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A Guide to the Microfiche Edition of

from the Indian
Part 5: Political Parties, Special Interest
Groups, and Indian Internal Politics


A Guide to the Microfiche Edition of


Editorial Adviser
Granville Austin

Guide compiled by
Daniel Lewis

A microfiche project of
An Imprint of CIS
4520 East-West Highway • Bethesda, MD 20814-3389
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Indian political pamphlets [microform]

Accompanied by printed guide.
Includes bibliographical references.
Content: pt. 1. Political Parties and Special Interest Groups—pt. 2. Indian Internal
Politics—[etc.]—pt. 5. Political Parties, Special Interest Groups, and Indian
Internal Politics
ISBN 1-55655-829-5 (microfiche)
1. Political parties—India. I. UPA Academic Editions (Firm)
JQ298.A1 I527 2000 <MicRR>
324.254—dc20 89-70560

Copyright © 2000 by University Publications of America.

All rights reserved.
ISBN 1-55655-829-5.

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. vii
Source Note ............................................................................................................................. xi
Reference Bibliography
Series 1. Political Parties and Special Interest Groups

Organization Accession #
Advocates’ Association of Western India 2245 ................................... 1
All India Congress Committee, Indian National Congress 2246–2300 ......................... 1
All India Freedom Fighters’ Organisation 2301 ................................... 6
All India Kisan Sabha 2302–2303 ......................... 6
All India Kisan Sammelan 2304–2305 ......................... 6
All India Trade Union Congress 2306–2309 ......................... 6
All India Youth Federation 2310 ................................... 7
Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee 2311 ................................... 7
Arya Samaj 2312 ................................... 7
Azad Hind Party 2313 ................................... 7
Bharatiya Jana Sangh 2314–2320 ......................... 7
Bharatiya Janata Party 2321–2361 ......................... 7
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 2362–2363 ......................... 11
Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh 2364 ................................... 11
Citizens for Democracy 2365–2366 ......................... 11
City Congress Committee 2367 ................................... 11
Committee for National Conventions 2368 ................................... 12
Communist Party of East Pakistan (Bangladesh) 2369–2370 ......................... 12
Communist Party of India 2371–2686 ......................... 12
Communist Party of India (Marxist) 2687–2711 ......................... 34
Congress Forum for Socialist Action 2712–2713 ......................... 36
Congress Party in Parliament, Indian National Congress 2714–2718 ......................... 36
Congress Socialist Forum 2719–2720 ......................... 37
Congress Study Circle 2721 ................................... 37
Democratic Vigilance Committee 2722 ................................... 37
Forum of Free Enterprise 2723–2736 ......................... 37
Forum of National Affairs 2737 ................................... 38
Friends of Democracy 2738 ................................... 38
Fundamental Rights Front 2739 ................................... 38
Golden Tobacco Company Limited 2740 ................................... 38
Hindu Mahasabha 2741–2750 ......................... 38
Indian Association for Afro-Asian Solidarity 2751 ................................... 39
Indian Association of Parliamentarians for Problems
of Population and Development 2752 ................................... 39

Indian National Congress 2753–2772 ......................... 39
Indian National Trade Union Congress 2773 ................................... 41
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions 2774 ................................... 41
Jammu and Kashmir National Conference 2775–2776 ......................... 41
Janata Party 2777–2783 ......................... 41
Karnataka Legal Aid Board 2784 ................................... 41
Kerala Democratic Front 2785 ................................... 41
Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee 2786 ................................... 42
Khet Mazdoor Union 2787 ................................... 42
Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee 2788 ................................... 42
Mazdoor Shiksha Kendra 2789 ................................... 42
National Democratic Alliance 2790 ................................... 42
National Democrats 2791 ................................... 42
National Marxist Association of India 2792–2796 ......................... 42
National Socialist Congress 2797 ................................... 43
New Wave Society 2798 ................................... 43
People’s Union for Civil Liberties 2799–2804 ......................... 43
Permanent Secretariat of Afro-Asian Solidarity 2805 ................................... 43
Praja Socialist Party 2806–2817 ......................... 43
Radical Democratic Party 2818–2819 ......................... 44
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh 2820–2826 ......................... 44
Sind Provincial Congress Committee 2827 ................................... 45
Socialist Congressman 2828 ................................... 45
Socialist Party 2829–2839 ......................... 45
Socialist Society of Bombay 2840 ................................... 45
Society for the Defence of Freedom in Asia 2841 ................................... 46
Standard-Vacuum Oil Company 2842 ................................... 46
Swatantra Party 2843–2846 ......................... 46
Vanarai: People’s Movement for Green India 2847–2851 ......................... 46

Series 2. Research Institutes, Universities and Other Organizations

Afro-Asian Convention on Tibet and Against

Colonialism in Asia and Africa 2852 ................................... 47
Aligarh Muslim University 2853 ................................... 47
Bangalore University 2854 ................................... 47
The Bar Council of India Trust 2855 ................................... 47
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 2856 ................................... 47
Center for Research in Rural and Industrial Development 2857 ................................... 47
Centre for Development Studies and Activities 2858–2859 ......................... 47
De Nobili College 2860 ................................... 47
Delhi School of Economics 2861–2862 ......................... 47
Democratic Research Service 2863–2866 ......................... 48
Foreign Relations Society of India 2867 ................................... 48
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science 2868–2985 ......................... 48
Indian History Congress 2986 ................................... 57
Indian Renaissance Institute 2987–2988 ......................... 57
Indian School of International Studies 2989 ................................... 57
Indo-Soviet Co-operation in the Field of Culture 2990 ................................... 57
Indo-Soviet Cultural Society of India 2991 ................................... 57
Institute of Political and Social Studies 2992–2994 ......................... 57
Institute of Public Enterprise 2995 ................................... 57
Jayaprakash Foundation 2996 ................................... 57
National Academy 2997 ................................... 58

National Institute of Community Development 2998 ................................... 58
Osmania University 2999 ................................... 58
Peace and Socialism 3000 ................................... 58
Press Institute of India, Press Information Bureau 3001 ................................... 58
Sri Venkateswara University 3002 ................................... 58
Sulakhani Devi Mahajan Trust 3003–3004 ......................... 58

Series 3. Indian Internal Politics and Miscellaneous

Government of India 3005–3038 ......................... 59

Government of Bengal 3039 ................................... 61
Government of Bombay 3040–3041 ......................... 61
Government of Karnataka 3042–3051 ......................... 61
Government of Kerala 3052–3054 ......................... 62
Government of Maharashtra 3055 ................................... 62
Government of Uttar Pradesh 3056 ................................... 62
Government of West Bengal 3057 ................................... 62
Government of Jammu and Kashmir 3058 ................................... 62
Government of Madras 3059 ................................... 62
Government of Afghanistan 3060–3061 ......................... 63
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 3062–3063 ......................... 63
Miscellaneous Pamphlets 3064–3135 ......................... 63

Author Index ............................................................................................................................ 69

Title Index ................................................................................................................................ 99

Scholars of post-independence Indian history, politics, and culture will
welcome University Publications of America’s latest microfiche edition of
Political Pamphlets from the Indian Subcontinent . Some nine hundred pieces
and forty-five thousand pages—published by political parties, central and
state governments, and other groups and institutions—constitute Part 5 of
this collection. Building on the richness of Parts 1 through 4, Part 5 is replete
with insights into the country’s political development in terms of both
substance and process.
The pamphlets span from 1916 through 1990 with a concentration on the
1946–1980 period. This time span, from pre-independence days into the
1980s, allows researchers to trace the development of modern Indian political
thought. The freedom of speech provided for in the Indian Constitution is
amply exemplified here. The first series in Part 5 includes pamphlets issued
by political parties and special interest groups. Doctrinal disputes within
political parties are thrashed out, most notably in the literature of the
Communist Party of India (CPI) and the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
(CPI (M) or CPM), the latter party a result of the schism of the Communist
Party of India in 1964. Religious issues such as Indian secularism are argued
in publications by the Hindu, Communist, and Congress parties—of which
there were two or more after the Congress split in 1969. Many pamphlets are
devoted to economic issues and the shape of democracy and constitutional
Pamphlets issued by the various Communist parties of the Indian
subcontinent constitute the largest subseries in Part 5. Communist materials
fall into two broad categories. One contains writings by individual leaders of
both the CPI and CPM, including Bhupesh Gupta, S. A. Dange, Hiren
Mukerjee, E. M. S. Namboodiripad, Harkishan Singh Surjeet, and Jyoti Basu.
The subjects vary from national and Indian Communist affairs to Communist
affairs worldwide, including in the Soviet Union. Pamphlets by R. Palme Dutt,
the Indian Communist long resident in London, include one entitled Indian
Elections published in 1952 that discusses the country’s first general
elections held that year. Among the pamphlets by the unreconstructed
revolutionary B. T. Ranadive are On Marx’s Teachings (1963), Why No
Nationalisation? Government’s Industrial Policy Examined (1948), and his

article published during the Telegana uprising, Nehru Government Declares
War Against Toilers. Communist Party Attacked as Peoples Vanguard. Defeat
the Capitalist-Landlord Offensive (1948).
The second category of Communist pamphlets includes those issued by the
parties without attribution to an author. These focus on party doctrinal and
procedural issues, resolutions by party conclaves, and attacks on positions
taken by other parties and Congress governments. Several CPM publications
discuss the schism of the CPI into the CPI and the CPM. Among these are
What Dange-Programme Reveals. A Real Face of Revisionists. A Criticism
(1964) and CPI (M) and the Right C.P. Right Communist Party Continues Its
Old Bankrupt Line. Question of “Communist Unity” and Unity of Action (1977),
both written by longtime Communist leader Basavapunniah. The second of
these was particularly critical of the CPI for supporting Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi’s Emergency, a period in which she adopted authoritarian powers,
suspended civil liberties, and jailed hundreds of thousands of her political
opponents. A related CPM pamphlet and one of its cleverest and most biting
is CPI (M) on Constitutional Changes, which again criticizes Mrs. Gandhi’s
Emergency as well as her attack on the Constitution’s democracy (see item
The attacks issued by the CPM did not go unanswered. Many other
organizations weighed in on this issue. For other pamphlets related to Mrs.
Gandhi’s Emergency, see items 2295, 2604, 2634, 2790, and 3107.
For much of the period covered by this edition of Political Pamphlets from
the Indian Subcontinent, the Congress Party presided over the government of
India. Pamphlets by longtime Congress leader Jawaharlal Nehru (see items
2246, 2247, 2251, 2753, and 2756) allow researchers insights into the
Congress Party in the years before India’s liberation from Britain as well as in
the early years of independence. Other important Congress Party
publications include the Reports of General Secretaries and the Congress
Marches Ahead series. These pamphlets cover the period 1970 to 1976 when
Mrs. Gandhi was consolidating her leadership in the party she had helped to
split in 1969. Their lengthy documentation is essential to understanding the
development of the Congress Party, especially with reference to the influence
of socialism within factions of the party that had profound effects on
constitutional democracy. Other publications of the Congress Party provide
insight into the place of Hinduism and religion in the Indian nation. Hindu Law
of Succession for the Lay Man, for example, discusses one portion of the
contentious group of acts of Parliament once lumped together as the Hindu
Code Bill.
The publications of the Hindu revivalist and militant parties show the wide
spectrum of political parties in India. Included in this edition are pamphlets
issued by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Hindu Mahasabha (or All
India Hindu Mahasabha), and Bharatiya Jana Sangh and its successor, the

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The Hindu Mahasabha publications include the
full texts of resolutions passed, for example, at working committee and
annual sessions in 1949, 1952, 1954, 1970, and 1973 revealing the
development of evolution of the Mahasabha’s ideology. The pamphlets from
the BJP, the leading party in the coalition government formed in October
1999, contain party resolutions, election manifestos, and, especially
informative, the full texts of speeches by party leaders Atal Behari Vajpayee,
L. K. Advani (respectively the prime minister and the home minister in the
1999 government), and Murli Manohar Joshi, arguably the party’s most vocal
theoretician. Vajpayee’s article, Secularism: The Indian Concept, contains the
BJP view of the place of Hinduism in Indian politics and shows how the
pamphlets in this collection can be used to view specific issues in Indian
politics across the political spectrum.
Socialist party pamphlets, which date from 1948, are those from the ever-
amalgamating and ever-separating Praja Socialist Party (PSP) and the
Socialist Party (SP). The significance of these lies partially in their
anticommunism and partially in their demonstration of the Indian socialists’
dependence on European socialist doctrines.
Miscellaneous pamphlets from other political parties and special interest
groups such as the All India Trade Union Congress, the Janata Party, the
People’s Union for Civil Liberties, the Radical Democratic Party, the
Swatantra Party, and Vanarai round out Series 1.
Series 2 of this edition is comprised of pamphlets from various research
institutes, universities, and other special interest groups. The bulk of Series 2
comes from 118 monographs published by the Harold Laski Institute of
Political Science in Ahmedabad. Founded by India’s first speaker, G. V.
Mavalankar, and carried on by his son, P. G. Mavalankar, sometime
independent member of Parliament, the Laski Institute since the 1950s has
hosted the country’s notable political and judicial personalities and published
their addresses. The subject matter of these addresses is broad, and the
monographs publishing the addresses rarely have been seen outside of India.
Many of the pamphlets discuss some of the most heated issues in Indian
politics. In 1981, after Indira Gandhi again had become prime minister,
Krishan Kant, an eloquent defender of democracy during Mrs. Gandhi’s
despotic Emergency and currently vice president of India, delivered an
address entitled, “The Present System, Central Point of Rot and
Resurgence.” Just six years before, in March 1975, Mohan Dharia was
dismissed by Mrs. Gandhi from her cabinet after he delivered an address
entitled, “The Present Explosive Situation and the Way Out.” In this speech,
Dharia advocated conciliation between Mrs. Gandhi’s government and
Jayaprakash Narayan, who was bringing pressure on the prime minister to
make her government conduct itself democratically. Some three months later,
at the end of June, the Emergency was proclaimed. Other pamphlets from the

Laski Institute discuss economic development, the Indian Constitution, and
lessons to be learned from politics in the United States.
Political Pamphlets from the Indian Subcontinent, Part 5 concludes with a
series of publications from the government of India and the governments of
various Indian states, as well as a subseries of miscellaneous pamphlets. The
publications of the government of India again reveal the broad spectrum of
opinion as well as the contentious nature of politics in the world’s largest
democracy. For example, pamphlets 3007 and 3008 indicate the
government’s attack on the religious group Anand Marg. A series of
pamphlets are highly critical of the right-wing Hindu party, Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh. Pamphlet 3019 discusses the Congress Government’s
critique of communism in India. Some of the other publications from the
government of India discuss the program of the Congress Party and the
functioning of the government. These include collections of speeches of Rajiv
Gandhi and Indira Gandhi and a commentary on the 1979 national budget by
Charan Singh, at the time the minister of finance and soon to be caretaker
prime minister.
A Miscellaneous subseries completes this microfiche collection. One
especially important item in this section is a speech by Annie Besant, “Home
Rule and the Empire. Being a Lecture delivered at Negapatnam (sic) on
September 23rd, 1916,” published as number 13 of a series entitled New
India Political Pamphlets . This speech in many ways foreshadowed her later
“Annie Besant Bill,” officially known as “A Bill to Constitute within the British
Empire a Commonwealth of India,” introduced in Parliament in London in
1925. Other documents in this subseries relating to the independence
movement include Has Congress Failed? (item 3067), Freedom Must Not
Stink (item 3069), and Storm over Hyderabad (item 3070).
All these pamphlets, like those previously published in Parts 1 to 4, are
original sources for studying India’s political thinking. Public men and women
tell the truth more often than commonly supposed—although policies
declared and promises made may be realized slowly. Indian political
literature, given its breadth and depth, is rich fare for historians and others
endeavoring to understand the country and to appreciate the working of its

Granville Austin

The pamphlets microfilmed for this edition come from the personal holdings
of Granville Austin. Pamphlets issued by the Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science have been reproduced with the permission of P. G. Mavalankar.
The pamphlets in this collection are arranged into three series based on the
issuing source. Pamphlets from the same issuing source are ordered first by
date and then by author’s last name. Series 1 consists of pamphlets issued
by political parties and special interest groups. Following the principle of
original order, some pamphlets relating to the Indian National Congress, often
referred to simply as the Congress Party, have been filmed under three
variations on this name. Researchers interested in the Indian National
Congress should, therefore, also consult the pamphlets issued by the All
India Congress Committee, an elected body of the Indian National Congress,
and the pamphlets issued by the Congress Party in Parliament.
Series 2 consists of pamphlets issued by research institutes, universities,
and other special interest organizations. Series 3 is comprised of pamphlets
issued by the government of India, those issued by various state
governments, and two pamphlets each from the government of Afghanistan
and the Soviet Union. Series 3 concludes with a subseries of Miscellaneous
Political Pamphlets from the Indian Subcontinent, Parts 1–4, published in
1989, contained 2,244 items on 1,033 fiche. Researchers will note, therefore,
that Part 5 begins with item 2245 on fiche 1034.

The following is a listing of the items in Political Pamphlets from the Indian Subcontinent, Part 5. Full
entries in this Reference Bibliography contain the following information: item number and document title
(in boldface type); personal or corporate author and issuing source; place of publication and publisher;
date of publication; number of pages; and fiche number. Entries have been given the most complete
citation possible.

Series 1. Political Parties and Special Interest Groups

Advocates’ Association of 2248

Communism, Religion and Civil Liberties.
Western India Gopal Singh Quami. All India Congress
Committee. Lahore: Kundan Agency, [1942].
2245 28 p. Fiche 1035
Law, Lawyers and Judges. Inaugural
Address by The Honorable Mr. Justice P. B. 2249
Gajendragadkar on the occasion of the All India Congress Committee. Addresses,
Centenary Celebrations of the Advocates’ 1946.
Association of Western India. All India Congress Committee. Allahabad:
Advocates’ Association of Western India. General Secretaries All India Congress
Bombay: Subhash C. Pratap, Advocates’ Committee, 1946. 33 p. Fiche 1035
Association of Western India, [1963]. 20 p. Fiche
1034 2250
Volunteer Organisation. Being A Collection
All India Congress Committee, of Resolutions Passed by the Congress,
A.I.C.C. and Working Committee since 1917
Indian National Congress and connected matter.
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
2246 India Congress Committee, [1948]. ii+56 p.
All India Congress Committee. Addresses, Fiche 1035
All India Congress Committee. Allahabad: 2251
Jawaharlal Nehru, General Secretary, All India Report to the All India Congress Committee.
Congress Committee, 1929. 24 p. Fiche 1034 Jawaharlal Nehru. All India Congress
Committee. New Delhi: All India Congress
2247 Committee, [1951]. 20 p. Fiche 1036
All India Convention, Delhi, March 19, 1937.
Presidential Address.
Jawaharlal Nehru. All India Congress
Committee. Delhi: The Hindustan Times Press,
[1937]. 19 p. Fiche 1034

2252 2259
The Pilgrimage and After. The Story of How Indian National Congress. Report of the
Congress Fought and Won the General General Secretaries, February 1968–March
Elections. Foreword by Gulzarilal Nanda. 1969.
Introduction by R. R. Diwakar. All India Congress Committee. New Delhi:
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All N. Balakrishnan for All India Congress
India Congress Committee, August 1952. Committee, [1969]. 93 p. Fiche 1044–1045
ix+175 p.+appendix. Fiche 1036–1040
2253 From Bombay to Delhi. A Reference Book
Report of the Congress Planning Sub- Recording the Proceedings of the Congress
committee. Working Committee Meetings, 73rd Plenary
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All Session of the Indian National Congress,
India Congress Committee, 1959. viii+72 p. Bombay; Conference of the Pradesh
Fiche 1040–1041 Congress leaders, Delhi; Circular Letters
Issued from the AICC Office, etc.
2254 All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
Report of the Ooty Seminar (May 30–June 5, India Congress Committee, June 1970.
1959). viii+227 p. Fiche 1045–1048
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
India Congress Committee, September 1959. 2261
65 p. Fiche 1041–1042 From Delhi to Patna. Congress Marches
2255 All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
We Will Fight to the Last Ditch For Our India Congress Committee, October 1970.
Country, For Our Flag, For Our Leader. viii+248 p. Fiche 1048–1051
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
India Congress Committee, [1963]. 20 p. Fiche 2262
1042 Report of the General Secretaries.
(December 1969–May 1970).
2256 All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
Indian National Congress. Report of the India Congress Committee, [1970]. iii+43 p.
General Secretary. January 1964–December Fiche 1051
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All 2263
India Congress Committee, January 1965. Congress Marches Ahead—III. Proceedings
iii+92 p.+appendices. Fiche 1042–1043 of the Congress Working Committee
meetings and All India Congress Committee
2257 meeting, Patna, October 1970; a brief
Report of the General Secretaries. February analysis of the Lok Sabha Elections—1971;
1966–January 1968. circular letters from the AICC office etc.
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
India Congress Committee, [1968]. 35 p. Fiche India Congress Committee, April 1971. vi+154 p.
1043–1044 Fiche 1051–1053

Indian National Congress. Report of the
General Secretaries, 1969.
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
India Congress Committee, [1969]. 30 p. Fiche

2264 2269
Congress Marches Ahead—IV. Minutes of the Congress Marches Ahead—VI. Minutes of the
Congress Working Committee Meetings; All Congress Working Committee Meetings; All
India Congress Committee meeting, Delhi, India Congress Committee Meeting, Delhi,
April 1971; proceedings of the Conference of June 1972; summary of the proceedings of
the Presidents and Secretaries of PCCs, May the Conference of PCC Presidents and
1971; proceedings of the Conference of the Secretaries, June 1972; Report of the AICC
Presidents and Secretaries of DCCs, May Committee on Bangla Desh; Circular letters
1971; circular letters issued from the AICC issued from the AICC Office etc.
office etc. All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All India Congress Committee, October 1972.
India Congress Committee, October 1971. vi+216 p. Fiche 1060–1062
vi+175 p. Fiche 1053–1055
2265 Congress Marches Ahead—VII. Minutes of
Report of the General Secretaries. (June the Congress working Committee meetings;
1970–September 1971). All India Congress Committee meeting,
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All Gandhinagar (Gujurat); proceedings of the
India Congress Committee, October 1971. conference of Congress Chief Ministers;
viii+63 p. Fiche 1055–1056 circular letters issued from the AICC Office
2266 All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
Constitutional Amendments. The Reason India Congress Committee, December 1972.
Why. vi+167 p. Fiche 1062–1064
S. Mohan Kumaramangalam. All India Congress
Committee. New Delhi: V. N. Malhotra for the All 2271
India Congress Committee, November 1971. Text of Resolutions on Economic Policy and
30 p. Fiche 1056 Political Situation. Adopted at (i) the 73rd
Plenary Session of the Indian National
2267 Congress, Bombay, December 28–29, 1969;
Congress Marches Ahead—V. Minutes of the (ii) the All India Congress Committee
Congress Working Committee meetings; All Meeting, Delhi, June 13–15, 1970; (iii) the All
India Congress Committee meeting, Simla, India Congress Committee Meeting, Patna,
October 1971; fifth General Election to State October 13–14, 1970; (iv) the All India
Assemblies; Leaders’ Conference, Delhi, Congress Committee Meeting, Gandhinagar,
April, 1972; Circular Letters issued from the October 9–10, 1972.
AICC Office etc. All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: V. N.
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All Malhotra for All India Congress Committee,
India Congress Committee, June 1972. December 1972. i+44 p. Fiche 1064
vi+216 p. Fiche 1057–1059
2268 Text of Resolution on “Political” and
People’s Victory—Second Phase. (An “Economic” Situation (as adopted by the
Analysis of the 1972 General Election to Congress Working Committee on April 17,
State Assemblies). 1973).
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: AICC, All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: V. N.
June 1972. iii+38 p.+appendices. Fiche 1059– Malhotra for All India Congress Committee, April
1060 1973. 8 p. Fiche 1065

2273 2279
Congress Marches Ahead—VIII. A Reference Socialism at the Grassroots. The Feroze
book recording the minutes of Congress Gandhi Memorial Lecture delivered in New
Working Committee, All India Congress Delhi, September 12, 1975.
Committee and Subject Committee meetings; Dev Kanta Borooah. All India Congress
proceedings of the 74th Plenary Session, Committee. New Delhi: V. N. Malhotra for the All
Bidhan Nagar, Calcutta; PCC and DCCs India Congress Committee, [1975]. 15 p. Fiche
Conferences; Zonal Conferences, circular 1075
letters issued from the AICC Office etc.
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All 2280
India Congress Committee, September 1973. Congress Marches Ahead—10. A reference
vi+375 p. Fiche 1065–1069 book recording the minutes of the Congress
Working Committee and All India Congress
2274 Committee Meetings, report on Central
Report of the General Secretaries. (June Training Camps, circular letters issued from
1972–August 1973). the AICC Office, etc.
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
India Congress Committee, September 1973. India Congress Committee, October 1975.
iii+80 p. Fiche 1069–1070 vi+368 p. Fiche 1075–1079

2275 2281
Aspects of Renewal, 1971–1973. Some Congress Marches Ahead—11. A reference
Highlights and Comments. book recording the minutes of the Congress
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: V. N. Working Committee meetings, summary of
Malhotra for the All India Congress Committee, proceedings of the AICC Conference on
1973. iii+83 p. Fiche 1070–1071 Land Reforms, AICC Cells’ meetings, circular
letters issued from the AICC Office, etc.
2276 All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
Netaji Subhas. Valiant Son of India. India Congress Committee, December 1975.
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: V. N. vi+187 p. Fiche 1079–1081
Malhotra for All India Congress Committee,
1973. 32 p. Fiche 1071 2282
Public Distribution System. AICC Central
2277 Training Camp. NARORA, November 22–24,
Congress Marches Ahead—IX. A reference 1974.
book recording the minutes of the Congress All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: V. N.
Working Committee and All India Congress Malhotra for All India Congress Committee,
Committee Meetings, circular letters issued 1975. 16 p. Fiche 1081
from the AICC office, etc.
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All 2283
India Congress Committee, July 1974. vi+207 p. Constitution Amendment. From the Kengal
Fiche 1071–1073 Hanumanthaiya Endowment Lecture
delivered at the Bangalore University on
2278 August 21, 1976.
Report of the General Secretaries. Sardar Swaran Singh. All India Congress
(September 1973–June 1974). Committee. New Delhi: Shri Raj Kumar Singh for
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All All India Congress Committee, October 1976.
India Congress Committee, July 1974. ii+80 p. 27 p. Fiche 1081–1082
Fiche 1074

2284 2290
Congress Marches Ahead—13. A reference Inaugural Speech by Congress President
book recording the minutes of the Congress Shri Rajiv Gandhi and the Centenary Resolve
Working Committee meetings, All India at Congress Centenary Session, Indira Nagar
Congress Committee Meeting, New Delhi, (Brabourne Stadium) Bombay, December 28,
May 29–30, 1976, circular letters issued from 1985.
the AICC Office, etc. Rajiv Gandhi. All India Congress Committee.
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All New Delhi: All India Congress Committee,
India Congress Committee, October 1976. [1985]. 36 p. Fiche 1086
vi+174 p. Fiche 1082–1084
2285 Debate on President’s Address. Reply of
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi in Lok
of India by the Committee Appointed by the Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
Congress President Shri D. K. Borooah on All India Congress Committee. New Delhi:
February 26, 1976. Najma Heptulla for All India Congress
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: Raj Committee (I), [1986]. 32 p. Fiche 1086
Kumar Singh for the All India Congress
Committee, August 1976. 15 p. Fiche 1084 2292
Issues Before The Nation.
2286 All India Congress Committee. New Delhi:
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution Pranab Mukherjee for AICC, [1991]. 45 p. Fiche
of India by the Committee Appointed by the 1087
Congress President Shri D. K. Borooah on
February 26, 1976. 2293
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: Raj Harare Summit of Non-Aligned Movement
Kumar Singh for the All India Congress and India.
Committee, November 1976 (Revised Edition). Darbara Singh. All India Congress Committee.
23 p. Fiche 1084 New Delhi: All India Congress Committee, n.d.
23 p. Fiche 1087
Constitutional Amendment. Why? 2294
Madan Bhatia. All India Congress Committee. Assam.
New Delhi: Prem Prakash Sharma for Central All India Congress Committee. New Delhi:
Campaign Committee of All India Congress Chandulal Chandrakar, All India Congress
Committee, [1976]. 20 p. Fiche 1085 Committee, n.d. 23 p. Fiche 1087–1088

2288 2295
The Prime Minister on Constitution (Forty- Must She Resign?
fourth Amendment) Bill 1976. All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: All
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: Raj India Congress Committee, n.d. 5 p. Fiche 1088
Kumar Singh for the All India Congress
Committee, [1976]. ii+31 p. Fiche 1085 2296
Political Scene in Karnataka.
2289 All India Congress Committee. New Delhi:
Shri D. K. Borooah, President, Indian Chandulal Chandrakar, All India Congress
National Congress, on Constitution (Forty- Committee, n.d. 7 p. Fiche 1088
Fourth Amendment) Bill 1976.
All India Congress Committee. New Delhi: Raj 2297
Kumar Singh for the All India Congress Public Sector, An Overview.
Committee, [1976]. 24 p. Fiche 1085–1086 All India Congress Committee. New Delhi:
Chandulal Chandrakar, All India Congress
Committee, n.d. 20 p. Fiche 1088

2298 All India Kisan Sammelan
India. Our Achievements, 1985–1989.
All India Congress Committee, Congress
Committee on Policy and Programmes. New
Saboteurs of Land Reforms? [Secret
Delhi: All India Congress Committee, n.d. 15 p.
Confidential letter dated February 1, 1966
Fiche 1088
addressed to Late Shri K. Kamraj Nadar,
former President, AICC.]
Charan Singh. All India Kisan Sammelan. New
Media Under Janata Rule
Delhi: Sukhbir Singh Goyal, All India Kisan
All India Congress Committee, Congress
Sammelan, [1966]. 14 p. Fiche 1091
Committee on Policy and Programmes. New
Delhi: All India Congress Committee, n.d.
ii+38 p. Fiche 1089
Crusader Against Injustice Exploitation and
Corruption. Profile of Chaudhary Charan
The Congress and Constitutional
All India Kisan Sammelan. New Delhi: Ompal
Singh, All India Kisan Sammelan, 1978. 47 p.
All India Congress Committee, Central
Fiche 1092
Campaign Committee. New Delhi: Prem
Prakash Sharma for Central Campaign
Committee of All India Congress Committee, All India Trade Union Congress
n.d. 23 p. Fiche 1089
All India Freedom Fighters’ An Outline of the History of the A.I.T.U.C.
K. B. Panikkar. All India Trade Union Congress.
Organisation New Delhi: AITUC, 1959. 19 p. Fiche 1092

2301 2307
Janata Politics for Populism. The Index Fraud. The Story of manipulations,
Shashi Bhushan. All India Freedom Fighters’ malpractices, arbitrary methods revealed in
Organisation. New Delhi: All India Freedom the computation of consumer price index
Fighters’ Organisation, n.d. 16 p. Fiche 1089– numbers for working class.
1090 All India Trade Union Congress. New Delhi:
K. G. Sriwastava, AITUC, 1963. xiv+54 p. Fiche
All India Kisan Sabha 1092–1093

2302 2308
The Land Question. The Indian Working Class. Size and Shape.
P. Sundarayya. All India Kisan Sabha. Arun G. D. Sane. All India Trade Union Congress.
Tandon, All India Kisan Sabha, 1976. 80 p. New Delhi: M. Atchuthan, All India Trade Union
Fiche 1090–1091 Congress, December 1966. vii+72 p. Fiche
Agricultural Workers. Their Problems and the 2309
20-point Programme. Origins of Trade Union Movement in India.
Harkishan Singh Surjeet. All India Kisan Sabha. S. A. Dange. All India Trade Union Congress.
New Delhi: H. S. Surjeet for the All India Kisan New Delhi: Parvathi Krishnan for All India Trade
Sabha, 1976. 40 p. Fiche 1091 Union Congress, 1973. 82 p. Fiche 1094–1095

All India Youth Federation 2315
Resolutions of the Bharatiya Pratinidhi
2310 Sabha and the Working Committee. Varanasi,
Student Upsurge and Indian Revolution. Nov. 12–15, 1961.
S. G. Sardersai. All India Youth Federation. New Bharatiya Jana Sangh. Delhi: Raj Art Press,
Delhi: C. K. Chandrappan from All India Youth [1961]. 4 p. Fiche 1097
Federation, [1974]. 31 p. Fiche 1095–1096
Resolutions Passed by The All India Working
Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee. Rajahmundry (Andhra), Sept. 29,
Committee 30 and Oct. 1, 1962 and Emergent Meeting.
Delhi, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, 1962.
2311 Bharatiya Jana Sangh. Delhi: Navchetan Press
All India Muslim Convention. Presidential Private Ltd., [1962]. 12 p. Fiche 1098
Address by Dr. Syed Mahmud. June 10, 1961.
Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee. [1961.] 2317
15 p. Fiche 1096 Resolutions of the Eleventh Annual Session.
Ahmedabad, Dec. 28–30, 1963 and Working
Committee, New Delhi, March 1–2, 1964.
Arya Samaj Bharatiya Jana Sangh. Delhi: Bharatiya Janata
Sangh, [1964]. 5 p. Fiche 1098
Congress Whither? [Satyagrah of Arya 2318
Samaj in Punjab.] With a foreword by The Great Betrayal.
Rampogal. Bharatiya Jana Sangh. Delhi: Navchetan Press
M. C. Aggarwala. Arya Samaj. Delhi: Private Ltd., 1965. 10 p. Fiche 1098
Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, [1957]. 20 p.
Fiche 1096 2319
Why Jansangh. Akhil Bhartiya Jansangh.
Azad Hind Party Prati Nidhi Sabha Session. Oct. 14, 1979.
Presidential Speech of Prof. Bal Raj Madhok.
2313 Bal Raj Madhok. Bharatiya Jana Sangh. New
Azad Hind Party. Policies and Principles. Delhi: Vithal Bhai Patel Bhaven, [1979]. 16 p.
Azad Hind Party. n.d. iv+39 p. Fiche 1097 Fiche 1098

Bharatiya Jana Sangh 2320

Nationalism, Democracy and Social Change.
Bal Raj Madhok. Bharatiya Jana Sangh. Delhi:
Deepak Prakashan, n.d. 48 p. Fiche 1099
Presidential Address. 3rd Annual Session,
Bharatya Jana Sangh. Jodhpur, December
30th, 1954. Bharatiya Janata Party
Pandit Prem Nath Dogra. Bharatiya Jana Sangh.
Delhi: Arjun Press, [1955]. 14 p. Fiche 1097 2321
Draft Statement on Judicial System. National
Executive Meeting, August 28–30, 1982,
Bangalore (Karnataka).
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
Janata Party Publications, August 1982. 8 p.
Fiche 1099

2322 2328
Resolutions. Assault on Democracy. Drought Working Group Report. Presented to
Situation. Political Situation. Economic National Executive, Bhopal, July 20, 1985.
Situation. Statement on International Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
Situation. National Executive Meeting, Janata Party Publications, [July 1985]. 47 p.
August 28–30, 1982, Bangalore (Karnataka). Fiche 1101–1102
Bharatiya Janata Party. Delhi: Bharatiya Janata
Party, [1982]. 19 p. Fiche 1099 2329
Resolution As Adopted by National
2323 Executive; As Adopted by National Council;
Resolutions. Budget and Economic Action Plan; Press Release; Report on
Situation, Corruption, Call for South Asia Drought Situation. National Executive
Summit, Assault on Local Democracy. Meeting, October 8–9, 1985; National Council
National Executive, March 31–April 2, 1984, Meeting, October 10, 1985; National Study
Ahmedabad. Camp, October 11–13, 1985, Gandhi Nagar
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya (Gujarat).
Janata Party, [1984]. 19 p. Fiche 1100 Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
Janata Party Publications, [1985]. 22 p. Fiche
2324 1102
Presidential Address of Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Bharatiya Janata Party, Fifth National 2330
Council Session, Indore (M.P.), 6, 7, and 8 Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
January 1984. Condolence Resolution; Press Note;
Atal Behari Vajpayee. Bharatiya Janata Party. Resolution on Regional Imbalance in Jammu
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, and Kashmir. National Executive, October
[January 1984]. 13 p. Fiche 1100 17–19, 1986, Jammu (J. & K.).
L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi:
2325 Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [1986]. 8 p.
Resolutions. National Executive; National Fiche 1102
Council. National Executive Meeting 4–5
January 1984; National Council Session, 6–8 2331
January 1984, Indore (M.P.). Presidential Address by L. K. Advani.
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya Plenary Session, Ekatmata Nagar
Janata Party Publications, [January 1984]. 39 p. (Indraprashtha Stadium), New Delhi, May 9,
Fiche 1100–1101 1986.
L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi:
2326 Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [1986].
Punjab Problem. State Executive 21 p. Fiche 1102–1103
Resolutions. 15.5.1981 to 3.2.1984.
Bharatiya Janata Party. Punjab: Bhartiya Janta 2332
Party, [1984]. 28 p. Fiche 1101 Two Years of Congress Misrule. A Charge
2327 Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
Opening Remarks by Shri A. B. Vajpayee; Janata Party Publications, [1986]. 14 p. Fiche
Resolutions by National Executive. National 1103
Executive Meeting, New Delhi, 4–6 January
1985. 2333
Atal Behari Vajpayee. Bharatiya Janata Party. Presidential Address by L. K. Advani. 9th
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, National Council Session, Vijayawada
[January 1985]. 12 p. Fiche 1101 (Andrha Pradesh), January 2–4, 1987.
L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi:
Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [January
1987]. 22 p. Fiche 1103

2334 2340
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
Condolence Resolution; Resolutions Condolence Resolution; Resolutions
Adopted by National Executive; Atalji Adopted by National Executive;
Welcomed; Report Presented to the National Amendments to BJP Constitution Adopted.
Executive. National Executive Meeting, July National Executive Meeting, Udaipur
24–26, 1987, Sansadia Soudha, New Delhi. (Rajasthan), March 3–5, 1989.
L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi:
Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [1987]. Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [March
32 p. Fiche 1103–1104 1989]. 26 p. Fiche 1106

2335 2341
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
Resolutions Adopted by National Executive. Resolutions. National Executive Meeting,
National Executive Meeting, October 7–9, New Delhi, December 1–2, 1989.
1988, Ahmedabad (Gujarat). L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi:
L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [December
Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [1988]. 1989]. 12 p. Fiche 1106
20 p. Fiche 1104
2336 Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
Poll Reforms. The Battle Must Continue. Condolence Resolution; Resolutions
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya Adopted by National Executive; Reports
Janata Party Publications, [1988]. 26 p. Fiche presented to the National Executive. National
1104 Executive Meeting, Calcutta, West Bengal,
April 6–8, 1990.
2337 L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi:
Ramjanma Bhoomi. Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [April
L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: 1990]. 27 p. Fiche 1106–1107
Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [1989].
20 p. Fiche 1104–1105 2343
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
2338 Condolence Resolutions; Resolution
Election Manifesto. Lok Sabha Elections, Adopted by National Executive. National
1989. Executive Meeting, New Delhi, 17 October
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya and 9, 10 November 1990.
Janata Party Central Office, [1989]. 40 p. Fiche L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi:
1105 Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [November
1990]. 12 p. Fiche 1107
Lok Sabha Elections, 1989. Press Comments 2344
on Bharatiya Janata Party. A Government Without Political Legitimacy.
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya Speech Delivered by Shri L. K. Advani M.P. in
Janata Party Publications, [1989]. 25 p. Fiche Parliament on 16-11-90.
1105–1106 L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi:
Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [1990].
13 p. Fiche 1107

