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● information overload - інформаційне перевантаження

● to filter information - фільтрувати інформацію
● to process information - обробляти інформацію
● to consume information - споживати інформацію
● noise pollution - шумове забруднення (зумовлене транспортом, людьми,
телевізором etc.)
● excessive noise - надмірний шум
● to reduce noise pollution - скорочувати/зменшувати шумове забруднення
● lack of sleep - недостача сну
● information detox - інформаційний детокс
● overwhelming - такий, ще перевантажує або пригнічує
● excessive amount - надмірна кількість
● vast - величезний, незмірний
● accurate information - точна, правдива інформація
● reliable sources - надійні джерела
● trustworthy sources - достовірні джерела

Block 1. Noise pollution

Hear that? Is it the sound of birds singing? The sound of flowing creek water or maybe even
the sound of nothing? The truth is most of us don’t get to hear these sounds. We’re more
accustomed to hearing phone notifications, traffic noise, washing machines, and other
unnatural sounds.

The worst thing about unnatural and often unwanted noise is that most of us have become
immune to them. We don’t mind noisy construction sites. We don’t mind our neighbor playing
music into the early hours of the morning because it’s the weekend, so it’s “okay.”
We also don’t seem to have a problem with someone next to us in a public space watching
their favorite show on Netflix without headphones!

You and I can’t change the fact that we live in a noisy world. What we can change, however,
is how much or how little we’re willing to participate in this noisy world.

By reducing or eliminating unnatural or intrusive noise from your life, you’ll be able to focus
your efforts and energy on what truly matters. You’ll become more present in whatever you
do and less irritable.
There are many ways you can live a quiet and inviting life that gives you the joy and peace
of mind you need and perhaps even crave. The question is, are you ready?

1. What is noise pollution, and how does it differ from other types of pollution?
2. What are some common sources of noise pollution in urban areas?
3. How can noise pollution impact people's health and well-being?
4. What are the effects of noise pollution on sleep quality? How can people improve
their sleep quality in noisy environments?
5. How can individuals reduce noise pollution in their daily lives?
6. Discuss the importance of creating quiet zones in cities. Why are they necessary?
Block 2. Informational noise
Since the beginning of the internet, the volume of information has been growing rapidly.
Without even realizing it, we are pumping out unbelievable amounts of data onto the web
every day. The problems are the lack of information-quality control on the one hand, and our
inability to control the flow of incoming information on the other. Given the situation, it is not
surprising that some of us suffer from information overload and feel an urgent need for an
information detox.

What Is Information Overload?

Information overload is something you’ve likely felt or dealt with at least once in your life. It is
the feeling you get when, after hours of searching the web, you realize there’s so much data
in your head that you can no longer think clearly.

Information overload occurs when people are exposed to too much information that they
can't handle. This happens a lot nowadays because of the internet, social media, and other
sources. When there's too much to take in, it can make people feel stressed, confused, and
less able to focus. To manage it, people can prioritize, filter information, and take breaks
from screens.

*Information pollution, also known as information smog, refers to the excessive and often
low-quality information that is available through various sources, especially online platforms.
This abundance of information can make it difficult for individuals to find accurate, relevant,
and reliable content. It can lead to confusion, misinformation, and a decrease in the overall
quality of information. Just as environmental pollution can harm the environment,
informational pollution can have negative effects on people's ability to make informed
decisions, think critically, and navigate through the vast sea of data available online.

1. How has the amount of information available to people changed over the years
with the rise of technology?
2. What are some positive aspects of having access to a large amount of information?
3. In what ways can an excessive amount of information be overwhelming or
4. What is information overload, and how does it affect people in their daily lives?
5. Is it getting more difficult to find accurate and reliable sources in this vast amount of
6. How does information overload influence people's ability to focus and concentrate?
7. Can information overload have any negative effects on mental health?
8. What are the ways for people to cope with information overload? What do you think
of information detox?

*Information detox, also known as a digital detox or information diet, refers to a deliberate
and temporary break from consuming excessive amounts of digital information, such as
social media, emails, news, and other online content.

During an information detox, people often set specific periods of time where they
intentionally disconnect from digital devices and platforms. This break allows them to reset,
refocus, and engage in activities that don't involve screens. The goal is to regain a sense of
balance, improve mental well-being, and develop healthier habits when it comes to
consuming information.

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