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Upstream Oil and Gas Technology 8 (2022) 100069

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Advanced trends of shale inhibitors for enhanced properties of water-based

drilling fluid
Tawfik A. Saleh a
Interdisciplinary Research Center for Advanced Materials, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: Water-based mud (WBM) is an environmentally acceptable drilling fluid. However, it makes shale to be prone to
Water based drilling mud swelling owing to its interaction with active clays. Shale swelling makes drilling to be difficult, so, additives are
Shale inhibitors added to inhibit shale swelling, and improve rheological and filtration properties. The use of conventional ad­
ditives particularly organic and inorganic compounds are not suitable at extreme conditions of drilling. Other
Shale swelling
Rheological properties
materials like nanomaterials have emerged as promising alternatives used under such conditions. This review
aims to highlight in detail the essential types of inhibitors and the evolvement of nanoparticles in enhancing
drilling fluid properties.

1. Introduction 2. Clay minerals

Drilling fluids also referred to as drilling mud, are added to the The challenges related to wellbore instability are caused by shale
wellbore during drilling operations of oil in extreme conditions such as instability which is caused by the presence of clay minerals that have a
high pressure and high temperature (HPHT). Efficient and effective great affinity for water. These clay minerals in particular are mon­
drilling fluids allow even drilling deeper, longer, and more challenging tomorillonite, smectite, and kaolinite [5]. Shales also contain mud, silt,
wells. Drilling fluids are used in drilling oil and natural gas wells and on cristobalite, quartz and illite, and each varies in its particle sizes [6, 7].
exploration drilling rigs, and in much simpler boreholes, such as water The nature of shale including its clay constituents, structures and grain
wells. These drilling fluids are important for lifting of drill cuttings from distribution might influence the effectiveness of certain shale inhibitors.
bottom of wellbore to the surface, controlling pressure, cooling and Thus, it is important to have an idea about the nature of shale in order to
lubricating drilling pipes and bits, suspending the cuttings from sedi­ select or formulate suitable shale inhibitors. For example, in different
mentation during the shutdown, inhibition of shale swelling, rock sta­ areas, different shale formations can be found as (i) Smectite clay min­
bilization, and stabilization of well bore [1]. The lubrication and cooling eral or laminated shale formation with smectite-rich layers: these types
help to prolong the life of the drillbit. Bridging agents are solids added to of clay have a high percentage of smectite, (ii) Illite clay mineral, or
a drilling fluid to bridge across the pore throat or fractures of exposed strongly laminated illite-rich shale formations: this type of clay is
rock, thus building a filter cake to prevent loss of whole mud or excessive common in most gas shale reservoirs in North America and other areas
filtrate. Bridging materials are commonly added in drilling fluids and in the world, (iii) Chlorite clay mineral, (iv) Vermiculite clay mineral,
lost circulation treatments. For reservoir applications, the bridging (v) Kaolinite clay mineral, and (iii) reactive silt- shale formation with
agent should be removable. They include calcium carbonate (acid-­ sandstone lenses [9].
soluble), suspended salt (water-soluble) or oil-soluble resins. For The properties and responses of shale formations to fluids are diffi­
lost-circulation treatments, any suitably sized products can be used, cult to generalize and classify. Each rock is a unique system with a
including mica, nutshells, and fibers. These products are more unique combination of properties. The mineral composition, structure,
commonly referred to as lost-circulation material (LCM). The success of grain distribution, consolidation, and other geologic properties of clay-
the drilling process depends strongly on the properties and compositions rich formations can vary significantly. Some rock/fluid interaction
of drilling fluids used for the operation [2, 3, 4]. studies display that clay-rich formations behave according to what is
expected while some cases show that some formations can have atypical
responses. For that, the laboratory data can be good information to

E-mail address:
Received 29 January 2021; Received in revised form 26 June 2021; Accepted 4 January 2022
Available online 2 February 2022
2666-2604/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.A. Saleh Upstream Oil and Gas Technology 8 (2022) 100069

anticipate unexpected wellbore instability events and to adjust the

drilling plans.

