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A Research
Presented to
Siniloan Integrated National High School

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements For the
Senior High School
Home Economics Strand





(CUCURBITA MAXIMA) -PUTO FLAN” prepared and submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for Senior High School Technical Vocational
Livelihood Track by the researchers, JAN MYKEL P. ANTENOR, JUSTIN P.
E. ROCES, MARK MIEL I. VALENZUELA is hereby recommended for approval.


Approved by the committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ____


English Critic Subject


Statistician Subject Specialist



Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Senior High

School Technical Vocational Livelihood Track.


OIC Principal/ EPS–Science
Siniloan Integrated National High School



J. M. P. Antenor, J. P. Cadapan, J. B. De Jesus, J. D. Magondacan,

G. E. Roces, M. M. I. Valenzuela

Siniloan Integrated National High School

In this study, the researchers aimed to make a Crème Squash (Cucurbita

maxima)-Puto Flan and test the level of acceptability in terms of taste, aroma,
texture, and appearance.

This study used an experimental method for quantitative research. Twenty

students from Siniloan Integrated National High School were chosen at random to
take part in this study. They were picked because the product (Crème Squash) is
sold to senior high school students.

In level 1, there were significant differences in how well Squash Flavored

Steamed Rice Cakes are liked in terms of taste, aroma, texture, and appearance.
In level 2, there were significant differences in how well Squash Flavored
Steamed Rice Cakes are liked in terms of taste, smell, texture, and look.

Based on what the study showed, the researcher came to the following
conclusions about taste, aroma, texture, and appearance: 1) The creme squash
(Cucurbita maxima)-puto flan was acceptable in terms of taste, smell, texture, and
appearance, according to the data we collected. 2) There were significant
differences between the two ratios in terms of taste, aroma, texture, and
appearance, which means that there is a difference between the two ratios.

The study suggested that Crème Squash be used to make a new kind of
puto flan with a healthy food called squash (Cucurbita maxima), which has
protein, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, fiber, and other nutrients. The Crème
Squash is easy to make and does not cost much if one will sell it. There is nothing
to worry about when making crème squash because one can make good crème
squash by following the set steps.

Keywords: squash, puto flan, pastries


This manuscript would not have been accomplished without the guidance

and help of several individuals who in one way or another have contributed and

extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this


First and foremost, the Almighty Father above for providing them the

courage to pursue in accomplishing the study;

The researcher would like to acknowledge Ms. Florigine D. Tamesis, their

research adviser, English Critic who took the time and effort to guide them

throughout our journey in Practical Research;

To Mrs. Shemail R. Lubuguin, their subject specialist in bread and pastry,

for giving them some of her knowledge in baking that helps them to make the

product used in this research;

To Mr. Rogie R. Francia an exceptional Subject Specialist, whose

profound knowledge, and dedication to teaching have positively impacted our

students' learning experiences;

To Mr. Richard I. Tuala, their Statistician, whose meticulous analysis, and

interpretation of data have greatly contributed to our projects' success;

To Dr. Icy Princess A. Trencio, their visionary Chairperson, who allowed

the students of Siniloan Integrated National High School to be their respondents;

To Mr Felipe A. Alcantara, their Class Adviser, who always reminded

them and gave them moral support;

To their fellow students, the 12 HE 2 Researchers, for cooperating with

one another. Although grades are still taken into consideration, the importance of

teamwork and cooperation in the section has grown.

Lastly, to the families particularly to parents of the researchers for their

unconditional love, financial support, and consideration in giving them enough

time to complete the research in addition to their household duties and


- The Researchers


“This study is dedicated to my loving mother who supports me,

Thank you for always being at my side. To our creator who gives us the

strength and knowledge to finish this study. To our teachers who patiently

help us to make this possible specially Ms. Florigine Tamesis. To my friends

who's believing in me. And of course, to the people behind this research

study, Thank you so much, I'm grateful for having these people in my life, God


-Jan Mykel Antenor

“I express my sincere dedication to this study to my beloved parents,

who have served as a constant source of motivation and provided unwavering

support during moments of doubt and exhaustion. Their encouragement,

moral guidance, spiritual nourishment, emotional backing, and financial

assistance have been invaluable throughout this journey. I also extend my

heartfelt gratitude to my siblings, relatives, mentors, friends, and classmates,

who have shared their wisdom, advice, and words of encouragement, helping

me to successfully complete this study. Finally, I humbly dedicate this book to

the Divine Being, the Almighty God, acknowledging and thanking Him for His

unwavering guidance, strength, mental acuity, protection, and blessings,

which have allowed me to lead healthy lives and achieve my goals. I offer all

of these expressions of dedication and gratitude to Him.”

-Justin Cadapan

“First of all, I would like to thank Almighty God who gives me strength

and knowledge every day. Also, to my Family that always supported me,

especially financially. To our teachers and to Gabriel Gamara, Ramses

Opena, and Paul Quintero my friends, I'm so thankful for your support and for

sharing their knowledge on things that we can't do. Lastly, I'm so gladly

thankful to my fellow classmates who gives and shared the idea for this

research paper, if these people mentioned here do not exist, we would not be

able to carry out this research properly.”

-Jennah De Jesus

I dedicated this study sa mga taong sumoporta sa desisyon ko sa

buhay at sa magulang ko na gumabay sakin para marating ang aking

pangarap at sa aking research group. Nag papasalamat ako kay allah na

binigyan ako ng lakas para lumaban at ituloy ang aking pangarap, hindi ko

inakala na mararating ko kung ano man meron ako ngayon, thank you to

everyone who are behind this study. I dedicated this study to the people who

supported me and to my parents who guided me to achieve my dream and

decision in my life and thank you to my research group be guided you all. I

would like to thank Allah for giving me the strength to fight and pursue my

dream, I never thought I would reach what I have now, and thank you to

everyone who is behind this study.

-Jhovanie Magondacan

Lastly, we acknowledge our own perseverance in completing this

research. Despite the challenges, we stayed committed to the task. We are

proud of our efforts and grateful for this accomplishment.

“I dedicate our studies to my parents because they were the first to

support us and above all, thank you to everyone who believed in us after we

completed our studies and thank you to the teachers who always advised us

in our work more to all thanks to God who always guides us”

-Ginalyn Roces

“This study is dedicated to my family who is always by my side. To God

who is very good, to the teachers who guided us this school year, especially

ma'am Tamesis. And to those who became my friends in the second home, I

will never forget you, especially my group who trusted me, Thank you very

much, thank you for the happy memories we have built. God Bless!”

-Mark Miel Valenzuela











Introduction 1

Background of the Study 5

Review Of Related Literature 6

Theoretical Framework 17

Conceptual Framework 20

Statement of the Problem 20

Hypothesis 21

Scope and Limitation 21

Definition of Terms 22


Research Design 23

Sampling Technique 24

Respondents of the Study 24

Research Instrument 25

Research Procedure 27

Statistical Analysis 30



Summary of the Findings 40

Conclusion 40

Recommendation 40



Research Questionnaire 44

Raw Data Statistics Analysis 49

Documentation Recipe 57

Gantt Chart 58

Curriculum Vitae 59



1 Level of Acceptability in terms of Taste 32

2 Level of Acceptability in terms of Aroma 34

3 Level of Acceptability in terms of Texture 36

4 Level of Acceptability in terms of Appearance 38



1 Research Input, Process and Output 20

Chapter 1



Baked goods are foods that are baked with grains and on cereal

products. A distinction is made between bread, small baked good, pastries,

and dry Baked goods. Although baked goods are foods made from dough or

batter that are baked or steamed, which is a method of cooking food that uses

prolonged dry heat, typically in an oven, but also in hot ashes or on hot stones.

Bread is the most baked item, but many other foods are baked as well.

Based on De Cindro (2011) Pastries are baked goods made primarily to

enhance and season the flavor of the filling. The main types of short pastries

and pie crusts are made with hard facts that are hardened by a catalytic

process to set the rheological properties of the dough. Unfortunately, these

processes result in the formation of trans fats that are dangerous to consumer

health. As a result, less and less hydrogenated fats are used today in favor of

natural added fats sources.

