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Which of the following is an example of Which of the following is NOT a

scaffolding? characteristic of physical development in

early adulthood?
Telling a child she cannot go home till she
solves the problem Notice of the decline in physical
Giving a child rewards if she gets to solve a
problem Large changes in the sensory systems
Providing a child half- solved example of a Reaching the peak of physical performance
Increase in the body's fatty tissue
Telling a child that she can do it by trying
again and again
Christian develops an integral and coherent
sense of self. He seeks answers to the
Which of the following situations reflects question. “Who am I”? Which of the
the implication of Vygotsky's theory? following is Christian likely to develop?

Mr. Salvador encouraged the students to role confusion

use trial and error while working on an
individually- assigned experiment.
Mr. Bonifacio has asked three students to
help Andrea solve a problem. ego identity

Ms. Santos tells her students to read the

selection silently. Which of the following is true about
In Ms. Aquino's class, the students are given Bronfenbrenner's ecological model?
an assignment to work on at home. It denies genetic influences on

Which system according to It has been largely superseded by life course

Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model theory.
includes parents, teachers and peers?
It implies that the modification of behavior
microsysten should be based on rational principles of
reinforcements and disincentives.
It implies that changing behavior may
involve changing social cultures and
exosystem structures.
It is a time of extreme dependence on Universal- ethical principle
adults. Many psychological activities are
Social contract
just beginning like language, symbolic
thought, sensory motor coordination and Law and order
social learning.
Social approval
middle childhood
pre natal
Mark is taking a high-stakes university exam
infancy and is sitting next to the smartest student in
the class. Mark can clearly see his
early childhood
classmate's responses but refrains from
copying the answers. Which of the
following is affecting Mark's behavior?
A person goes through the sequence of
stages and there are needs to be met along ego
the way. Who gave this proposition?

Mary and Fred have one child and want to

In this moral level according to Kohlberg, adopt a second. Since their first child's
individuals continue to regard conformity to infancy had been extremely difficult on
social rules as necessary but not for reasons Mary, she was excited at the possibility of
of self- interest. adopting an older child, perhaps a well-
behaved, toilet-trained 3 year-old, and
post- conventional level
skipping the infancy period entirely. Fred,
pre- conventional level on the other hand, had serious misgivings
not knowing about the quality of care giving
autonomous level
and relationships in this child's early life. In
conventional level a 3 year-old's case, he felt that inadequate
care and improper resolution of what
Erickson's stage could lead to irreparable
St. Mary's School is a known promoter of damage in later development?
peace and justice in its community. The
trust vs mistrust
school is on what stage of Moral
Development Theory? intimacy vs isolation
autonomy vs shame and doubt genital
identity vs role confusion
Christopher kept on thumb sucking until his
adolescence. His needs during his oral
A child using his arms and chest for catching
development were not gratified so he
a ball before he could use his hands and
became fixated at this stage. Which of the
fingers demonstrates _____.
following theories is generally applied to
proximodistal direction the early experiences as an explanation for
adult behavior?
cephalocaudal direction
horizontal direction
Cognitive Development
sequential direction
Social Learning
According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive
development, between ages 12 and 15
children reach formal operational stage.
What are they capable of doing at this
stage? Which of the following statements about
the cognitive development of children is
reasoning is neither inductive nor deductive
can solve abstract problems and think
Nurture (or environmental influences)
directs development more than nature (or
can focus on only one aspect of a situation heredity).
or event
Children may go through periods of rapid
intelligence is intuitive in nature Skinner is development followed by periods of
known for his theory based u stagnant to little growth.
All children develop their cognitive skills at
the same time and age.
Denzel’s mother noticed that her son
always wants to get her attention and is Development of children is unpredictable
jealous of his father. Denzel then can be and disorderly.
classified under what psychoanalytic stage
of development?
Fifteen year- old Gina is pre occupied with
phallic her "disgusting appearance" and seems
latency depressed most of the time. What can her
parents do to help her get through this Teachers must sequence instruction for
difficult time? effective learning to occur. To which theory
is this educational implication most closely
Encourage to "shape up" and not give in the
self- pity
Kohler's Theory
Ignore her self- preoccupation because
their attention would only reinforce it. Ausubel's Theory
Joke about her appearance in the hope that Lewin's Theory
she will se how silly she is acting.
Gagne's Theory
Offer practical advice, such as clothing
suggestions, to improve her body image.