3. Classification of shale inhibitors

Drilling fluids, widely used in various drilling devices, can be clas­

sified into (i) water-based muds (WBM), which can be dispersed and
non-dispersed, (ii) non-aqueous muds, commonly called oil-based muds
(OBM) and (iii) air or gaseous drilling fluid, in which a wide range of
gases are used. Along with their formatives, these are used along with
appropriate polymer and clay additives for drilling various oil and gas
formations [10].
OBMs show better rheological and shale inhibition properties but
their use has been restricted due to environmental issues. Moreover, it
has lower stability of emulsion at HPHT conditions and affects the well
logging data [6,7]. Consequently, water-based muds (WBM) and
non-aqueous fluids, along with various kinds of shale inhibitors, that are
environmentally friendly, are of more interest [8]. WBMs are used in the
drilling of almost 80% of all wells. It contains about 80% of water phase
and 20% drilling additives [6]. The addition of additives serves the
following purposes: firstly, to prevent shale swelling which is caused by
interaction between reactive clay of the shale and the drilling fluid, and
secondly, to improve rheological properties such as plastic viscosity
(PV), which decides the ease with which the drill bits is rotated; yield
point (YP), that indicates the capability of fluid to lift drill out of well
bore; apparent viscosity (AV), and gel strength (GS), which is the ability
of the drilling fluids to lift cuttings if fluid circulation is stopped for some
time. These purposes are achieved by having suitable fluids formulation.
Shale has various formations, therefore to have efficient drilling addi­
tives formulation, it becomes important to understand the nature of
shale and the possible interactions between shale and these fluids [3, 9].
Shale inhibitors are materials or chemicals added to water-based
drilling fluids to prevent hydration, swelling, and degradation of the
clay minerals (Gholami et al., 2018). Favorably, water-based fluids are
more applicable to shale inhibitors as compared to oil-based owing to
their cost-effectiveness, reservoir analysis, penetration rate, and the
entire safety of the operations. There are conventional inhibitors such as
(i) inorganic salts of potassium chloride (KCl), ammonium chloride
(NH4Cl), calcium chloride (CaCl2), sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium
hydroxide (KOH), tetramethylammonium chloride [(CH3)4NCl], and
calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2], and (ii) organic inhibitors such as poly­
ethylene glycol, polyacrylamide, and partially hydrolyzed poly­
acrylamide, polyamides, xanthan gum. However, KCl can be toxic at
high concentrations, and xanthan gum and other organic additives are Fig. 1. A general classification of inhibitors.
not stable at high temperatures. That is why recent research has been
focused on alternative ways to mitigate these effects using non-
However, large quantities of these salts may pose threat to the chemical
conventional shale inhibitors. Generally, inhibitors can be categories
biological ecosystem. Other restrictions posed by these salts also include
as inorganic, organic, and other inhibitors, Fig. 1.
limited flexibility in fluid formulations and incompatibility with other
drilling fluids additives [9].
3.1. Inorganic inhibitors

These inhibitors include potassium chloride, calcium chloride and 3.2. Organic inhibitors
sodium chloride which are used as clay-controlling additives and pro­
vide temporary inhibition. Among these salts, potassium chloride is the Organic inhibitors are classified as a more permanent type of shale
most widely used. These salts are effective provided there is contact inhibitors and are known as clay stabilizers. Notable examples of these
between the WBM containing them and the clay. The effectiveness is lost organic inhibitors are compounds of amine. These organic sources are
once there is no contact between the salt and clay. Loss of contact can developed to prevent or minimize the environmental impact and
occur due to depletion of salts or displacement of the salt-containing performance-related issues associated with inorganic salts. These shale
fluid by freshwater causing the clay to be hydrated, swelled and desta­ inhibitors chemically interact with shale by multiple or single cation
bilized drill formation. Silicate additives also fall under this category. exchange mechanism, either by entering into the shale matrix or
Both the soluble and solid silicates are available and have been used in reacting on the surface of the shale. Amine-based shale inhibitors are
drilling fluids for years. Silica, alkaline (K2O or Na2O) and water are the very effective on shale with high cationic exchange capacity. Numerous
major components of the silicates. Inorganic salts are inexpensive and organic amine salts have been used in fields, however, they were not
readily available all over the world. They are suitable in different dril­ stable at high temperature and high pH conditions typically encountered
ling environments, such as high pressure and high-temperature envi­ in the field. These salts decompose, produce obnoxious ammonia odor
ronment. They are chemically stable to a wide range of pH conditions. and become ineffective as shale inhibitors. Based on the chemistry and

T.A. Saleh Upstream Oil and Gas Technology 8 (2022) 100069

structure, amine salts are classified into three groups: monomeric, improving the rheological and filtration properties, and shale inhibition
oligomeric, and polymeric amine compounds. of drilling fluids. And there have been paper reviews on the utilities of
NPs as additives in WBM [18–22]. A summary of some of the studies
3.3. Monomeric amine inhibitors evaluating applications of NPs in drilling fluid is presented in Table 1.

