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Theory / Main Tenet/s Key Terms Development of Application Critique/ View of Humanity

Proponent Psychopathology

Sigmund Freud:  People are motivated primarily by Levels of Mental Life Hysteria Freud’s Early Therapeutic Critique
Psychoanalysis drives of which they have little or no  Unconscious - contains all  a disorder typically Technique Research generation: average
awareness those drives, urges, or instincts characterized by  Relied on active Falsifiability: very low
 People are motivated to seek that are beyond our awareness paralysis or the approaches: extracting Organization: moderate
pleasure and to reduce tension and but that nevertheless motivate improper repressed Guidance of the Action: low
anxiety most of our words, feelings, functioning of childhood memories Internal Consistency: average
and actions. certain parts of the and using both dream Parsimony: average
 Phylogenetic endowment - body. interpretation and
inherited unconscious  A result of a hypnosis. View of Humanity
images where . Freud “wandering womb,” Freud’s Later Therapeutic Determinism vs. Free choice:
believed that a portion of with the uterus Technique  Freud’s views on the
our unconscious originates traveling  Free association - nature of human nature
from the experiences of throughout patients are required to would easily fall toward
our early ancestors that women’s bodies verbalize every thought determinism.
have been passed on to us and causing various that comes to their  Most of people’s behavior
through hundreds of parts to mind, no matter how is determined by the past
generations of repetition. malfunction. irrelevant or repugnant rather than molded by
 Preconscious - contains all present goals.
it may appear.
those elements that are not Paranoia  Adult personality is largely
 Transference -
conscious but can become  Cause by powerful determined by childhood
conscious either quite readily or delusions of refers to the strong experiences
with some difficulty. jealousy and sexual or  People are not in control
 Consciousness - plays a persecution. aggressive feelings, of their own actions or, as
relatively minor role in positive or Freud stated it, “the ego
psychoanalytic theory, can be Anxiety negative, that is not master in its own
defined as those mental  Only the ego can patients develop house”
elements in awareness at any produce or feel toward their
given point in time. It is the anxiety, but the id, analyst during the Pessimism vs. Optimism:
only level of mental life directly superego, and course of  psychoanalytic
available to us. external world each treatment. theory is essentially
 perceptual conscious are involved in one pessimistic.
Dream Analysis
system - the direction of of three kinds of  Humanity come into the
 Dream Analysis - to
consciousness which is anxiety—neurotic, world in a basic state of
turned toward the outer moral, and realistic. transform the manifest conflict, with life and
world and acts as a content of dreams to death forces operating on
medium for the perception the more important them from opposing
of external stimuli. sides.
Provinces of the MInd latent content.  The innate death wish
 Id (das Es or it) - has no drives humanity
contact with reality, yet it  The basic incessantly toward self-
strives constantly to reduce assumption of destruction or aggression,
tension by satisfying basic Freud’s dream while the sexual drive
desires. analysis is that causes them to seek
 pleasure principle -served nearly all dreams blindly after pleasure.
by the id. are wish  Humanity are not
 Ego (das Ich or I) - is the only fulfillments. ordinarily aware of the
region of the mind in contact  Manifest content of reasons for their behavior
with reality. a dream is the nor are they conscious of
 reality principle - governs surface meaning or the hatred they feel for
the ego. the conscious their friends, family, and
 Superego (das Uber-Ich or description given lovers.
over-I) - represents the moral by the dreamer
and ideal aspects of personality  Latent content Casualty vs. Teleology:
and is guided by the moralistic refers to its  Freud’s theory very high
and idealistic principles as unconscious on causality.
opposed to the pleasure material.  Present behavior is mostly
principle of the id and the  Repetition shaped by
realistic principle of the ego. Compulsion - The past causes rather than by
 conscience - results from tendency of an people’s goals for the
experiences with instinct, especially future.
punishments for improper the death instinct,  People do not move
behavior and tells us what to repeat or toward a self-determined
we should not do. recreate an earlier goal; instead, they are
 ego-ideal - develops from condition, helplessly caught in the
experiences with rewards particularly one struggle between Eros
for proper behavior and that was and Thanatos.
