21uhv49 Uhv Module 2

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21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 21UHV49 UNIVERSAL HUMAN VALUES Syllabus (VTU) Module 1: Introduction to Value Education Right Understanding, Relationship and Physical Facility (Holistic Development and the Role of Education), Understanding Value Education, Self-exploration as the Process for Value Education, Continuous Happiness and Prosperity — the Basic Human Aspirations, Happiness and, Prosperity — Curent Scenario, Method to Fulfil the Basie Human Aspizations. Module 2: Harmony in the Human Being Understanding Human being as the Co-existence of the, Self and ‘the, Bory, Distifiguishing between the Needs of the Self and the Body, The Bédy as an In¥imiment of the Self Understanding Harmony in the Self, Harmony of the Self withthe Body, Prbgramme to ensure self-regulation and Health. Module 3: Harmouy in the Family and Society Hannony in the Family ~ the Basic Unit of Human Jitertion, “Enust!> the Foundational Value in Relationship, ‘Respect’ — as the Right Evaluation, Othep/Pédlings, Wwstice in Human-to-Human, Relationship, Understanding Harmony in the Ségiety, Vision forthe Universal Human Order. Module 4: Harmony in the Nature/Existence Understanding Harmony in the Naftite, Ynterconneetedness, self-regulation and Mutual Fulfilment among the Four Orders afNature{Rs@lizifit Existence as Co-existence at All Levels, The Holistic Perception of Harmohyin Existence Module 5: Implication of the Hlisti@Uuderstifiding — a Look at Professional Ethics Natural Acceptance of Htiihan Walues, Dafinitiveness of (Ethical) Human Conduet, A Basis for Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Universal Human Order, Competence in Professional Ethies!>Holistic “Technologies, Production Systems and Management Models- Typical Case Stu@igs, Strategies foRTransition towards Value-based Life and Profession, Course Outcome (Course Skill Set) As per the Syllabus By the end @fithe course, students are expected to become more aware of themselves, and their surroundings (Giufily, society, nature); they would become more responsible in life, and in handling problems with sustainable solutions, while keeping human relationships and hnman, nature in mind, They would have better critical ability. They would also become seusitive to their commitment towards what they have understood (human values, human relationship and human society). It is hoped that they would be able to apply what they have leamt to their own self in different day-to- day settings in real life, at least a beginning would be made in this direction, Therefore, the course and further follow up is expected to positively impact common graduate attributes like: 1 Whatsapp +91 7975054865 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 1. Holistic vision of life 2. Socially responsible behaviour 3. Environmentally responsible work 4. Ethical human conduet 5. Having Competence and Capabilities for Maintaining Health and Hygiene 6. Appreciation and aspiration for excellence (merit) and gratitude for all Course Outcome Redefined by: Dr. dP. Course Outcome | Course Outcome Details Definition ® COL | Understanding and | By the end of the course, will havel comprehensive Application of Value | understanding of value explored in all modules. Education They will be able to, of value education in holistic develop: importance of right ‘understanding, ro: ‘cal facilities, and apply these conce lives. Additionally, students will demonst jing of continuous happiness and tat human aspirations and develop fil th 02 | Cultivation f the course, students will possess the Harmony. a being ills to cultivate harmony within themselves, self-regulation for overall well-being. Students will be able to ly principles of trust, respect, justice, and vision for a versal human order in their interactions and contribute to a harmonious environment. Students will develop a strong ethical foundation and professional competence through their engagement with the course modules. They will gain an understanding of ethical human conduct and the definitiveness of values in both personal and professional contexts. Additionally, students will analyze case studies related to holistic technologies, production systems, and management models to evaluate and implement value-based approaches. They will strategize and transition towards a value-based life and profession, considering the implications of their holistic understanding. co4 Critical Thinking and | Upon completion of the course, students will demonstrate Application of | enhanced critical thinking abilities and the ability to apply 2 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865, 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 Holistic Principles | holistic principles to real-life situations. They will analyze and evaluate information from all modules to make reasoned judgments and decisions. Students will demonstrate appreciation for the holistic perception of harmony in existence and actively apply their knowledge in day-to-day settings. They will aspire for excellence, gratitude, and competence while maintaining health, hygiene, and environmental responsibility. Study Materials Consolidated by DrePrasad P. Contact Whatsapp Number: 