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Islamic Culture _ GRADE 11 | = Unit 6 The Miracles of the Prophets ‘The Miracles of the Prophets (1) ‘The Miracles of the Prophets (2) ‘The Miracles of the Prophets (3) ‘The Miracles of the Last of the Prophets Mohammad (PBUH) Lesson 1 The miracles of the Prophets (1) ‘Allah supported the prophets and messengers with proofs and evidences that proved the realism of their messages. Allah also supported them with miracies, which are strange events, The laws of nature cannot explain these events. So, they are considered an act of Allah, Among these miracies are: ‘The marvelous she-camel (the miracle of Prophet Salih): ‘The people of Thamood challenged thelr Prophet Salih to bring them a she- camel out ofa rocky mountain, The Prophet Sal prayed to Allah, and He got them the she-camel they wanted, Despite this, they continued in their cisbeliet ‘They slaughtered the she-camel. Thus, Allah punished them for their disbelief ‘and oppression. ‘The miracles of Prophet Ibraheem: 1) The four birds: Prophet Ibraheem, asked his Lord to show him how He gives lif to the dead, Allah commanded him to slaughter four birds, puta part of them fon every hil, and call them, When lbraheem did 60, they came to him quickly 2) Non-burning fire: King Namrooth wanted to got rid of Prophet Ibraheem. He ordered his followers to light a huge fre, When its flames were high in the sky, he threw Frophet lbraheem int it Allah commanded the fre tobe cool and to be 2 safe place for Ibraheem, Only his handcuffs, which were made of rope, were burnt. Prophet lbraheem got out of the fire safe and sound, while the people ‘were looked at him in amazernent. jot He hy, ple Lesson 2 The Miracles of the Prophets (2) Inthe bel of the Fish the miracle of Prophet Yonus): trop Yonus fet his town. He didnot have permission fom his Lord to do fo. He boarded the fist ship he saw. When they were In the middle ofthe Soo, the wind blow stengly and the ship was about to sink. The pascengers Secided to thaw one of them overboard, so thatthe rest would be saved bon they drew lots, ech time it was Yonus tobe thrown in the sea. Yonus ‘hrow himself Int the se. Allah sent a huge fish tat ewallowed him. Inthe belly athe ish, Yonus started fo ack Allah for forgiveness. lah ordered the {eh to tow him out onto the shore, When Yonusretune toh people, he found that they regretted what they used to do, and they b jeved in him. Some of the miracles of Mousa: 4) The snako-ike stick: Allah supported His Prophet Mousa, with an amazing miracle which Is his stick that turned into @ huge snake. This snake swallowed up all the ropes and sticks that Pharaoh's magicians had thrown. Thoy we cheating the people to made them believe that their sticks were real snakes, 2) The spit of the Sea: When Mousa struck the sea with his stick, itwas divided Into two parts. Mousa and his followers crossed over safely. When Pharaoh ‘and his soldiers wanted to cross to run after Mousa, the water flooded again and they drowned 3) Amurdered man speaking: A man was killed his relatives accused the man’s neighbors. When they went to Mousa to judge among them, Mousa ordered them to slaughter a cow. The Jews thought that Mousa was mocking thom, They kept on asking sbout the detailed descriptions of the cow until they ‘ound one. When they slaughtered it, Mousa ordered them to take a piece of its meat and strike the body of the murdered man with it. The murdered man talked and told them the name of the real murderer, and then he died again! Lesson 3 The miracles of the Prophets (3) ‘Mountains glorifying Allah: the miracle of Prophet Dawood Allan blessed His Prophet Dawood, may Allah exalt his mention, with a very ‘melodious voles, Whenever he invoked Allah and glorified Him, the mountains ‘and birds would reitarate and repeat his glorification and invocation, ‘The miractes of Prophet Sulayman: Allah commanced the wind to carry Prophet Sulayman, may Allah exalt his mention, wherever he wanted. Allah also mede the Jinns under his disposal and taught him the languages of birds. His army was a wonderful mixture of ‘human beings, Jinns, birds, and animals. ‘The miracles of Esa: “The amazing bith; The first and most unique miracle of Prophet ‘Esa, was that he was born without a father. He Is the word of Allah sent to Maryam to be a miracle to all creatures. ‘Another miracle happened when he talked while he was stil inthe cradl He also had other mira such as giving life to the dead by Allah's