tells us what we should do. frightening or  People constantly
 Guilt - is the result or feeling anxiety arousing. attempt to reduce
of inferiority when the ego  Condensation refers tension; to relieve
acts—or even intends to to the fact that the anxieties; to repress
act— in contrast to the manifest dream unpleasant experiences;
moral standards of the content is not as to regress to earlier, more
superego. extensive as the secure stages of
Dynamics of Personality latent level, development; and to
 Drives - operate as a constant indicating that the compulsively repeat
motivational force. As an unconscious behaviors that are
internal stimulus, drives differ material has been familiar and safe.
from external stimuli in that abbreviated or
they cannot be avoided through condensed before Conscious vs. Unconscious:
flight. appearing on the  Psychoanalytic
 Libido - used for sex drive. manifest level theory obviously leans
 4 Features of an Instinct  Displacement - heavily in the direction of
1. Impetus is the amount means that the unconscious motivation.
of force it exerts dream image is  Everything from slips of
2. Source is the region of replaced by some the tongue to religious
the body in a state of other idea only experiences is the result
excitation or tension remotely related of a deep-rooted desire to
3. Aim is to seek pleasure to it satisfy sexual or
by removing that  Freudan Slips - aggressive
excitation or reducing parapraxes or drives. These motives
the tension; unconscious slips; make people slaves to
4. Object is the person or reveal a person’s their unconscious.
thing that serves as the unconscious intentions Although they are
means through which (everyday slips of the aware of their actions,
the aim is satisfied tongue or pen, Freud believed that the
 Sex - the aim of the sexual drive misreading, incorrect motivations underlying
is pleasure, but this pleasure is hearing, misplacing those
not limited to genital objects, and actions are deeply
satisfaction. temporarily forgetting embedded in our
 erogenous zones - the names or intentions are unconscious
mouth and anus ( body not chance accidents)
parts that are especially Biological vs. social
capable of producing influences:
sexual pleasure).  Freud believed that
 primary narcissism - infants many infantile fantasies
are primarily self-centered, and anxieties are rooted
with their libido invested in biology.
almost exclusively on their
own ego. Uniqueness vs. Similarity
 secondary narcissism -  Psychoanalytic theory
during puberty, however, takes a middle position.
adolescents often redirect  Humanity’s evolutionary
their libido back to the ego past
and become preoccupied gives rise to a great many
with personal appearance similarities among people.
and other self-interests. Nevertheless, individual
 Sadism - is the need for experiences, especially
sexual pleasure by those of early childhood,
inflicting pain or shape people in a unique
humiliation on another manner and account for
person. many of the differences
 Masochism - like sadism, is among personalities
a common need, but it
becomes a perversion
when Eros becomes
subservient to the
destructive drive.
 Agression - destructrive drive
aiming to return the organism
to an inorganic state.
 Self-destruction - the final
aim of the aggressive
ultimate inorganic
condition is death.
 Anxiety - it is a felt, affective,
unpleasant state accompanied
by a physical sensation that
warns the person against
impending danger.
 3 kinds of anxiety
1. Neurotic anxiety - is defined
as apprehension about an
unknown danger. The
feeling itself exists in the
ego, but it originates from
id impulses.
2. Moral anxiety - stems from
the conflict between the
ego and the superego.
3. Realistic anxiety - is closely
related to fear. It is
defined as an unpleasant,
nonspecific feeling
involving a possible
 Defense Mechanisms -
unconscious maneuvers of the
ego, altering its interpretation
of reality to decrease anxiety.
Principal defense mechanisms
identified by Freud
1. Repression - it involves
when the ego protect
itself by forcing
threatening feelings into
the unconscious when
threatened by
undesirable id impulses.
2. Reaction formation - a
defense mechanism that
adopts a disguise that is
directly opposite its
original form.
3. Displacement - people
redirect their
unacceptable urges
onto variety of people
or object so the original
impulse is disguised or
4. Fixation- remaining at
the present or
comfortable state when
the next step is too
anxiety provoking.
5. Regression- reverting
back to an earlier stage
during times of stress or
6. Projection- reducing an
anxiety by attributing
the unwanted impulse
to an external object or
another person.
 Paranoia - extreme
type of projection;
a mental disorder
characterized by
powerful delusions
of jealousy and
7. Introjection -
incorporating positive
qualities of another
person into their own
8. Sublimation- repression
of the genital aim of
EROS by substituting a
cultural or social aim
Stages of Development
1. Infantile Period- infants
possess a sexual life and go
through a period of pre-genital
sexual development during the
first 4-5 years after birth.
