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Edexcel GCE
Biology / Biology (Human) (6102)

January 2005

Mark Scheme
Biology / Biology (Human) (6102)
Edexcel GCE
January 2005 GCE Biology Unit 2B - 6102

General Principles
Symbols used in the mark scheme

Symbol Meaning of symbol

; semi colon Indicates the end of a marking point.
Indicates that credit should be given for other correct alternatives to a
word or statement, as discussed in the Standardisation meeting. It is
used because it is not always possible to list every alternative answer
that a candidate may write that is worthy of credit.
Words or phrases separated by an oblique are alternatives to each
/ oblique
Indicate the beginning and end of a list of alternatives (separated by
{} curly brackets
obliques) where necessary to avoid confusion.
Words inside round brackets are to aid understanding of the marking
() round brackets
point but are not required to award the point.
Words inside square brackets are instructions or guidance for
[] square brackets

Crossed out work

If a candidate has crossed out an answer and written new text, the crossed out work can be
ignored. If the candidate has crossed out work but written no new text, the crossed out work for
that question or part question should be marked, as far as it is possible to do so.

Spelling and clarity

In general, an error made in an early part of a question is penalised when it occurs but not
subsequently. The candidate is penalised once only and can gain credit in later parts of the
question by correct reasoning from the earlier incorrect answer.

No marks are awarded specifically for quality of language in the written papers, except for the
essays in the synoptic paper. Use of English is however taken into account as follows:

• the spelling of technical terms must be sufficiently correct for the answer to be unambiguous
e.g. for amylase, ‘ammalase’ is acceptable whereas ‘amylose’ is not
e.g. for glycogen, ‘glicojen’ is acceptable whereas ‘glucagen’ is not
e.g. for ileum, ‘illeum’ is acceptable whereas ‘ilium’ is not
e.g. for mitosis, ‘mytosis’ is acceptable whereas ‘meitosis’ is not

• candidates must make their meaning clear to the examiner to gain the mark.

• a correct statement that is contradicted by an incorrect statement in the same part of an

answer gains no mark – irrelevant material should be ignored.

Page 2 6102 January 2005

January 2005 GCE Biology Unit 2B - 6102

Question 1 Maximum mark

Name of cell One function
{Phagocytosis (of bacteria /
Neutrophil / microbes) / description} / secretion
polymorph(onucleocyte) of {granules / antibacterial / basic
/ eosinophil / basophil ; protein / histamine / heparin} /
reference to allergies ;

Monocyte ; Phagocytosis / forms macrophages ;

{Antibody / immunoglobin /
Lymphocyte ; antitoxins} secretion (in response to
antigens) / synthesis ;

[Each box marked independently]

Total 6 marks

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January 2005 GCE Biology Unit 2B - 6102

Question 2 Maximum mark

(a) (i) (Chromosomes) condense / become visible / eq ;

Presence of homologous chromosome pairs / (form) bivalents / synapsis ;

Attach to spindle (fibres) ; [accept once - here OR in (a)(ii)]

Reference to crossing over / reference to {chiasmata / genetic material

exchanged} ;
2 marks

(ii) (Chromosomes) arranged at {equator / middle of cell} ;

{Bivalents / homologous chromosomes / very clear description} start to

separate ;

Attach to spindle fibres ; [accept once - here OR in (a)(i)]

2 marks

(iii) Centromeres divide / eq ;

Each chromosome separates into two chromatids / the chromatids

separate ;

(Separated chromatids) move to opposite poles ;

2 marks

(b) (i) {Secondary / 2°} oocyte ;

1 mark

(ii) {Secondary / 2°} spermatocyte ;

1 mark

Total 8 marks

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January 2005 GCE Biology Unit 2B - 6102

Question 3 Maximum mark

(a) A {Aortic / semi lunar / SL} valve ;

B Aorta / aortic arch ;

C {Atrio-ventricular / AV / bicuspid / mitral} valve ;

2 marks

(b) 1. {Valves / named valve / C} close ;

2. (To) prevent backflow (of blood) ;

3. Reference to {contraction / systole} of ventricle ;

4. Thick (muscular) wall / more muscle ;

5. Provides high {pressure / force / eq} ;

6. To pump blood through {systemic circulation / round body / eq} ;

7. Reference to elasticity of {aorta / B} (to accommodate blood expelled from

ventricle) / eq ;
4 marks

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January 2005 GCE Biology Unit 2B - 6102

Question 3 continued Maximum mark

(c) (i) 1. Uterus bigger / more tissue ;

2. More muscle development / eq ;

3. Reference to {development / maintenance} of {placenta / eq} ;

4. Reference to development of {fetus / baby} ;

[Maximum three marks]

