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= Unit 1 The Pillars of Islam ° ° Shahadah Salah Zakat Siyam Hajj Lesson 1 Shahadah The “Shahadah” or Declaration of Faith In order to be a true and perfect Muslim, one must believe in heart and then utter the Shahadah (Laa taaha Sila Allah) - an Arabic version of which In English means, “There is no deity worthy of being worshipped except Allah and Mohammad (PBUH) is His messenger."This announcement certifies that Allah exists, that He, by all means, is different from His creations and above all of them, and no one else except Him is worth of worship. It also certifies that He is the ultimate Creator and the sole Proprietor ofall that exists in Heavens and Earths and Disposer of all matters. Allah says in the Holy Quran: (Unquestionably, to Allah belongs whatsoever is-in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth. And those who éall other than Allah do not (actually) follow (His) “partners”. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying. ) [ 10:66] The 'Shahadah’ asserts that Mohammad is the last messenger among the prophets who carried on and delivered Allah's revelation to mankind Allah says: (And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a Warner. But most of the people do not know.) { 34:23] Lesson 2 Salah The Salah , or formal obligatory prayer Throughout the history of mankind, prayer was offered and practiced by all prophets and their followers as ‘an integral part of Allah's religion. Islam, the final and ultimate message to humanity, considers prayer a vital pillar. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) taught Muslims how to offer prayer five times a day with specific intervals. And it is mandatory for a true Muslim to pray as mentioned in islam. These prayers are essential, as they form a direct bond between the worshipper and his Lord. Islam does not emphasize Muslims to merely perform this act of worship; rather; it wants them to purify their souls. Allah says, regarding prayer: (Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing.) { 29:45] Lesson 3 Zakat (Zakat) or Obligatory annual Charity Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. The Arabic word “Zakat” means purification ‘and growth, Based upon an important principle of Islam that everything belongs to Allah, Muslims are obliged to earn and spend their wealth in ways that are acceptable to Allah prescribed by Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Allah has ordained this system of Zakat and it belongs to Him solely. Zakat is neither 4 charity nor a tax, but an important obligation from Muslims who possess wealth more than theit basic wants, Therefore, the difference between Zakat and tax ig that Muslims pay Zakat willingly and by their own choice; no worldly order enforce theni to do that, Zakat purifies a Muslim. It cleans a Muslim from greed, lust, selfishness, mean practices and above all the love of this mortal world. Allah says (and whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul: It is those who will be the successful.) [59:9] No doubt. itis an ideal system that creates a delicate balance between poor and rich segments of society without causing trouble to the wealthy. This way Poor get their needs fulfilled. Lesson 4 Siyam’ or cea wae ieneinia o:'s BSH caste, So »Siyareor: Fasting ieuandatorgin Islam:asa 4th pillar, Allah has enjoined fasting upon the Muslims as He enjoined it upon previous‘nations..H, ‘the Almighty » says: (0 you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.) [2:183] ‘During tHe daylight Hours’of ‘the ltinar tinonth ef Ramadan.’ Legal things ike eatirig, drinking: sexuat activity and prohibited practices like" smoking.become illegal. Fasting teaches-believers patience and self control, It.reminds' them of their-responsibility toward millions of human’ beings who lack the:necessities of life due to their own unjust distribution. : e In the Holy month of Ramadan Muslims increase their efforts toward good manners and righteous deeds, along with adcitional worship at night. a Lesson 5 j H AJ “Haff” or Pilgrimage Hajj is the fifth and last pillar of Istam. Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Makkah is mandatory once in life time for the Muslims who.are able enough to bear the physical and financial burden of it. Allah says: (And [due] to Allah from the people is @ pilgrimage to the House for whoever is able to find thereto a way.) [3:97] ‘Thus, millions of Muslims get together from all over the world at the most holiest place in Islam, Makkah to perform a commanded activity called Halj These millions of Muslims are the guests of Allah, Aperson who performs Hajj retums with a fresh, new and purified soul. Hajj washes away all his sins like a newly born baby. He gathers areat blessings of Allah. Activities : 1. What does Shahadah mean? 3. How many times a day should a Muslim pray? 4 Are prayers obligatory or optional to the Muslim? 