Which is an application of Thorndike's law

of readiness?
Nadine feels certain about what she should
Learners must be rewarded for their good
do with her life. In which stage is Nadine?
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
Learners must be punished for their
Initiative vs Guilt misbehavior.
Intimacy vs Isolation Learners must be frequently exposed to
Ego Integrity vs Despair
Learners must be motivated first before
the start of any lesson.

According to Kohlberg, a teacher can instill

moral values in children by....
Jerome Bruner taught that curriculum
involving them in discussions on moral should revisit basic ideas, build on them
issues until the students grasp the full formal
giving importance to religious teachings concept. Which is an offshoot of this
laying clear rules of behavior
Basic curriculum
giving strict instructions on 'how to behave'
Post- constructed curriculum
Spiral curriculum
Hidden curriculum
rest of the class would be aware that they
are really different.

Following the Social Learning Theory of Have an activity where ethnic group
Bandura, what kind of behavior is applied competes with the other groups in the
by the Cinderella character in portraying class.
moral lessons on life from rags- to- riches? When doing class activities segregate the
ethnic group so they can do their own thing.

real Let the ethnic group and the other

members of the class do an activity where
live they share ideas about their culture.

Mrs. Bautista always makes sure that her

pre- school classroom is well- organized and
clean. She puts up interesting and colorful
Rene exhibits fear response to freely
visuals on the bulletin boards. What
roaming dogs but does not show fear when
principle of motivation is applied?
a dog is confined to a pen. Which
conditioning process is illustrated? Internal motivation lasts longer that
external motivation
The environment can be used to focus the
pupils’ attention on what they should
stimulus generalization learn.

spontaneous recovery Motivation is facilitated by providing tasks

that are comparable to real- world-
Motivation is enhanced by the way
Problems in society are often brought about instructional materials are organized.
by prejudices or biases. This is experienced
especially by minority or ethnic groups.
Which activity can minimize prejudices or Which of event of instruction according to
biases in a class where a group from an Gagne requires learners to be aware of
ethnic group is enrolled? what to expect so that they are prepared to
receive information?
Let the ethnic group perform a dance or
render a song depicting their culture so the Stimulating recall of prior learning
Providing learner guidance
Eliciting performance
Informing the learners of the objectives Watson's experiments and results showed
that behavior is learned through stimulus-
response connections specifically the
development of emotional responses to
certain stimuli. How does this help us?
This helps us connect observable behavior
Which of the following is NOT a
to stimulus.
characteristic of a strategic thinker?
This helps us interpret reflexes as emotions.
Does not easily give up even in difficult
situations This helps us understand fears, phobias
and love.
Asks others for possible solutions to
problems before thinking of his or her This helps us understand the role of
solutions people's behavior.
Uses experiments and trial and error
methods to find the best solution to a
Following Albert Bandura’s Social Learning
Uses knowledge in different ways to solve
Theory, what can be achieved from the
problems and address concerns and issues
public television live coverage of senate
hearings on plunder cases, such as the
misuse of pork barrel funds?
TV revenue
The students of Ms. Sandoval were not able
to learn the concepts that she presented behavior change
yesterday so she taught the same concepts
again using a different teaching method.
What principle of learning was applied? personality imaging
Effort is a major indicator of motivation to
Educators need to be sensitive to learner
According to this cognitive theory, the
individual learns when the human mind
Concepts should be presented in varied takes in information (encoding), perform
and different ways. operation in it, stores the information
(storage) and retrieves it when needed
Learning is influenced by social interactions.
(retrieval). What theory is this?
Schema Learning
Insight Learning Insight Learning
Information Processing Gestalt Psychology
Meaningful Learning Subsumption Theory
Field Theory of Learning