Will and curing the sick through the Omnipotence of Allah Lesson 4 ) The Miracles of the Last of the Prophets Mohammad (PBUH): ‘The Qur'an: It is the endless miracle of Prophet Mohammad. He challenges the ” ‘Arabs, who were famous for ther tetoric and fluency, with this hely book. The = Qur'an is @ rich source of miracles throughout alltime. Modern sciences keep revealing more and more about the sclentfic miracles of the Qur'an, ‘The split of the moon: The palyhelsts of Makkah asked Prophet Mohammad to we show them 2 mirace, Alah made the moon spit into two halves tothe extent that a they saw Mount Hira between them, The trunk of the palm tree crying: The Prophet used to deliver his speeches while leaning onthe trunk of a faim tree in the mosque. When he oppedit, the companions heerd a moaning sound coming from the trunk, as fit was a baby erying. When the vat Prophet neared it and put his hand ont, it became silent. Causing 2 small amount of food to increase: Abu Talhah and his wife, invited the Propet to eat in their house. Allah's Messenger came along with many ether peopl, When Abu Talhah saw them, he was sad bacause he thought the food was nat : {enough forall of them. Allah's Meséongar commanded them to bresk the bread into small pleces. Then he prayed Allah to bless and increase the food. Allah answered his prayer. All the peopla ato, and the food was enough. |Ablora and A-Miraaj (The Night Journey and the Rise to Heaven): was one ofthe ireatest miracles of the Prophet. It was the first human journey to heavens. The Purpose ofthis journey was to relieve and comfort the Prophet. He faced great harm by the people of Taif when he went thee to call them to Islam. p is eo Activities : 1 a 10 What does the word (miracle) mean? What was mice of prophet Ibraheer? ‘What was the mirecte of Prophet Yonus? What happened to Prophet Yorus? Give two miracles of Prophet Mousa? What i the ws do when Mouse ordered them fo slaughter a cow? ‘Wat was the miracle of Prophet Dawood? Wihat were the miracles of Prophet Suiayman? ‘What was the greatest and eternal miracle of Prophet Mohammad? ‘What was the purpose of Al-Isra and Al-Mirraal? « Unit 7 The Muslims’ Contributions to Medicine © The Muslims’ Contributions to Medicine © Medicine during the Abbasid Caliphs © The Great Generation of Muslim Physicians © Muslim Surgery Lesson 1 Muslim’s Contributions to Medicine Islam is a religion of mercy and pity. It calls for curing the sick, relieving their pain, end treating them. It commands the Muslims to search for new medicines ‘and ask a epecialized physician when they ae il. The Prophet said, «O slaves of Allah! Seek medical treatment, for Allah has not sent a disease without sencing «remedy for it.» [At-Tirmithi] Prophetic Medicine Tha Muslims came to know the Prophetic medicine through the narrations of the Prophet. They Included the remedy of some diseases. Isiam has also sat tp some rules thet lead toa healthy eociety. It urged the Muslims to clean their bodies, foodstut's, houses, and streets, Islam also lighted the harmful things ‘and prohibited them, It advices the Muslims to pay attention to their bodies and health. It has even considered this among the features of faith. The Prophet (PBUH) said, e& strong believer Is better and is more beloved to Allah than a ‘weak believer.» (Muslim) Islam also highlighted a system of medication and protection against illnesses, Its similar to the medical quarantine that was adopted by modem countries to prevent diseases. The Prophet sald, «lf you hear about a plague breaking out in a land, do not enter it and if appears in a land in which you happen to be, do not leave it.» [AFBukhaari] of 9 of et aie 9s nd vet Lesson 2 Medicine during the Abbasid Caliphs Muslims gave great attention to medicine. The Muslim caliphs took care of physicians, and they bull hospitals, The frst hospital inthe Islamic history was bulitby the Umayyad caliph, Al-Waleed Ibn Abdul-Malik in 88A.H, ‘The Abbasid caliphs also paid close attention to medicine. During the Abbasid Dynasty, the Bakhtiashoc, a family were famous In this field, For one and a helt century, they were well-known for this. Their sequent generations ware highly valued by the Abbasid caliphs. The rank of physicians was very high in the Muslim society. They became the closest people to the caliph or the ruler. Some physicians even became reliable ministers ‘ang scholars, who had a high rank before all other statesmen. Lesson 3 The Great Generation of Muslim Physicians ‘The great generation of Muslim physicians started {0 appear in the fourth Hijri century. The first of whom was Mohammad lbn Zakariyya Ar-Raaal (died in 313AH,) He is considered the most famous Muslim physician. He was @ Scientist, who wrote more than 200 books. The most important of which is cAlHaamis (The Comprehensive Book, o* Liber Continens, as it was known in medieval Europe). This book was published in India ‘ArRaazi(Lalin, Rhazes) developed sutures, which he took out from animals in order to join issues, He was the first to use sutures inthe treatment of wounds, He was alsa the first to know about allergies, and he differentiated it from ‘epidemic hepatitis. He pointed on his chemical experience in developing some mixes that were used in treatment for the first time. These compounds were mercury sats, lead, and copper, and he tried them on monkeys. He was also the first to use write ead in ointments, and he used mercury ointment as a laxative Ibn An-Nafees: Ibn An-Nafees (died in 687AH.) Is one of the most famous Muslim phys.clans of the seventh Hil century. He was born in Damascus, and he became # famous physician in Cairo. He was the manager of the Mansoor Hospital, which was the best hospital in the world Ibn An-Nafees discovered the ‘minor ciculatory system. One of his most famous medical writings was his book «The Comprehensive», which consisted of tens of volumes, ied he ind the ok a | | | | | | | | Lesson 4 Muslim Surgery Muslim physicians perfoimed surgleal operations. They uses cauterizing in resting some ilinesses, They also removed tumors from various parts of the body. Besides, they performed surgery on the nose, ear, throal, mouth, and teeth, etc. In closing wounds or joining tissues, they used sutures made of arimal intestines, especialy cats. They also used some anesthetic drugs in order to relieve pain ‘The Most Famous Muslim Surgeon ‘Abu Al-Gaasim Az-Zahraawi (died in 428A.H.) was the author of eAt-Tasroot Liman Ajaza an At-Taleets or «Clarifications for Non-Witers». This is the book on wich Europe relied for several centuries after It was translated into Latin. It Is a 30-volume medical encyclopedia, It is considered the first encyclopedia on medicine and surgery. ‘Az-Zahraawi was the first surgeon to perform surgical operations on blood vessels. He sutured arteres after they had been cut or joining them while they are bleeding. He was also the first surgeon to use silk fibers in closing wounds. and gold ligaments In cor-ecting teeth. He was also the first to develop plastic, suturing. He developed many surgical instruments that were not known before. He drew pictures of these instruments. He also gave details of their sizes and the materials used in makng them. He developed hooks for excising tonsils and tumors. He also used hot iron rods for cauterizing, and he pronged hooks for {aking out teeth, He was also the first su'geon to perform surgical operations or the removal of gall stones, He was the first surgeon to deliver @ baby into @ basin, incase the fetus was in an abnermal position. Az-Zahraawi advised seeking the help of female nurses and helsers In performing surgical operations on women, He thought that females are kinder, and patients would feel mere comfortable with them more than men. Activities : 1 2 10 ‘What does Islam say about medicine? How did the Muslims come to know the Prophetic medicine? Has Isiam set up rules that lead to a healthy society? What did the Prophet say about plague? When was the frst hospital inthe Islamic history built? \What was the rank of physicians during the Abbasid caliphs? When dic the great generation of Muslim physicians start? ‘Who was the most famous Muslim physician? Whet did Ar-Raazi develop? Who was Az-Zahraawi? | | | | j | | = Unit 8 Revision o Exercise 1 © Exercise 2 Lesson 1 Exercise 1 | I Write a paragraph about Muslim Surgery mm Put( )or( ): 4- Islam is a religin of mercy and pity. ( ) 2-The Muslim calphs didn’t pay close attention to medicine. ( ) % ArRaazidied n345AH. — ( ) 4 The Muslim calphs took care of physicians. ( ) 5: Ibn An-Nafees was born in Calta. ( ) soem Lesson 2 Exercise 2 ACROSS S-allah sent them to gude us 7-All mankind will be gethered that day ‘S-belief In that all what happens is by the Will of Allah 8-They are created from Fire DOWN ‘-They are created from light 2-haly books 4-Beliet in One and only One God Scdisbelievers will go to this place 6-believers will goto this place

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