2345 2350
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; Presidential Remarks by Dr. Murli Manohar
Resolution Adopted by National Executive; Joshi. National Executive Council Meeting,
Condolence Resolutions; Reports; Interim 13–15 March 1992, Sarnath (Varanasi) U.P.
Report. Calcutta Corporation Election Murli Manohar Joshi. Bharatiya Janata Party.
17.6.1990, Present Condition in Tamilnadu. New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party Publications,
National Executive Meeting, July 21–23, [March 1992]. 24 p. Fiche 1110
1990, Madras Tamilnadu.
L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: 2351
Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [1990]. Resolutions Adopted at the National Council
64 p. Fiche 1107–1108 Meeting. National Executive Meeting 30 April
and 1 May 1992; National Council Meeting,
2346 Gandhi Nagar (Gujarat), 1–3 May 1992.
Presidential Address of Dr. Murli Manohar Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
Joshi; Opening Remarks by Dr. Murli Janata Party Publications, [May 1992]. 14 p.
Manohar Joshi. National Executive Meeting, Fiche 1110
Thiruvanathapuram (KERALA), September
28–30, 1991. 2352
Murli Manohar Joshi. Bharatiya Janata Party. Resolutions Adopted at the National
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, Executive Meeting. National Executive
[September 1991]. 19 p. Fiche 1108 Meeting held at Bhopal, 22–24 August 1992.
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
2347 Janata Party Publications, [August 1992]. 20 p.
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; Fiche 1110
Resolution Adopted by National Executive
Condolence; Resolution Adopted in Plenary 2353
Session. National Executive Meeting, Plenary Secularism. The Indian Concept.
Session 31 January 1991 and 1, 2, and 3 Atal Behari Vajpayee. Bharatiya Janata Party.
February, 1991, Jaipur (Rajasthan). New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party Publications,
L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: [December 1992]. 28 p. Fiche 1111
Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [February
1991]. 26 p. Fiche 1108–1109 2354
Humanistic Approach to Economic
2348 Development (A Swadeshi Alternative).
Presidential Address by Dr. Murli Manohar Economic Policy Statement, 1992. Our
Joshi at the 5th National Convention, Jaipur, Commitment to Antyodaya.
1 February 1991. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
Murli Manohar Joshi. Bharatiya Janata Party. Janata Party Publications, [1992]. 54 p. Fiche
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, 1111–1112
[February 1991]. 23 p. Fiche 1109
2349 Speeches of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee,
Opening Remarks by Shri Murli Manohar Swamy Chinmayanand, Shri Lal Krishan
Joshi; Resolution Adopted by the National Advani on Ayodhya Issue.
Executive; Condolence; Political. National Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
Executive Meeting, New Delhi, 16 and 17 Janata Party Publications, [1992]. 49 p. Fiche
March, 25 and 26 May and 20 and 21 June, 1112
Murli Manohar Joshi. Bharatiya Janata Party.
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party Publications,
[June 1991]. 33 p. Fiche 1109

2356 Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Towards A Debt Free India.
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
Janata Party Publications, [1992]. 11 p. Fiche
Our Culture.
C. Rajagopalachari. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1988. x+34 p.
2357 Fiche 1114–1115
BJP Meets Indian Industry on April 27, 1993.
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
Janata Party Publications, [April 1993]. 20 p.
Essential Unity of All Religions. Foreword by
Fiche 1113
Swami Ranganathananda.
N. A. Palkhivala. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
Bombay: S. Ramakrishnan, Bharatiya Vidya
Presidential Address by Shri L. K. Advani. Bhavan, 1990. xi+19+i p. Fiche 1115
Bharatiya Janata Party, National Council
Session, 18–20 June 1993, Bangalore.
L. K. Advani. Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh
Bharatiya Janata Party Publications, [June
1993]. 24 p. Fiche 1113 2364
Report of General Secretary to the Seventh
2359 All India Conference of Bharatiya Mazdoor
Resolutions Adopted by the National Sangh. Hyderabad, 9–11 January 1984.
Executive Meeting at New Delhi and Opening Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh. New Delhi: Bhartiya
Remarks of Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi at the Mazdoor Sangh, 1984. 59+xxvii p. Fiche 1115–
National Executive Meeting at Calcutta; 1116
Resolution passed at the Calcutta National
Executive Meeting. National Executive Citizens for Democracy
Meeting held on 27 Feb. 1993, New Delhi;
National Executive Meeting held on 10–12 2365
April 1993, Calcutta. Civil Liberties in India.
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya M. C. Chagla. Citizens for Democracy. [1975.]
Janata Party Publications, [1993]. 25 p. Fiche 16 p. Fiche 1116
2360 Democracy and Constitution (Forty-second
Resolutions Adopted at the National Council Amendment Bill).
Meeting. National Executive Meeting 16–17 S. P. Sathe et al. Citizens for Democracy. Pune:
June 1993; National Council Meeting, 18–20 A. B. Shah for Citizens for Democracy, 1976.
June 1993, Sankalp Nagar, Bangalore i+61 p. Fiche 1117
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
Janata Party Publications, [1993]. 24 p. Fiche
City Congress Committee
2361 Limits of Central Governments Discretion in
Opening Remarks of Shri L. K. Advani at the Appointment of Chief Justice and Judges of
National Executive Meeting at Jaipur; Supreme Court and High Court.
Resolutions passed at the Jaipur National S. C. Khare. City Congress Committee.
Executive Meeting. National Executive Allahabad: City Congress Committee, n.d. 25 p.
Fiche 1117–1118
Meeting, 31 July, 1 August 1993, Jaipur.
Bharatiya Janata Party. New Delhi: Bharatiya
Janata Party Publications, [1993]. 9 p. Fiche

Committee for National 2374
What is Marxism? A Simple Exposition That
Conventions All Can Follow Without Any Previous
Knowledge of Marxism.
2368 Emile Burns. Communist Party of India.
Unity and Democracy. A Report of a National Bombay: Jayant Shivshankar Bhatt for People’s
Convention. Publishing House Ltd., 1948 (fifth edition).
Committee for National Conventions. New Delhi: iii+73 p. Fiche 1120–1121
Committee for National Conventions, n.d.
ii+14 p. Fiche 1118 2375
Not “People’s Raj” but Police Raj. S. A.
Communist Party of East Dange Indicts Bombay Govt.
S. A. Dange. Communist Party of India.
Pakistan (Bangladesh) Bombay: M. B. Rao for the Communist Party of
India, 1948. 18 p. Fiche 1121
Letter to Fraternal Communist and Workers’ 2376
Parties on the Situation in Bangladesh. From Truth About British Socialism.
the Communist Party of East Pakistan A. Leonidov. Communist Party of India. Bombay:
(Bangladesh). Jayant Bhatt for the People’s Publishing House
Communist Party of East Pakistan Ltd., 1948. 25 p. Fiche 1121–1122
(Bangladesh). New Delhi: D. P. Sinha, [1971].
20 p. Fiche 1118 2377
Nehru Govt. Declares War against Toilers.
2370 Communist Party Attacked as People’s
Evaluation of the Freedom Struggle of Vanguard. Defeat the Capitalist-Landlord
Bangladesh. Offensive.
Communist Party of East Pakistan B. T. Ranadive. Communist Party of India.
(Bangladesh). n.d. 16 p. Fiche 1118 Bombay: M. B. Rao for the Communist Party of
India, 1948. 22 p. Fiche 1122
Communist Party of India
2371 Marxism and the General Crisis of
Lid Off Anhdra Anti-Communism. Capitalism.
A. S. R. Chari. Communist Party of India. E. Varga. Communist Party of India. Bombay:
Bombay: Sharaf Athar Ali for People’s M. B. Rao for People’s Publishing House, Ltd.,
Publishing House, 1945. ii+54 p. Fiche 1119 1948. iii+68 p. Fiche 1122–1123

2372 2379
Bhagat Singh and his Comrades. C. P. S. U. Problems of Party Ideological
Ajoy Kumar Ghosh. Communist Party of India. Work. Editorials from “Bolsheviks,”
Bombay: Sharaf Athar Ali for People’s theoretical and political journal of the Soviet
Publishing House, 1945. iv+35 p. Fiche 1119– Communist Party.
1120 Communist Party of India. Bombay: M. B. Rao
for People’s Publishing House, Ltd., 1948. 23 p.
2373 Fiche 1123
Death Pits in Our Land. How 200,000 Indian
Miners Live and Work. 2380
S. A. Dange. Communist Party of India. Political Thesis of the Communist Party of
Bombay: Sharaf Athar Ali for People’s India. Passed by the Second Congress at
Publishing House, [1945]. i+24 p. Fiche 1120 Calcutta, February 28–March 6, 1948.
Communist Party of India. Bombay: V. M. Kaul
for the Communist Party of India, 1948; reprint,
1949. iv+65 p. Fiche 1123–1124

2381 2389
Political Thesis of the Communist Party of On Our Programme. C. P. I. Discussion
India. Passed by the Second Congress at Pamphlet No. 1.
Calcutta. Feb. 28–March 6, 1948. Prokash. Communist Party of India. Bombay:
Communist Party of India. Bombay: V. M. Kaul Jayant Bhatt for the Communist Party of India,
for the Communist Party of India, 1948. v+118 p. 1951. 16 p. Fiche 1129
Fiche 1124–1126
2382 The Nehru Five Year Plan.
Who Rules Pakistan? S. G. Sardesai. Communist Party of India.
Communist Party of India. Bombay: V. M. Kaul Bombay: J. Bhatt for People’s Publishing House,
for the Communist Party of India, 1948. 17 p. Ltd., 1951. ii+42 p. Fiche 1129–1130
Fiche 1126
2383 Draft Programme of the Communist Party of
Why No Nationalisation? Government’s India.
Industrial Policy Examined. Communist Party of India. Bombay: Jayant Bhatt
B. T. Ranadive. Communist Party of India. for the Communist Party of India, 1951. 16 p.
Bombay: M. B. Rao for the Communist Party of Fiche 1130
India, May 1948. 17 p. Fiche 1126
2384 Economic Data Relating to Some Statements
India and the Unecafe Conference. in the Draft Programme.
B. T. Ranadive. Communist Party of India. Communist Party of India. Bombay: Jayant Bhatt
Bombay: V. M. Kaul for the Communist Party of for the Communist Party of India, 1951. i+59 p.
India, July 1948. 20 p. Fiche 1127 Fiche 1130–1131

2385 2393
On the British Communist Party’s Policy. Election Manifesto of the Communist Party
Correspondence Between the Central of India. 6th August, 1951.
Committees of the Australian and British Communist Party of India. Calcutta: Jyoti Basu
Communist Parties. for the Central Election Board of the Communist
Communist Party of India. Bombay: V. M. Kaul Party of India, 1951. 29 p. Fiche 1131
for the Communist Party of India, October 1948.
34 p. Fiche 1127 2394
Programme of the Communist Party of India.
2386 Adopted by the All India Party Conference.
On the Agrarian Question in India. October 1951.
Communist Party of India. Bombay: V. M. Kaul Communist Party of India. Bombay: Jayant Bhatt
for the Communist Party of India, 1949. 41 p. for the Communist Party of India, 1951. ii+24 p.
Fiche 1127–1128 Fiche 1131

2387 2395
What is Happening in Hyderabad? Statement of Policy of The Communist Party
Communist Party of India. Bombay: V. M. Kaul of India.
for the Communist Party of India, 1949. 26 p. Communist Party of India. Bombay: Jayant
Fiche 1128 Bhatt, 1951. i+12 p. Fiche 1132

Peasant Question in Kerala.
S. Parameswaran. Communist Party of India.
Bombay: J. S. Bhatt for People’s Publishing
House, Ltd., 1951. ii+62 p. Fiche 1128–1129

2396 2404
On the Indian Trade Union Movement. Resolutions of the Central Committee of the
Reports to a Convention of Communist Party Communist Party of India. Adopted at its
Members working in the Trade Union meeting in Bombay, March, 1953.
Movement, Calcutta, May 20–22, 1952. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jayant
S. A. Dange. Communist Party of India. Bhatt for the Communist Party of India, 1953.
Bombay: Jayant Bhatt for the Communist Party 55 p. Fiche 1137
of India, 1952. v+62 p. Fiche 1132–1133
2397 Economic Development in India and China
Theories and Practice of the Socialist Party (1950–1953).
of India. P. K. Gupta. Communist Party of India. Delhi:
Ajoy Kumar Ghosh. Communist Party of India. D. P. Sinha for People’s Publishing House Ltd.,
Bombay: J. Bhatt for People’s Publishing House, 1954. vi+43 p. Fiche 1137–1138
Ltd., 1952. ii+66 p. Fiche 1133
2398 On Organisation.
Foreign Capital in India. E. M. S. Namboodiripad. Communist Party of
Prem Sagar Gupta. Communist Party of India. India. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of
Bombay: Jayant Bhat for People’s Publishing India, 1954. v+97 p. Fiche 1138–1139
House, Ltd., 1952. iii+40 p. Fiche 1134
2399 The Peasant in National Economic
On the Agrarian Question in India. Construction.
E. M. S. Namboodripad. Communist Party of E. M. S. Namboodiripad. Communist Party of
India. Bombay: Jayantt Bhat for People’s India. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for People’s Publishing
Publishing House, Ltd., 1952. iii+64 p. Fiche House Ltd., 1954. iii+98 p. Fiche 1139–1140
2400 Peasants Meet at Moga.
Indian Elections. E. M. S. Namboodiripad. Communist Party of
R. Palme Dutt. Communist Party of India. India. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of
Bombay: Jayant Bhatt for the People’s India, 1954. 48 p. Fiche 1140–1141
Publishing House, Ltd., March 1952. 8 p. Fiche
1135 2409
The Constitution of the Communist Party of
2401 India. As Amended by the Third Congress of
Kashmir and Imperialist Intervention. the Communist Party of India, Madurai,
Kartar Singh. Communist Party of India. December 27, 1953 to January 4, 1954.
Bombay: J. S. Bhatt for People’s Publishing Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jayant
House, Ltd., 1953. ii+38 p. Fiche 1135–1136 Bhatt for the Communist Party of India, 1954.
i+20p. Fiche 1141
Bhagat Singh. The Man and His Idea. 2410
Gopal Thakur. Communist Party of India. Our Tasks Among the Peasant Masses.
Bombay: People’s Publishing House Ltd., 1953. Resolution Adopted by the Central
44 p. Fiche 1136 Committee of the Communist Party of India,
April 1954.
2403 Communist Party of India. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for
History of May Day. the Communist Party of India, 1954. i+28 p.
Alexander Trachtenberg. Communist Party of Fiche 1141
India. Bombay: J. S. Bhatt for People’s
Publishing House Ltd., 1953. 26 p. Fiche 1136–

2411 2418
Programme of the Communist Party of India. Agrarian Reforms. A Study of the Congress
Adopted by the Third Party Congress. and Communist Approach.
Madurai, December 27, 1953 to January 4, E. M. S. Namboodripad. Communist Party of
1954. India. New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for the Communist
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jayant Party of India, 1956. ii+50 p. Fiche 1148
Bhatt for the Communist Party of India, 1954
(third edition). i+20 p. Fiche 1142 2419
Some Forms of Transition from Capitalism to
2412 Socialism. With an Introduction by Ajoy
Political Resolution. Third Congress of the Ghosh.
Communist Party of India, Madurai, A. Sobolev. Communist Party of India. New
December 27, 1953 to January 4, 1954. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jayant 1956. iii+43 p. Fiche 1148–1149
Bhatt for the Communist Party of India, February
1954. ii+34 p. Fiche 1142 2420
On the 20th Congress of the CPSU.
2413 Communist Party of India. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for
Documents on the Third Congress of the Communist Party of India, 1956. iii+44 p. Fiche
Communist Party of India. 1149
Communist Party of India. [1954.] 124 p. Fiche
1143–1145 2421
Political Resolution. Adopted at the Fourth
2414 Congress of the Communist Party of India.
Some Questions of Party Policy. For Party Palghat, April 19–29, 1956.
Members Only. Fourth Party Congress Communist Party of India. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for
Document No. 4. the Communist Party of India, 1956. ii+46 p.
Ajoy Ghosh. Communist Party of India. Delhi: Fiche 1149–1150
D. P. Sinha for the Communist Party of India,
1955. ii+85 p. Fiche 1145–1146 2422
Focus on the public sector.
2415 Sailen Ghosh. Communist Party of India. New
Communist Party and States Reorganisation. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for the Communist Party of
E. M. S. Namboodiripad. Communist Party of India, 1957. 46 p. Fiche 1150
India. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of
India, 1955. iii+43 p. Fiche 1146 2423
Second Five Year Plan. A Critique.
2416 Bhupesh Gupta. Communist Party of India. New
Amendments to the Party Programme. Delhi: Communist Party Publication, 1957.
Adopted by the Central Committee for iii+107 p. Fiche 1151–1152
placing before the Fourth Party Congress.
Fourth Party Congress Document No. 1. 2424
Communist Party of India. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Focus on agriculture.
Communist Party of India, 1955. 13 p. Fiche N. Prasada Rao. Communist Party of India. New
1147 Delhi: D. P. Sinha for the Communist Party of
India, 1957. 17 p. Fiche 1152
Communist Party and Problems of National 2425
Reconstruction. Do Ends Justify Means?
Communist Party of India. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Howard Selsam. Communist Party of India.
Communist Party of India, 1955. iii+68 p. Fiche Delhi: People’s Publishing House, 1957. ii+29 p.
1147–1148 Fiche 1152

2426 2433
Election Manifesto of the Communist Party The Indian Drug Industry and Its Future.
of India, 1957. S. S. Sokhey. Communist Party of India. New
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Delhi: S. S. Sokhey, 1959. 25 p. Fiche 1156
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, January
1957. ii+45 p. Fiche 1153 2434
Constitution of the Communist Party of India.
2427 Adopted at the Extraordinary Party
The Kerala Agrarian Relations Bill. An Congress, Amritsar, 1958.
Interpretation. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
C. Achuta Menon. Communist Party of India. Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1959 (third
New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of printing). ii+38 p. Fiche 1156–1157
India, 1958. ii+51 p. Fiche 1153–1154
2428 Kerala’s Answer to KPCC Charges. Full Text
Sarvodaya and Communism. of the Kerala Government’s Reply to the
B. T. Ranadive. Communist Party of India. New Memorandum Submitted by the KPCC to the
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for the Communist Party of President of the Indian Union.
India, 1958. 35 p. Fiche 1154 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1959.
2429 iii+152 p. Fiche 1157–1158
Some Aspects of the Agrarian Question.
Resolution adopted by the National Council 2436
of the Communist Party of India, 8–13 West Bengal Accuses! Text of Memorandum
October 1958. Containing Charges Against the Congress
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Government in West Bengal Submitted to the
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1958. President of the Indian Union by the West
18 p. Fiche 1154 Bengal State Council of the Communist Party
of India.
2430 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Ramen
Truth about Kerala. Statement issued by the Sen for the Communist Party of India, 1959.
Central Executive Committee, Communist iv+104 p. Fiche 1159–1160
Party of India and the Statement of Chief
Minister Namboodiripad on Prime Minister 2437
Nehru’s reference to Kerala. War, Peace and Socialism. Three Soviet
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Commentaries on the nature problems and
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1958. possibilities of our epoch.
21 p. Fiche 1155 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for People’s Publishing House Private
2431 Limited, 1960. iii+104 p. Fiche 1160–1161
Communist Party of India. Years of
Formation, 1921–1933. 2438
Muzaffar Ahmad. Communist Party of India. Progress of Land Reform. A Critical Review.
Calcutta: Suren Dutt, National Book Agency N. Prasada Rao. New Delhi: D. P. Sinha, 1960.
Private Ltd., 1959. 42 p. Fiche 1155 iii+107 p. Fiche 1161–1162

2432 2439
Forward to the Defence of Kerala and Indian Working Class Under Congress Raj.
Democracy! Raj Bahadur Gour. Communist Party of India.
Ajoy Ghosh. Communist Party of India. New New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India, India, 1961. 33 p. Fiche 1162–1163
1959. iii+32 p. Fiche 1155–1156

2440 2445
Election Manifesto of the Communist Party Election Manifesto. Communist Party of
of India. Supplement to New Age (Weekly), India, 1962.
Vol. IX, No. 43, October 22, 1961. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for the Communist Party of India, October
Sinha for New Age (Weekly), 1961. 34 p. Fiche 1961. ii+34 p. Fiche 1166
2441 Draft Programme of the Communist Party of
New Situation and Our Tasks. Speech by India. Sixth Congress of the Communist
Ajoy Ghosh as Amended and Adopted by the Party of India. Vijayawada, April 7 to 16,
Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of 1961.
India. Vijayawada, 7–16 April 1961. Bhupesh Gupta and P. Ramamurti. Communist
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for the
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1961. Communist Party of India, [1961]. 36 p. Fiche
68 p. Fiche 1163–1164 1167

2442 2447
Political Resolution. Draft by 21 members of Documents of the Meeting of
the National Council. Sixth Congress of the Representatives of the Communist and
Communist Party of India. Vijayawada, April Workers’ Parties. Moscow, November–
7 to 16, 1961. December 1960.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1961. Sinha for Communist Party of India, [1961].
64 p. Fiche 1164–1165 ii+56 p. Fiche 1167–1168

2443 2448
Resolution on the Present Political Situation. National Democratic Front for National
(The following Resolution was adopted by Democratic Tasks. Political Resolution
the National Council of the Communist Party Adopted by the Sixth Congress of the
of India at its meeting held in February 1961. Communist Party of India, Vijayawada, 7–16
It will be placed before the forthcoming April 1961.
Congress of Our Party as the Draft of the Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
National Council. All units of the Party Sinha for Communist Party of India, [1961].
should discuss the Resolution and send 48 p. Fiche 1168
their comments and suggestions to the
office of the National Council.) 2449
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. National Bourgeoisie and the Development
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1961. of State Capitalism.
61 p. Fiche 1165 N. Saveliev and R. A. Ulyanovsky. Communist
Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for
2444 People’s Publishing House Private Limited,
Tasks on Trade Union Front. Resolution of 1962. ii+53 p. Fiche 1168–1169
the Central Committee, Communist Party of
India (Marxist), April 1967. 2450
Communist Party of India. Calcutta: Desraj Resolutions of the National Council of the
Chadha for the Communist Party of India Communist Party of India, Hyderabad, 14–20
(Marxist), 1961. 54 p. Fiche 1165–1166 August 1962.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi:
D. P. Sinha for the Communist Party of India,
September 1962. ii+37 p. Fiche 1169

2451 2457
Aid to the study of programme of the CPSU A Note on the Programme of the CPI.
and some other problems of international P. C. Joshi. Communist Party of India. New
communist movement. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
Bhupesh Gupta. Communist Party of India. New 1964. ii+93 p. Fiche 1173–1174
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
[1962]. 65 p. Fiche 1169–1170 2458
For the Unity of the World Communist
2452 Movement. Against Dogmatism and
Eighty-one Parties Statement and Splittism. Draft Report on the Ideological
Differences in the International Communist Controversy in the International Communist
Movement. Movement. Submitted to the Ideological
S. G. Sardesai. Communist Party of India. Commission of the National Council of the
Bombay: S. G. Sardesai, Secretary of Communist Party of India.
Maharashtra Committee Communist Party of S. G. Sardesai. Communist Party of India. New
India, [1962]. ii+42 p. Fiche 1170–1171 Delhi: D. P. Sinha for the Communist Party of
India, 1964. v+105 p. Fiche 1174–1175
The India-China Border Dispute and the 2459
Communist Party of India. Resolutions, The New Line and the Dogmatists. A Critique
Statements and Speeches, 1959–1963. of the Chinese Position in the World
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Communist Debate on Problems of Marxism-
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1963. Leninism.
vi+127 p. Fiche 1171–1172 Mohit Sen. Communist Party of India. New
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
2454 1964. iv+65 p. Fiche 1176
Resolutions of the National Council of the
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 26 2460
June–3 July 1963. Draft Programme of the Communist Party of
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. India.
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1963. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
ii+26 p. Fiche 1172 Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1964.
iv+52 p. Fiche 1176–1177
Resolutions of the Central Executive 2461
Committee of the National Council of the For the Unity of the Party and the
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 14–17 International Communist Movement. Against
September 1963. Dogmatist Disruption, Adventurism &
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Opportunism. Report on the Ideological
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1963. Controversy in the International Communist
15 p. Fiche 1173 Movement Approved by the National Council
of the Communist Party of India.
2456 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Threat to Party Unity. How to Avert it? Text Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1964.
of a Document by M. Basavapunniah and iv+125 p. Fiche 1177–1178
Sixteen Other Members of the National
Council with a Reply by S. A. Dange, 2462
Chairman, CPI. Indian CP Fights Internal Dissidence, Wants
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Conference Now (Results of April Plenum of
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1963. 30 p. National Council of Indian CP).
Fiche 1173 Communist Party of India. 1964. 4 p. Fiche 1179

2463 2470
Resolution on Splitters and Other Resolutions. Adopted at the Seventh
Documents of the National Council of the Congress. Oct. 31 to Nov. 7, 1964. Calcutta.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, April Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Desraj
10–15, 1964. Chadha, [1964]. 40 p. Fiche 1183–1184
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1964. 2471
iv+87 p. Fiche 1179–1180 Significance of State Farming for Agricultural
Development and Its Practical Possibilities in
2464 India.
Resolutions and Decisions of the National Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Council of the Communist Party of India. Sinha for Communist Party of India, [1964].
New Delhi, 7–17 June 1964. 29 p. Fiche 1184
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1964. 2472
iv+48 p. Fiche 1180 Constitution of the Communist Party of India.
Adopted at the Seventh Congress. Oct. 31 to
2465 Nov. 7, 1964.
What Dange-Programme Reveals. A real face Communist Party of India. Trivandrum: E. M. S.
of Revisionists. A Criticism. Namboodiripad, 1965. ii+22 p. Fiche 1184
M. Basavapunniah, P. Ramamurti, and
Harkishan Singh Surjeet. Communist Party of 2473
India. New Delhi: Des Raj Chadha, [1964]. Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the
iii+41 p. Fiche 1180–1181 Communist Party of India. Documents.
Bombay, 13–23 December 1964.
2466 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Our Views on E. M. S. Namboodiripad’s Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1965.
Critique of Draft Programme. iv+210 p. Fiche 1184–1187
M. Basavapunniah. Communist Party of India.
New Delhi: Desraj Chadha, [1964]. 47 p. Fiche 2474
1181 Resolutions Adopted by the Central
Executive Committee of the Communist
2467 Party of India. New Delhi, 6 to 11 July 1965.
Communist Party of India. Resolutions. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Adopted at the Seventh Congress. Oct. 31 to Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1965.
Nov. 7, 1964. iii+36 p. Fiche 1187
Communist Party of India. Trivandrum: E. M. S.
Namboodiripad, [1964]. 40 p. Fiche 1181–1182 2475
Resolutions of the National Council of the
2468 Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 19–24
Draft Programme of the Communist Party of August 1965.
India. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Desraj Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1965.
Chadda, [1964]. vi+57 p. Fiche 1182–1183 24+i p. Fiche 1187–1188

2469 2476
Resolutions of the Tenali Convention of the The Programme of the Communist Party of
Communist Party of India held on July 7 to India. As Adopted by the Seventh Congress
11, 1964. of the Communist Party of India. Bombay,
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Des Raj 13–23 December 1964.
Chadha, [1964]. iii+35 p. Fiche 1183 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, January
1965. ii+60 p. Fiche 1188

2477 2483
Language Controversy. Our Solution. Resolutions Adopted by the National Council
Communist Party of India. Madras: Communist of the Communist Party of India. New Delhi,
Party Publication, February 1965. 15 p. Fiche 7–15 January 1966.
1189 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1966.
2478 iv+27 p. Fiche 1193
Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the
Communist Party of India. Volume III, 2484
Discussions. Bombay, 13–23 December Resolutions Adopted by the National Council
1964. of the Communist Party of India. Hyderabad,
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. June 9 to 15, 1966.
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, August Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
1965. vi+81 p. Fiche 1189–1190 Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1966.
ii+26 p. Fiche 1193–1194
Resolutions of the National Council of the 2485
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 5–11 India And American Aggression on Vietnam.
April 1965. Bhupesh Gupta. Communist Party of India. New
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
Sinha for Communist Party of India, [1965]. July 1966. ii+38 p. Fiche 1194
ii+61 p. Fiche 1190
2480 Devaluation. The Great Betrayal.
What Really Happened in Kerala. The story of S. G. Sardesai. Communist Party of India. New
the disruptive game played by Rightwing Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
Communists. September 1966. iii+65 p. Fiche 1194–1195
E. M. S. Namboodiripad. Communist Party of
India. Calcutta: Suren Dutt, National Book 2487
Agency Private Ltd., 1966. ii+71 p. Fiche 1191 India’s Path to Socialism.
S. G. Sardesai. Communist Party of India. New
2481 Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
The Present Political Situation. Resolution of November 1966. ii+54 p. Fiche 1195–1196
the National Council of the Communist Party
of India. Hyderabad, June 9–15, 1966. 2488
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. What Do They Want to Achieve By This
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1966. ‘Cultural Revolution’ in China.
iii+29 p. Fiche 1191–1192 G. Adhikari. Communist Party of India. New
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
2482 December 1966. iv+39 p. Fiche 1196
Programme of the Communist Party of India.
Adopted by the Seventh Congress of the 2489
Communist Party of India. Calcutta, Oct. 31– Election Manifesto of the Communist Party
Nov. 7, 1964. of India, 1967. Supplement to New Age, Vol.
Communist Party of India. Calcutta: Desraj XIV, No. 51, December 18, 1966.
Chadha for the Communist Party of India, 1966, Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
2nd print. 75 p. Fiche 1192–1193 Sinha, 1967. 43 p. Fiche 1196–1197

Let Us Defend Independency. Article of the
Rodong Sinmun, August 12, 1966.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for People’s Publishing House Private
Limited, March 1967. ii+39 p. Fiche 1197

2491 2497
Review of Fourth General Election. Adopted Documents. Adopted by Eighth Congress of
by the National Council of Communist Party the Communist Party of India.
of India. Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February 1968.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Communist Party of India. Communist Party of
Sinha for Communist Party of India, June 1967. India, 1968. iv+360 p. Fiche 1202–1206
iii+66 p. Fiche 1198
2492 International Situation and Problems of
Law and Order. Whose and for Whom? World Communist Movement. Adopted by
Speech in Parliament Delivered on 4 July Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of
1967 on Home Ministry Demands. India. Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February
S. A. Dange. Communist Party of India. New 1968.
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for People’s Publishing House Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Private Limited, July 1967. 16 p. Fiche 1198– Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1968. 47 p.
1199 Fiche 1206

2493 2499
India and the Russian Revolution. Organisational Report. Adopted by Eighth
S. G. Sardesai. Communist Party of India. New Congress of the Communist Party of India.
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India, Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February 1968.
August 1967. iv+106 p. Fiche 1199–1200 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1968. 80 p.
2494 Fiche 1206–1207
Madurai Ideological Stand of the Communist
Party (Marxist). Resolutions Adopted by the 2500
Central Executive Committee of the Political Report. Adopted by Eighth
Communist Party of India. Congress of the Communist Party of India.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February 1968.
Sinha for Communist Party of India, November Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
1967. 23 p. Fiche 1200 Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1968.
117 p. Fiche 1207–1209
Our Tasks on Party Organisation. Adopted 2501
by the Central Committee of the Communist Political Resolution. Adopted by Eighth
Party of India (Marxist), At Its Calicut Congress of the Communist Party of India.
Session, October 28 to November 2, 1967. Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February 1968.
Communist Party of India. Calcutta: Desraj Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Chadha for the Communist Party of India Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1968. 23 p.
(Marxist), [1967]. 96 p. Fiche 1200–1201 Fiche 1209

2496 2502
Constitution of the Communist Party of India. Programme of the Communist Party of India.
Adopted by Eighth Congress of the Adopted by Eighth Congress of the
Communist Party of India. Karyanandnagar. Communist Party of India. Karyanandnagar.
Patna, 7–15 February 1968. Patna, 7–15 February 1968.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1968. 31 p. Sengupta for Communist Party of India, 1968;
Fiche 1201–1202 reprint 1973. 60 p. Fiche 1209–1210

2503 2510
Programme of the Communist Party of India. Resolution of the Central Committee of the
Adopted by Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
Communist Party of India. Karyanandnagar. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Patna, 7–15 February 1968. Sinha for Communist Party of India, December
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. 1968. ii+24 p. Fiche 1214
Sinha for Communist Party of India, March
1968; reprint April 1968. iv+64 p. Fiche 1210 2511
Economics for Trade Unionists.
2504 M. Atchuthan. Communist Party of India. New
Resolutions. Adopted by Eighth Congress of Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
the Communist Party of India. 1969. iii+73 p. Fiche 1215
Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February 1968.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. 2512
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1968. For anti-imperialist unity democratic
ii+34 p. Fiche 1210–1211 consolidation. Speech by S. A. Dange at the
International Conference of Communist and
2505 Workers’ Parties.
Report and Resolutions. Adopted by National S. A. Dange. Communist Party of India. New
Council of the Communist Party of India. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
New Delhi, 1–8 August 1968. 1969. ii+54 p. Fiche 1215–1216
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1968. 2513
iii+87 p. Fiche 1211–1212 Mahatma Gandhi and History.
S. A. Dange. Communist Party of India. New
2506 Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
UNCTAD and Developing Countries. 1969. ii+29 p. Fiche 1216
Pauly V. Parakal. Communist Party of India.
New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of 2514
India, May 1968. 44 p. Fiche 1212 On Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth Centenary.
S. A. Dange. Communist Party of India. New
2507 Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
Dollar’s Downfall and Gold Rush. 1969. 8 p. Fiche 1217
Mohit Sen. Communist Party of India. New
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India, 2515
June 1968. ii+34 p. Fiche 1212–1213 Pakistan Politics.
Tapan Das. Communist Party of India. New
2508 Delhi: D. P. Sinha for People’s Publishing House
Truth about the Peace Corps. (P) Ltd., 1969. ii+74 p. Fiche 1217
An Observer. Communist Party of India. New
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for People’s Publishing House 2516
Private Limited, July 1968. v+38 p. Fiche 1213 RSS and Jana Sangh. A Menace to the Unity,
Integrity, Secular Democratic Set-up and
2509 Progress of our Motherland.
Our Doc. Tributes to Comrade Gangadhar C. Rajeswara Rao. Communist Party of India.
Adhikari on his Seventieth birthday. New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. India, 1969. 18 p. Fiche 1218
Sinha for Communist Party of India, December
1968. vi+64 p. Fiche 1213–1214 2517
Incendiary Hand of the RSS and Jana Sangh
Behind Communal Riots.
H. K. Vyas. Communist Party of India. New
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
1969. 17 p. Fiche 1218

2518 2525
Review of Midterm Elections and Our Tasks CPM Terror in West Bengal.
and Resolutions. Adopted by the National Bhupesh Gupta, Ranen Sen, and Prabhat Das
Council of the Communist Party of India. Gupta. Communist Party of India. New Delhi:
New Delhi, 5–12 April 1969. D. P. Sinha for the Communist Party of India,
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. 1970. vii+48 p. Fiche 1223
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1969.
iv+68 p. Fiche 1218–1219 2526
Tiller Gets Land in Kerala.
2519 K. T. Jacob. Communist Party of India. New
The Communist International. Brief Outline Delhi: D. P. Sinha for the Communist Party of
Prepared by the Institute of Marxism- India, 1970. 25 p. Fiche 1223–1224
Leninism, Central Committee of the CPSU.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. 2527
Sinha for Communist Party of India, April 1969. Italian Road to Socialism. Report of Luigi
ii+82 p. Fiche 1219–1220 Longo.
Luigi Longo. Communist Party of India. New
2520 Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
Manifesto for an advanced democracy for a 1970. iv+60 p. Fiche 1224
socialist France. Adopted by the Central
Committee of the French Communist Party at 2528
its session on 5–6 December 1968 in Problems of India’s Agrarian Sector.
Champigny-sur-Marne. C. Rajeswara Rao, Bhowani Sen, and Y. V.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Krishna Rao. Communist Party of India. New
Sinha for Communist Party of India, April 1969. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
31 p. Fiche 1220 1970. ix+81 p. Fiche 1224–1225

2521 2529
What Happened in Kerala. Review of the 30 Fascist Menace and Democratic Unity.
months of Namboodiripad Government. S. G. Sardesai. Communist Party of India. New
C. Achutha Menon. Communist Party of India. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for People’s Publishing House
New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of P Ltd., 1970. iii+72 p. Fiche 1225–1226
India, November 1969. 64 p. Fiche 1220–1221
2522 The Indian Revolution. Review and
Communist Party and the Midterm Elections. Perspectives.
Communist Party of India, [1969]. 20 p. Fiche Mohit Sen. Communist Party of India. New
1221 Delhi: D. P. Sinha for People’s Publishing House
(P) Ltd., 1970. iv+83 p. Fiche 1226–1227
Fact Book on Wages. 2531
M. Atchuthan. Communist Party of India. New Studies in Indian Monopolies.
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for People’s Publishing House Kripa Shankar and Pauly V. Parakal. Communist
P Ltd., 1970. iii+52 p. Fiche 1221–1222 Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for
People’s Publishing House (P) Ltd., 1970.
2524 iii+80 p. Fiche 1227–1228
Makhdoom. A Memoir.
Raj Bahadur Gour. Communist Party of India. 2532
New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for the Communist Party Resolutions and Report of the National
of India, 1970. iii+31 p. Fiche 1222 Council of the Communist Party of India.
New Delhi, 8 to 13 May 1970.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1970.
ii+93 p. Fiche 1228–1229