Monomeric amine inhibitors have a simple structure and possess an 4. Methods for testing shale swelling
active cationic site. The majority of monocationic amine shale inhibitors
have a lower level of shale inhibition than oligomeric and polymeric. Selection of shale swelling test methods depends on factors such as
Simple amine salts also have problems with odor, toxicity, and stability. qualities, shale characteristics, amount of available shale core sample,
These led to the development of a large number of exotic and quarter­ and ultimately shale/ fluid interaction. However, the responses and
nary amine compounds for field applications [9]. behavior of shale to the drilling and fluids are complex and were not well
understood for many years due to complex chemicals and physical
3.4. Oligomeric and polymeric amines variations present in these formations [8].

Oligomeric and polymeric amines inhibitors have simple structure 4.1. Capillary suction time (CST)
but it provides more permanent stabilization than monomeric amine due
to presence of multiple active sites that are adsorbed on the clay at the This test is used when comparing different shale inhibitors to the
same time, and therefore less prone to reversing the adsorption. While other. It can be performed via a device that is used to measure the time a
polymeric amines possess multiple cationic active sites, it will be ex­ clay slurry can pass through a filter paper. First, a clay dispersion (5 ml)
pected that they will have the best inhibition properties. However, this is containing a certain inhibitor is placed inside a cylinder. The cylinder
not the case. Owing to its high molecular size, it has lower clay pene­ containing the filter paper with a specific thickness is connected to a
tration than oligomeric, therefore there are less interactions between its timer and two electrodes at 0.5 and 1 cm positions. The time needed for
cationic sites and clay layers. This makes it less effective than oligomeric the clay slurry to pass through the free water from one end of the
amines [9]. Some other organic inhibitors have also been reported such electrode to the other is monitored. A high or fast CST suggests less
as cellulosic materials, polyvinylpyrrolidone, polyacrylamide, poly­ available free water hence large amount will remain inside the clay
amide, etc. [7]. minerals whereas a low CST shows high free water availability thus less
Shale inhibitors can be classified based on their environmental amount is retained on the clay minerals. A good inhibitor is one with less
friendliness. Five broad classes of inhibitors emerged under this cate­ CST because it can prevent sticking of the clay slurry which could result
gory, mostly organic-based inhibitors, namely: acrylamides, glycols and in swelling [45].
glycerols, amines and imines, silicates, and biomolecules. Each of these
compounds has been used under various conditions such as pressure, 4.2. Linear swelling test (LST)
temperature, and pH, and they demonstrated enhanced rheological and
filtration properties of WBMs even though they also possessed their pros This test is used to ascertain the effectiveness and characteristics of
and cons under these conditions. different inhibitors. It is performed by different shale sample pellets and
the effectiveness of one inhibitor over the other is a function of time. A
3.5. Nanomaterials as shale inhibitors superior inhibitor is one that presents a lesser swelling effect of the shale
over a set period. A fine powdered and ground shale sample (5 g) is kept
Applications of nanotechnology in the oil and gas industry are in a pressure compactor. Around 10 MPa of pressure for 5 min is applied
rapidly becoming a vital area for research and development [11–16]. to compress the shale sample inside the compactor. Then, a cylindrical
The challenges of destabilization of rheological properties at high con­ disc of the compressed sample alongside the prepared fluid is placed in a
centrations of salts and deteriorations of polymers at high temperature linear swelling meter. Reports have shown that the shale reactivity with
and pressure which are associated with the use of salts and polymers as the fluid serves as the deciding factor to select a better inhibitor. The
WBM inhibitors have necessitated the search for alternative methods mineral composition before conducting the test is obtained and there­
[17]. Nanoparticles (NPs)are emerging as the best additives and they after, specified quantities of the fluid additives are added to see which
have been proven to improve the rheological and filtration properties of minimizes the swelling best whilst the linear height for a specified
WBM [3]. The plugging of micron-sized particles by NPs, which leads to period is recorded by the swelling meter. A good inhibitor will result in a
lower permeability and thus reduces filter loss as against fluid without minimum linear swelling [46].
NPs might affect the behavior of fluid due to several reasons such as 4.3. Compatibility test
particle morphology, surface charge, and attached functional groups.
These factors are more pronounced in NPs and the presence of small The test of compatibility of an inhibitor with common drilling fluid
weight fractions in the mixture may dramatically change the micro­ additives should be evaluated. Different formulated drilling fluids can be
scopic environment and thereby the observed fluid properties. For selected. Examples of fluid formulations are provided in Table 2.
example, owing to their small size, they could plug the small pores in Adding 0.5 to 5 wt% inhibitor enhanced the rheological and filtra­
shale and prevent the penetration of fluid into the formations. Thus, they tion property of drilling fluids. Therefore, drilling fluids were aged for 4
contribute to the sealing of micro-cracks in the shale and hence filter h at a temperature of around 70 ◦ C with the hot rolling oven of 22 rpm
cake becomes dense, thinner and impermeable [3]. Their presence in speed. Then, their filtrations and rheological property (yield point, 10 s,
drilling fluids reduces abrasion action as a result of much lower kinetic and 10.0 min gel strength, and average viscosity and plastic viscosity)
energy impact due to small particle size. are measured. The rheological property and hydraulic of oil-well drilling
fluids were enhanced [48].
3.6. Recent trends of nanomaterials as shale inhibitors
4.4. Other tests
NPs are used either alone or dispersed in organic compounds to use
their efficiency in enhancing the rheological and filtration properties, There are several other tests including shale particle disintegration
and shale inhibition of drilling fluids. The results of most of these work, test, dispersion hot rolling test, shale immersion test, bulk hardness test,
if not all have proved that the addition of NPs has the potential of water adsorption test, fracture development test, zeta potential test,

