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GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully.

Choose the letter that corresponds to your

answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Multiple answers are not allowed.
1. It is the idea being transmitted by the sender to the receiver. It includes three aspects 4 content,
structure, and style.
a. channel b. feedback c. message d. sender
2. It is the response or reaction given by the receiver to the sender of the message.
a. feedback b. message c. receiver d. sender
3. It is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information through speech, signal, writing, or
a. channel b. communication c. language d.message
4. It is a type of communication that does NOT use words in expressing a message.
a. non-verbal communication
b. oral Communication
c. verbal Communication
d. written Communication
5. Which model shows a one-way communication where the source of information does not know
whether the message is understood or not?
a. Interactive b. Linear c. Transactional d. A and B
6. Which of the following is an example of a one-way communication?
a. A church leader giving a homily to a crowd of people
b. A teacher encouraging students to give their thoughts on a relevant issue
c. Classmates talking about how to accomplish their assignments
d. ALL of the above
7. Which of the following elements affects the flow of any communication process?
a. barrier b. channel c. feedback d. source
8. Which element is NOT found in Shannon-Weaver model?
a. barrier b. channel c. feedback d. receiver
9. Which of the following is an example of an interactive communication?
a. A jeepney barker persuades the commuters to Pacita Complex.
b. A social media influencer gets million views from her debut video.
c. A TV anchor interviews lawmaker over the MECQ in the metro.
d. A vendor starts a small talk with his customer and the latter gives in to it.
10. It happens when the sender fails to communicate his/her message properly or when the intended
message is not clearly understood by the receiver.
a. communication
b. communication barrier
c. strategies to avoid communication barriers
d. process of communication
11. It refers to the natural or environmental conditions that hinder a successful communication
a. cultural barrier
b. external noise
c. physical barrier
d. psychological barrier
12. It refers to the way a person responds in a communication situation affected by personal norms
and traditions.
a. cultural barrier
b. linguistic barrier
c. physical barrier
d. psychological barrier
13. This is an example when linguistic barrier to communication becomes evident.
a. A professor explains his lessons eloquently in class.

b. Elena is afraid to deliver her opening remarks.

c. People do not understand each other’s language.
d. The transmitter disrupted the speech of Ms. Speaker.
14. What type of speech context happens when two persons interact?
a. Dyad c. Public Communication
b. Mass Communication d. Small Group
15. What type of speech context refers to communication that focuses on one person, in which the
speaker acts as both the sender and receiver of the message?
a. Interpersonal c. Mass Communication
b. Intrapersonal d. Public Communication
16. What type of speech context refers to the process of imparting information through television,
radio, newspaper, magazines, books, billboards, internet and other types of media?
a. Interpersonal c. Mass Communication
b. Intrapersonal d. Public Communication
17. Which of these types of speech context takes place between and among people and establishes
personal relationship between and among them?
a. Interpersonal c. Mass Communication
b. Intrapersonal d. Public Communication
18. Which type of INTERPERSONAL context involves at least three but not more than twelve
people engaging in a face-to-face interaction?
a. Dyad Communication c. Small Group Communication
b. Sharing Group Communication d.Team Communication
19. What type of speech context requires you to deliver or send the message before or in front of a
a. Interpersonal c. Mass Communication
b. Intrapersonal d. Public Communication
20. Which of the following is NOT a speech context?
a. Dyad Communication c. Long Story Communication
b. Intrapersonal Communication d. Mass Communication
21. The primary goal of a/an ___________ is to influence the thoughts, feelings, actions, and
behaviors or attitudes of your listeners (Gamble & Gamble, 2012).
a. informative speech c. persuasive speech
b. expository speech d. entertainment speech
22. The _______________ is a type of speech that aims to make the audience relax, enjoy, and even
a. expository speech c. persuasive speech
b. entertainment speech d. informative speech
23. Delivering a speech with the help of short notes and a clear outline is known as _________.
a. manuscript speech c. extemporaneous speech
b. memorized speech d. impromptu speech
24. When you deliver a pre-written speech word for word, it is called __________.
a. impromptu speech c. memorized speech
b. manuscript speech c. extemporaneous speech
25. A/ an __________ is delivered with little or no advance preparation.
a. impromptu speech c. manuscript speech
b. memorized speech d. extemporaneous speech
26. The nature of a reporter’s job is to give an expository or __________.
a. persuasive speech c. manuscript speech
b. informative speech d. impromptu speech
27. Consider this statement: <I now pronounce you as husband and wife.= Who among the
following can say this and make marital union happen?
a. priest b. teacher c. retired policeman d.famous celebrity
28. What do you think does the speaker mean when he/she says, <Can you carry these for me?=
a. The speaker wants to know if I have the ability to carry his/her things.
b. The speaker is requesting me to help him/her carry his things.
c. The speaker does not make sense.
d. The speaker does not mean anything.
29. You and your sibling were playing in your room. Suddenly, your mother entered the room and
she angrily said, <It’s dirty here!= How would you interpret what she said?
a. She feels happy.
b. She wants you to clean the room.
c. She does not feel well that is why she got angry.
d. She just wants to get angry.
30. Based on the scenario in item number 3, what will your next action be?
a. I will continue playing with my sibling.
b. I will agree with her and say that the room is dirty.
c. I will stop playing with my sibling and will clean the room.
d. I will ignore my mother.
31. In which of the following statements is the speaker making a commitment?
a. <I checked her outputs last week.=
b. <I am sad and feeling blue!=
c. <I promise to help you with your problems.=
d. <I think following the law makes us responsible citizens.=
32.Which of the following refers to the utterance that a speaker makes in order to achieve an intended
a. Speech Act
b. Speech Demo
c. Speech Style
d. Speech Variation
33.The following are the known functions of speech act EXCEPT:
a. apology
b. greeting
c. offering
d. planning
34.Which best defines NOISE in the context of communication?
a. It is the sound of karaoke from your neighbor.
b. It is any sound that occurs during the communication process.
c. It is a sound that blocks or interferes communication situations.
d. It is anything that interferes with the communication.
35.Which of the following is an example of psychological barrier?
a. ability to read minds
b. dissatisfaction to customer service
c. inattentiveness to detail
d. poor listening skills
36.It is type of speech outline which describes historical or time approach like from past to present.
a. Spatial
b. Cause and Effect Outline
c. Chronological Outline
d. Topical Outline
37.It is type of speech outline which divides the topic into subtopics based on importance or interest
a. Spatial
b. Cause and Effect Outline
c. Chronological Outline
d. Topical Outline
38.It is type of speech outline which Involves a discussion of both cause and effect of an issue. a. Spatial
b. Cause and Effect Outline
c. Chronological Outline
d. Topical Outline
39.It is the nature of communication.
1. Communication is a process.
2. Communication occurs between two or more people.
3. Communication can be expressed through words or actions.
4. Communication portrays sympathy.
a. 1234 b. 123 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1 and 2 only
40.It is the meaning of the statement <Communication is a process”.
a. Communication consists of discrete and separate acts.
b. Communication has clear beginning and ending points.
c. Communication is dynamic, ongoing and continuous.
d. Communication resembles still pictures more than motion picture.

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