The teacher discusses a lesson on digestion

of food in animals by relating it to
Which of the following statements about
previously acquired knowledge about plant
motivation is FALSE?
respiration where both processes are
related to the concept of "breaking down Internal motivation is fueled by one’s goals
process". Which process does this or aspirations.
Motivation is enhanced by the way in which
superordinate learning instructional material is presented.
correlative subsumption Intrinsic motivation to learn is increased by
interesting and personally relevant
combinatorial learning
derivative subsumption
External motivation is longer- lasting and
more self- directive.
Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when
they went to Enchanted Kingdom. Just at
the sight of a roller coaster, she gets
excited. Whose theory explains
Bernadette's behavior?
When are learners best assisted by their
Bandura's theory teachers in creating their personal goals?
Skinner's theory When they set time for dialogues with
their teachers and administrators
Watson's theory
When they are dictated upon by both their
Pavlov's theory
parents and teachers because they are still
When they are guided to make their own
Which theory states that the mind insists on decisions, considering their experiences and
finding patterns in things that contribute to aspirations in life
the development of insight? When they are mandated to attend
seminars, recollections and retreats
Which of the following principles DOES NOT Which term means "including a student
facilitate classroom learning? with disabilities in a general education class
as long as he can perform similar work to
The learner must be psychologically ready.
his peers not having disabilities"?
The learner must be motivated to learn.
The learner must clearly perceive his goal.
The learner must practice rote learning.

Which best illustrates learning by

conditioning from the behavioral point of
view? Marissa is a student with visual impairment.
She is currently schooled in an inclusive
A child learns how to climb up and down
class. Which type of instruction should be
the stairs.
given to her?
A child realizes that every time she recites
Hands on learning method
in the class, the teacher says, "Very good,
Maria!" Student centered method
A child sings like the singer she has seen on Differentiated instruction
Specialized instruction
A child learns how to multiply by applying
repeated addition.

Which of the following is known as the

Magna Carta for Disabled Persons?
In general, what are the two most common
SB 9442
areas in school in which children with
hearing loss have trouble? SB 7277
Reading and writing RA 9442
Science and social studies RA 7277
Math and science
Reading and math
Individualized Education Program does not
include ___________.
Length of school year. Special education center
Policy on free and appropriate education
Appropriate educational placement
Relevant goals The following are good resources to use
with children who have hearing problems,
Children books
Internet resources
What is the first step the teacher needs to TV shows
Parent advice books
Ronnie is a 4th-grade student who is
experiencing a lot of difficulty in reading.
His teacher is thinking that he may need to
be referred to special education for possible
special education services. To provide children with special needs
(CSN) appropriate educational services
Ask the special education teacher to come within the mainstream of basic education
in and work with Ronnie for a while means _________.
Give Ronnie an IQ test to see if the CSN should be given shadow teachers
difficulties are due to an intellectual deficit
CSN must be educated based on their
Have him go to the special education readiness and abilities
resource reading class for two weeks to see
if he is more successful there CSN must join their regular peers in Gen Ed

Call Ronnie's parents about the concerns CSN should stay in SPED centers
regarding Ronnie's problems.

Hearing loss can affect which kind of

Teacher Criselda is teaching students with development?
disabilities together with their peers Speech
without disabilities. Which educational
setting is her students in? Language

Resource room All of these

General education class Psychosocial

Self-contained class
Verbal descriptions of the learning activity
Which is one of the major causes of hearing Slate and stylus for note taking
Captioned age-appropriate films
Otitis media
Tactile maps of the school building
All of these
IDEA stands for _________.
Individuals with Difficulties Education Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education
Presidential Decree 1509 created the Individual Differences Education Association
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Philippine Science High School
Commission on Human Rights
National Council on Disability Affairs Based on RA 7277, no disabled person shall
Magna Carta for Disabled Persons be denied access to opportunities for
suitable employment. Considering the high
unemployment rate in the Philippines, what
recourse must a PWD use to gain
meaningful employment?
This refers to the introduction of a desirable
or pleasant stimulus after a behavior. Present his qualifications and assert
his/her legal rights
Negative reinforcement
Get help from gov’t agencies that provide
Negative punishment
employment assistance such as DOLE
Positive reinforcement
Get a recommendation letter from an
Positive punishment influential politician
Look for backers from the company he/she
wants to get in

Which of the following would be most

useful for orientation and mobility training
for students with visual impairments?
Which of the following is a more severe SB 9442
form of behavioral disorder?
RA 9442
Conduct disorder
SB 7277
Bipolar disorder
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Oppositional defiant disorder Which of the following is NOT a right of a
public school teacher in the Philippines as
provided by the Magna Carta for Public
School Teachers?
The most restrictive educational placement
Enjoyment of one- week paternity leave
among the list is _________.
for married male teachers
General education with support
Freedom to organize and join professional
Resource room organizations

Residential placement Special hardship allowance when teaching

in areas that cannot be reached by
Self-contained class
motorized vehicles
Deployment of married couples in the same