5 What does "Zakat” mean ? 6 What is the difference between a tax and “Zakat"? 7 What does fasting teach believers? 8 When do Muslims fast? 9 Where do Muslim have to go to perform Hajj? 10 How does a Muslim feel when he compietes Halj? a Unit? Revelation 9: 3. ‘The First Reveiation of the Holy Quran The-Importance, of the Quran Quran The Second Revelation Means of Revelation | Lesson 1 __ The Importance of the Quran | The Holiest book in Islam (Quran) was revealed to Prophet Mohammad ; (PBUH) in almost 23 years. It is a great miracle of Islam. It has a complete i code of life for every Muslim. This noble book offers a comprehensive program to win Allah's happiness and pleasure. j The Quranic teachings and values are universal for every one seeking guidance. \ The preaching of Quran leads everyone to eternal success and happiness. i Quran purifies a man’s soul, condemns all evils and orders good deeds. It provides a strong foundation for a just and unique society by obeying Allah as the supreme authority. | An ideal model of great { relationship between man ' and his Creator (Allah) is | provided in this Holy book. tt \ leads man to understand his i role in this world, encourages i him to think and ponders i why he is created. In short, ( without the guidance of the i Quran, humanity would still E be downing in the deep and it dark oceans of ignorance. Lesson 2 The First Revelation of the Quran According to Allah’s statement in His Book, there were two distinct and separate revelations of the Quran that took place. It is important that these two separate revelations be understood clearly. ‘The Quran is referred to as having been revealed in its totality in Ramadan or on Lailat Al-Qadr, the Night of Decree; while on the other hand, it is referred to as having been continuously revealed in segments up until just before the death of the Prophet (PBUH). The first revelation Quran was written initially on the Protected Tablet (AL-Lawh al- Mahfuth). Allah caused the Quran to descend from (AL-Lawh al- Mahfuth) to the lowest heaven. In this revelation, all of the Quran was sent down at one time to a station in the lowest heaven referred to as “Bayt alIzzah” (The House of Honor or Power). The blessed night on which this descent took place is called “Lailat Al-Qadr” (The Night of Decree), one of the odd numbered nights in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan. Aliah referred to this initial revelation as follows.” Verily, | revealed it on the Night of Decree."[97:1] These verses have to refer the initial revelation from (Al-Lawh ~al Mahfuth) to lowest heaven because it is a known fact that the whole Quran was not revealed to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) on a single night in Ramadan. Lesson 3 The Second Revelation of the Quran i Ibi ABBSS stated ‘the th Whois ued was titst separated ffom fts'station he Upper heaven's and placed in Bait al \zzd" in tite lowest heaven. ‘One version states that this 100K place on ihe Night of Decrée in Ramé This was the method by,which all of the earlier books of revgiation were i sent down. But, Allah chose to divide the ‘revelation of Quran into two parts i The first revelation within the:heavens represented an announcement to the inhabitants of the heavens.that the final book of revelation was being sent down upon the last of the prophets. i | From, the. lowest heaven sections of the Quran were, then token down by. the angel Gibrail, to” Prophet-Mohammad: (PBUH).-This:process..of revelation continued over the:twenty-three years of his, prophethood. This | revelation began with the-first five. verses of, Surah al‘Alaa, These verses were revealed to, the Prophet (PBUH) while he was on a spiritual journey in, the: cave of Hira’ near. Makkah. i \| Allatv has referred, to. the ft revelation in the following, way? and (itis) Quran wich bhave givided into parts‘in ‘order that you (Michammad) may recite to the people gradually, arid Phave revealedit \ by successive revelation.” (17:106] Lesson 4 Means of Revelation ‘Revelation’ is the guidance from Allah to His creation brought by the Prophets, who received the word from Allah through one of the means mentioned in the following Quranic verse: “ it is not fitting for a man that Allah d VHB should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by sending yw ia of a messenger to reveal with God’s QO permission what Allah wills: for He is Most High, Most Wise’ (42:51) Means of revelation are: Inspiration, (a dream), as in the case of Prophet Ibrahim who receives guidance in a vision, while asleep, to sacrifice his son. Another means is speech hidden away, where it is related that Allah spoke to Musa from the fire.) The last means is words (Speech) sent through @ special messenger from Allah, where it Is related that Allah sent the Angel Gabriel as the messenger to Mohammad to reveal His message.) Activities 4 What is AL- Quran? 