Popular Filipino rice cakes known as puto are originally made from

finely ground wet rice that is steamed in spherical containers and served

sliced. The demand for these adaptable cakes led to the creation of numerous

current puto variations, which frequently differ in texture, color, form, size, and

flavor. They can be eaten as a quick snack or dessert due to their bland flavor,

but they are also frequently served as a side dish to savory dishes like

substantial Filipino stews.

Based on Sanchez, (2021) Puto recipe gives you an airy, light, and

slightly sweet, steamed rice cake which is a Filipino classic. As a kid, there

was always puto served on the dessert table at our family parties (or boodle

fights) and they were always the perfect bite-sized pieces to sneak before

dinner would start. While there are plenty of premade puto cake mix boxes,

you can buy at local Filipino grocery stores, making puto at home is fairly

easy. With this recipe, you can have fresh homemade puto in under 45

minutes (or less).

A cooked custard called flan is quite similar to crème caramel.

Typically, eggs, cream or milk, gelatin, and vanilla are used in its preparation.

Due to the bottom layer of burnt or caramelized sugar, the custard is

frequently confused with crème caramel. The crunchy sugar is then placed on

top of the small flan ramekins. Although it has French roots, this custard is

highly popular in Latin American nations. Flan is frequently served in Latin

American nations or establishments without the caramel sugar top, instead

being simple and more akin to Italian cream. Christensen, (2023)

According to Hassani, (2022) flan can refer to two different things:

either a baked custard dessert topped with caramel like the French crème

caramel, or a tart-like sweet pastry with a filling called a fruit flan. A dessert

flan is made of eggs; sweetened condensed milk, cream or whole milk; and

flavorings such as vanilla, orange, coconut, or coffee. Because egg-based

custard is delicate, flan is baked in a water bath in the oven. Popular in Spain

and Latin America, flan is a dessert that varies only in name and not so much

in preparation. Letche flan is the Filipino version of flan similar to Mexican flan.

Flan de queso is a Latin American flan variation made with cream cheese that

can also be flavored with coconut.

Meanwhile, according to Drime, (2020) squash is one of the vegetables

used in healthy diets as well as in traditional medicine in many countries

because of the nutritional and health benefits of the bioactive compounds

obtainable from its seeds and fruits.

Squash, scientifically known as Cucurbita maxima, is a tendril-shaped,

green, and yellow vegetable that is native to North and South Americas and

belongs to the Cucurbitales family. contains crushed ovals of orange or yellow

flowers, which bloom after the edible fruit. Skin is red, dark green, or yellow,

and flesh is green. The heated and softened surface is rough and abrasive.

Since pumpkins have been around all year, eating pumpkin flesh on the winter

solstice is regarded as a valuable cold and stroke prevention strategy.

Circulation needs vegetables, especially in the winter. The time is now—

summer. Because seeds are high in minerals and protein, they can prevent

artery hardening and have other health benefits like preventing anemia and

lowering blood pressure. In Japan are lot of kins pumpkin such as the pumpkin

(C. moschata), Acorn Squash, Pepo (C. Pepo), squash (C. maxima), but in

Japan Western pumpkin are the most popular.

Squash is a warm, delectable, and nutritious meal that is a mainstay

during the fall season. Although it's frequently roasted or steam-cooked, the

name of this food comes from a Native American term for raw or uncooked

veggies. One of the most adaptable crop varieties is squash. There are two

primary types: winter squash, which grows longer on the vine and often has a

stiff shell, and summer squash, which is harvested when it is still immature.

According to Sachdev, (2022) there are several types of squash, such

as acorn, spaghetti, butternut, and kabocha squash. These come in a wide

range of shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. Squash is frequently thought of as

a vegetable, however it comes from a flower and has seeds, making it a type

of fruit. These seeds are edible, as well as the flesh and, frequently, the skin.

However, you can scoop out the flesh and discard the remainder with most

winter squash varieties. Any way you choose to consume it, this delightful treat

is bursting with fiber and antioxidants. Squash contains a wealth of vitamins,

minerals, and antioxidants that have a number of health advantages. Squash's

antioxidants can be very helpful in lowering oxidative stress. In turn, this might

aid in lowering the risk of cancer.

The Filipino dish puto flan is prepared with combined crème caramel

and puto, or steamed rice cakes. It is frequently served with a cheese or

caramel topping.

According to Vasques (2022), Puto (rice cake), leche flan (custard), and

caramel are the main ingredients of the Filipino delicacy known as puto flan.

It's frequently offered as a dessert or as a snack. The puto (rice cake) is first

steamed until it is soft and fluffy before being used to make puto flan. Then,

milk, sugar, and eggs are combined to make the leche flan (custard). The puto

and leche flan are then placed one on top of the other in a jar or other

container. Finally, sugar is heated until it melts and turns a deep amber color

to create the caramel. The leche flan is then covered with caramel. After that,

the puto flan is chilled for a few hours before serving.

In this study, the researchers aim to make and test the acceptability of

Crème Squash (Cucurbita maxima) -Puto flan. to have a new taste of dessert

with a healthy nutrient that gives the individual person a healthy benefit.

Background of the study

Many pastry shops have been opened in various nations, some of

which have become incredibly well-known worldwide. Due to competition, one

pastry shop has many businesses, and these businesses have developed a

variety of plans and strategies. The researchers want to investigate on how

compatible of crème squash.

According to Lorna Tepper squash is commonly grown in the

Philippines throughout the year. It is usually grown in home gardens and

commercial scale for its immature fruits, young shoots, flowers and seeds. In

some places, intercropping squash with other crops like corn, sugarcane and

coconut is practiced. It is commercially cultivated in Ilocos Region, Cagayan

Valley, Southern Tagalog and Bicol Region. The provinces producing semi-

commercial scale are Davao, Leyte, Nueva Ecija and Batangas. Like other

cucurbits, squash is recognized as an important source of vitamins and


According to WedMD Editorial Contributors (2020) There many health

benefits such as the many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in

squash provide several health benefits. The antioxidants in squash can play

an important role in reducing oxidative stress. In turn, this may help with

cancer prevention. 

The possibility of squash for marketing is on seeing the widespread

market demand for squash, anticipations have been made that the global

squash market witness an extensive growth rate during the forecast period.

The COVID-19 outbreak has a varied effect on the squash market. The

demand for healthy food drinks like concentrates is witnessing a rise.

Review of Related Literature

Cantiga, et al. (2020) said that crinkles are sweet, chewy cookies that

resemble fudge and are dusted with confectioners' sugar. Crinkles are typically

prepared with chocolates. Squash was a vegetable that the researchers added

to the original form of crinkles. In this study, experimental research was used.

To choose the respondents, the researchers used a straightforward random

sampling method. Data collection involved the use of survey questions.

Variables like flavor, texture, nutritional content, competitiveness, and

presentation of squash crinkles were evaluated. With a weighted mean of

3.76, the results demonstrated that the product was satisfactory in terms of all

variables. The respondents recommended that the product should be

improved. For commercial interests, more research on the viability of squash

crinkles' market is essential.

According to Trinidad, et al., (2020) said that Filipinos of all ages enjoy

pandesal. The art and expertise of a chef are put to the test when baking

pandesal, according to tradition. It is frequently served hot and may be

consumed with milk, coffee, or hot chocolate. Random sampling was the

method we utilized to choose the respondents. According to our survey, 99%

of participants submitted positive comments, and 1% of participants left

negative ones. Almost all of the respondents (99%) agreed on statements like

"healthy, crunchy, have a wonderful taste, good for the youngsters,"

"delicious," and "healthy."

