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102 Nature Vol.

255 May 8 1975

plete1y unnecessa'ry mini~panic here re- cines Eke sulpha drugs and aspmn, West Bank town 'Of Nablus. Because
cently. The hereditary disease strikes trigger favism). The sale 'Of fava beans 58 % 'Of Samanitan marriages take place
people who lack a particular enzyme diminished, 'Of course, but rose again between members 'Of the same family,
(G6PD), one which protects red blood when citizens were infermed that un- an abnormal number 'Of physically 'Or
cells against the noxious effects of the less they came from these three ceun- mentally handicapped children is born
fava bean and 'Other materials, and thus tries they CQuld eat the lentils to their to members of the c'Ommunity. New
prevents anaemia. It is by no means hea,rt's content. A sc-reening pre- bleod in the form of five Jewish brides
limited to Jews, as it affects, among gramme now being carried out at local has improved the genetic mix in recent
others, Scandinavians, American Neg- ho~pita;)s should clarify the problem years, hut the community still remains
roes and groups in SDuth-east Asia. fer all Israelis in the course 'Of the next dangerously inbred.
But amDng Jews it tis limited almost few years. Yet these people, descendants 'Of the
exclusively to people who have lived in • The dangers 'Of inbreeding within a Good Samanitan, show an extra-
Iraq, Kurdistan Dr Iran. particular ethnic grQUp are starkly em- ordinary will to survive. They now
In spite 0If this weLl established fact, phasised by the problems ,facing the number more than three times as
the Ministry of Health last week dra- Samaritans, an ancient Holy Land sect many as they did a hundred years ago,
matically announced that all Israelis which new numbers some 450, half of when The Times reported that there
should refrain frem eating fava beans whom live in HolQn, a suburb 'Of Td were 'Only 135 Samaritans in the entire
(which, together with common medi- Aviv, while the ether half live in the country. 0

Mediterranean mercury alted with intoxicati'On. Accerding to seriously interested in this project and
the work 'Of the Swedish Expert Group from Foundations and others who
SIR,-The ar,ticle by Alexander 'On the Minamata epidemic, 60 /Lg!g Hg would make grants to start a World
Dorozynski (Apnil 17) 'On the signals ,the danger of intoxication Vegetable Fund, like the World Wild-
"Mediterranean poison fish forecast" mther than twice .the level (7.39/Lg!g) life Fund, but more urgent in view of
made by Dr MauI1ice AUbel1t, Director f'Ound by Dr Aubelrt in a fisherman. the greater pace of extermination.
'Of !the Centre d'Etudes et de Recher- Based on the relationship between the Yours sincerely,
ches des Bi'Ologie e.t Oceanographie concentration of mercury in hair, the LAWRENCE D. HILLS
Medicale in Nice states that more than blood level, the body burden and the Henry Doubleday Research
1 p.p.m. 'Of methylme,rcury ,is present in weekly dose, his fishermen probably had Association,
nLine species 'Of fish caught in the a body burden of less than 10 mg, which Braintree, Essex, UK
MediJtenranean. There is a calculation assuming steady state conditi'Ons was
attribUJted .te Dr Aubert worth quoting: the result of the weekly consumpti'On
"Since it has been found that 'Only 4 'Of 0.7 mg mercury as methylmercury. Methinks he doth
t'O 5 % 'Of me'rcury absorbed is fixed in Yours sincerely, edit too much
the 'Organism, the weekly absorption of L. MAGOS
food containing 2 mg 'Of mercury will MRC Laboratories, SIR,-Every new scientific journal to
,result lin a fixa,ti'On 'Of 80 /Lg. At this Carshalton, UK appear sports a long list of associate
In line 9 of paragraph 5 of the article, editors, members of the editorial board,
Taite ,the lethaJ d'Ose is I1eached <llbout 20
years". The lethal dose according to Dr 25 /Lg should read 25 mg. advisory editors or whatever. These are
generally academics who are presumed
Aubert is 80 mg, which is reached in
to guarantee the quality of the product;
the fisherman by the f'Ollowing
my suspicion is that they rarely do any-
equati'On: Plants thing beyond collect an annual fee,
2 mg X 0.04 X 52 X 20 SIR,-Rain forests, vanishing wild life referee a paper or two and line their
This c'akulaltion has .no scientific and the destruction of rare wild flowers shelves with complimentary copies of
basis. First Japanese data indicate that by reservoirs are all sure of space in the journal which they don't read. One
80 mg is the lowest texic bedy burden periodicals and funds (or conservation journal that I see has an advisory board
and n'Ot the lethal d'Ose. Second abun- on grounds of preserving the gene pool, of six in addition to twenty or thirty
dant data reviewed by expert commit- vet garden varieties of vegetables are associate editors; all the advisors have
tees show that approximately 95 % of in greater danger of extermination. The a Nobel Prize but only one in a field
the ingested merthylmercury is absorbed FAO are now searching Turkey for close to that of the journal.
fr'Om <the gastrointestinal tract and that hardy varieties still grown by peasants, I don't begrudge a fellow one sine-
the avemge half ,life 'Of methylmercury but Europe is destroying her genetic cure, but it is my impression that some
in the human body is 70 days. This heritage from the best of motives. hold five or ten editorial positions. How
means that the body burden 'Of the Modern methods of seed storage about a prize for the man with the most
fisherman in question will be 24 mg make it possible to keep packets "in appearances?
aftelr 6 months, 28 mg after 1 year and mothballs" for as long as 200 years and Yours faithfully,
28.86 mg in the steady state when he I suggest that stocks of all deleted M. CHARLES
will excrete exactly 2 mg 'Of meTcury a varieties should be donated to a Boston, Mass
week. National Seed Library, ideally sited at A year's free subscription for he or she
The same cdticism applies to Dr a University such as Reading, from whose nominee tops the list-but
Aubert's calculation for the child vic- which they would be available to plant nothing for the nominee, whose shelves
tims of Minamata. He also misquotes breeders and enthusiasts. We would are probably full already. Entries by
the lowest level of hair mercury associ- be glad to hear from those who are July I-Ed.
© 1975 Nature Publishing Group

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