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Battery Consumption Report


May 10, 2022

Authored by: Ashutosh Singh

The main purpose of the Battery Consumption testing is to check the percentage of battery
consumed by Mappls Android Application for performing a certain activity on application in a given
interval of time. We have also compared the battery consumption result of Mappls with its
competitor Google Maps for performing the same activity for same interval of time on both the

Device details

Device Name: Redmi Note 11

Android Version: 11
Internet Connectivity: Mobile Data
Brightness: 100%
Battery: 100%
Bluetooth: OFF
Background App: NO

Application details

Mappls: Play store build version - 9.8.9(238)

Google Maps: Play store build version – 11.27.2(#1066482031)

Case1: Live Navigation on Mappls

In Case 1, we searched some places for 1 hour in Mappls application and then we set destination
“Nehru Place” and start live navigation to Nehru place. There is no application running in the
background, we just reached our 1st destination and then changed the destination to “Mapmyindia
Head Office” in the application. We wait there for 15 minutes and then start the navigation and
reached our final destination and keep the phone aside without killing the application for 1 hour.

App running for Total duration: 3hrs

Starting battery percentage: 100%
Final battery percentage: 53%
Battery percentage changed: 47%
Case2: Live Navigation on Google Maps

In Case 2, we searched some places for 1 hour in Google Maps application and then we set
destination “Nehru Place” and start live navigation to Nehru place. There is no application running in
the background, we just reached our 1st destination and then changed the destination to
“Mapmyindia Head Office” in the application. We wait there for 15 minutes and then start the
navigation and reached our final destination and keep the phone aside without killing the application
for 1 hour.

App running for Total duration: 3hrs

Starting battery percentage: 100%
Final battery percentage: 73%
Battery percentage changed: 27%

Battery Historian Result

Result 1: Battery consumed by Mappls
Battery Level Graph

The black line going downwards to left is showing the drop in the battery level with time.

This graph is showing the overall battery drop in the phone due to all the activities running in the
App Stats

Actual battery percentage consumed by Mappls Application is 13.25% during the activity performed
on mappls application in 2h 58m 52ms.

Device Power Estimate

This showing battery percentage consumed by all the application in the phone from the last reset.
Result 2: Battery consumed by Google Maps
Battery Level Graph

The black line going downwards to left is showing the drop in the battery level with time.

This graph is showing the overall battery drop in the phone due to all the activities running in the

App Stats

Actual battery percentage consumed by Mappls Application is 7.26% during the activity performed
on mappls application in 2h 59m 8ms.
Device Power Estimate

This showing battery percentage consumed by all the application in the phone from the last reset.


We performed the same activity on Mappls and Google Maps for same duration of time but we
found Mappls consumed more battery as compared to Google Maps.

Battery consumed by Mappls: 13.25%

Battery Consumed by Google Maps: 7.26%

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