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Teacher’s Name: Reham Hesham Ahmed Topic: Teaching Listening

Level: Lower-level Session duration: 45 minutes

Class Profile: The class contains 15 students, 7 girls and 8 boys, aged between 10 to 11 years old.
2 girls and 1 boy are slow learners while the other students are between average and
advanced levels.

Aim: Subsidiary Aim: Personal Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students should By the end of the lesson, students will be  To improve the student’s listening and
be able to practice listening for gist and able to recognize some new vocabulary note-taking skills.
detail in the context of ‘Sports’ and use them in their independent activity.  To facilitate understanding the topic by
pre-teaching some vocabulary.
Anticipated Problems: Anticipated Solutions: Materials and aids:
Some slow-learners may have some Teacher may have a written script for the  Audio track (CD)
difficulties in understanding the audio track, and can read it slower to be  PPT for detailed questions
conversation in the audio as it might be sure that the students got the idea and can  Smart board
talked speedily. answer the questions easily.  Worksheet for the detailed

Time & Stage & Stage Procedures Materials used Interaction

Notes aim
3 Warm up - Teacher asks a question for discussion; - T- Ss
minutes What’s your favourite hobby/sport? `

- Set a time limit 1 minute for a pair

discussion before eliciting the answers - S-S
and having a class discussion. - Ss-Ss
15 Pre-Listening 1. Top-down
minutes Lead in
- Teacher presents a photo of a cycling m%2Fblog%2Fc%2Fhow-cycling-
(5 In this stage sport, and then asks some questions to changes-your-body-internal-and-
minutes students will check the students’ prior knowledge. external-
for top- predict the For example: effects%2F&psig=AOvVaw15bI02V - T-Ss
down & context of the  What do you know about this sport? cJ-4F8Pr3JX1c-
10 listening topic  Have you ever participated in a p&ust=1677144267733000&source=
minutes and get cycling ride before? images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqF
for acquainted with  What are the needed equipments for woTCOiS7b7nqP0CFQAAAAAdA
bottom- some new safety while doing the cycling ride? AAAABAD
up) vocabulary.
- Elicit the students’ answers, and write
them on the board highlighting some - Ss-T
vocabulary related to the topic. For
example: equipment, cycling, trainers,
cycling glasses, helmets,…etc.

2. Bottom-up
I. Focusing on vocabulary
- Teacher introduces some key words - T
that will help students understand the
audio by producing an interactive -
memory game. =-NOnd-NgdJl9C2eaCnrK

- Game instructions:
- Each student tries to match the word - Ss
with its picture by flipping the cards.
- Once they matched the word with its
correct picture, teacher has to model the
word on the board, ask for its
definition, and then students start to - T-Ss
drill pronouncing the words (chorally
- S-T
and individually) 2 or 3 times focusing
- Ss
on the stress placement and the correct
Intensive listening:
Sub-skill  Predicting the idea of the listening topic through discussion.
 Deducing meaning of unfamiliar lexical items through understanding word formation and
contextual clues.
5 While-Listening Task 1: Listening for gist 1.
minutes - T
- Before playing the audio, teacher tells %2Fbasketball%2F&psig=AOvVaw1qY4
students that the listening track DCngCjxVt7wjeiaoeM&ust=1677154501
contains two parts. Each part will be 822000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0
played twice. CBAQjRxqFwoTCJjnls2Nqf0CFQAAA
- The first part is to get general idea AAdAAAAABAF
about the topic.

- Teacher presents 9 pictures (3 for each -T

question) and tells that they will hear a A)
boy called Max telling a new
classmate, Sarah, about a cycling club
in their town.
- Teacher asks a gist questions before essential-pieces-of-advice-for-new- - T-Ss
playing the record: cyclists%2F&psig=AOvVaw0swupOVG
1. What is the boy’s favourite sport? XEDwH_y1QOOtsb&ust=167715470790
2. When are the cycling rides? 9000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0C
3. Where do the rides begin? BAQjRxqFwoTCJjZxa6Oqf0CFQAAAA
- Asks students to listen to the record and
choose the correct picture for each

