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Subject: Apology and Honest Letter about My Case Study

Dear Sir

ChatGPT and other AI tools have the potential to improve people's lives and help with tedious
tasks that take a lot of time and effort but do not advance thinking or growth in intelligence, such
as writing emails, completing detailed art projects, composing research papers for school,
having philosophical discussions, or spending hours searching the internet for data. Students'
self-governing thinking, problem-solving, and critical-thinking capabilities may suffer if they grow
more and more reliant on AI. Students, risk losing the capacity to think creatively and
independently over time. Students who rely excessively on artificial intelligence (AI) for answers
and solutions may lose interest in learning on their own, which may eventually lead to a decline
in the human intellect. Additionally, students who rely on their schoolwork in AI and get high
grades are unfair to those students who have given their time and effort to do the task
accurately and get high marks.

However, as a student who also crams my schoolwork, I also do copy the idea of other writers,
proponents, and researchers in my case study. But I never used an AI to compose my
paragraphs and sentences. I paraphrased the ideas I got from different researchers and I put
my references at the end of my paper. I also got my template for one of the case studies I got
from Google. In conclusion, the contents of my case study were also based on the case study of
one of the researchers I’ve found. In conclusion, I never used an AI in my paper but I do
paraphrase the idea of other researchers. Therefore, here, in this letter, I want also sincerely
apologize for not giving myself time in studying the case study in my chosen topic for me to
create my own ideas and thoughts. I just rely on different case studies of others for me to finish
the content of my case study. I, my classmates, and schoolmates, sincerely apologize for
having this kind of behavior in you and our education. We are also thankful for pointing out this
mistake we commit. I can’t deny that we are aware that we are doing a bad action, but pointing
out our mistakes was a big help to widely open our eyes to our sins and repent and never do it
again. Thank You and Sorry Sir.

Sincerely Yours,

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