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Differentiated Instruction in learning into a unique experience for every

Teaching and Teacher learner.
Education, the DI-Quest With differentiating instruction, it is assumed
Model that diverse students might “need” (or read benefit
from) different learning pathways to be successful
Katrien Struyven1,2, Esther Gheyssens2 and in attaining the learning objectives. These learn-
Júlia Griful-Freixenet2 ing pathways can be constructed within each
School for Educational Studies (SES), Hasselt classroom by every teacher. Differentiated instr-
University (UHasselt), Hasselt, Belgium uction is about finding the right “strings to get the
Educational Sciences Department (EDWE), puppets dancing.”
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, It is about knowing where students are, and
Belgium then aiming to move them ‘+1’ beyond this point.
Teaching of the ‘whole class’ is unlikely to pitch the
lesson correctly for all students. This is where the
skill of teachers in knowing the similarities across
Introduction students and allowing for the differences becomes
so important. Differentiation relates primarily to
structuring classes so that all students are working
Differentiated instruction is an educational ‘at or +1’ from where they start, such that all can
concept that is highly valued and promoted by have maximal opportunities to attain the success
educators all over the world. In its most general criteria of the lesson. (Hattie 2012, p. 97)
meaning, differentiated instruction is the set of all This “at or +1” notion of Hattie (2012), reminding
interventions available to the teacher to respond us about Vygotsky’s socio-constructivist theory
to academic differences between learners. This of the zone of proximal development, is related
refers to differences in student features which to three key academic differences in differentiated
may impact learning, such as gender, age, devel- instruction, namely, student interests, readiness,
opmental stage, interest, motivation, intellectual and learning profile. Intriguingly, most relevant
ability, learning preferences, pace of learning, student features for academic success show them-
socioeconomic status, background, and family selves through these three differences. Hence, this
situation. This heterogeneity in students is obvi- entry introduces readers to the three academic
ous in nearly every classroom, plausibly world- differences that are key to differentiated instruc-
wide. Although the biological and psychological tion (DI). Describing teachers’ philosophy and
processes might appear to be similar among practices of differentiated instruction, the empiri-
learners, a wide range of contextual factors make cally validated DI-Quest model is presented next.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019

M. A. Peters (ed.), Encyclopedia of Teacher Education,
2 Differentiated Instruction in Teaching and Teacher Education, the DI-Quest Model

Thirdly, the entry highlights some implications for interests will trigger the willingness and curiosity
the implementation of DI in teaching and teacher to learn more. The teacher can do this, for exam-
education. ple, by offering choices to students or making
student-centered choices in terms of content, pro-
cess, and products of learning.
Differentiated Instruction: Knowing
Where to Start From The “What” of Learning: Differences in
Teachers’ responsiveness to these three differ- The differences in readiness are expressed
ences in learning is essential in differentiated on (meta-) cognitive, (social-) affective, and (psy-
instruction frameworks, such as the well-known cho-) motoric levels. In fact, “what students learn”
work of Tomlinson (2017). Student interests, is connected to their prior knowledge and skills
readiness, and learning profile relate to the why, within the disciplines, areas, topics, and items that
the what, and the how of learning. As such, the are covered. Differences in readiness generate
potential of differentiated instruction could be differences in student experiences, with some stu-
found in increased motivation (why of learning), dents finding it (too) difficult, whereas others
learning gains for more students (what of learn- think it is (too) easy. Both groups of students
ing), and heightened learning efficiency (how of might “give up” paying attention and risk not
learning). learning at all. Adapting teaching to take into
account these differences in readiness will guar-
antee that learners can learn at the present and the
The “Why” of Learning: Differences in
desired “+1” level. Teachers may want to play
with the difficulty and complexity levels of the
Individuals differ in the degree to which they
content, activities, learning materials, or assign-
are interested in certain subjects, topics, or items.
ments. Moreover, scaffolds, learning aids, and
Responding to students’ interests motivates posi-
feedback are useful tools to help students to bridge
tive learning behavior such as the willingness
the gap between where they start and the +1 level.
to take up a challenge and the persistence or
the extent to which students maintain their com-
mitment (Tomlinson 2017). Whenever a person The “How” of Learning: Differences in
learns about “why something might be interest- Learning Profile
ing, relevant, or meaningful,” their curiosity to In addition to differences in interest and readiness,
discover more is triggered. Therefore, understand- students differ also in their learning profiles, or,
ing what intrigues students and responding to in short, the way in which they learn – the how
these differences during their learning process of learning. For example, some learners like to
may help to develop students’ motivation. cooperate, others enjoy working independently;
Questions from learners such as “Why should we some need silence to focus on their work, whereas
learn this? Why is this relevant? When will we others turn on music while studying; some stu-
need this? What’s the point?” could be considered dents start reading a text carefully from A to Z,
as clues from students that the “why of learning” others skim through and get on with answering
is not being answered meaningfully. Adapting to questions right away. Obviously, this can vary
Hattie’s (2012) “where they are at or +1” level between different subjects and topics and across
relates to finding connections with students’ inter- diverse contexts.
ests with real-life events or with future jobs. Both The teacher can consider these differences
existing interests and the discovery of new by means of (1) providing options; (2) offering
Differentiated Instruction in Teaching and Teacher Education, the DI-Quest Model 3

