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Calculation - Dokaflex

These calculations were generated with the App Doka Tools.
For more information visit

Company Project Editor

Kutanagara Habsn Hinama
Component Date
Beam Aug 30, 2023

Slab thickness: 30 cm
Overall weight: 9.16 kN/m²

Secondary beam spacing: 0.50 m

Primary beam spacing: 2 m
Prop spacing: 1.09 m

In accordance with EN 12812, this allows for a service load of 0.75 kN/m² and a variable load of 10% of a
massive concrete floor-slab, totalling at least 0.75 kN/m² but no more than 1.75 kN/m² (assuming a unit weight of
2500 kg/m³ for the fresh concrete). Mid-span deflection has been limited to L/500. In the case of cavity flat-slab
floors, significantly lower slab loads occur.

All persons working with the product must be familiar with the contents of the corresponding user information
and the safety information contained herein. These can be found at

Please refer to the Terms of Use on the next page.

Terms and conditions of use, Dokaflex calculations
Doka GmbH (hereinafter designated "Doka") posts automated Dokaflex calculations on its website and in the Apple Appstore.

The app renders the Dokaflex calculations available on mobile devices. Use of this app is invariably at the user's own risk. Note that in order to
set up the installation correctly it is essential to step carefully through the corresponding instructions for setup and use beforehand; simply using
the "Doka Tools" app for this purpose does not suffice.

By using the Dokaflex calculations you accept the terms and conditions of use set out below:

1. Before using the Dokaflex calculations, conscientiously work through the EN 12812 design-load postulations.
2. The formulae are based on EN 12812 design-load postulations. In accordance with EN 12812, provision is made for a live load of
0.75 kN/m² and a variable load of 10% of a solid concrete slab, at least 0.75 kN/m², but not in excess of 1.75 kN/m² (given a fresh
concrete bulk weight of 25 kN/m³). Deflection at the midway point between supports has been limited to l/500. Slab loads are
considerably lower when voided flat slabs are used.
3. These Dokaflex calculations have been prepared in good faith and by application of best judgement and meticulously checked before
being made available on the website(s) and the stores. Complete freedom from error, however, cannot be guaranteed. In particular,
the results obtained using Dokaflex calculations must be subjected to meticulously careful cross-checking. The calculations possible
with this app and the results obtained from such calculations apply only to the use of Doka brand products. No liability whatsoever is
accepted for correctness when applied to other products. Furthermore, due diligence is exercised in operation of the Doka website
and the Doka apps on which Dokaflex calculations are available. However, Doka does not guarantee the uninterrupted availability of
the website/app or the Dokaflex calculations.
4. Until further notice, the Dokaflex calculations will remain available free of charge and, to the extent permitted by law, to the exclusion
of all rights of guarantee or warranty. Doka reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of use at any time (particularly with
regard to future levying of fees).
5. Doka strives constantly to keep the Doka website virus-free. Nevertheless, Doka cannot guarantee complete freedom from virus
infection. Each user is under obligation to ensure that appropriate security precautions are implemented and that up-to-date virus
scanning software is used.
6. Doka's liability in the event of injury is restricted to that defined within the framework of mandatory legal requirements; Doka refuses
to accept liability for other damage except in proven cases of gross negligence and intent. Regardless of legal basis, Doka refuses to
accept liability for consequential damage, damage to assets and data loss.
7. Information, including the Dokaflex calculations, made available on the Doka website or the Doka apps that are the subject of this
disclaimer constitutes intellectual property of Doka GmbH and may not be altered, expanded, sold, rented or utilised for economic
purposes in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of Doka GmbH.
8. Doka reserves the right to cease operation of the Doka website, Doka apps or the Dokaflex calculations at any time.
9. Data charges: Data charges might be incurred by usage of this app. Roaming charges can apply when a mobile device is used
outside its home network. It is advisable to deactivate data roaming in order to avoid incurring increased charges when a device
connects to a network other than the home network. This setting can subsequently be changed again at any time.
10. If one or more provisions in these terms and conditions of use are, become or are rendered inapplicable either wholly or in part, or if
a gap in the terms and conditions becomes evident, this has no effect on the applicability of the other provisions. Provisions that are
wholly or partly inapplicable and gaps are hereby considered replaced by an appropriately applicable rule which, to the extent
permitted by law, satisfies or approximates as closely as possible to the intended legal and economic purpose.
11. Place of performance is Amstetten, Austria. Only Austrian law applies, to the exclusion of Austria's International Private Law Act
(IPRG) and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The sole legal venue agreed for all
disputes is the location of the headquarters of Doka GmbH in A-3300 Amstetten, Austria, or at the discretion of Doka any other
legally admissible venue.
12. Contact: Please email questions concerning these terms and conditions of use and usage of the Dokaflex calculations to us at the
following address:

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