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Bits and Pieces of Contemporary Arts

The Elements and Principles of Contemporary Arts


Appropriation is when an artist creates a new work of art by taking preexisting images from other
sources and modifies and/or incorporates those images with new ones. Existing artworks are
appropriated to produce another artwork. Usage of prints, images, and icons to produce another art
form. Combines past from the present. Revives interests to existing forms of art.


Performance refers to artwork created by or presented to an audience. Performance as an element can

also include the processes used by the artist to create the work. This takes place when the process used
to create the artwork is more important than the finished work itself. Interpreting various human
activities such as ordinary activities such as chores, routines and rituals, to socially relevant themes such
as poverty, commercialism and war.


Space in contemporary art refers to when an artist works with the real space surrounding the artwork
itself. It can play a role in the way the viewer looks at the artwork or even the way the work is perceived.
Arts transforming space. For example, flash mobs, art installations in malls and parks.

Site specific art forms – art form that is performed and positioned in a specific space such as public

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