Instruction in Teaching
and Teacher Education,
the DI-Quest Model, Fig. Readiness
1 Expected learning gains
of differentiated instruction.
(Based on Tomlinson 2017) •Higher motivation •Better learning •Higher efficiency

varying assignments, sources, and materials; and nonjudgmental way of approaching differences
(3) dealing flexibly with the resources that are which impact learning. Knowing that interests,
available. If students are given options, they will readiness, and learning profiles are conceptual-
select those that “work best” for them at that ized as dynamic students’ academic differences,
moment. For example, “you can choose to work differentiated instruction offers a flexible peda-
in pairs or individually.” Consequently, taking gogical-didactical concept that avoids labelling
learning profiles into consideration will increase and stigmatizing students. As such, differentiated
the efficiency level of learning. In addition, a instruction is essentially different from a target
varied learning/teaching environment which pro- group-specific teaching approach, such as
vides “tastes” of every option (e.g., social skills approaches for gifted students, students with dis-
are important that is why we opted to combine abilities, and students with other mother tongues.
cooperative assignments with independent work) Yet, differentiated instruction has a great deal in
is more appealing to diverse learning profiles in common with these approaches, as the learning
comparison with one-size-fits-all choices. A third needs of these target groups will reveal them-
way to deal with diverse learning profiles is to selves through the three differences in learning
create flexible environments (e.g., Do you want to (interests, readiness, and profile).
work in a quiet space? Do you need headphones
to cancel noise? Do you need more time? Do
you want to check the Internet? Sure, go ahead).
Philosophy and Practices of
Differentiated Instruction: The DI-Quest
Three Kinds of Learning Gains Model
Adaptive teachers who take into account students’
learning needs for each of these academic differ- Adapting teaching to the three differences
ences in their teaching have a positive impact on in learning (interests, readiness, and profile) is
students’ learning gains. It is the combination of possible through a wide variety of practices,
finding meaningful answers for each student to the ranging from everyday responsive teacher-student
“why, what, and how questions of learning,” interactions to invasive teaching methods that
resulting in higher motivation and better learning require substantial planning, sophisticated class-
and with heightened efficiency (see Fig. 1). room organization, and thoughtful classroom
Interestingly, working with the differences management (e.g., working with learning centers,
of interests, readiness, and learning profile offers tiered instruction, dynamic assessments), high-
a non-stereotypical, nondiscriminating, and lighting the carefully planned, positive, and
4 Differentiated Instruction in Teaching and Teacher Education, the DI-Quest Model

Instruction in Teaching
and Teacher Education,
the DI-Quest Model, Fig.
2 The DI-Quest model.
(Based on Coubergs et al.

