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School of Business and
#Holy Angel Avenue, Sto. Rosario,
Angeles City
A.Y. 2021-2022

Group Discussion: Case Study Analysis No. 1

Submitted By:
Asirot, Jerome

Henson, Bea Marie

Malang, Jhubert

Mitra, Maria Sarah Luciae

Seguin, Ronald



Submitted to:
Professor Jobert Placiente


Summary of the Case

Plastico, Inc. is where Sharon Stone, the salesperson in this case, worked at her
first sales job. The company is known for making customizable products and switching
from porcelain materials to plastic. In addition, this company is located in New York.
Furthermore, the salesperson completed the necessary training before being assigned
to a sales call or meeting with David Kline of Ann Arbor, Stone’s newly assigned client.
With this, Stone was set to persuade him to a successful closed sales deal.

Due to an unforeseen circumstance, as stated in the case, Stone arrived late for
the appointment. However, the salesperson was still able to meet with Mr. Kline. At the
beginning of the meeting, the salesperson had observed that Mr. Kline was a graduate
of Michigan University and a supporter of sports. Stone realized that she needed to pique
Kline's interest to get his attention. After a lengthy conversation, Stone then changed the
subject to business, where she could start her sales presentation. Stone then started
outlining the advantages and crucial details of Plastico, Inc.’s product offerings. However,
as stated in the case, she had forgotten to bring any samples when Mr. Kline requested
them. In this case, Stone has also mentioned an incorrect delivery date, stating product
arrival in four weeks. Moving forward, Mr. Kline questioned Plastico, Inc.'s prices and
why they are higher than other brands, to which Stone was ambiguous in her response.
With this, Mr. Kline left after saying he would think over her offer. After this sales meeting,
Stone pondered her error and chose to call her manager to ask relevant queries to
uncover her mistakes during the said meeting.

Statement of the Problem

As seen in this case, Sharon Stone, Plastico, Inc.'s sales representative, was
given her first sales call. However, based on the situation in the case study, the Plastico,
Inc. sales representative was ill-prepared. Given that Plastico's sales have been
enhanced by high-quality products and compliance with federal regulations, Sharon
Stone was not able to successfully complete the sales assignment she was given.
Despite the efforts of the sales representative, the client assigned to her was not
interested in buying from her company. Thus, the case study aims to identify what has
been determined to be the problem with Sharon Stone's case, so it specifically seeks to
recognize how important it is that sales representatives act professionally and be
knowledgeable of their tasks and the needed sales approach of the firm.

It seeks to answer the question:

1. How did Sharon Stone's lack of planning for an organized sales approach and call with
a potential customer prospect, David Kline, cause her to lose the sale?


Analysis of the Problem

Plastico, Inc. is also a business that requires its salesforce to enhance its
collective sales when dealing with accounts. This business has its own brand perception
of providing high-quality products that offer customization for certain products to better
serve the needs and wants of their existing and prospective clients. The company’s top-
line profits come from its revenue producers and their respective salespeople. This was
evident from their background information that large accounts are being handled or
called by their salesforce.

However, similar to other business firms and organizations, this company has
also encountered challenges and constraints in its daily production, sales, and
administrative processes. In this case study, the company lost a client due to the
irresponsibility and tardiness of one of its sales representatives. This new sales
representative was unable to provide an organized sales presentation in which the
company stressed the importance of this type of presentation. This is because an
organized sales presentation provides ways in which all the main points of the product
or service are strategized into an organized sequence that provides the sales
representative with better information to present the company's market offering. In this
case, this approach is important to personal selling since it provides an overview of the
company’s products and services. By taking this approach, the sales representative
would have gained more knowledge on how to compare their products with those of
competitors. Despite the importance given to this presentation, the sales representative
was not able to fulfill this requirement.

