Fraud Audit and Forensic Accounting0001

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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 09 August 2023 MS. LILIA T. HABACON Executive Director Philippine Science High School (PSHS) System Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City Dear Dir. Habacon: The DOST-Intemal Audit Service (IAS), in partnership with the Commission on Audit- Professional and Institutional Development Sector (COA-PIDS), is organizing a “Fraud Audit and Forensic Accounting” training which is tentatively scheduled for September 26-28, 2023 in Quezon City (final venue to follow). We kindly extend an invitation to our DOST-IAS Focal Person attached to this letter (Annex A) to participate in this training. Their attendance is highly valued for the immediate implementation of fraud audit and forensic accounting techniques in your organization. This capacity-building undertaking aims to enhance the participants’ skills in: (1) Understanding the background of fraud auditing and forensic accounting; (2) Grasping the principles of fraud and fraud schemes; (3) Conducting fraud risk assessment, prevention, detection and response in the DOST System; and (4) Recognizing the legal role and qualifications of Expert Witness. The ultimate goal is to cultivate a pool of experts in fraud auditing and forensic accounting within the DOST System, who can contribute to strengthening the internal control system in their respective offices. Pending your approval, we kindly request the participants’ confirmation by submitting the signed copy of the attached reply slip to on or before 5:00 P.M. of 15 August 2023. For further inquiries, please contact Mesdames Marian C. Gelera or Rebecca Rose B. Javier of the IAS-Management Audit Division (MAuD) through telephone number (02) 8837-2071 local 4020 or via the email address above. We sincerely appreciate your continued support and cooperation. Very truly yours, MARIA TE! B. DE GUZMAN Director IV, Internal Audit Service Republic of the Philippines “Fraud Audit and Forensic Accounting” September 26-28, 2023, Quezon City (information on venue to follow) REPLY SLIP |am hereby approving the attendance of the following personnel to the “Fraud Audit and Forensic Accounting” training being organized by the DOST Internal Audit Service (IAS): Name Position Office/Division/Unit/Section Years in Service Age Mobile Number Email Address Office Telephone Number — : Food Restrictions (Halal only, Seafood Allergies, Vegetarian, etc.): ‘Agency Head (Signature Over Printed Name)

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