime. “FORCING ANOTHER” under Article 12

1. Using irresistible force such as would

produce an effect upon the
For example: He is a principal by direct
individual that despite all his
participation in the crime of homicide
resistance, it reduces him to a mere
(unlawfully killing another) or the crime of
arson (maliciously burning another’s
2. Causing uncontrollable fear that is
grave actua, serious and of such kind
the majority of men would succumb
to such moral compulsion.
SCENARIO: A forced B to kill C, A told B if he COOPERATION
won’t kill C, then A will kill B. No choice, B
killed C. What is B’s participation? They are people who cooperate in
the commission of the offense by another
ANSWER: Principal by inducement (A),
without which it would not have been
Direct participation (B).

QUESTION: Will B incur criminal liability? QUESTION: What is the difference between
indispensable cooperation to an
ANSWER: NO. Under Article 12. accomplice?
Circumstances which Exempt from Criminal
Liability, Section. 5 Any person who acts ANSWER: If a person accomplishes the
under the compulsion of an irresistible force crime without the help of a person then he
is exempted from criminal liability. However, is an accomplice. While indispensable
A is not exempted from criminal liability cooperation is the cooperation of the
because the crime could not have person “without which the felony would not
happened without A. have been committed”

SCENARIO: C is a master blacksmith. A, B,

“INDUCING ANOTHER” and C, agreed to commit robbery. C can
open the vault. Without C, do you think A
1. Giving price, offering reward or
and B can perform a heist?
ANSWER: No. C is considered as an
For example: A wife, who induced the indispensable by cooperation. However, if
killing of the mistress of her husband by A and B are blacksmiths, then C is an
giving money to the killer, is a principal by accomplice.
induction. The killer is a principal by direct

2. By using words of command ELEMENTS

SCENARIO: A (inducement) command B 1. Participation in the criminal resolution,
(participation) to kill C. But B has personal that is, there is either anterior
reasons why B has to kill C. B killed C conspiracy or unity of criminal
because of that personal reason. What is
purpose and intention immediately
A’s participation?
before the commission of the crime
ANSWER: A does not have criminal liability charged;
2. Cooperation in the commission of the
REQUIREMENTS OF USING WORDS OF offense by performing another act,
COMMAND without which it would not have been
1. That the one uttering the words of
command must have the intention of
ACCOMPLICES are mere instruments
procuring the commission of the that perform acts not essential to the
crime; perpetration of the offense
2. That the one who made the
command must have ascendancy or ACCOMPLICES do not decide
whether the crime should be committed;
influence over the person who acted;
they merely assent to the plan and
3. The words use must be so direct as to
cooperation in its accomplishment.
amount to physical or moral
4. The words of command must be QUESTION: WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF ARTICLE 17,
uttered prior to the commission of the 18, AND 19 IF WE ALREADY HAVE CONSPIRACY?
crime. ANSWER: In cases where the prosecution
5. The material executor of the crime cannot prove conspiracy, then Articles 17, 18,
has no reason to commit the crime. and 19 are applied in their participation in the
before the commission of the crime crime. A criminal code is a house bill that
charged; intends to amend the RPC and its entirety.
1. The community of criminal design; ACTS DONE BY THE PRINCIPAL AND THOSE
that is, knowing the criminal design ATTRIBUTED TO THE PERSON CHARGED AS
of the principal and concurs with the ACCOMPLICE.
2. That he cooperates in the execution
by previous or simultaneous act, with 1. The wounds inflicted by the accused
the intention of supplying material or did not materially contribute to the
moral aid in the execution of the death of the deceased.
crime in an efficacious way. 2. The wound inflicted by the accused
3. That there be a relationship between was not of a character that would
the acts done by the principal and have resulted in the death of the
those attributed to the person deceased.
charged as accomplice. 3. That the accused who were armed
with clubs merely struck the victim, as
SCENARIO: A saw C, A and B are friends, A he fell by the fatal blow made by the
killed C, then B robbed C. What is A and B’s principal, without causing the victim
participation? serious injuries
4. Stoning the victim already mortally
ANSWER: A and B (Direct Participation)
wounded by other (unclear) accused,
EXPLANATION: In order for a person to be the stoning not being the cause of
an accomplice, there must be a death.
relationship between the acts done by the
principal and those attributed to the person IN CASE OF DOUBT
charged as accomplice. Homicide is not
related to theft. Unless B committed In case of doubt, the participation of
physical injury. the offender will be considered that of an
accomplice rather than that of a principal.

What is the effect of lack of knowledge?