Charles, et al. (2020) mentioned that squashes are indigenous to the

New World, where they were created by regional farming communities prior to

the arrival of the Europeans. Natural products develop quickly; thus they must

be harvested soon after the structure is put in place and used soon after it has

been harvested. Most people consider the skin to be edible. Cakes are a

cutting-edge alteration of bread. In the past, bread has typically been used

more frequently than cake. Cake is a sweet food that is often heated and

made using flour, sugar, and other ingredients. Informally held occasions like

weddings, anniversaries, and birthday parties frequently substitute cake for the

traditional celebratory cuisine. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how

acceptable squash cake with white chocolate is. Flour, cinnamon, salt, baking

soda, and baking powder were combined in a different basin. Raisins and

walnuts were then included. Squash has a unique place in American history as

a native vegetable farmed by Wampanoag Tribes. Squash is one of the three

main crops grown in the Americas, the other two being maize and beans. The

researchers employed a survey questionnaire (checklist) to ask participants for

information. To a select group of Bestlink College of the Philippines students,

the researchers delivered questionnaires. The study's findings were compiled

and examined. This chapter summarized the data's findings, the conclusion

reached, the findings, and the researchers' suggested recommendations.

In Isabel, Leyte, the Philippines, squash cupcakes are satisfactory in

terms of their appearance, texture, color, aroma, fluffiness, and flavor. Given

the health advantages for both children and adults, squash cupcake

production can be done in large quantities. Squash cupcakes can be included

on parents' and cafeteria owners' lists of ways to encourage youngsters to eat

their vegetables, which could be good for their health. To keep the food fresh,

bakeries may make enough squash cupcakes in a single day. (Mercadal, et

al., 2022).

According to Basuga, et al., (2020) making nourishing cuisine is one of

the Filipinos' specialties because they place a high importance on nutrition to

give their bodies the nourishment they need for growth, maintenance, and

tissue repair. The choice of a nutritionally adequate diet is a crucial element in

maintaining good health. It also serves as a reflection of a person's general

outlook on work, leisure, and life in general, as well as of his physical health. A

feeling of wellbeing results from receiving the proper nutrition. So, having a

wide variety of menus helps someone become adept at creating these kinds of

meals. It is believed that baking preserves food's nutritional worth better than

any other type of preparation. In addition to being high in calories, baked

goods are also high in protein, lipids, and minerals, and nutrients. Products

that are baked are digestible because they don't have a lot of cooking oil in

them. They have a lengthy shelf life as well. It also enables one to express

their creativity. Baker that enjoys their job occasionally experiments with new

recipes, raising the standard of their baked goods. A descriptive study design

was employed by the researchers. To select the respondents, the researchers

also employed a random sampling technique. Squash 'decal has a good taste,

scent, texture, and appearance, the researchers' findings indicate. As a result,

the market may accept this product. The product is not only wonderful for

health but may also become one's business at home. The product be

accepted in the market based on the data the researchers acquired.

Valenzuela, et al. (2015) remarked that on its physical, chemical,

physicochemical, nutritional, functional, and technological features, there

aren't many research investigations. The usefulness of squash as a source of

and -carotene, lutein, vitamin C, dietary fiber, minerals, and phenolic

compounds is highlighted in some scientific publications. These nutritional and

biological elements are crucial for promoting human health.

Saavedra, et al. (2019) said that portugal uses squash pumpkins a lot,

and as a result of processing them, plenty of shell and seeds are produced. By

examining the impact of various extraction solvents and drying techniques, we

hope to assess the potential of these wastes as sources of beneficial and

bioactive chemicals (antioxidants and antimicrobials).

The current analysis emphasizes the Rhododendron's therapeutic,

nutritional, and prospective uses by creating value-added products to enhance

the livelihood and create additional employment prospects for the rural tribal

community. (Kumar, et al., 2020).

Verma, et al. (2015) said that upon consumption of rice, bioactive

substances demonstrate defense against human disease and favorable

effects on the body's immune system While rice's nutritional value and

bioactive components vary according on the cultivar, soil fertility, fertilizer use,

and other environmental factors. In comparison to other cereals, the following

trend still holds true: low fat content after bran removal, low protein content

(about 7–10%), and higher protein digestibility. Around 80% of a grain of

freshly harvested rice is made up of carbohydrates such starch, glucose,

sucrose, and dextrin. Along with the white-rice varieties, several types of rice

are classified as colored rice (also known as black, brown, purple, and red

rice). Large amounts of anthocyanine pigment deposited in the rice coat are

what gives the rice grains their colors. As a result of its high nutritional value,

high biological activity, and possible effects on human health, rice grains are

now receiving increasing attention from consumers as well as nutritionists and

health professionals. Rice is recognized as the king of cereals in terms of

nutritional value, better digestibility, biological activity, and potential health


According to Yun, (2015) mentioned that several amounts of pumpkin

were used to make pumpkin rice cakes, and after that, instrumental analysis

and sensory assessment were carried out to assess the cakes' quality and

establish the proper pumpkin usage. With the inclusion of pumpkin, the

moisture content of the rice cake increased. By using pumpkin, Hunter's color

value lost brightness while gaining more red and yellow hues. In a textural

profile investigation, the addition of pumpkin increased the hardness,

gumminess, and chewiness of the pumpkin rice cake. All categories in the

sensory evaluation were substantially different at p 0.05, with the exception of

flavor. In terms of color, flavor, moistness, consistency, and general

acceptability, the rice cake with 30% pumpkin received high sensory


Park, et al., cited that the anti-staling action produced by the addition

This study sought to determine the squash's (Cucurbita maxima) sensory

acceptability for use in baking cakes in terms of look, taste, color, texture, and

overall acceptability. As respondents, a panel of 20 carefully chosen

evaluators from the West Visayas State University - Janiuay Campus' School

of Hotel and Restaurant Services Technology were used. Four treatments

were created for the trial, three of which included squash in varying amounts,

while the fourth served as the control variable and had no squash at all. The

respondents evaluated the finished goods using a modified sensory

assessment score sheet based on a fivepoint hedonic scale. The statistical

methods used were means, ANOVA, and the Scheffe test. Overall, the

findings showed that respondents loved baked cakes with 120 grams of grated

squash and no grated squash just moderately, whereas they appreciated

baked cakes with 240 grams and 380 grams of grated squash very lot. The

level of acceptability of the various treatments in terms of look, taste, color,

texture, and overall acceptability varied significantly.

Leguminous flour's amino acid makeup and fiber content make it a

perfect addition for enhancing the nutritional value of baked goods. The

study's objective was to assess the protein quality and organoleptic qualities of

cakes made in part with rice flour and flours from chickpea, lentil, and white

bean. Rice cakes were made by adding between 20% and 40% of the flours

from chickpea, lentil, and white beans. In particular, the most limiting amino

acids in rice flour cakes samples, lysine and threonine, had higher protein and

amino acid levels after supplementation (p 0.05). Acceptability data showed

that there were increased disparities in the mean ratings for flavor, color, odor,

texture, and overall acceptability in some cakes (p>0.05). The study suggests

that food manufacturers should promote the use of composite flour to create

cakes that are of high quality, acceptable, and nutritious. (Lotfy, et al., 2020).

Kharsahnoh, et al. (2021), mentioned that the current study of rice cake

using rice flour, black cherry pulp, and basil as a supplement found that the

product has a higher content of carbohydrates. This is primarily because rice

flour is rich in carbohydrates, which gives it more energy. It was also

discovered that the product has a higher content of minerals with the addition

and supplementation of black cherry pulp and basil. As a result of the fruit's

high anthocyanin content, black cherries play a significant influence in how

each product is employed in various treatments. Yet, despite having little

caloric content, basil is a potent adaptogen, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory

herb. Yet, despite having little caloric content, basil is a potent adaptogen,

antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory herb. Thus, adding black cherry pulp and

basil to rice flour increased the color, flavor, and general acceptability as

evidenced by the sensory score card, which showed that the addition of 5%

black cherry pulp and 1% basil received the highest score. The item has a

healthy amount of potassium, magnesium, and carbohydrates.

