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Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report

Approved: 17 May 2023 / AD

1 General conclusion / Recommendations......................................................2
2 Recommended spare parts..........................................................................6
3 Preparation before inspection on board.....................................................11
4 Report check list.........................................................................................12
5 Cargo pump status ....................................................................................13
6 Purging routine form / evaluation...............................................................14
7 Pump performance test and evaluation......................................................15
7 Pump performance test and evaluation - Recorded data...........................16
8 Hydraulic piping..........................................................................................18
9 Ballast and other pumps status..................................................................20
10 Portable pump status...............................................................................21
11 Hydraulic power unit.................................................................................22
12 Wear indicators........................................................................................24
13 Running hours..........................................................................................25
14 Hydraulic system tank and storage tank..................................................26
15 Remote control system and control panel................................................27
16 Test of alarms and shut down functions...................................................28
17 Hydraulic oil sampling and results............................................................29
18 Spare parts and tools...............................................................................30
19 Maintenance records................................................................................31
20 Enclosures................................................................................................32


Customer reference: Ms. Amanda

Framo sales order number: 611355/1

Framo services order number: CAS0010326

Date: 15 Apr 2023

Place: Surabaya Shipyard, Indonesia
Report prepared by: Saravanabavan
Performing framo company: SI
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 2 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

1 General conclusion / Recommendations

The purpose of the Pre-Docking Inspection is to evaluate the condition of the entire Framo cargo pumping system.
This report shall help the ship’s superintendent in preparing any activities needed on the Framo cargo pumping
system during upcoming docking.

We attended the vessel during her call to Surabaya Shipyard, Indonesia . Based on our observations on board M
PATRICIA, and in order to secure optimal performance of your Framo cargo pumping system, we have the following

Critical items observed during this Inspection

6 - Purging routine form / evaluation

Cargo pumps with excessive cargo leakages - No purging record available and cargo pump sealing arrangement
are in unknown condition.
Cargo pumps with excessive hydraulic oil leakages - No purging record available and cargo pump sealing
arrangement are in unknown condition.
Cargo pumps with a blocked cofferdam - No purging record available and cargo pump sealing arrangement are in
unknown condition.
Purging routine / log forms filled in correctly - No purging routine is carried out. We urge to start purging routine of
pumps and records to be sent electronically to This is a value-added service provided by
Framo at no additional cost and any abnormality will be picked up and advice will be given. Refer to Enclosures section
of this report for the form to be filled out and forwarded.
• Vessel did not carry out purging process to all cargo pumps for a long time due to unable to locate purging hose.

8 - Hydraulic piping
Main high pressure pipe (HP) - Severe corrosion are observed on the hydraulic main header pipeline, and action is
needed in order to stabilize the situation. See attached photos. All systems on board a ship, as well as the hydraulic
piping systems requires maintenance. Seawater in combination with high temperature, weather conditions and/ or other
external causes might cause corrosion to the hydraulic piping. The first rule to reduce corrosion is to always make sure
that the piping is properly painted/coated, clean and protected. The most critical area, which should be paid special
attention to, is the clamp zone. In this area, there will be abrasion caused by the friction between the pipe surface and
the flexible clamp rubber element, when the pipe is axially moving due to thermal expansion. Over time, the paint in
these areas might wear out, and the bare steel underneath the rubber becomes exposed to corrosion. Paint will not
harm the flexible rubber element. Please clean the corroded area, in order to conclude on remaining pipe-thickness.
Replace pipes with reduced thickness more than 25-30% immediately. Framo can assist with both measurement and
production of new pipes.
Main low pressure pipe (LP) - Same comments as above for main HP line.
Branch lines (HP between main / consumer) - Same comments as above for main HP line.
Branch lines (LP between main / consumer) - Same comments as above for main HP line.
Bulkhead adaptors - The vessel is equipped with old-style bulkhead adaptors, but we are not able to confirm that the
internal bolts (carbon steel) are replaced with Stainless Steel bolts. There have been a few cases where internal bolts
holding the bulkhead adaptor together has given way due to corroded bolts. Unless the bolts already have been
replaced earlier, it is recommended to replace the bolts in the bulkhead adaptors to stainless steel. If the fire protection
liner inside the adaptor is damage a complete adaptor need to be replaced. Externally the adaptors are with corrosion.
See enclosed photos.
Preservation - Urgent maintenance and preservation of the hydraulic deck piping as mentioned above are needed.
Pipes with temporary repairs and reduced thickness more than 25-30% must be replaced.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 3 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

9 - Ballast and other pumps status

Ballast 1 (stbd) - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam - Blocked, Internal Zinc anodes - No info received. By
plugging the cofferdam chamber can cause built up of water pressure in the chamber and in worst case make it
possible for water to enter the hydraulic system. The plugs must be removed a.s.a.p. and cofferdam kept open to
atmosphere all time. If pump is leaking, repairs to be carried out.
Ballast 2 (port) - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam - Blocked, Internal Zinc anodes - No info received. By
plugging the cofferdam chamber can cause built up of water pressure in the chamber and in worst case make it
possible for water to enter the hydraulic system. The plugs must be removed a.s.a.p. and cofferdam kept open to
atmosphere all time.
• We recommend inspecting and updating record for the condition of the ballast pump anodes yearly and if the
anodes are determined worn please renew them. Keep in mind that the dimension of the zinc anodes is calculated
so they shall at least last for 5 years. This means if we are inspecting anodes prior a docking and find the anodes to
be more than 50% worn the recommendation should be replace during docking. If worn less than 40 – 45% they
should last for another 5 year period.