7975054865, Introduction to UHV The subject “Universal Human Values” ensures thatengineéting students develop not only technical expertise but also a strong ethical comp@jenabling than to contribute positively to society and become responsible and ethically soutid piOfession@lS.This subject is of utmost importance for second-year Bachelor of Enginesfing students, in.accordance with the sidelines set by the University Grants Commission (UGQ) of the Government of India, Ethical Foundation: Universal Human Value subjéet provides agstfong ethical foundation to engineering students, enabling them to make molly soxfutd desisious in their personal and professional lives. Human-Centered Engineering: Tt emphasizes the Bignifieance ofeonsidering the well-being and impact on human lives while designing and impleiiéufing engineeting projects, promoting a human-centered approach, Responsible Engitiéering: lietsubject instills a sense of responsibility among engineering students, emphasizing the ethigdl-and social implications of their work and encouraging them to be accountable for the consequences of tibir aétions Respect fobDiversity: Univeral Hiiman Value subject fosters respect for diversity, teaching students to value and appreciate differences in culture, religion, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds Social Sensitivity: It cultivates social sensitivity among students, making them aware of social issues and encouraging them to contribute positively to their communities. ‘Communication and Collaboration: ‘The subject enhances students’ communication and collaboration skills, emphasizing the importance of effective teamwork and interpersonal relationships in engineering projects. Sustainable Development: 3. / Whatsapp +91 797505486 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 Universal Human Value subject emphasizes the principles of sustainable development, encouraging students 10 consider the Tong-term environmental and societal impacts of their engineering practices. Ethical Leadership: Tt murtures ethical leadership qualities among students, empowering them to lead engineering projects with integrity, faimess, and a commitment to ethical conduct. Professional Integrity: The subject promotes professional integrity by addressing topies such as honesty, transparency, and avoiding conflicts of interest in engineering practi Ethical Decision-Making: Universal Human Value subject equips students with tools an works BE ethical decision-making, helping them navigate complex ethical @ilemmas thitunay arise in their engineering careers. Module 2 Harmony in t Syllabus: Understanding Human, Distinguishing between Su Being fon istence of the Self and the Body, Body, The Body as an Instrument of the ny of the Self with the Body, Programme to ing as the Co-existence of the Self and the x human beings as the co-existence of the self and the body broadens of engineering students, enabling them to design technologies and ulfill functional requirements but also consider the holistic well-being and uals The concept of understanding human beings as the co-existence of the self and the body emphasizes that we are not solely physical entities but also possess a unique self or identity. As engineering students, it is important to recognize and consider the holistic nature of individuals, beyond their physical attributes. Engineering for Human Wellbeing: In the field of engineering, our ultimate goal is to serve human needs and enhance human well-being, By understanding the co-existence of the self and the body, we can design 4 / Whatsapp +91 797505486, 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 technologies and systems that align with the psychological, emotional, and social aspects of individuals, ensuring a positive impact on their overall well-being User-Centered Design: Recognizing the self and the body as interconnected entities allows engineers to adopt a user-centered design approach, This means considering the subjective experiences, perceptions, and preferences of individuals when designing products, systems, or interfaces. By incorporating, user feedback and involving users in the design process, engineers can create more effective and, meaningful solutions. Human Factors Engineering: utal to the field of jeractioupbetween ilities, perception, 15 ean enhance Understanding the co-existence of the self and the body human factors engineering. This diseipline focuses on optimizi ‘humans and technology, considering factors such as ergot and emotional responses. By integrating human factors usability, safety, and overall user satisfaction. Ethical Considerations: 88 ethical considerations s on human antonomy, Recognizing the co-existence of the self and for engineers. It prompts us to reflect on the potential privaey, and well-being. It encourages responsible use of technology and consider the broader sod coz | RBTL. 1 y co2 | RBTL. 2 2) dering the holistic well-being of individuals 4) By focusing solely on user preferences in design Answer: e) By considering the holistic well-being of individuals ‘What isthe main focus of user-centered design in engineering? cod | RBTL » a) Incorporating subjective experiences and preferences 2 ) Meeting functional requirements of products and systems ©) Prioritizing