2533 2539
Resolutions of the National Council of the Resolutions. Political Resolution On Party
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 1 to 5 Organization On the International Situation,
October 1970. the World Communist Movement and the
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Tasks of the CPI. Adopted by the Ninth
Sinha for the Communist Party of India, 1970. Congress of the Communist Party of India.
ii+98 p. Fiche 1229–1230 Ghatenagar, Cochin, 3–10 October 1971.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
2534 Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1971. 32 p.
Communist Party and Naxalites. Fiche 1236
Pratap Mitra and Mohit Sen. Communist Party of
India. New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist 2540
Party of India, 1971. iii+125 p. Fiche 1230–1232 S. V. Ghate. Our First General Secretary.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
2535 Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1971.
Election Manifesto of the Communist Party iv+123 p. Fiche 1236–1237
of India.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. 2541
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1971. 14 p. Central Committee Resolutions. Bangalore,
Fiche 1232 August 24–August 29, 1971. Supplement to
People’s Democracy, September 12, 1971.
2536 Communist Party of India, [1971]. 14 p. Fiche
On the General Election of March 1971. 1237–1238
Resolutions and Review Report of the
National Council of the Communist Party of 2542
India. New Delhi, 23 to 28 April 1971. Party Education Series. Grade I Course.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Central Party Education Department Communist
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1971. Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for
iii+106 p. Fiche 1232–1233 Communist Party of India, 1972. iii+60 p. Fiche
Organisational Report and Resolution on 2543
Party Organisation. Adopted by Ninth Party Education Series. Preliminary Course
Congress of the Communist Party of India. Central Party Education Department Communist
Ghatenagar, Cochin, 3–10 October 1971. Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Communist Party of India, 1972. v+34 p. Fiche
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1971. 1238–1239
ii+123 p. Fiche 1233–1235
2538 Indian Muslims. Problems and Trends.
Report & Resolution. On the International M. Farooqi. Communist Party of India. New
Situation, the World Communist Movement Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
and the Tasks of the Communist Party of 1972. iii+20 p. Fiche 1239
India. Adopted by the Ninth Congress of the
Communist Party of India. Ghatenagar, 2545
Cochin, 3–10 October 1971. Pakistan. Policies that Led to Break-up.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. M. Farooqi. Communist Party of India. New
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1971. Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
ii+57 p. Fiche 1235 1972. iii+106 p. Fiche 1239–1240

2546 2553
“Mulki Tangle” in Andhra Pradesh. The Greetings to the Ninth Congress of the
Communist Approach. Communist Party of India. Cochin, 3 to 10
Raj Bahadur Gour. Communist Party of India. October 1971.
New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
India, 1972. 32 p. Fiche 1241 Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1972.
viii+144 p. Fiche 1245–1246
25 Years of Independence and the Challenge 2554
of the Path. Resolutions of the National Council of
Bhupesh Gupta. Communist Party of India. New Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 24–28
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India, August 1972.
1972. ii+29 p. Fiche 1241 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for the People’s Publishing House Private
2548 Limited, 1972. iii+80 p. Fiche 1247
The Historic Telegana Struggle. Some Useful
Lessons from Its Rich Experience. 2555
C. Rajeswara Rao. Communist Party of India. [Number not used.]
New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of
India, 1972. iii+40 p. Fiche 1241–1242 2556
Speaker’s Handbook. New Age Supplement.
2549 February 6, 1972.
The Truth about CPM. A Critique of the Communist Party of India, 1972. 48 p. Fiche
Ideological-Political Line of the Communist 1248
Party of India (Marxist).
Bhowani Sen. Communist Party of India. New 2557
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India, Kerala. Three Years of UF Government
1972. iii+36 p. Fiche 1242 Headed by C. Achutha Menon.
N. E. Balaram. Communist Party of India. New
2550 Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
Communist Reply to Tata Memorandum. 1973. iii+55 p. Fiche 1248–1249
H. K. Vyas. Communist Party of India. New
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for the Communist Party of 2558
India, 1972. iii+36 p. Fiche 1243 The Unsolved Tribal Problem.
A. B. Bardhan. Communist Party of India. New
2551 Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
Bhowani Sen. Tributes. 1973. ii+61 p. Fiche 1249–1250
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P.
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1972. 2559
vii+113 p. Fiche 1243–1244 Comintern and National & Colonial
Questions. Documents of Congresses.
2552 Central Party Education Department Communist
Constitution of the Communist Party of India. Party of India. Communist Party of India. New
Incorporating the Amendments and Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India,
Including the Rules and Bylaws Adopted by 1973. iii+126 p. Fiche 1250–1251
the Ninth Congress of the Communist Party
of India, Cochin, 3 to 10 October 1971. 2560
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Statistical Handbook 1973.
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1972. Central Party Education Department Communist
ii+37 p. Fiche 1244–1245 Party of India. Communist Party of India. New
Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for Communist Party of
India, 1973. iv+136 p. Fiche 1251–1253

2561 2569
Yugoslavia. Problems & Perspectives. India’s Freedom Struggle and the
S. A. Dange. Communist Party of India. New Communist Party of India.
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India, M. Farooqi. Communist Party of India. New
1973. 28 p. Fiche 1253 Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party
of India, 1974. ii+54 p. Fiche 1260–1261
Defeat the RSS Fascist Designs. 2570
K. L. Mahendra. Communist Party of India. New Politics of Jamaat-E-Islami-E-Hind. Ghulam
Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for Communist Party of Hyder. Communist Party of India. New Delhi:
India, 1973; Second Enlarged Edition 1977. Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party of
iii+84 p. Fiche 1254 India, 1974. 43 p. Fiche 1261

2563 2571
Defeat Separatist Conspiracy in Andhra Real Face of JP’s ‘Total Revolution’.
C. Rajeswara Rao. Communist Party of India. Indradeep Sinha. Communist Party of India.
New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist
India, 1973. ii+38 p. Fiche 1255 Party of India, 1974. 47 p. Fiche 1261–1262

2564 2572
Heroic Telegana. Reminiscences & Building the Communist Party in the Working
Experiences. Class. Adopted by the National Council,
Ravi Narayan Reddy. Communist Party of India. Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 31 July
New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for Communist to 4 August 1974.
Party of India, 1973. vi+89 p. Fiche 1255–1256 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
Sengupta for Communist Party of India, 1974;
2565 reprint 1975. 16 p. Fiche 1262
The People’s March to Delhi.
Mohit Sen. Communist Party of India. New 2573
Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Party of India, Left Parties Call for Joint Struggle for
1973. 24 p. Fiche 1256–1257 People’s Demands.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
2566 Sengupta for the Communist Party of India,
Report & Resolutions of the National Council 1974. i+17 p. Fiche 1262
of the Communist Party of India. New Delhi,
29 March–1 April 1973. 2574
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: D. P. Political Role of the Army in Developing
Sinha for Communist Party of India, 1973. Countries.
ii+40 p. Fiche 1257 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
Sengupta for Communist Party of India, 1974.
2567 iv+48 p. Fiche 1262–1263
Resolutions & Reports Adopted by the
National Council of the Communist Party of 2575
India. New Delhi, 1–4 September 1973. Report and Resolutions of the National
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun Council of the Communist Party of India.
Sengupta for Communist Party of India, 1973. New Delhi, 23–26 March 1974.
ii+104 p. Fiche 1257–1258 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India,
2568 1974. ii+34 p. Fiche 1263
Guidelines of the History of the Communist
Party of India. 2576
Central Party Education Department Communist Real Face of the Right Communists.
Party of India. Communist Party of India. New M. Basavapunnaiah. Communist Party of India.
Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party Calcutta: Sunil Basu, National Book Agency
of India, 1974. iv+135 p. Fiche 1258–1260 Private Limited, 1975. 55 p. Fiche 1263–1264

2577 2584
Communist Party of India. Fifty Years of Fifty Years of Communist Press.
Struggle and Advance, 1925–1975. Chinmohan Sehanavis. Communist Party of
Central Executive Committee of the National India. New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the
Council, Communist Party of India. Communist Communist Party of India, 1975. 16 p. Fiche
Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for 1268
the Communist Party of India, 1975. 28 p. Fiche
1264 2585
The Chinese Revolution and Maoism.
2578 Mohit Sen. Communist Party of India. New
Socialism and Development. Recent Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party
Experience. of India, 1975. 72 p. Fiche 1268–1269
Kamal Nayan Kabra. Communist Party of India.
New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for People’s 2586
Publishing House Private Limited, 1975. iv+63 p. Constitution of the Communist Party of India.
Fiche 1265 Incorporating the Amendments and
Including the Rules Adopted by the Tenth
2579 Congress of the Communist Party of India,
Fascism and the Politics of Power. Vijayawada, 27 January to 2 February 1975.
Sadhan Mukherjee. Communist Party of India. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist for the Communist Party of India, 1975; third
Party of India, 1975. 36 p. Fiche 1265–1266 print, 1981. 40 p. Fiche 1269

2580 2587
Budget and the Crisis of Indian Economy. Famine-Hunger-Growth. A Study of Food
Pauly V. Parakal et al. Communist Party of Situation in India.
India. New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for People’s Sunil Sengupta. Communist Party of India. New
Publishing House (P) Ltd., 1975. 47 p. Fiche Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party
1266 of India, 1975. 48 p. Fiche 1269–1270

2581 2588
World Communist Movement, 1876–1914. Rural Poor and the New Programme.
Anil Rajimwale. Communist Party of India. New Sunil Sengupta, P. K. Kodiyan, and Girish
Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party Mishra. Communist Party of India. New Delhi:
of India, 1975. 35 p. Fiche 1266–1267 Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party of
India, 1975. 37 p. Fiche 1270
Parties of Right-Reaction. 2589
C. Rajeswara Rao, Pauly V. Parakal, Sadhan India’s National Movement. A Short Account.
Murkejee, and Shamim Faizee. Communist Ayodhya Singh. Communist Party of India.
Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for Calcutta: Rama Singh, Ravindra Publications,
the Communist Party of India, 1975. 31 p. Fiche 1975. vii+123 p. Fiche 1270–1272
2583 Documents of the Tenth Congress of the
What is CPI’s Programme? Communist Party of India. Bhowanisennagar,
N. Rajeskhar Reddy. Communist Party of India. Vijayawada. 27 January to 2 February 1975.
New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
Party of India, 1975. 32 p. Fiche 1267–1268 Sengupta for the Communist Party of India,
1975. vii+449 p. Fiche 1272–1277

2591 2598
Immortal Heroes. Lives of Communist Triumph of Angola.
Leaders. Gautam Chattopadhyay. Communist Party of
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun India. New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India, Communist Party of India, 1976. 31 p. Fiche
1975. iii+166 p. Fiche 1277–1279 1282–1283

2592 2599
Muslim Minority and the Communist Party. My Meetings with Bhagat Singh and on Other
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun Early Revolutionaries.
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India, Sohan Singh Josh. Communist Party of India.
1975. 28 p. Fiche 1279 New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for Communist
Party of India, 1976. 88 p. Fiche 1283–1284
Political Resolution. Adopted by the Tenth 2600
Congress of the Communist Party of India. CPM’s Opportunism in Crisis.
Bhowanisennagar, Vijayawada, 27 January to N. K. Krishnan, Mohit Sen, and Bhupesh Gupta.
2 February 1975. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party of India,
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India, 1976. 23 p. Fiche 1284
1975. 43 p. Fiche 1279–1280
2594 Twenty-Point Programme and Democratic
Resolutions and Report. Adopted by the Advance.
National Council of the Communist Party of Girish Mishra, G. J. Ramarao, Sunil Sengupta,
India (New Delhi, 25 to 28 August 1975). and Mohit Sen. Communist Party of India. New
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India, of India, 1976. 56 p. Fiche 1284–1285
1975. 61 p. Fiche 1280–1281
2595 Congress Socialism. Appraisal and Appeal.
Some Problems Concerning the Agrarian Mohit Sen. Communist Party of India. New
Movement and Our Tasks. Adopted by the Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party
National Council of the Communist Party of of India, 1976. 52 p. Fiche 1285
India, New Delhi, 1–5 April 1975.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun 2603
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India, The Struggle for Building a Mass Communist
1975. 32 p. Fiche 1281 Party.
Yogindra Sharma, M. Farooqi, and N.
2596 Rajasekhara Reddi. Communist Party of India.
What is Marxism? New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist
N. E. Balaram. Communist Party of India. New Party of India, 1976. 44 p. Fiche 1286
Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party
of India, 1976. 40 p. Fiche 1281–1282 2604
Ideology and Emergency.
2597 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
Abani Mukherji. A Dauntless Revolutionary Sengupta for the Communist Party of India,
and Pioneering Communist. 1976. iii+31 p. Fiche 1286
Gautam Chattopadhyay. Communist Party of
India. New Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for People’s 2605
Publishing House (P) Ltd., 1976. v+56 p. Fiche Murder of Truth. Anti-CPI Barrage Exposed.
1282 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India,
1976. 20 p. Fiche 1287

2606 2612
Report & Resolutions of the Meeting of the Consembly Move and Democratic Fight-
Central Executive Committee of the back.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 24–27 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
October 1976. Sengupta for the Communist Party of India,
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun November 1976. iv+40 p. Fiche 1291
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India,
1976. 40 p. Fiche 1287 2613
The Intellectual Evolution of Marx.
2607 K. K. Dixit. Communist Party of India. New Delhi:
Report and Resolutions. Adopted by the Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of India,
National Council of the Communist Party of 1977. 35 p. Fiche 1291–1292
India (Trivandrum, 7 to 11 February 1976).
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun 2614
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India, Menace of Multinationals.
1976. 72 p. Fiche 1287–1288 Sadhan Mukherjee, R. Anand, G. J. Rama
Raom, and V. Gauri Shankar. Communist Party
2608 of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist
Report and Resolutions. Adopted by the Party of India, 1977. ii+78 p. Fiche 1292–1293
National Council of the Communist Party of
India. Hyderabad, 4–8 August 1976. 2615
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun CPI’s Fight Against The Caucus, Sterilisation
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India, and Demolition.
1976. 59 p. Fiche 1288–1289 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
Sengupta for Communist Party of India, 1977.
2609 62 p. Fiche 1293
Report on the All India Padayatra Campaign
and Other Resolutions. Adopted by the 2616
Central Executive Committee of the Documents of the History of the Communist
Communist Party of India in Its Meeting Held Party of India. Volume VIII, 1951–1956.
in Madras, 18 to 21 June 1976. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun for People’s Publishing House (P) Ltd., 1977.
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India, xii+656 p. Fiche 1294–1301
1976. 79 p. Fiche 1289–1290
2610 Lok Sabha Election. Resolution of the
Proposals of the National Council for National Council of the Communist Party of
Amendments to the Constitution of India. India, Held in Delhi from 3 to 6 April 1977.
Adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
Communist Party of India (Trivandrum, 7 to Sengupta for the Communist Party of India,
11 February 1976). 1977. 16 p. Fiche 1301
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India, 2618
March 1976. 12 p. Fiche 1290 National Campaign to Hold Price Line.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun
2611 Sengupta for the Communist Party of India,
Some Comments on Constitutional Changes. 1977. 52 p. Fiche 1301–1302
Bhupesh Gupta. Communist Party of India. New
Delhi: Tarun Sengupta for the Communist Party 2619
of India, August 1976. iii+59 p. Fiche 1290–1291 Resolutions of the National Council of
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 9–12
July 1977.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
for Communist Party of India, 1977. i+49 p.
Fiche 1302

2620 2627
Theses for the Eighth Congress of the Organisation Report. Adopted by the
Portuguese Communist Party. Eleventh Congress of the Communist Party
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Tarun of India. Bhaka Nagar, Bhatinda. 31 March to
Sengupta for the Communist Party of India, 7 April 1978.
1977. ii+110 p. Fiche 1302–1304 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
for the Communist Party of India, 1978. 27 p.
2621 Fiche 1308
Information Document. Draft Political Review
Report for the Eleventh Party Congress 2628
(Adopted by the National Council of the Political Resolution. Adopted by the Eleventh
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 24–28 Congress of the Communist Party of India.
December 1977) and Critical Notes by S. A. Bhaka Nagar, Bhatinda. 31 March to 7 April
Dange & Others. 1978.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Des Raj Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
Chadha, [1977]. 124 p. Fiche 1304–1305 for the Communist Party of India, 1978. 31 p.
Fiche 1308–1309
Atrocities on Harijans and Weaker Sections. 2629
P. K. Kodian. Communist Party of India. New Political Review Report. Adopted by the
Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of Eleventh Congress of the Communist Party
India, 1978. 13 p. Fiche 1305 of India. Bhaka Nagar, Bhatinda. 31 March to
7 April 1978.
2623 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
National Liberation Struggle in Southern for the Communist Party of India, 1978. 39 p.
Africa. Fiche 1309
Raman Majumdar. Communist Party of India.
New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of 2630
India, 1978. 76 p. Fiche 1305–1306 Report and Resolutions. Adopted by the
National Council of the Communist Party of
2624 India. New Delhi, 29 October to 2 November
Indian Economy and the Janata Party Raj. 1978.
Girish Mishra. Communist Party of India. New Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of for the Communist Party of India, 1978. 52 p.
India, 1978. 40 p. Fiche 1306–1307 Fiche 1309–1310

2625 2631
A Catalogue of Repression. June 1977–May Report on International Developments.
1978. Adopted by the Eleventh Congress of the
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen Communist Party of India. Bhaka Nagar,
for the Communist Party of India, 1978. 32 p. Bhatinda. 31 March to 7 April 1978.
Fiche 1307 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
for Communist Party of India, 1978. 44 p. Fiche
2626 1310
CPI’s Defence of Naxalite Prisoners.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen 2632
for the Communist Party of India, 1978. 63 p. Chittagong Armoury Raiders.
Fiche 1307–1308 Reminiscences.
Kalpana Dutt. Communist Party of India. New
Delhi: Jiten Sen for People’s Publishing House
Private Ltd., 1979. xvi+98 p. Fiche 1311–1312

2633 2641
What Should the Muslims Do in the Present Midterm Poll to 7th Lok Sabha. Speakers’
Situation? Handbook. Vote for CPI. Vote for Left and
M. Farooqi. Communist Party of India. New Democratic Unity.
Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
India, 1979. 24 p. Fiche 1312 for the Communist Party of India, 1979. 32 p.
Fiche 1315–1316
Idol of False Promises. Indira Gandhi’s 2642
Slogans and Deeds. Our Democratic Project.
Bhupesh Gupta and M. Farooqi. Communist Luis Corvalan. Communist Party of India. New
Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of
Communist Party of India, 1979. 47 p. Fiche India, 1980. 64 p. Fiche 1316
2635 Bhatinda Congress and Political
Why Pricerise? Developments.
Girish Mishra. Communist Party of India. New Bhupesh Gupta. Communist Party of India. New
Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of
India, 1979. 19 p. Fiche 1313 India, 1980. 39 p. Fiche 1316–1317

2636 2644
RSS. Double-talk Exposed. US-Sino-Pak Axis Threatens India.
Pauly V. Parakal. Communist Party of India. Sadhan Mukherjee. Communist Party of India.
New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of
India, 1979. 20 p. Fiche 1313 India, 1980. 32 p. Fiche 1317

2637 2645
Ten Glorious Years of Kerala UF Policy of Peace versus Doctrines of War.
Government. In the Service of People. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
Pauly V. Parakal. Communist Party of India. for People’s Publishing House (P) Ltd., 1980.
New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of 48 p. Fiche 1317–1318
India, 1979. 15 p. Fiche 1313–1314
2638 Report and Resolutions. National Council of
Class Struggle and Caste Conflict in Rural the Communist Party of India. Vijayawada,
Areas. October 23–25, 1980.
S. G. Sardesai. Communist Party of India. New Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of for the Communist Party of India, 1980. i+32 p.
India, 1979. 48 p. Fiche 1314 Fiche 1318

2639 2647
Neither Janata Nor Congress But a Left- Reports & Resolutions Adopted by the
Democratic National Alternative. National Council of the Communist Party of
Jagannath Sarkar. Communist Party of India. India. New Delhi, 12 to 15 July 1980.
New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
India, 1979. 31 p. Fiche 1314–1315 for the Communist Party of India, 1980. 88 p.
Fiche 1318–1319
Cow Problem and Indian Economy. 2648
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen Vietnam in Chinese Strategy. A
for the Communist Party of India, 1979. 44 p. Documentation.
Fiche 1315 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
for the Communist Party of India, 1980. 80 p.
Fiche 1320

2649 2657
BMS is Anti-worker. India and the Two Pythons.
K. L. Mahendra. Communist Party of India. New G. J. Rama Rao. Communist Party of India. New
Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of
India, 1981. 24 p. Fiche 1321 India, 1982. xi+99 p. Fiche 1325–1326

2650 2658
Marxism and the Role of the Working Class Crisis of Capitalist Path in India. Policy
in India. Alternatives.
S. G. Sardesai. Communist Party of India. New Indradeep Sinha. Communist Party of India.
Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of
India, 1981. 43 p. Fiche 1321 India, 1982. 32 p. Fiche 1326

2651 2659
Afghanistan’s National Fatherland Front. Some Questions Concerning Marxism and
Documents of the Founding Congress. the Peasantry.
Kabul, 15–16 June 1981. Indradeep Sinha. Communist Party of India.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of
for the Communist Party of India, 1981. 41 p. India, 1982. 72 p. Fiche 1326–1327
Fiche 1321–1322
2652 International Unity of Communists.
Dialogue with the CPI (M). Boris Leibson. Communist Party of India. New
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of
for the Communist Party of India, 1981. 68 p. India, 1983. 79 p. Fiche 1327–1328
Fiche 1322–1323
2653 Vishwa Hindu Parishad. The RSS Broad
India and CPSU Congresses. Outfit for Spreading Militant Aggressive
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen Hindu Communal Poison.
for the Communist Party of India, 1981. 26 p. H. K. Vyas. Communist Party of India. New
Fiche 1323 Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of
India, 1983. 20 p. Fiche 1328
Pakistan Military Dictatorship Exposed. 2662
Statement in Front of Military Tribunal by Joint Declaration by the Communist and
Jam Saqi, Member, Central Committee, Workers Parties of the Arab Countries.
Communist Party of Pakistan. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of India, 1983. 23 p.
for the Communist Party of India, 1981. 55 p. Fiche 1328–1329
Fiche 1323–1324
2655 UNP Organised Anti-Tamil Riots in Sri Lanka.
RSS. The Guilty. Jamshedpur Riot Inquiry Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen
Commission Findings. for the Communist Party of India, 1983. 39 p.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen Fiche 1329
for the Communist Party of India, 1981. 24 p.
Fiche 1324 2664
CPI’s Contribution to Socio-Political Ideas in
2656 Indian Politics.
Israel’s Proxy War for USA. PLO-Lebanese K. Seshadri. Communist Party of India. New
Fight Back. Delhi: P. P. C. Joshi for the Communist Party of
Sadhan Mukherjee. Communist Party of India. India, 1985. 44 p. Fiche 1329–1330
New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of
India, 1982. 22 p. Fiche 1324–1325

2665 2671
Punjab. 16 Martyrs of CPI. They Gave Their Constitution of the Communist Party of India.
Lives for Communal Amity and National Incorporating the Amendments Adopted by
Integrity. the All India Party Organisation Conference
Avtar Singh Malhotra and Bhupinder Samber. (September 24–26, 1986) and by the National
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: P. P. C. Council of the CPI (September 27–28, 1986).
Joshi for the Communist Party of India, 1986. Communist Party of India. New Delhi: P. P. C.
33 p. Fiche 1330 Joshi for the Communist Party of India, 1988
(fourth edition). 44 p. Fiche 1333–1334
Indian Renaissance. A Marxist Approach. 2672
Bejoy Kumar Sinha. Communist Party of India. Report and Resolutions Adopted by the
New Delhi: P. P. C. Joshi for the Communist National Council of the Communist Party of
Party of India, 1986. 18 p. Fiche 1330 India. New Delhi, October 12 to 15, 1988.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: P. P. C.
2667 Joshi for the Communist Party of India, 1988.
Organisation Report and Amendments to 40 p. Fiche 1334
Party Constitution. Adopted by the All India
Party Organisation Conference, September 2673
24 to 26, 1986 and by the National Council of SADR. Blossoms in the Desert. Saharawi
CPI, September 27–28, 1986. People Fight For Freedom.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: P. P. C. Sadhan Mukherjee. Communist Party of India.
Joshi for the Communist Party of India, 1986. New Delhi: P. P. C. Joshi for Communist Party
24 p. Fiche 1330–1331 of India, 1988. 80 p. Fiche 1334–1335

2668 2674
Review of National and International Nicaragua. A Revolutionary Decade.
Developments since the Varanasi Party Pratul Lahiri. Communist Party of India. New
Congress. Adopted by the XIII Congress of Delhi: P. P. C. Joshi for Communist Party of
the CPI at Patna, March 12–17, 1986. India, 1989. 34 p. Fiche 1335
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: P. P. C.
Joshi for the Communist Party of India, 1986. 2675
88 p. Fiche 1331–1332 Problems of Unorganised Workers in
‘Agriculture Sector’.
2669 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: P. P. C.
Report and Resolutions Adopted by the Joshi for Communist Party of India, 1989. 104 p.
National Council of the Communist Party of Fiche 1336–1337
India. New Delhi, 26 to 29 July, 1987.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: P. P. C. 2676
Joshi for the Communist Party of India, 1987. Organisation Report. Adopted by the XIV
55 p. Fiche 1332 Congress of the Communist Party of India,
Calcutta, March 6–12, 1989.
2670 Communist Party of India. New Delhi: P. P. C.
Report and Resolutions Adopted by the Joshi for the Communist Party of India, 1989.
National Council of the Communist Party of 24 p. Fiche 1337
India. New Delhi, April 6 to 9, 1987.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: P. P. C. 2677
Joshi for the Communist Party of India, 1987. Political Resolution. Adopted by the XIV
47 p. Fiche 1333 Congress of the Communist Party of India,
Calcutta, March 6–12, 1989
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: P. P. C.
Joshi for the Communist Party of India, 1989.
30 p. Fiche 1337–1338

2678 2686
Review of National and International Principles of Party Organization. Thesis on
Developments and Our Party’s Activities the Organization and Structure of the
Since XIII Party Congress (Patna, 1986). Communist Parties adopted at the 3rd
Report Adopted by the XIV Congress of the Congress of the Communist International in
Communist Party of India, Calcutta, March 6 1921, Together with the Statutes of the
to 12, 1989. Communist International.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi: P. P. C. Communist Party of India. Bombay: M. B. Rao
Joshi for the Communist Party of India, 1989. for People’s Publishing House, Ltd., n.d. 40 p.
112 p. Fiche 1338–1339 Fiche 1344

2679 Communist Party of India

Recognize Kampuchea.
N. K. Krishnan, Sadhan Mukherjee, Wilfred (Marxist)
Burchett, and Harish Chandola. Communist
Party of India. New Delhi: Jiten Sen for the 2687
Communist Party of India, n.d. 36 p. Fiche 1339 Programme. Adopted at the Seventh
Congress. Calcutta, Oct. 31 to Nov. 7, 1964.
2680 Communist Party of India (Marxist). New Delhi:
Proletarian Internationalism. Desraj Chadha for the Communist Party of India
Hiren Mukerjee. Communist Party of India. (Marxist), 1964; third print 1968. ii+66 p. Fiche
Delhi: Navyug Publishers, n.d. 64 p. Fiche 1340 1344–1345

2681 2688
Communism and Social Democracy. Is the The Programme Explained.
Gulf Really Wide? E. M. S. Namboodiripad. Communist Party of
E. M. S. Namboodiripad. Communist Party of India (Marxist). Calcutta: Desraj Chadha for the
India. New Delhi: D. P. Sinha for Communist Communist Party of India (Marxist), 1966.
Party of India, n.d. 20 p. Fiche 1340 v+124 p. Fiche 1345–1346

2682 2689
Notes on the History of Communist Party of Election Manifesto. Communist Party of India
the Soviet Union, 1890–1924. (Marxist).
Satya Roy. Communist Party of India. New Communist Party of India (Marxist). Calcutta:
Delhi: Jiten Sen for the Communist Party of Desraj Chadha for the Communist Party of India
India, n.d. i+90 p. Fiche 1341 (Marxist), 1966. 48 p. Fiche 1347

2683 2690
Reply from Prison. Election Review and Party’s Tasks. Adopted
P. Sundarayya et al. Communist Party of India. by the Central Committee of the Communist
Kerala: E. M. S. Namboodiripad for the Party of India (Marxist) at its Session in
Communist Party of India, n.d. 22 p. Fiche 1342 Calcutta, April 10 to 16, 1967.
Communist Party of India. Calcutta: Desraj
2684 Chadha for the Communist Party of India
An Analysis of the Armed Struggle in Punjab. (Marxist), [1967]. 95 p. Fiche 1347–1348
Communist Party of India. n.d. 44 p. Fiche 1342
2685 Central Committee’s Draft for the Ideological
Colonial Peoples’ Struggle for Liberation. Discussion. Adopted by the Central
Reports to Institute of Economics & Pacific Committee of the Communist Party of India
Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. (Marxist), Madurai, August 18 to 27, 1967.
Communist Party of India. Bombay: Jayant Bhatt Communist Party of India. Calcutta: Desraj
for the People’s Publishing House Ltd., n.d. Chadha for the Communist Party of India
99 p. Fiche 1343–1344 (Marxist), [1967]. 54+ii p. Fiche 1348–1349

2692 2699
Central Committee Resolutions. Divergent Programme. Adopted at the Seventh
views between our party and the CPC on Congress of the Communist Party of India at
certain fundamental issues. Political and Calcutta, October 31 to November 7, 1964.
Economic Development in the Country and Statement of Policy. Adopted at the All India
our Tasks. Adopted by the Central Conference of the Communist Party of India,
Committee of the Communist Party of India 1951.
(Marxist), Madurai, August 18 to 27, 1967. Communist Party of India (Marxist). Calcutta:
Communist Party of India (Marxist). Calcutta: Deshraj Chadda for the Communist Party of
Desraj Chadha for the Communist Party of India India (Marxist), November 1971. i+75 p. Fiche
(Marxist), [1967]. 40 p. Fiche 1349 1355–1356

2693 2700
Ideological Debate Summed Up. Work Report (Political) of the Central
Polit Bureau. Communist Party of India Committee to the Ninth Congress.
(Marxist). Calcutta: Desraj Chadha for the Organisational Position of the Party (Tables).
Communist Party of India (Marxist), June 1968. Note on National Question and Amendment
xviii+183 p. Fiche 1350–1352 to Party Programme. Adopted by the Ninth
Congress. Madurai, June 27–July 2, 1972.
2694 Communist Party of India (Marxist). Calcutta:
Resolutions. Adopted by the Central Desraj Chadha for the Communist Party of India
Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), 1972. iii+106 p. Fiche 1356–1357
(Marxist) at its Meeting in Jaipur (Rajasthan)
from August 7 to 11, 1968. 2701
Communist Party of India (Marxist). Calcutta: Review of the Armed Struggle in Srikakulam
Desraj Chadha for the Communist Party of India Region. (Unanimously passed in Regional
(Marxist), 1968. 32 p. Fiche 1352 Plenum on 18th Aug. 72).
Communist Party of India (Marxist), [1972]. 64 p.
2695 Fiche 1357–1358
[Number not used.]
2696 CPI (M) on Constitutional Changes.
Anti-Communist Gang-up in Kerala. Communist Party of India (Marxist). New Delhi:
Betrayers of U. F. Set Up Anti-people Govt. Desraj Chadha for Communist Party of India
E. M. S. Namboodiripad. Communist Party of (Marxist), June 1976. i+20 p. Fiche 1358
India (Marxist). Calcutta: Desraj Chadha for the
Communist Party of India (Marxist), 1970. 75 p. 2703
Fiche 1352–1353 CPI (M) and the Right C. P. Right Communist
Party Continues its Old Bankrupt Line.
2697 Question of “Communist Unity” and Unity of
Conspiracy to Wreck W. Bengal United Front. Action.
Communist Party of India (Marxist). Calcutta: M. Basavapunnaiah. Communist Party of India
Desraj Chadha for the Communist Party of India (Marxist). New Delhi: Desraj Chadha for the
(Marxist), 1970. 38 p. Fiche 1353–1354 Communist Party of India (Marxist), 1977.
iii+52 p. Fiche 1358–1359
On the Revisionist Disruption of the 2704
A. I. T. U. C. Correspondence between Statement on the post-election situation.
CPI (M) and Right Communist Party. Adopted by the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of India (Marxist). Calcutta: Communist Party of India (Marxist) at its
Desraj Chadha for the Communist Party of India Meeting in New Delhi on March 26–27, ’77.
(Marxist), 1970. 70 p. Fiche 1354–1355 Communist Party of India (Marxist). New Delhi:
Des Raj Chadha for the Communist Party of
India (Marxist), 1977. 12 p. Fiche 1359

2705 Congress Forum for Socialist
Constitution. Adopted by the Eight
Congress. Cochin. December 23–29, 1968. Action
Communist Party of India (Marxist). Calcutta:
Desraj Chadha for the Communist Party of India 2712
(Marxist), 1978. 15 p. Fiche 1359 Towards Socialism (A Compilation).
K. Kamaraj. Congress Forum for Socialist
2706 Action. New Delhi: A. N. Vidyalankar for
Report and Resolution on Organisation. Congress Forum for Socialist Action, 1966.
Adopted by the Salkia Plenum, December viii+108 p. Fiche 1364–1365
27–31, 1978.
Communist Party of India (Marxist). Desraj 2713
Chadha for the Communist Party of India Congress Revitalisation and Reorganization.
(Marxist), 1979 (2nd edition). 76 p. Fiche 1359– Nehru’s Guide-Lines for the Congress.
1360 Congress Forum for Socialist Action. New Delhi:
Harsh Deo Malaviya, All India Congress Forum
2707 for Socialist Action, 1968. 46 p. Fiche 1366
On Marx’s Teachings.
B. T. Ranadive. Communist Party of India Congress Party in Parliament,
(Marxist). New Delhi: Rajendra Prasad for
National Book Centre, 1963; reprint 1983. Indian National Congress
iii+148 p. 1360–1362
2708 Industrial Projects and Output in India.
A Contribution to Ideological Debate. Congress Party in Parliament. New Delhi:
P. Sundarayya et al. Communist Party of India Congress Party of Parliament of India, 1952;
(Marxist). New Delhi: Des Raj Chadda, n.d. reprint 1953. ii+15+i p. Fiche 1366–1367
iv+87+ii+41 p. Fiche 1362–1363
2709 Report of the Congress Party in Parliament
Who is Responsible for Politics of Terror and of India for 1952–1953.
Individual Murders? Congress Party in Parliament. New Delhi:
Communist Party of India (Marxist), West Secretary-General, Congress Party in
Bengal State Committee. Calcutta: Ramen Sen Parliament, [1953]. 16+xiv p. Fiche 1367
for West Bengal State Committee Communist
Party of India (Marxist), [1971]. 8 p. Fiche 1363 2716
Annual Report and Accounts for 1959–1960.
2710 Congress Party in Parliament. New Delhi:
Subversion of Parliamentary Democracy in Secretaries, Congress Party in Parliament,
West Bengal. [1960]. 44 p. Fiche 1367–1368
Jyoti Basu. Communist Party of India (Marxist),
West Bengal State Committee. Calcutta: Sushil 2717
Choudhury for the West Bengal State Annual Report and Accounts, 1964–65.
Committee, Communist Party of India (Marxist), Congress Party in Parliament. New Delhi:
1972. 45 p. Fiche 1364 Secretaries, Congress Party in Parliament,
[1965]. 77 p. Fiche 1368–1369
After the rigged Elections. Face the Ordeal 2718
with Courage and Determination. Annual Report and Accounts for 1968–1969.
Communist Party of India (Marxist), West Congress Party in Parliament. New Delhi:
Bengal State Committee. Calcutta: Communist Congress Party in Parliament, [1969]. 68 p.
Party of India (Marxist) West Bengal State Fiche 1369–1370
Committee, [1972]. 8 p. Fiche 1364

Congress Socialist Forum 2725
The Fundamental Rights Case.
N. A. Palkhivala. Forum of Free Enterprise.
Bombay: M. R. Pai for the Forum for Free
The Crisis, The Country, The Congress. A
Enterprise, 1973. 12 p. Fiche 1373
Thesis on Post-Election Crisis.
S. N. Mishra. Congress Socialist Forum. New
Delhi: S. N. Mishra, Congress Socialist Forum,
1967. ii+40 p. Fiche 1370 The Role of Judiciary in Parliamentary
M. C. Chagla. Forum of Free Enterprise.
Bombay: M. R. Pai for the Forum for Free
Karakoram Road Dominationistic Conspiracy
Enterprise, 1974. 20 p. Fiche 1373–1374
of China in Kashmir.
Shashi Bhushan. Congress Socialist Forum.
New Delhi: Secretariat of Congress Socialist
Forum, [1978]. i+16 p. Fiche 1370 The Indian Constitution and Judiciary.
P. B. Mukharji. Forum of Free Enterprise.
Bombay: M. R. Pai for the Forum for Free
Congress Study Circle Enterprise, 1974. 8 p. Fiche 1374

2721 2728
High Taxation Leads to Smuggling, Time Management.
Corruption, High Cost Economy. M. R. Pai. Forum of Free Enterprise. Bombay:
Chiman Bhai Mehta. Congress Study Circle. M. R. Pai, 1979; reprint 1985. vi+56+ii p. Fiche
Ahmedabad: Congress Study Circle, [1988]. 1374–1375
vii+45 p. Fiche 1371
Democratic Vigilance The Reform of the Judiciary.
Justice H. R. Khanna. Forum of Free Enterprise.
Committee Bombay: M. R. Pai for the Forum for Free
Enterprise, 1980. 24 p. Fiche 1375
Corruption and Bharatiya Janata Party. 2730
Hardayal Devgun. Democratic Vigilance Judiciary Vis à Vis Parliament and Executive.
Committee. Delhi: Komal Swaroop Goel, Anil B. Divan. Forum of Free Enterprise.
Democratic Vigilance Committee (Regd.), n.d. Bombay: M. R. Pai for the Forum for Free
19 p. Fiche 1371–1372 Enterprise, 1981. 22 p. Fiche 1375

Forum of Free Enterprise 2731

Centre-State Relations. A Broad Perspective.
2723 N. A. Palkhivala. Forum of Free Enterprise.
Some Economic Aspects and Problems of Bombay: M. R. Pai for the Forum of Free
Under-Developed Countries. Enterprise, October 1983. 19 p. Fiche 1375–
P. T. Bauer. Forum of Free Enterprise. Bombay: 1376
Popular Press, 1959. 52 p. Fiche 1372
2724 Business-Government Understanding.
Warnings of History. Trends in Modern India. Naval H. Tata. Forum of Free Enterprise.
K. M. Munshi. Forum of Free Enterprise. Bombay: M. R. Pai for the Forum of Free
Bombay: M. R. Pai for Forum of Free Enterprise, Enterprise, 1984. i+15 p. Fiche 1376
1959. v+63 p. Fiche 1372–1373
Social Responsibilities of Business.
U. V. Rao. Forum of Free Enterprise. Bombay:
M. R. Pai for the Forum of Free Enterprise,
1985. 24 p. Fiche 1376

