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First Term Evaluation

Grade 10 Two hours
1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prefix to complete each word.The first one is done
for you.
a.The …un…. skilled musician played a beautiful melody on the piano.
b.The doctor recommended an ……….biotic to treat the infection.
c.The ………understanding led to a series of unfortunate events.
d.She had to ……….. write her essay to correct the errors.
e.The student's ………organized desk made it difficult to find the necessary materials.
f.The ………efficient system caused delays in the production process.
g.The movie was filled with …… stop action and suspense.
h.The magician made the rabbit …………….appear from the empty hat.
i. The car's ……………… matic transmission made driving effortless.
j.The………… pilot operated the aircraft with skill and precision.

2. Transform each sentence into reported speech by making the necessary changes.
A. "I won the competition," boasted Tom.
B. "I didn't see him at the party," mentioned Sarah.
C. "Are you coming to the party?" asked Emily.
D. "Will you help me with my homework?" asked Sarah.
E. "What an incredible performance!" exclaimed Amanda.
F. "Are you ready for the meeting?" asked Emily.
G. "Sit down and be quiet," the teacher commanded the students.
H. "Please clean your room," said Mark's mom.
I. "I will never forget this moment," said Emily emotionally.

J. Mr. Silva says, “I have an excruciating headache”

3. Write the following sentences in passive voice.

A.They are building a new house.
B The company manufactures high-quality products.
C. They are renovating the old building.
D. She fixed the broken chair.
E. They were preparing dinner in the kitchen.
F.He has completed the project.
G. They had finished their work before the deadline.
H.The team will launch a new product next month.
I.We will be organizing a charity event tomorrow.
J.You should clean your room.

4. Build up”wh” questions to get the underlined words/phrases as the answer in the
following sentences.
A.The cat is sitting on the mat.
B. They went to the beach last weekend.
C. She is reading a book in the library.
D.We are having dinner at a restaurant tonight.
E.The concert starts at 8 p.m.
F They are playing soccer in the park.
G.She is talking to her friend on the phone.
H.The dog is chasing its tail in the garden.
I.Roland Emmerich directed the movie "The Day After Tomorrow.”
J.Jenna visits her mom once a week.

5. Complete each sentence by choosing the appropriate conjunction from the word bank.
Some sentences may require the conjunction to be used more than once.
so, as, before, after, and, since, either, neither

a. She loves to dance, ___________ she takes ballet lessons every week.
b. He studied hard for the exam ___________ he wanted to get a good grade.
c. They arrived at the airport early ___________ they could catch their flight.
d. He finished his work ___________ he went out to play with his friends.
e. ___________ John ___________ Jane attended the conference.
f. I have been living in this city ___________ 2010.
g. She didn't want to go to the party, ___________ did he.
h. They had dinner together, ___________ went to watch a movie.
i.We should leave early ___________ we don't miss the train.
j.He doesn't like coffee, ___________ does he like tea.

6.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate collective noun from the word bank to complete
each sentence.
herd, team, swarm, pack, parliament, fleet, band, colony, school, waddle
1. The…………. of penguins waddled across the icy terrain.
2. The shepherd guided the ___________ of sheep to the pasture.
3. The ___________ of players celebrated their victory.
4. Bees formed a ___________ as they buzzed around the flowers.
5. The wolves traveled in a ___________ through the forest.
6. The ……………. of lions roared in unison, asserting their dominance
7. The ___________ of ships sailed majestically on the horizon.
8. The musicians formed a ___________ and played their instruments.
9. Ants worked together in a ___________ to build their nest.
10. A ___________ of fish swam gracefully in the ocean.

