WT UNIT 1 Lecture 1 What Are The Best Web Development Strategies You Must Know

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What Are The Best Web Development Strategies You Must Know :

Web development strategies can lead you nowhere if you have not based it on
effective strategies. Jumping upon website development without planning and
strategizing is simply like going on a journey without roadmap.

As a brand that is planning to make an impactful entry into the web world, you
require strategizing the web development activities so that these help you attain
your set goals. Right from ensuring visibility to expanding reach, it is the strategies
that help you beat the competition and evolve continuously to stay in demand.

Here are some of the web development strategies you must know in order to
keep up with the fast changing trends:-
1. Strategy for Responsive web design

Strategy for Responsive web design

Accessing internet only on desktops is a thing of yesteryears. The customer, these

days, have access to plethora of interfaces like tablets, notebooks, mobiles, etc. to
get connected to the internet. Accordingly, your web design has to be presentable
on any of the gadgets used by the customers.

Web design is not restricted to designing a few web pages only; now you have to
have a heady mix of apps and other responsive versions of your websites so that
you do not lose the attention of your target audience in want of responsiveness.
You have to meet the criterion of omnipresence to make sure that every possible
interface is made to work like a revenue center for your business.

Web design is responsive design. Responsive web design is web design, done
right. - Andy Clarke
2. Strategy of Software Prototyping Development

Strategy of Software Prototyping Development

Consumers have very little attention span these days. They can drop off the tool
or software or app in no time if it does not meet their expectations, no matter
how creative you have been in developing a website software. Your offering
should make the point bang-on, else you have dug your own grave.

Thus, before putting the software into function, prototyping has become the
essential step. It is essential to know in advance how the software would look like
and if it is able to deliver the expected functionalities. Therefore, the developer
has to have thorough requirement gathering and analysis done before the actual
process, and should be ready for revisions post development, till the final product
is refined and sophisticated on all aspects.
3. Business Strategy/Marketing Plans and Strategies

Business Marketing Plans and Strategies

Research is undoubtedly the backbone of a successful offering. What makes you

unique from and better than others?This is something the brand owner has to be
sure of at first place before expecting the end users to understand it.

How your business is going to be a one stop with solution provider, what
resources would be required to handle customer expectations and how these
resources would be put to use, to make the offering effective and yielding, are
some of the questions that need thorough research. There is no shortcut to
success and research is the very first and most reliable strategy that yields results
4. Strategy of Competitor Analysis

Website Strategy

Competitor analysis is crucial to stay one above the contemporaries. Ostrich

approach is certainly not going to work in such highly competitive world where
the markets are deeply diversified and are clamored by a number of competitors
doing their bit at the same business phase.

Identifying weak points of competition and giving solution to those is a great

opportunity that may get missed off the radar if analysis of competitors’ approach
and offerings is not done.
5. Identify Your Target Audience

Identify Your Target Audience

It is essential to do a detailed profiling of your target audience. Their attitude,

perceptions, expectations and buying sentiment are worth knowing in order to
prepare your web development process to sync with their attributes. As a long-
lasting brand, your challenge is to win the audience and retain it too. With the
help of knowing target audience thoroughly, you can make cognitive marketing
attempts that guarantee far-fetching results.
6. Use Wordpress as a CMS

A better alternative to relying solely on HTML page, for sure! WordPress CMS
offers you lot more than what a conventional HTML page can offer. You enjoy
better control over your way of offering using this easy handle. It allows the user
to add pages, choose beautifully themed templates, and do lots more.

You can go a step further and make the offering open to comments to get data,
add tags to enhance visibility. In addition, you are provided with drag-and-drop
editors to make your interface quite engaging.

7. Strategy of SEO Friendly Design and Development

The design of web property should be close to how a search engine sees it. An
important tip includes - putting most important portion of your offering in HTML
text format. You must focus on achieving content that is indexable, carrying
keywords in sufficient numbers and at prominent places, making links crawlable,
and so on and so forth. All such qualities can make your offering become the
search engine’s favorit

8. Optimization of JavaScript, CSS and HTML Code

You need to achieve omnipresence given the fact that the points of interaction in
world web are many. HTML5 renders fitness to complement multi-device
environment and makes it look consistent across all the platforms using single
CSS imparts readability and engagement to the web property by making it more
lucid. Both HTML5 and CSS benefit the businesses by adding to their visibility,
offering cross-platform consistency and achieving user-friendliness. All these
features make the path to higher ranks on search engine easier.

9. GDPR compliance for web design

Penalties for non-compliance to GDPR are severe, so why take chances? To

understand better, GDPR is the legal framework under which the consumers are
allowed better control over the data they share with the companies.

How companies should store, collect and used consumer information is regulated
by this framework called GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Thus, the
web design should be fully compliant with this regulation.

10. Rich Web based custom application development Strategy

Businesses of present times are flexible as well as scalable. Custom application

development, therefore, is priority rather than an option. Cloud based
applications make the environment resource-rich as well as flexible enough to
accommodate new changes. Thus, this approach helps introduce changes faster
and easier way. Web designers should adopt these features in their products to
meet customer expectations.

11. Pros and Cons of JavaScript Full Stack Development

By working with Full Stack JavaScript, a web designer is able to become browser-
friendly as well as client-friendly in approach. This is exactly what is expected
from the web properties that are given the task of promoting businesses over
internet while retaining the customer interest.
Present times belong to Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, Mobile applications,
and bot frameworks, to quote very important few. Full Stack JavaScript allows the
developer to deliver all of it, that too with added finesse.

12. Choose the right DevOps tools

Culture in the organizations of present times is more of collaborative nature.

DevOps tools support better collaboration between the developers and
operational teams and help bring in the automation of sophisticated level to the
way business processes are carried out.

Plan, integrate, collaborate, update, and get feedback from the end users – all
these processes are now possible with the help of tools. So, DevOps tools make
the backend of the services more robust and help reach the offering to the end
users in record minimal time.

Be prepared to change yourself the way web changes. This is the main crux
behind web development. Customization, automation, faster delivery,
sophistication, better visibility and above all compliance - the web developers
these days cannot afford to falter on any point. Thus, you must have an intelligent
mix of all the strategies mentioned above in your arsenal to keep overcoming the
challenges – both foreseen as well as unforeseen.

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