 3 Phases
a. Oral phase - infants
obtain life-sustaining
nourishment through
oral activity and they
also gain pleasure in
b. Anal phase - anus
emerges as a pleasurable
zone. This period is
characterized by
satisfaction gained
through aggressive
behavior and excretory
 anal character -
people who continue
to receive erotic
satisfaction by
keeping and
possessing objects
and by arranging
them in an
excessively neat and
orderly fashion.
 anal triad - consists of
stinginess, and
obstinacy that typifies
the adult anal
c. Phallic phase - a time
when genital area
become the leading
erogenous zone
 Male Oedipus
Complex - an infant
boy forms
identification with
his father; a
condition of rivalry
towards the father
and incestuous
feeling towards the
 Castration
Complex - boys
take form of
anxiety or the
fear of losing
the penis.
 Female Oedipus
Complex (Electra
Complex) - a
female identifies
with her mother
and fantasizes
being seduced by
her mother
 penis envy - is
a powerful
force in the
formation of
2. Latency Period - 4th and 5th
year until puberty. Brought by
parents attempt to punish or
discourage sexual activity in
their young children.
3. Genital period - begins during
puberty which signals a
reawakening of the sexual aim.
 Maturity - a stage attained
after a person has passed
through the earlier
development periods in an
ideal manner.

Alfred Adler:  The one dynamic force behind Striving for Success or Superiority  Psychopathology Family Constellation Critique
Individual people’s behavior is the striving for  Agression - dynamic power results from lack of  Involves asking Research generation: above
Psychology success or superiority. behind all mtivation courage, patients: their birth average
 People’s subjective perceptions  Masculine protest - wil to exaggerated feelings order, the gender of Falsifiability: low
shape their behavior and power or domination to others. of inferiority and their siblings, and the Organization: high
personality.  Stiving for superiority - single under-developed age spread between Guidance of the Action: high
 Personality is unified and self- dynamic force; social interest. them. Internal Consistency: low
consistent.  Striving for success - describe  Adler believed that  Adler formed a general (lacks operational definitions)
 The value of all human activity must actions of people who are feelings of inferiority hypotheses about birth Parsimony: above average
be seen from the viewpoint of social motivated by highly developed and inadequacy may order:
interest. social interest be a result of birth  Firstborn children - View of Humanity
 The self-consistent personality  The Final Goal order, especially if likely to have
structure develops into a person’s  creative power - that is, the person intensified feelings Determinism vs. Free choice:
style of life. people’s ability to freely experienced of power and free choice is very high
 Style of life is molded by people’s shape their behavior and personal superiority, high
creative power. create their own devaluation at an anxiety and Pessimism vs. Optimism:
personality. early age, or they overprotective optimism is very high
 The Striving force as may be due to the tendencies.
Compensation presence of a  Second born Casualty vs. Teleology:
 Striving for Personal Inferiority physical limitation or children - begin life casualty is very low
 Inferiority Complex - lack of social in a better
exaggerated feeling of empathy for other situation for Conscious vs. Unconscious:
personal inferiority. people. developing unconscious is moderate
Subjective Perceptions cooperation and
 Fictions - not shaped by reality Organ Dialect social interest. Biological vs. social
nut rather subjective  Deficient organs or Some shaped by influences:
perceptions of reality disturbance in one their perception of social influences is high
 Fictionalism - our most part of the body are the older child’s
important fiction is the goal of expressions of an attitude toward Uniqueness vs. Similarity:
superiority or success, a goal individual’s goal. them. uniqueness is high
we created in life and may not  Youngest children -
clearly understand. This Underdeveloped Social often the most  People are self-
fictional goal guides our life and Interest pampered and, determining social
guide unity to our personality.  The normal person consequently, run creatures, forward moving
 Teleology - is an explanation of with a well- a high risk of being and motivated by present
behavior in terms of its final developed social problem children. fictions to strive toward
purpose or aim. interest will  Only children - are perfection for themselves
 Causality - opposite to teology; compensate by in a unique and society and that they
which considers behavior as striving on the position of shape their personalities
springing from a specific cause. useful side of life competing, not from the meaning they
 Physical Inferiorities - because (that is, by against brothers give to their experiences.
people begin life small, weak, contributing to the and sisters, but  People’s interpretations
and inferior, they develop a common welfare against father and of experiences are more
fiction or belief system about and thus helping to mother. Living in important than the
how to overcome these overcome common an adult world, experiences themselves.