Which of the following groups of special

needs is under developmental needs?
obsessive compulsive disorder, conduct How must learning be assessed in the
disorder, down syndrome classroom, according to existentialism?
autism, down syndrome, dyslexia Using multiple choice test, labelling
dyslexia, cystic fibrosis, down syndrome diagrams and solving mathematical
blindness, deafness, autism
Using essays, critic papers and reflection
Assessing how to express creativity and self-
Which of the following is the amended direction in learning
version of the Magna Carta for Disabled
Assessing how knowledge is applied in real
RA 7277
Which statement is NOT consistent with its
instructional philosophy?
What domain in PPST recognizes the
Progressivism encourages teachers to importance of having requisite knowledge
model decision making and choosing and skills as one enters the teaching
between alternatives. profession?

Essentialism advocates direct instruction. Assessment and Reporting

Perennialism advocates traditional methods Learning Environment

of instruction.
Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Reconstructionism believes in guiding
Curriculum and Planning
learners to understand social issues.

When the school views the learner as a

Which law is NOT considered as legal basis
unique, free- choosing and responsible
of CPD Act of 2016?
person made up of intellect and emotions,
TESDA Act of 1994 the teacher should set up learning activities
where the learner can develop these
Education Act of 1982
aspects of his/ her individuality. Which
Professionalization of Teaching Act of 1994 philosophy prescribes this nature of the
Government of Basic Education Act of 2001
What must be the goal of education
according to essentialism? Progressivism
Transmit absolute, universal and
unchanging ideas
Infuse growth through the reconstruction of
What is the role of learners in the teaching
and learning process according to
Develop the uniqueness of individual pragmatism?
Train their senses in analyzing the physical
Provide knowledge against which learners world
can gather new truths
Receive ideas and memorize the classic Which educational philosophy is concerned
work with unmasking the sources of oppression,
inequalities, injustice and unjust structures
Discover themselves especially their
in the society and bring this in the
classroom discussion?
Be active participants in the search for
practical knowledge

What will best complete this statement?

An existentialist learner is _____.
Which of the following describes what
unique, free choosing and responsible progressivism is?
Education- learning takes place only when
a storehouse of knowledge and skills. students are inside the classroom.
a rational being. Education- learning takes place only for a
an experiencing individual. period of time for it ends when students
earn a degree.
Education- learning takes place
continuously and contributes to the
Ms. Chiu is assigned in a rural area; Ms. Lim development of the students.
in a depressed community; Ms. Dee in a
Education- learning takes place according to
hazardous area; and Ms. Lee in a place
the desire of the students.
where standard of living is high. Who is
entitled to a hardship allowance?
Ms. Lee
Ms. Dee Which philosophy is Mr. Garcia oriented to
if he believes that whatever is conceived in
Ms. Chiu his mind is not yet conceivable unless he
Ms. Lim sees it?
Pragmatism A professional teacher may earn CPD units
through community involvement track.
A professional teacher may earn CPD units
through professional track.
What is the similarity between essentialism
and perennialism?
Both are concerned with the shaping of
students’ behavior. Is it professional for a teacher to receive
gifts from parents and students?
Both rely heavily on the use of prescribed
textbooks. No, if the parents and students insist.
Both accept the impermanence of life and No, especially if done in exchange for
the inevitability of change. requested concessions.
Both encourage long academic calendar. Yes, if the teacher deserves it.
Yes, during special occasions only.

Principal Hidalgo is carefully focused on

providing healthy, beautiful and nurturing
What makes good teaching and education
physical and social environment in his
in the perspective of realism?
school. He believes learners are shaped by
their own environment. What philosophical One that focuses on the scientific product
heritage of learning does he value most? and the scientific method
Progressivist One that encourages personal existence
and self- actualization
One that preserves everlasting ideas and
cultural traditions
One that provides practical knowledge

Which statement on CPD is INCORRECT?