11 - Hydraulic power unit

Main return filter(s) - As informed that the dirty filter alarm was earlier activated, but main filter element was reuse
after cleaned by ship staffs. Please note that type of filter is not cleanable and always need to be renewed when dirty –
filter alarm occur.

15 - Remote control system and control panel

Pilot line filter - Pop-up type, red condition observed.

16 - Test of alarms and shut down functions

Alarm - Excessive wear. No 1, 2 and 3 power pack wear indication does not function.

Concern items observed during this Inspection

3 - Preparation before inspection on board

Are results after purging forwarded to Framo ( - Results after purging are generally not
forwarded to Framo for evaluation. Framo recommends sending in the cargo-pump purging record regularly to For further information, see the enclosed purging routine.

5 - Cargo pump status

1 P - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion, Ball valve -
1S - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion.
2P - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion.
2S - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion.
3P - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion.
3S - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion.
4P - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion.
4S - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion, Ball valve -
5P - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion, Ball valve -
5S - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion, Ball valve -
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 4 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

6P - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion, Ball valve -
6S - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion, Ball valve -
SLOP S - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion, Ball
valve - Stuck.
SLOP S - Pressure gauge - Unreadable, Cofferdam purging valve - CAP Missing, Spool pipes - Some corrosion, Ball
valve - Stuck.
• Most of the service ball valves for cargo pumps were tight to operate. It is Important to include handles exercising
routine at least every quarter to ensure that the ball valves remain seizure free. This will enable the hydraulic side to
be isolated during overhauling of the cargo pumps.

8 - Hydraulic piping
Flexible pipe clamps - Rubber elements for the clamps were hardened up and lost its flexibility, worn rubbers and
corrosion causing steel on steel contact.

9 - Ballast and other pumps status

Tank cleaning pump - Pressure gauge - Unreadable.
• We recommend inspecting and updating record for the condition of the ballast pump anodes yearly and if the
anodes are determined worn please renew them. Keep in mind that the dimension of the zinc anodes is calculated
so they shall at least last for 5 years. This means if we are inspecting anodes prior a docking and find the anodes to
be more than 50% worn the recommendation should be replace during docking. If worn less than 40 – 45% they
should last for another 5 year period.

10 - Portable pump status

TK80 - Storage - Storage of the pump and belonging equipment is not done according to Framo`s recommendations.
The pump and hoses must always be safely supported and fastened in order to avoid wear or damages due to ship
movements. It is especially important that the hoses are not hanging or laying over sharp edges or that sharp objects
are placed on top of them. Note! The minimum bending radius for the hoses during storage must be according to
dimensional drawings.
TK80 - Test of portable pump, if possible - We are not able to confirm that the portable pump and belonging
equipment is tested annually. It is recommended to run a function and drill test of the portable pump once a year (see
instruction for pump). The test is to run the pump in a drum with fresh water for a short period. Testing will be easier
and more time-saving if the drum for testing is part of the storage arrangement.

11 - Hydraulic power unit

System pressure control valve - As reported system pressure was noted hunting regardless of which power pack is
running and slow response. Further checks required on system pressure control - pressure control valve, driver card,
pot-meter, etc. It was also reported unbalance during full capacity operating of 3 power packs. Re-adjustment of the
control and pumps settings is recommended. Also noted there have been some modification to the hydraulic pump
control system. See enclosed photos. Suggest engaging Framo service team to further look into this.

12 - Wear indicators
El. Power pack - 1 - Sensor faulty
El. Power pack - 2 - Sensor faulty
El. Power pack - 3 - Sensor faulty

14 - Hydraulic system tank and storage tank

Condition of the Air-breathing filter - Conceal type. Recommended replaced every 2nd year. The breather prevents
contamination from the surroundings in connection with fluctuations of the oil level in the tank and allows for moisture
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 5 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

Jockey pumps - Normal function. The coupling element for the jockey pump's shaft coupling is due for replacement.
(Recommended replaced every 5th year).

18 - Spare parts and tools

Availability of wear and tear spare parts - No spares observed. It is our recommendation to have a certain minimum
of wear and tear parts available for each type of cargo pump, to allow for condition-based repair and maintenance
when needed. Part list was requested by Superintendent.
Availability of spare filter elements - Framo recommends keeping one complete set of filter elements available for
the Framo hydraulic system. Base on our observation, the following filter elements were not found available and these
should be ordered: *Main filter, *Remote control valve filter, * Oil transfer pump filter.
Storage - Nothing at storage
Framo toolbox / Special tools - The hand-tools / special tools supplied by Framo is incomplete, and further attention
is needed. A complete tool-list is available in the Framo service manual for your guidance, and we kindly ask you to
upgrade the toolboxes accordingly.
Torque wrench for STC & Impeller - Framo recommends tightening the impeller bolts for the cargo pump as well as
STC pilot valves using a torque wrench. This requires special designed tools, and these were not part of the tools
delivered when this vessel was new. Purchase of these important tools should be considered.
Pressure test kit (Manometer set) - Could not be located.

