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Class 1: Introduction to Python and Setup

● Introduction to Programming and Python

● Using an online Python Compiler of the name, Replit
● Writing and running a simple "Hello, World!" program
● Basic understanding of the Python interpreter and execution process

Class 2: Variables and Data Types - Part 1

● Explaining variables and their importance
● Introducing different data types: int, float, string

Class 3: Variables and Data Types - Part 2

● Assigning values to variables
● Basic operations with variables

Class 4: Control Structures - Part 1

● Introducing conditional statements (if, elif, else)
● Writing simple programs with if statements

Class 5: Control Structures - Part 2

● Introducing loops (while, for)
● Writing loops to repeat actions

Class 6: Control Structures - Part 3

● Logical operators (and, or, not)
● Using comparison operators

Class 7: Lists - Part 1

● Understanding lists and their importance
● Creating and manipulating lists

Class 8: Lists - Part 2

● Slicing lists to get sublists
● Common list operations (append, insert, remove)

Class 9: Strings
● Introducing strings as sequences of characters
● String indexing and slicing

Class 10: Functions - Part 1

● Understanding functions and their purpose
● Defining functions with parameters
● Return statements and their importance

Class 11: Functions - Part 2

● Return statements and their importance
● Avoiding repetitive code using functions
Class 12: Final Program 1
● Working on a final program using the knowledge that they’ve learned

Class 13: Final Program 2

● Continuing, and finishing a final program using the knowledge they’ve learned

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