2734 Golden Tobacco Company
Challenges to Higher Education in A
Changing India. Limited
Madhuri R. Shah. Forum of Free Enterprise.
Bombay: M. R. Pai for the Forum of Free 2740
Enterprise, 1985. 35 p. Fiche 1376–1377 Menacing Multinationals in India.
Golden Tobacco Company Limited. Bombay:
2735 Golden Tobacco Company Limited, [1978].
An Analysis of India’s New Economic Policy. i+19 p. Fiche 1379
P. R. Brahmananda. Forum of Free Enterprise.
Bombay: M. R. Pai for the Forum of Free Hindu Mahasabha
Enterprise, 1986. 19 p. Fiche 1377
2736 The 26th Session of All India Hindu
Human Rights in Democratic Societies. Mahasabha, 1944. Presidential Address by
Sir Zelman Cowen. Forum of Free Enterprise. Syamaprasad Mookerjee. 24 December 1944.
Bombay: M. R. Pai for the Forum of Free Syamaprasad Mookerjee. Hindu Mahasabha.
Enterprise, 1986. 20 p. Fiche 1377 New Delhi: All India Hindu Maha Sabha, 1944.
26 p. Fiche 1379
Forum of National Affairs
2737 Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha. Address of
Polarise or Perish. Indian Politics after the Welcome by the Chairman of the Reception
1967 Elections and the need for Polarisation. Committee. Calcutta Session, December
Balraj Madhok. Forum of National Affairs. New 1949.
Delhi: Forum of National Affairs, [1969]. i+16 p. Hindu Mahasabha, [1949]. 5 p. Fiche 1379
Fiche 1377–1378
Friends of Democracy Full Text of Resolutions adopted by The
Working Committee on 10th & 11th
September 1949.
Hindu Mahasabha. New Delhi: Ashutosh
Judiciary and the People.
Lahirey, All India Hindu Mahasabha, [1949].
K. S. Hegde. Friends of Democracy. New Delhi:
12 p. Fiche 1379–1380
Friends of Democracy, 1973. iii+46 p. Fiche
Why Hindu Rashtra??? A Summary of
Fundamental Rights Front Speech Delivered by Prof. V. G. Deshpande,
on the 28th May 1949, the day on which
2739 Hindu Mahasabha formally resumed politics.
Fundamental Rights are for the Common Hindu Mahasabha. New Delhi: V. G.
Man. Deshpande, Hindu Mahasabha Bhawan, [1949].
Fundamental Rights Front. Udaipur: Mewar, 11 p. Fiche 1380
1971. 15 p. Fiche 1378
Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha 30th Session
at Bhopal (held on 28–30 December 1952).
Full Text of Resolutions.
Hindu Mahasabha. New Delhi: Akhil Bharat
Hindu Mahasabha, 1953. 14 p. Fiche 1380

2746 Indian Association of
Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha 31st Session
Hyderabad (held on 7–9 May 1954). Full Text Parliamentarians for Problems
of Resolutions & The Report of the of Population and Development
Hindu Mahasabha. New Delhi: Akhil Bharat 2752
Hindu Mahasabha, 1954. 28 p. Fiche 1380 State of Population in India. Presented at the
First Asian Conference of Parliamentarians
2747 on Population and Development, Beijing.
Hindu Mahasabha its Contribution to India’s Oct. 27–30, 1981.
Politics. Sat Paul Mittal. Indian Association of
Indra Prakash. Hindu Mahasabha. New Delhi: Parliamentarians for Problems of Population and
B. C. Chatterjee, Akhil Bharat Hindu Development. New Delhi: Sat Paul Mittal, Indian
Mahasabha, 1966. ix+182 p. Fiche 1381–1383 Association of Parliamentarians for Problems of
Population and Development, [1981]. i+20 p.
2748 Fiche 1385
Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, 52nd
Session. Presidential Address by Braj
Narayan Brajesh. Held on April 27–29, 1969
Indian National Congress
at Nagpur.
Hindu Mahasabha. New Delhi: Shri H. B. Bhide, 2753
A. B. Hindu Mahasabha, 1969. 54 p. Fiche 1383 The Indian National Demand. Being a
Summary of the Nehru Reports and the
2749 Proceedings of the National Convention held
The All India Hindu Maha Sabha. 53rd Annual in Calcutta, in December 1928.
Session. Jodhpur, 22 August 1970. Indian National Congress. Allahabad: Rafi
Ahmad Kidwai, All Parties Conference and
Presidential Address by Shri Pt. Braj Narain
Convention, [1928]. iii+12 p. Fiche 1385
Braj Narain. Hindu Mahasabha. New Delhi: Shri
Bodh Narain Prashad, Akhil Bharat Hindu 2754
Mahasabha Bhawan, [1970]. 36 p. Fiche 1384 The Future of Congress.
Acharya J. B. Kripalani. Indian National
Congress. Bombay: V. Kulkarni, Hind Kitabs,
Ltd., December 1948. ii+33 p. Fiche 1386
Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha 55th Annual
Session, Prayeg, May 12–14, 1973.
Presidential Address by Prof. Ram Singh.
The Road Ahead.
Ram Singh. Hindu Mahasabha. New Delhi: H. B.
Harekrushna Mahtab. Indian National Congress.
Bhide, A. B. Hindu Mahasabha, 1973. 31 p.
Delhi: Atma Ram and Sons, [1950]. vi+60 p.
Fiche 1384
Fiche 1386–1387

Indian Association for Afro- 2756

Asian Solidarity Report of the Linguistic Provinces
Committee appointed by the Jaipur
2751 Congress (Dec. 1948).
China’s Wrong Conception of India. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Pattabhi Sitaramaya,
Om Prakash Paliwal. Indian Association for Afro- and Jawaharlal Nehru. Indian National
Asian Solidarity. New Delhi: Indian Association Congress. New Delhi: Indian National Congress,
for Afro-Asian Solidarity, [1963]. x+21 p. Fiche September 1953. 16 p. Fiche 1387

2757 2766
Resolutions Passed by the All India List of Members of All India Congress
Congress Committee, 9 and 10 May 1955. Committee for 1964–1965.
Indian National Congress. Delhi: Navin Press, Indian National Congress. New Delhi: All India
[1955]. 10 p. Fiche 1387 Congress Committee, July 1964. ii+95 p. Fiche
Insurance Business in India. 2767
H. D. Malaviya. Indian National Congress. New Report of Sub-committee on Democracy and
Delhi: All India Congress Committee, 1956. Socialism.
iv+77 p. Fiche 1387–1388 Indian National Congress. New Delhi: Indian
National Congress, [1964]. 26 p. Fiche 1394–
2759 1395
Personal Behavior.
Sri Prakasa. Indian National Congress. New 2768
Delhi: All India Congress Committee, 1956. Presidential Address. Indian National
19 p. Fiche 1388–1389 Congress, Seventy-first Session. January
2760 S. Nijalingappa. Indian National Congress.
Hindu Law of Succession for the Lay Man. Bangalore: Karnataka Co-operative Publishing
W. S. Barlingay. Indian National Congress. New House, Ltd., January 1968. 28 p. Fiche 1395
Delhi: All India Congress Committee, February
1957. v+16 p. Fiche 1389 2769
Indian National Congress. 73rd Plenary
2761 Session at Bombay (26–29 December 1969).
Congress and the Second General Elections. Presidential Address by Shri Jagjivan Ram.
Indian National Congress. New Delhi: Shri N. Shri Jagjivan Ram. Indian National Congress.
Balakrishnan for All India Congress Committee, Bombay: Indian National Congress, December
June 1957. ii+38 p. Fiche 1389–1390 1969. 16 p. Fiche 1395

2762 2770
India’s Food Problem. Resolutions Passed in the AICC Meeting held
Sunil Guha. Indian National Congress. New on 6th and 7th December, 1980 in New Delhi.
Delhi: All India Congress Committee, August Indian National Congress. New Delhi: All India
1957. ii+68 p. Fiche 1390–1391 Congress Committee, March 1982. 17 p. Fiche
A Plea for Ideological Clarity. 2771
Shriman Narayan. Indian National Congress. Election Manifesto. General Election 1991.
New Delhi: All India Congress Committee, Indian National Congress (I).
[1957]. iv+92 p. Fiche 1391–1392 Indian National Congress. New Delhi: General
Secretary, All India Congress Committee, 1991.
2764 64 p. Fiche 1396
Keep the Flame Alive. A Thesis by a Group of
Congress Workers. 2772
Indian National Congress, [1957]. iii+13 p. Fiche Democracy and Socialism. Draft Resolution
1392 for the 68th Session of the Indian National
Congress at Bhubaneshwar.
2765 K. D. Malaviya. Indian National Congress, n.d.
The General Elections, 1957. A Survey. 7 p. Fiche 1396–1397
Sadiq Ali. Indian National Congress. New Delhi:
N. Balakrishnan for All India Congress
Committee, January 1959. iv+96 p. Fiche 1392–

Indian National Trade Union 2778
Janata Bulletin.
Congress Janata Party. New Delhi: N. C. Jain for the
Janata Party, [1978]. ii+87 p. Fiche 1399–1400
The Indian Communists. 2779
Abid Ali. Indian National Trade Union Congress. White Paper on the Toppling of State
New Delhi: Indian National Trade Union Governments. Subversion of the
Congress, 1965. v+38 p. Fiche 1397 Constitution.
Janata Party. New Delhi: Janata Party, [1984].
International Confederation of v+62 p. Fiche 1401
Free Trade Unions 2780
Promises. How Many Fulfilled?
2774 Janata Party. New Delhi: Saraswati Press, n.d.
Communist Ministry and Trade Unions in 40 p. Fiche 1402
Kerala. Impact of the Communist Ministry on
the trade union movement in Kerala. 2781
International Confederation of Free Trade Politics for the People.
Unions. Asian Regional Organisation. New Ramakrishna Hedge. Janata Party, Karnataka
Delhi: A. Solomon for the ICFTU Asian Regional State. Bangalore: Karnataka State Janata Party,
Organisation, 1959. 61 p. Fiche 1397–1398 1987. 11 p. Fiche 1402

Jammu and Kashmir National 2782

Conference Rajiv Gandhi. An Introduction
Janata Party, Karnataka State. Bangalore:
Jeevaraj Alva, Karnataka State Janata Dal,
1989. 37 p. Fiche 1402–1403
Kashmir—a human problem and a moral
issue. Speech of Sheikh Mohammed
Congress (I)’s Double Standards on
Jammu and Kashmir National Conference.
Propriety & Respect for the Judiciary. A
Delhi: Ali Mohammed Naik, General Secretary,
Plebiscite Front, Jammu and Kashmir State,
Janata Party, Karnataka State. Bangalore: Sri
[1965]. 18 p. Fiche 1399
M. S. Narayan Rao, Karnataka Legislature
Janata Party, n.d. 44 p. Fiche 1403
The Truth about Kashmir.
Jammu and Kashmir National Conference. Karnataka Legal Aid Board
Kashmir: Shri Gulam Mohi-ud-Din Shah, Jammu
and Kashmir National Conference, [1982]. 14 p. 2784
Fiche 1399 The Constitutional Rights of Women in India.
H. G. Balakrishna. Karnataka Legal Aid Board.
Janata Party Bangalore: Karnataka Legal Aid Board, 1990.
ii+12 p. Fiche 1403–1404
Menace on Northern Border. Text of a Kerala Democratic Front
speech delivered in the Lok Sabha on Sept.
12, 1959. 2785
Acharya J. B. Kripalani. Janata Party. Bombay: Kerala Democratic Front.
G. G. Parikh, [1959]. 12 p. Fiche 1399 Kerala Democratic Front. Bombay: Shri M. K.
Nair, Kerala Democratic Front, [1958]. 28 p.
Fiche 1404

Kerala Pradesh Congress National Democrats
2786 Your Country and Its Defence. The National
True Picture of the Situation in Kerala (A Democrats. Day to Day Pamphlets.
Y. S. Paranjape. National Democrats. Poona:
National Democrats, n.d. ii+64 p. Fiche 1407–
Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee.
Ernakulam: Joseph Mathen for the Kerala
Pradesh Congress Committee, [1958]. ii+86 p.
Fiche 1404–1405 National Marxist Association of
Khet Mazdoor Union
2787 Traitors to the Cause. White Paper on the
First Conference of Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor Communist Party of India’s Position in India-
Union. Moga, 27–29 September 1968. China Border Dispute.
Khet Mazdoor Union. New Delhi: Gur Prasad, National Marxist Association of India. New Delhi:
Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor Union, January 1969. National Marxist Association of India, [1959].
ii+51+i p. Fiche 1405–1406 34 p. Fiche 1408

Maharashtra Pradesh Congress 2793

Self-Confession. White Paper on the
Committee Communist Party of India’s Position in Delhi
2788 National Marxist Association Delhi Branch. New
Communist Movement and the Indian Delhi: National Marxist Association Delhi
National Congress. Bani Deshpande. Branch, 1961. 25 p. Fiche 1409
Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee.
Bombay: Nitin Deshpande for Kranti Prakashan 2794
33 Anusaya Sadan, Dadar, December 1985. White Paper on Vijayawada.
ii+75 p. Fiche 1406–1407 National Marxist Association of India. New Delhi:
National Marxist Association of India, [1961].
Mazdoor Shiksha Kendra iv+40 p. Fiche 1409

2789 2795
The Socialist Party. Its Rejection of Marxism. First White Paper on the West Bengal
Arunar Asaf Ali. Mazdoor Shiksha Kendra. New Communist Party.
Delhi: P. Viswanath for the Mazdoor Shiksha National Marxist Association of India, West
Kendra, n.d. 35 p. Fiche 1407 Bengal Branch. Calcutta: Rajani Mukherjee,
National Marxist Association of India, West
Bengal Branch, [1961]. v+31 p. Fiche 1409–
National Democratic Alliance 1410

2790 2796
A Charge-Sheet against the Government of C. P. I.’s Secret Plan for a Revolution in India.
India headed by Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The Draft Programme of the Communist
Chaudhary Charan Singh and Atal Bihari Party of India.
Vajpayee. National Democratic Alliance. New National Marxist Association of India. New Delhi:
Delhi: Navchetan Press (P) Ltd., [1984]. 12 p. National Marxist Association of India, [1964].
Fiche 1407 19 p. Fiche 1410

National Socialist Congress 2804
“Democratic” Elections in Bihar. Report to
2797 the Nation on Banka By-election 1986.
V. M. Tarkunde et al. on behalf of People’s
Manifesto of National Socialist Congress.
Union for Civil Liberties, Citizens for Democracy
P. J. Kumar. National Socialist Congress.
Observer Team. Delhi: People’s Union for Civil
[Bombay]: P. J. Kumar, National Socialist
Liberties Citizens for Democracy, 1986. 18 p.
Congress, 1950. 64 p. Fiche 1410–1411
Fiche 1414

New Wave Society Permanent Secretariat of Afro-

2798 Asian Solidarity
Drift to Disaster. A Page from Recent History.
K. V. Raghunatha Reddy. New Wave Society. 2805
New Delhi: New Wave Society, n.d. 67 p. Fiche Problems of Economic Development in Afro-
1411–1412 Asian Countries. Presented to the Second
Conference of Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity
People’s Union for Civil (Conakry, April 11–15, 1960).
H. D. Malaviya. Permanent Secretariat of Afro-
Liberties Asian Solidarity. Cairo: Permanent Secretariat of
Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity, n.d. iv+86 p.
2799 Fiche 1414–1415
Black Laws. 1984–1985.
People’s Union for Civil Liberties. New Delhi:
People’s Union for Civil Liberties, June 1985.
Praja Socialist Party
ii+72 p. Fiche 1412–1413
2800 Statement of Policy.
Praja Socialist Party. Bombay: Madhu Limaye
JP Memorial Lectures.
for the Praja Socialist Party, 1954. 27 p. Fiche
People’s Union for Civil Liberties. Delhi:
People’s Union for Civil Liberties, 1988. v+69 p.
Fiche 1413
2801 Facts on Lohia’s Attempt at Disrupting the
P. S. P.
Know PUCL.
People’s Union for Civil Liberties. Delhi: Praja Socialist Party. New Delhi: Y. B. R. Murthy
People’s Union for Civil Liberties, 1988. 15 p. for the Praja Socialist Party, 1955. 60 p. Fiche
Fiche 1414 1416

2802 2808
People’s Union For Civil Liberties. Presidential Address by Acharya Narendra
Constitution. Deva. The Praja Socialist Party. Second
Y. P. Chhibbar. People’s Union for Civil National Conference. Gaya, December 26,
Liberties. Delhi: People’s Union for Civil 1955. Acharya Narendra Deva. Praja Socialist
Liberties, 1990. 7 p. Fiche 1414 Party, [1956]. 16 p. Fiche 1417

2803 2809
People’s Union For Civil Liberties Policy Statement. (Adopted by the Second
Correspondence and Charter of Demands. National Conference of the Praja Socialist
Y. P. Chhibbar. People’s Union for Civil Party held at Gaya, 26–30 December 1955).
Liberties. Delhi: People’s Union for Civil Praja Socialist Party. New Delhi: Prem Bhasin,
Liberties, 1991. 2 p. Fiche 1414 Praja Socialist Party, 1956; reprint 1967. i+68 p.
Fiche 1417–1418

2810 Radical Democratic Party
Report of the Third National Conference of
the Praja Socialist Party. Bangalore, 2818
November 25–28, 1956. Future of Democracy in India.
Praja Socialist Party. New Delhi: Y. B. R. Murthy M. N. Roy. Radical Democratic Party. Delhi:
for the Praja Socialist Party, [1957]. viii+240 p. Radical Democratic Party, [1945]. 28 p. Fiche
Fiche 1418–1420 1425
2811 2819
Report of the Fourth National Conference of An Appeal to the Educated Middle-Class.
the Praja Socialist Party. Poona, May 25–28, Radical Democratic Party. Lucknow: A. P.
1958. Singh, Radical Democratic Party, n.d. 16 p.
Praja Socialist Party. Madras: Commercial Fiche 1425
Printing and Publishing House, 1958. ii+139 p.
Fiche 1420–1422
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
A Socialist Alternative. PSP Election 2820
Manifesto, 1967. RSS. The National Urge.
Praja Socialist Party. New Delhi: Prem Bhasin, Shyamnandan. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.
[1966]. ii+18 p. Fiche 1422 Patna: Chandragupta Prakashan Ltd., [1951].
iv+ 72 p. Fiche 1425–1426
On the Move. 2821
Praja Socialist Party. [1967.] 18 p. Fiche 1422 Justice on Trial. A Collection of the Historic
Letters between Sri Guruji and the
2814 Government (1948–49).
Praja Socialist Party Ninth National Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Bangalore:
Conference. December 30–31, 1967; January Prakashan Vibhag, 1958; reprint 1968. vi+107 p.
1, 1968. Kanpur. General Secretary’s Report. Fiche 1426–1427
Praja Socialist Party. New Delhi: Prem Bhasin,
[1968]. 136+viii p. Fiche 1422–1424 2822
Why Hindu Rashtra? Speech delivered by
2815 Parama Poojaneeya Sarasangachalak Sri
Archarya Narendra Dev. Father of Guruji at Mercara, Karnatak on 25 November
Democratic Socialism in India. 1960.
N. G. Goray. Praja Socialist Party. Lucknow: M. S. Golwalkar. Rashtriya Swavamseyak
Satya Ray for Samajwadi Publications, n.d. 8 p. Sangh. Bangalore: Prakashana Vibhaga, 1962.
Fiche 1424 31 p. Fiche 1428

2816 2823
The Face of Communism. Shri Guruji on the Muslim Problem. Dr.
Purshottam Trikamdas. Praja Socialist Party. Jeelany’s Interview with Shri M. S. Golwalkar.
New Delhi: T. R. Ramakrishnan for the Praja M. S. Golwalkar. Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Socialist Party, n.d. 14 p. Fiche 1424 Sangh. Bangalore: Jagarana Prakashana, 1971.
18 p. Fiche 1428
Election Manifesto. Praja Socialist Party. 2824
Praja Socialist Party. Delhi: Deluxe Printers, n.d. RSS. Spearheading National Renaissance.
16 p. Fiche 1424–1425 Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Karnatak:
Prakashan Vibhag, 1985. 62 p. Fiche 1428–

2825 2832
M. S. Golwalkar. Thoughts on Some Current Resolutions. Seventh Annual Conference.
Problems. Patna, March 6–10, 1949.
M. S. Golwalkar. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Socialist Party. Bombay: Suresh Desai, Socialist
Sangh. Bombay: P. A. Sukthankar, n.d. 40 p. Party, [1949]. 29 p. Fiche 1432–1433
Fiche 1429–1430
2826 India and Pakistan.
The RSS Constitution. Jayaprakash Narayan, Rammanohar Lohia and
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. New Delhi: Asoka Mehta. Socialist Party. Bombay: Socialist
Rakesh Press for Rashtriya Swayamsevak Party, [1950]. ii+27 p. Fiche 1433
Sangh, n.d. ii+11+iii p. Fiche 1430
Sind Provincial Congress Controls. End or Mend?
Socialist Party. Bombay: Madhu Limaye for the
Committee Socialist Party, 1951. 15 p. Fiche 1433

2827 2835
Sind Provincial Congress Committee. People’s Health.
Circular Letter, 16th December 1947. Socialist Party. Bombay: Madhu Limaye for the
Parsam V. Tahilrammi. Sind Provincial Socialist Party, 1951. 23 p. Fiche 1434
Congress Committee. Bombay: The Popular
Printing Press, [1947]. 12 p. Fiche 1430 2836
Prices and Production.
Socialist Congressman Socialist Party. Bombay: Madhu Limaye for the
Socialist Party, 1951. 27 p. Fiche 1434
The Swatantra Party. Its Real Character and 2837
Designs. We Build for Socialism. Platform of the
H. D. Malaviya. Socialist Congressman. New Socialist Party.
Delhi: Socialist Congressman, December 1961. Socialist Party. Bombay: Madhu Limaye for the
vii+48 p. Fiche 1430–1431 Socialist Party, 1951. 32 p. Fiche 1434–1435

Socialist Party Aspects of Socialist Policy.
Rammanohar Lohia. Socialist Party. Bombay:
2829 Madhu Limaye for the Socialist Party, 1952.
Policy Statement 91 p. Fiche 1435–1436
Socialist Party. Bombay: Madhu Limaye,
Socialist Party, 1947; reprint 1951. iv+46 p. 2839
Fiche 1431–1432 Statement of Principles.
Socialist Party. Hyderabad: Socialist Party,
2830 1956. 24 p. Fiche 1436
Socialist Party. Bombay: Suresh Desai, Socialist
Party, 1947. iv+24 p. Fiche 1432 Socialist Society of Bombay
2831 2840
Forward to a Mass Socialist Party (The New The Future of the Constitution. A Critical
Party Constitution) 1949. Analysis.
Socialist Party. Bombay: Suresh Desai, Socialist B. P. Adarkar. Socialist Society of Bombay.
Party, 1949. 25 p. Fiche 1432 Bombay: B. P. Adarkar, 1976. 44+i p. Fiche

Society for the Defence of Vanarai: People’s Movement for
Freedom in Asia Green India
2841 2847
Congress and Communism. The Mounting Afforestation in India.
Tide of Communist Threat. Need for Mohan Dharia. Vanarai: People’s Movement for
Congress Vigilance. Green India. Pune: Vanarai Trust, 1987.
Ramswarup. Society for the Defence of vi+30+i p. Fiche 1439–1440
Freedom in Asia. New Delhi: Society for the
Defence of Freedom in Asia, 1955. 6 p. Fiche 2848
1437 Collective Oath for Integrated Development.
Vanarai: People’s Movement for Green India.
Standard-Vacuum Oil Company [1989.] 1 p. Fiche 1440

Govt. of India–U.N.D.P. Conference on Some
Rabindranath Tagore and Universal
Priority Issues of Environmental Protection.
Vanarai: People’s Movement for Green India.
Saumyendranath Tagore. Standard-Vacuum Oil
n.d. 9 p. Fiche 1440
Company. Bombay: M. Chatterji for Standard-
Vacuum Oil Company, n.d. ii+36 p. Fiche 1437
Vanarai. Sinhagad-Panshet Green Valley
Swatantra Party Project.
Vanarai: People’s Movement for Green India.
2843 Typescript, n.d. 2 p. Fiche 1440
Swatantra Party. Souvenir, 1961.
Swatantra Party. Bombay: M. R. Masani for the 2851
Swatantra Party, 1961. ii+53 p. Fiche 1437– Vanarai. People’s Movement to Green India.
1438 Vanarai: People’s Movement for Green India.
Pune: Vanarai, n.d. 6 p. Fiche 1440
The Missed Opportunity. The Central Budget
M. R. Masani, Charanjit Rai, and N. Dandeker.
Swatantra Party. Bombay: S. V. Raju for the
Swatantra Party, [1967]. 44 p. Fiche 1438

Swatantra Party. Executive Committees and
Councils at National, State/Regional Levels
Swatantra Party. n.d. 57 p. Fiche 1438–1439

From Freedom to Bondage. Indo-Soviet
Treaty and the Indian Sub-Continent.
Piloo Mody and Dahyabhai V. Patel. Swatantra
Party. New Delhi: A. P. Jain for the Swatantra
Party, n.d. ii+14 p. Fiche 1439

Series 2. Research Institutes, Universities and Other Organizations

Afro-Asian Convention on Tibet Center for Research in Rural

and Against Colonialism in Asia and Industrial Development
and Africa
2852 Many Faces of Communalism.
Khushwant Singh and Bipan Chandra. Center
A Note on Sino-Tibetan Relations.
for Research in Rural and Industrial
Afro-Asian Convention on Tibet and Against
Development. Chandigarh: Center for Research
Colonialism in Asia and Africa. New Delhi:
in Rural and Industrial Development, 1985.
Preparatory Bureau, Afro-Asian Convention on
viii+78 p. Fiche 1442–1443
Tibet, 1960. ii+33 p. Fiche 1441

Aligarh Muslim University Centre for Development Studies

and Activities
Aligarh Muslim University Brochure. 2858
Aligarh Muslim University. Aligarh: Aligarh Poverty, Environment and Development.
Muslim University Press, 1964. 23 p. Fiche 1441 Kamla Chowdhry. Centre for Development
Studies and Activities. Pune, n.d. 12 p. Fiche
Bangalore University 1443

CDSA. Centre for Development Studies and
Amendments to the Constitution of India.
Sardar Swaran Singh. Bangalore University.
Centre for Development Studies and Activities.
Bangalore: H. R. Dasegowda, Bangalore
Poona, n.d. 8 p. Fiche 1444
University, 1977. i+22 p. Fiche 1441–1442

The Bar Council of India Trust De Nobili College

Red Challenge in India.
Reforms in Higher Judiciary and Law
Douglas Hyde et al. De Nobili College. Poona:
Commission Questionnaire. Report of the
Rev. J. Neuner, S. J. De Nobili College, 1961.
National Convention held at Madras, March
iii+170 p. Fiche 1444–1446
The Bar Council of India Trust. New Delhi:
Times Press, 1982. i+32 p. Fiche 1442 Delhi School of Economics

Bhandarkar Oriental Research 2861

Some Aspects of Economic Development.
Institute Three Lectures by Maurice Dobb.
Maurice Dobb. Delhi School of Economics.
2856 Delhi: Delhi School of Economics, 1951. iv+92 p.
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. Fiche 1446–1447
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. Poona.
n.d. 7 p. Fiche 1442 2862
Marx, Marshall and Keynes.
Joan Robinson. Delhi School of Economics.
Delhi: Delhi School of Economics, 1955. iv+30 p.
Fiche 1447

Democratic Research Service Harold Laski Institute of
Political Science
Communist Activity in India (1925–1950). 2868
S. R. Mohan Das. Democratic Research
Indian Doctrines of Politics. The First Annual
Service. Bombay: R. Swarup for the Democratic
Lecture Delivered in the Premabhai Hall on
Research Service, 1950. 16 p. Fiche 1447
22 July 1955.
Sandar K. M. Panikkar. Harold Laski Institute of
Political Science. Ahmedabad: P. G.
The Communist ‘Peace’ Appeal. Its Real Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political
Character. Science, 1955. ii+63 p. Fiche 1451
Philip Spratt. Democratic Research Service.
Bombay: R. Swarup for the Democratic
Research Service, 1951. ii+46 p. Fiche 1448
Some Aspects of Economic Growth in
Underdeveloped Countries.
J. L. Dholakia. Harold Laski Institute of Political
For a Democratic Foreign Policy. Speeches Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold
Delivered in Parliament by Hirday Nath Laski Institute of Political Science, 1956.
Kunzru, Syama Prasad Mookerjee, N. G. iv+87 p. Fiche 1451–1452
Ranga, M. R. Masani, Frank Anthony and
P. Y. Deshpande. 2870
Democratic Research Service. Bombay: R. Address by Shri K. Munshi, Governor of
Swarup for the Democratic Research Service, Uttar Pradesh, on International Relations and
1951. iii+57 p. Fiche 1448–1449
India’s Approach at The Harold Laski
Institute of Political Science, Ahmedabad, on
2866 August 30, 1956.
Communist Conspiracy at Madurai. An Sri K. M. Munshi. Harold Laski Institute of
analysis of the private proceedings of the Political Science. Bombay: Associated
Third Congress of the CPI with full text of Advertisers and Printers, Ltd., 1956. 11 p. Fiche
Secret Documents. 1452
Democratic Research Service. Bombay: G. R.
Bhatkal, Popular Book Depot, 1954. 159 p. 2871
Fiche 1449–1450 Parliamentary Democracy in India. A
Foreign Relations Society of Harold Laski Institute of Political Science.
India Ahmedabad: Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science, 1956. 63 p. Fiche 1453
The Kashmir Problem.
In 1857.
J. N. Sahni. Foreign Relations Society of India.
K. M. Panikkar. Harold Laski Institute of Political
New Delhi: Foreign Relations Society of India,
Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold
1951. iv+40 p. Fiche 1451
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1957. i+8 p.
Fiche 1454

Democracy and Parliamentary Government.
The Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1957.
Sri Prakasa. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1957. 20 p.
Fiche 1454

2874 2880
G. V. Mavalankar. Father of the Lok Sabha. Voting Behavior in the United States.
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science. Frederic D. Ogden. Harold Laski Institute of
Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold Laski Political Science. Ahmedabad: P. G.
Institute of Political Science, 1957. vii+57 p. Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political
Fiche 1454–1455 Science, 1958. i+12 p. Fiche 1456–1457

2875 2881
Laski—The Teacher and the Political Economics and Economy. Three Lectures on
Scientist with a postcript on “The Dangers of the Scope and Method of Economics and its
Democracy in India.” The Laski Memorial Relation to Social Philosophy.
Lecture 1957 Delivered on the occasion of Kenneth Rivett. Harold Laski Institute of Political
the unveiling Ceremony of Prof. Harold Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold
Laski’s Portrait at the Harold Laski Institute Laski Institute of Political Science, 1958.
of Political Science, Ahmedabad. iv+61 p. Fiche 1457
Gurmukh Nihal Singh. Harold Laski Institute of
Political Science. Jaipur: Government Central 2882
Press, 1957. 31 p. Fiche 1455 The American Party System.
Phillips Bradley. Harold Laski Institute of Political
2876 Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold
Indian Planning and The Planning Laski Institute of Political Science, 1959.
Commission. The Laski Memorial Lecture, iv+50 p. Fiche 1458
D. R. Gadgil. Harold Laski Institute of Political 2883
Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold Democracy and Non-violence. The 1959
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1958. i+31 p. Mavalankar Memorial Lecture.
Fiche 1455–1456 R. R. Diwakar. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold
2877 Laski Institute of Political Science, 1959. 6 p.
The Role of Broadcasting in International Fiche 1458
Affairs. The Third Annual Lecture, 1957.
Derek Holyroyde. Harold Laski Institute of 2884
Political Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Common Sense about Defence.
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political V. V. Ramana Murthi. Harold Laski Institute of
Science, 1958. i+8 p. Fiche 1456 Political Science. Ahmedabad: P. G.
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political
2878 Science, 1959. viii+39 p. Fiche 1458–1459
India and Federalism.
Humayun Kabir. Harold Laski Institute of 2885
Political Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Stability of the Indian Rupee. A Review of the
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political Foreign Exchange Situation.
Science, 1958. i+15 p. Fiche 1456 B. R. Shenoy. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold
2879 Laski Institute of Political Science, 1959.
Political and Economic Implications of Our viii+35 p. Fiche 1459
Jyotindra M. Mehta. Harold Laski Institute of 2886
Political Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. India and the Commonwealth. The Laski
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political Memorial Lecture, 1959.
Science, 1958. i+14 p. Fiche 1456 Aloo J. Dastur. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1960. i+25 p.
Fiche 1460

2887 2894
Problems that Urbanisation Poses. The Laski Institute. A Brochure Giving a
M. Harris. Harold Laski Institute of Political General Outline of the Nature and Work of
Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold the Harold Laski Institute of Political
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1960. i+32 p. Science, Ahmedabad.
Fiche 1460 Harold Laski Institute of Political Science.
Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold Laski
2888 Institute of Political Science, 1960.
Ethics and the State. The Mavalankar 48 p.+appendices. Fiche 1463–1464
Memorial Lecture, 1960.
Zakir Husain. Harold Laski Institute of Political 2895
Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold Address by Dr. V. V. Giri, Governor of Uttar
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1960. 28 p. Pradesh, at the Harold Laski Institute of
Fiche 1460–1461 Political Science, Ahmedabad, on March 25,
2889 V. V. Giri. Harold Laski Institute of Political
The Unity of India. Political and Cultural. The Science. Ahmedabad: Harold Laski Institute of
Fifth Annual Lecture, 1959. Political Science, 1960. 16 p. Fiche 1464
Kailas Nath Katju. Harold Laski Institute of
Political Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. 2896
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political Human Nature and Politics. Mavalankar
Science, 1960. 12 p. Fiche 1461 Lecture Series, 1960.
Shri Y. N. Sukthankar. Harold Laski Institute of
2890 Political Science. Ahmedabad: Harold Laski
Harold Laski Revisited. The Sixth Annual Institute of Political Science, 1960. 35 p. Fiche
Lecture. 1464–1465
G. L. Mehta. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold 2897
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1960. i+28 p. Industrial Relations Patterns. U.S.A. and
Fiche 1461 India.
Monroe Berkowitz. Harold Laski Institute of
2891 Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G.
Economics of Growth. A Brief Theoretical Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science,
Survey. 1961. iv+60 p. Fiche 1465
Ramu Pandit. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold 2898
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1960. Tasks Before the New State of Gujarat.
iv+79 p. Fiche 1462 P. G. Mavalankar. Harold Laski Institute of
Political Science. Ahmedabad: P. G.
2892 Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political
Land Policy. Science, 1961. i+18 p. Fiche 1465–1466
Rasiklal U. Parikh. Harold Laski Institute of
Political Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. 2899
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political Working of the Indian Constitution.
Science, 1960. i+13 p. Fiche 1463 H. V. Pataskar. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
2893 Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1961.
Kutch and Its Economy. 13 p. Fiche 1466
Premjibhai B. Thacker. Harold Laski Institute of
Political Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. 2900
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political Democracy at Work in India.
Science, 1960. 18 p. Fiche 1463 H. M. Patel. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: P. G. Mavalankar, Harold
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1961. 19 p.
Fiche 1466

2901 2908
The Human Factor in Economic Develoment. Approaches to the Study of Politics in India.
The Seventh Annual Lecture, 1961. R. Bhaskaran. Harold Laski Institute of Political
C. N. Vakil. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1963.
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1961. 29 p. Fiche 1468–1469
i+20 p. Fiche 1466
2902 Social and Political Thought of Sarvodaya.
The Congress President and the Laski Usha Mehta. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Institute. Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1963.
Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, Harold Laski 24 p. Fiche 1469
Institute of Political Science, 1961. i+26 p. Fiche
1467 2910
Integration of Economic Development Plans.
2903 The Laski Memorial Lecture, 1963.
Direct Action and Parliamentary Democracy. Tarlok Singh. Harold Laski Institute of Political
The Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1961. Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
Y. B. Chavan. Harold Laski Institute of Political Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1963.
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, 18 p. Fiche 1469
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1962.
12 p. Fiche 1467 2911
College Education for All in India.
2904 K. S. Yajnik. Harold Laski Institute of Political
The Role of the University Teacher in a Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
Changing Society. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1963.
S. R. Dongerkery. Harold Laski Institute of 20 p. Fiche 1470
Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G.
Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 2912
1962. 16 p. Fiche 1467 Politics and Economics in India’s Five Year
2905 S. V. Ayyar. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Party Politics in India. Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
Minoo Masani. Harold Laski Institute of Political Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1964.
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, 22 p. Fiche 1470
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1962.
22 p. Fiche 1468 2913
Non-violence, War and Peace. G. V.
2906 Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1963.
Some Thoughts on the Problem of National Raj Krishna. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Integration. The Laski Memorial Lecture, Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
1961. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1964.
G. D. Parikh. Harold Laski Institute of Political 25 p. Fiche 1470
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1962. 2914
18 p. Fiche 1468 Latter-Day Anarchism. Politics of the
American Beat Generation.
2907 Geoffrey Ostergaard. Harold Laski Institute of
The Place and Purpose of History in Our Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G.
Education. Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science,
D. V. Potdar. Harold Laski Institute of Political 1964. 30 p. Fiche 1471
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1962.
i+21 p. Fiche 1468

2915 2922
India’s Relations with Asia and Africa. Laski Some Thoughts on Student Unrest. G. V.
Memorial Lecture, 1964. Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1966.
G. S. Pohekar. Harold Laski Institute of Political Chandraprasad H. Desai. Harold Laski Institute
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, of Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G.
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1964. Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science,
20 p. Fiche 1471 1967. 12 p. Fiche 1474

2916 2923
Liberty in the Modern State. The Ninth Problems of Public Administration.
Annual Lecture, 1963. V. V. Giri. Harold Laski Institute of Political
A. B. Shah. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1967.
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1964. 12 p. Fiche 1474
24 p. Fiche 1471–1472
2917 John F. Kennedy.
The Harold Laski Institute First Decade. A Manning Hawthorne. Harold Laski Institute of
Brief Report of the Activities of the Institute. Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G.
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science. Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science,
Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, Harold Laski 1967. 16 p. Fiche 1474
Institute of Political Science, 1964. 12 p. Fiche
1472 2925
The Human Condition.
2918 K. G. Saiyidain. Harold Laski Institute of Political
The Press and the Parliamentary Privileges. Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
S. H. Belavadi. Harold Laski Institute of Political Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1967.
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, 19 p. Fiche 1474–1475
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1965.
18 p. Fiche 1472 2926
The Weaker Aspects of the Indian
2919 Constitution.
Science and the Community. G. V. K. Santhanam. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1965. Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
D. S. Kothari. Harold Laski Institute of Political Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1967.
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, 16 p. Fiche 1475
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1965.
26 p. Fiche 1472–1473 2927
Security of Developing Countries. The Laski
2920 Memorial Lecture, 1965.
Indian-American Relations. A Current View. Vikram A. Sarabhai. Harold Laski Institute of
Chester Bowles. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G.
Political Science. New Delhi: United States Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science,
Information Service, 1965. 18 p. Fiche 1473 1967. 12 p. Fiche 1475

2921 2928
Liberalism and the Modernization of India. Behavioural Approach to the Study of Indian
An Interpretation. Politics. The Thirteenth Annual Lecture.
S. P. Aiyar. Harold Laski Institute of Political V. M. Sirsikar. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1967. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1967.
ii+38 p. Fiche 1473 i+13 p. Fiche 1476

2929 2936
Democratic Decentralization. Towards Socialist Unity.
V. M. Dandekar. Harold Laski Institute of S. M. Joshi. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1969.
1968. i+25 p. Fiche 1476 i+15 p. Fiche 1479