T.A. Saleh Upstream Oil and Gas Technology 8 (2022) 100069

Table 1
Summary of work on applications of NPs.
Types of NPs Modified Properties Experimental Conditions Results summary Author

ZnO-Am composites -Yield point Elevated temperature and 0.1–1.0 g ZnO-Am composite was added to conventional fluids. Results [6]
-Apparent viscosity pressure(150- 250◦ F, 500 showed that YP, GS, AV and PV were increased within range of 150◦ F,
- Gel strength psi) and lubricity was also improved. However Shale swelling was slightly
-plastic viscosity lowered from 16 - 9%.
- Lubricity
-Shale swelling
Attapulgite -Plastic ambient 2.0 wt% of attapulgite with particle size of 10–25 nm in diameter was [23]
viscosity added to WBMs. An increase in rheological properties was observed.
- Yield point
Nanocomposite of ZnO, -Yield point HTHP (109–370 o F; Results showed that 2.3 wt% of the nanocomposites (5–50 nm in [24]
montmorilloniteand palygorskite -Plastic 150–18,500 psi) diameter) gave more stable rheological properties under these
viscosity conditions.

Palygorskite -Gel strength HTHP (100 – 392◦ F; 100 – 5.9 g of the particles of size 10–20 nm was used. There was a reduction in [1]
-Plastic viscosity 16,000 psi) rheological properties under the conditions.
- Yield point
SiO2 - Yield point LTLP Addition of 0.5 wt% of silica NPs of 10 nm in diameter to the WBMs [25]
- Plastic increased the plastic viscosity and yield point under.

Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) NPs -Yield point Temperature (20 ◦ C and 0.5–3.0 w/v% of NPs in a set of two nanofluids i.e. 10 and 20 v/v% were [2]
-Apparent viscosity 70 ◦ C) used. Rheological properties were improved. And API fluid loss was
-Plastic viscosity decreased.
-Gel strength
- API fluid loss
-Carbon nanotube - Yield point Temp.: 104 oF 2.0 wt% of each NPs in WBMs led to an increase rheological properties [26]
-SiO2 -Thermal with silica NPs showing the best result.
- ZnO conductivity
- Plastic
TiO2 /polyacrylamide -Rheological LTLP (25 ◦ C, 100 psi) 1–10 and 14 g of NPs concentrations were used in this study. Additives [13]
properties improved rheological properties and decreased filter loss and cake
- Filtration loss thickness.
-polyacrylamide- grafted- -Plastic Temp.: 203 oF Addition of 0.7 wt% of each composite (20–30 nm in diameter) [27]
polyethylene glycol and silica NPs Viscosity improved fluid rheological properties and also stabilized the rheological
composite - Gel strength profile of WBMs at 203 oF.
- polyacrylamide and nanoclay - Yield point
-SiO2 - Yield point - Plastic HTHP Results revealed that addition of 0.5 wt% of ferric oxide improved fluid [28]
-Fe2O3 viscosity rheological properties while silica showed the opposite at similar
concentration. Ferric oxide also improved the stability of rheological
properties of the WBMs.
-Al2O3 -Rheological property Temperature: 27 ◦ C; Pressure: 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 and 1 wt% concentrations of each NPs were added to [29]
-CuO -Filtration loss 100 psi bentonite- water based mud. Rheological and filtration loss properties of the
-TiO2 bentonite-WBM were improved by addition of NPs at concentrations below
-SiO2 0.5 wt%.
Sepiolite - Yield point - Plastic LTLP and HTHP It was observed that addition of 1.4 wt% of sepiolite NPs to the WBMs [30]
viscosity (122–356◦ F; stabilized the rheological profiles under the test conditions.
500–6000 psi)
Cellulose NPs - Plastic Temp.: 20 - 176◦ F 0.5 wt% of cellulose NPs with 228 nm length and 6 nm width in WBMs [31]
Viscosity increased rheological properties at high temperature range from 68 to
- Gel strength 176 oF
- Yield point
ZnTiO3 -Rheological Temperature (20 and 70 0.05–0.30 wv% NPs were incorporated in the fluid formulation. The [3]
property- Filtration ◦
C); pressure (100 psi) rheological and filtration properties were improved.
-Heat stability
SiO2 - Yield point LPLT and HPHT (199◦ F and It was reported that addition of 0.3 wt% of SiO2 with 5.7 nm in diameter [32]
-Plastic 1000 psi) into WBM decreased the overall rheological properties. More so, 0.7 wt
Viscosity % of silica in WBMs showed the lowest mud cake thickness and there was
- Filter cake reduction in filtration loss as concentration was increasing.
- API fluid loss
- Gel strength
- Yield point -Plastic Temp.: 250 oF Result showed that 1.0 wt% of SiO2 improved the overall rheological [33]
SiO2 viscosity properties of WBMs both at LTLP and HTHP condition.

Carbon nanotube -API fluid LPLT and HPHT (248, Addition of 0.8 wt% of carbon nanotubes to WBMs reduced filtration [34]
Loss 302, 347, 392 oF) loss.
- Shale
SiO2 LTLP [35]
(continued on next page)

T.A. Saleh Upstream Oil and Gas Technology 8 (2022) 100069

Table 1 (continued )
Types of NPs Modified Properties Experimental Conditions Results summary Author

-Shale inhibition Results revealed that 10 wt% of silica, SiO2 NPs in WBMs reduced filtrate
-API fluid loss invasion and improved the ability of sealing and plugging of micro-pores
and micro-fracks of shale formations.
Nanosilical -Rheological HPHT 0.1 ppb of each NPs was added to KCl mud separately. Rheological
-Graphene nanoplatelet properties properties and shale inhibition were improved compare to KCl mud [7]
-Multi-walled carbon nanotube -Shale inhibition alone. However, GNP gives the best results among the three.
-Aluminum complexes -API fluid loss HTHP and LTLP Presence of spherical latex particles of size range 80–345 nm with [36]
-Latex particles -Shale inhibition aluminum complexes in muds improved plugging abilities and reduced
API filtrate by 44%.
SiO2 -Viscosity LTLP 10 wt% of SiO2 in the mud improved the viscosity under LTLP condition. [37]
Fe2O3 -API fluid loss LTLP and HTHP Addition of ferric oxide increased fluid loss at LTLP conditions. [38]
Nanopolymer emulsion (SDPE) SPDE significantly inhibits water absorption by shale. [39]
-Shale inhibition -
SiO2 - Shale There was reduction in fluid filtrate loss on addition of 30 wt% of silica [40]
Inhibition of particles size of 35 nm in diameter.
- Fluid Loss
-Silical NPs (SiO2 -NPs) -Rheological -HPHT Different concentrations of SiO2 –NPs and GNPs were added to the [41]
-Graphene nanoplatelets(GNPs) properties -LPLT drilling fluids. Shale inhibition, filtration loss and rheological properties
-Fluid loss -pH 9.5 are improved at all combinations concentrations but 0.75 wt% (0.5 wt%
- Shale inhibition SiO2 –NPs and 0.25 wt% of GNPs) yielded the best result for filtration
Graphene -API fluid LPLT and HT Different concentrations of graphene, 1 – 5 wt%, were added to the [42]
Loss (120 and 351◦ F) muds. 30% reduction API fluid loss was observed.
- Shale
- Coefficient
of friction
Clay NPs -Rheological Temperature (25 and 70 ◦ C) 0.1 and 1.0 wt% of nanoclay each having a particle size of 1, 50 and 500 [10]
properties nm were added to the drilling fluid. The novel system had good
-Fluid loss rheological properties and fluid loss performance.
Fly ash -Filter cake thickness LTLP It was observed that addition of fly ash NPs to mud reduced filtration loss [43]
-API fluid loss and filter cake thickness by almost 30%.
- ZnO -filter cake thickness LPLT and 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 wt% concentratons of CuO and ZnO were used. Results [44]
- CuO - API fluid loss HPHT (T: 158, 194, revealed that filter cake thickness and fluid loss decreased significantly
230◦ F; P: 1450 psi) under the conditions. However, ZnO NPs exhibited better result