The goal of developing Riceberry, a Thai black rice variety

(Oryza Sativa L.), was to give consumers high iron and low glucose. As a

result, riceberry may be used to create processed foods that are healthier. In

this regard, ten combinations of riceberry flour (RF), xanthan gum (XG), and

glutinous rice flour were used in a D-optimal mixture design for the

optimization of the steamed rice cakes (GRF). The textural, physicochemical

and sensory characteristics, as well as the estimated glycemic index (eGI) of

the steamed rice cakes, were evaluated in relation to the effects of RF

substitution for GRF with XG addition. The outcomes showed that eGI,

textural, and sensory characteristics of the steamed rice cakes were

significantly influenced by RF, XG, and GRF. The steamed rice cakes'

hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, and gumminess were positively

impacted by the variable XG. XG had a detrimental influence on hydrolysis

index and eGI. The optimal blend developed on a basis of overall liking,

hardness, adhesiveness, gumminess, and eGI value contained 39% RF, 1%

XG, and 60% GRF with attractiveness equal to 0.673. Red bean pastes with

100% isomaltose replacement for the filling. (Laokuldilok, et al., 2015).

Park, et al. (2017). compared baked rice cakes made with dry and wet

rice flour in terms of their quality features. Testing was done on the samples'

moisture content, color values, texture, and sensory evaluation (attribute

difference and acceptability). The baked rice cake with non-glutenous rice of

the dry type had the highest moisture content, and rice cake baked with dry

type had weaker brownishness and consequently had greater brightness value

in comparison to rice cake baked with wet type. In terms of texture, it was

discovered that the rice cake made using wet non-glutenous rice had the

hardest texture, whereas the rice cake made with glutinous rice had a softer

feel. Both wet and dry glutinous rice had the lowest hardness, while wet non-

glutenous rice had the highest hardness. The rice cake made with glutinous

rice displayed clear signs of springiness, moistness, adhesiveness, and

gumminess, according to an attribute difference test of the samples (except for

the harness). Dry glutinous rice flour was chosen over wet rice powder,

despite the fact that the cake made with the latter exhibited no discernible

change. In terms of flavor, taste, texture, and general acceptability, the rice

cake made using wet glutinous rice flour was favored.

Borro and Gemora, (2016), cited that this study sought to determine the

squash's (Cucurbita maxima) sensory acceptability for use in baking cakes in

terms of look, taste, color, texture, and overall acceptability. As respondents, a

panel of 20 carefully chosen evaluators from the West Visayas State

University - Janiuay Campus' School of Hotel and Restaurant Services

Technology were used. Four treatments were created for the trial, three of

which included squash in varying amounts, while the fourth served as the

control variable and had no squash at all. The respondents evaluated the

finished goods using a modified sensory assessment score sheet based on a

five-point hedonic scale. The statistical methods used were means, ANOVA,

and the Scheffe test. Overall, the findings showed that respondents loved

baked cakes with 120 grams of grated squash and no grated squash just

moderately, whereas they appreciated baked cakes with 240 grams and 380

grams of grated squash very lot. The level of acceptability of the various

treatments in terms of look, taste, color, texture, and overall acceptability

varied significantly.

According to Rabou, et al., (2018) mentioned that the samples of

gluten-free rice cakes were made by substituting varying amounts of white rice

flour with white corn (Zea mays L.) or sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) flour.

Cake samples' physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics were

investigated. The results showed that increasing the substitution levels of

white corn flour increased the moisture, protein, fat, ash, and fiber contents but

decreased the carbohydrate contents. Also, while the specific volumes of the

baked goods were increased, the baking loss values, and the specific gravities

of the cake batter were decreased. Also, compared to other cake samples, the

sensory qualities of all the samples rapidly declined in the cakes that

contained 67% and 83% white maize flour. Moreover, the results of the effect

of raising the levels of sweet potato flour on rice-sweet potato cake samples

showed that the moisture, fat, ash and fiber contents were raised, while the

protein and carbohydrate contents were lowered. The baking loss, specific

volume values, and specific gravities of the cake batter were all reduced. Also,

the cakes' sensory characteristics revealed that the values for taste, flavor,

smoothness, and general acceptance had increased. In addition, the final

cake, which contained 20% sweet potato, had the lowest fungus counts of all

the cakes. In general, substituting white rice flour for white orn or sweet potato

flour can enhance the nutritional value, physical characteristics, and sensory

qualities of the rice cake made.

According to Cho, et al., (2015), the popularity of ethnic and healthful

foods is rising in the United States, and the creation of gluten-free and dietary

fiber-rich goods has also drawn a lot of attention. Seolgitteok, a classic rice

cake from Korea, is mostly made by steaming white rice flour without any

gluten, sugar, salt, and water. This study made Seolgitteok with varied

increased levels of brown rice flour and sugar based on two ideas: (1) brown

rice, in comparison to white rice, preserves more nutritional qualities; and (2)

North Americans, in comparison to East Asians, tend to favor stronger

sweetness. 15 Seolgitteok samples were assessed by 9 trained panelists

using the Spectrum technique for 12 flavor-related and 15 texture-related

aspects. With regard to the sugar and brown rice flour additions in Seolgitteok,

the sensory attribute intensities differed greatly. Particularly, characteristics of

flavor and texture were more closely linked to the additions of sugar and

brown rice flour.

Hikal and Abdein, (2015), said that the role of the dried peels of some

squash varieties as antioxidants when added to the processed cake were

discussed. The cake contents from sugar and the sensory characteristics were

recorded under the effect of different peels additions. Also, the four varieties

were crossed to obtain 6 F1 hybrids according to a half diallel crosses mating

design. The results showed that different squash peels improved their

acceptability and their sugar contents. On the other hand, the amounts of

heterosis versus mid-parents showed highly significant values for all studied

traits. The estimates of heterosis versus the better parent highly showed

significance for most studied traits. None of the hybrids exhibited maximum

heterosis for all the traits, but significant and desirable level of heterosis over

mid-parents and better parent was obtained in several hybrids for the yield and

yield component traits.

Mier, et al. (2019), ran into the issue of many teenagers—or, as we like

to call them, millenials—and kids or children not eating vegetables.

Researchers developed a study on vegetables that aren't frequently consumed

by children and millennials. One of those is a carrot. Leche flan is one of the

millennial generation's favorite foods, according to the study, so we blended it

with carrots and puto to give it a new twist. Carrots are an essential food for

our bodies, especially for millennials who are always plugged into technology.

They protect against stroke, heart disease, poor eyesight, skin infections, and

tooth and gum disease. The survey method was chosen by the researchers

since it was simple to obtain support for their feasibility study. The researchers

ask ten responders to fill out a survey so they can learn what people think of

their research.

According to the research, out of 10 respondents, 75% were satisfied

with the product (Puto Letche Flan), which the researchers produced and

contained Puto Letche Flan and carrots in one dish, the price ($12 each),

which was line with the product's cost, the location (Bestlink College of the

Philippines), where the business was established, and the promotion

(discounting), which the researchers provided to encourage customers to

return to the store. The researchers need to improve their product or strategies

in their business model, according to the other 10% of respondents. By

sharing their opinions and responding to the questionnaires, all respondents—

100%—participate and assist the researchers in learning more about their

product and what needs to be improved. According to the data acquired by the

researchers, they are confident that their product find a market because,

according to the poll, 75% of respondents said they enjoyed their puto letche

flan with carrots. Researchers at Newcastle University have discovered that

carrots contain potent cancer-fighting compounds. This article was originally

published on June 20, 2014, in the UK Daily Express.

In this research the review of related literature shows that squash has a

multiple variety and many researchers test the squash as an ingredient in

multiple different baked products as an innovation.

Theoretical Framework

Results from observational studies show that taste preferences, like,

and other characteristics are connected to students’ consumption of fruits and


According to Brug, et al., (2008) the purpose of the current study is to

determine the relationship between students' consumption of fruits and

vegetables (FV) across Europe and their preferences for liking and flavor.

Before reviewing the results of two recent observational studies on factors

influencing FV intakes in school-aged children, the article first provides a basic

overview of probable factors that may affect children's food choices. It is

proposed that taste preferences and liking are significant for children's food

choices as a part of a larger range of nutrition behavior characteristics.

Consideration should also be given to social, cultural, and physical

environmental factors that affect food accessibility and availability, as well as

nutrition knowledge and skills. To keep you motivated to consume meals,

consider your food preferences and likes.