Dubio Pro Reo Principle is the rule of lenity. He
If the accused has no knowledge of is considered an accomplice because the
the criminal design of the chief actor. There penalty is lower. Lenient to the accused.
is neither implied nor community of design.
Hence, not liable as a principal nor ARTICLE 19. ACCESSORIES
Accessories are those who, having
knowledge of the commission of the crime,
That he cooperates in the execution by and without having participated therein
previous or simultaneous act either as principals or accomplices, take
part subsequent to its commission in any of
a. BY PREVIOUS ACTS the following manners;
The example of cooperation by 1. By profiting themselves or assisting the
previous act is the lending of a dagger offender to profit by the effects of the
or pistol to the murderer, knowing the crime.
latter’s criminal purpose. 2. By concealing or destroying the body
In the crime of rape, the pharmacist of the crime, or the effects or
who, knowing the criminal purpose of instruments thereof, in order to
another, furnishes him the drug with prevent its discovery.
which he will put his victim to sleep in 3. By harboring, concealing, or assisting
order to rape her, is also an accomplice in the escape of the principals of the
in the crime. crime, provided the accessory acts
with abuse of his public functions or
whenever the author of the crime is
guilty of treason, parricide, murder, or
an attempt to take life of the chief
Executive, or is known to be habitually
guilty of some other crime.
The accessory comes in when the PUBLIC OFFICERS. Always aggravating
crime is already consummated, not before circumstance, increased penalty, because
consummation of the crime. they have authority and power, but if they
committed a crime without using their
If the offender has already involved
authority or power, it is not aggravating.
himself as a principal or accomplice, he
cannot be an accessory any further even
though he performs acts pertaining to an ARTICLE 48. Penalty for Complex Crimes
When a single act constitutes two or
more grave or less grave felonies, or when
an offense is a necessary means for
1. That has knowledge of the committing the other, the penalty for the
commission of the crime; most serious crime shall be imposed, the
2. That he took part in it subsequent to same to be applied in its maximum period.
its commission by any of the three
modes enumerated in Article 19 of

SCENARIO: A killed C, but A didn’t know It is when a single act constitutes two
that C is still alive. Therefore, he committed or more grave or less grave felonies, or
FRUSTRATED homicide. A told B to bury C when an offense is a necessary means for
and A will give B PHP10, 000. So B buried C. committing the other.
The cause of death of C is suffocation.
What is A and B’s participation? In a complex crime, although two or
more crimes are actually committed, they
ANSWER: A is indispensable cooperation
constitute only one crime in the eyes of the
and B is direct participation.
law as well as in the conscience of the
offender. The offender has only one criminal
intent. Even in the case where an offense is
An accessory must have knowledge a necessary means for committing the
of the commission of the crime, and having other, the evil intent of the offender is only
that knowledge, he took part subsequent to one.
its commission. In the absence of positive
proof, direct or circumstantial, of his
knowledge that the goods were of illegal 1. When a single act constitutes two or
origin or fraudulently acquired by the more grave or less grave felonies
vendors at the time of the transaction, a (Compound Crime/Delito
customer who purchases such goods Compuesto)
cannot be criminally responsible as
accessory. Example of a complex crime is throwing
a grenade in public, it is a single act,
Thus, if A buys a stolen property, not
multiple victims.
knowing that it was stolen, he is not liable.
2. When an offense is a necessary
but there is evidence that a person
means for committing the other
committed a crime. Example: 20 cases of (Complex Crime Proper/Delito
redhorse theft case. Complejo)

Example of a complex crime is ESTAFA

2 CLASSES OF ACCESSORY IN ARTICLE 19(3) (falsified a document to claim money)
1. PUBLIC OFFICERS and Rape by Abduction.
a. The accessory is a public officer .
b. He harbors, conceals, or assists
in the escape of the principal. REQUISITES OF COMPOUND CRIME
c. The public officer acts with
1. That only a single act is performed by
abuse of his public functions
the offender
2. That the act produces; ARTICLE 49. Penalty to Be imposed Upon the
a. Two or more grave felonies Principals When the Crime Committed is
b. One or more grave and one less Different from that Intended. — In cases in
grave felonies, or which the felony committed is different from
c. Two or more less grave felonies that which the offender intended to
commit, the following rules shall be
Example: observed:
Guillen, by single act of throwing a 1. If the penalty prescribed for the
highly explosive hand grenade at President felony committed be higher than
Roxas resulting in the death of another that corresponding to the offense
person, committed several grave felonies which the accused intended to
commit, the penalty
corresponding to the latter shall
REQUISITES OF COMPOUND CRIMES be imposed in its maximum period.