19 - Maintenance records
Hydraulic filter box. Last filter change - Main filter reported dirty. Refer section 11 for more information.
Hydraulic system tank air-breathing filter. Last filter change - Not able to confirm that the air-breathing
filter/element is replaced as recommended. (2-two year basis). Please replace it at the next opportunity.
Last test of the portable pump - We are not able to confirm that the portable pump and belonging equipment is tested
annually. It is recommended to run a function and drill test of the portable pump once a year (see instruction for pump).
The test is to run the pump in a drum with fresh water for a short period. Testing will be easier and more time-saving if
the drum for testing is part of the storage arrangement.
Last check of the ballast pumps’ anodes - We are not able to confirm current condition, nor purchase / supply of
same. Based on this we assume that original anodes are still installed. We kindly ask to look further into this and
confirm current condition, be aware that the zinc anodes are there for protection of the pumps / air separators against
corrosion. The dimension of the zinc anodes are calculated so they shall at least last for 5 years.
• Please take action on the above listed items.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 6 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

2 Recommended spare parts

Based on our findings on board, we have the following recommendations:

xxx:To be carried out as soon as possible

Recommended action by
xx:To be carried out when convenient

x:To be carried out during next dry-docking Owner Framo

5 - Cargo pump status

Renew the STC valve pressure gauges for all cargo pumps which found
To install new protection dust caps on all cofferdam purging valves which are

Ref drawing: 0125-0494-1 Item list ID: A11568 XX

Drawing title: VALVE STC 30

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

104240 14 CAP DUST

6 - Purging routine form / evaluation

Unless the missing purging hose is located, purchase a new hose and start
purging of the cargo pumps cofferdams according to attached instruction.

Ref drawing: 0257-0993-3 Item list ID: 106252 XXX

Drawing title: HOSE

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

1 104257 2 PLUG DUST G1/2

8 - Hydraulic piping

Install new rubber blocks in pipe support where these are missing or damage. 4
rubber blocks is needed for each pipe support.

Ref drawing: Item list ID: ... XXX

Drawing title: PIPE SUPPORT

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

136010 4 INSERT RUBBER for pipe size 80 to 90 mm
137489 4 INSERT RUBBER for pipe size 114 mm
136036 4 INSERT RUBBER for pipe size 35 to 54 mm

9 - Ballast and other pumps status

Remove the plug in the cofferdam venting opening for both ballast pumps. By
plugging the cofferdam chamber can cause built up of water pressure in the
chamber and in worst case make it possible for water to enter the hydraulic
system. The plugs must be removed a.s.a.p. and cofferdam kept open to
atmosphere all time. If pump is leaking, repairs to be carried out. Parts to have
available for repair of one ballast pump with leakage is listed below.

Ref drawing: 0118-0102-1 Item list ID: 89193 XXX

Drawing title: PUMP VH250300 I
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 7 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

16 7716 8 O-RING
32 70573 1 O-RING
34 70573 1 O-RING
37 8748 1 O-RING
38 8466 1 O-RING
45 8672 1 O-RING
48 8383 1 O-RING
58 2102069 3 O-RING

Renew the STC pressure gauges for both Ballast pumps and Tank cleaning pump
which found unreadable.

Ref drawing: 0125-0467-1 Item list ID: A11516 XX

Drawing title: VALVE

Item Id. no. Qty. Description


Check and replace anodes in both ballast pump air separator tanks if worn. Be
aware that the zinc anodes are there for protection of the pumps / air separators
against corrosion.

Ref drawing: 0049-0526-1 Item list ID: A10831 XX

Drawing title: SEPARATOR AIR DN300

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

11 A7868 4 O-RING
12 A10230 4 ANODE

11 - Hydraulic power unit

Troubleshooting is required to find reason with the reported problem with hunting
and slow response of system pressure regulation. Parts that might be needed to
restore and rectify the issue are listed below.
Contact Framo service team for further assistance.

Ref drawing: 0125-0531-2 Item list ID: A18072 XXX XX


Item Id. no. Qty. Description

7 A5493 3 NOZZLE
8 A5185 4 O-RING
11 A18027 3 VALVE DIRECT
14 3009545 3 PLUG SOCKET W/
23 A18032 1 FILTER OIL

Replace the main filter element.

Ref drawing: 0345-0968-3 Item list ID: A21809 XXX

Drawing title: FILTER

Item Id. no. Qty. Description


12 - Wear indicators

To renew magnetic chip detector sensors at the hydraulic pump drainpipe for
power pack no 1, 2 & 3.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 8 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

Ref drawing: 0344-0797-3 Item list ID: A21881 XXX

Drawing title: POWERPACK 1

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

9 A92335 3 WEAR SENSOR

14 - Hydraulic system tank and storage tank

To renew the air-filter element for system tank.

Ref drawing: 0345-1194-1 Item list ID: A21880 XX

Drawing title: POWER UNIT OCE3

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

83 A19307 1 FILTER AIR

Renew the shaft coupling spider for jockey pump.

Ref drawing: 0345-1194-1 Item list ID: A21880 XXX X

Drawing title: POWER UNIT OCE3

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

B58060 1 ELEMENT

15 - Remote control system and control panel

Renew the filter element for remote control valves.

