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1. Affidavit of Adverse Claim filed by Lydia Japitana.

2. Appeal En Consulta filed by Lydia Japitana.
3. Deed of Adjudication with Sale between the Jalecos and Lydia
4. Notice of Denial of Registration from the Registry of Deeds, Iloilo.

Affidavit of Adverse Claim
On the 10th day of March 2018, Lydia Japitana filed an Affidavit of
Adverse Claim alleging that she is one of the owners of Lot 9181-B-1
covering an area of 10,000 square meters which is a bigger area of Lot
9181-B covered by TCT No. T-12,998, as evidence by her Deed of
Adjudication with Sale dated 19 September 2002.
On the said affidavit, Lydia stated that the owners of the land
covered by TCT NO. T-12,998 would not cooperate in providing her
with the original owner’s copy so that she can process the transfer of
title of the portion she purchased. Thus, to protect her right, she
requested for the annotation of the Deed of Adjudication Sale in order
to notify any third person and the public.

Appeal En Consulta
On the 29th day of June 2021, Lydia filed an Appeal En Consulta
addressed to the Land Registration Authority.
Lydia stated the brief history of their purchase and other
(a) That she purchased this Lot 9181-B-1 from the heirs and co-
registered owner Salome Jaleco per the Deed of Adjudication
with Sale dated 19 September 2002.
(b) That she has filed a Letter addressed to the Register of Deeds
of Iloilo with Affidavit of Adverse Claim but the said office
(ROD Iloilo) refused to annotate the same.
The appeal is merely asking for advice from the said agency
(LRA) on the right of Lydia to annotate their rights and interests as
owners over the portion identified as Lot 9181-B-1

Deed of Adjudication with Sale

On the 19th day September 2002, a Deed of Adjudication with
Sale was executed by the Jalecos (Salome Jaleco, Rogelio Jaleco,
Rolan Jaleco, Rodrigo Jaleco, Sally Jaleco and Shely Grace Jaleco -
being the sole and surviving heirs of the late Rafael Jaleco) and the
Japitanas (Lydia Japitana and Rex Japitana).
That the decedent Jaleco left a real property covered by TCT NO.
12,998 situatwed at Brgy. Pajo, Zarraga, Iloilo with an area of 19,655
square meters. That the heirs have agreed to adjudicate unto
themselves the ½ share of the late Rafael Jaleco. That for and in
consideration of the sum of Php 100,000.00 Philippine Currency, the
heirs received said amount from Lydia Japitana and Rex Japitana as
payment for the sale of the above-mentioned parcel of land.

Notice of Denial of Registration

On the 29th day of June 2021, Atty. Manikan as the Register of
Deeds of Iloilo wrote the Japitanas that their request for registration of
the Notice of Adverse Claim was denied due to lack of necessary
requirements for annotation of an Adverse Claim.

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