2930 2937
Social and Political Change. The Challenge Relevance of Gandhism.
to and Response of Political Science in India. V. V. Ramana Murti. Harold Laski Institute of
N. G. S. Kini. Harold Laski Institute of Political Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G.
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science,
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1968. 1969. 32 p. Fiche 1479
50 p. Fiche 1476–1477
2931 Fundamental Rights and the Indian
Reflections on a New Kind of Revolution. Constitution.
Ranji Kothari. Harold Laski Institute of Political K. Santhanam. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel,
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1968. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1969.
15 p. Fiche 1477 i+62 p. Fiche 1479–1480

2932 2939
Monetary Impact of P. L. 480 Finance. Problems of Secularism. Seminar Papers and
Jaferhusen I. Laliwala. Harold Laski Institute of Report.
Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science.
Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel, Harold Laski
1968. xvi+20 p. Fiche 1477 Institute of Political Science, 1969. i+56 p. Fiche
The Question Hour. The Fourteenth Annual 2940
Lecture. The Role and Responsibilities of the Princes
Raghavji T. Leuva. Harold Laski Institute of in Republican India.
Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Fatesinhrao Gaekwad. Harold Laski Institute of
Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G.
1968. 14 p. Fiche 1478 Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science,
1970. i+12 p. Fiche 1481
India and Nepal. G. V. Mavalankar Memorial 2941
Lecture, 1968. Race Relations in South Africa.
Shriman Narayan. Harold Laski Institute of Saros B. D. Kavina. Harold Laski Institute of
Political Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Political Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel,
Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1970.
1968. 16 p. Fiche 1478 i+20 p. Fiche 1481

2935 2942
State Regulation of Industrial Disputes in Land Reforms in India. Objectives,
India. Suggestions for Reform. The Laski Methodology and Results.
Memorial Lecture, 1968. R. K. Patil. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Anand Prakash. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel, Harold
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, Laski Institute of Political Science, 1970. i+20 p.
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1968. Fiche 1481–1482
i+40 p. Fiche 1478–1479

2943 2950
Our Parliamentary Progress [Four Lok The Modern and the Contemporary in Life
Sabhas, 1952–1970]. and Literature.
S. R. Tikekar. Harold Laski Institute of Political Saumyendranath Tagore. Harold Laski Institute
Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel, Harold of Political Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G.
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1971. ii+27 p. Patel, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science,
Fiche 1482 1972. 26 p. Fiche 1484–1485

2944 2951
Ethical Outlook in Individual to International Union-State Relations. The G. V. Mavalankar
Spheres. Memorial Lecture, 1972.
G. S. Altekar. Harold Laski Institute of Political T. K. Tope. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel, Harold Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel, Harold
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1972. 24 p. Laski Institute of Political Science, 1972. i+20 p.
Fiche 1482 Fiche 1485

2945 2952
Gandhism as a Practical Force and Factor. Student Services in the Universities.
M. D. Japheth. Harold Laski Institute of Political R. S. Trivedi. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel, Harold Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel, Harold
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1972. i+11 p. Laski Institute of Political Science, 1972. 10 p.
Fiche 1483 Fiche 1485

2946 2953
Prospects and Potentialities in Gujarat Bangladesh and the Emerging International
During the Seventies. Political System.
Ghanashyambhai Oza. Harold Laski Institute of S. P. Varma. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Political Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel, Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel, Harold
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1972. Laski Institute of Political Science, 1972. iii+33 p.
ii+24 p. Fiche 1483 Fiche 1485

2947 2954
Indo-American Relations in the Seventies. Future of Parliamentary Democracy in India.
Norman D. Palmer. Harold Laski Institute of Madhu Dandavate. Harold Laski Institute of
Political Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel, Political Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel,
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1972. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1974.
iii+32 p. Fiche 1483–1484 i+16 p. Fiche 1486

2948 2955
Punishment for Free Opinions. The Present Explosive Situation and the Way
Richard Reoch. Harold Laski Institute of Political Out.
Science. Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, Mohan Dharia. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1972. Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar,
i+24 p. Fiche 1484 Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1975.
19 p. Fiche 1486
India’s New Image and Role in South East 2956
Asia. Thoughts on Parliamentary Procedure.
D. R. Sardesai. Harold Laski Institute of Political Kundanlal Dholakia. Harold Laski Institute of
Science. Ahmedabad: Vishnu G. Patel, Harold Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P.
Laski Institute of Political Science, 1972. i+23 p. Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political
Fiche 1484 Science, 1976. i+40 p. Fiche 1486–1487

2957 2964
Economic Functions of the State in the Third GITA. My Research and Interpretation.
World Countries with Special Reference to G. S. Khair. Harold Laski Institute of Political
India. Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar,
A. R. Desai. Harold Laski Institute of Political Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1981.
Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar, ii+32 p. Fiche 1490
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1977.
ii+22 p. Fiche 1487 2965
Portrait of a Revolutionary. Senapati Bapat.
2958 The Senapati Bapat Birth-Centenary Lecture.
Nehru and International Political Y. D. Phadke. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Modernization. A View from the Seventies. Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar,
A. P. Rana. Harold Laski Institute of Political Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1981.
Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar, ii+26 p. Fiche 1490–1491
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1977.
iv+32 p. Fiche 1487–1488 2966
Diplomacy in Democracies. The 27th Annual
2959 Lecture.
Democracy and Good Citizenship. Sir John Thomson. Harold Laski Institute of
M. R. Pai. Harold Laski Institute of Political Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P.
Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar, Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1978. Science, 1981. ii+32 p. Fiche 1491
i+16 p. Fiche 1488
2960 Thoughts on the American Presidential
The Austrian Concept of Neutrality. The System and its Relevance to India.
Laski Memorial Lecture 1978. B. Ramesh Babu. Harold Laski Institute of
Wolfgang Schallenberg. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P.
Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1982. ii+28 p. Fiche 1491–1492
Science, 1978. iii+18 p. Fiche 1488
2961 Press and Politics. The G. V. Mavalankar
Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea. Memorial Lecture 1982.
Manjula Shyam. Harold Laski Institute of Cushrow Irani. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar,
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1982.
Science, 1978. v+42 p. Fiche 1489 ii+23 p. Fiche 1492

2962 2969
Parliament, Planning and the Law. The G. V. Gopal Krishna Gokhale’s Missions Abroad.
Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1980. T. V. Parvate. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer. Harold Laski Institute Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar,
of Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1983.
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political ii+25 p. Fiche 1492
Science, 1981. iv+32 p. Fiche 1489
2963 Development. The Challenge of Our Times.
The Present System. Its Central Point of Rot The Laski Memorial Lecture 1983.
and Resurgence. The G. V. Mavalankar Devavrat N. Pathak. Harold Laski Institute of
Memorial Lecture, 1981. Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P.
Krishan Kant. Harold Laski Institute of Political Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar, Science, 1983. iv+36 p. Fiche 1492–1493
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1981.
ii+22 p. Fiche 1490

2971 2978
The American Doctrine of Judicial Review Arms Control Negotiations and the Third
and Contemporary Democratic Theory. World.
C. Edwin Gilmour. Harold Laski Institute of J. David Singer. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar,
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1986.
Science, 1984. ii+38 p. Fiche 1493 ii+34 p. Fiche 1497–1498

2972 2979
The Face of Indian Communalism. The Role of a Private Member of Parliament.
M. V. Kamath. Harold Laski Institute of Political R. Venkataraman. Harold Laski Institute of
Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar, Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P.
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1984. Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political
ii+35 p. Fiche 1494 Science, 1986. ii+18 p. Fiche 1498

2973 2980
Marxism and Its Application to Indian Our Lord, the Leader. Some Reflections on
Conditions. Ganeshopanishad.
Dinkar Mehta. Harold Laski Institute of Political Swami Ishwarananda Giri. Harold Laski Institute
Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar, of Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P.
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1984. Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political
ii+26 p. Fiche 1494 Science, 1987. iv+56 p. Fiche 1498–1499

2974 2981
The Ombudsman in India. Free India’s First Speaker.
S. V. Sohoni. Harold Laski Institute of Political Harold Laski Institute of Political Science.
Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar, Ahmedabad: Shri Vishnu G. Patel, Harold Laski
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1984. Institute of Political Science, 1987. vi+68 p.
iv+98 p. Fiche 1494–1495 Fiche 1499–1500

2975 2982
Dayananda. A Re-assessment. Democratic Experiment in Parliamentary
Narendra Dave. Harold Laski Institute of Political Procedure and Life in Republican India.
Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar, G. V. Mavalankar. Harold Laski Institute of
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1985. Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P.
ii+20 p. Fiche 1496 Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science, 1988. 48 p. Fiche 1500
American Foreign Policy. Who Makes It? The 2983
31st Annual Lecture. The Office of the Speaker.
P. M. Kamath. Harold Laski Institute of Political Ganesh Vasudeo Mavalankar. Harold Laski
Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar, Institute of Political Science. Ahmedabad:
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1985. Purnima P. Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of
ii+46 p. Fiche 1496 Political Science, 1988. iv+20 p. Fiche 1500–
International Political Economy. A Critical 2984
Introduction. The Essence of Democracy.
Anand P. Mavalankar. Harold Laski Institute of Minoo Masani. Harold Laski Institute of Political
Political Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar,
Mavalankar, Harold Laski Institute of Political Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1989.
Science, 1986. ii+87 p. Fiche 1496–1497 ii+22 p. Fiche 1501

2985 Indo-Soviet Cultural Society of
What I Believe and Stand For.
Harold J. Laski. Harold Laski Institute of Political India
Science. Ahmedabad: Purnima P. Mavalankar,
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science, 1994. 2991
iii+44 p. Fiche 1501–1502 Tashkent. An Episode or An Epitome?
K. P. S. Menon. Indo-Soviet Cultural Society of
India. New Delhi: National Book Club, February
Indian History Congress 1966. 19 p. Fiche 1505
Long-Term Dynamics of the Indian National Institute of Political and Social
Congress. Presidential Address, Bipan Studies
Chandra. Indian History Congress, Forty-
Sixth Session, 27–29 December 1985. 2992
Bipan Chandra. Indian History Congress. New Communism in Kashmir.
Delhi: United India Press, [1985]. 51 p. Fiche Balraj Puri. Institute of Political and Social
1502 Studies. Calcutta: Sushil Mukherjea for the
Institute of Political and Social Studies, 1962.
Indian Renaissance Institute 39 p. Fiche 1505–1506

2987 2993
Rationality of Development Planning. Sino-Indian Relations and Communists.
B. N. Ganguli. Indian Renaissance Institute. A. N. Mukherjee. Institute of Political and Social
Dehradun: Indian Renaissance Institute, [1973]. Studies. Calcutta: S. Mukherjee for the Institute
15 p. Fiche 1502 of Political and Social Studies, n.d. iv+68 p.
Fiche 1506
Whither Indian Planning? 2994
B. S. Minhas. Indian Renaissance Institute. Is Communist Unity Possible?
Dehradun: Indian Renaissance Institute, n.d. K. K. Sinha. Institute of Political and Social
ii+28 p. Fiche 1503 Studies. Calcutta: Institute of Political and Social
Studies, 1968. i+20 p. Fiche 1507
Indian School of International
Institute of Public Enterprise
2989 India Pakistan and China. Economic Growth
The Partition and Freedom of India. Address and Outlook.
delivered on the Fifth Foundation Day of the K. N. Raj. Institute of Public Enterprise. Bombay:
Indian School of International Studies, New Allied Publishers Private Limited, 1967. v+61 p.
Delhi. Fiche 1507–1508
Gurmukh Nihal Singh. Indian School of
International Studies. Jaipur: Government
Central Press, 1959. 30 p. Fiche 1503 Jayaprakash Foundation
Indo-Soviet Co-operation in the The Constitution, The Judiciary and The
Field of Culture People. JP Memorial Lecture, 1982.
J. M. L. Sinha. Jayaprakash Foundation.
2990 Bombay: Popular Prakashan Private Ltd. for
Cultural Contacts Across the Himalayas. Jayaprakash Foundation, 1983. iv+38 p. Fiche
Bhisham Sahni. Indo-Soviet Co-operation in the 1508
Field of Culture. Jullundur: Punjabi Publishers,
1970. ix+102 p. Fiche 1503–1505

National Academy Sri Venkateswara University
2997 3002
The Russian Revolution. Liberty Versus Equality. Rebala
Satya Parkash. National Academy. Delhi: Lakshminarasa Reddy Endowment Lectures.
National Academy, June 1967. iii+32 p. Fiche Delivered by O. Chinappa Reddy, Judge,
1508–1509 Supreme Court of India, New Delhi, on
Saturday, the 22nd March 1986 at Sri
National Institute of Community Venkateswara University.
Sri Venkateswara University, [1986]. 29 p. Fiche
Development 1513

Perspectives on the National Emergency.
Sulakhani Devi Mahajan Trust
National Institute of Community Development.
Mussoorie: National Institute of Community 3003
Development, [1963]. vi+62 p. Fiche 1509–1510 Accession of Kashmir to India.
Mehr Chand Mahajan. Sulakhani Devi Mahajan
Trust. New Delhi: The Sulakhani Devi Mahajan
Osmania University Trust, [1969]. 29 p. Fiche 1513

2999 3004
Do the Constitutions of Great Democracies India in the Changing World.
Facilitate Despotic Rule? Lectures Delivered Asoka Mehta. Sulakhani Devi Mahajan Trust.
by P. Jaganmohan Reddy. New Delhi: The Sulakhani Devi Mahajan Trust,
Osmania University. Hyderabad: Osmania [1973]. i+16 p. Fiche 1513–1514
University, 1990. ii+104 p. Fiche 1510–1511

Peace and Socialism

They Gave Their Lives for the Cause (Profiles
of Communists).
Peace and Socialism. Prague: Publishing House
Peace and Socialism, 1965. 69 p. Fiche 1511–

Press Institute of India, Press

Information Bureau
Mass Media and Communal and Ethnic
Press Institute of India, Press Information
Bureau. New Delhi: Press Institute of India,
[1971]. x+43 p. Fiche 1512

Series 3. Indian Internal Politics and Miscellaneous

Government of India 3012

Proceedings of the Sixth All India Whips
3005 Conference, 1967.
Government of India, Department of
Congress Responsibility for the
Parliamentary Affairs. New Delhi: Government of
Disturbances, 1942–1943.
India, Department of Parliamentary Affairs,
Government of India. New Delhi: Government of
November 1967. viii+238 p. Fiche 1520–1522
India Press, 1943. ii+86 p. Fiche 1514–1515
Proceedings of the Seventh All India Whips
A Critical Analysis of India’s Community
Conference, 1969.
Development Programme.
Government of India, Department of
Carl C. Taylor. Government of India. New Delhi:
Parliamentary Affairs. New Delhi: Government of
Government of India Press, [1956]. ii+62 p.
India, Department of Parliamentary Affairs,
Fiche 1515
October 1969. viii+272 p. Fiche 1522–1525
Anand Marg—the truth.
Proceedings of the Eighth All India Whips
Nawal Kishore. Government of India. Delhi:
Conference, 1972.
Government of India, 1975. 16 p. Fiche 1516
Government of India, Department of
Parliamentary Affairs. New Delhi: Government of
India, Department of Parliamentary Affairs,
Anand Marg. Soiling the Saffron Robe.
[1974]. iii+344 p. Fiche 1526–1532
Nawal Kishore. Government of India. New Delhi:
Government of India, 1975. 32 p. Fiche 1516
Proceedings of the Ninth All India Whips’
Conference, Shimla, 1983.
Parliament is Supreme. Excerpts from the
Government of India, Department of
speech of Union Minister of Law, Justice,
Parliamentary Affairs. New Delhi: Government of
and Company Affairs, Shri H. R. Gokhale, India, Department of Parliamentary Affairs,
while moving the Constitution (Forty-fourth October 1983. iii+252 p. Fiche 1532–1536
Amendment) Bill, 1976 for consideration in
Rajya Sabha on November 4, 1976. 3016
H. R. Gokhale. Government of India. New Delhi: Tomorrow’s Concerns.
Delhi Printers, [1976]. 12 p. Fiche 1516
B. G. Verghese. Government of India, Ministry of
Agriculture and Irrigation. New Delhi:
3010 Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture and
Proceedings of the 4th All India Whips Irrigation, [1978]. 13 p. Fiche 1536–1537
Conference, 1962.
Government of India, Department of 3017
Parliamentary Affairs. New Delhi: Government of Education in Sri Lanka. New Horizons.
India, Department of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India, Ministry of Education. Sri
February 1963. iv+58 p. Fiche 1517 Lanka: Government Press, 1976. vi+39 p. Fiche
Proceedings of the Fifth All India Whips 3018
Conference, 1966. Underlying Philosophy of the Budget.
Government of India. New Delhi: Government of Charan Singh. Government of India, Ministry of
India, Department of Parliamentary Affairs, Finance. New Delhi: Government of India,
December 1966. vi+184 p. Fiche 1517–1520 Ministry of Finance, April 1979. 8 p. Fiche 1537

3019 3026
Communist Violence in India. Gandhian Values and 20th Century
Government of India. Ministry of Home Affairs, Challenges (Two Lectures broadcast from All
1949. 71 p. Fiche 1537–1538 India Radio). Patel Memorial Lectures, 1979.
J. D. Sethi. Government of India, Ministry of
3020 Information and Broadcasting. New Delhi:
Milestones in Friendly Co-operation. Twenty Government of India, Ministry of Information and
Years of Indo-Soviet Diplomatic Relations. Broadcasting, December 1979. vi+53 p. Fiche
Government of India, Ministry of Information and 1540–1541
Broadcasting. New Delhi: Government of India,
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, [1967]. 3027
18 p. Fiche 1539 The New 20 Point Programme.
Government of India, Ministry of Information and
3021 Broadcasting. New Delhi: Government of India,
RSS. Indian version of Fascism. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
D. R. Goyal. Government of India, Ministry of [1982]. 36 p. Fiche 1541
Information and Broadcasting. New Delhi:
Government of India, Ministry of Information and 3028
Broadcasting, October 1975. 20 p. Fiche 1539 Our Unshakable Commitment to Democracy,
Socialism and Secularism. (Some Important
3022 Speeches of Rajiv Gandhi).
Jamaat-e-Islami. Spearhead of separatism. Government of India, Ministry of Information and
Z. Ahmad Nizami. Government of India, Ministry Broadcasting. New Delhi: Government of India,
of Information and Broadcasting. New Delhi: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1988.
Government of India, Ministry of Information and 79 p. Fiche 1541–1542
Broadcasting, August 1976. 19 p. Fiche 1539
3023 Preserving India and Indianness. (Some
Out of the Clouds, Toward New Tasks. Prime Important Speeches of Smt. Indira Gandhi).
Minister’s Broadcast to the Nation on April 4, Government of India, Ministry of Information and
1977. Broadcasting. New Delhi: Government of India,
Shri Moraji Desai. Government of India, Ministry Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1988.
of Information and Broadcasting. New Delhi: 48 p. Fiche 1542–1543
Government of India, Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting, April 1977. 12 p. Fiche 1539– 3030
1540 Statement issued by the National Integration
Conference (September–October, 1961).
3024 Government of India, Ministry of Information and
The Shah Commission Final Report. General Broadcasting. Delhi: Government of India,
Observations. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1962.
Government of India, Ministry of Information and 33 p. Fiche 1543
Broadcasting. New Delhi: Government of India,
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Feb. 3031
1979. 16 p. Fiche 1540 RSS. In its own mirror.
K. N. Seth. Government of India, Ministry of
3025 Information and Broadcasting. New Delhi:
Taxes in 1979 Union Budget. The Rationale. Indraprastha Press, Oct. 1975. 24 p. Fiche
Government of India, Ministry of Information and 1543–1544
Broadcasting. New Delhi: Government of India,
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, April 3032
1979. 14 p. Fiche 1540 RSS. Bulwark of militant Communalism.
D. R. Goyal. Government of India, Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting. New Delhi:
Indraprastha Press, Dec. 1975. 24 p. Fiche 1544

3033 Government of Bombay
RSS. A Secret Para Military Organisation.
Subhadra Joshi. Government of India, Ministry
of Information and Broadcasting. New Delhi:
Planned Underground Organization.
Indraprastha Press, Dec. 1975. 20 p. Fiche 1544
Communist Activity in Bombay State—1.
Government of Bombay, Directorate of Publicity.
Bombay: Government of Bombay, Directorate of
Naxalism. Ideology of Violence. Publicity, 1950. 14 p. Fiche 1551
Bishan Kapoor. Government of India, Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting. New Delhi:
Indraprastha Press, 1976. 16 p. Fiche 1544–
Erandgaon. Story of Violence and Terror.
Communist Activity in Bombay State—2.
Government of Bombay, Directorate of Publicity.
Bombay: Government of Bombay, Directorate of
Constitutional Reforms.
Publicity, 1950. 32 p. Fiche 1551–1552
Government of India. New Delhi: Indraprastha
Press, October 1976. 28 p. Fiche 1545
Government of Karnataka
Proceedings of the Tenth All India Whips’ 3042
Conference, New Delhi, 1988. Strong States Are Imperative For a Powerful
Government of India, Ministry of Parliamentary Centre. Speech Made by Shri Ramakrishna
Affairs. New Delhi: Government of India, Ministry Hedge, Chief Minister of Karnataka in New
of Parliamentary Affairs, November 1988. Delhi on 16th September 1985.
xiii+346 p. Fiche 1545–1549 Ramakrishna Hedge. Government of Karnataka,
[1985]. 19 p. Fiche 1552
The Role of Governors. Report of the 3043
Committee of Governors (1971). Preparing the Political Parties for the
Government of India, President’s Secretariat. Constitution.
New Delhi: President’s Secretariat, [1971]. 73 p. Ramakrishna Hedge. Government of Karnataka.
Fiche 1549–1550 Bangalore: Government of Karnataka, 1987. 8 p.
Fiche 1552
Nehru’s Internal Impact on India as Prime 3044
Minister. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Lecture, Coalition at the Centre.
1989. Delivered by Dr. Shanker Dayal Ramakrishna Hedge. Government of Karnataka.
Sharmar at Union Society Building, Trinity Bangalore: Government of Karnataka, 1988.
College, Cambridge, 13 November 1989. 12 p. Fiche 1552
Shanker Dayal Sharma. Government of India,
Vice-President’s Secretariat. New Delhi: Vice- 3045
President’s Secretariat, 1989. 21 p. Fiche 1550 Need for a National Alternative.
Ramakrishna Hedge. Government of Karnataka.
Government of Bengal Bangalore: Government of Karnataka, 1988.
12 p. Fiche 1553
A Phase of the India Struggle. How the Indian
Planning & States’ Rights.
Constitution Works.
Ramakrishna Hedge. Government of Karnataka.
Syama Prasad Mookerjee. Government of
Bangalore: Government of Karnataka, 1988.
Bengal. Calcutta: Art Press, [1942]. iii+52 p.
47 p. Fiche 1553
Fiche 1550–1551

3047 Government of Maharashtra
The Relevance of JP Today.
Ramakrishna Hedge. Government of Karnataka.
Bangalore: Government of Karnataka, 1988.
New 20-point Programme in Maharashtra.
12 p. Fiche 1553–1554
Government of Maharashtra, Directorate
General of Information and Public Relations.
3048 Bombay: Government of Maharashtra,
The Terms of Reference of the Ninth Finance Directorate General of Information and Public
Commission. A Correct Approach. Relations,1983. iv+13 p. Fiche 1557–1558
Ramakrishna Hedge. Government of Karnataka.
Bangalore: Government of Karnataka, 1988. 8 p.
Fiche 1554 Government of Uttar Pradesh
3049 3056
The Union’s Financial Assistance to the Middle Classes in India.
States. A Note on the Constitutional Position. Nasir Ahmad Khan. Government of Uttar
Ramakrishna Hedge. Government of Karnataka. Pradesh. Prakashan Shakha, 1958. 32 p. Fiche
Bangalore: Government of Karnataka, 1988. 1558
36 p. Fiche 1554
Government of West Bengal
Border Disputes. The True Story. 3057
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala. Union Government’s Discrimination against
Government of Karnataka. Bangalore: West Bengal in supply of Foodgrains and
Government of Karnataka, 1988. 100 p. Fiche Edible Oil.
1554–1555 Nirmal Bose. Government of West Bengal,
Department of Food and Supplies. Calcutta:
3051 Government of West Bengal, Department of
The Karnataka Bills. Food and Supplies, 1988. 5 p. Fiche 1558
Government of Karnataka. Bangalore:
Government of Karnataka, 1988. 92 p. Fiche
1555–1556 Government of Jammu and
Government of Kerala
3052 Why the Jammu and Kashmir Special Powers
(Press) Bill, 1989.
Ill-Informed Criticisms Against Communist
Government of Jammu and Kashmir, Directorate of
Government Refuted. E. M. S. Replies
Information. New Delhi: Government of Jammu and
Congress President Dhebar.
Kashmir, Directorate of Information, 1989. 40 p.
Government of Kerala. Trivandrum: The
Fiche 1558–1559
Government Press, 1958. 8 p. Fiche 1557

3053 Government of Madras

The Congress Role in the Kerala Agitation.
Government of Kerala. Trivandrum: The 3059
Government Press, 1959. 18 p. Fiche 1557 Points to Ponder. Some Constitutional
3054 N. Devanathan. Government of Madras, Madras
The Agitation in Kerala. Its Real Nature and High Court, 1985. xii+49+xxvi p. Fiche 1559–
Reactions of the National Press. 1560
Government of Kerala. Trivandrum: Department
of Public Relations, n.d. 34 p. Fiche 1557

Government of Afghanistan 3065
Constructive Program. Some Suggestions.
Rajendra Prasad. Ahmedabad: Navajivan Press,
1942. 34 p. Fiche 1563
Afghanistan. Land of Jirgahs.
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Kabul:
Government Printing Press, 1986. 39+xx p. 3066
Fiche 1560 The Economic Background.
K. T. Shah et al. Bombay: Oxford University
Press, 1942. 64 p. Fiche 1563–1564
Draft of Main Aspects of Socio-economic
development for years 1365–1369 HS (1986–
Has Congress Failed? A Historical Survey of
Government of Afghanistan. Kabul: Government the Years 1918–1939.
of Afghanistan Government Printing Press, Student of Public Affairs. Bombay: H. W. Smith
1986. 35 p. Fiche 1561 at The Times of India Press, 1943. ii+83 p. Fiche

Union of Soviet Socialist 3068

Republics (USSR) Socialism Reconsidered.
Minoo Masani. Bombay: N. L. Smith at The
3062 Popular Press, 1988. iii+58 p. Fiche 1565
Soviet Scholars on Mohandas Karamchand
Gandhi. M. K. Gandhi’s Views and Activities 3069
as They are Studied in the USSR. Freedom Must Not Stink.
A. Vafa. Information Department of USSR D. F. Karaka. Bombay: Phiroze K. Mistry for
Embassy in India. New Delhi: L. P. Vladimirov Kutub Publishers Ltd., 1947. 30 p. Fiche 1565–
for the Information Department of the USSR 1566
Embassy in India, 1971. iv+48 p. Fiche 1561–
1562 3070
Storm over Hyderabad.
3063 Romesh Thapar. Bombay: Phiroze K. Mistry for
Once More on the Historical Experience of Kutub Publishers Ltd., 1948. 31 p. Fiche 1566
the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. An
Appraisal of the Fundamental Course of 3071
Revolution and Construction in the Soviet Technological Progress and Economic
Union, Of Stalin’s Merits and Mistakes, Of the Development. Three Lectures by J. B.
Struggle Against Dogmatism and Condliffe.
Revisionism and of the Basis of International J. B. Condliffe. Delhi: Ranjit Printers and
Solidarity of the Proletariat of All Lands. Publishers, 1951. iii+63 p. Fiche 1566–1567
Information Department of the Embassy of the
USSR in India. New Delhi: G. Efimov, 3072
Information Department of the Embassy of the Foreign Investments in India.
USSR in India, 1957. ii+46 p. Fiche 1562 S. Sarma. Calcutta: Ajoy Home for Paramita
Prakasani Limited, 1951. iii+54 p. Fiche 1567–
Miscellaneous Pamphlets
3064 Growth of Industries in India.
Home Rule and the Empire. Being a Lecture Upadhyay. Calcutta: Suren Dutt, National Book
delivered at Negapatam on September 23rd, Agency Ltd., 1952. iii+89 p. Fiche 1568–1569
1916. New India Political Pamphlets, No. 13.
Annie Besant. Madras: Annie Besant, 1937.
16 p. Fiche 1562

3074 3083
Economic Growth and Human Welfare. Three An Appraisal of the Third Five Year Plan.
Lectures. Mukut Behari Lal. Varanasi: Tara Printing
E. H. Phelps Brown. Delhi: Ranjit Printers and Works, 1961. 15 p. Fiche 1575
Publishers, [1953]. iii+55 p. Fiche 1569–1570
3075 The Pursuit of Plenty. The Sino-Indian
The Challenge to Democracy. Economic Race.
B. Shiva Rao et al. Delhi: United Press, Old Brian Crozier. Great Britain: Peal Ashdown and
Secretariat, November 1953. 55 p. Fiche 1570 Hart, Ltd., 1963. iii+39 p. Fiche 1576

3076 3085
I Met Stalin Twice. Bombay High Court. Half a Century of
Shaukat Usmani. Bombay: K. Kurian, 1953. Reminiscences.
29 p. Fiche 1570–1571 K. M. Munshi. Bombay: S. Ramakrishnan,
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1963. vii+43 p. Fiche
3077 1576–1577
A Study of the Communist Movement in the
Punjab. 3086
Tilak Raj Chaddha. Ghaziabad: Jyoti Prakashan, The Sino-Indian Conflict. The Motives and
[1954]. ii+50 p. Fiche 1571 Moves in China’s Aggression.
1963. 48 p. Fiche 1577
Communist Conspiracy in Kashmir. “Bakshi 3087
to be Liquidated?” Kerala Congress Muddle.
P. L. Lakhanpal. New Delhi: B. B. Lal for the A Keralite. Delhi: Siddhartha Publications
International Publications, 1954. iii+40 p. Fiche (Private) Ltd., 1964. iv+28 p. Fiche 1577–1578
3079 Dange Unmasked. Repudiate the
On Employees’ State Insurance Scheme. Revisionists! Foreword by Basavapunniah.
K. P. Mehrotra. Kanpur: Current Publishers, New Delhi: Desraj Chadda, [1964]. xiv+68 p.
1954. 17 p. Fiche 1572 Fiche 1578–1579

3080 3089
Gandhism and Communism. Principles and The Quest for Education.
Technique. Delhi: Navchetan Press Private Ltd., 1964.
Ramswarup. New Delhi: Jyoti Prakashan, 1955. iii+108 p. Fiche 1579–1580
viii+57 p. Fiche 1572–1573
3081 Revolt in Bihar. A Study of the August 1965
Daniel Come to Judgment. Uprising.
V. R. Krishna Iyer. Ernakulam: Prabhatham T. J. S. George. New Delhi: Perspective
Printing and Publishing Co., December 1959. Publications, 1965. vii+28 p. Fiche 1580
iii+127 p. Fiche 1573–1574
3082 India’s Language Crisis (An Introductory
Marxist Glossary (third revised edition). Study).
Harry L. Gould. Sydney: Current Book S. Mohan Kumaramangalam. Madras: New
Distributors, 1960. 52 p. Fiche 1575 Century Book House (P) Ltd., 1965. ix+122 p.
Fiche 1581–1582

3092 3100
The Nehru Legacy. A Symposium. Election Manifestos 1971. Akali Dal, BKD,
K. Kamaraj et al. New Delhi: P. C. Joshi for CPI, CPI (M), Congress (O), Congress (R),
National Book Club, 1966. viii+81 p. Fiche DMK, Jan Sangh, PSP, SSP, Swatantra and
1582–1583 Statistics of the last General Elections and
Bye-elections held thereafter.
3093 Bombay: Awake India Publications, 1971.
Democracy and Cult of Individual. viii+279 p. Fiche 1586–1589
Mohan Kumaramangalam. New Delhi: National
Book Club, 1966. 32 p. Fiche 1583 3101
Sikkim. Retrospects and Prospects.
3094 A. P. Jain. New Delhi: A. P. Jain, 1973. iii+28 p.
Betrayal of the Basic Congress by the Fiche 1590
Present Congress.
Lakshami Narayana. Hapur: Shri Saraswati 3102
Press, [1966]. 17 p. Fiche 1584 Judicial Appointments. An Analysis of the
Recent Controversy over the Appointment of
3095 the Chief Justice of India.
Life as Revealed in Drama. Shri Pranlal S. Mohan Kumaramangalam. New Delhi: Oxford
Devkaran Nanjee Memorial Lecture. Seventh and IBH Publishing Co., 1973. vii+96 p. Fiche
Lecture. 1590–1591
Umashankar J. Joshi. Bombay: Ratilal R.
Merchant, Shri Panlal Devkaran Nanjee Smarak 3103
Fund, 1969. 16 p. Fiche 1584 New Model for Governmental Administration
of Industry.
3096 S. Mohan Kumaramangalam. New Delhi: Nikhil
Beyond No One’s Reach. Chakravartty for Perspective Publications Pvt.
K. T. Lalvani. London: Guru Nanak Foundation, Ltd., 1973. 32 p. Fiche 1591
1969. iii+56 p. Fiche 1584–1585
3097 CIA. Its Real Face.
Relations of the Party with Government in H. D. Malaviya. Delhi: Rajkamal Prakashan,
Parliamentary Democracy Under Our 1975. iv+67 p. Fiche 1592
H. V. Pataskar. Poona: Poona University Press, 3105
1969. 8 p. Fiche 1585 25 Years GDR. 1949–1974.
Jag Mohan. New Delhi: Gurcharan Singh for
3098 Himala Publishers, [1975]. xi+96 p. Fiche 1592–
Lenin and India. 1594
Chinmohan Sehanavis. Calcutta: Tarum Sen
Gupta, Manisha Granthalaya (Private) Limited, 3106
October 1969. ii+32 p. Fiche 1585 Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed.
M. A. Naidu. Hyderabad: M. A. Naidu, [1975].
3099 xi+78 p. Fiche 1594–1595
Jai People’s Bangla Desh.
Ramadhar. New Delhi: Bangla Desh Mitra 3107
Mandal, [1971]. iv+60 p. Fiche 1585–1586 The Challenge and the Response. An
Objective Reappraisal of Shrimati Gandhi’s
Leadership and the Proclamation of Internal
R. K. Sinha. Faizabad: R. K. Sinha, July 1975.
23 p. Fiche 1595

3108 3118
June 26. New Outlook. The Ghost of Misa.
Ayub Syed. [1975.] iv+32 p. Fiche 1595 Ram Jethmalani. New Delhi: The Caxton Press
(P) Ltd., n.d. 13 p. Fiche 1599
Nationwide Demand for Postponement of 3119
Constitution Amendment Bill. Communal Problem in Hyderabad.
M. C. Chagla et al. New Delhi: Net Mal Sethia, Mir Zahid Ali Kamil. Hyderabad: Hyderabad
National Book Centre, December 1976. ii+58 p. Printing Works, n.d. i+68 p. Fiche 1599–1600
Fiche 1596
3110 Ramnath Goenka. A Fraud on Indian Press,
Fundamental Rights Demand Fundamental Politics and People.
Duties. S. B. Kolpe. Bombay: S. B. Kolpe, Allied Printing
Shankar Deo. New Delhi: Shanker Deo, 1976. Press, n.d. iv+54 p. Fiche 1600–1601
56 p. Fiche 1596–1597
3111 The Holding Company.
Parliament Can Amend Constitution. S. Mohan Kumaramangalam. n.d. 20 p.
P. B. Gajendragadkar. New Delhi: Indraprastha Fiche 1601
Press, October 1976. 7 p. Fiche 1597
3112 Kamaraj Plan. Party and the People.
Socialism and India. 1832–1917. Biju Patnaik. New Delhi: The Printsman, n.d.
Chinmohan Sehanavis. New Delhi: Shaheed 12 p. Fiche 1601
Prakashan, 1976. 48 p. Fiche 1597–1598
3113 In the Crucible of Judgement.
National Committee for Review of the Abdul Rashid. Kashmir: unknown, n.d. 16 p.
Constitution. Interim Report. Fiche 1601–1602
New Delhi, 1976. 14 p. Fiche 1598
3114 Nationalisation of Banking Monopolies. An
Ministerial Accountability. Urgent Task.
K. K. Birla. New Delhi: Hindustan Times Press, Ajit Roy. Bidhan Sarani: National Publishers,
[1984]. 8 p. Fiche 1598 n.d. 20 p. Fiche 1602

3115 3125
Population Explosion. Most Serious Threat Will India Remain Hindu by 2000 A. D.?
and Action Plan. S. Roy. n.d. 16 p. Fiche 1602
Mohan Dharia. n.d. 3 p. Fiche 1598
3116 Bakshi’s Case X-Rayed. The Canard that
Rajani Palme Dutt on Empire and Failed.
Commonwealth. Atiq Siddiqi. Kashmir: Vishinath Press, n.d. 12 p.
Rajani Palme Dutt. Bombay: Romesh Thapar, Fiche 1602
Crossroads Publications, n.d. 16 p. Fiche 1598
3117 44th Constitution Amendment Wipes out
Police in a Welfare State. Foreword by Sri Democracy, Noble Ideals of Freedom
N. C. Chatterjee. Struggle Humanism and Scientific Temper
V. R. Krishna Iyer. New Delhi: Asia Book Centre, and Banishes Gandhi from Indian Soil.
n.d. iv+28 p. Fiche 1599 n.d. 32+i p. Fiche 1603

3128 3133
Congress and the Axis. Has the Congress The Communist Solar System.
Ever Offered Active Co-operation in the Satindra Singh. (typescript), 13 p. Fiche 1605
Prosecution of the War on any Conditions?
Bombay: H. W. Smith at The Times of India 3134
Press, n.d. 28 p. Fiche 1603 Divergent Views Between Our Party and the
C.P.C. on Certain Fundamental Issues of
3129 Programme and Policy.
The Features of Capitalism. Communist Party of India (Marxist), [1967]. 40 p.
Agra: Socialist Literature Publishing Co., n.d. Fiche 1605
iv+24 p. Fiche 1603–1604
3130 Statement of the Polit Bureau of the
Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya. Communist Party of India (Marxist) on the
n.d. 7 p. Fiche 1604 Ninth Congress of the Communist Party of
3131 Communist Party of India (Marxist), [1969]. 68 p.
Hundred Years of the Kesari. Fiche 1605–1606
n.d. 17 p. Fiche 1604

RSS. Reaction’s Sword Arm.
New Delhi: People’s Sector Publications, n.d.
9 p. Fiche 1604

The following index is an alphabetical list of the authors of pamphlets in this microform publication.
Both personal authors and corporate authors are identified. Each entry includes the following information:
personal author or corporate author (in boldface type); the title of the pamphlet; and the item number (in
boldface type). By referring to the Reference Bibliography, which constitutes the first section of this guide,
researchers will find a full bibliographic citation for each pamphlet, arranged by item number.