Audio script: B)
Sarah: You belong to the town cycling
club, don’t you, Max?
Max: Yes, Sarah – I wasn’t enjoying
basketball, so I wanted to try a new ning%2Farticles%2F7-simple-training-
sport. Cycling’s great – I feel much tips-to-run-your-next-race-
fitter than before! My friends have faster&psig=AOvVaw3dHtyqvgICa8- - Ss-Ss
joined now, too. g0J&ust=1677154857251000&source=im
Sarah: When are club cycle rides? ages&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTC
Max: On Saturday mornings, usually – OiHt_WOqf0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABA
but sometimes in the afternoons. We X
cycle about 25 kilometers – that’s a bit
far, but I enjoy it. We’ve even cycled in
the rain – that wasn’t fun!
Sarah: Where do the rides begin? C)
Max: When I joined, we started from
the town square, but now it’s the park. I 2.
suggested the station, but it’s too busy.
Sarah: If I join, will I need any nternet%2FMorning-Quotes-and-
equipment? Caption-
Max: Some members have cycling Ideas&psig=AOvVaw3U5DnllJQ5P_S_
shoes, but trainers are fine. I’ve got VqNanqsk&ust=1677232993856000&so
some special cycling glasses – they’re urce=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRx
useful, so buy some if you can. The qFwoTCLCV4IGyq_0CFQAAAAAdA
club leader will try to persuade you to AAAABAE
buy a club cap – but you don’t have to!
Sarah: OK!
Max: Actually, after my dad’s repaired
my bike this evening, we’re going
cycling – come with us! You can A)
borrow my spare lights if you need
them – and I’ll give you some more
information about the club meetings if
you like. 2Fafternoon&psig=AOvVaw1KdGGp3a
Sarah: Thanks! oQVO4tz8O2_Rzm&ust=167723323014
- Pause the recording and give students 2 BAQjRxqFwoTCJDqjfGyq_0CFQAAA
minutes to choose the correct picture, AAdAAAAABA4
and compare their answers with each
others in groups and then check as a






Feedback - What students have understood:

Students understood the general idea of the text as they answered the gist question correctly.

10 Task 2: Listening for specific information -

minutes - Students then have to listen to the record - T
again, this time listening for more details and
attempting to choose the correct answer for
the detailed questions presented through a
power point (created by the teacher).
For example,
1. Why did Max join the cycling club?
2. What does Max say about club cycle rides?
3. Club cycle rides start from
4. In Max’s opinion, Sarah should get...
5. What does Max offer to do? - Audio reference:
6. What will the club leader try to persuade
Sarah to do? Cambridge Primary Sample Test

- Students should make notes while listening, For use with curriculum
and then check the answers in pairs before published in
doing a class checking. September 2020 - S-S
- Ss
- Hand students a sheet to answer the detailed English as a Second Language
questions. Paper 2
Tape Script
Audio script: Stage 6
Sarah: You belong to the town cycling club,
don’t you, Max?
Deatailed Questions.pdf
Max: Yes, Sarah – I wasn’t enjoying
basketball, so I wanted to try a new sport.
Cycling’s great – I feel much fitter than
before! My friends have joined now, too.
Sarah: When are club cycle rides?
Max: On Saturday mornings, usually – but
sometimes in the afternoons. We cycle about
25 kilometers – that’s a bit far, but I enjoy it.
We’ve even cycled in the rain – that wasn’t
Sarah: Where do the rides begin?
Max: When I joined, we started from the
town square, but now it’s the park. I
suggested the station, but it’s too busy.
Sarah: If I join, will I need any equipment?
Max: Some members have cycling shoes,
but trainers are fine. I’ve got some special
cycling glasses – they’re useful, so buy some
if you can. The club leader will try to
persuade you to buy a club cap – but you
don’t have to!
Sarah: OK!
Max: Actually, after my dad’s repaired my
bike this evening, we’re going cycling –
come with us! You can borrow my spare
lights if you need them – and I’ll give you
some more information about the club
meetings if you like.
Sarah: Thanks!

- What students have understood:

Feedback - Students fully understood the recording as they could spot the answers of all the questions for details.
- The low achievers understood the listening topic as they pre-learnt the new vocabulary in the topic, and
could answer the detailed questions individually.

Sub-skill Intensive listening:

 Listening for gist.
 Listening for details.
 Note-making from listening.

7 Post Listening - Activity :

minutes Production/ follow - Teacher prepares some cards with
up activity different sports, for example,
swimming, running, football, - T
basketball, skiing,….etc.

- Working in pairs, each pair has to - S-S

pick a card randomly.

- Teacher writes some questions on - T

the board to be discussed in pairs,
for example,
Where do you play this sport?
What are the needed equipments for
playing this sport?
It is played individually or in
What are the game rules?
- Set a time limit 3 minutes for pairs
to have a discussion about the
selected sport.

- After time is up, a representative - S-Ss

from each pair has to represent
some information about the
discussed sport.

- Teacher will monitor their


Sub-skill Intensive listening:

 Summing up the listening topic.

- The session was very interesting. Students enjoyed playing the memory game.
Teacher’s Reflection - The low-achievers could participate in the post-listening activity as they shared their personal
experiences with their classmates.

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