physical deficiencies and feelings of they often develop  people are motivated by
become big, strong, and inferiority), the an exaggerated their present perceptions
superior. neurotically sense of of the past and their
Unity and Self- Consistency of disposed person is superiority and an present expectations of
Personality characterized by inflated self- the future
 Personality - is unified and self- increased inferiority concept.  People are forward
consistent. feelings, Early Recollections (ERs) moving, motivated by
 Organ Dialect underdeveloped  ERs are always future goals rather than by
 Organ Dialect - the deficient social interest, and consistent with people’s innate instincts or causal
organ expresses the an exaggerated, style of life ad that their forces.
direction of the uncooperative goal subjective account of  People create their
individual’s goal. of superiority, these these experiences yields
 Social Interest symptoms clues to understanding personalities and are
 Social Interest manifesting both their final goal and capable of altering
(Gemeinschaftsgefϋhl) - it themselves as their present style of them by learning new
means feeling of oneness anxiety and more or life. attitudes.
with all of humanity; less open  Adler believed that  People are responsible for
implies membership in the aggression. highly anxious patients their own personalities.
social community of all will often project their  People’s creative power is
people. Narcissism current style of life onto capable of transforming
Style of life  Narcissists are their memory of feelings of inadequacy into
 Style of Life - the term Adler people who Adler childhood experiences either social interest or
used to refer to the flavor of a believed to be by recalling fearful and into the self-centered goal
person’s life. driven by a strive anxiety-producing of personal superiority.
Creative power for personal events. In contrast, self-
 Creative power - places them in superiority with confident people tend
control of their own lives, is little to no concern to recall memories that
responsible for their final goal, toward others; to include pleasant
determines their method of be recognized and relations with other
striving for that goal, and acknowledged as people. In either case
contributes to the development better than the early experience
of social interest. In short, everyone else, to be does not determine the
creative power makes each “the best.” style of life.
person a free individual.  Adler believed that the
 Movement - implied by External Factors in opposite was true; that
creative power; is the Maladjustments: is, recollections of early
most salient characteristic  Exaggerated experiences are simply
of life; all psychic life Physical shaped by present style
involves movement Deficiencies - of life.
toward a goal, movement usually Dreams
with a direction accompanied by  Dreams can provide
Abnormal Development accentuated clues for solving future
 General Description feelings of problems.
 underdeveloped social inferiority.  Dreams are disguised to
interest - the one factor  Pampered Style of deceive the dreamer,
underlying all types of Life - pampered making self-
maladjustments. people have weak interpretation
 Besides lacking social social interest but a difficult. The more an
interest, neurotics tend strong desire to individual’s goal is
to (1) set their goals too perpetuate the inconsistent with
high, (2) live in their pampered, parasitic reality, the more likely
own private world, and relationship with that person’s dreams
(3) have a rigid and their parents. will be used for self-
dogmatic style of life.  Neglected Style of deception.
 External Factors in Life - children who Psychotherapy
Maladjustments: feel unloved and  To enhance courage,
1. Exaggerated Physical unwanted are likely lessen feelings of
Deficiencies - usually to borrow heavily inferiority, and
accompanied by accentuated from these feelings encourage social
feelings of inferiority. in creating a interest. A unique
2. Pampered Style of Life - neglected style of method of therapy with
pampered people have weak life. problem children by
social interest but a strong treating them in front
desire to perpetuate the of an audience of
pampered, parasitic parents, teachers, and
relationship with their health professionals.
3. Neglected Style of Life -
children who feel unloved
and unwanted are likely to
borrow heavily from these
feelings in creating a
neglected style of life.
 Safeguarding Tendencies
 Safeguarding Tendencies -
protective devices that
enable people to hide their
inflated self-image and to
maintain their current
style of life.
 Common Safeguarding
1. Excuses - people first
claim what they would
like to do but then they
follow an excuse.
2. Aggression - people use
aggression to safeguard
their exaggerated
superiority complex to
protect their fragile self-
 Forms of Aggression:
a. Depreciation -
tendency to
undervalue people’s
achievement and to
overvalue their own.
b. Accusation -
tendency to blame
others for their
failure and to seek
c. Self-accusation - self
torture or guilt.