(ii) 1. {More / greater} contraction / heart works harder ;

2. (Because) {blood / oxygen / nutrients} ;

3. (Pumped to) {uterus / placenta / fetus / mother’s body} ;

4 marks

Total 10 marks

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January 2005 GCE Biology Unit 2B - 6102

Question 4 Maximum mark

(a) Pancreas / pancreatic gland ;

1 mark

(b) (i) {Hydrolyses / eq} {starch / amylose / amylopectin} ;

To {maltose / dextrins} ;
2 marks

(ii) Neutralises acid (from stomach) / provides {optimum pH / eq} for enzymes
/ idea of suitable conditions for enzyme activity ;
1 mark

(c) 1. {Thin / single layer / simple} epithelium ;

To increase (rate of) diffusion / short diffusion distance ;

2. Reference to {long / folds / villi / microvilli} ;

To increase surface area ;

To increase (rate of) diffusion ;

3. Presence of capillaries ;

To maintain {diffusion / concentration} gradient ;

4. Presence of lacteal ;

To {uptake / eq} of {fats / products of fat digestion / eq} ;

5. Presence of muscle ;

To keep contents in contact with the absorbing surface / eq ;

5 marks

Total 9 marks

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January 2005 GCE Biology Unit 2B - 6102

Question 5 Maximum mark

1. (Thin wall) of {squamous / flattened} epithelium ;

2. Decreases diffusion distance ;

3. Reference to blood flow in the capillaries ;

4. Reference to ventilation / eq ;

5. {Maintains / eq} {concentration / diffusion} {gradient / difference} of

{(respiratory) gases / carbon dioxide / oxygen} ;

[Maximum 4 marks for Alveoli marking points (1-5)]

Reference to cell membrane ;

Diffusion gradients maintained by {use of oxygen (in respiration) / release

of carbon dioxide (from respiration)} ;

Reference to movement (cell/water) to maintain diffusion gradient ;

Total 5 marks

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January 2005 GCE Biology Unit 2B - 6102

Question 6 Maximum mark

(a) Function: Photosynthesis / {absorb / trap} light ;

Reason: Near top of leaf ;

Cells contain {chloroplasts / chlorophyll} ;

Reference to densely packed cells ;

3 marks

(b) Buoyancy / eq ;

Storage of {oxygen / carbon dioxide / gases} ;

Allows (rapid) {diffusion / movement} of {gases / named e.g.} ;

2 marks

(c) To enable {diffusion / uptake / exchange} of {gases (from air) / carbon

dioxide / oxygen} ;

If in lower epidermis would let in water ;

2 marks

Total 7 marks

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January 2005 GCE Biology Unit 2B - 6102

Question 7 Maximum mark

(a) No change with distilled water ;

Width increased from 0 to 3 hours (with K+) ;

Increasing rate change of width (with K+) ;

Then remained {constant / more or less constant / eq} (with K+) /

reference to decrease to 4 hours ;

Credit quantitative change, e.g. aperture increases by 7.6 µm / rate ;

3 marks

(b) Potassium ions are causing the stomata to open ;

Potassium ions enter guard cells ;

(And) decrease the {water / solute} potential ;

(So) water enters (guard) cells (by osmosis) ;

Increased turgor of (guard) cells ;

Reference to unequal thickness of (guard) cell walls ;

3 marks

Total 6 marks

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January 2005 GCE Biology Unit 2B - 6102

Question 8 Maximum mark

(a) (i) 61% and 48% ; [± 0.5]

1 mark

(ii) The affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen decreases ;

{Causes more oxygen to be released / increased dissociation of oxygen /

oxygen released more readily} (from haemoglobin) / haemoglobin less
saturated with oxygen ;

At same partial pressure of oxygen ;

(More) oxygen available for {respiration / ATP synthesis} ;

3 marks

(b) 1. Diffuses (from tissues) into tissue fluid ;

2. Diffuses into {plasma / blood / capillaries} ;

3. Carbon dioxide in solution / dissolved (in plasma) ;

4. Red blood cell contains carbonic anhydrase ;

5. H2O + CO2 H2CO3 ;

6. H2CO3 HCO3- + H+ ;

7. HCO3- transported (in plasma / blood) ;

8. Reference to Cl- / chloride shift ;

9. H+ {buffered / eq} by haemoglobin / haemoglobinic acid reference ;

10. CO2 combines with haemoglobin / carbaminohaemoglobin / carbamino

compounds ;

11. Reference to reverse in alveoli / CO2 diffuses into {alveoli / alveolar cavity
/ air} ;

5 marks

Total 9 marks

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