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Retell lecture: I can hear the information about [keywords]

Describe image: I can see the information about [keywords] and



These days, whether [TOPIC] has sparked a heated debate. Although this issue is contested by many, it is
regarded thoroughly as both can structive and positive by a substantial number of individuals. As such,
there are both merits and demerits to this trend, but I think that the former outdo the latter.

There are many arguments in favor of my stance, but the most conspicuous one is that public means of
transport can be convenient. In addition, it is indisputable that large shopping malls offer a wide range
of products and options, which help customers compare and choose easily. Needless to say, all these
upsides stand shoppers and sellers in good stead when it comes to buying and selling the best products
at a reasonable price.

Another pivotal aspect of this issue is that these subjects can help students and teachers relieve stress
and relax.

Last but not least, this can be exemplified that social networks provide Internet users with access to
invaluable information and knowledge online.

Hence, it is apparent why many are in favour of social networking sites. Given the arguments outlined
above, one can conclude that (TOPIC).

NOTES: "whether" có thể thêm có thể ko, theo em check thử thì ko nên thêm vào nếu ai ko bt lúc nào
thêm hay ko thì điểm vẫn full trên APEUNI

- "has" chia theo topic có thể là have or has

- Topic: nếu có 2 câu hỏi thì mn cứ bê nguyên 2 câu vào và thay bỏ dấu ? thay bằng so, and, but...

+ Nếu một câu hỏi vd như hỏi lợi ích và tác hại thì cũng bê câu hỏi vào

+ Nếu một câu hỏi vd như ý kiến của mình, nêu ví dụ.. về cái nd đó thì ko cần bê câu hỏi vào.
M check trên app APE sẽ đc 14,15/15, trên , magic thì 10,11/15 nên mn cứ an tâm mà dùng.


The picture is about.... (chủ đề)

It also show a lot of important imformation about....

According to the picture, we can see.... which can be seen at....

On the other hand, we can see.... which can be seen at....

In the end, the picture is about.....(chủ đề)

NOTE: Mn có thể thay từ "picture" thành graph, lecture... tùy vào bức tranh đó là biểu đồ hay gì.


According to the lecture, the lecture was about....

And then I can hear information about....

And then I can hear information about....

And then I can hear information about....

And then I can hear information about....

And then I can hear information about....

In conclusion, in my opinion the lecture is very informative and well done.


The given lecture is about interesting topics based on different categories.

Firstly, we can see the lecture can show a major joint, which is connected to our society. So it is fair to
say that it is important.


In concusion, it is informative.

The importance of the fact that [Lấy nguyên 1 câu trong đề], which frequently
generated a great deal of heated debate, has now become even more controversial.
Some people maintain that the [Danh từ] might play a vital role in society, while
opponents claim that such an opinion is untrue. This essay will elaborate on both sides
of the debate and lead to a logical conclusion.
Body 1
To begin with, there are lots of reasons why the [Danh từ] could play an important role
in any society, yet the most important one stems from the fact that the majority of
people need to be provided with such [Danh từ] to be able to excel in their future path.
For example, according to recent research conducted by scientists from Harvard
University, those who are equipped with the [Danh từ] are more likely to behave better
in their society.

Body 2
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments put forward by critics, some people
believe that the [Danh từ] might also bring some drawbacks which can overwhelm its
positive impact. This is largely attributed to the fact that based on some statistics
collected recently, the importance of the [Danh từ] has caused significant effects on
more than 60 percent of people who have been utilizing this.

In a nutshell, taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, I
am inclined to believe that the issue that [Chép nguyên câu trong đề] has both pros
and cons, thus the authority should strike a right balance between them.

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