2 What does AL- Quran offer? 3 How many distinct revelations of AL-Quran are there? 4. Was the whole Quran revealed to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) on a single night? 5 Howwere the earlier books of revelation sent down? What was the first complete Surah revealed to Prophet MOharnmad (PBUH)? 7 Where is Bayt al-izzah? 8 Whatare the means of revelation? 9 Who spoke to Musa from the fire? 40 Where was Prophet MOhammad (PBUH) when the first five verses of Surah Al-Alag revealed to him? = Unit 2 Family values © Islamic Family Values Protecting his Home, Wealth and Children © Obedience and Authority e Good Behavior Lesson 1 . Islamic Family Values To complete the balance between man and woman, Islam gives the husband certain clear rights upon his wife, These are less expensive-énd rarrower in space than her rights upon him. The basic rights that Islam gives to the husband upon the wife are definite and clear in the Qur'an and the Prophet's Traditions. Allah (SWT) said, «Men are the maintainers of women, because Allah has made some of them to excel others, and because they spend out of their property for the support of women.» The Holy Qur'an (4:34) ‘According to a narration, @ woman came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: «0 Messenger of Allah, tell me what right has the husband upon the wife?» He said: «A lot.» She seid: «Explain me some of them.» He replied. She may not fast without his permission, nor may she go out of her house without his consent. She has to use the best of perfumes, to wear the best of her clothes, to adorn herself as best as she can, to offer herself to him day and night, and still his rights are more than that.» for La ds to till Lesson 2 Protecting his Home Wealth and Children The husband should make the necessary arrangements for the house and the family. The wife is responsible for housekeeping, cooking, cleaning...ete. The woman should also suckle f her children, attend them or nurse them. Yes, Islam renders these warm acts for the woman and considers them good deeds and a way of approaching Allah, unless such responsibilities are stated by the husband in the conditions of the marriage agreement. A tradition about man’s rights upon his wife, says, «No Muslim got a better benefit from Islam than a Muslim wife who pleases her husband, obeys his orders and protects his honor and his property during his absence.» Lesson 3 Obedience and Authority The family is an important social unit whose arranged construction depends on good discipline and efficient organizing. There should be someone who shoulder responsibility over his beloved family and bear the task of guidance and leadership within its given limits. Therefore, Istam has allowed the husband to be obeyed and given him the upper hand over his wife and children, until they come of age. The Qur'an confirms the rights of @ husband: «Men are the maintainers of women, because Allah has made same of them excel others, and because they spend out of their property (For the support of women.)» (4:34) This authority does not give him the right to issue orders disagreeing with the rules of religion and its principles. If he orders his family to commit a sinful act, his right will fall and he should not be obeyed. The prophet of Allah (PBUH) said: «No creature is to obeyed in disobeying the Creator.» ands who ince and until the and Lesson 4 Good Behavior in order to provide an atmosphere of love and stability for her husband and her children, a wife should get rid of all causes of unrest, disgust and whatever may trouble the peace of the family. This can be achieved by showing affection and amity to the husband and by making the home atmosphere full of love, joy and kindness. Man may not see in his wife, nor hear from her, what he hates to see and hear. When the sense of beauty grows in one's self, the need for love and affection is satisfied. Thus, the causes of trouble, boredom, frustration, anger and hatred will disappear. So, such a pleasant family life, full of love, joy and affection, would certainly have its effects on the behaviors of its members. It would aiso affect their relations with the society, especially the children. By contrast, a miserable and unhappy family, where the husband leads a life of hatred, tension and disgust, would have bad effects on the children. islam urges mothers to be the source of love, beauty, peace and security in the house. It advises them to create a friendly family fife, full of harmony and affection, Activities : 41 What does Istam give a husband upon his wife? Why are men the maintainers of women? Who is responsible for suckling the children and nursing them’ What are the roles of the husband in the Muslims family? Mention a tradition conceming men’s right