Ref drawing: 0345-0833-2 Item list ID: A14957 XXX

Drawing title: FILTER HP

Item Id. no. Qty. Description


18 - Spare parts and tools

Keep at least one complete set of spare parts available spare for pump type
SD150-5. This would allow the staff the freedom to plan and execute condition
based repairs and maintenance as and when needed.

Ref drawing: 0366-0954-1 Item list ID: A17129 XXX

Drawing title: PUMP HD SD150 5

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

30 A10040 1 O-RING
31 27847 1 BOLT HEXAGON
33 9746 1 O-RING
34 A10058 1 SLEEVE CERAMIC SD125/150
40 A10049 1 WASHER LOCK
43 A10050 1 SLEEVE UPPER SD125/150
47 A10719 1 MECHANICAL SEAL, H-SD125/150-5
48 A20828 1 O-RING
61 85456 2 RING WEAR
68 A13321 1 PIN SPRING

Recommended spare parts to keep available for pump type SD 150.

Ref drawing: 0387-0118-1 Item list ID: A21630 XXX

Drawing title: PUMP SD150 *5
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 9 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

Item Id. no. Qty. Description


Recommended parts to have available for pump type SD100.

Ref drawing: 0378-0549-1 Item list ID: A21658 XX

Drawing title: PUMP SD100 Å 5

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

18 179804 2 O-RING
19 A70713 2 RING BACK UP

Keep at least one complete set of spare parts available spare for pump type
SD100. This would allow the staff the freedom to plan and execute condition
based repairs and maintenance as and when needed.
(Part list was requested by Superintendent.)

Ref drawing: 0378-0140-1 Item list ID: A8552 XX

Drawing title: PUMP HD SD100

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

2 180851 2 RING WEAR SD100
7 85084 1 SLEEVE CERAMIC SD100
24 92817 1 O-RING
26 A2529 1 RING DRIVE
28 A20887 1 FRAMO CARGO SEAL SET SD100-1-6

Framo recommends keeping one complete set of filter elements available for the
Framo hydraulic system. Base on our observation, the following filter elements
were not found available and these should be ordered:
*Remote control valve filter, Main filter, Oil transfer pump filter.

Ref drawing: 0345-0833-2 Item list ID: A14957 XX

Drawing title: FILTER HP

Item Id. no. Qty. Description


*Main filter.

Ref drawing: 0345-0968-3 Item list ID: A21809 XX

Drawing title: FILTER

Item Id. no. Qty. Description


* Oil transfer pump filter.

Ref drawing: 0344-0502-3 Item list ID: A8824 XX

Drawing title: PUMP TRANSFER P

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 10 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

Framo recommends tightening the impeller bolts for the cargo pump as well as
STC pilot valves using a torque wrench.
This requires special designed tools, and these were not part of the tools delivered
when this vessel was new.
Purchase of these important tools should be considered.

Ref drawing: Item list ID: .. XX

Drawing title: TOOLS

Item Id. no. Qty. Description

A30793 1 WRENCH TORQUE for STC compensator & LCV
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 11 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

3 Preparation before inspection on board

Checklist Date:

Review of service and ship reports since last docking / commissioning:

The latest Framo service attendance was completed during docking April 2017 and the scope of work 14 Apr 2023
was overhauling of No. 1S, 2S and 5P cargo pumps type SD 150-5.

Review of oil sample status:

This vessel is not participating in the Framo Oil Monitoring and Inspection Program, so we were not 14 Apr 2023
able to study the current condition of the oil prior to our attendance.

Review of ship's spare part consumption since last docking / commissioning:

Based on our evaluation, a low spare-part consumption is observed for this vessel. Only one ball 14 Apr 2023
valve id. A37334 purchased from Framo the last 5 years.

Are results after purging forwarded to Framo (

Results after purging are generally not forwarded to Framo for evaluation. Framo recommends
sending in the cargo-pump purging record regularly to For further 14 Apr 2023
information, see the enclosed purging routine.

No further comments.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 12 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

4 Report check list

The following inspections have been carried out during our stay on board.
Discussed inspection and schedule with: Captain ¨ C/E þ C/M þ
Visual inspection and functional test of the cargo pumping plant: Only Framo ¨ With ship's Mgt þ

Done Action required

Visual inspection of cargo pumps top plates. þ þ
Purging of cargo pumps and evaluation of purging result. þ þ
Performance test of cargo pumps, if possible. þ ¨
Visual inspection of deck piping and valves, incl. quick coupling stations. þ þ
Functional test / visual inspection of ballast pumps and other pumps. þ þ
Visual inspection of portable pump, and testing if possible. þ þ
Visual inspection of hydraulic power unit. þ þ
Visual inspection of hydraulic tank and filter(s). þ þ
Verifying condition of magnetic chip detectors. þ ¨
Visual inspection of control panel(s). þ þ
Test of alarms and shut down functions, if possible þ þ
Hydraulic oil – sampling and testing. þ ¨
Evaluation of spare parts and tools þ þ

Items checked under “Action required”, are commented later in the report.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 13 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

