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Career Objective
To associate myself with an organization where in my abilities and skills are utilized to best extent, which
would give scope for individual and organizational growth.

Profile summary
 Having experience in IT Sector as a MS SQL Server Developer.
 Strong Knowledge in SQL commands like DDL, DML, DCL, TCL, DQL Operators.
 Experience in creating new database objects such as Tables, Indexes, Views, Sequences and
 Extensive working experience in writing various modules in Functions, Stored Procedures.
 Good experience writing queries using Joins, Set Operators and Sub Queries.
 Customization of various modules to support client’s business processes.
 Collaborated with team members to design and implement the software solutions that optimized
business processes.
 Strong Communication skills and Problem-solving skills.
 Highly adaptable and demonstrated ability to learn new skills and technologies.
 Ability to grasp technical knowledge quickly.

Technical skills
Programming Language: MS SQL
Database: SQL Server

Educational Qualification
Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Communication Engineering) from ISTS women’s college (JNTUK).

Project Summary
#Project 4
Title: Customer Relationship Management
Client: Sherweb
Role: MS SQL Developer
CRM systems automatically collect a wealth of information about existing and prospective
customers. This data includes email addresses, phone numbers, company websites, social media posts,
purchase histories, and service.

Roles and Responsibilities:

 Involved in creating new database objects such as Tables and Indexes.
 Created new and updated existing Procedures and Functions.
 Developed SQL Joins Based on Different Conditions in Order to Meet Requirements.
 Coordinating the Developing Activities with the Development Team and QA Team.
 Created Views on multiple tables in a database.
 Modified the current database by adding columns, renaming columns, removing columns and adding
proper constraints, rules and defaults to tables.
 Worked on CRUD operations as per the client’s requirement.
 Involved in creating Sequences and Synonyms.
 Requirement Gathering, Requirement Analysis, Design, Development.

#Project 3
Title : Get It Now (GIN)
Client: Sherweb
Role: MS SQL Developer
The purpose of this project is to assign their responsible areas to all employees based on designations,
create reports based on the roles and responsibility and maintain all employee’s Appraisal details based on the

Roles and Responsibilities:

 Involved in creating new database objects such as Tables, Indexes, Views and Synonyms.
 Developed SQL Joins Based on Different Conditions in Order to Meet Requirements.
 Coordinating the Developing Activities with the Development Team and QA Team.
 Created Views on multiple tables in a database.
 Modified the current database by adding columns, renaming columns, removing columns and adding
proper constraints, rules and defaults to tables.
 Involved in creating subqueries as per the requirement.
 Involved in creating Sequences and Synonyms.
 Created new and updated existing Procedures and Functions.
 Worked on CRUD operations as per the client’s requirement.
 Requirement Gathering, Requirement Analysis, Design, Development.

#Project 2
Title : PRIME RX
Client : Micro Merchant systems
Role: MS SQL Developer
Prime Rx is absolutely essential to every pharmacy! Prime Rx uniquely combines its user-friendly features with
the support of the Windows backbone. This strong combination generates a program that is not only aesthetic
and appealing in its design, but is also easily manageable at all skill levels, saving time by transmitting
unlimited Rxs in a single transmission. Tag and Track Rx - Options to dynamically define different follow up
tags which can be tagged to a Rx and followed up at a later time. Get different financial views, top performers
Drugs, Prescribers, Insurances etc. and other useful information to gauge the performance of your pharmacy.
Role and Responsibilities:
 Created new and updated existing Procedures and Functions.
 Involved in creating new database objects such as Tables, Indexes, Views and Synonyms.
 Modifying the attributes like add, drop columns and change the columns data type size if needed.
 Developed SQL Joins Based on Different Conditions in Order to Meet Requirements.
 Involved in creating subqueries as per the requirement.
 Coordinating the Developing Activities with the Development Team and QA Team.
 Created Views on multiple tables in a database.
 Requirement Gathering, Requirement Analysis, Design, Development.

#Project 1
Title : Ecommerce Management Database
Client : Micro Merchant systems
Role : MS SQL Developer
In this modern era of online shopping no seller wants to be left behind, moreover due to its simplicity
the shift from offline selling model to an online selling model is witnessing rampant growth. Therefore, as an
engineer our job is to ease the path of this transition for the seller. Amongst many things that an online site
requires the most important is a database system. Hence, in this project we are planning to design a database
where small sellers can sell their products online.

Roles & Responsibilities:

 Written stored procedures and functions.
 Developed SQL joins based on different conditions in order to meet requirements.
 Coordinating the Developing activities with the development team and QA team.
 Created Views on multiple tables in a database.
 Modified the current database by adding columns, renaming columns, removing columns and adding proper
constraints, rules and defaults to tables.
 Create tables, sequences, synonyms as per the requirements.

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