The Mentors Guide

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M E N T O R Y O U O N C E H A D —

O R W I S H Y O U ’ D H A D

Linda Phillips-Jones, Ph.D.

About the Author
Dr. Linda Phillips-Jones was a licensed Dr. Phillips-Jones was quoted in The Wall
psychologist, consultant, researcher, and Street Journal, USA Today, Newsday, The
author. She helped organizations design and Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe,
implement mentoring and other people- Success, Psychology Today, New Woman,
development initiatives. Glamour, Executive Female, Training and
Development Journal, Reader’s Digest,
Dr. Phillips-Jones received a Ph.D. in coun- Entrepreneur, Black Entrepreneur, and num-
seling psychology from UCLA, a master’s de- erous other print and on-line periodicals.
gree from Stanford University, and a bachelor’s
from the University of Nevada-Reno. She was featured as a mentoring expert in
the following videos: “Building Bridges: How to
Her 1977 doctoral dissertation was the first Build a Powerful Network,” produced by the
on the process and skills of mentoring. Since National Association of Female Executives
then, several hundred mentoring dissertations (NAFE); “Mentoring that Makes a Difference:
and theses have been written, many referring For Mentors”; “Mentoring that Makes a Dif-
to this original work. Her first book on men- ference: For Mentees”; and “Mentoring: The
toring, MENTORS AND PROTEGES: How to Success Connection.” She presented pro-
Establish, Strengthen and Get the Most grams on mentoring at international con-
from a Mentor-Protege Relationship (Arbor ferences of the American Society for Training
House, 1982), has been used worldwide. It and Development.
was based on her six years of research on
more than 500 mentors and proteges and upon Dr. Phillips-Jones was invited to Hungary to
her experience as a counseling psychologist teach mentoring as part of an entrepreneurial
and mentoring consultant. THE NEW MEN- development program of the U.S. Department
TORS AND PROTEGES: How to Succeed of Labor and the Women’s Economic Alliance
with the New Mentoring Partnerships (1992, Foundation in Washington. She and her hus-
1997, 2001 editions) highlights the new twists band, Dr. G. Brian Jones, were invited as for-
that mentoring has taken since the eighties eign experts to teach managerial psychology
and provides new strategies for offering and organizational behavior in the People’s
planned mentoring in organizations. Republic of China and Kenya. She conducted
mentoring training throughout the U.S. and in
Her mentoring training materials have been Canada, England, Scotland, Germany, Aus-
used by such organizations as Microsoft tralia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Vene-
Corporation; Hewlett-Packard Company; ITT zuela, and Hong Kong. During the Vietnam
Industries; Yum Brands; Agilent Technologies; War, she worked five years as a teacher
DuPont; ConocoPhillips; Pepperidge Farm; trainer and curriculum designer in South Viet-
Burlington Northern Santa Fe; Lucent nam.
Technologies; Farmer’s Insurance; Young
Entrepreneurs Organization; Clairol; Varian Dr. Phillips-Jones passed away in
Techtron (Australia); University of California; December of 2006 after a valiant six-year fight
Kimberly-Clark; American Family Insurance; with four rounds of cancer. CCC/The
Domino’s Pizza; Alberta Staff Development Mentoring Group continues to promote Dr.
(Canada); Canadian Centre for Management Linda’s mentoring vision through her
Development; the U.S. Departments of Army, publications and philosophy on mentoring.
Navy, Labor, Justice, Agriculture; California
Institute of Technology; and others. She’s the
author of the Mentoring Skills Assessment
published by MindGarden.


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