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1. What social issues do you think are most important? What solutions can be found for each issue?

In today's world, there are several important social issues that deserve our attention. Three of these include poverty,
climate change, and access to education. These issues impact many people and require solutions to create a better society.

Poverty affects people's lives and prevents them from meeting their basic needs. To address this issue, we can start by
creating more job opportunities and fair wages. Governments and businesses can work together to invest in industries that
generate employment. Additionally, social welfare programs can provide support to those in need, offering access to
healthcare, food, and housing. By promoting education and skill development, individuals can improve their chances of
finding better jobs and escaping the cycle of poverty.

Climate change is causing severe environmental problems around the world. To combat this issue, we can take steps to
reduce our carbon footprint. Using renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can help reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. Governments should encourage industries to adopt eco-friendly practices and invest in green technologies. We
can also make a difference in our daily lives by conserving energy, reducing waste, and using public transportation or
carpooling whenever possible.

Education is crucial for personal growth and societal progress. To ensure everyone has access to education, governments
should prioritize building schools and hiring qualified teachers in underserved areas. Scholarships and financial aid can help
students from low-income families pursue their educational goals. Technology can also play a role by providing e-learning
opportunities for those in remote regions. By making education accessible and affordable, we can empower individuals to
create a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

Addressing social issues like poverty, climate change, and access to education requires collective effort. By creating more
job opportunities, implementing sustainable practices, and investing in education, we can make a positive impact on these
issues. It's important for governments, businesses, and individuals to work together, taking small steps in our everyday lives
and supporting policies that promote equality and sustainability. With these efforts, we can build a more inclusive and
prosperous society for everyone.

2. What do green jobs entail? What skills are necessary for “green jobs”?
Green jobs are a growing field that focuses on protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices. These jobs
contribute to the transition to a greener economy by addressing issues such as climate change, pollution, and resource
conservation. In this text, we will explore what green jobs entail and the essential skills required to excel in these roles.

Green jobs cover a wide range of industries and sectors. Some examples include renewable energy, such as solar and wind
power, sustainable agriculture, recycling and waste management, energy efficiency, and environmental conservation. In
these roles, individuals work towards minimizing negative impacts on the environment and promoting sustainable solutions.

To thrive in green jobs, certain skills are necessary. First and foremost, a solid understanding of environmental issues and
sustainability principles is crucial. This includes knowledge of renewable energy technologies, conservation strategies, and
waste reduction practices. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are also essential, as green jobs often involve finding
innovative solutions to complex environmental challenges. Strong communication and collaboration abilities are valuable
for working with diverse stakeholders, such as government agencies, communities, and environmental organizations.

Green jobs provide an opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable future. These roles encompass various industries and
require a combination of skills and knowledge. Understanding environmental issues, having problem-solving abilities, and
possessing strong communication skills are important for success in green jobs. By pursuing careers in this field and
continuously developing these skills, individuals can actively contribute to building a greener and more sustainable society.

3. What environmental issue do you think is the most serious?

In our world today, there are several critical environmental issues that require our attention and action. Among these, one
of the most serious environmental problems is climate change.

It leads to rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and increased frequency of extreme weather events such as
hurricanes, droughts, and heatwaves. These changes can have far-reaching consequences for ecosystems, biodiversity, and
human societies.

The impacts of climate change are widespread and severe. It threatens food security as changing weather patterns can
disrupt agricultural production and decrease crop yields. Rising sea levels pose a threat to coastal communities, increasing
the risk of flooding and erosion. Additionally, climate change can exacerbate water scarcity, impact public health through
the spread of diseases, and disrupt ecosystems, leading to the loss of biodiversity.
Climate change stands out as one of the most serious environmental issues we face today due to its wide-ranging impacts
on the planet and human societies. It requires collective action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to renewable
energy sources, and implement sustainable practices. By addressing climate change, we can mitigate its negative effects and
safeguard our planet for future generations. It is crucial that governments, businesses, and individuals work together to take
urgent and meaningful steps towards mitigating climate change and creating a sustainable future.