National Executive. National Executive

A Meeting, July 24–26, 1987, Sansadia
Adarkar, B. P. Soudha, New Delhi. 2334
The Future of the Constitution. A Critical Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
Analysis. 2840 Condolence Resolution; Resolutions
Adopted by National Executive; Reports
Adhikari, G. presented to the National Executive.
What Do They Want to Achieve By This National Executive Meeting, Calcutta,
‘Cultural Revolution’ in China. 2488 West Bengal, April 6–8, 1990. 2342
Advani, L. K. Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
A Government Without Political Legitimacy. Resolution Adopted by National
Speech Delivered by Shri L. K. Advani Executive; Condolence Resolutions;
M.P. in Parliament on 16-11-90. 2344 Reports; Interim Report. Calcutta
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; Corporation Election 17.6.1990, Present
Condolence Resolution; Press Note; Condition in Tamilnadu. National
Resolution on Regional Imbalance in Executive Meeting, July 21–23, 1990,
Jammu and Kashmir. National Madras Tamilnadu. 2345
Executive, October 17–19, 1986, Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
Jammu (J. & K.). 2330 Resolution Adopted by National
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani. Executive Condolence; Resolution
Condolence Resolutions; Resolution Adopted in Plenary Session. National
Adopted by National Executive. National Executive Meeting, Plenary Session 31
Executive Meeting, New Delhi, 17 January 1991 and 1, 2, and 3 February,
October and 9, 10 November 1990. 1991, Jaipur (Rajasthan). 2347
2343 Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; Resolutions. National Executive
Condolence Resolution; Resolutions Meeting, New Delhi, December 1–2,
Adopted by National Executive; 1989. 2341
Amendments to BJP Constitution Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
Adopted. National Executive Meeting, Resolutions Adopted by National
Udaipur (Rajasthan), March 3–5, 1989. Executive. National Executive Meeting,
2340 October 7–9, 1988, Ahmedabad
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; (Gujarat). 2335
Condolence Resolution; Resolutions
Adopted by National Executive; Atalji
Welcomed; Report Presented to the

Opening Remarks of Shri L. K. Advani at the The Congress and Constitutional
National Executive Meeting at Jaipur; Amendments. 2300
Resolutions passed at the Jaipur Congress Marches Ahead—III. Proceedings
National Executive Meeting. National of the Congress Working Committee
Executive Meeting, 31 July, 1 August meetings and All India Congress
1993, Jaipur. 2361 Committee meeting, Patna, October
Presidential Address by L. K. Advani. 9th 1970; a brief analysis of the Lok Sabha
National Council Session, Vijayawada Elections—1971; circular letters from
(Andrha Pradesh), January 2–4, 1987. the AICC office etc. 2263
2333 Congress Marches Ahead—IV. Minutes of
Presidential Address by L. K. Advani. the Congress Working Committee
Plenary Session, Ekatmata Nagar Meetings; All India Congress Committee
(Indraprashtha Stadium) New Delhi, meeting, Delhi, April 1971; proceedings
May 9, 1986. 2331 of the Conference of the Presidents and
Presidential Address by Shri L. K. Advani. Secretaries of PCCs, May 1971;
Bharatiya Janata Party, National Council proceedings of the Conference of the
Session, 18–20 June 1993, Bangalore. Presidents and Secretaries of DCCs,
2358 May 1971; circular letters issued from
Ramjanma Bhoomi. 2337 the AICC office etc. 2264
Congress Marches Ahead—V. Minutes of
Afro-Asian Convention on Tibet and Against
the Congress Working Committee
Colonialism in Asia and Africa
meetings; All India Congress Committee
A Note on Sino-Tibetan Relations. 2852 meeting, Simla, October 1971; fifth
Aggarwala, M. C. General Election to State Assemblies;
Congress Whither? [Satyagrah of Arya Leaders’ Conference, Delhi, April, 1972;
Samaj in Punjab.] With a foreword by Circular Letters issued from the AICC
Rampogal. 2312 Office etc. 2267
Ahmad, Muzaffar Congress Marches Ahead—VI. Minutes of
the Congress Working Committee
Communist Party of India. Years of
Meetings; All India Congress Committee
Formation, 1921–1933. 2431
Meeting, Delhi, June 1972; summary of
Aiyar, S. P. the proceedings of the Conference of
Liberalism and the Modernization of India. PCC Presidents and Secretaries, June
An Interpretation. 2921 1972; Report of the AICC Committee on
Ali, Abid Bangla Desh; Circular letters issued
from the AICC Office etc. 2269
The Indian Communists. 2773
Congress Marches Ahead—VII. Minutes of
Ali, Arunar Asaf the Congress working Committee
The Socialist Party. Its Rejection of meetings; All India Congress Committee
Marxism. 2789 meeting, Gandhinagar (Gujurat);
Ali, Sadiq proceedings of the conference of
The General Elections, 1957. A Survey. Congress Chief Ministers; circular letters
2765 issued from the AICC Office etc. 2270
Congress Marches Ahead—VIII. A
Aligarh Muslim University Reference book recording the minutes
Aligarh Muslim University Brochure. 2853 of Congress Working Committee, All
All India Congress Committee India Congress Committee and Subject
All India Congress Committee. Addresses, Committee meetings; proceedings of the
1929. 2246 74th Plenary Session, Bidhan Nagar,
All India Congress Committee. Addresses, Calcutta; PCC and DCCs Conferences;
1946. 2249 Zonal Conferences, circular letters
issued from the AICC Office etc. 2273
Aspects of Renewal, 1971–1973. Some
Highlights and Comments. 2275
Assam. 2294

Congress Marches Ahead—IX. A reference The Prime Minister on Constitution (Forty-
book recording the minutes of the fourth Amendment) Bill 1976. 2288
Congress Working Committee and All Proposed Amendments to the Constitution
India Congress Committee Meetings, of India by the Committee Appointed by
circular letters issued from the AICC the Congress President Shri D. K.
office, etc. 2277 Borooah on February 26, 1976. 2285
Congress Marches Ahead—10. A reference Proposed Amendments to the Constitution
book recording the minutes of the of India by the Committee Appointed by
Congress Working Committee and All the Congress President Shri D. K.
India Congress Committee Meetings, Borooah on February 26, 1976. 2286
report on Central Training Camps, Public Distribution System. AICC Central
circular letters issued from the AICC Training Camp. NARORA, November
Office, etc. 2280 22–24, 1974. 2282
Congress Marches Ahead—11. A reference Public Sector, An Overview. 2297
book recording the minutes of the Report of the Congress Planning Sub-
Congress Working Committee meetings, committee. 2253
summary of proceedings of the AICC
Report of the Ooty Seminar (May 30–June
Conference on Land Reforms, AICC
5, 1959). 2254
Cells’ meetings, circular letters issued
Shri D. K. Borooah, President, Indian
from the AICC Office, etc. 2281
National Congress, on Constitution
Congress Marches Ahead—13. A reference
(Forty-fourth Amendment) Bill 1976.
book recording the minutes of the
Congress Working Committee meetings,
All India Congress Committee Meeting, Text of Resolution on “Political” and
New Delhi, May 29–30, 1976, circular “Economic” Situation (as adopted by the
letters issued from the AICC Office, etc. Congress Working Committee on April
2284 17, 1973). 2272
Debate on President’s Address. Reply of Text of Resolutions on Economic Policy and
Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi in Lok Political Situation. Adopted at (i) the
73rd Plenary Session of the Indian
Sabha and Rajya Sabha. 2291
National Congress, Bombay, December
From Bombay to Delhi. A Reference Book
28–29, 1969; (ii) the All India Congress
Recording the Proceedings of the
Committee Meeting, Delhi, June 13–15,
Congress Working Committee Meetings,
1970; (iii) the All India Congress
73rd Plenary Session of the Indian
Committee Meeting, Patna, October 13–
National Congress, Bombay;
14, 1970; (iv) the All India Congress
Conference of the Pradesh Congress
Committee Meeting, Gandhinagar,
leaders, Delhi; Circular Letters Issued
October 9–10, 1972. 2271
from the AICC Office, etc. 2260
Volunteer Organisation. Being A Collection
From Delhi to Patna. Congress Marches
of Resolutions Passed by the Congress,
Ahead. 2261
A.I.C.C. and Working Committee since
India. Our Achievements, 1985–1989. 2298 1917 and connected matter. 2250
Issues Before The Nation. 2292 We Will Fight to the Last Ditch For Our
Media Under Janata Rule. 2299 Country, For Our Flag, For Our Leader.
Must She Resign? 2295 2255
Netaji Subhas. Valiant Son of India. 2276 All India Kisan Sammelan
People’s Victory—Second Phase. (An Crusader Against Injustice Exploitation and
Analysis of the 1972 General Election to Corruption. Profile of Chaudhary Charan
State Assemblies). 2268 Singh. 2305
The Pilgrimage and After. The Story of How
Congress Fought and Won the General
Elections. Foreword by Gulzarilal
Nanda. Introduction by R. R. Diwakar.
Political Scene in Karnataka. 2296

All India Trade Union Congress Real Face of the Right Communists. 2576
The Index Fraud. The Story of What Dange-Programme Reveals. A real
manipulations, malpractices, arbitrary face of Revisionists. A Criticism. 2465
methods revealed in the computation of Basu, Jyoti
consumer price index numbers for Subversion of Parliamentary Democracy in
working class. 2307 West Bengal. 2710
Altekar, G. S. Bauer, P. T.
Ethical Outlook in Individual to International Some Economic Aspects and Problems of
Spheres. 2944 Under-Developed Countries. 2723
Anand, R. Belavadi, S. H.
Menace of Multinationals. 2614 The Press and the Parliamentary Privileges.
Atchuthan, M. 2918
Economics for Trade Unionists. 2511 Berkowitz, Monroe
Fact Book on Wages. 2523 Industrial Relations Patterns. U.S.A. and
Ayyar, S. V. India. 2897
Politics and Economics in India’s Five Year Besant, Annie
Plans. 2912 Home Rule and the Empire. Being a Lecture
Azad Hind Party delivered at Negapatam on September
Azad Hind Party. Policies and Principles. 23rd, 1916. New India Political
2313 Pamphlets, No. 13. 3064
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
B Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute.
Babu, B. Ramesh 2856
Thoughts on the American Presidential Bharatiya Jana Sangh
System and its Relevance to India. 2967 The Great Betrayal. 2318
Balakrishna, H. G. Resolutions of the Bharatiya Pratinidhi
The Constitutional Rights of Women in India. Sabha and the Working Committee.
2784 Varanasi, Nov. 12–15, 1961. 2315
Resolutions of the Eleventh Annual Session.
Balaram, N. E.
Ahmedabad, Dec. 28–30, 1963 and
Kerala. Three Years of UF Government Working Committee, New Delhi, March
Headed by C. Achutha Menon. 2557 1–2, 1964. 2317
What is Marxism? 2596 Resolutions Passed by The All India
The Bar Council of India Trust Working Committee. Rajahmundry
Reforms in Higher Judiciary and Law (Andhra), Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. 1, 1962
Commission Questionnaire. Report of and Emergent Meeting. Delhi, Oct. 31
the National Convention held at Madras, and Nov. 1, 1962. 2316
March 1982. 2855 Bharatiya Janata Party
Bardhan, A. B. BJP Meets Indian Industry on April 27, 1993.
The Unsolved Tribal Problem. 2558 2357
Barlingay, W. S. Draft Statement on Judicial System.
National Executive Meeting, August 28–
Hindu Law of Succession for the Lay Man.
30, 1982, Bangalore (Karnataka). 2321
Election Manifesto. Lok Sabha Elections,
Basavapunnaiah, M. 1989. 2338
CPI (M) and the Right C.P. Right Humanistic Approach to Economic
Communist Party Continues its Old Development (A Swadeshi Alternative).
Bankrupt Line. Question of “Communist Economic Policy Statement, 1992. Our
Unity” and Unity of Action. 2703 Commitment to Antyodaya. 2354
Our Views on E. M. S. Namboodiripad’s
Critique of Draft Programme. 2466

Lok Sabha Elections, 1989. Press Resolutions. Budget and Economic
Comments on Bharatiya Janata Party. Situation, Corruption, Call for South Asia
2339 Summit, Assault on Local Democracy.
Opening Remarks of Shri L. K. Advani at the National Executive, March 31–April 2,
National Executive Meeting at Jaipur; 1984, Ahmedabad. 2323
Resolutions passed at the Jaipur Resolutions. National Executive; National
National Executive Meeting. National Council. National Executive Meeting 4–5
Executive Meeting, 31 July, 1 August January 1984; National Council
1993, Jaipur. 2361 Session, 6–8 January 1984, Indore
Poll Reforms. The Battle Must Continue. (M.P.). 2325
2336 Speeches of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee,
Punjab Problem. State Executive Swamy Chinmayanand, Shri Lal Krishan
Resolutions. 15.5.1981 to 3.2.1984. Advani on Ayodhya Issue. 2355
2326 Towards A Debt Free India. 2356
Resolution. As Adopted by National Two Years of Congress Misrule. A Charge
Executive; As Adopted by National Sheet. 2332
Council; Action Plan; Press Release; Working Group Report. Presented to
Report on Drought Situation. National National Executive, Bhopal, July 20,
Executive Meeting, October 8–9, 1985; 1985. 2328
National Council Meeting, October 10,
Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh
1985; National Study Camp, October
11–13, 1985, Gandhi Nagar (Gujarat). Report of General Secretary to the Seventh
2329 All India Conference of Bharatiya
Mazdoor Sangh. Hyderabad, 9–11
Resolutions. Adopted at the National
January 1984. 2364
Council Meeting. National Executive
Meeting 30 April and 1 May 1992; Bhaskaran, R.
National Council Meeting, Gandhi Nagar Approaches to the Study of Politics in India.
(Gujarat), 1–3 May 1992. 2351 2908
Resolutions. Adopted at the National Bhatia, Madan
Council Meeting. National Executive Constitutional Amendment. Why? 2287
Meeting 16–17 June 1993; National
Council Meeting, 18–20 June 1993, Bhushan, Shashi
Sankalp Nagar, Bangalore (Karnataka). Janata Politics for Populism. 2301
2360 Karakoram Road Dominationistic
Resolutions. Adopted at the National Conspiracy of China in Kashmir. 2720
Executive Meeting. National Executive Birla, K. K.
Meeting held at Bhopal, 22–24 August Ministerial Accountability. 3114
1992. 2352
Resolutions. Adopted by the National Borooah, Dev Kanta
Executive Meeting at New Delhi and Shri D. K. Borooah, President, Indian
Opening Remarks of Dr. Murli Manohar National Congress, on Constitution
Joshi at the National Executive Meeting (Forty-fourth Amendment) Bill 1976.
at Calcutta; Resolution passed at the 2289
Calcutta National Executive Meeting. Socialism at the Grassroots. The Feroze
National Executive Meeting held on 27 Gandhi Memorial Lecture delivered in
Feb. 1993, New Delhi; National New Delhi, September 12, 1975. 2279
Executive Meeting held on 10–12 April Bose, Nirmal
1993, Calcutta. 2359 Union Government’s Discrimination against
Resolutions. Assault on Democracy. West Bengal in supply of Foodgrains
Drought Situation. Political Situation. and Edible Oil. 3057
Economic Situation. Statement on
International Situation. National Bowles, Chester
Executive Meeting, August 28–30, 1982, Indian-American Relations. A Current View.
Bangalore (Karnataka). 2322 2920

Bradley, Phillips Chhibbar, Y. P.
The American Party System. 2882 People’s Union For Civil Liberties.
Brahmananda, P. R. Constitution. 2802
An Analysis of India’s New Economic Policy. People’s Union For Civil Liberties
2735 Correspondence and Charter of
Demands. 2803
Brown, E. H. Phelps
Economic Growth and Human Welfare. Chowdhry, Kamla
Three Lectures. 3074 Poverty, Environment and Development.
Burchett, Wilfred
Recognize Kampuchea. 2679 Committee for National Conventions
Unity and Democracy. A Report of a
Burns, Emile
National Convention. 2368
What is Marxism? A Simple Exposition That
All Can Follow Without Any Previous Communist Party of East Pakistan
Knowledge of Marxism. 2374 (Bangladesh)
Evaluation of the Freedom Struggle of
C Bangladesh. 2370
Centre for Development Studies and Letter to Fraternal Communist and Workers’
Activities Parties on the Situation in Bangladesh.
From the Communist Party of East
CDSA. Centre for Development Studies and
Pakistan (Bangladesh). 2369
Activities. 2859
Communist Party of India
Chaddha, Tilak Raj
Afghanistan’s National Fatherland Front.
A Study of the Communist Movement in the
Documents of the Founding Congress.
Punjab. 3077
Kabul, 15–16 June 1981. 2651
Chagla, M. C. Amendments to the Party Programme.
Civil Liberties in India. 2365 Adopted by the Central Committee for
Nationwide Demand for Postponement of placing before the Fourth Party
Constitution Amendment Bill. 3109 Congress. Fourth Party Congress
The Role of Judiciary in Parliamentary Document No. 1. 2416
Democracy. 2726 An Analysis of the Armed Struggle in
Chandola, Harish Punjab. 2684
Recognize Kampuchea. 2679 Bhowani Sen. Tributes. 2551
Building the Communist Party in the
Chandra, Bipan Working Class. Adopted by the National
Long-Term Dynamics of the Indian National Council, Communist Party of India, New
Congress. Presidential Address, Bipan Delhi, 31 July to 4 August 1974. 2572
Chandra. Indian History Congress, C. P. S. U. Problems of Party Ideological
Forty-Sixth Session, 27–29 December Work. Editorials from “Bolsheviks,”
1985. 2986 theoretical and political journal of the
Many Faces of Communalism. 2857 Soviet Communist Party. 2379
Chari, A. S. R. A Catalogue of Repression. June 1977–May
Lid Off Anhdra Anti-Communism. 2371 1978. 2625
Chattopadhyay, Gautam Central Committee Resolutions. Bangalore,
August 24–August 29, 1971.
Abani Mukherji. A Dauntless Revoluntionary
Supplement to People’s Democracy,
and Pioneering Communist. 2597
September 12, 1971. 2541
Triumph of Angola. 2598
Central Committee’s Draft for the Ideological
Chavan, Y. B. Discussion. Adopted by the Central
Direct Action and Parliamentary Democracy. Committee of the Communist Party of
The Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, India (Marxist), Madurai, August 18 to
1961. 2903 27, 1967. 2691

Colonial Peoples’ Struggle for Liberation. CPI’s Fight Against The Caucus,
Reports to Institute of Economics & Sterilisation and Demolition. 2615
Pacific Institute of the Academy of Dialogue with the CPI (M). 2652
Sciences, USSR. 2685 Documents. Adopted by Eighth Congress of
The Communist International. Brief Outline the Communist Party of India.
Prepared by the Institute of Marxism- Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February
Leninism, Central Committee of the 1968. 2497
CPSU. 2519 Documents of the History of the Communist
Communist Party and Problems of National Party of India. Volume VIII, 1951–1956.
Reconstruction. 2417 2616
Communist Party and the Midterm Elections. Documents of the Meeting of
2522 Representatives of the Communist and
Communist Party of India. Resolutions. Workers’ Parties. Moscow, November–
Adopted at the Seventh Congress. Oct. December 1960. 2447
31 to Nov. 7, 1964. 2467 Documents of the Tenth Congress of the
Consembly Move and Democratic Fight- Communist Party of India.
back. 2612 Bhowanisennagar, Vijayawada. 27
Constitution of the Communist Party of January to 2 February 1975. 2590
India. Adopted at the Extraordinary Documents on the Third Congress of the
Party Congress, Amritsar, 1958. 2434 Communist Party of India. 2413
Constitution of the Communist Party of Draft Programme of the Communist Party of
India. Adopted at the Seventh India. 2391
Congress. Oct. 31 to Nov. 7, 1964. 2472 Draft Programme of the Communist Party of
Constitution of the Communist Party of India. 2460
India. Adopted by Eighth Congress of Draft Programme of the Communist Party of
the Communist Party of India. India. 2468
Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February Economic Data Relating to Some
1968. 2496 Statements in the Draft Programme.
The Constitution of the Communist Party of 2392
India. As Amended by the Third Election Manifesto. Communist Party of
Congress of the Communist Party of India, 1962. 2445
India, Madurai, December 27, 1953 to Election Manifesto of the Communist Party
January 4, 1954. 2409 of India. 2535
Constitution of the Communist Party of Election Manifesto of the Communist Party
India. Incorporating the Amendments of India, 1957. 2426
Adopted by the All India Party
Election Manifesto of the Communist Party
Organisation Conference (September
of India, 1967. Supplement to New Age,
24–26, 1986) and by the National
Vol. XIV, No. 51, December 18, 1966.
Council of the CPI (September 27–28,
1986). 2671
Election Manifesto of the Communist Party
Constitution of the Communist Party of
of India. 6th August, 1951. 2393
India. Incorporating the Amendments
and Including the Rules Adopted by the Election Manifesto of the Communist Party
Tenth Congress of the Communist Party of India. Supplement to New Age
of India, Vijayawada, 27 January to 2 (Weekly), Vol. IX, No. 43, October 22,
February 1975. 2586 1961. 2440
Constitution of the Communist Party of Election Review and Party’s Tasks. Adopted
India. Incorporating the Amendments by the Central Committee of the
and Including the Rules and Bylaws Communist Party of India (Marxist) at its
Adopted by the Ninth Congress of the Session in Calcutta, April 10 to 16,
Communist Party of India, Cochin, 3 to 1967. 2690
10 October 1971. 2552
Cow Problem and Indian Economy. 2640
CPI’s Defence of Naxalite Prisoners. 2626

For the Unity of the Party and the Madurai Ideological Stand of the Communist
International Communist Movement. Party (Marxist). Resolutions Adopted by
Against Dogmatist Disruption, the Central Executive Committee of the
Adventurism & Opportunism. Report on Communist Party of India. 2494
the Ideological Controversy in the Manifesto for an advanced democracy for a
International Communist Movement socialist France. Adopted by the Central
Approved by the National Council of the Committee of the French Communist
Communist Party of India. 2461 Party at its session on 5–6 December
Greetings to the Ninth Congress of the 1968 in Champigny-sur-Marne. 2520
Communist Party of India. Cochin, 3 to Midterm Poll to 7th Lok Sabha. Speakers’
10 October 1971. 2553 Handbook. Vote for CPI. Vote for Left
Ideology and Emergency. 2604 and Democratic Unity. 2641
Immortal Heroes. Lives of Communist Murder of Truth. Anti-CPI Barrage Exposed.
Leaders. 2591 2605
India and CPSU Congresses. 2653 Muslim Minority and the Communist Party.
The India-China Border Dispute and the 2592
Communist Party of India. Resolutions, National Campaign to Hold Price Line. 2618
Statements and Speeches, 1959–1963. National Democratic Front for National
2453 Democratic Tasks. Political Resolution
Indian CP Fights Internal Dissidence, Wants Adopted by the Sixth Congress of the
Conference Now (Results of April Communist Party of India. Vijayawada,
Plenum of National Council of Indian 7–16 April 1961. 2448
CP). 2462 New Situation and Our Tasks. Speech by
Information Document. Draft Political Ajoy Ghosh as Amended and Adopted
Review Report for the Eleventh Party by the Sixth Congress of the Communist
Congress (Adopted by the National Party of India Vijayawada, 7–16 April
Council of the Communist Party of India. 1961. 2441
New Delhi, 24–28 December 1977) and On the Agrarian Question in India. 2386
Critical Notes by S. A. Dange & Others. On the British Communist Party’s Policy.
2621 Correspondence Between the Central
International Situation and Problems of Committees of the Australian and British
World Communist Movement. Adopted Communist Parties. 2385
by Eighth Congress of the Communist On the General Election of March 1971.
Party of India. Karyanandnagar. Patna, Resolutions and Review Report of the
7–15 February 1968. 2498 National Council of the Communist
Joint Declaration by the Communist and Party of India. New Delhi, 23 to 28 April
Workers Parties of the Arab Countries. 1971. 2536
2662 On the 20th Congress of the CPSU. 2420
Kerala’s Answer to KPCC Charges. Full Organisational Report. Adopted by Eighth
Text of the Kerala Government’s Reply Congress of the Communist Party of
to the Memorandum Submitted by the India. Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15
KPCC to the President of the Indian February 1968. 2499
Union. 2435 Organisational Report and Resolution on
Language Controversy. Our Solution. 2477 Party Organisation. Adopted by Ninth
Left Parties Call for Joint Struggle for Congress of the Communist Party of
People’s Demands. 2573 India. Ghatenagar, Cochin, 3–10
Let Us Defend Independency. Article of the October 1971. 2537
Rodong Sinmun, August 12, 1966. 2490 Organisation Report. Adopted by the
Lok Sabha Election. Resolution of the Eleventh Congress of the Communist
National Council of the Communist Party of India. Bhaka Nagar, Bhatinda.
Party of India, Held in Delhi from 3 to 6 31 March to 7 April 1978. 2627
April 1977. 2617 Organisation Report. Adopted by the XIV
Congress of the Communist Party of
India, Calcutta, March 6–12, 1989. 2676

Organisation Report and Amendments to Political Resolution. Third Congress of the
Party Constitution. Adopted by the All Communist Party of India, Madurai,
India Party Organisation Conference, December 27, 1953 to January 4, 1954.
September 24 to 26, 1986 and by the 2412
National Council of CPI, September 27– Political Review Report. Adopted by the
28, 1986. 2667 Eleventh Congress of the Communist
Our Doc. Tributes to Comrade Gangadhar Party of India. Bhaka Nagar, Bhatinda.
Adhikari on his Seventieth birthday. 31 March to 7 April 1978. 2629
2509 Political Role of the Army in Developing
Our Tasks Among the Peasant Masses. Countries. 2574
Resolution Adopted by the Central Political Thesis of the Communist Party of
Committee of the Communist Party of India. Passed by the Second Congress
India, April 1954. 2410 at Calcutta, February 28–March 6, 1948.
Our Tasks on Party Organisation. Adopted 2380
by the Central Committee of the Political Thesis of the Communist Party of
Communist Party of India (Marxist), At India. Passed by the Second Congress
Its Calicut Session, October 28 to at Calcutta. Feb. 28–March 6, 1948.
November 2, 1967. 2495 2381
Pakistan Military Dictatorship Exposed. The Present Political Situation. Resolution of
Statement in Front of Military Tribunal the National Council of the Communist
by Jam Saqi, Member, Central Party of India. Hyderabad, June 9–15,
Committee, Communist Party of 1966. 2481
Pakistan. 2654 Principles of Party Organization. Thesis on
Policy of Peace versus Doctrines of War. the Organization and Structure of the
2645 Communist Parties adopted at the 3rd
Political Report. Adopted by Eighth Congress of the Communist
Congress of the Communist Party of International in 1921, Together with the
India. Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 Statutes of the Communist International.
February 1968. 2500 2686
Political Resolution. Adopted at the Fourth Problems of Unorganised Workers in
Congress of the Communist Party of ‘Agriculture Sector’. 2675
India. Palghat, April 19–29, 1956. 2421 Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the
Political Resolution. Adopted by Eighth Communist Party of India. Documents.
Congress of the Communist Party of Bombay, 13–23 December 1964. 2473
India. Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the
February 1968. 2501 Communist Party of India. Volume III,
Political Resolution. Adopted by the Discussions. Bombay, 13–23 December
Eleventh Congress of the Communist 1964. 2478
Party of India. Bhaka Nagar, Bhatinda. Programme of the Communist Party of India.
31 March to 7 April 1978. 2628 Adopted by Eighth Congress of the
Political Resolution. Adopted by the Tenth Communist Party of India.
Congress of the Communist Party of Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February
India. Bhowanisennagar, Vijayawada, 1968. 2502
27 January to 2 February 1975. 2593 Programme of the Communist Party of India.
Political Resolution. Adopted by the XIV Adopted by Eighth Congress of the
Congress of the Communist Party of Communist Party of India.
India, Calcutta, March 6–12, 1989. 2677 Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February
Political Resolution. Draft by 21 members of 1968. 2503
the National Council. Sixth Congress of Programme of the Communist Party of India.
the Communist Party of India. Adopted by the All India Party
Vijayawada, April 7 to 16, 1961. 2442 Conference. October 1951. 2394

Programme of the Communist Party of India. Report and Resolutions Adopted by the
Adopted by the Seventh Congress of National Council of the Communist
the Communist Party of India. Calcutta, Party of India. New Delhi, October 12 to
Oct. 31–Nov. 7, 1964. 2482 15, 1988. 2672
Programme of the Communist Party of India. Report & Resolutions of the Meeting of the
Adopted by the Third Party Congress. Central Executive Committee of the
Madurai, December 27, 1953 to January Communist Party of India. New Delhi,
4, 1954. 2411 24–27 October 1976. 2606
The Programme of the Communist Party of Report & Resolutions of the National Council
India. As Adopted by the Seventh of the Communist Party of India. New
Congress of the Communist Party of Delhi, 29 March–1 April 1973. 2566
India. Bombay, 13–23 December 1964. Report and Resolutions of the National
2476 Council of the Communist Party of India.
Proposals of the National Council for New Delhi, 23–26 March 1974. 2575
Amendments to the Constitution of Report on International Developments.
India. Adopted by the National Council Adopted by the Eleventh Congress of
of the Communist Party of India the Communist Party of India. Bhaka
(Trivandrum, 7 to 11 February 1976). Nagar, Bhatinda. 31 March to 7 April
2610 1978. 2631
Report & Resolution. On the International Report on the All India Padayatra Campaign
Situation, the World Communist and Other Resolutions. Adopted by the
Movement and the Tasks of the Central Executive Committee of the
Communist Party of India. Adopted by Communist Party of India in Its Meeting
the Ninth Congress of the Communist Held in Madras, 18 to 21 June 1976.
Party of India. Ghatenagar, Cochin, 3– 2609
10 October 1971. 2538 Reports & Resolutions Adopted by the
Report and Resolutions. Adopted by National Council of the Communist
National Council of the Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 12 to 15 July
Party of India. New Delhi, 1–8 August 1980. 2647
1968. 2505 Resolution of the Central Committee of the
Report and Resolutions. Adopted by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
National Council of the Communist 2510
Party of India (Trivandrum, 7 to 11 Resolution on Splitters and Other
February 1976). 2607 Documents of the National Council of
Report and Resolutions. Adopted by the the Communist Party of India. New
National Council of the Communist Delhi, April 10–15, 1964. 2463
Party of India. Hyderabad, 4–8 August Resolution on the Present Political Situation.
1976. 2608 (The following Resolution was adopted
Report and Resolutions. Adopted by the by the National Council of the
National Council of the Communist Communist Party of India at its meeting
Party of India. New Delhi, 29 October to held in February 1961. It will be placed
2 November 1978. 2630 before the forthcoming Congress of Our
Report and Resolutions. National Council of Party as the Draft of the National
the Communist Party of India. Council. All units of the Party should
Vijayawada, October 23–25, 1980. 2646 discuss the Resolution and send their
Report and Resolutions Adopted by the comments and suggestions to the office
National Council of the Communist of the National Council.) 2443
Party of India. New Delhi, April 6 to 9,
1987. 2670
Report and Resolutions Adopted by the
National Council of the Communist
Party of India. New Delhi, 26 to 29 July,
1987. 2669

Resolutions. Adopted at the Seventh Resolutions of the National Council of the
Congress. Oct. 31 to Nov. 7, 1964. Communist Party of India. New Delhi,
Calcutta. 2470 26 June–3 July 1963. 2454
Resolutions. Adopted by Eighth Congress of Resolutions of the National Council of the
the Communist Party of India. Communist Party of India. New Delhi,
Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February 19–24 August 1965. 2475
1968. 2504 Resolutions of the National Council of the
Resolutions. Political Resolution On Party Communist Party of India. New Delhi,
Organization On the International 5–11 April 1965. 2479
Situation, the World Communist Resolutions of the National Council of the
Movement and the Tasks of the CPI. Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 1
Adopted by the Ninth Congress of the to 5 October 1970. 2533
Communist Party of India. Ghatenagar, Resolutions of the Tenali Convention of the
Cochin, 3–10 October 1971. 2539 Communist Party of India (Held on July
Resolutions Adopted by the Central 7 to 11, 1964). 2469
Executive Committee of the Communist Review of Fourth General Election. Adopted
Party of India. New Delhi, 6 to 11 July by the National Council of Communist
1965. 2474 Party of India. 2491
Resolutions Adopted by the National Council Review of Midterm Elections and Our Tasks
of the Communist Party of India. and Resolutions. Adopted by the
Hyderabad, June 9 to 15, 1966. 2484 National Council of the Communist
Resolutions Adopted by the National Council Party of India. New Delhi, 5–12 April
of the Communist Party of India. New 1969. 2518
Delhi, 7–15 January 1966. 2483 Review of National and International
Resolutions and Decisions of the National Developments and Our Party’s Activities
Council of the Communist Party of India. Since XIII Party Congress (Patna,
New Delhi, 7–17 June 1964. 2464 1986). Report Adopted by the XIV
Resolutions and Report. Adopted by the Congress of the Communist Party of
National Council of the Communist India, Calcutta, March 6 to 12, 1989.
Party of India (New Delhi, 25 to 28 2678
August 1975). 2594 Review of National and International
Resolutions and Report of the National Developments since the Varanasi Party
Council of the Communist Party of India. Congress. Adopted by the XIII Congress
New Delhi, 8 to 13 May 1970. 2532 of the CPI at Patna, March 12–17, 1986.
Resolutions & Reports Adopted by the 2668
National Council of the Communist RSS. The Guilty. Jamshedpur Riot Inquiry
Party of India. New Delhi, 1–4 Commission Findings. 2655
September 1973. 2567 S. V. Ghate. Our First General Secretary.
Resolutions of the Central Committee of the 2540
Communist Party of India. Adopted at its Significance of State Farming for Agricultural
meeting in Bombay, March, 1953. 2404 Development and Its Practical
Resolutions of the Central Executive Possibilities in India. 2471
Committee of the National Council of the Some Aspects of the Agrarian Question.
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, Resolution adopted by the National
14–17 September 1963. 2455 Council of the Communist Party of India,
Resolutions of the National Council of 8–13 October 1958. 2429
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, Some Problems Concerning the Agrarian
24–28 August 1972. 2554 Movement and Our Tasks. Adopted by
Resolutions of the National Council of the National Council of the Communist
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, Party of India, New Delhi, 1–5 April
9–12 July 1977. 2619 1975. 2595
Resolutions of the National Council of the Speaker’s Handbook. New Age Supplement.
Communist Party of India, Hyderabad, February 6, 1972. 2556
14–20 August 1962. 2450

Statement of Policy of The Communist Party Communist Party of India (Marxist)
of India. 2395 Central Committee Resolutions. Divergent
Tasks on Trade Union Front. Resolution of views between our party and the CPC
the Central Committee, Communist on certain fundamental issues. Political
Party of India (Marxist), April 1967. 2444 and Economic Development in the
Theses for the Eighth Congress of the Country and our Tasks. Adopted by the
Portuguese Communist Party. 2620 Central Committee of the Communist
Threat to Party Unity. How to Avert it? Text Party of India (Marxist), Madurai, August
of a Document by M. Basavapunniah 18 to 27, 1967. 2692
and Sixteen Other Members of the Conspiracy to Wreck W. Bengal United
National Council with a Reply by S. A. Front. 2697
Dange, Chairman, CPI. 2456 Constitution. Adopted by the Eight
Truth about Kerala (Statement issued by the Congress. Cochin. December 23–29,
Central Executive Committee, 1968. 2705
Communist Party of India and the CPI (M) on Constitutional Changes. 2702
Statement of Chief Minister Divergent Views Between Our Party and the
Namboodiripad on Prime Minister C.P.C. on Certain Fundamental Issues
Nehru’s reference to Kerala). 2430 of Programme and Policy. 3134
UNP Organised Anti-Tamil Riots in Sri Election Manifesto. Communist Party of
Lanka. 2663 India (Marxist). 2689
Vietnam in Chinese Strategy. A On the Revisionist Disruption of the
Documentation. 2648 A. I. T. U. C. Correspondence between
War, Peace and Socialism. Three Soviet CPI (M) and Right Communist Party.
Commentaries on the nature problems 2698
and possibilities of our epoch. 2437 Programme. Adopted at the Seventh
West Bengal Accuses! Text of Memorandum Congress. Calcutta, Oct. 31 to Nov. 7,
Containing Charges Against the 1964. 2687
Congress Government in West Bengal Programme. Adopted at the Seventh
Submitted to the President of the Indian Congress of the Communist Party of
Union by the West Bengal State Council India at Calcutta, October 31 to
of the Communist Party of India. 2436 November 7, 1964. Statement of Policy.
What is Happening in Hyderabad? 2387 Adopted at the All India Conference of
Who Rules Pakistan? 2382 the Communist Party of India 1951.
Communist Party of India, Central Executive 2699
Committee of the National Council Report and Resolution on Organisation.
Communist Party of India. Fifty Years of Adopted by the Salkia Plenum,
Struggle and Advance, 1925–1975. December 27–31, 1978. 2706
2577 Resolutions. Adopted by the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of
Communist Party of India, Central Party
India (Marxist) at its Meeting in Jaipur
Education Department (Rajasthan) from August 7 to 11, 1968.
Comintern and National & Colonial 2694
Questions. Documents of Congresses.
Review of the Armed Struggle in Srikakulam
2559 Region. (Unanimously passed in
Guidelines of the History of the Communist Regional Plenum on 18th Aug. 72).
Party of India. 2568 2701
Party Education Series. Grade I Course. Statement of the Polit Bureau of the
2542 Communist Party of India (Marxist) on
Party Education Series. Preliminary Course. the Ninth Congress of the Communist
2543 Party of China. 3135
Statistical Handbook 1973. 2560

Statement on the post-election situation.
Adopted by the Central Committee of D
the Communist Party of India (Marxist) Dandavate, Madhu
at its Meeting in New Delhi on March Future of Parliamentary Democracy in India.
26–27, ’77. 2704 2954
Work Report (Political) of the Central
Committee to the Ninth Congress. Dandekar, V. M.
Organisational Position of the Party Democratic Decentralization. 2929
(Tables). Note on National Question and Dandeker, N.
Amendment to Party Programme. The Missed Opportunity. The Central
Adopted by the Ninth Congress. Budget 1967–68. 2844
Madurai, June 27–July 2, 1972. 2700
Dange, S. A.
Communist Party of India (Marxist), Polit Death Pits in Our Land. How 200,000 Indian
Bureau Miners Live and Work. 2373
Ideological Debate Summed Up. 2693 For anti-imperialist unity democratic
Communist Party of India (Marxist), West consolidation. Speech by S. A. Dange at
Bengal State Committee the International Conference of
After the rigged Elections. Face the Ordeal Communist and Workers’ Parties. 2512
with Courage and Determination. 2711 Law and Order. Whose and for Whom?
Who is Responsible for Politics of Terror and Speech in Parliament Delivered on 4
Individual Murders? 2709 July 1967 on Home Ministry Demands.
Condliffe, J. B.
Mahatma Gandhi and History. 2513
Technological Progress and Economic
Not “People’s Raj” but Police Raj. S. A.
Development. Three Lectures by J. B.
Dange Indicts Bombay Govt. 2375
Condliffe. 3071
On Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth Centenary.
Congress Forum for Socialist Action 2514
Congress Revitalisation and Reorganization. On the Indian Trade Union Movement.
Nehru’s Guide-Lines for the Congress. Reports to a Convention of Communist
2713 Party Members working in the Trade
Congress Party in Parliament Union Movement, Calcutta, May 20–22,
Annual Report and Accounts, 1964–65. 1952. 2396
2717 Origins of Trade Union Movement in India.
Annual Report and Accounts for 1959–1960. 2309
2716 Yugoslavia. Problems & Perspectives. 2561
Annual Report and Accounts for 1968–1969. Das, S. R. Mohan
2718 Communist Activity in India (1925–1950).
Industrial Projects and Output in India. 2714 2863
Report of the Congress Party in Parliament Das, Tapan
of India for 1952–1953. 2715
Pakistan Politics. 2515
Corvalan, Luis
Dastur, Aloo J.
Our Democratic Project. 2642
India and the Commonwealth. The Laski
Cowen, Sir Zelman Memorial Lecture, 1959. 2886
Human Rights in Democratic Societies. Dave, Narendra
Dayananda. A Re-assessment. 2975
Crozier, Brian
Democratic Research Service
The Pursuit of Plenty. The Sino-Indian
Communist Conspiracy at Madurai. An
Economic Race. 3084
analysis of the private proceedings of
the Third Congress of the CPI with full
text of Secret Documents. 2866