1. That at least two offenses are

2. That one or some of the offense must UNDER ARTICLE 4(1)
be necessary to commit the other; 1. If the penalty for the felony
3. That both or all offenses must be committed be higher than the
punished under the same statute. penalty for the offense which the
accused intended to commit, the
Example: Abduction as a necessary means
lower penalty shall be imposed in its
of committing rape
maximum period
The act of forcible abduction (taking 2. If the penalty for the felony
a woman against her will with lewd designs committed be lower than the penalty
– Article 342) was a necessary means for for the offense which the accused
committing the crime of rape (having intended to commit, the lower
sexual intercourse with a woman by using
penalty shall be imposed in its
force, etc. – article 266A)
maximum period
3. If the act committed also constitutes
PENALTY FOR COMPLEX CRIMES an attempt or frustration of another
crime, and the law prescribes a
The penalty for complex crime is the higher penalty for either of the latter,
penalty for the most serious crime the same the penalty for the attempted or
to be applied in its maximum period frustrated crime shall be imposed in its
In the example given the complex maximum period.
crime of forcible abduction with rape is
penalized by reclusion perpetua, the
penalty proper to rape.


The substance is made up of two or

more crimes that the law treats as a single
indivisible and unique offense for being the
product of a single criminal impulse.

Example: A committed robbery to his

father’s house, he was caught in the act
and killed his father.

CRIME: Robbery with homicide. It is

irrelevant who committed the crime, as
long as robbery is different from
homicide. Robbery with homicide in
two provisions: Two felonies in one
PLURALITY OF CRIMES (b) Kidnapping with serious
It consists of crimes in the successive physical injuries (Art.267, par.3)
execution by the same individual of (c) When the offender commits
different criminal acts upon any of which no continued crimes
conviction has yet been declared.

Multiple of crimes committed by the same 3. Continuing Crimes

A continued (continuous or
There are two kinds of plurality of continuing) crime is a single crime,
crimes (1) formal or ideal plurality, and (2) consisting of a series of acts but all arising
real or material plurality. from one criminal resolution.
Art. 48 provides for two cases of A continuing offense is a continuous,
formal or ideal plurality of crimes. There is unlawful act or series of acts set on foot by
but one criminal liability in this kind of a single impulse and operated by an
plurality. unintermittent force, however long a time it
may occupy.
Example – Formal or Ideal Plurality
Although there is a series of acts,
If A stabbed B, but C was nadamay. (There there is only one crime committed. Hence,
is only one information)
only one penalty shall be imposed.

In real or material plurality, there are
different crimes in law as well as in the A thief who takes from the yard of a
conscience of the offender. In such cases, house two game roosters belonging to two
the offender shall be punished for each and different persons commits only one crime,
every offense that he committed. for the reason that there is a unity of thought
in the criminal purpose of the offender.
Example – Real or material plurality In getting hold of the two roosters, it is
A stabbed B with a knife and died. not done by a single act of taking, but by
Then A also stabbed C and died. There are two separate acts. There is, however, a unity
two crimes committed (Two cases of of thought and action in taking the two
homicide, thus, there are two informations roosters.
to be filed against A. One is for the death of
B and the other is for the death of C) Eight robberies as component parts
of a general plan. While the inhabitants of a
barrio were working in a sugar mill, seven
PLURAL CRIMES OF THE FORMAL OR IDEAL armed persons, who had a general plan to
TYPE ARE DIVIDED INTO THREE GROUPS: commit robbery against all those in the
place, entered the mill and while two of the
A person committing multiple crimes
bandits guarded the people with guns
is punished with ONE penalty in the
leveled at them, five of them ransacked the
following cases:
houses for their personal properties.
1. When the offender commits any
The several acts of ransacking the
of the complex crimes defined in
different houses were not unconnected
Art. 48 of the Code
and entirely distinct from one another. They
2. When the law specifically fixes a formed component parts of the general
single penalty for two or more plan to despoil all those within the vicinity.
offenses committed (Special There is only one crime of robbery in this
Complex Crimes) case.

(a) Robbery with homicide
In real or material plurality as well as in SCENARIO: A is a guard with .45 caliber,
continued crime, there is a series of acts during the commission of the robbery,
performed by the offender. he killed B. Is it robbery with homicide?
ANSWER: Yes. Because during the
While in real or material plurality,
occasion of the robbery, someone
each act performed by the offender
died. Even if it is the offender who died.
constitutes a separate crime, because
each act is generated acts constitute only
one crime because all of the acts
performed arise from one criminal


2nd par. A composite crime has its own

definition and special penalty in the RPC.
Composite crimes are neither of the same
legal basis as nor subject to the rules on
complex crimes in Art.48, since they do not
consist of a single act giving rise to two or
more grave or less grave felonies nor do
they involve an offense being a necessary
means to commit another.

Example of Special Complex Crimes

Robbery with Homicide

Robbery with Rape

Robbery with Arson

Robbery with intentional mutilation

Robbery with physical injuries

Robbery with unnecessary violence

Kidnapping with Rape

Kidnapping with serious physical injuries

Kidnapping with homicide

Rape with Homicide


1. The taking of personal property with
the use of violence or intimidation against
the person
2. The property taken belongs to

3. The takin is characterized by intent to

gain of animus lucrandi
4. On the occasion of the robbery or by
reason thereof the crime of homicide was

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