Children who have a positive attitude toward FV are more likely to

regularly consume fruits and vegetables (FV) (odds ratio (OR) = 197 for fruit

consumption and vegetables (OR = 160 for vegetable consumption), while

ability and opportunity-related factors like knowledge, self-efficacy, parental

influences, and FV accessibility were also linked to likelihood of daily intakes

(Ors between 116 and 275). These outcomes held true throughout numerous

European nations.

Taste preferences were the strongest predictor of gender differences in

children’s FV intakes. This means that a major portion of the reason why girls

eat more might be attributed to their stronger taste preferences.

Prosocial assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors are predicted by sweet

taste preferences and experiences.

According to Riemer-Peltz, et al., (2012) it is interesting that prosocial

persons are referred to as “sweet” (e.g., “she’s a sweetie”) even though they

are unlikely to taste differently. These metaphors help with communication, but

because of theories of conceptual metaphor and embodiment, we

hypothesized that they might also be utilized to get fresh insights into how

personality functions. This concept was supported by five studies. According

to Study 1, respondents thought strangers who enjoyed sweet things (like

candy) were also more agreeable. Studies 2 and 3 demonstrated that

prosocial personalities, prosocial intentions, and prosocial behaviors were

predicted by individual variations in sweet food preferences.

The other studies indicated that participants’ self-reports of

agreeableness and helping behavior were boosted after they briefly savored a

sweet dish (as opposed to a nonsweet food or no food). The findings show

that embodied metaphor approaches offer a unique but complementary

viewpoint to conventional trait conceptions of personality.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

A. Main A. Main Procedure A. Crème Squash

Ingredients 1. Smashing of (Cucurbita

1. Squash squash. maxima)

2. Letche flan 2. Preparing of -Puto flan

3. Rice cake ingredients.

3. Making of flan.

4. Making of puto B. Level of

B. Question rice cake. Acceptability of

What is the level of 5. Making of Crème Crème Squash

Acceptability of Squash. (Cucurbita

Crème Squash maxima)

(Cucurbita maxima) B. Data Gathering -Puto flan

-Puto flan?

Figure 1. The input, process, and output of the study

Statement of the Problem

In this study the researchers aimed to make and to test the level of

Acceptability of Crème Squash (Cucurbita maxima) -Puto Flan for students of

Siniloan Integrated National High School specifically, it seeks to answer the


1. What is the level of Acceptability of Crème Squash (Cucurbita

maxima) -Puto Flan in terms of:

1.1 Taste;

1.2 Aroma;

1.3 Texture; and

1.4 Appearance?

2. Are there significant differences between the level of acceptability of

Crème Squash (Cucurbita maxima) -Puto flan in terms of taste, aroma,

texture, and appearance?


There are no significant differences between the level of acceptability of

Crème Squash (Cucurbita maxima) -Puto flan in terms of taste, aroma,

texture, and appearance.

Scope and Limitations

This study focused on determining the acceptability of Crème Squash

(Cucurbita maxima) -Puto Flan. The respondents of this study were random 20

students of SINHS. who judged the product. They be judging the product in

terms of taste, aroma, texture, and appearance.

Squash was chosen by the researchers as the main ingredient because

it contains vitamin A, C and B they are high in antioxidants, and they are rich

in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and manganese and of course, as

whole plant foods, they are also rich in fiber and water, making them both

hydrating and good for the gut. Aside from that most of Squash (Cucurbita

maxima) grow in tropical countries, Philippines is one of the tropical countries

that is why squash (Cucurbita maxima) is easy to find here in the Philippines.

Definition of terms

Acceptability- The quality of being accepted.

Appearance- the way that someone or something looks.

Aroma- a distinctive, typically pleasant smell.

Flan- Baked tart with sweet or savory filling in an open-topped pastry


Flavor- The blend of taste and smell sensation evoked by a substance

in the mouth.

Innovation- Something new, such as invention or the practice of

developing and introducing new things.

Puto Flan- it is a combination of puto and leche flan made by steaming

a half-filled flan batter and later adding a puto mixture and melted butter on top

of this flan.

Squash (Cucurbita maxima)- Cucurbita maxima is a squash native to

subtropical areas of South America (Argentina-Bolivia-Uruguay) where it was

first domesticated. It is a monoecious, creeping, vine-like annual that features

running stems to 12' long.

Steaming- A method of cooking that requires moist heat.

Steamed Rice Cake- A steamed rice cake that is known for its slightly

sweet and rice forward flavor.

Taste- perceive or experience the flavor of.

Texture- the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or


Chapter 2


Research design

This study employed Quantitative research via experimental design.

According to Pritha Bhandari (2020) a quantitative research design is the

process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find

patterns and averages, make predictions, test, Casual relationship, and

generalize results to wider populations.

Quantitative research is the opposite of qualitative research, which

involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or

audio. Quantitative research is widely used in the natural and social sciences:

biology, chemistry, psychology, economics, sociology, marketing etc. While

Rebecca Bevans (2019) cited that an experimental design is used to study

casual relationships. You manipulate one or more independent variables and

measure their effect on one or more independent variables and measure their

effect on one or more dependent variables. Experimental design creates a set

of procedures to systematically test a hypothesis. A good experimental design

requires a strong understanding of the system you are studying.

The study was quantitative via experimental design because it aims to

determine the respondent’s level of acceptability of Crème Squash (Cucurbita

maxima) -Puto flan.

Sampling Technique

The study used a simple random sampling technique for the senior high

students of Siniloan Integrated National High School the age of participants

must be 16 years old or above.

The probability sampling technique known as simple random sampling

(SRS) involves selecting participants from a population at random. The

likelihood of being chosen is the same for every member of the population.

This technique usually results in representative, impartial sampling.

According to Thomas, (2022). A subset of a population is chosen at

random in a basic random sampling. Each person in the population has an

exact equal probability of getting chosen using this sampling technique.

Of all the probability sampling techniques, this one is the easiest to

understand because it only needs one random selection and little prior

population knowledge. Any research conducted with this sample should have

high internal and external validity and be less likely to be biased by factors like

sampling bias and selection bias because randomization is used.

The researchers include 20 random senior high students of Siniloan

Integrated National High School from different sections. The researchers

directly interact with a respondent and give them the Crème Squash to test the

taste, aroma, texture, and appearance.

Respondents of the study

This study had 20 randomly selected students of Siniloan Integrated

National High School they are chosen to be the respondents of this research

because the product (Crème Squash) be sold to the senior high students.

Research Instrument

The ingredients we use in the research are:

Ingredients for rice cake

wet ingredients:

● 50g smashed squash (Cucurbita Maxima)

● ½ cup Evaporated Milk

● 1 tbsp melted butter

● 1 tsp vanilla extract

● 1 pc medium egg and for

dry ingredients:

● 1 cup all-purpose flour

● ½ cup granulated sugar

● 1tsp yeast

● 1tbsp baking powder

Ingredients for Flan:

● 50g smashed squash (Cucurbita Maxima)

● 144g granulated sugar

● 10 pcs egg yolks (medium egg)

● 12 oz condensed milk

● 14 oz evaporated milk

● ¼ tsp rock salt

● ½ tbsp lemon juice

● ½ tsp vanilla extract

Materials for making rice cake:

● Measuring cups

● 1 bowl for dry ingredients

● 1 bowl for wet ingredients

● 1 medium size whisk

● 1 flour sifter

Materials for flan:

● 12 pcs

● foil for cover

● 2 different medium size bowls

● molding cup

● medium strainer

● pan for melting sugar

Materials for rice cake and flan:

● 1 set of steamers

● 12pcs molding cup

● Stove

● clean cotton steamer cloth

● 1.5 Liters of Water

Materials and Equipment for making smashed squash (Cucurbita


● Potato masher

● stainless steel pot for boiling

● peeler

● 1 Bowl

● 1 Strainer

The study used a self-made questionnaire to test the acceptability of

Crème Squash (Cucurbita maxima) – Puto flan.

It used a checklist that measures the acceptability in terms of taste,

aroma, texture, and appearance.

The ratings be five (5) for strongly agree, four (4) for agree, three (3) for

neutral, two (2) for disagree, and one (1) for strongly disagree.