For a Democratic Foreign Policy. Speeches Diwakar, R. R.
Delivered in Parliament by Hirday Nath Democracy and Non-violence. The 1959
Kunzru, Syama Prasad Mookerjee, Mavalankar Memorial Lecture. 2883
N. G. Ranga, M. R. Masani, Frank
Anthony and P. Y. Deshpande. 2865 Dixit, K. K.
The Intellectual Evolution of Marx. 2613
Deo, Shankar
Fundamental Rights Demand Fundamental Dobb, Maurice
Duties. 3110 Some Aspects of Economic Development.
Three Lectures by Maurice Dobb. 2861
Desai, A. R.
Economic Functions of the State in the Third Dogra, Pandit Prem Nath
World Countries with Special Reference Presidential Address. 3rd Annual Session,
to India. 2957 Bharatya Jana Sangh. Jodhpur,
December 30th, 1954. 2314
Desai, Chandraprasad H.
Some Thoughts on Student Unrest. G. V. Dongerkery, S. R.
Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1966. The Role of the University Teacher in a
2922 Changing Society. 2904
Desai, Moraji Dutt, Kalpana
Out of the Clouds, Toward New Tasks. Chittagong Armoury Raiders.
Prime Minister’s Broadcast to the Nation Reminiscences. 2632
on April 4, 1977. 3023 Dutt, R. Palme
Deshpande, Bani Indian Elections. 2400
Communist Movement and the Indian Rajani Palme Dutt on Empire and
National Congress. 2788 Commonwealth. 3116
Deva, Acharya Narendra F
Presidential Address by Acharya Narendra
Deva. The Praja Socialist Party. Second Faizee, Shamim
National Conference. Gaya, December Parties of Right-Reaction. 2582
26, 1955. 2808 Farooqi, M.
Devanathan, N. Idol of False Promises. Indira Gandhi’s
Points to Ponder. Some Constitutional Slogans and Deeds. 2634
Issues. 3059 Indian Muslims. Problems and Trends. 2544
Devgun, Hardayal India’s Freedom Struggle and the
Corruption and Bhartiya Janta Party. 2722 Communist Party of India. 2569
Pakistan. Policies that Led to Break-up.
Dharia, Mohan
Afforestation in India. 2847 The Struggle for Building a Mass
Population Explosion. Most Serious Threat Communist Party. 2603
and Action Plan. 3115 What Should the Muslims Do in the Present
The Present Explosive Situation and the Situation? 2633
Way Out. 2955
Fundamental Rights Front
Dholakia, J. L. Fundamental Rights are for the Common
Some Aspects of Economic Growth in Man. 2739
Underdeveloped Countries. 2869
Dholakia, Kundanlal G
Thoughts on Parliamentary Procedure. 2956 Gadgil, D. R.
Divan, Anil B. Indian Planning and The Planning
Judiciary Vis à Vis Parliament and Commission. The Laski Memorial
Executive. 2730 Lecture, 1958. 2876

Gaekwad, Fatesinhrao Gokhale, H. R.
The Role and Responsibilities of the Princes Parliament is Supreme. Excerpts from the
in Republican India. 2940 speech of Union Minister of Law,
Gajendragadkar, P. B. Justice, and Company Affairs, Shri H. R.
Gokhale, while moving the Constitution
Advocates’ Association of Western India.
(Forty-fourth Amendment) Bill, 1976 for
Law, Lawyers and Judges. Inaugural
consideration in Rajya Sabha on
Address by The Hon’ble Mr. Justice P.
November 4, 1976. 3009
B. Gajendragadkar on the occasion of
the Centenary Celebrations of the Golden Tobacco Company Limited
Advocates’ Association of Western Menacing Multinationals in India. 2740
India. 2245 Golwalkar, M. S.
Parliament Can Amend Constitution. 3111 M. S. Golwalkar. Thoughts on Some Current
Gandhi, Rajiv Problems. 2825
Inaugural Speech by Congress President Shri Guruji on the Muslim Problem. Dr.
Shri Rajiv Gandhi and the Centenary Jeelany’s Interview with Shri M. S.
Resolve at Congress Centenary Golwalkar. 2823
Session, Indira Nagar (Brabourne Why Hindu Rashtra? Speech delivered by
Stadium) Bombay, December 28, 1985. Parama Poojaneeya Sarasangachalak
2290 Sri Guruji at Mercara, Karnatak on 25
Ganguli, B. N. November 1960. 2822
Rationality of Development Planning. 2987 Goray, N. G.
George, T. J. S. Archarya Narendra Dev. Father of
Revolt in Bihar. A Study of the August 1965 Democratic Socialism in India. 2815
Uprising. 3090 Gould, Harry L.
Ghosh, Ajoy Kumar Marxist Glossary (Third Revised Edition).
Bhagat Singh and his Comrades. 2372 3082
Forward to the Defence of Kerala and Indian Gour, Raj Bahadur
Democracy! 2432 Makhdoom. A Memoir. 2524
Some Questions of Party Policy. For Party “Mulki Tangle” in Andhra Pradesh. The
Members Only. Fourth Party Congress Communist Approach. 2546
Document No. 4. 2414 Working Class Under Congress Raj. 2439
Theories and Practice of the Socialist Party Government of Afghanistan
of India. 2397
Afghanistan. Land of Jirgahs. 3060
Ghosh, Sailen Draft of Main Aspects of Socio-economic
Focus on the public sector. 2422 development for years 1365–1369 HS
Gilmour, C. Edwin (1986–1991). 3061
The American Doctrine of Judicial Review Government of Bombay, Directorate of
and Contemporary Democratic Theory. Publicity
2971 Erandgaon. Story of Violence and Terror.
Giri, Swami Ishwarananda Communist Activity in Bombay State—2.
Our Lord, the Leader. Some Reflections on 3041
Ganeshopanishad. 2980 Planned Underground Organization.
Communist Activity in Bombay State—1.
Giri, V. V. 3040
Address by Dr. V. V. Giri, Governor of Uttar
Pradesh, at the Harold Laski Institute of Government of India
Political Science, Ahmedabad, on March Congress Responsibility for the
25, 1960. 2895 Disturbances, 1942–1943. (Published
Problems of Public Administration. 2923 with authority). 3005

Government of India, Department of Government of Kerala
Parliamentary Affairs The Agitation in Kerala. Its Real Nature and
Proceedings of the 4th All India Whips Reactions of the National Press. 3054
Conference, 1962. 3010 The Congress Role in th Kerala Agitation.
Proceedings of the Fifth All India Whips 3053
Conference, 1966. 3011 Ill-Informed Criticisms Against Communist
Proceedings of the Sixth All India Whips Government Refuted. E. M. S. Replies
Conference, 1967. 3012 Congress President Dhebar. 3052
Proceedings of the Seventh All India Whips Government of Maharashtra, Directorate
Conference, 1969. 3013 General of Information and Public Relations
Proceedings of the Eighth All India Whips New 20-point Programme in Maharashtra.
Conference, 1972. 3014 3055
Proceedings of the Ninth All India Whips’
Goyal, D. R.
Conference, Shimla, 1983. 3015
RSS. Bulwark of militant Communalism.
Proceedings of the Tenth All India Whips’
Conference, New Delhi, 1988. 3036
RSS. Indian version of Fascism. 3021
Government of India, Ministry of Education
Guha, Sunil
Education in Sri Lanka. New Horizons. 3017
India’s Food Problem. 2762
Government of India, Ministry of Home
Affairs Gupta, Bhupesh
Communist Violence in India. 3019 Aid to the study of programme of the CPSU
and some other problems of
Government of India, Ministry of Information international communist movement.
and Broadcasting 2451
Constitutional Reforms. 3035 Bhatinda Congress and Political
Milestones in Friendly Co-operation. Twenty Developments. 2643
Years of Indo-Soviet Diplomatic CPM’s Opportunism in Crisis. 2600
Relations. 3020 CPM Terror in West Bengal. 2525
The New 20 Point Programme. 3027 Draft Programme of the Communist Party of
Our Unshakable Commitment to India. Sixth Congress of the Communist
Democracy, Socialism and Secularism. Party of India. Vijayawada, April 7 to 16,
(Some Important Speeches of Rajiv 1961. 2446
Gandhi). 3028 Idol of False Promises. Indira Gandhi’s
Preserving India and Indianness. (Some Slogans and Deeds. 2634
Important Speeches of Smt. Indira India And American Aggression on Vietnam.
Gandhi). 3029 2485
The Shah Commission Final Report. Second Five Year Plan. A Critique. 2423
General Observations. 3024 Some Comments on Constitutional
Statement issued by the National Integration Changes. 2611
Conference (September–October,
25 Years of Independence and the
1961). 3030 Challenge of the Path. 2547
Taxes in 1979 Union Budget. The Rationale.
3025 Gupta, P. K.
Economic Development in India and China
Government of India, President’s Secretariat
(1950–1953). 2405
The Role of Governors. Report of the
Committee of Governors (1971). 3037 Gupta, Prabhat Das
CPM Terror in West Bengal. 2525
Government of Karnataka
Border Disputes. The True Story. Gupta, Prem Sagar
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala. 3050 Foreign Capital in India. 2398
The Karnataka Bills. 3051

Holyroyde, Derek
H The Role of Broadcasting in International
Harris, M. Affairs. The Third Annual Lecture, 1957.
Problems that Urbanisation Poses. 2887 2877
Hawthorne, Manning Husain, Zakir
John F. Kennedy. 2924 Ethics and the State. The Mavalankar
Memorial Lecture, 1960. 2888
Hedge, Ramakrishna
Coalition at the Centre. 3044 Hyde, Douglas
Need for a National Alternative. 3045 Red Challenge in India. 2860
Planning & States’ Rights. 3046 Hyder, Ghulam
Politics for the People. 2781 Politics of Jamaat-E-Islami-E-Hind. 2570
Preparing the Political Parties for the
Constitution. 3043
The Relevance of JP Today. 3047 Indian National Congress
Strong States Are Imperative For a Powerful Congress and the Second General
Centre. Speech Made by Shri Elections. 2761
Ramakrishna Hedge, Chief Minister of Election Manifesto. General Election 1991.
Karnataka in New Delhi on 16th Indian National Congress (I). 2771
September 1985. 3042 The Indian National Demand. Being a
The Terms of Reference of the Ninth Summary of the Nehru Reports and the
Finance Commission. A Correct Proceedings of the Naitonal Convention
Approach. 3048 held in Calcutta, in December 1928.
The Union’s Financial Assistance to the 2753
States. A Note on the Constitutional Keep the Flame Alive. A Thesis by a Group
Position. 3049 of Congress Workers. 2764
Hegde, K. S. List of Members of All India Congress
Judiciary and the People. 2738 Committee for 1964–1965. 2766
Report of Sub-committee on Democracy and
Hindu Mahasabha
Socialism. 2767
Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha. Address of
Report of the General Secretaries. February
Welcome by the Chairman of the
1966–January 1968. 2257
Reception Committee. Calcutta Session,
December 1949. 2742 Report of the General Secretaries, February
1968–March 1969. 2259
Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, 52nd
Session. Presidential Address by Braj Report of the General Secretaries, 1969.
Narayan Brajesh. Held on April 27–29, 2258
1969 at Nagpur. 2748 Report of the General Secretaries.
Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha 30th (December 1969–May 1970). 2262
Session at Bhopal (held on 28–30 Report of the General Secretaries. (June
December 1952). Full Text of 1970–September 1971). 2265
Resolutions. 2745 Report of the General Secretaries. (June
Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha 31st Session 1972–August 1973). 2274
Hyderabad (held on 7–9 May 1954). Full Report of the General Secretaries.
Text of Resolutions & The Report of the (September 1973–June 1974). 2278
Mahasabha. 2746 Report of the General Secretary. January
Full Text of Resolutions adopted by The 1964–December 1964. 2256
Working Committee on 10th & 11th Resolutions Passed by the All India
September 1949. 2743 Congress Committee, 9 and 10 May
Why Hindu Rashtra??? A Summary of 1955. 2757
Speech Delivered by Prof. V. G.
Deshpande, on the 28th May 1949, the
day on which Hindu Mahasabha
formally resumed politics. 2744

Resolutions Passed in the AICC Meeting Jethmalani, Ram
held on 6th and 7th December, 1980 in The Ghost of Misa. 3118
New Delhi. 2770
Josh, Sohan Singh
see also All India Congress Committee
My Meetings with Bhagat Singh and on
see also Congress Party in Parliament Other Early Revolutionaries. 2599
International Confederation of Free Trade Joshi, Murli Manohar
Unions. Asian Regional Organisation
Opening Remarks by Shri Murli Manohar
Communist Ministry and Trade Unions in Joshi; Resolution Adopted by the
Kerala. Impact of the Communist National Executive; Condolence;
Ministry on the trade union movement in Political. National Executive Meeting,
Kerala. 2774 New Delhi, 16 and 17 March, 25 and 26
Irani, Cushrow May and 20 and 21 June, 1991. 2349
Press and Politics. The G. V. Mavalankar Presidential Address by Dr. Murli Manohar
Memorial Lecture 1982. 2968 Joshi at the 5th National Convention,
Iyer, V. R. Krishna Jaipur, 1 February 1991. 2348
Daniel Come to Judgment. 3081 Presidential Address of Dr. Murli Manohar
Joshi; Opening Remarks by Dr. Murli
Parliament, Planning and the Law. The G. V.
Manohar Joshi. National Executive
Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1980.
Meeting, Thiruvanathapuram (KERALA),
September 28–30, 1991. 2346
Police in A Welfare State. Foreword by Sri
Presidential Remarks by Dr. Murli Manohar
N. C. Chatterjee. 3117
Joshi. National Executive Council
J Meeting, 13–15 March 1992, Sarnath
(Varanasi) U.P. 2350
Jacob, K. T.
Joshi, P. C.
Tiller Gets Land in Kerala. 2526
A Note on the Programme of the CPI. 2457
Jain, A. P.
Joshi, S. M.
Sikkim. Retrospects and Prospects. 3101
Towards Socialist Unity. 2936
Jammu and Kashmir Government,
Joshi, Subhadra
Directorate of Information
RSS. A Secret Para Military Organisation.
Why the Jammu and Kashmir Special
Powers (Press) Bill, 1989. 3058
Joshi, Umashankar J.
Jammu and Kashmir National Conference
Life as Revealed in Drama. Shri Pranlal
Kashmir—a human problem and a moral
Devkaran Nanjee Memorial Lecture.
issue. Speech of Sheikh Mohammed
Seventh Lecture. 3095
Abdullah. 2775
The Truth about Kashmir. 2776 K
Janata Party Kabir, Humayun
Janata Bulletin. 2778 India and Federalism. 2878
Promises. How Many Fulfilled? 2780
Kabra, Kamal Nayan
White Paper on the Toppling of State
Governments. Subversion of the Budget and the Crisis of Indian Economy.
Constitution. 2779 2580
Socialism and Development. Recent
Janata Party, Karnataka State Experience. 2578
Congress (I)’s Double Standards on
Propriety & Respect for the Judiciary. A Kamaraj, K.
Study. 2783 The Nehru Legacy. A Symposium. 3092
Rajiv Gandhi. An Introduction. 2782 Towards Socialism (A Compilation). 2712
Japheth, M. D. Kamath, M. V.
Gandhism as a Practical Force and Factor. The Face of Indian Communalism. 2972

Kamath, P. M. Kodian [Kodiyan], P. K.
American Foreign Policy. Who Makes It? Atrocities on Harijans and Weaker Sections.
The 31st Annual Lecture. 2976 2622
Rural Poor and the New Programme. 2588
Kamil, Mir Zahid Ali
Communal Problem in Hyderabad. 3119 Kolpe, S. B.
Ramnath Goenka. A Fraud on Indian Press,
Kant, Krishan
Politics and People. 3120
The Present System. Its Central Point of Rot
and Resurgence. The G. V. Mavalankar Kothari, D. S.
Memorial Lecture, 1981. 2963 Science and the Community. G. V.
Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1965.
Kapoor, Bishan
Naxalism. Ideology of Violence. 3034
Kothari, Ranji
Karaka, D. F.
Reflections on a New Kind of Revolution.
Freedom Must Not Stink. 3069 2931
Katju, Kailas Nath Kripalani, Acharya J. B.
The Unity of India. Political and Cultural. The The Future of Congress. 2754
Fifth Annual Lecture, 1959. 2889
Menace on Northern Border. Text of a
Kavina, Saros B. D. speech delivered in the Lok Sabha on
Race Relations in South Africa. 2941 Sept. 12, 1959. 2777
Kerala Democratic Front Krishna, Raj
Kerala Democratic Front. 2785 Non-violence, War and Peace. G. V.
Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1963.
True Picture of the Situation in Kerala (A
Rejoinder). 2786 Krishnan, N. K.
A Keralite CPM’s Opportunism in Crisis. 2600
Kerala Congress Muddle. 3087 Recognize Kampuchea. 2679

Khair, G. S. Kumar, P. J.
GITA. My Research and Interpretation. 2964 Manifesto of National Socialist Congress.
Khan, Nasir Ahmad
Kumaramangalam, S. Mohan
Middle Classes in India. 3056
Constitutional Amendments. The Reason
Khanna, H. R. Why. 2266
The Reform of the Judiciary. 2729 Democracy and Cult of Individual. 3093
Khare, S. C. The Holding Company. 3121
Limits of Central Governments Discretion in India’s Language Crisis (An Introductory
Appointment of Chief Justice and Study). 3091
Judges of Supreme Court and High Judicial Appointments. An Analysis of the
Court. 2367 Recent Controversy over the
Khet Mazdoor Union Appointment of the Chief Justice of
First Conference of Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor India. 3102
Union. Moga, 27–29 September 1968. New Model for Governmental Administration
2787 of Industry. 3103
Kini, N. G. S. L
Social and Political Change. The Challenge
to and Response of Political Science in Lahiri, Pratul
India. 2930 Nicaragua. A Revolutionary Decade. 2674
Kishore, Nawal Lakhanpal, P. L.
Anand Marg. Soiling the Saffron Robe. 3008 Communist Conspiracy in Kashmir. “Bakshi
to be Liquidated?” 3078
Anand Marg—the truth. 3007

Lal, Mukut Behari Why Jansangh. Akhil Bhartiya Jansangh.
An Appraisal of the Third Five Year Plan. Prati Nidhi Sabha Session. Oct. 14,
3083 1979. Presidential Speech of Prof. Bal
Raj Madhok. 2319
Laliwala, Jaferhusen I.
Monetary Impact of P. L. 480 Finance. 2932 Mahajan, Mehr Chand
Accession of Kashmir to India. 3003
Lalvani, K. T.
Beyond No One’s Reach. 3096 Mahendra, K. L.
BMS is Anti-worker. 2649
Laski, Harold J.
Defeat the RSS Fascist Designs. 2562
What I Believe and Stand For. 2985
Mahmud, Syed
Harold Laski Institute of Political Science
All India Muslim Convention. Presidential
The Congress President and the Laski
Address by Dr. Syed Mahmud. June 10,
Institute. 2902
1961. 2311
Free India’s First Speaker. 2981
G. V. Mavalankar. Father of the Lok Sabha. Mahtab, Harekrushna
2874 The Road Ahead. 2755
The Harold Laski Institute First Decade. A Majumdar, Raman
Brief Report of the Activities of the National Liberation Struggle in Southern
Institute. 2917 Africa. 2623
The Laski Institute. A Brochure Giving a Malaviya, H. D.
General Outline of the Nature and Work
CIA. Its Real Face. 3104
of the Harold Laski Institute of Political
Science, Ahmedabad. 2894 Insurance Business in India. 2758
Parliamentary Democracy in India. A Problems of Economic Development in Afro-
Symposium. 2871 Asian Countries. Presented to the
Second Conference of Afro-Asian
Problems of Secularism. Seminar Papers
Peoples’ Solidarity (Conakry, April 11–
and Report. 2939
15, 1960). 2805
Leibson, Boris The Swatantra Party. Its Real Character and
International Unity of Communists. 2660 Designs. 2828
Leonidov, A. Malaviya, K. D.
Truth About British Socialism. 2376 Democracy and Socialism. Draft Resolution
Leuva, Raghavji T. for the 68th Session of the Indian
The Question Hour. The Fourteenth Annual National Congress at Bhubaneshwar.
Lecture. 2933 2772

Lohia, Rammanohar Malhotra, Avtar Singh

Aspects of Socialist Policy. 2838 Punjab. 16 Martyrs of CPI. They Gave Their
Lives for Communal Amity and National
India and Pakistan. 2833
Integrity. 2665
Longo, Luigi
Masani, M. R.
Italian Road to Socialism. Report of Luigi
The Missed Opportunity. The Central
Longo. 2527
Budget 1967–68. 2844
M Masani, Minoo
Madhok, Balraj The Essence of Democracy. 2984
Nationalism, Democracy and Social Party Politics in India. 2905
Change. 2320 Socialism Reconsidered. 3068
Polarise or Perish. Indian Politics after the Mavalankar, Anand P.
1967 Elections and the need for International Political Economy. A Critical
Polarisation. 2737 Introduction. 2977

Mavalankar, G. V. Mishra, S. N.
Democratic Experiment in Parliamentary The Crisis, The Country, The Congress. A
Procedure and Life in Republican India. Thesis on Post-Election Crisis. 2719
2982 Mitra, Pratap
The Office of the Speaker. 2983 Communist Party and Naxalites. 2534
Mavalankar, P. G. Mittal, Sat Paul
Tasks Before the New State of Gujarat. State of Population in India. Presented at
2898 the First Asian Conference of
Mehrotra, K. P. Parliamentarians on Population and
On Employees’ State Insurance Scheme. Development, Beijing. Oct. 27–30, 1981.
3079 2752

Mehta, Asoka Mody, Piloo

India and Pakistan. 2833 From Freedom to Bondage. Indo-Soviet
Treaty and the Indian Sub-Continent.
India in the Changing World. 3004
Mehta, Chiman Bhai
Mohan, Jag
High Taxation Leads to Smuggling,
25 Years GDR. 1949–1974. 3105
Corruption, High Cost Economy. 2721
Mookerjee, Syama Prasad
Mehta, Dinkar
A Phase of the India Struggle. How the
Marxism and Its Application to Indian
Indian Constitution Works. 3039
Conditions. 2973
The 26th Session of All India Hindu
Mehta, G. L. Mahasabha. 1944. Presidential Address
Harold Laski Revisited. The Sixth Annual by Syamaprasad Mookerjee. 24
Lecture. 2890 December 1944. 2741
Mehta, Jyotindra M. Mukerjee, Hiren
Political and Economic Implications of Our Proletarian Internationalism. 2680
Constitution. 2879
Mukharji, P. B.
Mehta, Usha The Indian Constitution and Judiciary. 2727
Social and Political Thought of Sarvodaya.
Mukherjee, A. N.
Sino-Indian Relations and Communists.
Menon, C. Achuta 2993
The Kerala Agrarian Relations Bill. An
Mukherjee, Sadhan
Interpretation. 2427
Fascism and the Politics of Power. 2579
What Happened in Kerala. Review of the 30
months of Namboodiripad Government. Israel’s Proxy War for USA. PLO-Lebanese
2521 Fight Back. 2656
Menace of Multinationals. 2614
Menon, K. P. S.
Parties of Right-Reaction. 2582
Tashkent. An Episode or An Epitome? 2991
Recognize Kampuchea. 2679
Minhas, B. S. SADR. Blossoms in the Desert. Saharawi
Whither Indian Planning? 2988 People Fight For Freedom. 2673
Mishra, Girish US-Sino-Pak Axis Threatens India. 2644
Budget and the Crisis of Indian Economy. Munshi, K. M.
2580 Address by Shri K. Munshi, Governor of
Indian Economy and the Janata Party Raj. Uttar Pradesh, on International
2624 Relations and India’s Approach at The
Rural Poor and the New Programme. 2588 Harold Laski Institute of Political
Twenty-Point Programme and Democratic Science, Ahmedabad, on August 30,
Advance. 2601 1956. 2870
Why Pricerise? 2635

Bombay High Court. Half a Century of National Marxist Association of India
Reminiscences. 3085 C. P. I.’s Secret Plan for a Revolution in
Warnings of History. Trends in Modern India. The Draft Programme of the
India. 2724 Communist Party of India. 2796
Murthi [Murti], V. V. Ramana Traitors to the Cause. White Paper on the
Common Sense about Defence. 2884 Communist Party of India’s Position in
India-China Border Dispute. 2792
Relevance of Gandhism. 2937
White Paper on Vijayawada. 2794
N National Marxist Association of India, Delhi
Naidu, M. A. Branch
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed. 3106 Self-Confession. White Paper on the
Communist Party of India’s Position in
Namboodiripad, E. M. S. Delhi State. 2793
Agrarian Reforms. A Study of the Congress
and Communist Approach. 2418 National Marxist Association of India, West
Bengal Branch
Anti-Communist Gang-up in Kerala.
Betrayers of U.F. Set Up Anti-people First White Paper on the West Bengal
Govt. 2696 Communist Party. 2795
Communism and Social Democracy. Is the Nehru, Jawaharlal
Gulf Really Wide? 2681 All India Convention, Delhi, March 19, 1937.
Communist Party and States Presidential Address. 2247
Reorganisation. 2415 Report of the Linguistic Provinces
Democracy and Constitution (Forty-second Committee appointed by the Jaipur
Amendment Bill). 2366 Congress (Dec. 1948). 2756
On Organisation. 2406 Report to the All India Congress Committee.
On the Agrarian Question in India. 2399 2251
The Peasant in National Economic Nijalingappa, S.
Construction. 2407 Presidential Address. Indian National
Peasants Meet at Moga. 2408 Congress, Seventy-first Session.
The Programme Explained. 2688 January 1968. 2768
What Really Happened in Kerala. The story Nizami, Z. Ahmad
of the disruptive game played by Jamaat-e-Islami. Spearhead of separatism.
Rightwing Communists. 2480 3022
Narain, Braj
The All India Hindu Maha Sabha. 53rd
Annual Session. Jodhpur, 22 August An Observer [Communist Party of India]
1970. Presidential Address by Shri Pt. Truth about the Peace Corps. 2508
Braj Narain ‘Brajesh’. 2749
Ogden, Frederic D.
Narayan, Jayaprakash Voting Behavior in the United States. 2880
India and Pakistan. 2833
Osmania University
Narayan, Shriman Do the Constitutions of Great Democracies
India and Nepal. G. V. Mavalankar Memorial Facilitate Despotic Rule? Lectures
Lecture, 1968. 2934 Delivered by P. Jaganmohan Reddy.
A Plea for Ideological Clarity. 2763 2999
Narayana, Lakshami Ostergaard, Geoffrey
Betrayal of the Basic Congress by the Latter-Day Anarchism. Politics of the
Present Congress. 3094 American Beat Generation. 2914
National Institute of Community Oza, Ghanashyambhai
Development Prospects and Potentialities in Gujarat
Perspectives on the National Emergency. During the Seventies. 2946

P Parkash, Satya
The Russian Revolution. 2997
Pai, M. R.
Parvate, T. V.
Democracy and Good Citizenship. 2959
Gopal Krishna Gokhale’s Missions Abroad.
Time Management. 2728 2969
Paliwal, Om Prakash Pataskar, H. V.
China’s Wrong Conception of India. 2751 Relations of the Party with Government in
Palkhivala, N. A. Parliamentary Democracy Under Our
Centre-State Relations. A Broad Constitution. 3097
Perspective. 2731 Working of the Indian Constitution. 2899
Essential Unity of All Religions. Foreword by Patel, Dahyabhai V.
Swami Ranganathananda. 2363 From Freedom to Bondage. Indo-Soviet
The Fundamental Rights Case. 2725 Treaty and the Indian Sub-Continent.
Palmer, Norman D. 2846
Indo-American Relations in the Seventies. Patel, H. M.
2947 Democracy at Work in India. 2900
Pandit, Ramu Patel, Sardar Vallabhbhai
Economics of Growth. A Brief Theoretical Report of the Linguistic Provinces
Survey. 2891 Committee appointed by the Jaipur
Panikkar, K. B. Congress (Dec. 1948). 2756
An Outline of the History of the A.I.T.U.C. Pathak, Devavrat N.
2306 Development. The Challenge of Our Times.
Panikkar, K. M. The Laski Memorial Lecture 1983. 2970
Indian Doctrines of Politics. The First Annual Patil, R. K.
Lecture Delivered in the Premabhai Hall Land Reforms in India. Objectives,
on 22 July 1955. 2868 Methodology and Results. 2942
In 1857. 2872
Patnaik, Biju
Parakal, Pauly V. Kamaraj Plan. Party and the People. 3122
Budget and the Crisis of Indian Economy.
Peace and Socialism
They Gave Their Lives for the Cause
Parties of Right-Reaction. 2582
(Profiles of Communists). 3000
RSS. Double-talk Exposed. 2636
Studies in Indian Monopolies. 2531 People’s Union for Civil Liberties
Ten Glorious Years of Kerala UF Black Laws. 1984–1985. 2799
Government. In the Service of People. JP Memorial Lectures. 2800
2637 Know PUCL. 2801
UNCTAD and Developing Countries. 2506 Phadke, Y. D.
Parameswaran, S. Portrait of a Revolutionary. Senapati Bapat.
Peasant Question in Kerala. 2388 The Senapati Bapat Birth-Centenary
Lecture. 2965
Paranjape, Y. S.
Your Country and Its Defence. The National Pohekar, G. S.
Democrats. Day to Day Pamphlets. India’s Relations with Asia and Africa. Laski
2791 Memorial Lecture, 1964. 2915
Parikh, G. D. Potdar, D. V.
Some Thoughts on the Problem of National The Place and Purpose of History in Our
Integration. The Laski Memorial Lecture, Education. 2907
1961. 2906
Parikh, Rasiklal U.
Land Policy. 2892

Praja Socialist Party Q
Election Manifesto. Praja Socialist Party.
2817 Quami, Gopal Singh
Facts on Lohia’s Attempt at Disrupting the Communism, Religion and Civil Liberties.
P. S. P. 2807 2248
On the Move. 2813 R
Policy Statement. (Adopted by the Second
National Conference of the Praja Radical Democratic Party
Socialist Party held at Gaya, 26–30 An Appeal to the Educated Middle-Class.
December 1955). 2809 2819
Praja Socialist Party Ninth National Rai, Charanjit
Conference. December 30–31, 1967;
The Missed Opportunity. The Central
January 1, 1968. Kanpur. General
Budget 1967–68. 2844
Secretary’s Report. 2814
Report of the Fourth National Conference of Raj, K. N.
the Praja Socialist Party. Poona, May India Pakistan and China. Economic Growth
25–28, 1958. 2811 and Outlook. 2995
Report of the Third National Conference of Rajagopalachari
the Praja Socialist Party. Bangalore, Our Culture. 2362
November 25–28, 1956. 2810
Rajimwale, Anil
A Socialist Alternative. PSP Election
World Communist Movement. 1876–1914.
Manifesto 1967. 2812
Statement of Policy. 2806
Ram, Jagjivan
Prakasa, Sri
Indian National Congress. 73rd Plenary
Democracy and Parliamentary Government.
Session at Bombay (26–29 December
The Mavalankar Memorial Lecture,
1969). Presidential Address by Shri
1957. 2873
Jagjivan Ram. 2769
Personal Behavior. 2759
Prakash, Anand
Jai People’s Bangla Desh. 3099
State Regulation of Industrial Disputes in
India. Suggestions for Reform. The Ramamurti, P.
Laski Memorial Lecture, 1968. 2935 What Dange-Programme Reveals. A real
face of Revisionists. A Criticism. 2465
Prakash, Indra
Draft Programme of the Communist Party of
Hindu Mahasabha its Contribution to India’s
India. Sixth Congress of the Communist
Politics. 2747
Party of India. Vijayawada, April 7 to 16,
Prasad, Rajendra 1961. 2446
Constructive Program. Some Suggestions. Ramarao, G. J.
Menace of Multinationals. 2614
Press Institute of India, Press Information Twenty-Point Programme and Democratic
Bureau Advance. 2601
Mass Media and Communal and Ethnic
Tensions. 3001
Congress and Communism. The Mounting
Prokash Tide of Communist Threat. Need for
On Our Programme. C. P. I. Discussion Congress Vigilance. 2841
Pamphlet No. 1. 2389 Gandhism and Communism. Principles and
Puri, Balraj Technique. 3080
Communism in Kashmir. 2992 Rana, A. P.
Nehru and International Political
Modernization. A View from the
Seventies. 2958

Ranadive, B. T. Reddy, K. V. Raghunatha
India and the Unecafe Conference. 2384 Drift to Disaster. A Page from Recent
Nehru Govt Declares War against Toilers. History. 2798
Communist Party Attacked as People’s
Reddy, N. Rajeskhar
Vanguard. Defeat the Capitalist-
Landlord Offensive. 2377 What is CPI’s Programme? 2583
On Marx’s Teachings. 2707 Reddy, O. Chinappa
Sarvodaya and Communism. 2428 Liberty Versus Equality. Rebala
Why No Nationalisation? Government’s Lakshminarasa Reddy Endowment
Industrial Policy Examined. 2383 Lectures. Delivered by O. Chinappa
Reddy, Judge, Supreme Court of India,
Rao, B. Shiva New Delhi, on Saturday, the 22nd
The Challenge to Democracy. 3075 March 1986 at Sri Venkateswara
Rao, C. Rajeswara University. 3002
Defeat Separatist Conspiracy in Andhra. Reddy, Ravi Narayan
2563 Heroic Telegana. Reminiscences &
The Historic Telegana Struggle. Some Experiences. 2564
Useful Lessons from Its Rich
Reoch, Richard
Experience. 2548
Punishment for Free Opinions. 2948
Parties of Right-Reaction. 2582
Problems of India’s Agrarian Sector. 2528 Rivett, Kenneth
RSS and Jana Sangh. A Menace to the Economics and Economy. Three Lectures
Unity, Integrity, Secular Democratic Set- on the Scope and Method of Economics
up and Progress of our Motherland. and its Relation to Social Philosophy.
2516 2881
Rao, G. J. Rama Robinson, Joan
India and the Two Pythons. 2657 Marx, Marshall and Keynes. 2862
Rao, N. Prasada Roy, Ajit
Focus on agriculture. 2424 Nationalisation of Banking Monopolies. An
Progress of Land Reform. A Critical Review. Urgent Task. 3124
2438 Roy, M. N.
Rao, U. V. Future of Democracy in India. 2818
Social Responsibilities of Business. 2733 Roy, S.
Rao, Y. V. Krishna Will India Remain Hindu by 2000 A. D.?
Problems of India’s Agrarian Sector. 2528 3125
Rashid, Abdul Roy, Satya
In the Crucible of Judgement. 3123 Notes on the History of Communist Party of
the Soviet Union, 1890–1924. 2682
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
Justice on Trial. A Collection of the Historic S
Letters between Sri Guruji and the
Sahni, Bhisham
Government (1948–49). 2821
Cultural Contacts Across the Himalayas
RSS. Spearheading National Renaissance.
(Indo-Soviet Co-operation in the Field of
Culture). 2990
The RSS Constitution. 2826
Sahni, J. N.
Reddi, N. Rajasekhara
The Kashmir Problem. 2867
The Struggle for Building a Mass
Communist Party. 2603 Saiyidain, K. G.
The Human Condition. 2925

Samber, Bhupinder Saveliev, N.
Punjab. 16 Martyrs of CPI. They Gave Their National Bourgeoisie and the Development
Lives for Communal Amity and National of State Capitalism. 2449
Integrity. 2665 Schallenberg, Wolfgang
Sane, G. D. The Austrian Concept of Neutrality. The
The Indian Working Class. Size and Shape. Laski Memorial Lecture 1978. 2960
2308 Sehanavis, Chinmohan
Santhanam, K. Fifty Years of Communist Press. 2584
Fundamental Rights and the Indian Lenin and India. 3098
Constitution. 2938 Socialism and India. 1832–1917. 3112
The Weaker Aspects of the Indian
Selsam, Howard
Constitution. 2926
Do Ends Justify Means? 2425
Sarabhai, Vikram A.
Sen, Bhowani
The Security of Developing Countries. The
Laski Memorial Lecture, 1965. 2927 Problems of India’s Agrarian Sector. 2528
The Truth about CPM. A Critique of the
Sardesai, D. R. Ideological-Political Line of the
India’s New Image and Role in South East Communist Party of India (Marxist).
Asia. 2949 2549
Sardesai, S. G. Sen, Mohit
Class Struggle and Caste Conflict in Rural The Chinese Revolution and Maoism. 2585
Areas. 2638 Communist Party and Naxalites. 2534
Devaluation. The Great Betrayal. 2486 Congress Socialism. Appraisal and Appeal.
Eighty-one Parties Statement and 2602
Differences in the International CPM’s Opportunism in Crisis. 2600
Communist Movement. 2452
Dollar’s Downfall and Gold Rush. 2507
Fascist Menace and Democratic Unity. 2529
The Indian Revolution. Review and
For the Unity of the World Communist Perspectives. 2530
Movement. Against Dogmatism and
The New Line and the Dogmatists. A
Splittism. Draft Report on the Ideological
Critique of the Chinese Position in the
Controversy in the International
World Communist Debate on Problems
Communist Movement. Submitted to the
of Marxism-Leninism. 2459
Ideological Commission of the National
Council of the Communist Party of India. The People’s March to Delhi. 2565
2458 Twenty-Point Programme and Democratic
India and the Russian Revolution. 2493 Advance. 2601
India’s Path to Socialism. 2487 Sen, Ranen
Marxism and the Role of the Working Class CPM Terror in West Bengal. 2525
in India. 2650 Sengupta, Sunil
The Nehru Five Year Plan. 2390 Budget and the Crisis of Indian Economy.
Student Upsurge and Indian Revolution. 2580
2310 Famine-Hunger-Growth. A Study of Food
Sarkar, Jagannath Situation in India. 2587
Neither Janata Nor Congress But a Left- Rural Poor and the New Programme. 2588
Democratic National Alternative. 2639 Twenty-Point Programme and Democratic
Sarma, S. Advance. 2601
Foreign Investments in India. 3072 Seshadri, K.
CPI’s Contribution to Socio-Political Ideas in
Sathe, S. P.
Indian Politics. 2664
Democracy and Constitution (Forty-second
Amendment Bill). 2366 Seth, K. N.
RSS. In its own mirror. 3031

Sethi, J. D. Saboteurs of Land Reforms? [Secret
Gandhian Values and 20th Century Confidential letter dated February 1,
Challenges (Two Lectures broadcast 1966 addressed to Late Shri K. Kamraj
from All India Radio). Patel Memorial Nadar, former President, AICC.] 2304
Lectures, 1979. 3026 Underlying Philosophy of the Budget. 3018
Shah, A. B. Singh, Darbara
Liberty in the Modern State. The Ninth Harare Summit of Non-Aligned Movement
Annual Lecture, 1963. 2916 and India. 2293
Shah, K. T. Singh, Gurmukh Nihal
The Economic Background. 3066 Laski—The Teacher and the Political
Shah, Madhuri R. Scientist with a postcript on “The
Dangers of Democracy in India.” The
Challenges to Higher Education in A
Laski Memorial Lecture 1957 Delivered
Changing India. 2734
on the occasion of the unveiling
Shankar, Kripa Ceremony of Prof. Harold Laski’s
Studies in Indian Monopolies. 2531 Portrait at the Harold Laski Institute of
Shankar, V. Gauri Political Science, Ahmedabad. 2875
Menace of Multinationals. 2614 The Partition and Freedom of India.
Address delivered on the Fifth
Sharma, Shanker Dayal Foundation Day of the Indian School of
Nehru’s Internal Impact on India as Prime International Studies, New Delhi. 2989
Minister. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial
Singh, Kartar
Lecture, 1989. Delivered by Dr. Shanker
Dayal Sharmar at Union Society Kashmir and Imperialist Intervention. 2401
Building, Trinity College, Cambridge, Singh, Khushwant
13 November 1989. 3038 Many Faces of Communalism. 2857
Sharma, Yogindra Singh, Ram
The Struggle for Building a Mass Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha 55th Annual
Communist Party. 2603 Session, Prayeg, May 12–14, 1973.
Shenoy, B. R. Presidential Address by Prof. Ram
Stability of the Indian Rupee. A Review of Singh. 2750
the Foreign Exchange Situation. 2885 Singh, Sardar Swaran
Shyam, Manjula Amendments to the Constitution of India.
Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea. 2854
2961 Constitution Amendment. From the Kengal
Hanumanthaiya Endowment Lecture
Shyamnandan delivered at the Bangalore University on
RSS. The National Urge. 2820 August 21, 1976. 2283
Siddiqi, Atiq Singh, Satindra
Bakshi’s Case X-Rayed. The Canard that The Communist Solar System. 3133
Failed. 3126
Singh, Tarlok
Singer, J. David Integration of Economic Development Plans.
Arms Control Negotiations and the Third The Laski Memorial Lecture, 1963. 2910
World. 2978
Sinha, Bejoy Kumar
Singh, Ayodhya Indian Renaissance. A Marxist Approach.
India’s National Movement. A Short 2666
Account. 2589
Singh, Charan
A Charge-Sheet against the Government of
India headed by Mrs. Indira Gandhi.

