Truth p1

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The Rothschilds have funded both sides of every major war in the last 500 years.

People love to say that

they’re nowhere near as wealthy as they used to be but that’s like saying the banker in the game of
monopoly can go broke. When you own the BANK and control the value of currency through inflation
with unilateral authority as a non government entity to print the nations money (the “federal” reserve)
then you not only can’t go broke, but the entire world is your slave.

You can buy the labor of a million people for their whole lifetime and put the bill on your slaves kids and
grandkids to pay off. You can outgun, outman, outsmart ANYBODY because money is power and giving
someone a limitless money printer is essentially making them your god.

Only once we’ve razed the federal reserve to the ground and killed every last Rothschild in the bloodline
might we begin to take control of our own destiny.

On another note, the 1918 Balfour declaration, basically the British government saying “yeah take
Palestine I guess just be nice“ and giving the state of Israel legitimacy as a nation, is ADDRESSED to the
Rothschilds. Because they were, and are seen as like the Kennedys of the Jews. If not borderline royalty.

There are a few things that have to happen for the Jewish moshiach to appear, as stated in centuries old
Jewish prophecy.

First, the hebrews return to Israel. Referred to as the ingathering of the exiles: Isaiah 11:12 and 43:5-6

Second, the dome of the rock is rebuilt and returned to exclusively jewish worship, and “service”
returned to the temple. Which is a fancy word for routine animal(or possibly non jewish human) sacrifice

Third, universal knowledge of god. Basically the Jews all following the Torah and the goyim following the
noahide laws. (Dumbed down 10 commandments for people who have less layers of soul. Jews have 7
we have 5)

Fourth, world peace. Generally expected to come in the form of a United Nations type deal with Israel as
the center of justice and home of the world court. As such an oppressed minority they’re naturally more
fair, even handed and forgiving.

Those aren’t in any particular order by the way. Once completed, a descendent of David will be named
the Jewish king. Hes also supposed to bring people back from the dead and end all evil and sin but those
obviously couldn’t be fulfilled by man so they never will be.

My point being is that we are MUCH closer to the prerequisites needed to elect a Jewish king than we
were 100 years ago. It’s not a coincidence, organized extremist Jews with shitloads of cash are fulfilling
their own prophecy’s. particularly the Rothschilds considering they’re the whole reason israel exists. So if
the people with unlimited money are slowly gearing us towards a world led by israel and a Jewish king…
think about it…


Jeffery Epstein’s island had a “third temple” dome of the rock miniature. There’s evidence that the
bunker beneath it was filled in with cement weeks before Epstein’s arrest. We know he was Jewish and a
mossad agent but why would he have a mini replica of this particular jewish religious building?

Let me lay out the significance of this building in Judaism for context- this is the ONLY place that’s got the
rubber stamp to do sacrifice to apologize to god. That’s it. When the second temple was destroyed in
70AD by the romans they stopped practicing the sacrifice.

When the third temple is built, that will be the only place you can do sacrifice.

It’s actually a pretty big deal to the religious mind when you think about it, if you can’t practice sacrifice
in the right spot then you can’t apologize to god properly so we’ve been living in sin without apologizing
for around 2000 years.

They would sacrifice bulls, goats, sheep, birds, depending on the sin and the wealth of the individual.
The priest slays the animal, sprinkles blood on the altar, and burns the appropriate parts of the animal
on the altar.
They would often do burnt offerings of lambs, grain, wine

Some ultra religious Jews believe the transgression of not practicing this religious service is so egregious
that god is very angry at them, and that the Holocaust was retribution from god, their ticket back into
the holy land and gods graces. Look up the word Holocaust in any dictionary before 1900. The word
originally meant “a burnt offering”. Why would the ultra orthodox in a religion which famously wants to
restore this particular service refer to their own peoples massacre as a burnt offering? Because it fulfills
religious prophecy if you say it does.

The prophecy being that good things happen when you do the service, bad things happen when you
don’t. For that long of a period without the service, you need to “prove” monumental repercussions
otherwise your con is exposed.

Now why would Jeffery Epstein, a literal pedophile pimp for our politicians, have what is most likely a
fucking underground sacrificial lair on his island? Maybe the reason all his accusers were teenage girls is
because he had the really young ones killed/sacrificed? Who knows. What’s obvious is that it was
probably something horrible and having to do with kids.

Now consider that we pay for a quarter+ of Israel’s government while they send over agents to blackmail
our politicans and prey on our children. Epstein has long been replaced


the Mexican army is a buffer for the cartels to make it SEEM as though it’s not run by the drug lords.
Similar to how the Jewish mafia that runs the US puts a president in place so you THINK you’re in a

The cartel is basically the government in Mexico. Not much of a distinction between the two. The army is
basically the cartel with more paperwork. Similar to how our government is just the (jewish) mafia with
more paperwork.
Whatever they’re fighting over it’s more than likely not as simple as “good guys killing bad guys for being
cartel criminals”

It’s probably just corrupt government soldiers killing off rival cartel for the dominant local cartel. I’m
assuming it was some kind of ambush because there’s no way the cartel engaged those soldiers with the
equipment they had. Another reason these guys were probably targeted specifically is because the
Mexican government has nowhere near the resources of the cartels and has to make each move against
them count for 10. (Meaning they COULD NOT sustain a constant war against the cartels. At best they
can make targeted attacks against green lit individuals as seen here)

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