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Interpersonal Skills

Influence of introvert and

extrovert personality styles

on communication
Personality Styles
Evidence shows that personality styles will influence the way

individuals will cope in different situations.

Extroverts often thrive in group settings enjoy being surrounded by

Introverts can often become overwhelmed in group settings, often

enjoying time alone or working in pairs over large groups.

These differnces in personality will influence the WAY people

communicate and the WAY THEY LIFE to be communicated to.

Definition: People who get their energy and

Introvert emotion from within themselves.

How they communicate:

hesitate before sharing personal

private and protective of emotions,

thoughts and feelings

require time to think before respond
prefer communicating one on one
prefer written over verbal communication
Introverts thrive in unique situations on

Introvert their own.

Often can have trouble meeting/talking to

new people HOWEVER are good at

building deep connections by listening,

understanding and appearing calm

Definition: People who get their energy

Extrovert and emotion from the world and people

around them.

How they communicate:

willingly and openly share information

and ideas with others

often need constant attention
good at public communication-

often managers, leaders, organisers of

Extrovert Extroverts often strive in situations that

require quick responses.

They tend to focus on the moment at hand.
Extroverts often prefer to be around others

or doing some social activity, instead of

reading or spending prolong times in front of

a screen.
Application Activity
Question 1.
How could personality style influence the way an individual seeks help?

Question 2.
You have been asked to set up a health promotion network in your school. This

network will give feedback to the student council and teachers regarding the opinon

of the students in all matters involving health.

a) describe how introvert personality style students could engage in this network
b) how could the network be set up to meet the needs of the extrovert style students

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