A Detailed Lesson Plan Figures of Speech

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In English (Grade 8)

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

Differentiate the three figures of speech simile, personification and metaphor;

Underline the figures of speech in the given sentences;
Use the three figures of speech in their own sentences.

II. Subject Matter

Figures of Speech: Simile, Personification, and metaphor

Chalk and board, picture and color

III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

A. Customary Greetings
1. Drill
Good morning, class! : Good morning ma’am.
Prayer leader, please? : (prayer leader will lead the prayer)
Checking of attendance

2. Motivation
I will group you into 3. You are going to
paint or color this simple picture that I
am holding. You’re going to give life to
this and make it beautiful. The group
who has the most beautiful output will
gain 10 points and the next will gain 7
points and the rest will gain 5 points.
Let’s start! : (students do the activity)
(teacher facilitates)
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Today class, we are going to talk about
Figures of speech mainly Simile,
personification and metaphor.
2. Discussion
Just like what we did in our activity,
figures of speech paint pictures. This is
another way of enlivening our speech
and writing. They make language more
striking and more effective.
Let’s have this sentence:
Gerald is as brave as a wild cat. : Gerald and wild cat ma’am.
What is being compared in the
Very good!
What word/words did it use to indicate : as ma’am.
comparison between the Gerald and
wild cat?
That’s right! And the figure of speech
used in the sentence is what we call : comparison between unlike things that have
Simile. What do we mean now by one quality in common on which the
simile then ___? comparison is made.

Very well said! And the comparison is

usually indicated by like and as.
I have here another sentence class. : Maria and her mother ma’am.
Maria is like her mother.
What are being compared? : maybe they have the same face ma’am or
Exactly! What do you think is their maybe they are both very good in cooking.
common thing?
: like ma’am.
That can be! And what word did is use
to indicate comparison?

Awesome! Simile is usually indicated

by as and like. Now let’s move on to
the next figure of speech which is : none ma’am.
Personification. From the word alone,
do you have any idea what is
personification is class?
Okay. It’s okay. We are going to know
it later. I want you to focus in this
sentence now. : no ma’am.
The stars were asleep while the winds : yes ma’am.
Do stars really sleep class?
Does a person sleep?
Good! A person sleeps. How about this : no ma’am.
sentence: : yes ma’am.
A virus walks in the city.
Does a virus really walk? :attribution of human life and characteristics
That’s right. How about a person? to inanimate objects.
Therefore, what do we mean by
personification now?

Excellent! Now class, for the last figure : His soul is compared to enchanted boat
speech which is Metaphor, look at this ma’am.
sentence. : yes ma’am but it has no as and like?
My soul in an enchanted boat.
What do you notice class?
: it is direct comparison ma’am. Comparison
That is right! Same as Simile right?
without using like and as.
Very good observation! Therefore it is
direct. So, what do we mean by
metaphor now?

3. Enhancement
So, for us to have deeper
understanding, the same group choose
one representative each.
Representatives will go out first. The
rest will be left here. For the ones who
are inside, you are going to compose
sentence. 1 simile, 1 personification
and 1 metaphor. Your representative
will have to guess what kind of figures
of speech was used in the sentences
you made. The representative who : (students do the activity)
gets all the correct answer will have
10points to the group. 2 correct
answers is only 7 points while 1 correct
answer is 3 points. Let’s start. : it makes sentences beautiful and more lively
(teacher facilitates) ma’am.

4. Generalization : Simile, Personification, and Metaphor.

It shows that you really understood the : comparison between two unlike things with
lesson. Again, what is figure of speech? one thing in common ma’am.
: putting attributes of person to inanimate
things ma’am.
Exactly! What are the three figures of
speech we discussed lately? : direct comparison ma’am.
What is Simile then?

Correct! what about personification? : yes ma’am.

You got it right! What about

You really understood the lesson now

IV. Evaluation
Write a poem with at least three
figures of speech used. Give title to
the poem.

V. Agreement
Bring out your notebook and copy your
Read about the other figures of speech
especially onomatopoeia, hyperbole, and

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