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10 Work, energy, and power

AQA Physics Calculation sheet

Work and energy

Specification references
• Work, energy and power
• Conservation of energy
• M0.5 Use calculators to find and use power functions

Learning objectives
After completing the worksheet you should be able to:
• demonstrate and apply knowledge of the principle of conservation of energy
• recall that work done and energy are measured in joules
• recall that work done by a force, W = F s cos θ
• recall that kinetic energy, EK = m v2
• calculate EK and changes in EK
• recall that gravitational potential energy in a uniform gravitational field, EP = m g h
• calculate EP and changes in EP
• understand and apply the knowledge that transfer of energy is equal to work

Total energy is always conserved. Some examiners particularly dislike the word
‘lost’ as they think it implies energy is not conserved. Always use words like
‘transferred’, ‘transformed’, or ‘dissipated’. (Dissipated means spread out, dispersed,
or scattered.) Never use the word ‘lost’.
Work is done when energy is transferred. Work is done when a force makes
something move. If work is done by an object its energy decreases, and if work is
done on an object its energy increases.
Work done, W = F s cos θ, where F is the force, s is the distance moved by the
object, and θ is the angle between the direction of the force and the direction of the
movement of the object. This means that s cos θ is the distance moved in the
direction of the force.
Kinetic energy EK = m v2, where m is the mass and v is the speed or magnitude of
the velocity. Direction does not matter because energy is a scalar quantity.
Gravitational potential energy EP = m g h, where m is the mass, g is the acceleration
of free-fall, and h is the height (a change in height is used to give a change in EP).

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10 Work, energy, and power
AQA Physics Calculation sheet

Worked example
Figure 1 shows a plan view of a shopping trolley. It is being pushed forwards at
constant speed with a force of 25 N, against friction, but it is moving sideways at an
angle of 30º and travels 5.0 m in this direction.
Calculate the work done on the trolley by the pushing force.

Figure 1
Step 1
Find the distance moved in the direction of the force.
s cos θ = (5.0 m) × cos 30º
Step 2
Substitute the value for force and distance into the equation W = F s.
W = (25 N) × (5.0 m) × cos 30º
Step 3
Calculate the work done.
W = 108 J = 110 J (two significant figures)

1 Calculate the work done when:
a The resultant force on a car is 22 kN and it travels 2.0 km. (1 mark)
b A skier of weight 620 N skis for 150 m down a slope at 80o to the vertical. (1 mark)
c A passenger pulls a suitcase across a horizontal floor, with a force of 160 N
at an angle of 35º to the horizontal, to the check-in desk 55 m away along
the floor. (1 mark)

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10 Work, energy, and power
AQA Physics Calculation sheet

Worked example
A resultant force of 380 kN acts on a stationary train with mass, m, of 640 tonnes.
The train accelerates along a level track for 2.5 km. Calculate its final speed.
Step 1
The work done by the resultant force causes an increase in the train’s kinetic
energy, ΔEK. EK = m v2
Write down the equation you are using:
ΔW = F s
1 
F s = Δ  mv 2 
2 
Step 2
Substitute the values in the equation.
(380 × 103 N) × (2.5 × 103 m) = (640 × 103 kg) v2
Step 3
Rearrange the equation so that you can calculate v2
2 × (950 × 10 6 J)
v2 = 3
= 2969 m2 s–2
(640 × 10 kg)
Step 4
Do not forget that this is v2, you must take the square root to get v.
v = 54 m s–1 (two significant figures)

2 The Moon has a mass of 7.3 × 1022 kg and an orbital speed of 1.02 km s–1.
a Calculate the kinetic energy it has due to this motion. (1 mark)
b The Moon also rotates. State what effect this will have on its total kinetic
energy. (1 mark)
3 Calculate the kinetic energy gained and the speed of the skier in 1 b. (Assume
the skier starts from rest and frictional forces are small enough to be ignored.) (4 marks)
4 A car of mass 1300 kg accelerates from a speed of 6 m s–1 to a speed of 12 m s–1.
Calculate the increase in kinetic energy. (2 marks)

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10 Work, energy, and power
AQA Physics Calculation sheet

Worked example
A skydiver falls 250 m at terminal velocity. The total mass of the skydiver and
parachute is 88 kg.
a Calculate the change in gravitational potential energy.
b Explain why the kinetic energy of the skydiver does not increase.
c Deduce the work done against air resistance during this fall, and explain your
reasoning and any assumptions you have made.
a Step 1
Identify the equation to use.
ΔEP = m g Δh
Step 2
Substitute the values for m, g, and Δh.
ΔEP = (88 kg) × (9.81 m s–2) × (250 m)
Step 3
Calculate ΔEP.
ΔEP = 215 820 J = 220 kJ (two significant figures)
b Step 4
Explain what has happened to the potential energy without using the word ‘lost’.
Work is done against air resistance, and the gravitational potential energy is
transferred as heat and not as kinetic energy of the skydiver.
c Step 5
State that the work done equals your answer to b, what that value is, and why.
The work done against the air resistance is 220 kJ, which is the decrease in
gravitational potential energy, as this energy has been used to do work against
the air resistance. This assumes that the energy transferred as sound or other
forms is negligible.

5 Felix Baumgartner set a world skydiving record in October 2012 for falling from a
height of 39 045 m. His mass (with gear) was 118 kg.
a Calculate the gravitational potential energy transferred during the fall. (1 mark)
b Felix reached a speed of 370 m s–1 Calculate his kinetic energy at this speed. (1 mark)

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10 Work, energy, and power
AQA Physics Calculation sheet

6 Calculate the work done when a weightlifter lifts a weight of 200 kg to a height
1.8 m above the ground. (1 mark)

7 Megan has a mass of 58 kg. She is standing at the top of a fairground slide,
24 m above the ground. The bottom of the side is 0.50 m above the ground.
Assuming negligible frictional forces between the top and the bottom of the slide,
deduce or calculate her:
a decrease in gravitational potential energy as she goes down the slide (1 mark)
b kinetic energy at the bottom of the slide (1 mark)
c speed at the bottom of the slide. (2 marks)

8 Dan has a mass of 62 kg. He is travelling at a speed of 11 m s–1 at the top of a

rollercoaster loop, which is 21.8 m above the ground.
a Calculate:
i his kinetic energy at the top of the loop (1 mark)
ii his change in gravitational potential energy between the top and bottom
of the loop 0.8 m above the ground (2 marks)
iii his kinetic energy at the bottom of the loop, stating any assumption you
have made in calculating your answer (3 marks)
iv his speed at the bottom of the loop. (2 marks)
b Dan started the ride 5 m above the ground.
i Calculate the minimum work done by the accelerating force to accelerate
him to the top of the loop in part a. (2 marks)
ii Explain why the work done will be more than this minimum. (1 mark)

Maths skills links to other areas

You will need to use what you have learnt about work done and conservation of
energy when investigating elastic potential energy in Topic 11.4 More about stress
and strain.

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