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Name Johann Kerzenmacher Species Human (Hexxerbezriker) class Academics

Career Shadowmancer Career Tier Trickster's Apprentice Size Average
Career Path Status Brass 3
Age 21 height 5'11" Hair Light Brown Eyes Blue Star Sign

Characteristics Fate Resilience Experience

WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel Fate 4 Resilience Resolve Motivation Current Spent Total
Initial 33 28 29 31 33 34 33 37 35 32 Fortune 4 2 2 20 20

Advances 5 5 5 Movement
Current 33 28 29 31 33 34 38 42 40 32 Movement 4 Walk 8 Run 16

BASIC Skills BASIC Skills Grouped & Advanced Skills

Name Characteristic Adv Skill Name Characteristic Adv Skill Name Characteristic Adv Skill
Art ( ) Dex 38 38 Gossip Fel 32 3 35 Stealth (Urban) Ag 34 5 39
Athletics Ag 34 34 Haggle Fel 32 32 Sleight of Hand Dex 38 5 43
Language (Classical) Int 42 3 45
Bribery Fel 32 32 Intimidate S 29 29
Evaluate 42 5 47
Charm Fel 32 32 Intuition I 33 4 37 WP
Lore (Reikland) Int 42 3 45
Charm Animal WP 40 40 Leadership Fel 32 32 WP
Channelling (Ulgu) WP 40 5 45
Climb S 29 29 Melee (Basic) WS 33 33 Fel
Language (Battle) Int 42 5 47
Cool WP 40 40 melee ( Polearm ) WS 33 4 37 Language (Magick)
Int 42 5 47
Consume Alcohol T 31 31 Navigation I 33 33 WP
Lore (Magic) 42 5 47
Dodge Ag 34 5 39 Outdoor Survival Int 42 42 Secret Signs (Grey Order) Int 42 5 47
Drive Ag 34 34 Perception I 33 2 35 WS 33 33
endurance T 31 31 ride ( ) Ag 34 34 33 33
WS 33 33
entertain ( ) Fel 32 32 Row S 29 29 BS
WS 33 33
Gamble Int 42 42 stealth ( ) Ag 34 34 BS

talents Ambitions
Times Description short
Talent Name taken Term
Doomed 1
Read/Write 1
Savvy 1 +5 to starting Intelligence (does not affect Advances)
Second Sight 1 I have 'the Sight', allowing me to see the Winds as physical entities.
Nimble Fingered 1 +5 to starting Dexterity (does not affect Advances)
party name
Petty Magic 1 I know (4) Petty Spells.
short term

long term

ver05_02_022722 - Last Update: 27.02.2022 - for latest update go to
Armour armour points
Name Locations Enc AP Qualities 01-09


25-44 Left arm

(or secondary arm)

Right arm
Trappings Psychology (or primary arm)

Name Enc 90-00 Body

Right leg 80-89
Sling Bag (Writing Kit, 9 Sheets Threshold:
of Parchment)
7 Physical Limit: 3 Mental Limit: 4
Current Left leg
Grimoire Corruption
Hooded Cloak

Wealth Encumbrance Wounds

D Weapons
SB 2
SS Armour
Trappings TBx2 6
1 GC = 20 SS (20/-)
Max Enc. WPB 4
20 SS (20/-) = 240 D (240d)
1 SS (1/-) = 12 D (12d) Hardy * 0
GC = Gold Crown total
SS = Silver Shillings Wounds 12
D = Brass Pennies/Coppers *How many times Hardy taken: 0

Name Group Enc Range/Reach Damage Qualities
Staff Polearm 2 Long +6 Defensive, Pummel
Dagger Basic 0 V. Short +4

Spells and Prayers

Name N Range Target Duration Effect
Open Lock 0 Touch 1 Lock Instant One non-magical lock I touch opens.
Sounds 0 (4) yds Special (4) rounds I create quiet, indistinct noises from a location in range. Voices may be specific, but not distinct. Rules for control on pg. 242

Dart 0 (4) yds 1 Instant Conjure a magic missile, with Damage of +0.
Sleep 0 Touch 1 (4) rounds Make opponent Unconscious, if Prone; if standing, they fall Prone; targets not resisting will naturally fall asleep at end

ver05_02_022722 - Last Update: 27.02.2022 - for latest update go to
I Attack with my...

Grimoire Spells:
Dark Vision [CN (2); Range Self; Target Self; Dur. (4) rnds.]
I gain the Dark Vision Trait, letting me see in darkness as if it were daylight.

Arrow Shield [CN (6); Range Self; Target (AoE (4) yds); Duration (4)+ rnds.
Any missiles containing organic matter (such as wood) that enter the AoE are automatically
destroyed, causing no damage.

Hush [CN (6); Range (4) yds; Target 1 with AoE that's (4) yds; Dur. (4) minutes.
I create a dampening aura that moves with Target. Full rules on pg. 111 of Winds of Magic.

Horn of Andar [CN (10); Range AoE (32) yds; Target Self; Dur. 40 minutes.
Friendly targets receive +2 SL to Cool and Leadership; enemies suffer the same as a
penalty and must make a Fear (1) Test.

ver05_02_022722 - Last Update: 27.02.2022 - for latest update go to

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