Research Procedure

Firstly, the researchers be seeking approval to conduct the study.

Secondly, the researchers make the product and taste it to determine if it is

ready for the conduct of the study. If the researchers think that the product is

in its best quality, they are doing the proper conduct of the study. Thirdly they

be making squash crème (Cucurbita maxima) they do this as follows:

First, making smashed squash

Step 1. Peel the 150g squash using the peeler.

Step 2. Rinse the squash and drain it using strainer.

Step 3. Transfer the peeled squash into stainless steel pot.

Step 4. Put water into the pot and superimpose it into the stove.

Step 5. Turn on the stove and heat the pot up to 300-degree Fahrenheit

for about 20 minutes.

Step 6. After 20 minutes cool it down then drain it in the strainer.

Step 7. Put the boiled squash in the bowl.

Step 8. Smashed it using the potato masher.

Second, preparing wet and dry ingredient:

Step 1. In a bowl combine the all-purpose flour, cup sugar, yeast and

baking powder then mix.

Step 2. In another bowl combine egg, cup evaporated milk, melted

butter, vanilla and put the smashed squash then mix well then set it aside and

prepare the other ingredients.

Third, preparing Flan

Step 1.In a pan put granulated sugar, over low heat, melt the sugar until

it becomes amber and ccolored

Step 2. Get your cup molders put 1 tbsp melted sugar per cup molder.

Step 3. Gather 10 pcs of medium egg yolks into the bowl, do not


Step 4. In your very light hand break the egg yolks, add the condensed

milk stir patiently until it is the one with the yolks.

Step 5. Then add the evaporated milk whisk slowly.

Step 6. Add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavor (salted caramel),

lemon juice, vanilla extract and add smashed squash.

Step 7. Then strain the mixture 2 to 3 times to really eliminate the

bubbles that may have formed.

Step 8. The last past on the strainer directly and slowly into the cup


Step 9. Give them a three tap and cover with foil. Set aside while

preparing the rice cake batter quickly.

Fourth, preparing the rice cake batter

Step 1. With the wet and dry ingredients pour wet ingredients over dry

ingredients little by little, mix until the bubbles disappear.

Lastly, making the delicious crème Squash (Cucurbita maxima):

Step 1. Bring water to a boil and reduce it down into it just simmering

for about 200 degrees (F).

Step 2. Steam the flan for about 20-30 minutes.

Step 3. put at the top of flan the rice cake batter and steam it again for

about 15 minutes.

Step 4. To confirm if its cooked try to open one and insert the toothpick

and when it comes out clean it is cooked.

Step 5. Let the crème squash to cool down to room them before putting

into the fridge for at least 2hours.

Step 6. After cooling the squash crème serve it in plate and finally, you

can enjoy your delicious crème squash.

Fifth, data gathering

The researchers had a random student in Siniloan Integrated National

High School taste the product.Then, they asked the respondents to rate the

product in terms of taste, aroma, texture, and appearance. Then, the

researchers gathered the data. Lastly, the researchers analyzed the data

gathered to get the result of the study.

Statistical Analysis

The researchers gathered the data by presenting, interpreting, and

analyzing using certain statistical tools and techniques that were very useful to

come up with the result of the study such as weighted mean, t-test, and

ANOVA. For the level of acceptability of Crème squash (Cucurbita Maxima) in

terms of taste, aroma, texture, and appearance, weighted mean was used.

While for the Test significant difference between the level of acceptability of

crème squash (Cucurbita Maxima) in terms of taste, aroma, texture, and

appearance., t-test was used.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the tabulated data, the corresponding analysis,

the results, and discussions on the level of Acceptability of Crème Squash

(Cucurbita maxima) -Puto Flan in terms of taste, aroma, texture, and




In order to test the Acceptability of Crème Squash (Cucurbita maxima)-

Puto Flan, certain characteristics such as taste, aroma, texture, and

appearance were considered to be measured. The following tables also

present the weighted mean (WM) and the standard deviation (SD) of each

category. Meanwhile, the results were based on the rating scale as follows:

1.00 - 1.79 as Strongly Disagree, 1.80 - 2.59, as Disagree, 2.60 -- 3.39 as

Neutral, 3.40 - 4.19 as Agree, and 4.20 - 5.00 as Strongly Agree.

Table 1. Level of Acceptability of CRÈME SQUASH (CUCURBITA

MAXIMA) -PUTO FLAN in terms of Taste

Taste WM SD VI Rank WM SD VI Rank

40 % Squash 80 % Squash

1. The Flan has a 4.500 0.761 Strongly 1 4.800 0.410 Strongly 1

tangy flavor. Agree Agree

2. The taste of 4.400 0.598 Strongly 3 4.700 0.571 Strongly 2

puto met the taste Agree Agree

of the creme


3. Squash is a 4.500 0.513 Strongly 1 4.700 0.470 Strongly 2

good choice as Agree Agree

main ingredient

for creme.

4. The Puto flan is 4.450 0.605 Strongly 2 4.550 0.510 Strongly 3

delectable and Agree Agree


5. The Puto flan 4.500 0.513 Strongly 1 4.550 0.510 Strongly 3

has a unique Agree Agree


GWM 4.470 0.333 Highly 4.660 0.252 Highly

Acceptable Acceptable

Table 1 shows the level of Acceptability of Crème Squash (Cucurbita

maxima) -Puto in terms of taste.

In ratio 1, it shows that the respondents strongly agreed in the tangy

flavor of, squash as a main ingredient and the uniqueness of taste of puto flan

that ranked first with a weighted mean of 4.500 and different standard

deviation of 0.761,0.513 and 0.513. The delectable and flavorful of puto flan is

in second rank and strongly agreed with a weighted mean of 4.450 and the

standard deviation of 0,605. Then the taste of puto in crème squash ranked

last but still strongly agreed with a weighted mean of 4.400 and standard

deviation of 0.598.

However, in ratio 2, the tangy flavor of the puto flan is strongly agreed

by the respondents which ranked first with a weighted mean of 4.800 and a

standard deviation of 0.410. The tangy flavor was followed by the taste of the

crème squash (cucurbita maxima) in puto flan which is strongly agreed and

has a weighted mean of 4.700 and a standard deviation of 0.571. Squash as a

main ingredient for crème was next to the taste and it is also strongly agreed

and has weighted mean of 4.700 just like with the taste, but it has standard

deviation of 0.470. Moreover, the puto flan being delectable and flavorful as

well as having unique taste ranked last but the respondents still strongly

agreed with weighted mean of 4.550 and standard deviation of 0.510.

Moreover, the level of acceptability in terms of taste is strongly agreed which

had general weighted mean of 4.470 and a standard deviation of 0.333.

However, the level of acceptability in terms of taste is strongly agreed which

had general weighted mean of 4.660 and a standard deviation of 0.252.

The results imply that the taste of crème squash (Cucurbita maxima)-

puto flan in ratio 1 and ratio 2 are both highly acceptable.

Table 2. Level of Acceptability of CRÈME SQUASH (CUCURBITA

MAXIMA) -PUTO FLAN in terms of Aroma

Aroma WM SD IV Rank WM SD IV Rank

40% Squash 60% Squash

1. The Puto flan has a 4.350 0.813 Strongly 4 4.350 0.813 Strongly 4

squash scent. Agree Agree

2. The aroma of Puto 4.600 0.598 Strongly 1 4.600 0.598 Strongly 1

flan is fragrant and Agree Agree


3. The aroma of the 4.450 0.510 Strongly 3 4.450 0.510 Strongly 3

Puto flan is unique. Agree Agree

4. The squash improve 4.350 0.587 Strongly 4 4.350 0.587 Strongly 4

the aroma of the Puto Agree Agree


5. The Puto flan has 4.550 0.605 Strongly 2 4.550 0.605 Strongly 2

an aromatic quality. Agree Agree

GWM 4.460 0.411 Strongly 4.460 0.411 Strongly

Agree Agree

Table 2 shows the level of Acceptability of Crème Squash (Cucurbita

maxima) -Puto in terms of aroma.