4. Do you support the idea of capital punishment? Do you think that is imprisonment is an effective way to prevent further
Personally, I find it challenging to support the idea of capital punishment. I believe that the decision of whether someone
should live or die is not within my rights or abilities. There is so much I cannot know about a criminal and their reasons for
committing a crime. but my argument for the death penalty is its potential effect on crime. The fear of facing the ultimate
punishment acts as a powerful factor in детерін deterring people from committing violent crimes. The prospect of losing
one's life can be a powerful factor and send a clear message that society will not tolerate the most violent crimes. Especially
in the conditions of martial law. Yesterday I literally saw the news that a sergeant of the Armed Forces сурандед
surrendered the positions of the Ukrainian military to the enemy. in such a case, high трізон treason is incriminated. and I
believe that the death penalty can be quite an appropriate punishment. but on the other hand, Crimes are usually not
committed without some анделайінг underlying factors influencing the individual's actions. Therefore, I believe it is
important to focus on understanding the criminal themselves. They may be dealing with mental health issues, lacking
control over their life, or falling victim to manipulative influences. Rather than simply arresting and punishing criminals, I
think it is crucial for law enforcement to investigate crimes and think about addressing such issues. Imprisonment, in my
view, is not an effective way to prevent further crimes.

5. Discuss the problem of homelessness, its causes and results. What solutions can be put forward to help the homeless
people in your community?
Homelessness is a significant social problem that affects individuals and communities around the world. It is a complex
problem with various causes and consequences.

The causes of homelessness are multifaceted. These can include lack of affordable housing, unemployment, poverty, mental
health problems and family breakdown. Economic problems can contribute to a cycle of homelessness, making it harder for
people to get out of the situation.

Homeless people face a lack of shelter, food and access to basic necessities, which can lead to poor physical and mental
health. They are also vulnerable to exploitation and discrimination.

There are various solutions to help the homeless in our community. First, it is important to increase the availability of
affordable housing. Governments and communities can invest in affordable housing and rental assistance programs.
Cooperation with local organizations to provide shelters, access to health and social services can ensure help for those who
need it.

Homelessness is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive approach to address its root causes and provide support
to those experiencing homelessness. By focusing on affordable housing, providing support services, and fostering
collaboration between government, communities, and nonprofits, we can make progress in helping the homeless get their
lives back on track. It is important to promote compassion, understanding and proactive measures to create a society where
everyone has access to safe and stable housing, ultimately reducing homelessness and its negative consequences.

6. What makes an ad effective? Do you believe that ads encourage consumerism?

Effective advertising plays a significant role in capturing consumers' attention, influencing their purchasing decisions, and
promoting products or services.

An effective ad is one that effectively communicates its message, resonates with the target audience, and drives action. It
should be attention-grabbing, memorable, and able to convey the benefits or value of the product or service being
promoted. Creative elements such as compelling visuals, catchy slogans, and engaging storytelling techniques can make an
ad stand out. Additionally, effective ads often utilize persuasive techniques, such as emotional appeal or highlighting the
unique features of the product.

While ads are designed to persuade consumers to make purchases, whether they encourage consumerism or not depends
on the perspective. Supporters argue that ads provide valuable information about products and help consumers make
informed choices. They believe that ads foster economic growth and competition among businesses. On the other hand,
critics argue that ads can create artificial needs, promote materialistic values, and contribute to overconsumption. They
express concerns about the environmental impact and the potential negative effects of excessive consumerism on
individuals and society.
Effective ads are those that effectively communicate their message, capture attention, and drive consumer action.

7. What are the pros and cons of retail shopping?

Retail shopping has both advantages and disadvantages.

One of the main benefits of retail shopping is the ability to physically see, touch, and try products before making a purchase.
Additionally, retail shopping provides immediate gratification as customers can take their purchases home immediately
without waiting for delivery. Retail stores also offer the opportunity for social interaction, allowing people to connect with
salespeople, seek recommendations.

