Questionnaire - Eapp Sns

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Research topic: Comparison of the perception, attitude, behavior and impact between different ages in Hong Kong towards

the use of social networking sites.

Introduction : You are invited to take part in this academic survey of 25 questions that aims to identify user perception, attitude, behavior and impact in the use of social networking sites. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and anonymous so you will not be referred to by any personally identifiable information (i.e. name, email address, etc) in any of the reports . The results obtained from this questionnaire will be used for academic research only and we assure that the information will be destroyed within 3 weeks after the questionnaire is finished.

(*More than one box can be chosen.)


2. Age Below 18 18-30 31-40 41-50 >50

3.) Which of the following social networking sites are you a member of (if any)?

Facebook Linkedin Geocities Hi5

Twitter MySpace Mixi

Blogger Tagged Bebo Other ____________

4.) How long have you been using social networking sites? (In years) Less than 1 year 1-2 3-4 5 or above

5.) Frequency of visiting social networking sites .

Every day About a month

Every other day Once or Twice a week Never

6.) On average, how many hours you spend on visiting social networking sites per day? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 >7

7.) What are your purposes of using social networking sites?

Link up with old friends you rarely see Stay in touch with friends you frequently see Share personal information Check friends updated news Make business contacts

Find Jobs

Store photos
Purchase goods Play Games

Store photos or links

Flirt with your girl/boy friend(s) Schedule Meetings Express present feelings Write/Read Articles or Diary For academic purposes

Concerned about the artist you are interested in Share Your Videos / Pictures
Search information Spend your spare time with no main purpose Subscriptions Other Other

8.) How much do you enjoy in customizing your profile (share personal details or post photos ) Extremely Very Median Not Very Not at all

9.) Please indicate the information you often upload or have left on your profile.

Email address Photographs of others Real Name Religious views

Real Address Private photos Work Birthday

Cell phone numbers Political views Education Relationship Status

Gender Interested Music that is not belong to you


Your Diary Interested Books that is not belong to you


Writings/Stories of others Interested Movies that is not belong to you


10.) How many friends do you have in your social networking sites? 0-50 300-400 50-100 400-500 100-200 >500 200-300

11. ) Who will you speak the most /share information to on Social Networking Sites ?

Always Usually 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Friends Friends that have never met Classmates Relatives Colleague Strangers

Sometimes often


12.) What instruments will you use to access social network sites?

Desktop I-pad

Laptop I-phone

Smartphone Net-book

13.) What is your most favorite Social Networking Sites ?

Facebook Linkedin Geocities Hi5

Twitter MySpace Mixi

Blogger Tagged Bebo Other ____________

14.) The three most important functions you prefer for a good social networking site.

Upload Photo Updated Application Free of charge User friendly Other ____________

Available to Personalize Your Profile Able to find friends easily Can protect your private Other ____________

Can be translated into different languages

15.) Do you think your way of using social networking sites may have affected your relationship badly with your friendly or friends?

Yes Friends Family


16.) Have you ever tried to spend more time on social networking sites by ignoring your responsibility (like doing homework) or time for other chores (like exercising)? Always Sometimes Not very often Never

17.) Do you prefer to communicate with people on social networking sites rather than face to face or by phone? Yes No

18.) Do you have more friends on your social networking sites than you do in your real life? Yes No

19.) I can expand my public relations circle through the use of social networking sites Yes No

20.) Do you consider the social networking sites you use are adequate enough in protecting your released information?

Highly protective Neutral

Not Very Not at all

21.) How often do you use the privacy control function on your social network sites to protect your information?

Always Usually Sometimes Often Personal Information Dialogue between friends Photos, Videos, Articles, Posts Personal Feelings Present location


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