In ratio 1, it shows that the respondents strongly agreed in nice

presentation, of puto flan that ranked first with a weighted mean of 4.600 and a

standard deviation of 0.598. The size and the shape of puto flan is in second

rank and strongly agreed with a weighted mean of 4.550 and the standard

deviation of 0.605. Then the scent and the improve aroma of puto in crème

squash ranked last but still strongly agreed with a weighted mean of 4.350 and

standard deviation of 0.813and 0.587.

However, in ratio 2, the fragrant and appetizing of the puto flan is

strongly agreed by the respondents which ranked first with a weighted mean of

4.600 and a standard deviation of 0.598. The aromatic quality was followed by

the aroma of the crème squash (cucurbita maxima) in puto flan which is

strongly agreed and has a weighted mean of 4.550 and a standard deviation

of 0.605. Squash as a main ingredient for crème was next to the unique aroma

and it is also strongly agreed and has weighted mean of 4.450. Moreover, the

puto flan being delectable and flavorful as well as having unique aroma ranked

last but the respondents still strongly agreed with weighted mean of 4.350 just

like the improve aroma which is 4.350 and standard deviation of 0.587.

Moreover, the level of acceptability in terms of aroma is strongly agreed which

had general weighted mean of 4.460 and a standard deviation of 0.411.

However, the level of acceptability in terms of aroma is strongly agreed which

had general weighted mean of 4.460 and a standard deviation of 0.411.

The results imply that the taste of crème squash (Cucurbita maxima)-

puto flan in ratio 1 and ratio 2 are both highly acceptable.

Table 3. Level of Acceptability of CRÈME SQUASH (CUCURBITA

MAXIMA) -PUTO FLAN in terms of Texture

Texture WM SD IV Rank WM SD IV Rank

40% Squash 60% Squash

1. The Puto flan is 4.700 0.470 Strongly 2 4.700 0.571 Strongly 1

soft and tender. Agree Agree

2. The Puto is fluffy. 4.750 0.444 Strongly 1 4.700 0.571 Strongly 1

Agree Agree

3. The Flan is 4.550 0.510 Strongly 3 4.700 0.571 Strongly 1

smooth. Agree Agree

4. The creme squash 4.300 0.733 Strongly 5 4.550 0.510 Strongly 2

is thick. Agree Agree

5. The Puto flan melts 4.500 0.607 Strongly 4 4.550 0.605 Strongly 2

in the mouth easily. Agree Agree

GWM 4.560 0.308 Strongly 4.640 0.448 Strongly

Agree Agree

Table 3 shows the level of Acceptability of Crème Squash (Cucurbita

maxima) -Puto in terms of texture.

In ratio 1, it shows that the respondents strongly agreed in fluffy, of puto

flan that ranked first with a weighted mean of 4.700 and a standard deviation

of 0.470. The soft and tenderness of puto flan is in second rank and strongly

agreed with a weighted mean of 4.700 and the standard deviation of 0.470.

Then the thick of puto in crème squash ranked last but still strongly agreed

with a weighted mean of 4.300 and standard deviation of 0.733.

However, in ratio 2, the soft and tender, fluffy and smooth of the puto

flan is strongly agreed by the respondents which ranked first with a weighted

mean of 4.700 and a standard deviation of 0.571. The aromatic quality was

followed by the squash thick and then melts in the mouth easily of the crème

squash (cucurbita maxima) in puto flan which is strongly agreed and has a

weighted mean of 4.550 and a standard deviation of 0.510 and 0.605.

Moreover, the level of acceptability in terms of texture is strongly agreed which

had general weighted mean of 4.560 and a standard deviation of 0.308.

However, the level of acceptability in terms of texture is strongly agreed which

had general weighted mean of 4.640 and a standard deviation of 0.448.

The results imply that the taste of crème squash (Cucurbita maxima)-

puto flan in ratio 1 and ratio 2 are both highly acceptable.

Table 4. Level of Acceptability of CRÈME SQUASH (CUCURBITA

MAXIMA) -PUTO FLAN in terms of Appearance

Appearance WM SD IV Rank WM SD IV Rank

40% Squash 60% Squash

1. The Puto flan has a 4.800 0.410 Strongly 1 4.600 0.503 Strongly 4

nice presentation. Agree Agree

2. The color of the Puto 4.600 0.503 Strongly 4 4.450 0.510 Strongly 5

flan enhances the Agree Agree

quality of eating


3. The size of Puto flan 4.650 0.489 Strongly 2 4.800 0.410 Strongly 2

is just right that makes it Agree Agree

easy to bite.

4. The shape of Puto 4.650 0.489 Strongly 2 4.750 0.444 Strongly 3

flan is acceptable. Agree Agree

5. The puto flan is well 4.632 0.496 Strongly 3 4.900 0.308 Strongly 1

cooked. Agree Agree

GWM 4.685 0.296 Strongly 4.700 0.271 Strongly

Agree Agree

Table 4 shows the level of Acceptability of Crème Squash (Cucurbita

maxima) -Puto in terms of apopearance.

In ratio 1, it shows that the respondents strongly agreed in nice

presentation, of puto flan that ranked first with a weighted mean of 4.800 and a

standard deviation of 0.410. The easy to bite and the shape of puto flan is in

second rank and strongly agreed with a weighted mean of 4.650 and the

standard deviation of 0.489. Then the enhances the quality of eating

experience of puto in crème squash ranked last but still strongly agreed with a

weighted mean of 4.600 and standard deviation of 0.503.

However, in ratio 2, the well cook of the puto flan is strongly agreed by

the respondents which ranked first with a weighted mean of 4.900 and a

standard deviation of 0.308. The well cook was followed by the easy to bite of

the crème squash (cucurbita maxima) in puto flan which is strongly agreed

and has a weighted mean of 4.800 and a standard deviation of 0.410. Squash

as a main ingredient for crème was next to the nice presentation and it is also

strongly agreed and has weighted mean of 4.600 and a standard deviation of

0.503. Moreover, the puto flan being delectable and flavorful as well as having

enhances the quality of eating experience ranked last but the respondents still

strongly agreed with weighted mean of 4.450 and a standard deviation of

0.510. Moreover, the level of acceptability in terms of appearance is strongly

agreed which had general weighted mean of 4.685 and a standard deviation of

0.296. However, the level of acceptability in terms of appearance is strongly

agreed which had general weighted mean of 4.700 and a standard deviation of


The results imply that the taste of crème squash (Cucurbita maxima)-

puto flan in ratio 1 and ratio 2 are both highly acceptable.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of the findings, the conclusions,

and recommendations.


In level 1 there are significant differences between the level of

acceptability of Squash Flavored Steamed Rice Cakes in terms of taste,

aroma, texture, and appearance.

In level 2 there are significant differences between the level of

acceptability of Squash Flavored Steamed Rice Cakes in terms of taste,

aroma, texture, and appearance.


The findings of the study lead the researcher draw the conclusion

pertaining in taste, aroma, texture, and appearance.

1. The level of acceptability of a creme squash (Cucurbita maxima)-puto

flan in terms of taste, aroma, texture and appearance is acceptable

based on the results of the data that we gathered.

2. They are significant in their two ratios in terms of taste, aroma, texture,

and appearance so meaning that there is a difference between two



The study recommended that Crème Squash for bakeries or snacks

vendor have a new variety of puto flan that has a nutritious vegetable which

the squash (Cucurbita maxima) is containing protein, vitamin C, potassium,

magnesium, fiber, etc. The Crème Squash is easy to make and affordable if it

is sold. In the making of crème squash, there’s nothing to worry about

because you can have quality crème squash by following the standardized

procedure. Squash is a good choice because it is getting sweeter when

ripening and also the peel and seeds not be wasted it can use to create a

quality oil.


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Research Questionnaire

Dear Respondents,

Good day! We are Grade 12 HE 2 students - Major in Bread and Pastry

Production at Siniloan Integrated National High School and are currently

conducting a study on the “Acceptability of Crème Squash (Cucurbita maxima)

- Puto flan”.

With this, may we humbly request for your participation as one of the

respondents who test our product and give your ratings about it based on the

rating scale below.