In this case, the sales representative's consistent efforts in building rapport with
the prospect were diminished due to her lack of preparation and knowledge regarding
the product that was to be sold to the client. In addition to this, the sales representative
in this case let it be known to the receptionist that her attitude exhibits unprofessionalism,
which diminishes the idea that a salesperson, as expected by the buyer, should act in a
professional manner. In addition, this also diminishes the idea that a salesperson should
also contribute to the success and harmony of not only the client but also the buyer’s
firm. However, Sharon Stone, the sales representative, was able to get the client
interested in the offering but was not able to close the sale because of her inability to
provide what the client was asking for. With this, buyers expect that a sales
representative should be knowledgeable of the needs and opportunities that can help
them find a solution to their problem. By focusing on and maintaining the approach of
the company, which emphasized an organized sales presentation, sales representatives
would be able to close their sales successfully and more efficiently.


Alternative Courses of Action

Alternatives Advantages Disadvantages

1. The 1. This helps improve the growth 1. Having too much of a sense of
salesperson ought of the company by demonstrating responsibility can make the
to exercise more professionalism and persistence salesperson feel overwhelmed and
responsibility at in successfully closing a sales call can lead to burnout, which results in
work. (Uzialko, 2023). unproductiveness (Smith, 2022).

2. This will improve the 2. Showcasing too much

salesperson’s performance for the responsibility in the workplace can
company and enhance the flow of lead to other colleagues feeling a
sales because her learning of the sense of disengagement since they
organization will be enhanced may feel that they are being
(Ayish & Deveci, 2019). overpowered (Smith, 2022).

3. Taking more responsibility at

work can improve the quality of
business relationships since one
would show more trust and
accountability through their
actions (Atieno, 2021).

2. The 1. This is an effective technique to 1. When a salesperson becomes

salesperson persuade the client to attend the too prepared for their presentation, it
should be trained meeting and be persuaded for a can lead them to become more
and prepared with closed sale since all the certain about their opinions about
the items she presentation-related items completely unrelated things,
needs for her needed for the product can be whether those opinions are
client’s meetings. physically seen and touched by favorable or unfavorable for the sale
the client (Wang et al., 2022). to be closed (Ohio State University,
2. Being prepared in a meeting is
the best way to impress the client 2. Being overprepared provides a
with one’s presentation since it negative consequence since some
can make them more reliant on items may not significantly
the market offering that the contribute to the presentation and
salesperson is selling and will only be seen as a hindrance to
because it offers a better the client (“The Importance of
customer experience right from Preparation for a Professional,”
the balanced presentation 2021).
(Johnson, 2023).

3. Having the proper training

allows the salesforce to enhance


their efficiencies in processes and

gain more knowledge of the
company’s products and offerings
(Daramola & Daramola, 2020).


The recommended course of action would be the second alternative. This

alternative would be that "the salesperson should be trained and prepared with the
items she needs for her client’s meetings." This is because the sales representative of
this case study should be reminded of the fact that they should have the need to be
more prepared to get the intended outcome from Plastico, Inc. In which the outcome
would be to successfully close the sales deal. Furthermore, by taking this alternative,
the sales representative would be more aware and responsible for what they needed to
bring with them to maximize the possibility of successfully closing the deal. In correlation
with this, along with the training and preparation of the sales representative, there can
be an added mock sales portion in the training program for the new sales
representatives. This portion of the training program may then be assessed by the
upper management so that the new sales representative can gain insights from the
upper management and other colleagues who have already successfully managed to
close a sales deal.

More than that, experience is different from theory. This idea is because a theory
is only reinforced in the mind, and if it is applied in real life, experience is gained. To
support this, knowledge emphasizes theory and the obtainment of information and
ideas, while experience, on the other hand, stresses practice, or the application of
knowledge over a prolonged period, to reinforce understanding of subject matter or a
certain task (Wilson, 2015). Sharon Stone, the sales representative in this case, was
given the training to properly equip her with the experience. She may be more prepared
and know what items to bring for the sale. Then, she may have woken up on time, so
that she would have given Kline a good professional impression because it was all
reinforced in her mind by her preparedness and respective training.