5 Cargo pump status

Tank Type Pressure Local control Cargo pump Cofferdam Non return Air
STC purging valve purging valve Spool pipes Ball valve
no. gauge valve valve supply-line Remarks
1P SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some Stuck In function In function
condition corrosion
1S SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some In function In function In function
condition corrosion
2P SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some In function In function In function
condition corrosion
2S SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some In function In function In function
condition corrosion
3P SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some In function In function In function
condition corrosion
3S SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some In function In function In function
condition corrosion
4P SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some In function In function In function
condition corrosion
4S SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some Stuck In function In function
condition corrosion
5P SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some Stuck In function In function
condition corrosion
5S SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some Stuck In function In function
condition corrosion
6P SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some Stuck In function In function
condition corrosion
6S SD150 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some Stuck In function In function
condition corrosion
SLOP SD100 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some Stuck In function In function
S condition corrosion
SLOP SD100 Normal Unreadable In function In function CAP Missing Some Stuck In function In function
S condition corrosion

Most of the service ball valves for cargo pumps were tight to operate. It is Important to include handles exercising routine at least every quarter to ensure that the ball valves
remain seizure free. This will enable the hydraulic side to be isolated during overhauling of the cargo pumps.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 14 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

6 Purging routine form / evaluation


Cargo pumps with excessive cargo No purging record available and cargo pump sealing arrangement
leakages are in unknown condition.

Cargo pumps with excessive hydraulic No purging record available and cargo pump sealing arrangement
oil leakages are in unknown condition.

No purging record available and cargo pump sealing arrangement

Cargo pumps with a blocked cofferdam are in unknown condition.

No purging routine is carried out. We urge to start purging routine

of pumps and records to be sent electronically to
Purging routine / log forms filled in This is a value-added service provided by
correctly Framo at no additional cost and any abnormality will be picked up
and advice will be given. Refer to Enclosures section of this report
for the form to be filled out and forwarded.

Cofferdams purged by Crew Purging was not done due to unable to locate purging hose.

Vessel did not carry out purging process to all cargo pumps for a long time due to unable to locate purging hose.

General guidelines:
We recommend that a cargo pump with an excessive cargo leakage or excessive hydraulic oil leakage into the
pump’s cofferdam or cargo pump with a blocked cofferdam is to be repaired as soon as the cargo tank is accessible.

Cargo leakage:
Prior to any dismantling of the cargo pump, the cofferdam must be pressure tested to identify the location of the
leakage. A small leakage rate up to about 0.5 l/24h and higher with light cargoes) during pump operation is normal.
The acceptable leakage rate depends on the type of cargo.
For critical cargoes, when the leakage rate is more than 2 l/24h or higher, the pump must be pressure tested /
repaired at first opportunity.

Hydraulic oil leakage:

After the pump head has been lowered from the pipe stack, the pump head and the pipe stack must be pressure
tested separately to locate the leakage.
A small leakage rate into the cofferdam up to about 10 ml/h (0.25 l/24h) from the mechanical oil seal or lip seal
during pump operation is normal. For short periods of time, higher leakage peaks can occur. If the leakage rate is
increasing above the acceptable level, the pump must be pressure tested / repaired at first opportunity.

Blocked cofferdam:
This is a serious situation as the cargo pump’s cofferdam cannot be monitored. The cargo pump must be repaired at
first opportunity. In general we do not recommend operating the cargo pump with a blocked cofferdam. For advice,
depending on the type of cargo etcetera, contact a Framo Service Station.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 15 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

7 Pump performance test and evaluation

The evaluation test shall disclose possible wear and tear on the pump and evaluate increased wear ring clearance,
control valve setting / compensating and hydraulic motor. All cargo pumps with suitable cargo in the tanks need to
be run against closed valve.The expected cargo pressure(head), see performance diagram for the pump and
calculate.Cargo with viscosity > 1 will result in higher hydraulic pressure.To get a proper value, it is necessary to
use a manometer in order to read the cargo and hydraulic pressure.

CPr * 10
H= + U + hm (mlc)
SpG * 0,981
(Hp - U - hm) * SpG * 0,981
CPe = (bar)
dpw = (Pp / SpG) - Pr (bar)

H= Pump discharge head (mlc)

CPr = Cargo pressure, recorded (bar)

Spg = Specific gravity (kg/dm3)

U= Ullage (m)

hm = head to measuring point (m)

Hp = Head from performance diagram (mlc)

Cpe = Cargo pressure, expected (bar)

Hydraulic diff. pressure (calc. for
dpw = (bar)
Pp = Hydraulic pressure (recorded) (bar)
Pr = Hydraulic return pressure (recorded) (bar)
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 16 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

Return pressure: 2 bar

Pressure loss in pipe syst.: 4 bar
Recorded data: Max system pressure: 250 bar
Actual system pressure: 0 bar

Expected data Recorded data

Recorded during this test Design data calc. for water calc. for water
Head to Hydraulic
Tank Cargo
Pump type dp from SpG from Q duty Remarks
measurin Recorde pressure
no pressure
SpG Viscosity Ullage perf. perf.
Recorde dp bar H mlc dp bar Hrw mlc
(kg/dm3) cts g pt hm d Pp diagr. (Q diagr.
d CPr
(m) = 0) (bar) kg/dm3
(bar) (bar)
Not tested due
1P SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Not tested due
1S SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Not tested due
2P SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Not tested due
2S SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Not tested due
3P SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Not tested due
3S SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Not tested due
4P SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Not tested due
4S SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Not tested due
5P SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 17 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