3. Withdrawal -
safeguarding through
 Four Modes:
a. Moving Backward -
tendency to
safeguard one’s
fictional goal of
superiority by
reverting to a more
secure period of life.
b. Standing still -
people do not move
into any direction.
c. Hesitating - people
hesitate or vacillate
when faced with
difficult problems.
d. Constructing
obstacles - creating
obstacles to knock it
Masculine Protest
 Masculine protest - Cultural
and social practices influence
many men and women to
overemphasize the importance
of being manly; boys should be
powerful while girls should be
passive and accept an inferior
role in society.

Carl Jung:  Each of us is motivated not only by Levels of the Psyche:  The psychological Word Association Test Critique
Analytical repressed experiences inherited 1. Conscious - images sensed by the health of middle-  The main purpose was
Psychology from our ancestors. ego. Ego is the center of aged people is to demonstrate the Research generation:
consciousness not the core of related to their validity of Freud’s moderate
personality; Jung’s notion of the ego ability in achieving hypothesis that the Falsifiability: very low
is more restrictive than Freud’s. balance between unconscious operates Organization: moderate
 Self - the center of the poles of the as un autonomous Practicality: Low
personality. various opposing process. Internal Consistency: low
 Individuation - Jung’s term processes.  However the basic Parsimony: low
for the process of becoming  Imbalances in purpose of the test in
a whole person, that is, an Archetypes can Jungian psychology View of Humanity
individual with a high level of cause disorders and today is to uncover analytical psychology can also
psychic development. disturbances such as feeling-toned be rated high on similarities
2. Personal Unconscious - schizophrenia, complexes. among people and low on
embraces all repressed, forgotten, delusions, etc.  The word association individual differences
or subliminally perceived test is based on the
experiences of one particular principle that  Humanity was neither
individual. complexes create pessimistic nor optimistic,
 Complexes - motionally measurable emotional neither deterministic nor
toned conglomeration of responses. purposive.
associated ideas. Dream Analysis  People are motivated
3. Collective Unconscious - it has  The purpose of Jungian partly by conscious
roots ancestral past of the entire dream interpretation is thoughts, partly by images
species; inherited form one to uncover elements from their personal
generation to another to the next as from form the personal unconscious, and partly by
a psychic potential. and collective latent memory traces
 Archetypes - ancient or unconscious and to inherited from their
archaic images that derive integrate them into ancestral past.
from the collective unconscious in order to  Motivation comes from
unconscious. facilitate the process of both causal and
 Instinct - an unconscious self-realization. teleological factors.
physical impulse toward  Thus, if a person’s  Each person is a
action and saw the conscious life is composition of opposing
archetype as the psychic incomplete in a certain
counterpart to an instinct. area, then that person’s forces. No one is
 Types of Archetypes: unconscious self will completely introverted or
a. Persona - the side of strive to complete that totally extraverted; all
personality that people condition through the male or all female; solely a
show to the world. dream process. thinking, feeling, sensing,
b. Shadow- archetype of Active Imagination or intuitive person; and no
darkness and repression  This method requires a one proceeds invariably in
which represents those person to begin with the direction of either
qualities we do not wish any impression- a progression or regression.
to acknowledge but dream, image, vision,  People have some limited
attempts to hide from picture, or fantasy and capacity to determine
ourselves and others. to concentrate until the their lives. They can
c. Anima - all humans are impression begins to recognize their shadow as
psychologically bisexual move. their own, become
and possess both a  These images should be partially conscious of their
masculine and feminine followed to wherever feminine or masculine
side; a represents they lead and then face side, and cultivate more
irrational moods and these images and freely than a single function.
feelings. communicate with  The persona is but a
d. Animus - masculine them. fraction of an individual.
archetype in women. A  Its main purpose is to What one wishes to show
symbolic thinking and reveal archetypal others is usually only the
reasoning. images emerging form socially acceptable side of
e. Great Mother - always the unconscious. personality. Every person
associated with both Psychotherapy has a dark side, a shadow,
positive and negative  Four basic approaches and most try to conceal it
feelings represents two to therapy: from both society and
opposing forces, fertility 1. Confession of a themselves. In addition,
and nourishment on the pathogenic secret each man possesses an
one hand and power - the cathartic anima and every woman
and destruction on the method practiced an animus.