Is holding a rally to protest the delay of
A professional teacher may earn CPD units benefits due to a person ethically
through academic track. acceptable?
A professional teacher may earn CPD units Yes, when held with approval of the
through self- directed track. principal.
Yes, when held outside the official time. It is the duty of every teacher to make an
honest effort to support the school policies.
Yes, when held together with parents and
Yes, when held while in the classroom..
Education should focus on the basics such
as reading, writing and arithmetic in the
primary level; and expansion and in- depth
A teacher discovers through his research learning of the basics, to include
that a product of a certain bottling company humanities, in the secondary level and
rings about damage to teeth. Much as he higher levels. Which philosophy
wants to share the result of his research, he recommends this curriculum?
could not because of harassment from all
sides. Which teacher's right is being
violated? Perennialism
freedom to organize Constructivism
cost of living allowance Essentialism
study leave
academic freedom
Kaye was asked by her principal to teach
pre- school class in addition to her regular
grade one class. What will be the basis for
her additional compensation?

Mrs. Miranda is either late or absent from 20% of her basic salary
her class. When her attention was called by
Her performance rating
the principal, she said she was not feeling
well most of the time. Her principal should Her regular salary + 25% of her basic pay
advise her which provision of the Code of
Her number of years in service
Every teacher should be physically, mentally
and morally fit to teach.
A teacher should maintain the nobility and What is the main objective of trifocalization
dignity of the teaching profession. of education in the Philippines?

A teacher shall possess and actualize full To centralize education in the country
commitment and devotion to duty.
To overlook the Philippine Educational Provide technological devices to all students
Invest on modern technological devices
To train more efficient teachers
To ensure greater efficiency in all levels

Which of the following is an INEFFECTIVE

way of presenting visuals?
Which is NOT part of the trifocalized system Shut off the LCD projector when explaining
of education in the Philippines? lengthily.
DepEd Have as many visuals as you can present
simultaneously to hold the learners’
Show visuals with an element of suspense.
Erase any writing on the board when you no
longer need it.

What is the goal of ASSURE model?

To produce more effective teaching and Teachers should be able to transform the
learning subject matter for teaching, such as finding
multiple ways to represent materials and
To model effective use of technology in the
adapting them to meet the need of their
teaching- learning process
students. Which part of TPACK is described
To maximize the use of technology in the here?
To utilize limited resources in the teaching-
learning process

What is DepEd’s vision in the next five

Involve parents in the integration of ICT in A teacher wanted to show the parts of the
the curriculum digestive system and the process of
Completely integrate ICT into curriculum digestion by using a visual aid made of
plastic with detachable stomach, liver, etc. What does TPACK refer to?
How do you refer to this material?
Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Teachers' Pedagogical Creative Knowledge
Mock- up
Technological Pedagogical Creative
Model Knowledge
Realia Technological Pedagogical Content

Teachers must know what specific

technology is suitable for addressing Which part of TPACK focuses on the tools
particular subject matter materials. Which that teachers use to provide a better
part of TPACK is described here? teaching- learning experience?
TK Pedagogical knowledge
CK Actual knowledge
TCK Technological knowledge
TPK Content knowledge

Which of the following is NOT a priority Which of the following should be part of the
area of UNESCO in ICT Education? pre- viewing activities in the classroom?
Ensure that teachers have the necessary Setting rules while viewing
skills and competencies to support learning
Answering some of the students ’questions
through the use of ICT.
about the film or video to be se
Support the use of traditional and
Asking questions about the film or video
conventional technologies in education.
Darkening the room
Support the development of national ICT
education policies and master plans.
Support the development and use of open
educational resources. What is a way in which a teacher can
demonstrate expertise in technology?
Transfer current teaching methods to
technological methods
Design assessments to gather data Which is NOT among the four pillars of ICT
Use tools to encourage collaborative in Philippine Education?
thinking Enhancing communication and engagement
Participate in learning communities Providing economic stability
Enhancing teaching and learning
Improving technology infrastructure
What does a TPACK classroom mean?
A classroom that uses technology with less
focus on essential learnings
What provides the most direct type of
A classroom that uses technology to
learning, but is difficult to supply in the
enhance exploration of content, with
traditional classroom?
minimal learning theory
Verbal symbolism
A classroom focused on essential learnings,
applying good learning theory supported Real- life experiences
by technology.
Multisensory instructional aids
A classroom with strong content and
Computer- assisted learning
application of learning theory