Not tested due

5S SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Not tested due
6P SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Not tested due
6S SD150 96 0.80 120 110 300 to empty cargo
Not tested due
SLOP SD100 116 0.80 145 137 50 to empty cargo
S tank
Not tested due
SLOP SD100 116 0.80 145 137 50 to empty cargo
S tank

Regret to inform that we were unable to test the cargo pumps during this attendance, as all tanks were in dry condition.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 18 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

8 Hydraulic piping
Hydraulic piping DIN

Material high pressure main line Carbon Steel

Material low pressure main line Carbon Steel

Material high pressure branch line Carbon Steel

Material low pressure branch line Carbon Steel


Severe corrosion are observed on the hydraulic main header

pipeline, and action is needed in order to stabilize the situation.
See attached photos. All systems on board a ship, as well as the
hydraulic piping systems requires maintenance. Seawater in
combination with high temperature, weather conditions and/ or
other external causes might cause corrosion to the hydraulic
piping. The first rule to reduce corrosion is to always make sure
that the piping is properly painted/coated, clean and protected.

The most critical area, which should be paid special attention to, is
Main high pressure pipe (HP): the clamp zone. In this area, there will be abrasion caused by the
friction between the pipe surface and the flexible clamp rubber
element, when the pipe is axially moving due to thermal expansion.
Over time, the paint in these areas might wear out, and the bare
steel underneath the rubber becomes exposed to corrosion. Paint
will not harm the flexible rubber element. Please clean the corroded
area, in order to conclude on remaining pipe-thickness. Replace
pipes with reduced thickness more than 25-30% immediately.
Framo can assist with both measurement and production of new

Main low pressure pipe (LP): Same comments as above for main HP line.

Branch lines (HP between main / Same comments as above for main HP line.

Branch lines (LP between main / Same comments as above for main HP line.

Installed bleed plugs (HP/LP): All bleed plugs observed in fair and closed condition.

Pilot pipes (complete line from valve to Normal condition observed.


Rubber elements for the clamps were hardened up and lost its
Flexible pipe clamps: flexibility, worn rubbers and corrosion causing steel on steel
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 19 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

The vessel is equipped with old-style bulkhead adaptors, but we

are not able to confirm that the internal bolts (carbon steel) are
replaced with Stainless Steel bolts. There have been a few cases
where internal bolts holding the bulkhead adaptor together has
given way due to corroded bolts. Unless the bolts already have
Bulkhead adaptors: been replaced earlier, it is recommended to replace the bolts in the
bulkhead adaptors to stainless steel. If the fire protection liner
inside the adaptor is damage a complete adaptor need to be
replaced. Externally the adaptors are with corrosion. See enclosed

Axial compensators (Anchor): Normal condition observed.

By-pass / air-venting / heating valve Normal condition observed.


Snap-On stations: Normal condition observed.

Urgent maintenance and preservation of the hydraulic deck piping

Preservation: as mentioned above are needed. Pipes with temporary repairs and
reduced thickness more than 25-30% must be replaced.

Please take action on the above listed items.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 20 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

9 Ballast and other pumps status

Equipment STC Pressure gauge Local control valve Priming system

Type Cofferdam Header tank Internal Zinc anodes External Zinc anodes

Non return valve Spool pipes Ball valve Checked during Checked during

Ballast 1 (stbd) Normal condition Unreadable In function In function

VH250/300 Blocked Not available No info received Not available

In function Satisfactory In function

By plugging the cofferdam chamber can cause built up of water pressure in the chamber and in worst case make it possible for water to
Remarks: enter the hydraulic system. The plugs must be removed a.s.a.p. and cofferdam kept open to atmosphere all time. If pump is leaking,
repairs to be carried out.

Ballast 2 (port) Normal condition Unreadable In function In function

VH250/300 Blocked Not available No info received Not available

In function Satisfactory In function

By plugging the cofferdam chamber can cause built up of water pressure in the chamber and in worst case make it possible for water to
Remarks: enter the hydraulic system. The plugs must be removed a.s.a.p. and cofferdam kept open to atmosphere all time.

Tank cleaning pump Normal condition Unreadable In function Not available

4VF-1 Open to air Not available Not available Not available

In function Satisfactory In function

We recommend inspecting and updating record for the condition of the ballast pump anodes yearly and if the anodes are determined worn please renew them. Keep in mind
that the dimension of the zinc anodes is calculated so they shall at least last for 5 years. This means if we are inspecting anodes prior a docking and find the anodes to be
more than 50% worn the recommendation should be replace during docking. If worn less than 40 – 45% they should last for another 5 year period.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 21 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

10 Portable pump status

Pump type: TK80

Serial no.: 64231


Pump head: Normal condition observed.

Starter head: Normal condition observed.

Hydraulic concentric hoses: Normal condition observed.

Hydraulic extension hoses: Normal condition observed.

Cargo hoses: Normal condition observed, not Framo supply.

Winch / Tripod: Normal condition observed.

Storage of the pump and belonging equipment is not done according to

Framo`s recommendations.
The pump and hoses must always be safely supported and fastened in order to
avoid wear or damages due to ship movements. It is especially important that
Storage: the hoses are not hanging or laying over sharp edges or that sharp objects are
placed on top of them.
Note! The minimum bending radius for the hoses during storage must be
according to dimensional drawings.