physical ergonomics in design 5 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865, 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 <4) Ignoring user feedback in the design process Answer: a) Incorporating subjective experiences and preferences ‘What is the goal of human factors engineering? C03 | RBTL a) Enhancing cognitive abilities in human interactions ») Optimizing the interaction between humans and technology | 6 prioritizing aesthetics in product desien 4) Minimizing user involvement in the design process Answer: b) Optimizing the interaction between humans and: How does recognizing the co-existence of the sel engineering ethics? id the cd) RBTL 1 a) It promotes the exclusion of ethical considerations js 5) _| b) It encourages responsible engineering practices, ©) Itneglects the impact of designs on human 4) It prioritizes technical aspects over ethi Understanding Re ween the needs of the self and the body is ertcial for bachelor of engineering address the diverse ind Functional Requirements: ‘and, the needs of the body pertain to physical well-being and the fictional requirements that ensure the body's proper finetioning. This inchdes factors like nutrition, shelter, safety, and ergonomic design. User-Centered Design: Distinguishing between the needs of the self and the body is essential for adopting a user- centered dosign approach. Engineers must consider both the subjective experiences and physical requirements of users when developing products or systems to ensure optimal usability and user satishuetion Psychological and Emotional Factors: 6 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865, 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 ‘The needs of the self encompass psychological and emotional factors, such as social connections, emotional well-being, and a sense of puxpose, Engineering solutions should consider these aspects to cxeate technologies that promote mental health, social interaction, and overall happiness. Holistic Design Considerations: By distinguishing between the needs of the self and the body, engineering students can adopt a holistic design approach. This involves integrating various dimensions of human needs, including physical, emotional, social, and cognitive aspects, to create comprehensive and inclusive solutions. Which aspect does the distinction between the needs of tl Co2 | RBTL body primarily focus on? e a) Personal growth and self-expression 6) | ») Physical well-being and fimetional requirements ©) Psychological and emotional factors 4) User-centered design Answer: b) Physical well-being and functional xequiteinent Why is it important for engineering students to sh between the | CO4 | RBTL. needs of the self and the body? 2 a) To prioritize personal growth pn isfaction 7) | b) To ensure optimabusability and us c ©) To promote CO4 | RBTL Answer: d) Integrating subjective experiences and physical requirements Which dimension of human needs does the distinetion between the needs | CO2 | RBTL of the self and the body encompass? 2 9) | a) Physical and emotional aspects b) Psychological and social factors ©) Cognitive and finetional requirements 7 | Whatsapp +91 7975054865, 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 6) Personal growth and selE fulfillment Answer: b) Psychological and social factors What is the significance of adopting holistic design approach in | CO4 | RBTL. engineering? 2 8) Prioritizing physical well-being and functional requirements 10) | b) Promoting personal growth and self-expression, ©) Integrating various dimensions of human needs 4) Addressing psychological and emotional factors Answer: c) Integrating various dimensions of human needs el The Body as an Instrum of e Self https://youtu.be/fSbITgBJwhA By understanding the body as an instrument, f engineering students can develop a holistic perspective that integrates the physi /vand ergonomic aspects of human beings into their designs, resulting in tter serve the needs and well being of individuals, Physical Manifestation of Self: ‘The body serves as the phy; personality, and identi ourselves, and engage, the self, representing our individuality, that we interact with the world, express ough senses stich as sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, we gather servations, and derive meaning fiom our suzroundings, whieh is crucial in Physical Well-being and Performance: Maintaining the well-being of our bodies is essential for optimal performance and productivity. Taking care of our physical health through regular exercise, proper mutrition, and rest enhances our ability to focus, concentrate, and sustain energy levels, which are vital for engineering tasks and projects. Ergonomics and Human-Centered Design: Considering the body as an instrument of the self is crucial in the field of engineering, particularly in tiuman-centered design and ergonomics. Designing products, systems, and 8 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865, 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 interfaces that accommodate the physical comfort, safety, and usability of users is essential for enhancing user experience and satisfaction, How does understanding the body as an instrument of the self contribute | CO4 | RBTL to human-centered design in engineering? 