Plan of Action
To make the recommendation possible, Plastico, Inc. can first conduct a meeting
with the needed management and personnel to clearly coordinate with one another what
is needed for the chosen alternative. In line with this, once all legal matters have been
taken care of, the financial sector would be the next step. The company can now start
investing in better training for their new sales representatives so that they may obtain
experience. With this, they can now conduct the program. Furthermore, by having trained
and prepared their sales representatives, the last course of action would be to provide
them with what they need to bring for the deal, such as a mode of transport, samples of


the products that the company offers, and a framework for the proper presentation to be

Group Learnings

Jerome Asirot

The Sharon Stone case taught me the importance of being accountable for my
work, showing up early for meetings and appointments, and always being prepared by
meeting the needs of my potential clients as well as bringing all necessary supplies. I've
now realized how crucial it is to approach a first assignment with double the amount of
preparation. Being ready for what may arise is one thing that will aid anyone in their
battles. Therefore, this case study reemphasized the significance of readiness.

Bea Marie Henson

When Stone arrived late for her appointment, I came to the realization that even
when you feel totally prepared, you still need to consider and prepare even the smallest
thing you might need. Sometimes we might not even realize it, yet little problems are the
cause of bigger problems. Also, my knowledge about being a salesperson has increased
as a result of the Sharon Stone case, and I can apply this knowledge more broadly. I've
learned to think about the smallest details while being ready for the bigger ones. Actually,
Stone made a mistake with the alarm clock. Even though the alarm clock may seem
insignificant, I realize that it could have been the root of much more serious problems. I
also learned the value of making a list of the items I'll need in a day so that, even when
I'm in a rush, I won't forget anything. Lastly, I discovered that even if I'm not prepared for
the question or don't know the answer, having confidence can make the answer accurate.
I still don't know a lot of things, but I can persuade someone with confidence even if I'm
not sure of my answer. By reading this case, I have learned to broaden my potential and
consider the things I'm likely not to consider.

Jhubert Malang

In this case study, I learned that, as an employee, in order to be competent, I

need to align my schedule with what the company assigns me to do in order to be
prepared for the tasks that are thrown at me. And as an employer, in order to maximize
successful deals with customers, I need to help my employees grow in the intended fields
that I hired them for and, at the same time, make our relationship better.

Luciae Mitra

Having read the case, it was refreshing to see how most of the information that
was presented was from the point of view of the sales representative, Sharon Stone.
Since, personally, it is very rare for me to experience being at the end of the yardstick


when it comes to sales transactions, I have mostly been the client or consumer, not the
salesperson. So, in this case, I have learned how important it is to be twice as prepared
when taking on a first assignment. One thing that will help any person in their battles is
being prepared for what comes at hand. So, this case study reiterated the importance of
preparedness. Moving forward, I have also learned how important it is to remember that
when interacting with consumers and any part of their business or life in general, being
nice will always be the best option. I realized once again that one’s attitude should always
be intact. Patience is also another virtue in business. To end, I have learned that, as a
salesperson, it is always important to follow the company’s procedures and policies. It is
very rare in cases where one does not follow what the company has stated and has
succeeded. The company has stressed and laid out how things are supposed to be done
because it is what is most effective for this company. So, overall, I have learned new
things from this case study that I may deem very useful in the near future.

Ronald Seguin

For me, what I learned from the Sharon Stone case is to be responsible for my
work, like being early to arrive when there's a meeting or appointment, and to always be
ready, such as by bringing all materials and all the needs of my prospective customers.
In addition to this, another thing I have learned is to clearly state the product price so
consumers are given the whole truth. Also, when engaging with the customer, first find
a way to make her or him feel more comfortable and have fun while talking, like talking
about basketball or any sports or what you two have in common, so she or he feels more
comfortable while talking to you.


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Uzialko, A. (2023). Sales persistence pays off. Business News Daily.
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