One drawback of retail shopping is the limitation of the assortment of goods. Physical stores may have a narrower selection
compared to online retailers, limiting choices for consumers. Another disadvantage is the potential for higher prices compared
to online shopping due to factors such as rent, overhead costs, and staffing expenses.

Retail shopping has its advantages and disadvantages. While it provides the opportunity for hands-on experiences, social
interaction, it may also have limitations in product variety, require time and effort, and potentially come with higher prices.
The decision to engage in retail shopping depends on individual preferences, the specific product or service needed, and the
overall shopping experience. It is important for individuals to consider their needs, priorities, and available options when
deciding whether to engage in retail shopping or online shopping.

8. What are the pros and cons of online shopping?

Online shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering convenience and accessibility to a wide range of
products and services. However, like any other method of shopping, online shopping has its own advantages and

One of the major advantages of online shopping is convenience. With just a few clicks, individuals can browse and purchase
products from the comfort of their own homes, without the need to travel to physical stores. Online shopping also offers a vast
selection of products, allowing customers to compare prices and find unique items that may not be readily available in local
stores. Additionally, online shopping provides the convenience of 24/7 accessibility, enabling individuals to shop at any time
that suits their schedule.

One of the cons of online shopping is the inability to physically see, touch, or try out products before making a purchase. This
can sometimes result in receiving items that don't meet expectations.

Online shopping has its pros and cons, and the decision to shop online depends on individual preferences.

9. What do you consider to be important for the shopping experience? Which type of shopping fulfills your requirements?
I will speak in general, but these points apply to me as well. When it comes to the shopping experience, different individuals
have different preferences and priorities. What one person considers important may not hold the same significance for another.

An important aspect for many people is the availability of a wide range of products. it allows people to find the things they are
looking for. Another important factor is convenience. Many shoppers appreciate stores where they can easily find what they
need and have good payment and shipping options. In addition, customer service plays a significant role. Friendly and
knowledgeable staff available to answer questions and make recommendations also make for a positive shopping experience.

taking into account the factors mentioned earlier, online shopping often meets these requirements. Online platforms also
provide customer support via chatbots, email or phone, ensuring they are ready to help.

However, it is important to note that individual preferences may vary, and some people may still find value in a physical
shopping experience, such as being able to physically check out products. Ultimately, the choice between online and offline
shopping comes down to personal preferences and specific needs of each individual.

10. Why do people do extreme outdoor activities? What extreme sport would you like to try?
People engage in extreme outdoor activities for a variety of reasons, seeking adventure, and a unique experience.

For some, it is the desire to break free from their comfort zones and experience something extraordinary. Additionally, engaging
in extreme sports offers a sense of accomplishment and personal growth. By overcoming fears, developing new skills, and
pushing personal limits, people can raise their self-confidence and gain a greater sense of achievement.

as for me, I would like to visit a place where I could experience the thrill of skydiving. Skydiving is an extreme sport that requires
skill and the ability to control fear. parachute jumping presents an opportunity to face and overcome the fear of heights and
push personal boundaries. The sport requires focus, discipline, and trust in the equipment and instructor. It involves jumping
from a great height and free-falling in the air before opening the parachute to slow down and land safely on the ground. The
experience of skydiving would be unforgettable and I would like to try it someday.

extreme sports, such as skydiving, can provide a sense of achievement, personal growth, and a break from everyday life. When
participating in extreme sports, it is important to prioritize safety, get the right training and follow the instructions to ensure a
positive and enjoyable experience.

11. Describe a bad weather experience you have had.

The unpredictable nature of weather can have a significant impact on our daily lives and activities.

My bad weather experience in Ukraine is One unforgettable trip to Lviv. What was supposed to be a pleasant day turned into a
sudden downpour of rain. Streets became flooded, making it nearly impossible to walk without getting drenched. it was
especially unpleasant that I was wearing white sneakers. Despite having an umbrella, the strong winds made it difficult to shield
myself from the pouring rain.

