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1. For me it means "I know that I don’t Know". Of course, this is a bit stupid and may be self-
contradictory, because knowing something means knowing something, and not knowing it precludes

2.De Anima “On the Soul” is an important treatise. Its discussion focused on the soul types possessed by
different types of creatures, which have different functions.

3. The image of all knowledge leads to God. I agree that he believed that the existence of material hell
was a punishment for sin, but believed that those who chose to accept the salvation of Jesus Christ
would go to heaven. ...Its believes that the existence of good causes evil to exist through human guilt.

4. "I think; therefore, I am" is the end of Descartes' search for an unquestionable statement. He found
that he could not doubt his existence, because he was the first to doubt. So am I.

5.Tabula Rasa is a lack of preconceived ideas or predetermined goals; a clean sheet.

"The team does not have complete freedom, and there is no whiteboard for work"
6. We Construct the Self. This kind of meaning-building activity is exactly what our brains have been
doing: acquiring the raw data of experience and actively synthesizing it into the familiar, orderly, and
meaningful world we live in.
7. The Self as the Brain. Dualism claims that mind and body are separate. Churchland also insists on
materialism, not dualism, and believes that only matter does not exist. When it comes to the mind, it
means that there is a physical brain instead of a mind. In addition, the physical brain is where we gain
8. Explicit and Implicit Self. As researchers are beginning to examine differences between explicit and
implicit self-esteem. So, the explicit form is judged by what we say about ourselves, while implicit self-
esteem is measured by automatic responses, such as how we associate words that have favorable or
unfavorable connotations with ourselves.

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