Teacher Rose has sufficient knowledge

Self- made charts and illustrations serve as about Mathematics as her subject area.
universal aid for bringing fascinating and Which part of TPACK does she have?
exciting experiences in the classroom. To
tap optimum potentials of these materials, CK
which of the following should be avoided? PK
Focusing on the main idea of the lesson TPK
Giving due consideration to lettering
Giving more importance to economy over
Presenting materials with accurate facts What is DepEd’s vision in relation to ICT?
“21st century education for all Filipinos, Provide written or verbal cues to highlight
anytime, anywhere” important aspects of visuals.
“21st century education, anytime, Use materials that everyone can see.
Present the material one at a time.
“21st century education for all Filipinos,
Allow the students to pass the materials
from one person to another.
“21st century education, everywhere”

What are the two processes involved in

Which of the following is NOT a key creativity?
standard for students as identified by ISTE?
Thinking and innovating
Empowered learner
Thinking and producing
Innovative designer
Developing and innovating
Global collaborator
Creating and producing
Excellent communicator

What is the concern of Multicultural

You asked your students to illustrate what Education?
they have understood from what they have
Anticipating the future and imagining
read. Which of the following visual symbol
possible and probable futures.
can they use?
Promoting care for the environment and
building a global culture of ecological
Map responsibility.
Diagram Gender equality and harnessing of the role
of women in development.
The exploration of concepts of cultural
diversity, similarities and prejudices to
promote cultural understanding.
Which of the following is INAPPROPRIATE in
using printed visuals such as charts, graphs
and drawings?
It is the knowledge and understanding
required to participate authentically in the
Which best describes an information
Artistic literacy literate person?
Digital literacy He keeps to himself answers to questions
Visual arts literacy which may be of help to others.

Creativity literacy He understands the question to figure out

the type of information sources he needed.
He seeks answers to questions by looking at
one immediate source of information.
Which of the following best describes
He readily tells other persons the
information literacy?
information he obtains from a source
The ability to read and understand what is without verifying it.
The ability to find and understand reliable
What is the goal of financial literacy?
The ability to use a computer as a tool for
communication To get a person out of debt

The ability to create messages in various To get a person to make informed financial
contexts decisions
To provide a person gain in financial
To help a person save money
Accommodating what the other party is
willing to give describes which skill and
knowledge required to be a multi- culturally
literate individual?
Celeste has read a funny title of an article so
Willingness to compromise
she shared it right away. What literacy did
Accepting the idea that we cannot be she lack?
friends with everyone
Cultural literacy
Knowing that good things can come from
Critical literacy
those who are different
Information literacy
Social literacy
Which is NOT a benefit of financial literacy?
It affects one's financial behavior.
What does sustainability mean? It enables one to apply knowledge and skills
Avoiding the depletion of natural in achieving sustainable future.
resources in order to maintain ecological It enables one to easily achieve a
balance financially balanced lifestyle.
Converting forests into agricultural and It determines one's ability to provide basic
industrial lands needs.
Using only non-renewable sources of
Using only fossils as source of fuels
People are communicating with more
people from more diverse cultures. Which
factor that brings about the rise of new
literacies is described in this statement?
It is the ability to read written materials
needed to perform everyday tasks. Increased reach

Basic literacy Increased breadth of content

Comprehension literacy Increased production of technological tools

Functional literacy Increased means of communication

Cultural literacy

Identify the environmental issue closely

associated with the given clip art.
Which situation below shows functional
literacy? Water pollution

A child who could write a word. Global warming

A child who could read a word. Air pollution

A child who could use the word in daily Overpopulation

conversation with others.
A child who could write and read a word.
Which of the following is NOT a condition of
environmental sustainability?
Using resources without regard to the Fill in the blank.
effects on the environment
The limiting resource within an ecosystem
Considering ways that do not harm the determines the _____ of that ecosystem.
carrying capacity
Avoiding depletion of the natural resources
ecological niche
Supporting long-term ecological balance
species diversity
ecological adaptation