The unexpected weather disrupted my plans and forced me to change my plans.

Experiencing bad weather, such as heavy rain in Ukraine, can significantly impact our daily activities and plans. It can force us to
seek shelter, change our plans, and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. It is important to be prepared for such weather events,
carry appropriate clothing and accessories, and stay informed about weather forecasts to minimize the impact of bad weather
on our plans.

12. How does art contribute to society?

Art plays a significant role in contributing to society in various ways. Firstly, it encourages self-expression. Through art, people
can express themselves creatively and explore their inner worlds. Secondly, art helps in the understanding of differences. Artistic
creations often reflect diverse cultures, traditions, and viewpoints, allowing people to encounter and appreciate different ways
of life. Individuals can broaden their horizons, challenge stereotypes, and develop a more inclusive worldview. Art promotes
tolerance, respect

In addition, art is a powerful tool for people to communicate. Through visual arts, music or theater, art has the ability to
overcome language and cultural barriers, creating a universal language of emotions and experiences. Art events and exhibitions
bring people together, and art has the power to challenge people's perceptions and provoke critical thinking.

13. What is your favourite film / book?

My favorite film is Top Gun: Maverick (2022), the long-awaited sequel to the classic 80s action movie. The story plot is riveting,
with Maverick (Tom Cruise) returning to the Top Gun school as a flight instructor and dealing with his past and future. The plot is
high-tech, with the film showcasing advanced fighter jets and technology. The performances are compelling, with Cruise
delivering an outstanding performance as Maverick, and the special effects are spectacular, making the dogfight scenes intense
and breathtaking. The ending is poignant, leaving the audience satisfied and emotional. Overall, I would recommend this film for
its story, intriguing plot, captivating performances, breathtaking effects, and poignant ending, making it a must-watch for fans of
the original film and action movies in general.


One of my favorite books is "Я, «Побєда» і Берлін" by Kuzma Skryabin. This captivating book revolves around an old and
battered car called "Pobeda," on which a young boy named Andriy and his friend Bart embark on a journey to the capital of

The plot of this book is intriguing, with unexpected twists and turns that keep you hooked until the end. The characters are

I like this book because it combines adventure, humour, and resourcefulness elements. The unforeseen events that Andriy
experiences and his ability to solve problems in unique ways make the story compelling. The book shows life and adventures of
Andriy Kuzmenko, the real-life person on whom the story is based, which adds authenticity and poignancy to the narrative

14. How is entertainment present in your life?

Entertainment plays a significant role in my life, just as it does in many people's lives. It provides me with moments of joy,
relaxation, and escape from my daily routine. Whether it's watching movies, or reading books, entertainment brings pleasure to
my day-to-day experiences.

I often choose something comedic, related to humor. because there were many jokes and funny situations in life, but now it's
gray everyday life. in the news every day there is death and corruption, so you have to look for something positive so that
everything around is not too depressing. however, even to watch stand-up, for example, I have to do other things at the same
time. since there is study in life, and there is not much time for hobbies and entertainment. and besides, this is the age when
you have to think about earning money, so there is even less time for entertainment

In summary, entertainment holds a significant place in my life, providing me with joy, relaxation, and an escape from the daily

15. How has technology changed the entertainment industry?

From my perspective, technology has completely transformed the entertainment industry, offering innovative experiences. It
has made entertainment more accessible and convenient than ever before. With streaming platforms and online services, I can
now enjoy movies, TV shows, and music at any time and from anywhere.

Additionally, technology has provided creators with powerful tools to bring their artistic visions to life. The availability of
advanced editing software, special effects, and digital animation expanded the possibilities for visual storytelling. Filmmakers can
now create breathtaking visual stories, while musicians can experiment with new sounds and produce music from the comfort of
their own homes.

In conclusion, technology has significantly changed the entertainment industry, making it more accessible, and interactive.
Thanks to technology, entertainment has become part of daily life, bringing joy, and inspiration

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