2 4) Itemphasizes the importanee of aesthetics in product design, 11) | ¥) It considers the physical comfort and usability of users. ©) It focuses on maximizing technological advancements. 4) Itpriositizes cost-eficieney and production speed. Answer: b) It considers the physical comfort and usability o! ‘What role does the body play in the manifestation o| cor] RBTL 4) It represents our unique identity and personality. 1 12) | Dt soley foouses on physical appearanes ¢) It determines our intelligence and cognitive al coa | RBTL solving? 2 a) It enables engineers to 13) al Well-being important for engineering performance? co2 | RBTL pact on engineering tasks and projects. 1 wy) focus, concentration, and energy levels. 6) Kthindets creativity and problem-solving sblities. 4) Itis unrelated to productivity and efficiency. Answer: b) It improves focus, concentration, and energy levels. How does understanding the body contribute to ergonomics and human- | CO4 | RBTL centered design? 1 15) a) It prioritizes aesthetics over usability. 9 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865, 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 b) It focuses on cost-effective manufucturing processes. ¢) It considers the physical comfort and safety of users. 4) It ignores user feedback and preferences. Answer: €) It considers the physical comfort and safety of users. Harmony of the Self with the Body https://youtu.be/fSbITqBJwhA By understanding and nusturing the hannony of the self students can optimize their personal well-being, enhance the technologies that align with the needs and capabilities of indi he body, engineering ance, and design their Piesion Harmony of the self with the body plays a significant ngineers excel in their profession in several ways: Enhanced Focus and Concentration: When engineers have harmony between optimal physical and mental well-being. This, concentrate for longer periods, and deliver hi Improved Problem-Solving Abilities: les, they can maintain ‘us better on their tasks, steased efficiency, les, to Engineers who are in harmony #gith perience better cognitive fimetioning. They can think more clearly, a lems effectively, and come up with innovative solutions. Pl jental agility and enhances critical thinking skills, enabling enging n the self promotes emotioual well-being and positive relationships with et¥§Who have a strong connection with their bodies can manage their emotions, communicate effectively, and collaborate harmoniously with colleagues, clients, and. stakeholders, This fosters better teamwork, improves project outcomes, and enhances professional relationships. Long-Term Career Satisfaction: ‘When engineers prioritize hanmony between the selfand the body, they align their values, passions, and purpose with their professional goals. This holistic approach to their career choices promotes long-term satisfaction, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose in their work. Engineers who 10 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 are in harmony with themselves are more likely to find meaning in their profession and experience greater career success 16) What is one benefit of harmony between the self and the body for engineers? A) Increased physical fitness B) Improved problem-solving abilities ) Enhanced social skills D) Higher financial earings Answer: B) lmproved problem-solving abilities cot RBIL 4 17) Which aspect is promoted by harmony of the s@l& with the in engineering professions? A) Emotional well-being B) Financial success © Political influence D) Physical appearance Answer: A) Emotional well-being co: RBIL 18) How does harmony of the self wit body eontribute to effective collaboration? A) Enhances ph 2 2 abil onships co3 RBIL 19) ©) Long-term career satisfaction D) Development of technical expertise Answer: C) Long-term career satisfaction coa RBIL 20) Which cognitive fiction is enhanced by harmony of the self with the body? A) Attention to detail coz RBIL 11 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 B) Logical reasoning ©) Emotional intelligence D) Decision-making skills Answer: C) Emotional intelligence inderstanding Harmony in the Self https://youtu.be/tyEIS8Tp21lo By understanding harmony in the self, engineering students te a solid foundation for personal growth, well-being, and professional suecess the importance of maintaining a time effectively, Balancing Work and Personal Life: ‘Understanding harmony in the self involves recogni balance between work and personal life. It entails setting bo and prioritizing self-care to prevent bumout and maintain ov Integration of Mind, Body, and Emotions: Harmony in the self involves recognizing thd! it. emotions. It emphasizes the need to nurture al engaging in physical activity, and cultivating ‘Managing Stress and Building Resilience ‘mechanisms, practicing stress-reducing ¢ challenges effectively. jony in the self involves aligning personal values with professional courages students to reflect on their core values, passions, and ices that align with their authentie selves, fostering a sense of fulfillment engineering careers. Which aspect of understanding harmony in the self emphasizes the need | CO2 | RBTL to maintain a balance between work and personal life? 2 a) Integration of Mind, Body, and Emotions 21) | b) Balaneing Work and Personal Life ©) Managing Stress and Building Resilience 4) Cultivating Positive Relationships Answer: b) Balancing Work and Personal Life 12 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 What does understanding harmony in the self involve in terms of | CO2 | RBTL managing stress? 