Rest assured that your responses in this instrument be kept

confidential. Thank you for reading and taking time to complete this






Name (optional): __________________

Grade and Section: ( ) Grade 11 - ________________

( ) Grade 12 - ________________


Directions: Kindly indicate the degree to which you think the following

characteristics are acceptable to you. Check the appropriate column of

your response.

5 - Strongly Agree 4 - Agree 3 - Neutral

2 - Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

A. Taste/Flavor 5 4 3 2 1

1. The Flan has a tangy


2. The taste of puto met

the taste of the creme squash.

3. Squash is a good choice

as main ingredient for creme.

4. The Puto flan is

delectable and flavorful.

5. The Puto flan has a

unique taste.

B. Aroma 5 4 3 2 1

1. The Puto flan has a

squash scent.

2. The aroma of Puto flan

is fragrant and appetizing.

3. The aroma of the Puto

flan is unique.

4. The squash improve the

aroma of the Puto flan.

5. The Puto flan has an

aromatic quality.

C. Texture 5 4 3 2 1

1. The Puto flan is soft and


2. The Puto is fluffy.

3. The Flan is smooth.

4. The creme squash is


5. The Puto flan melts in

the mouth easily.

D. Appearance/Presentation 5 4 3 2 1

1. The Puto flan has a nice


2. The color of the Puto flan

enhances the quality of eating


3. The size of Puto flan is

just right that makes it easy to bite.

4. The shape of Puto flan is


5. The puto flan is well


Legend: 1.00 ----- 1.79 Strongly Disagree

1.80 ----- 2.59 Disagree

2.60 ----- 3.39 Neutral

3.40 ---- 4.19 Agree

4.20 ---- 5.00 Strongly Agree


Taste1 Taste2 Taste3 Taste4 Taste5 Taste

5 5 5 5 4 4.8

5 5 4 5 4 4.6

4 5 5 4 5 4.6

5 4 5 5 4 4.6

5 5 4 5 5 4.8

5 5 4 5 5 4.8

2 4 4 4 4 3.6

5 4 5 5 4 4.6

5 4 4 4 5 4.4

4 4 5 4 4 4.2

5 4 4 5 5 4.6

4 4 4 4 5 4.2

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 5 4 4 4.6

4 4 4 5 5 4.4

4 5 5 5 4 4.6

5 4 5 4 4 4.4

4 4 4 3 4 3.8

4 3 5 4 5 4.2

WM 4.500 4.400 4.500 4.450 4.500 4.470

SD 0.761 0.598 0.513 0.605 0.513 0.333

Aroma1 Aroma2 Aroma3 Aroma4 Aroma5 Aroma

4 5 4 5 5 4.6

5 4 4 5 4 4.4

4 5 4 4 5 4.4

5 5 4 4 5 4.6

4 4 5 5 5 4.6

5 5 4 5 5 4.8

2 4 4 4 4 3.6

5 4 5 4 5 4.6

3 3 4 3 3 3.2

4 4 4 5 5 4.4

4 4 5 4 4 4.2

4 5 5 5 5 4.8

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 4 4 4 4.4

4 5 5 5 4 4.6

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 4 4 4 4.4

4 5 4 5 4 4.4

WM 4.350 4.600 4.450 4.350 4.550 4.460

SD 0.813 0.598 0.510 0.587 0.605 0.411

Texture1 Texture2 Texture3 Texture4 Texture5 Texture

5 5 4 5 5 4.8

4 4 5 4 5 4.4

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 4 4 4 4.4

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 4 4 5 5 4.6

4 4 4 2 4 3.6

5 5 4 5 4 4.6

5 5 5 4 3 4.4

4 5 5 4 4 4.4

5 5 4 4 4 4.4

4 5 5 5 4 4.6

5 5 5 5 4 4.8

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

4 5 4 4 5 4.4

4 4 4 5 4 4.2

WM 4.700 4.750 4.550 4.300 4.500 4.560

SD 0.470 0.444 0.510 0.733 0.607 0.308

Appearance1 Appearance2 Appearance3 Appearance4 Appearance5 A

5 5 5 5 4

5 5 4 5 4

5 4 5 4

4 4 5 5 5

5 4 5 4 5

5 5 5 5 5

4 4 4 4 4

5 5 4 5 4

4 4 5 5 5

5 5 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 5

5 4 5 4 5

5 4 4 5 4

5 5 5 5 5

5 5 4 5 5

4 5 4 4 4

5 4 5 4 5

W 4.800

M 4.600 4.650 4.650 4.632

SD 0.410 0.503 0.489 0.489 0.496


Taste1 Taste2 Taste3 Taste4 Taste5 Taste

5 5 5 5 4 4.8

5 5 5 5 4 4.8

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 4 5 5 4.8

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 4 5 5 4.8

4 4 4 4 4 4

5 4 5 4 5 4.6

5 4 4 4 5 4.4

5 5 4 4 4 4.4

5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 4 4.8

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 4 4 4 4.4

4 5 5 5 4 4.6

4 4 5 5 4 4.4

4 3 5 5 5 4.4

5 5 5 5 4 4.8

WM 4.800 4.700 4.700 4.550 4.500 4.660

SD 0.410 0.571 0.470 0.510 0.510 0.252

Aroma1 Aroma2 Aroma3 Aroma4 Aroma5 Aroma

5 5 5 5 5 5

5 4 4 5 4 4.4

4 4 5 5 4 4.4

4 4 5 4 5 4.4

4 5 5 4 5 4.6

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

4 3 4 4 4 3.8

5 4 5 4 5 4.6

4 5 5 5 4 4.6

4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 4 4.8

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 4 4 5 5 4.6

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 4 5 5 4.8

5 5 5 5 5 5

4 5 4 4 5 4.4

5 5 5 5 5 5

WM 4.350 4.600 4.450 4.350 4.550 4.460

SD 0.813 0.598 0.510 0.587 0.605 0.411

Texture1 Texture2 Texture3 Texture4 Texture5 Texture

5 5 4 5 4 4.6

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 5 5 5 5

4 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 5 4 5 4.4

5 5 5 5 4 4.8

3 3 3 4 3 3.2

5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 4 4.8

5 5 4 5 4 4.6

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 5 5 4 5 4.8

5 4 5 5 5 4.8

4 4 4 4 4 4

4 5 5 5 4 4.6

WM 4.700 4.700 4.700 4.550 4.550 4.640

SD 0.571 0.571 0.571 0.510 0.605 0.448

Appearance1 Appearance2 Appearance3 Appearance4 Appearance5 Appearance

5 5 4 5 5 4.8

5 5 5 5 5 5

4 4 5 5 5 4.6

4 4 5 5 5 4.6

5 4 5 5 5 4.8

5 5 4 4 5 4.6

4 4 4 4 4 4

5 4 5 4 5 4.6

4 5 5 5 5 4.8

4 4 5 4 5 4.4

5 5 5 5 5 5

5 4 5 5 5 4.8

5 5 5 5 5 5

4 4 4 5 4 4.2

5 5 5 5 5 5

5 4 5 5 5 4.8

4 5 5 5 5 4.8

4 4 5 5 5 4.6

5 4 5 4 5 4.6

WM 4.600 4.450 4.800 4.750 4.900 4.700

SD 0.503 0.510 0.410 0.444 0.308 0.271

Documentation Recipe

Ingredients for rice cake

wet ingredients:

● 50g smashed squash (Cucurbita Maxima)

● ½ cup Evaporated Milk

● 1 tbsp melted butter

● 1 tsp vanilla extract

● 1 pc medium egg and for

dry ingredients:

● 1 cup all-purpose flour

● ½ cup granulated sugar

● 1tsp yeast

● 1tbsp baking powder

Ingredients for Flan:

● 50g smashed squash (Cucurbita Maxima)

● 144g granulated sugar

● 10 pcs egg yolks (medium egg)

● 12 oz condensed milk

● 14 oz evaporated milk

● ¼ tsp rock salt

● ½ tbsp lemon juice

● ½ tsp vanilla extract



21-31 1-10 11-20 1-5 6-8 9-10 13

Revision of







Data Tabulation














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