proactive nature of differentiated instruction Factor 1: Growth Mindset

(Tomlinson 2017). Dweck (2006) distinguishes two types of mind-
However, Tomlinson (2017) states that differ- sets, namely, the fixed and the growth mindset.
entiation is not a recipe for teaching. It requires In a fixed mindset, the teachers tend to believe that
both a philosophy and an approach to teaching. the students’ qualities, like their talent or intelli-
In fact, the way a teacher looks at learning and gence, are fixed traits determining their success,
teaching has an impact on the successful imple- without taking effort into account. Typical pre-
mentation of differentiated instruction (Tomlinson sumptions are “some students have what it takes,
2017), underlining the importance of the teachers’ others do not.” In contrast, teachers with a growth
mindset. Comparing teachers’ philosophy and mindset believe that most learning can
practices across contexts requires a measurement be achieved through dedication and hard work.
tool that can be administered easily, integrating In this perspective, every student can be success-
the key ideas and concepts that are used in aca- ful if they put in effort. The DI-Quest model
demic and professional literature on differentiated demonstrates that a fixed mindset negatively pre-
instruction (DI). The DI-Quest model and instru- dicts the adaptive teaching related to students’
ment have been developed for that aim (Coubergs interests, readiness, and learning profile. In con-
et al. 2017). Figure 2 presents the DI-Quest trast, the theoretically opposite “growth mindset”
model. is empirically a positive predictor of differentiated
Five factors describe the current state of affairs instruction.
with regard to differentiated instruction from
the teachers’ perspective, including the philoso-
Factor 2: Ethical Compass
phy and practices of teaching. The DI-Quest
The second factor, the so-called ethical compass,
model encapsulates two factors related to the
describes teachers’ perceptions of the use of dif-
teachers’ philosophy (i.e., (1) growth mindset
ferent curricula as a compass for learning versus
and (2) ethical compass) and two associated with
the observation of the student as a compass for
teaching practices (i.e., (3) flexible grouping and
learning. On the professional compass of the
(4) output = input), which inform the last factor
teacher who adapts teaching to students’ interests,
of (5) adapting teaching to students’ interests,
readiness, and learning profiles, the observation
readiness, and learning profile (see Fig. 2).
of students’ learning indicates the magnetic
north. The other directions relating to meeting
curriculum requirements (such as following
Differentiated Instruction in Teaching and Teacher Education, the DI-Quest Model 5

textbooks, addressing all standards, expectations experience difficulties? What help do students ask
of the school leader, management or inspection) for? What is interesting to (some) students? How
are orienting and should be adopted as means do the students think about this assignment? Do
to meaningful learning for all students. The DI- they like this approach? Who does (not)? Out-
Quest shows that strictly following a curriculum, put = input underlines the importance of contin-
without taking students’ needs into account, neg- uously adopting the “output” of students as a
atively predicts the use of differentiated instruc- piece of information about student learning. This
tion (Coubergs et al. 2017). A perceived focus on information can be used as “input” for the students
student observations of learning demonstrates the in terms of learning. Likewise, this information is
contrary. important for the teacher in order to adjust instruc-
tion and teaching according to the “why, what,
Factor 3: Flexible Grouping Strategies and how” needs of learning of students. The DI-
The third factor, flexible grouping, is referred to as Quest shows that including feedback as an essen-
the variation in grouping forms, such as coopera- tial part of learning positively predicts the use of
tion in homogeneous and heterogeneous groups differentiated instruction.
(Tomlinson 2017), and includes forms such as
independent work or working in pairs. The criteria Factor 5: Adaptive Teaching to Student
of variation in grouping form are associated with Interests, Readiness, and Learning Profiles
the academic differences in students’ interests, All four factors mentioned above contribute to
readiness, and learning profile. For example, the fundamental goal of DI (factor 5), which con-
if the teacher notices considerable differences sists of adapting teaching to students’ interests,
between struggling students and advanced stu- readiness, and learning profile for maximal learn-
dents, the teacher may decide to adopt tiered ing to occur (see examples described above). The
instruction in order to guarantee learning gains DI-Quest model reveals that adaptive teaching is
for all students. Switching flexibly between predicted by teachers’ philosophies (i.e., growth
homogeneous and heterogeneous groups can mindset and ethical compass) and their practices
help students to progress based on their abilities (i.e., flexible grouping and output = input)
(when in homogeneous groups) and facilitate (Coubergs et al. 2017). Differentiated instruction
learning from interaction (when in heterogeneous occurs ideally when teachers have all these factors
groups), while also having opportunities to learn in mind.
independently and encouraging positive group
dynamics in the social entity of a class group.
Please note that a “homogeneous group” is a Teaching Student Teachers to Adopt
myth. Although students might be grouped in Differentiated Instruction
homogeneous groups based on one criterion or
academic difference (e.g., readiness), the groups The DI-Quest model describes five discriminating
will be – almost unavoidably – heterogeneous for factors which represent teachers’ differentiated
the other two academic differences (e.g., interests instruction philosophy and daily classroom prac-
and learning profile). tices resulting in adapting teaching to students’
interests, readiness, and learning profiles. In what
Factor 4: Output = Input ways can the model be useful for student teachers
Tomlinson (2001, 2017) states that in the class- to learn to adopt differentiated instruction?
room where DI is central, the teacher does not
perceive the evaluation as the endpoint of a learn- What and How of DI, but Never Without the
ing process, but rather as a continuous monitoring Why
of why, what, and how the students learn. For Recent research, adopting the DI-Quest instru-
example, questions which arise are: Do they ment, shows that there are three profiles of
understand the assignment? Do (some) students teachers: (1) the DI teacher with typically high
6 Differentiated Instruction in Teaching and Teacher Education, the DI-Quest Model