We are not able to confirm that the portable pump and belonging equipment is
tested annually.
Test of portable pump, if It is recommended to run a function and drill test of the portable pump once a
possible: year (see instruction for pump). The test is to run the pump in a drum with fresh
water for a short period. Testing will be easier and more time-saving if the
drum for testing is part of the storage arrangement.

Please take action on the above listed items.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 22 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

11 Hydraulic power unit

Hydraulic system type: Open loop

Hydraulic pump type: A4V355

Type of prime mover: Electric


Shaft seal condition: No leakages observed during our visual inspection.

Hydraulic high pressure pipes: Normal condition observed.

Hydraulic suction pipes: Normal condition observed.

Hydraulic pilot pipes: Normal condition observed.

Hydraulic drain pipes: Normal condition observed.

Bearing flushing pipes: Normal condition observed.

Flexible bellows: Normal condition observed.

Cooling water valve: Normal condition observed/reported.

Normal condition observed. No abnormal noise or vibration

Flexible couplings for el-motors: present.

Flexible dampers for electric motors: N/A

Suction / return valves: Normal condition/function observed.

Proximity sensors: Normal condition/function observed.

Relief valve: Normal condition/function observed.

Piping / pipe clamps: Normal condition observed.

Shielding hydraulic flanges: Not in position.

Any leakages noted: No leakages observed during our visual inspection.

Separation of diesel engine and N/A

hydraulic system:

As reported system pressure was noted hunting regardless of

which power pack is running and slow response. Further checks
required on system pressure control - pressure control valve, driver
card, pot-meter, etc.
System pressure control valve: It was also reported unbalance during full capacity operating of 3
power packs. Re-adjustment of the control and pumps settings is
recommended. Also noted there have been some modification to
the hydraulic pump control system. See enclosed photos. Suggest
engaging Framo service team to further look into this.

Internal strainer type. Originally installed with a 100 micron strainer

internally in the control valve block. Recommend to open, inspect
System pressure control valve filter: and clean. item 23 - drw. 0125-0531-2. (Located behind plug item
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 23 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

System pressure relief valve: Normal condition/function observed.

As informed that the dirty filter alarm was earlier activated, but main
filter element was reuse after cleaned by ship staffs. Please note
Main return filter(s): that type of filter is not cleanable and always need to be renewed
when dirty – filter alarm occur.

Offline filter installed / available on No


Please take action on the above listed items.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 24 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

12 Wear indicators
Results acc. to
Power pack no. Serial no. Remarks

1 El. Power pack 1300441 Medium Sensor faulty

2 El. Power pack 1300440 Medium Sensor faulty

3 El. Power pack 1300442 Medium Sensor faulty

On CCR control panel wear alarm signal for power pack 1, 2 and 3 noted. We dismantled the sensors and cleaned
these. Some medium amount of metallic debris noted. The alarm function was tested after cleaning and found
sensor faulty.
Framo recommend that all these debris switches to be physically checked and alarm circuit tested at the same time
every 6 months or earlier if the wear alarm is activated.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 25 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

13 Running hours
Power pack no. Total. Last pump overhaul Remarks

1 El. Power pack 1316

2 El. Power pack 3323

3 El. Power pack 1316

4 Jockey pump 1421 +29000

As informed by ship staff, power packs 1 and 2 have been overhauled by local contractor and it have been modified
on the pilot valve arrangement with additional attached valve.
Framo recommended to restore back with original pilot valve and hydraulic pump overhaul to be carried out by
FRAMO as we are unable to know the condition of the internal parts.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 26 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

14 Hydraulic system tank and storage tank


Normal condition observed during our

Hydraulic oil system tank – Framo. check.
Internal condition/surface, air, condensation, etc.: Clean condition, clear oil & no indication of
air or water condensation.

Conceal type. Recommended replaced

every 2nd year. The breather prevents
Condition of the Air-breathing filter: contamination from the surroundings in
connection with fluctuations of the oil level
in the tank and allows for moisture release.

Hydraulic oil level in the system tank - Framo: Observed to be at Normal level.

Done by the vessel's crew and no water

Draining of water in the system tank - Framo: reported observed.

1530 liters / suitable space available in case

Hydraulic oil level in the storage tank / Drain tank - Yard supply: drainage is needed.

Done by the vessel's crew and no water

Draining of water in the storage tank / Drain tank - Yard supply: reported observed.

Pilot pump’s filter condition: N/A

Pilot pumps: N/A

Feed pumps: N/A

Normal function. The coupling element for

the jockey pump's shaft coupling is due for
Jockey pumps: replacement. (Recommended replaced
every 5th year).

Normal function observed - Clean filter

Hydraulic oil transfer unit: indication.

Please take action on the above listed items.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 27 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

15 Remote control system and control panel


Remote control valves: Normal observed / reported.

Pot meter for remote operation: Normal observed / reported.

Pilot orifice block(s): N/A

Pilot line filter: Pop-up type, red condition observed.

The Control Panel is observed and reported

Control panel: to be without any issues.