It is the ability to understand the meaning

of a word.
Media is a collection of communication
Functional literacy
mediums. Which of the following is NOT
Cultural literacy considered a medium?
Basic literacy Newspapers and magazines
Comprehension literacy Observation and inferences
Radio and television
Which of the following is NOT a
characteristic of globalization?
The growing magnitude of
What is the main goal of personal financial
interconnectedness and flows of trade,
investment and migration
To reduce tax liability
Stretching social, political and economic
activities across political frontiers, regions To achieve personal financial security and
and continents freedom
A speeding up of global interactions and To save and invest for future needs
processes through worldwide systems of
To achieve financial wants in the future
transportation and communication
The expansion of economic protectionism
and isolation of poor countries
A 50-item test was given to the students of
Mrs. Tolentino. After checking the test,
most of the students got a perfect score.
Using the criterion-referenced grading
system, all the students will get a grade
The grade five pupils were given a long test
ranging from 90-100%. Which is true when
in addition and subtraction of whole
this grading system is being used?
numbers to find out if they can proceed to
Whether the test is hard or easy, all the next unit. However, the result of the
students will get a failing mark. test was very low. What should the teacher
If the test is too easy, many students will
get high grades. Construct another test parallel to the given
test to determine the consistency of the
Whether the test is hard or easy, all
students will get a passing mark.
Proceed to the next lesson to be able to
If the test is too hard, few students will get
finish all the topics in the course.
low grades.
Count the frequency of errors to find out
the lessons that the majority of the
students need to relearn.
Which refers to the correct answer in a Record the scores then inform the parents
multiple type of test? about the very poor performance of their
Which characteristic of measurement
instrument states that the desired results
must be free from personal biases of the
One purpose of assessment enables
teachers to determine next steps in Reliability
advancing student learning. What purpose
is being described?
Assessment in Learning
Assessment for Learning
Assessment of Learning
Which figure indicates that most scores are
Assessment as Learning
high, thus indicating that the test is easy?
Asymmetrical Distribution
Positive Skew Mammals are covered with hair.
Symmetrical Distribution A bat is not a mammal.
Negative Skew There are mammals that live in water.

Which aspect of OBE states that teaching Which of the classes of cognitive domain set
methods used and the assessment tasks are the standard where the learner is asked to
associated to the learning activities separate the whole into parts, to better
assumed in the intended outcomes? understand the organization of the whole
and the relationships between the parts?

Which describes a specific task that a

learner is able to perform at a given level of Which of the classes of cognitive domain set
competence under a certain situation? the standard where the learner is asked to
make decisions, judge or select based on a
Learning outcome
criteria or rationale?
Learning design
Learning instruction
Learning objective

Miss Belen constructed a binary type of

test to determine if her pupils can tell what
mammals are. Which type of test is most appropriate to
use if you want to measure the ability of
Which of the items below is POORLY
your students to select, organize and
synthesize their ideas?
A platypus is a mammal that lays eggs.
Simple Recall When the data is large; equal or more than
30 cases.
Multiple Choice

The following are the scores of ten students

in a test, find the mean.
Which refers to the wrong answer in a
23, 21, 18, 17, 19, 21, 20, 18, 19, 24
multiple type of test?

Miss Valdez who is a high school teacher in

Find the mode of the set of observation
English conducted an item analysis of her
shown below.
test. She found out that the following items
13, 16, 18, 19, 22, 13, 21,22, 13, 22, 18,19, obtained the following difficulty and
22 discrimination indices and as follows:

18 and 19 Item No. Difficulty Index

Discrimination Index
11 .58 .49
22 .92 .72
37 .09 .32
45 .93 .15

When would a student use a grouped Which is the best item?

frequency distribution to organize the data Item 22
she has collected?
Item 37
When the range of the data is large.
Item 45
When the range of the data is small.
Item 11
When the data she is using is categorical.
test. She found out that the following items
obtained the following difficulty and
Given is the array of percentage grades in
discrimination indices and as follows:
the performance test of Honesty Class.
Item No. Difficulty Index
Discrimination Index
11 .58 .49
22 .92 .72
37 .09 .32
45 .93 .15
Which item should she discard in her item
70 pool?
If 75 is the passing grade, how many Item 45
students failed in the test?
Item 11
Item 37
Item 22

Given the scores of 11 students in Math,

what does the score 83 in the distribution
Which term refers to the consistency with
which a student may be expected to 72 75 77 83 83 83 90 91 92 93 98
perform on a given test?
Median and mode
Mean and mode

Find the median of the following

Miss Valdez who is a high school teacher in observations.
English conducted an item analysis of her
11, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 20
16.5 The value of Ʃfx = 250, number of
observations is 12 and the width of class
interval is 6. Find the mean.
Which refers to the blueprint in
constructing test questions?
Table of Contents
All of the following are properties of the
Scoring Rubrics
median, EXCEPT.
Item Analysis
It is associated with ordinal data.
Table of Specifications
It is a unique value in any set of data.
It may not exist.
It is not affected by extreme values.

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