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Surveillance Balloons, National Security, and UAPs by Lucus Louize

As the title of this article states ‘Chinese surveillance balloon in US airspace causes
international stir’ published February 03, 2023 by, surveillance balloon’s
from other countries in airspace of other countries certainly grabs attention. And this
attention is certainly useful to the Alliance. I should note it is entirely possible that the
Alliance themselves could have created this situation as they created a similar situation in
the 1960’s when after making sure no Earth person would be injured as a result of their
actions, they caused a power blackout to force the people involved to notice the weakness
in the power transmission ‘grid’ so the owners of the power transmission grid could fix
the problem and the adversary countries at the time would not be able to exploit the
weakness. See: (In the Beginning 1960’s Contacts: Chapter 40: The Northeast Power
Blackout 13 November 1965, 0200 EST TerraKor Files site) I find that situation both
amusing and a highly intelligent tactical act at the same time because it certainly achieved
its goal. However in this case regarding the surveillance balloons, the I believe the goal
would be for citizens and the government to be forced to look to the skies while being
pressed for a solution. This could eventually lead to more information on UAPs which
the Alliance could use to their favor. Whether the Alliance was behind the surveillance
balloon incidents or not, is of no consequence since either way the subject can be used by
the Alliance to their advantage in slowly getting the government and citizens taking the
subject of UAPs seriously. 

Support congress people, scientists, and government officials that are taking the situation
of UAPs and the national security of airspace seriously. This is one way to help the
Alliance brothers to make their job a little easier. 

I personally know the Alliance are involved with the UAP movement and it is private for
how I know the Alliance brothers are involved in the UAP movement which needless to
say I will never reveal however I am eternally grateful. 

However anyone can see the Alliance work behind the scenes as brother Bob says “The
only inklings we have of what's going on are those that we find "between the lines" in the
news of the day. The AWARE person can see the forces of Light and Darkness at war on
this planet. It's not a conflict that will be soon resolved. It may take decades to fully
expunge the Omegans, but the Alliance has made that commitment and it will not back
down.” (Please see ‘An Overview of The Omegan Situation 2/25/1986 from the TerraKor
Files site)

Our indirect weapons to help the Alliance and Confederation against the Omegans is
cultural change which includes practicing morals in our own lives with faith in Jesus
(Please see ‘An Overview of the Omegan Situation’ and ‘Arkay Files’ on the excellence
TerraKor Files site) and prayer. Prayer really has a scientific impact please see:
‘A randomized, controlled trial of the effects of remote, intercessory prayer on outcomes
in patients admitted to the coronary care unit.’ W S Harris et al. Arch Intern Med. 1999.

Following Mathew 23:23 I believe the Alliance is God’s Justice, the Confederation is
God’s Mercy and the Earth people are God’s Faith. Pray for the success of the Alliance
and Confederation by asking God to help with their success and it really will have a
positive impact on them and with the war against the Omegans. The Confederation
doesn’t come from Venus that was imprinting done on the contactees like Adamski as a
result of the Omegans. Please see Spurious Contacts Files on the TerraKor site. 

For more information about the real Confederation and Alliance and the war on Earth
with the Omegans in more depth please see the excellent website the TerraKor Files by
brother Bob: (Permission to share the link to the site by personal communication with
brother Bob granted on 4-2018 on the closed TerraKor Files message board)
For my article on the Mathew 23:23 system in more detail please see:

‘The Mathew 23:23 System in More Detail’ available at

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