7.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adjective from the word bank to complete each
Generous, Compassionate, Honest, Determined, Empathetic, Intelligent, Reliable,
Creative, Confident, Kind-hearted
a. She is known for her ___________ nature, always willing to help others in need.
b. His ___________ personality shines through in his acts of kindness towards others.
c. I appreciate your ___________ and straightforwardness in our conversations.
d. She has a ___________ mindset and never gives up on her goals.
e. His ___________ nature allows him to understand and share the feelings of others.
f. Her ___________ intelligence is evident in her problem-solving skills.
g. You can always count on him to be ___________ and fulfill his commitments.
h. He has a ___________ approach to life and often comes up with innovative ideas.
i. Despite facing challenges, she remains ___________ and believes in her abilities.
j. His ___________ nature is reflected in his acts of kindness and compassion towards

8. Read the following conversation and complete the missing parts.

Stranger: Excuse me, sir. I'm new to the city and I'm looking for a shopping mall. Could
you please help me with directions?
Stranger: I'm looking for a popular shopping mall with a variety of stores and maybe a food
court. Do you know if there's one like that nearby?
Stranger :That sounds perfect! How do I get there from here?

Stranger: Thank you so much for the clear directions! I really appreciate your help.
Stranger: Actually, while I'm at the mall, I also need to pick up some groceries. Is there a
supermarket inside the mall?
Stranger: That's fantastic! It will save me time from going to a separate store. I appreciate
the information.
Man: Not a problem at all. I'm glad I could help you with that too.
Stranger: Thank you once again. You've been incredibly helpful.
Man: You're welcome! I'm happy to have been of assistance.

9. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.
Social media has become an integral part of the lives of students, offering a platform for
communication, sharing, and self-expression. However, its pervasive presence brings with
it a range of adverse effects that can significantly impact students' well-being and
academic performance.

Firstly, social media can lead to excessive screen time and a sedentary lifestyle. Students
often find themselves engrossed in scrolling through feeds, watching videos, or engaging
in online discussions, neglecting physical activities and face-to-face interactions. This
sedentary behavior can contribute to health issues such as obesity, sleep disturbances,
and decreased focus.

Moreover, social media platforms are rife with cyberbullying, which can have severe
psychological consequences. Students may experience anxiety, depression, and low self-
esteem due to online harassment, peer pressure, or the constant comparison of their lives
with others'. The pressure to conform to unrealistic standards set by influencers and the
fear of missing out on social events can exacerbate these negative emotions.

Additionally, social media can be a major distraction, affecting students' concentration and
productivity. With constant notifications, students are prone to multitasking, leading to
reduced cognitive abilities and diminished academic performance. The allure of social
media can also disrupt sleep patterns, affecting their energy levels and ability to focus
during classes.

Furthermore, the addictive nature of social media can cause students to prioritize virtual
interactions over real-life connections. Spending excessive time on social media platforms
can lead to social isolation, a decline in interpersonal skills, and a lack of empathy.

a. What are some adverse effects of excessive screen time due to social media?
b. How does cyberbullying on social media impact students' mental health?
c. What are the psychological consequences of constant comparison on social media?
d. How does social media affect students' concentration and productivity?
e. What role does social media play in disrupting students' sleep patterns?
f. How can social media contribute to social isolation among students?
g. What are some health issues associated with excessive social media use?
h. Find synonyms for the following words from the text.
Sitting :
Outcomes :
Reduced :

710. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb provided in parentheses.

a. I _________ (study) French last year, and I _________ (still study) it now.
b. Sarah _________ (play) tennis every weekend, but today she _________ (go)
swimming instead.
c. By this time tomorrow, they _________ (arrive) at their destination.
d. The meeting _________ (start) at 9 o'clock yesterday morning.
e. She _________ (write) an email when the phone _________ (ring)
f. We _________ (live) in this city for ten years before we _________ (move) to the
g. They _________ (build) a new house in the neighborhood, and it _________ (look)
h. I _________ (read) a book when the power _________ (go) out.
I. The students _________ (work) on their project since morning and _________ (finish) it
j. He _________ (travel) to many countries, but he _________ (never visit) Asia before.

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