Final Exam On Multiculturalism - Global Perspectives

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Paramita Dewi Fortuna / 110710846

Final Exam for Multiculturalism & Global Perspectives

Prof. Chen (fall 2021)
N.B. Your answer must be in English.

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question. Only one answer is
correct. (58%)
1. Which of the following countries is not included in Taiwan Government’s New
Southbound Policy?
D. Japan
2. China’s ancient silk road went through (called the silk road corridor)
before it reached Europe.
D. Southeast Asia)
3. Today English is used all over the world and it has become .
A. a lingua franca
4. Thomas Friedman imagined himself as a modern day when he wrote The
World Is Flat.
(B. Columbus )
5. In a recent G-7 Summit, the 7 wealthiest democracies proposed to counter
China’s BRI.
C. B3W
6. According to Fareed Zakaria in his book Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World,
The biggest shift in global economics in recent years has been the rise of the
economy, which is by nature global.
(B. digital)
7. Which of the following is considered a con of globalization?
(D. Brexit)
8. The English language has remained very much a hybrid, with French accounting
for roughly percentage.
D. 40%)
9. Around the mid-fifth to early seventh centuries, the Angles, the Saxons, the
Frisians and the Jutes, the major tribes of Germanic origin, settled in England,
ending the Roman rule in Britain and developed a common cultural identity as
(A. Anglo-Saxons )
10. Which of the following is a best representative in terms of the Middle English?

(A. Beowulf
11. The phrase “Let’s call it a day” comes from and is often used to end a
session, a meeting or a class.
B. Shakespeare
12. William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, began his French rule in England in
. B. 1066
13. India is the largest country of Asia and the seventh-largest country in the
world by area.
C. South
14. India has produced the world’s largest movies and its famous movie industry is
often called .
B. Bollywood
15. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in , the Russian Federation became
an independent country.
B. 1991
16. Siberia, an extensive geographical region in Russia, is located in Asia.
A. North
17. refers to the ability to sort out information that is non-useful and inaccurate
and in doing so acquiring desirable information that can be used and is contextual
and reliable for purposes of your research.
A. Navigation
18. What is generally believed to be the major impact of pandemic Covid-19 on the
education sector?
C.No longer able to do learning and teaching in class directly.

19. During this pandemic crisis almost all economic sectors are severely affected
except which of the following that, ironically, has benefited from the virus?
A. E-commerce
20. Which of the following is the world’s largest democratic country?
C. India
21. In Japan the traditional dress is called .
D. Kimono
22. The 24 spokes of the wheel (Ashoka Chakra) in Indian national flag correspond
with, implying that there is life in movement and death in stagnation.

A. the 24 hours of the day
23. is the most common religion in India, accounting for about 80% of the
A. Hinduism
24. India has more than 120 major languages, but the official language is .
D. Hindi
25. Russia is the largest country in the world; in fact, it covers time zones.
D. 11
26. was the earliest European settlers in today’s South Africa.
C. The Dutch
27. The practice from 1984 to 1994 that separated the black Africans from the while
people in South Africa is called .
B. Apartheid
28. Which of the following is South Africa’s national sport?
B. rugby
29. Today the ruler in name in Japan is .
C. the Emperor

II Short-answer Questions: Use one or two complete sentences to answer each of

the following questions. (32%)

1. What does SDGs refer to? Sustainable Development Goals

2. According to E.D. Hirsh, what did he mean by cultural literacy? to the ability to
understand and participate fluently in a given culture. Cultural literacy is an
analogy to literacy proper (the ability to read and write letters).
3. What are the three major sources of cultural literacy in the West? 1. Knowladge
2.Discover 3. Language
4. Cite one example of cultural literacy that has much to do with the Roman
Empire. The anthology of Catullus, Horace's Odes,Virgil's Aeneid,
5. What does CEFR refer to in terms of the language assessment? Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR)
The CEFR was developed to provide a common basis for the explicit description of
objectives, content and methods in second/foreign language education.
6. What does the “World English Project” refer to? is an English-language
implementation that is applied to almost all countries in the world
7. How come English is spoken in India as an official language? English-language
public instruction began in India in the 1830s during the rule of the British East
India Company (India was then, and is today, one of the most linguistically diverse
regions of the world). In 1835, English replaced Persian as the official language of
the East India Company. Since that English is allowed to be used in official
purposes such as parliamentary proceedings, judiciary, communications between
the Central Government and a State Government
8. What is an UNESCO heritage? Just name 1 either in Russia or India? World
Heritage is the designation for places on Earth that are of outstanding universal
value to humanity and as such, have been inscribed on the World Heritage List to
be protected for future generations to appreciate and enjoy. The example in Russia
is the Cathedral of the Assumption

III. Essay Questions: Choose two (2) questions out of four (4) to answer. (20%)
1. Discuss the pros and cons of internationalization.
Answer : Pros :
 Entry new markets
 Acces to local talent
 Stay ahead of the competition
Cons :
 Cultural barriers
 Culture Shock
2. In your opinion what is meant by culture?
Answer : a complex system that includes knowledge, belief, art, morals,
law, customs, abilities, and habits acquired by humans as members of

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