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Characterisation through letter writing

In pairs, choose one of the following character pairings to write personal letter from one character to
the other. In your letters, you must capture a sense of the relationship between the characters and how
they relate to each other. You should comment on some significant events that have occurred in the
novel and how you feel the writer would sense they feel about them. You might consider their
motivations, their feelings/emotions, their inner thoughts and their behaviour/dialogue.
In their evidence, show knowledge of the what they have said, written or done in the novel to show an
authentic knowledge of the novel. Upon completion send your letter to your pair. This means
referencing some quotations in your writing.

Characters relationship chosen -> Mattie Gokey to Emily Wilcox (Baxter)

Dear Ms Wilcox,

How are you, Ms Wilcox? I hope you are doing well and are writing away. First of all, I have some
incredibly exciting news, I went to Barnard. I got up one day and left. I fulfilled my dream and stuck
with my promise to mama. When I got on the train, I felt liberated. Ready to take on the world and
become the best author the world has ever seen.

It was hard saying goodbye to everyone. I wrote Pa, Beth, Lou and Abby a letter which explained my
new absence. I feel terrible leaving Abby in the same situation I was in, looking after the little ones as
well as Pa. I hope that one day she can do the same as me and follow her own dreams to wherever
they may take her. For my father, I left $2 and told him that I would stay in touch. I wrote another
letter to Royal. In the letter, I left his ring for him to find. I did love him however I loved myself more
and knew that before I could give myself to anyone, I needed to accomplish my dreams. I did,
however, tell Weaver I was leaving in person. He said he was proud and happy for me, but I knew he
didn’t want me to leave the North Woods for New York. I undoubtedly know that he will follow his
dreams and become the best lawyer we all have ever seen, making his mama proud.

Ms Wilcox, you gave me the courage to leave. Not to mention, you never gave up on me. You helped
me to achieve my goal. If I hadn’t had left, I would probably be planning my wedding to Royal right
about now or shovelling corn at the farm or helping Weavers mama at her cart. So, thank you for all
that you have done for me as if it was not for you, I would not be the young lady I am today.

Kind Regards,
Dearest Mattie,

How are you dear? How is Barnard and how is New York? I was stricken with sweet joy, once I read
those words ...I’m going to Barnard in your letter. The last I’d seen you, Mattie, you were certain you
would get married and stay in Inlet, recklessly abandoning your dreams of attending college - and I
was certain you would too. I am so pleased you realised the rich gift of eloquence you possess. I truly
hope you spend your time well in college, learning to nurture and develop your writing; you are
intelligent Mattie, and I do not need to tell you how lucky you are to attend college. I look forward to
reading your writing once more, in the letters you write me, and the novel series and poetry volumes
you one day publish.

The weather here is so beautiful. Beams of radiant sunshine invade the cloudless skies, day after day.
As I write this letter on the oak desk I lean upon, a gentle breeze is blowing into my stone Chateau.
France is so perfect. I would stay here forever if I could. The food, the classrooms and the people here
are so delightful. I have been spending time teaching English in a local school nearby Mattie - making
a living of my own. Teddy is coming here for a couple of days. He is averse to the idea of divorce -
however, I am certain I can sway him otherwise. His threats intoxicate me, restricting me of my
freedom. I shouldn’t have ever married. I would have been happy and free if I had not. I would have
been able to write my own books without a thick blanket of fear wrapping me tightly. Fear that I will
be sent to the sanatorium and drugged if I write.

I’ve lost track of time writing this letter. I have a class early tomorrow, so I will take rest now. The
once magenta streaked sky has darkened to an indigo-navy, studded with dim stars. Look after
yourself Mattie and take the time to write me when you can. I hope we can meet sometime in the
future, hopefully not too far from now. Best of luck at Barnard, I look forward to seeing your
endeavours in pursuing literature.

Kind regards,
Your English Teacher
Miss Emily Wilcox
Dear Ms Wilcox,

I am so pleased to have gotten your letter. Whenever I read your writing, I feel captivated by your
words. France seems like any writer’s dream come true. I can just image the sweet smell of freshly
baked croissants in the morning and the soft sound of giggling French children. One day, when I
become a writer, I shall go to France on holiday. I see myself walking towards the Eiffel tower with
the book I have written in my hand. I am getting chills just writing this.

I have just started my first week at Barnard. New York City is everything I dreamed and hoped it
would be. The streets are full of people and ambition is in the air. I am staying in Manhattan near the
collage campus. My walk to school every morning is eventful to say the least. Underneath my
apartment is a bagel shop. I wake up by the smell of freshly cooked bagels. Once I am downstairs, I
am hit with a rush of New York City adrenaline. I take one sharp left turn and there it is. My dream
school. I still cannot believe it. I am finally here. I made it all on my own. Every day I am hit with the
same feeling. How I felt the first time I saw it. Sort of like when you realise someone is the one. I
realised Barnard is the one.

I hope that we see one another again someday. I am excited to talk to you about all the new literature I
have read and learnt about. I am looking forward to hearing more of your stories about Paris and
about the new books/poems you are writing.

Kind regards,

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