2 a) Aligning Values and Purpose 22) | b) Balancing Work and Personal Life ©) Managing Stress and Building Resilience 4) Integration of Mind, Body, and Emotions Answer: c) Managing Stress and Building Resilience ‘Which aspect of understanding harmony in the self emphi i | COL | RBTL to align personal values with professional goals? el? a) Managing Stress and Building Resilience 23) | b) Cultivating Positive Relationships ©) Integration of Mind, Body, and Emotions 4) Aligning Values and Purpose Answer: d) Aligning Values and Purpose Which aspect of understanding hanmowly in the s izes the need | CO3 | RBTL to develop effective communication, skill ‘ 2 a) Balancing Work and Personal ite 24) | b) Cultivating Positive Re ips ©) Managing St Resi 6) Integration of dy, and'Emotions warmony in the self involve in terms of | CO2 | RBTL jects of oneself? 2 ive Relationships 25) ess and Building Resilience 4) Balancing, Work and Personal Life Answer: e) Integration of Mind, Body, and Emotions Programme to ensure self-regulation and Health https://youtu.be/tyEIS8Tp2lo Balancing academic commitments with self-regulation and health practices can be challenging, but it is essential for long-term well-being and suecess 13. Whatsapp +91 7975054865 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 Self-regulation and health practices are not an all-or-nothing approach. One needs to start with small steps and gradually incorporate these practices into their routine. Consistency and commitment to self-care will help students to maintain a healthy balance between their academic responsibilities and personal well-being. Prioritize and Plan: Identify the most important tasks and allocate time for self-care accordingly. Set realistic goals and create a schedule that inchides dedicated time slots for studying, breaks, exercise, relaxation, and social activities. Efficient Time Management: Optimize the study time by using effective study ted Technique (working in focused intervals with short breaks) or reat specific time slots for different subjects or tasks Multitasking Opportunities: Look for opportunities to combine activities. Fo podcasts or lectures while commuting or exercising. This wat while engaging in physical activity. Make Self-Care a Priority: listening’ to educational enhance their knowledge Treat self-care activities as non-ne; Schedule regular exercise sessions, meals, and breaks throughout the ality sleep by establishing a consistent sleep routine and avoiding e udying. Utilize Breaks Effec During short bre ive study environment that promotes focus and productivity. Minimize distractions, your study materials, and ensure your workspace is comfortable and ergonomically designed, Practice Stress Management: Incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine. This could include deep breathing exercises, mindfiuIness meditation, or engaging in hobbies or activities that help you relax and unwind. Learn to Delegate and Prioritize: 14 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4% Semester Branches of VTU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 Identify tasks that can be delegated or outsourced to five up time for essential activities Prioritize tasks based on deadlines and importance to ensure you are allocating your time effectively. Flexibility and Adaptability: Recognize that your schedule may need adjustments from time to time. Be flexible and adaptable in managing unexpected events or changes, and be willing to make modifications to your routine when necessary. ‘What is the importance of prioritizing and planning in balancing academic commitments with self-regulation and health practices? A. Ithelps in efficient time management CO4 | RBTL 3 g 26) | B. It promotes effective communication C. Itenhanees problem-solving skills D. It fosters creativity Answer: A. It helps in efficient time managen Which study technique involves working in ‘fPcusedtinter ith short | CO4 | RBTL breaks? 1 A. Pomodoro Technique 27) | B.Mind Mapping C.SQ3R Method co2 | RBTL 2 Why is it important to seek support and accountability in managing time | CO2 | RBTL 29) effectively and practicing self-care? A. It promotes teamwork and collaboration B. Ithelps in developing critical thinking skills C. It enhances problem-solving abilities D. It fosters personal growth and well-being 15. / Whatsapp +91 7975054865 21UHV49 Universal Human Values, Common to All 4" Semester Branches of VIU, Kamataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 “Answer: D. It fosters personal growth and well-being What should be the focus when creating a study environment that | CO4 | RBTL promotes focus and productivity? 2 A. Minimizing distractions 30) | B. Incorporating physical exercise C. Establishing a consistent sleep routine D. Practicing stress management techniques Answer: A. Minimizing distractions 16 / Whatsapp +91 7975054865

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