upon his wife? Why is the family an important social unit ? How could the wife provide an atmosphere of love and stability for her husband and children? What does Islam urge mothers to be? Should the man be obeyed if he orders his family to commit 4 sinful act? What is the difference between a pleasant family and a miserably family? » Unit 6 Saudi Art ° Saudi Art Folklore and Dance Craftsmanship Saudi Architecture Lesson 1 Saudi Art ‘The culture of Saudi Arabia is rich one that has been shaped by its Islamic heritage, its historical role as an ancient trade center, and its Bedouin traditions, ‘Saudi society has experienced much development over the past several decades ‘The Saudi people have taken their values and traditions hospitality and adapted them to the modern world. When the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was formed in 4932, King Abdulaziz dedicated himself to preserving Arab traditions and culture, and his sons and successors have done the same: Saudi traditions are rooted in Istamic teachings and ‘Arab customs, which Saudis ream about at an early age from their families and in schools, Some types of Islamic art, such as Qur'an manuscripts, mosque lamps or carved wooden mminbars are directly concerned with the faith and practice of Islam, the majority of objects considered to be “Islamic art” are called so simply because they were made in societies where Islam was the dominant religion. Al Islamic cultures continue to accord great Importance to beautiful writing, principally and primarily of Qur‘anic scripture, but also of other literary genres. This kind of decoration is usually called arabesque, @ term coined by 18th-or 16th-century Europeans who admired it and associated it with the Arab lands. Lesson 2 ‘One of Saudi Arabia's most popular folklore rites is ‘Al Ardha’, the country's national dance. This sword dance is based on old Bedouin war traditions: drummers beat out a rhythm and a poet sings verses while sword-carrying men dance shoulder to shoulder. AlSihba folklore, from the Hejaz, has its origins in al-Andalus. In Makkah, Madina and Jeddah, dance and songs joined the sound of the mizmar, an oboe- like woodwind instrument, in the show of the Mizmar dance. The drum is also an important instrument according to traditional customs. Samri is a popular traditional form of folklore and dance in which poetry is sung, especially in the Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabian Musical traditions depend heavily on the modern Arabian ‘oud. Lesson 3 Craftsmanship In the past, all the settlements, villages, towns and cities within Saudi Arabia had their own crafts and craftsmen. The craftsmen had their markets where they showed their products and traditional industries. Different materials used to make different types of products ranged from weapons, wooden chests to incenses burners. Many craftsmen travelled to the major settlements and towns, as Makkah and Madina, to show their products and sell them to pilgrims, travelers and other traders who se sell them in the markets of their : countries. 4 Some products, as post and pitchers, were made of clay, while incense burners and perfume containers were made of metals. Lesson 4 Saudi Architecture Architecture of Saudi Arabia is excellent because the building materials used to build these wonderful structures are produced in their original places. Therefore, the structures in the Arab Gulf coast are made of limestone which is found in richness, On the other hand, the Najd Plateau, which is poor in limestone but rich in silt, has houses made out of a mixture of clay and silt. Coral was the building material for the houses in the Hejaz region in Saudi Arabia. The structures that we come across when discussing the architecture in Saudi Arabia are very different from Western modern architecture. Concrete and processed cement are not the key elements for building. Rather, most of these buildings use palm tree leaves and tree trunks to make pillars and roofs. This makes the Architecture of Saudi Arabia an art in itself. Stones and wood are used widely for more decoration of the buildings. These amazing constructs are not only pleasant for the viewer’s eyes, but excellent houses for the people. In fact, the Culture of Saudi Arabia is reflected in its architecture. Activities * 1 Were there any cinemas in Saudi Arabia during 1980s? 2 Are there any cinemas in Saudi Arabia now? 3 What is the Saudis national dance? 4 Do Saudis have great crafts? What makes the architecture of Saudi Arabia an art in itself? What was the building material for the houses in 7 Dothe structures in Saudi Arabia differ from that in the western countries? 8 Do Saudis sell their crafts in markets? Is drum considered a traditional instrument in Saudi Arabia? 40 What are houses made of in Najd plateau?

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