scores on each of the five factors and two groups focus on teaching is different from a focus on
of teachers who adapt their teaching to interests, learning. Making sure that everything is taught is
readiness, and learning profiles to a lesser extent, essentially different from making sure that every-
namely, (2) the fixed mindset group and the (3) body is learning. This latter focus is more apparent
formal teachers’ group (Struyven et al. 2018). with teachers who adopt DI more frequently.
Intriguingly, the latter groups show remarkably Teachers with an ethical compass oriented toward
low scores on one philosophy-related factor, student learning may notice more easily when
namely, they score low on the “growth mindset” students cannot follow, when they are struggling
(for the fixed mindset group) or low on the “eth- or getting distracted, and when students are bored
ical compass” (for the formal teachers’ group, in or experiencing the learning activities as too easy
which perception of the formal curriculum is and adjust their teaching accordingly, looking for
steering their teaching, allowing little opportunity renewed student effort (cf. growth mindset). In
to adapt teaching to students’ needs). order to adapt teaching to students’ interests, read-
Transferring these insights to a teacher iness, and learning profiles resulting in heightened
education context, it is hypothesized that student learning gains (higher motivation, better learning,
teachers can learn about what DI is and how they more efficiently), teachers with an ethical focus on
can apply this. However, in order to impact stu- student learning work more actively with the
dent teachers’ adoption of differentiated instruc- information they observe in class when students
tion the why-question needs to be addressed as it are learning (cf. output = input).
relates to teachers’ philosophy of learning and In summary, it is important that teacher educa-
teaching. In fact, the teacher has a considerable tors focus on developing both the philosophy
impact on student learning (e.g., Hattie 2012). and practice of DI among pre-service teachers.
In the fixed mindset group, intelligence is per- Helping, stimulating, and challenging student
ceived to be entirely determined by biological, teachers to develop a growth mindset and a
genetic, and socioeconomic factors. The teacher focus on student learning guarantee more frequent
cannot do anything to change this. Alternatively, and conscious investments in differentiated inst-
if “every student can learn” and “if student effort ruction in their classrooms. Ideally, this is being
is needed to be successful,” the teacher’s job is to encouraged in courses of the teacher education
find a way to trigger students into making an program, as well as during and following field
effort. Adapting teaching to students’ interests, experiences in schools.
readiness, and profile, which can stimulate stu- Moreover, teacher educators and mentors need
dents to invest an effort, is what DI teachers are to be aware of their own position as “role models”
looking for. for their student teachers. Demonstrating a growth
Likewise, the beliefs of the group of formal mindset and focus on student learning to student
teachers inhibit the adoption of more frequent teachers in teacher education, while adopting
DI approaches. Teachers who are preoccupied practices of flexible grouping and output = input,
with teaching the formal curriculum in a one- will result in more frequent student teachers’
size-fits-all approach in order to get approval of experiences of adaptive teaching in their courses
parents, school management, or inspection may – and a more explicit DI rationale and pedagogy
unintentionally – neglect students’ learning needs throughout teacher training. As a consequence,
in the everyday hassle to get work done. In fact, student teachers will be more likely to adopt DI
when the teachers’ focus is on teaching, they like in their classroom practice. Therefore, a persistent
to make sure that all contents and goals are cov- and consequent “teach as you preach” methodol-
ered, that all exercises and chapters in the course ogy of differentiated instruction in teacher educa-
materials are tackled, that remedial exercises and tion courses is likely to be more effective for
self-tests are available, and that everything is care- student teachers to adopt differentiated instruction
fully assessed. What may be forgotten is that a compared to a “Do as I say, not as I do” method.
Differentiated Instruction in Teaching and Teacher Education, the DI-Quest Model 7

References In EAPRIL: Education and learning sans frontiers

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about differentiated instruction: The DI-Quest instru- impact on learning. New York: Routledge.
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Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of VA: Association for supervision and curriculum
success. New York: Random House. development.
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