other. by Josef Breuer  People have achieved
f. Wise Old Man - and his patient individuation, made an
archetype of wisdom Anna O. For acquaintance with their
and meaning, patients who inner world, and brought
symbolizes humans’ merely have a the various opposing
pre-existing knowledge need to share their forces into balance, they
of the mysteries of life. secrets, catharsis is remain under the
g. Rebirth - represented effective. influence of an impersonal
by such processes as 2. Interpretation, collective unconscious that
reincarnation, baptism, explanation and controls many of their
resurrection, and elucidation - which prejudices, interests, fears,
individuation or self- gives patients the dreams, and creative
realization. insights into the activities.
h. Hero - represented in cause of their
mythology and legends neurosis.
as a powerful person, 3. Education of the
sometimes part god that patients as social
fights against great beings - this
odds. approach often
i. Self - the innate leaves patients
disposition where each merely socially
person possesses an well adjusted.
inherited tendency to 4. Transformation -
move towards growth, therapist must first
perfection and be transformed
completion. into a healthy
 Self-Realization - human being. Only
unites the self; the after
highest possible transformation
level of psychic and established
maturation; philosophy in life
necessitates a that he could be
balance between able to help his
conscious and patients.
unconscious, ego  the process of
and self, masculine countertransference - a
and feminine, and term used to describe a
introversion and therapist’s feelings
extraversion. All toward the patient.
four functions
(thinking, feeling,
sensing, and
intuiting) would be
fully developed by
self-realized people.
 Mandala - depicted
as a circle within a
square, a square
within a circle. It
represents the
striving of the
unconscious for
unity, balance,
Dynamics of Personality:
1. Causality and Teleology
 Causality - holds that present
events have their own origin
in previous experiences.
 Teleology - holds that present
events are motivated by
goals and aspirations for the
future that directs a person’s
2. Progression and Regression
 Progression - adaption to the
outside world involves the
forward flow of the psychic
 Regression - adaption to the
inner world relies on a
backward flow of the psychic
Psychological Types:
 Attitudes
 Attitude - a predisposition to
act or react in a characteristic
direction. There are 2 basic
1. Introversion - the
turning inward of
psychic energy with an
orientation toward the
subjective. Introverts
are tuned in to their
inner world.
2. Extraversion - the
attitude distinguished
by the turning outward
of psychic energy so
that a person is oriented
toward the objective
and away from the
 Functions
 The Four Functions:
1. Thinking - logical intellectual
activity that produces a
chain of ideas.
 Extraverted Thinking -
people rely heavily on
concrete thoughts but
they may also use
abstract ideas if these
ideas have been
transmitted to them.
 Introverted Thinking -
people react to stimuli,
but their interpretation
of events is colored
more by the internal
meaning they bring with
2. Feeling - the process of
evaluating an idea or
 Extraverted Feeling -
people use objective
data to make
 Introverted Feeling -
people base their value
judgement primarily on
subjective perceptions
rather than objective
3. Sensing - the function that
receives physical stimuli
and transmits them to
perceptual consciousness.
 Extraverted Sensing -
people perceive
external stimuli
objectively, in much the
same way these stimuli
 Introverted Sensing -
people are largely
influenced by their
subjective sensations of
sight, sounds, taste,
touch and so forth.
4. Intuiting - perception
beyond workings of
 Extraverted Intuitive -
people are oriented
towards the facts in the
external world.
 Introverted Intuitive -
people are guided by
unconscious perception
of facts that are
basically subjective and
have little or no
resemblance to external
Development of Personality
 Stages of Development:
1. Childhood - dived into three
 Anarchic Phase - chaotic
and sporadic
 Monarchic Phase -
characterized by the
development of the ego
and by the beginning of
logical and verbal
 Dualistic Phase - when
ego is divided into the
objective and
2. Youth - period of increased
activity, maturing
sexuality, growing
consciousness, and
recognition that the
problem-free era of
childhood is gone forever.
 Conservative Principle -
desire to live in the past.
3. Middle Life - Jung believed
that middle life begins at
approximately age 35 or
40, by which time the sun
has passed its zenith and
begins its downward
descent. Although this
decline can present
middle-aged people with
increasing anxieties,
middle life is also a period
of tremendous potential.
4. Old Age - people experience
a diminution of
consciousness just as the
light and warmth of the
sun diminish at dusk.
 Self-Realization -
rebirth; is the process of
becoming an individual or
whole person.

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