inhibiting the efficiency of WBM. NPs have excellent chemical, physical

Table 2
and mechanical properties and are promising for such application
Examples of test fluid formulation that can be used in the evaluation of
[51–53]. The intense adsorption between NPs and shale made the NPs
compatibility [47].
easily to be trapped in the micropores and microfractures, Fig. 2. This
Drilling fluids Formulations
retention of NPs showed an effective physical plugging and therefore the
Base drilling fluid 0.45 L of distilled water, 2.57 g polyanionic cellulose, permeability of the shale would decrease, and the invasion of water into
10.28 g starch- high viscosity, 1.54 g xanthan gum, 0.2 mL the shales would significantly reduce, as observed in the above pressure
ntifoam, 0.5 mL biocide, 1.078 g/mL barite, KOH (upto 9
transmission test and shale sample spontaneous imbibition test. The
High-performance 0.45 L of distilled water, 2.57 g PAC-LV, 1.14 g partially plugging of pores could minimize swelling of the shale and reduce the
drilling fluid hydrolyzed polyacrylamide, 1.28 g polyanionic cellulose, formation of fractures [4, 54].
10.28 g starch- high viscosity, 1.54 g xanthan gum, 21 g
KCl, 0.2 mL antifoam, 0.5 mL biocide, barite (upto 1.078
6. Conclusions
g/ml), and KOH (upto pH 9).

The nature of shale and the evolvement of nanomaterials in

wettability alteration test, pore pressure transmission test, interlayer enhancing the properties of drilling fluids has been reviewed. Various
spacing measurement test, and cation exchange capacity test [49]. types of NPs have been utilized to improve the shale inhibition and
rheological and filtration properties of drilling fluids. It was found that
5. Mechanisms the nature of the shale and the types of nanomaterials played crucial
roles in the effectiveness of these NPs. Therefore, the challenge lies in
The mechanisms involved in the swelling of clay can be classified gaining more insights into the nature of shale, and its physical and
into three: (i) surface hydration caused by hydrogen bonding of water chemical interactions with the nanoparticles-based drilling fluids. Re­
mo1ecu1es to oxygen atoms on the surface of the clay’s silicate layers, searchers can develop suitable sizes and concentrations of NPs that will
(ii) ionic hydration as a result of the formation of hydration shells be very effective. Future work can also focus on the use of combinations
around exchangeable cations which compensate for charge deficiencies of two or three metals or particles that can be used as nanoparticles-
due to 1attice substitutions in the clay crystal, and lastly, (iii) osmotic based WBMs. These should improve the properties of the nano­
hydration, which is initiated in certain types of clay after it has under­ materials, as different properties of the involved metals or particles will
gone complete crystalline swelling and then exposed to free water. The be utilized in such drilling fluids. After the use, disposal of drilling fluids
first two mechanisms can be termed crystalline swelling. The under­ can be a challenge, so, recent technological advances have established
standing of the interaction between clays and their electrochemical methods for recycling drilling fluids.
environment and the ability of pressure to influence these mechanisms
provided the design criteria for developing a practical method to analyze Declaration of Competing Interest
the performance of fluids additives [50]. Fortunately, the methods that
are used for testing shale swelling can also be used to test for shale The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

T.A. Saleh Upstream Oil and Gas Technology 8 (2022) 100069

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

the work reported in this paper.


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