Type of PLC: FX - 80MR

PLC battery installed: No

Emergency override panels.Tools available?: Yes

Emergency override panels. Key available?: Yes

Please take action on the above listed items.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 28 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

16 Test of alarms and shut down functions

Reference instrument list no. 0216-0429-101 / 0216-0386-1

Alarm description Alarm Shut down Remarks

Hydraulic oil level high In function N/A

Hydraulic oil level low In function N/A

Hydraulic oil level low low N/A In function

Main return line closed N/A In function

Main suction line closed N/A N/A NA

Local suction lines closed N/A In function

Feed pressure N/A N/A NA

Protection pressure In function N/A

Clogged main return filter In function N/A

Not tested but checked local thermometer

Hydraulic oil temperature Not tested N/A indication is corresponding to the temperature
indicator on Framo control panel.

No 1, 2 and 3 power pack wear indication

Excessive wear Attention N/A does not function.

Emergency stop power pack N/A In function


Emergency stop on N/A In function

deck/Cargo pumps

Emergency stop C.C.R. N/A In function

System pressure low N/A N/A

Cooling system failure N/A N/A

HPU oil leakage N/A N/A

Power failure N/A N/A

Other alarms N/A N/A

Please take action on the above listed items.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 29 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

17 Hydraulic oil sampling and results


Hydraulic oil sample valve: Framo.

Location: Before filter.

Hydraulic oil sample collected: No

Sampling results, oil cleanliness :

Sampling results, water content:

Amount of available sample bottles: Not part of Framo OMP

Hydraulic oil sample was not collected during this attendance due to vessel was in shipyard and in dry condition.
Please collect and land a sample of 500 ml to Framo later during cargo operation and be sure that system has been
in operation for at least 30 minutes at normal hydraulic oil temperature. Kindly also ensure that the Framo oil
sampling procedure (1400-0063-4) is closely followed, and that a Framo oil-sampling bottle is used. (The oil analysis
L1 is part of this inspection at no additional cost.)
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 30 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

18 Spare parts and tools


No spares observed. It is our recommendation to have a certain

minimum of wear and tear parts available for each type of cargo
Availability of wear and tear spare parts: pump, to allow for condition-based repair and maintenance when
Part list was requested by Superintendent.

Framo recommends keeping one complete set of filter elements

available for the Framo hydraulic system. Base on our observation,
Availability of spare filter elements: the following filter elements were not found available and these
should be ordered:
*Main filter, *Remote control valve filter, * Oil transfer pump filter.

Availabillity of parts for re-conditioning: No

Location: Machinery store.

Storage: Nothing at storage

The hand-tools / special tools supplied by Framo is incomplete, and

further attention is needed. A complete tool-list is available in the
Framo toolbox / Special tools: Framo service manual for your guidance, and we kindly ask you to
upgrade the toolboxes accordingly.

Framo recommends tightening the impeller bolts for the cargo

pump as well as STC pilot valves using a torque wrench.
Torque wrench for STC & Impeller: This requires special designed tools, and these were not part of the
tools delivered when this vessel was new.
Purchase of these important tools should be considered.

Pressure test kit (Manometer set): Could not be located.

Test of batteries: N/A

Please take action on the above listed items.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 31 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

19 Maintenance records
Remarks Checked

Main filter reported dirty. Refer section 11 for more

Hydraulic filter box. Last filter change: information.

Filling pump / filter. Last filter change: Normal condition observed. No info received.

Not able to confirm that the air-breathing

Hydraulic system tank air-breathing filter/element is replaced as recommended. (2-two
filter. Last filter change: year basis). Please replace it at the next opportunity.

Hydraulic oil cooler. Last time cleaned: Normal condition reported. No info received.

Hydraulic oil cooler. In case of SW FW cooling - Normal condition reported.

cooling, anodes replaced:

We are not able to confirm that the portable pump

and belonging equipment is tested annually.
It is recommended to run a function and drill test of
the portable pump once a year (see instruction for
Last test of the portable pump: pump). The test is to run the pump in a drum with
fresh water for a short period. Testing will be easier
and more time-saving if the drum for testing is part of
the storage arrangement.

We are not able to confirm current condition, nor

purchase / supply of same. Based on this we assume
that original anodes are still installed. We kindly ask
Last check of the ballast pumps’ to look further into this and confirm current condition,
anodes: be aware that the zinc anodes are there for
protection of the pumps / air separators against
corrosion. The dimension of the zinc anodes are
calculated so they shall at least last for 5 years.

Last check of the Tank-cleaning N/A

pump's anodes:

Please take action on the above listed items.
Framo Pre-Docking Inspection Report No. P-SI-23-8696 Page 32 of 32
Date: 17 May 2023
Approved by: AD
M PATRICIA Prepared by: Saravanabavan

20 Enclosures
6 - Purging routine form / evaluation
1_Purging instruction_revL.PDF
3_Purging routine - SB 47.pdf
7 - Pump performance test and evaluation
757-005-4 Pump performance test.pdf
8 - Hydraulic piping
Maintenance and upgrade of hydraulic piping system.pdf
9 - Ballast and other pumps status
Ballast Pumps Status..pdf
10 - Portable pump status
FRAMO Portable Cargo Pump.pdf
11 - Hydraulic power unit
Power packs .pdf
12 - Wear indicators
Magnetic chip detectors.pdf
Metali debris stautus.pdf

Double click on the binder icon to open enclosure.*

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