Sinha, Indradeep Sokhey, S. S.
Crisis of Capitalist Path in India. Policy The Indian Drug Industry and Its Future.
Alternatives. 2658 2433
Real Face of JP’s ‘Total Revolution’. 2571 Spratt, Philip
Some Questions Concerning Marxism and The Communist ‘Peace’ Appeal. Its Real
the Peasantry. 2659 Character. 2864
Sinha, J. M. L. Student of Public Affairs
The Constitution, The Judiciary and The Has Congress Failed? A Historical Survey of
People. JP Memorial Lecture, 1982. the Years 1918–1939. 3067
Sukthankar, Y. N.
Sinha, K. K. Human Nature and Politics. Mavalankar
Is Communist Unity Possible? 2994 Lecture Series, 1960. 2896
Sinha, R. K. Sundarayya, P.
The Challenge and the Response. An A Contribution to Ideological Debate. 2708
Objective Reappraisal of Shrimati The Land Question. 2302
Gandhi’s Leadership and the
Reply from Prison. 2683
Proclamation of Internal Emergency.
3107 Surjeet, Harkishan Singh
Sirsikar, V. M. Agricultural Workers. Their Problems and
the 20-point Programme. 2303
Behavioural Approach to the Study of Indian
Politics. The Thirteenth Annual Lecture. What Dange-Programme Reveals. A real
2928 face of Revisionists. A Criticism. 2465

Sitaramaya, Pattabhi Swatantra Party

Report of the Linguistic Provinces Swatantra Party. Executive Committees and
Committee appointed by the Jaipur Councils at National, State/Regional
Congress (Dec. 1948). 2756 Levels (1970–1972). 2845
Swatantra Party. Souvenir, 1961. 2843
Sobolev, A.
Some Forms of Transition from Capitalism Syed, Ayub
to Socialism. With an Introduction by June 26. New Outlook. 3108
Ajoy Ghosh. 2419 T
Socialist Party
Controls. End or Mend? 2834 Tagore, Saumyendranath
Forward to a Mass Socialist Party (The New The Modern and the Contemporary in Life
and Literature. 2950
Party Constitution) 1949. 2831
Rabindranath Tagore and Universal
People’s Health. 2835
Humanism. 2842
Policy Statement. 2829
Prices and Production. 2836 Tahilrammi, Parsam V.
Programme. 2830 Sind Provincial Congress Committee.
Resolutions. Seventh Annual Conference. Circular Letter, 16th December 1947.
Patna, March 6–10, 1949. 2832 2827
Statement of Principles. 2839 Tarkunde, V. M.
We Build for Socialism. Platform of the Democracy and Constitution (Forty-second
Socialist Party. 2837 Amendment Bill). 2366
Sohoni, S. V. “Democratic” Elections in Bihar. Report to
the Nation on Banka By-election 1986.
The Ombudsman in India. 2974

Tata, Naval H. V
Business-Government Understanding. 2732
Vafa, A.
Taylor, Carl C. Soviet Scholars on Mohandas Karamchand
A Critical Analysis of India’s Community Gandhi. M. K. Gandhi’s Views and
Development Programme. 3006 Activities as They are Studied in the
Thacker, Premjibhai B. USSR. 3062
Kutch and Its Economy. 2893 Vajpayee, Atal Behari
Thakur, Gopal A Charge-Sheet against the Government of
Bhagat Singh. The Man and His Idea. 2402 India headed by Mrs. Indira Gandhi.
Thapar, Romesh Opening Remarks by Shri A. B. Vajpayee;
Storm over Hyderabad. 3070 Resolutions by National Executive.
Thomson, Sir John National Executive Meeting, New Delhi,
Diplomacy in Democracies. The 27th Annual 4–6 January 1985. 2327
Lecture. 2966 Presidential Address of Atal Bihari
Vajpayee. Bharatiya Janata Party, Fifth
Tikekar, S. R.
National Council Session, Indore (M.P.),
Our Parliamentary Progress [Four Lok
6, 7, and 8 January 1984. 2324
Sabhas, 1952–1970]. 2943
Secularism. The Indian Concept. 2353
Tope, T. K. Speeches of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee,
Union-State Relations. The G. V. Swamy Chinmayanand, Shri Lal Krishan
Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1972. Advani on Ayodhya Issue. 2355
Vakil, C. N.
Trachtenberg, Alexander The Human Factor in Economic
History of May Day. 2403 Develoment. The Seventh Annual
Trikamdas, Purshottam Lecture, 1961. 2901
The Face of Communism. 2816 Vanarai: People’s Movement for Green India
Trivedi, R. S. Collective Oath for Integrated Development.
Student-Services in the Universities. 2952 2848
Govt. of India–U.N.D.P. Conference on
U Some Priority Issues of Environmental
Protection. 2849
Ulyanovsky, R. A.
Vanarai. People’s Movement to Green India.
National Bourgeoisie and the Development
of State Capitalism. 2449
Vanarai. Sinhagad-Panshet Green Valley
[Union of Soviet Socialist Republics], Project. 2850
Information Department of the USSR in India
Varga, E.
Once More on the Historical Experience of
the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. An Marxism and the General Crisis of
Appraisal of the Fundamental Course of Capitalism. 2378
Revolution and Construction in the Varma, S. P.
Soviet Union, Of Stalin’s Merits and Bangladesh and the Emerging International
Mistakes, Of the Struggle Against Political System. 2953
Dogmatism and Revisionism and of the
Venkataraman, R.
Basis of International Solidarity of the
The Role of a Private Member of Parliament.
Proletariat of All Lands. 3063
Verghese, B. G.
Growth of Industries in India. 3073
Tomorrow’s Concerns. 3016
Usmani, Shaukat
I Met Stalin Twice. 3076

Vyas, H. K.
Communist Reply to Tata Memorandum.
Incendiary Hand of the RSS and Jana
Sangh Behind Communal Riots. 2517
Vishwa Hindu Parishad. The RSS Broad
Outfit for Spreading Militant Aggressive
Hindu Communal Poison. 2661
Yajnik, K. S.
College Education for All in India. 2911

The following index is an alphabetical list of the titles of pamphlets in this microform publication.
Each entry includes the title of the pamphlet and the item number (in boldface type). By referring to
the Reference Bibliography, which constitutes the first section of this guide, researchers will find a full
bibliographic citation for each pamphlet, arranged by item number.

Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, 52nd Session.

A Presidential Address by Braj Narayan
Abani Mukherji. A Dauntless Revolutionary and Brajesh. Held on April 27–29, 1969 at
Pioneering Communist. 2597 Nagpur. 2748
Accession of Kashmir to India. 3003 Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha 30th Session at
Address by Dr. V. V. Giri, Governor of Uttar Bhopal (held on 28–30 December 1952).
Pradesh, at the Harold Laski Institute of Full Text of Resolutions. 2745
Political Science, Ahmedabad, on March 25, Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha 31st Session
1960. 2895 Hyderabad (held on 7–9 May 1954). Full
Address by Shri K. Munshi, Governor of Uttar Text of Resolutions & The Report of the
Pradesh, on International Relations and Mahasabha. 2746
India’s Approach at The Harold Laski Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha 55th Annual
Institute of Political Science, Ahmedabad, on Session, Prayeg, May 12–14, 1973.
August 30, 1956. 2870 Presidential Address by Prof. Ram Singh.
Afforestation in India. 2847 2750
Afghanistan. Land of Jirgahs. 3060 Aligarh Muslim University Brochure. 2853
Afghanistan’s National Fatherland Front. All India Congress Committee. Addresses, 1929.
Documents of the Founding Congress. 2246
Kabul, 15–16 June 1981. 2651 All India Congress Committee. Addresses, 1946.
After the rigged Elections. Face the Ordeal with 2249
Courage and Determination. 2711 All India Convention, Delhi, March 19, 1937.
The Agitation in Kerala. Its Real Nature and Presidential Address. 2247
Reactions of the National Press. 3054 The All India Hindu Maha Sabha. 53rd Annual
Agrarian Reforms. A Study of the Congress and Session. Jodhpur, 22 August 1970.
Communist Approach. 2418 Presidential Address by Shri Pt. Braj Narain
Agricultural Workers. Their Problems and the ‘Brajesh’. 2749
20-point Programme. 2303 All India Muslim Convention. Presidential
Aid to the study of programme of the CPSU and Address by Dr. Syed Mahmud. June 10,
some other problems of international 1961. 2311
communist movement. 2451 Amendments to the Constitution of India. 2854
Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha. Address of Amendments to the Party Programme. Adopted
Welcome by the Chairman of the Reception by the Central Committee for placing before
Committee. Calcutta Session, December the Fourth Party Congress. Fourth Party
1949. 2742 Congress Document No. 1. 2416

The American Doctrine of Judicial Review and Bhatinda Congress and Political Developments.
Contemporary Democratic Theory. 2971 2643
American Foreign Policy. Who Makes It? The Bhowani Sen. Tributes. 2551
31st Annual Lecture. 2976 BJP Meets Indian Industry on April 27, 1993.
The American Party System. 2882 2357
An Analysis of India’s New Economic Policy. Black Laws. 1984–1985. 2799
2735 BMS is Anti-worker. 2649
An Analysis of the Armed Struggle in Punjab. Bombay High Court. Half a Century of
2684 Reminiscences. 3085
Anand Marg. Soiling the Saffron Robe. 3008 Border Disputes. The True Story. Maharashtra,
Anand Marg—the truth. 3007 Karnataka, Kerala. 3050
Annual Report and Accounts, 1964–65. 2717 Budget and the Crisis of Indian Economy. 2580
Annual Report and Accounts for 1959–1960. Building the Communist Party in the Working
2716 Class. Adopted by the National Council,
Annual Report and Accounts for 1968–1969. Communist Party of India, New Delhi,
2718 31 July to 4 August 1974. 2572
Anti-Communist Gang-up in Kerala. Betrayers of Business-Government Understanding. 2732
U.F. Set Up Anti-people Govt. 2696
An Appeal to the Educated Middle-Class. 2819
C. P. I.’s Secret Plan for a Revolution in India.
An Appraisal of the Third Five Year Plan. 3083
The Draft Programme of the Communist
Approaches to the Study of Politics in India. Party of India. 2796
C. P. S. U. Problems of Party Ideological Work.
Archarya Narendra Dev. Father of Democratic Editorials from “Bolsheviks,” theoretical and
Socialism in India. 2815 political journal of the Soviet Communist
Arms Control Negotiations and the Third World. Party. 2379
2978 A Catalogue of Repression. June 1977–May
Aspects of Renewal, 1971–1973. Some 1978. 2625
Highlights and Comments. 2275 CDSA. Centre for Development Studies and
Aspects of Socialist Policy. 2838 Activities. 2859
Assam. 2294 Central Committee Resolutions. Bangalore,
Atrocities on Harijans and Weaker Sections. August 24–August 29, 1971. Supplement to
2622 People’s Democracy, September 12, 1971.
The Austrian Concept of Neutrality. The Laski 2541
Memorial Lecture 1978. 2960 Central Committee Resolutions. Divergent views
Azad Hind Party. Policies and Principles. 2313 between our party and the CPC on certain
fundamental issues. Political and Economic
B Development in the Country and our Tasks.
Bakshi’s Case X-Rayed. The Canard that Failed. Adopted by the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of India (Marxist),
Madurai, August 18 to 27, 1967. 2692
Bangladesh and the Emerging International
Central Committee’s Draft for the Ideological
Political System. 2953
Discussion. Adopted by the Central
Behavioural Approach to the Study of Indian Committee of the Communist Party of India
Politics. The Thirteenth Annual Lecture. (Marxist), Madurai, August 18 to 27, 1967.
2928 2691
Betrayal of the Basic Congress by the Present Centre-State Relations. A Broad Perspective.
Congress. 3094 2731
Beyond No One’s Reach. 3096 The Challenge and the Response. An Objective
Bhagat Singh. The Man and His Idea. 2402 Reappraisal of Shrimati Gandhi’s
Bhagat Singh and his Comrades. 2372 Leadership and the Proclamation of Internal
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. 2856 Emergency. 3107

Challenges to Higher Education in A Changing Communist Party and the Midterm Elections.
India. 2734 2522
The Challenge to Democracy. 3075 Communist Party of India. Fifty Years of
A Charge-Sheet against the Government of Struggle and Advance, 1925–1975. 2577
India headed by Mrs. Indira Gandhi. 2790 Communist Party of India. Resolutions. Adopted
China’s Wrong Conception of India. 2751 at the Seventh Congress. Oct. 31 to Nov. 7,
The Chinese Revolution and Maoism. 2585 1964. 2467
Chittagong Armoury Raiders. Reminiscences. Communist Party of India. Years of Formation,
2632 1921–1933. 2431
CIA. Its Real Face. 3104 The Communist ‘Peace’ Appeal. Its Real
Character. 2864
Civil Liberties in India. 2365
Communist Reply to Tata Memorandum. 2550
Class Struggle and Caste Conflict in Rural
Areas. 2638 The Communist Solar System. 3133
Coalition at the Centre. 3044 Communist Violence in India. 3019
Collective Oath for Integrated Development. Congress (I)’s Double Standards on Propriety &
2848 Respect for the Judiciary. A Study. 2783
College Education for All in India. 2911 Congress and Communism. The Mounting Tide
of Communist Threat. Need for Congress
Colonial Peoples’ Struggle for Liberation. Vigilance. 2841
Reports to Institute of Economics & Pacific
Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. The Congress and Constitutional Amendments.
2685 2300
Comintern and National & Colonial Questions. Congress and the Axis. Has the Congress Ever
Documents of Congresses. 2559 Offered Active Co-operation in the
Prosecution of the War on any Conditions?
Common Sense about Defence. 2884 3128
Communal Problem in Hyderabad. 3119 Congress and the Second General Elections.
Communism and Social Democracy. Is the Gulf 2761
Really Wide? 2681 Congress Marches Ahead—III. Proceedings of
Communism in Kashmir. 2992 the Congress Working Committee meetings
Communism, Religion and Civil Liberties. 2248 and All India Congress Committee meeting,
Communist Activity in India (1925–1950). 2863 Patna, October 1970; a brief analysis of the
Communist Conspiracy at Madurai. An analysis Lok Sabha Elections—1971; circular letters
of the private proceedings of the Third from the AICC office etc. 2263
Congress of the CPI with full text of Secret Congress Marches Ahead—IV. Minutes of the
Documents. 2866 Congress Working Committee Meetings; All
Communist Conspiracy in Kashmir. “Bakshi to India Congress Committee meeting, Delhi,
April 1971; proceedings of the Conference
be Liquidated?” 3078
of the Presidents and Secretaries of PCCs,
The Communist International. Brief Outline May 1971; proceedings of the Conference of
Prepared by the Institute of Marxism- the Presidents and Secretaries of DCCs,
Leninism, Central Committee of the CPSU. May 1971; circular letters issued from the
2519 AICC office etc. 2264
Communist Ministry and Trade Unions in Kerala. Congress Marches Ahead—V. Minutes of the
Impact of the Communist Ministry on the Congress Working Committee meetings; All
trade union movement in Kerala. 2774 India Congress Committee meeting, Simla,
Communist Movement and the Indian National October 1971; fifth General Election to State
Congress. 2788 Assemblies; Leaders’ Conference, Delhi,
Communist Party and Naxalites. 2534 April, 1972; Circular Letters issued from the
Communist Party and Problems of National AICC Office etc. 2267
Reconstruction. 2417
Communist Party and States Reorganisation.

Congress Marches Ahead—VI. Minutes of the The Congress Role in the Kerala Agitation. 3053
Congress Working Committee Meetings; All Congress Socialism. Appraisal and Appeal.
India Congress Committee Meeting, Delhi, 2602
June 1972; summary of the proceedings of Congress Whither? [Satyagrah of Arya Samaj in
the Conference of PCC Presidents and Punjab.] With a foreword by Rampogal.
Secretaries, June 1972; Report of the AICC 2312
Committee on Bangladesh; Circular letters
issued from the AICC Office etc. 2269 Consembly Move and Democratic Fight-back.
Congress Marches Ahead—VII. Minutes of the
Congress working Committee meetings; All Conspiracy to Wreck W. Bengal United Front.
India Congress Committee meeting, 2697
Gandhinagar (Gujurat); proceedings of the Constitution. Adopted by the Eight Congress.
conference of Congress Chief Ministers; Cochin. December 23–29, 1968. 2705
circular letters issued from the AICC Office Constitutional Amendment. Why? 2287
etc. 2270 Constitutional Amendments. The Reason Why.
Congress Marches Ahead—VIII. A Reference 2266
book recording the minutes of Congress Constitutional Reforms. 3035
Working Committee, All India Congress The Constitutional Rights of Women in India.
Committee and Subject Committee
meetings; proceedings of the 74th Plenary
Session, Bidhan Nagar, Calcutta; PCC and Constitution Amendment. From the Kengal
DCCs Conferences; Zonal Conferences, Hanumanthaiya Endowment Lecture
circular letters issued from the AICC Office delivered at the Bangalore University on
etc. 2273 August 21, 1976. 2283
Congress Marches Ahead—IX. A reference Constitution of the Communist Party of India.
book recording the minutes of the Congress Adopted at the Extraordinary Party
Working Committee and All India Congress Congress, Amritsar, 1958. 2434
Committee Meetings, circular letters issued Constitution of the Communist Party of India.
from the AICC office, etc. 2277 Adopted at the Seventh Congress. Oct. 31
Congress Marches Ahead—10. A reference to Nov. 7, 1964. 2472
book recording the minutes of the Congress Constitution of the Communist Party of India.
Working Committee and All India Congress Adopted by Eighth Congress of the
Committee Meetings, report on Central Communist Party of India. Karyanandnagar.
Training Camps, circular letters issued from Patna, 7–15 February 1968. 2496
the AICC Office, etc. 2280 The Constitution of the Communist Party of
Congress Marches Ahead—11. A reference India. As Amended by the Third Congress of
book recording the minutes of the Congress the Communist Party of India, Madurai,
Working Committee meetings, summary of December 27, 1953 to January 4, 1954.
proceedings of the AICC Conference on 2409
Land Reforms, AICC Cells’ meetings, Constitution of the Communist Party of India.
circular letters issued from the AICC Office, Incorporating the Amendments Adopted by
etc. 2281 the All India Party Organisation Conference
Congress Marches Ahead—13. A reference (September 24–26, 1986) and by the
book recording the minutes of the Congress National Council of the CPI (September 27–
Working Committee meetings, All India 28, 1986). 2671
Congress Committee Meeting, New Delhi, Constitution of the Communist Party of India.
May 29–30, 1976, circular letters issued Incorporating the Amendments and
from the AICC Office, etc. 2284 Including the Rules Adopted by the Tenth
The Congress President and the Laski Institute. Congress of the Communist Party of India,
2902 Vijayawada, 27 January to 2 February 1975.
Congress Responsibility for the Disturbances, 2586
1942–1943. 3005
Congress Revitalisation and Reorganization.
Nehru’s Guide-Lines for the Congress. 2713

Constitution of the Communist Party of India. Democracy and Good Citizenship. 2959
Incorporating the Amendments and Democracy and Non-violence. The 1959
Including the Rules and Bylaws Adopted by Mavalankar Memorial Lecture. 2883
the Ninth Congress of the Communist Party Democracy and Parliamentary Government. The
of India, Cochin, 3 to 10 October 1971. 2552 Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1957. 2873
The Constitution, The Judiciary and The People. Democracy and Socialism. Draft Resolution for
JP Memorial Lecture, 1982. 2996 the 68th Session of the Indian National
Constructive Program. Some Suggestions. 3065 Congress at Bhubaneshwar. 2772
A Contribution to Ideological Debate. 2708 Democracy at Work in India. 2900
Controls. End or Mend? 2834 Democratic Decentralization. 2929
Corruption and Bhartiya Janta Party. 2722 “Democratic” Elections in Bihar. Report to the
Cow Problem and Indian Economy. 2640 Nation on Banka By-election 1986. 2804
CPI (M) and the Right C.P. Right Communist Democratic Experiment in Parliamentary
Party Continues its Old Bankrupt Line. Procedure and Life in Republican India.
Question of “Communist Unity” and Unity of 2982
Action. 2703 Devaluation. The Great Betrayal. 2486
CPI (M) on Constitutional Changes. 2702 Development. The Challenge of Our Times. The
CPI’s Contribution to Socio-Political Ideas in Laski Memorial Lecture 1983. 2970
Indian Politics. 2664 Dialogue with the CPI (M). 2652
CPI’s Defence of Naxalite Prisoners. 2626 Diplomacy in Democracies. The 27th Annual
CPI’s Fight Against The Caucus, Sterilisation Lecture. 2966
and Demolition. 2615 Direct Action and Parliamentary Democracy.
CPM’s Opportunism in Crisis. 2600 The Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1961.
CPM Terror in West Bengal. 2525 2903
Crisis of Capitalist Path in India. Policy Divergent Views Between Our Party and the
Alternatives. 2658 C.P.C. on Certain Fundamental Issues of
The Crisis, The Country, The Congress. A Programme and Policy. 3134
Thesis on Post-Election Crisis. 2719 Documents. Adopted by Eighth Congress of the
A Critical Analysis of India’s Community Communist Party of India. Karyanandnagar.
Development Programme. 3006 Patna, 7–15 February 1968. 2497
Crusader Against Injustice Exploitation and Documents of the History of the Communist
Corruption. Profile of Chaudhary Charan Party of India. Volume VIII, 1951–1956.
Singh. 2305 2616
Cultural Contacts Across the Himalayas. 2990 Documents of the Meeting of Representatives of
the Communist and Workers’ Parties.
D Moscow, November–December 1960. 2447
Dange Unmasked. Repudiate the Revisionists! Documents of the Tenth Congress of the
3088 Communist Party of India.
Bhowanisennagar, Vijayawada. 27 January
Daniel Come to Judgment. 3081 to 2 February 1975. 2590
Dayananda. A Re-assessment. 2975 Documents on the Third Congress of the
Death Pits in Our Land. How 200,000 Indian Communist Party of India. 2413
Miners Live and Work. 2373 Do Ends Justify Means? 2425
Debate on President’s Address. Reply of Prime
Dollar’s Downfall and Gold Rush. 2507
Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi in Lok Sabha and
Rajya Sabha. 2291 Do the Constitutions of Great Democracies
Facilitate Despotic Rule? Lectures Delivered
Defeat Separatist Conspiracy in Andhra. 2563 by P. Jaganmohan Reddy. 2999
Defeat the RSS Fascist Designs. 2562 Draft of Main Aspects of Socio-economic
Democracy and Constitution (Forty-second development for years 1365–1369 HS
Amendment Bill). 2366 (1986–1991). 3061
Democracy and Cult of Individual. 3093

Draft Programme of the Communist Party of Election Manifesto of the Communist Party of
India. 2391 India, 1967. Supplement to New Age, Vol.
Draft Programme of the Communist Party of XIV, No. 51, December 18, 1966. 2489
India. 2460 Election Manifesto of the Communist Party of
Draft Programme of the Communist Party of India. 6th August, 1951. 2393
India. 2468 Election Manifesto of the Communist Party of
Draft Programme of the Communist Party of India. Supplement to New Age (Weekly),
India. Sixth Congress of the Communist Vol. IX, No. 43, October 22, 1961. 2440
Party of India. Vijayawada, April 7 to 16, Election Manifestos 1971. Akali Dal, BKD, CPI,
1961. 2446 CPI (M), Congress (O), Congress (R), DMK,
Draft Statement on Judicial System. National Jan Sangh, PSP, SSP, Swatantra and
Executive Meeting, August 28–30, 1982, Statistics of the last General Elections and
Bangalore (Karnataka). 2321 Bye-elections held thereafter. 3100
Drift to Disaster. A Page from Recent History. Election Review and Party’s Tasks. Adopted by
2798 the Central Committee of the Communist
Party of India (Marxist) at its Session in
E Calcutta, April 10 to 16, 1967. 2690
The Economic Background. 3066 Erandgaon. Story of Violence and Terror.
Economic Data Relating to Some Statements in Communist Activity in Bombay State—2.
the Draft Programme. 2392 3041
Economic Development in India and China The Essence of Democracy. 2984
(1950–1953). 2405 Essential Unity of All Religions. Foreword by
Economic Functions of the State in the Third Swami Ranganathananda. 2363
World Countries with Special Reference to Ethical Outlook in Individual to International
India. 2957 Spheres. 2944
Economic Growth and Human Welfare. Three Ethics and the State. The Mavalankar Memorial
Lectures. 3074 Lecture, 1960. 2888
Economics and Economy. Three Lectures on Evaluation of the Freedom Struggle of
the Scope and Method of Economics and its Bangladesh. 2370
Relation to Social Philosophy. 2881
Economics for Trade Unionists. 2511
Economics of Growth. A Brief Theoretical The Face of Communism. 2816
Survey. 2891 The Face of Indian Communalism. 2972
Education in Sri Lanka. New Horizons. 3017 Fact Book on Wages. 2523
Eighty-one Parties Statement and Differences in Facts on Lohia’s Attempt at Disrupting the
the International Communist Movement. P. S. P. 2807
2452 Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed. 3106
Election Manifesto. Communist Party of India Famine-Hunger-Growth. A Study of Food
(Marxist). 2689 Situation in India. 2587
Election Manifesto. Communist Party of India, Fascism and the Politics of Power. 2579
1962. 2445 Fascist Menace and Democratic Unity. 2529
Election Manifesto. General Election 1991. The Features of Capitalism. 3129
Indian National Congress (I). 2771 Fifty Years of Communist Press. 2584
Election Manifesto. Lok Sabha Elections, 1989. First Conference of Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor
2338 Union. Moga, 27–29 September 1968. 2787
Election Manifesto. Praja Socialist Party. 2817 First White Paper on the West Bengal
Election Manifesto of the Communist Party of Communist Party. 2795
India. 2535 Focus on agriculture. 2424
Election Manifesto of the Communist Party of Focus on the public sector. 2422
India, 1957. 2426

For a Democratic Foreign Policy. Speeches Fundamental Rights are for the Common Man.
Delivered in Parliament by Hirday Nath 2739
Kunzru, Syama Prasad Mookerjee, N. G. The Fundamental Rights Case. 2725
Ranga, M. R. Masani, Frank Anthony and Fundamental Rights Demand Fundamental
P. Y. Deshpande. 2865 Duties. 3110
For anti-imperialist unity democratic The Future of Congress. 2754
consolidation. Speech by S. A. Dange at the
International Conference of Communist and Future of Democracy in India. 2818
Workers’ Parties. 2512 Future of Parliamentary Democracy in India.
For the Unity of the Party and the International 2954
Communist Movement. Against Dogmatist The Future of the Constiution. A Critical
Disruption, Adventurism & Opportunism. Analysis. 2840
Report on the Ideological Controversy in the
International Communist Movement G
Approved by the National Council of the G. V. Mavalankar. Father of the Lok Sabha.
Communist Party of India. 2461 2874
For the Unity of the World Communist Gandhian Values and 20th Century Challenges
Movement. Against Dogmatism and (Two Lectures broadcast from All India
Splittism. Draft Report on the Ideological Radio). Patel Memorial Lectures, 1979.
Controversy in the International Communist 3026
Movement. Submitted to the Ideological Gandhism and Communism. Principles and
Commission of the National Council of the Technique. 3080
Communist Party of India. 2458 Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya. 3130
Foreign Capital in India. 2398 Gandhism as a Practical Force and Factor. 2945
Foreign Investments in India. 3072 The General Elections, 1957. A Survey. 2765
44th Constitution Amendment Wipes out The Ghost of Misa. 3118
Democracy, Noble Ideals of Freedom
Struggle Humanism & Scientific Temper and GITA. My Research and Interpretation. 2964
Banishes Gandhi from Indian Soil. 3127 Gopal Krishna Gokhale’s Missions Abroad. 2969
Forward to a Mass Socialist Party (The New A Government Without Political Legitimacy.
Party Constitution) 1949. 2831 Speech Delivered by Shri L. K. Advani M.P.
Forward to the Defence of Kerala and Indian in Parliament on 16-11-90. 2344
Democracy! 2432 Govt. of India–U.N.D.P. Conference on Some
Priority Issues of Environmental Protection.
Freedom Must Not Stink. 3069
Free India’s First Speaker. 2981
The Great Betrayal. 2318
From Bombay to Delhi. A Reference Book
Recording the Proceedings of the Congress Greetings to the Ninth Congress of the
Working Committee Meetings, 73rd Plenary Communist Party of India. Cochin, 3 to 10
Session of the Indian National Congress, October 1971. 2553
Bombay; Conference of the Pradesh Growth of Industries in India. 3073
Congress leaders, Delhi; Circular Letters Guidelines of the History of the Communist
Issued from the AICC Office, etc. 2260 Party of India. 2568
From Delhi to Patna. Congress Marches Ahead.
2261 H
From Freedom to Bondage. Indo-Soviet Treaty Harare Summit of Non-Aligned Movement and
and the Indian Sub-Continent. 2846 India. 2293
Full Text of Resolutions adopted by The working The Harold Laski Institute First Decade. A Brief
Committee on 10th & 11th September 1949. Report of the Activities of the Institute. 2917
2743 Harold Laski Revisited. The Sixth Annual
Fundamental Rights and the Indian Constitution. Lecture. 2890
2938 Has Congress Failed? A Historical Survey of the
Years 1918–1939. 3067

Heroic Telegana. Reminiscences & India, Pakistan, and China. Economic Growth
Experiences. 2564 and Outlook. 2995
High Taxation Leads to Smuggling, Corruption, India And American Aggression on Vietnam.
High Cost Economy. 2721 2485
Hindu Law of Succession for the Lay Man. 2760 India and CPSU Congresses. 2653
Hindu Mahasabha its Contribution to India’s India and Federalism. 2878
Politics. 2747 India and Nepal. G. V. Mavalankar Memorial
The Historic Telegana Struggle. Some Useful Lecture, 1968. 2934
Lessons from Its Rich Experience. 2548 India and Pakistan. 2833
History of May Day. 2403 India and the Commonwealth. The Laski
The Holding Company. 3121 Memorial Lecture, 1959. 2886
Home Rule and the Empire. Being a Lecture India and the Russian Revolution. 2493
delivered at Negapatam on September 23rd, India and the Two Pythons. 2657
1916. New India Political Pamphlets, No. 13. India and the Unecafe Conference. 2384
The India-China Border Dispute and the
The Human Condition. 2925 Communist Party of India. Resolutions,
The Human Factor in Economic Develoment. Statements and Speeches, 1959–1963.
The Seventh Annual Lecture, 1961. 2901 2453
Humanistic Approach to Economic Development India in the Changing World. 3004
(A Swadeshi Alternative). Economic Policy Indian-American Relations. A Current View.
Statement, 1992. Our Commitment to 2920
Antyodaya. 2354
The Indian Communists. 2773
Human Nature and Politics. Mavalankar Lecture
Series, 1960. 2896 The Indian Constitution and Judiciary. 2727
Human Rights in Democratic Societies. 2736 Indian CP Fights Internal Dissidence, Wants
Conference Now (Results of April Plenum of
Hundred Years of the Kesari. 3131 National Council of Indian CP). 2462
I Indian Doctrines of Politics. The First Annual
Lecture Delivered in the Premabhai Hall on
Ideological Debate Summed Up. 2693
22 July 1955. 2868
Ideology and Emergency. 2604
The Indian Drug Industry and Its Future. 2433
Idol of False Promises. Indira Gandhi’s Slogans
Indian Economy and the Janata Party Raj. 2624
and Deeds. 2634
Indian Elections. 2400
Ill-Informed Criticisms Against Communist
Government Refuted. E. M. S. Replies Indian Muslims. Problems and Trends. 2544
Congress President Dhebar. 3052 Indian National Congress. Report of the General
I Met Stalin Twice. 3076 Secretaries, February 1968–March 1969.
Immortal Heroes. Lives of Communist Leaders.
2591 Indian National Congress. Report of the General
Secretaries, 1969. 2258
Inaugural Speech by Congress President Shri
Rajiv Gandhi and the Centenary Resolve at Indian National Congress. Report of the General
Congress Centenary Session, Indira Nagar Secretary. January 1964–December 1964.
(Brabourne Stadium) Bombay, December 2256
28, 1985. 2290 Indian National Congress. 73rd Plenary Session
Incendiary Hand of the RSS and Jana Sangh at Bombay (26–29 December 1969).
Behind Communal Riots. 2517 Presidential Address by Shri Jagjivan Ram.
The Index Fraud. The Story of manipulations,
malpractices, arbitrary methods revealed in The Indian National Demand. Being a Summary
the computation of consumer price index of the Nehru Reports and the Proceedings
numbers for working class. 2307 of the National Convention held in Calcutta,
in December 1928. 2753
India. Our Achievements, 1985–1989. 2298

Indian Planning and The Planning Commission. J
The Laski Memorial Lecture, 1958. 2876
Jai People’s Bangla Desh. 3099
Indian Renaissance. A Marxist Approach. 2666
Jamaat-e-Islami. Spearhead of separatism.
The Indian Revolution. Review and
Perspectives. 2530
Janata Bulletin. 2778
The Indian Working Class. Size and Shape.
2308 Janata Politics for Populism. 2301
India’s Food Problem. 2762 John F. Kennedy. 2924
India’s Freedom Struggle and the Communist Joint Declaration by the Communist and
Party of India. 2569 Workers Parties of the Arab Countries. 2662
India’s Language Crisis (An Introductory Study). JP Memorial Lectures. 2800
3091 Judicial Appointments. An Analysis of the
India’s National Movement. A Short Account. Recent Controversy over the Appointment of
2589 the Chief Justice of India. 3102
India’s New Image and Role in South East Asia. Judiciary and the People. 2738
2949 Judiciary Vis à Vis Parliament and Executive.
India’s Path to Socialism. 2487 2730
India’s Relations with Asia and Africa. Laski June 26. New Outlook. 3108
Memorial Lecture, 1964. 2915 Justice on Trial. A Collection of the Historic
Indo-American Relations in the Seventies. 2947 Letters between Sri Guruji and the
Government (1948–49). 2821
Industrial Projects and Output in India. 2714
Industrial Relations Patterns. U.S.A. and India. K
Kamaraj Plan. Party and the People. 3122
In 1857. 2872
Karakoram Road Dominationistic Conspiracy of
Information Document. Draft Political Review China in Kashmir. 2720
Report for the Eleventh Party Congress
The Karnataka Bills. 3051
(Adopted by the National Council of the
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 24–28 Kashmir—a human problem and a moral issue.
December 1977) and Critical Notes by S. A. Speech of Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah.
Dange & Others. 2621 2775
Insurance Business in India. 2758 Kashmir and Imperialist Intervention. 2401
Integration of Economic Development Plans. The Kashmir Problem. 2867
The Laski Memorial Lecture, 1963. 2910 Keep the Flame Alive. A Thesis by a Group of
The Intellectual Evolution of Marx. 2613 Congress Workers. 2764
International Political Economy. A Critical Kerala. Three Years of UF Government Headed
Introduction. 2977 by C. Achutha Menon. 2557
International Situation and Problems of World The Kerala Agrarian Relations Bill. An
Communist Movement. Adopted by Eighth Interpretation. 2427
Congress of the Communist Party of India. Kerala Congress Muddle. 3087
Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February Kerala Democratic Front. 2785
1968. 2498 Kerala’s Answer to KPCC Charges. Full Text of
International Unity of Communists. 2660 the Kerala Government’s Reply to the
In the Crucible of Judgement. 3123 Memorandum Submitted by the KPCC to the
Is Communist Unity Possible? 2994 President of the Indian Union. 2435
Israel’s Proxy War for USA. PLO-Lebanese Know PUCL. 2801
Fight Back. 2656 Kutch and Its Economy. 2893
Issues Before The Nation. 2292
Italian Road to Socialism. Report of Luigi Longo.
2527 Land Policy. 2892
The Land Question. 2302

Land Reforms in India. Objectives, Methodology Lok Sabha Election. Resolution of the National
and Results. 2942 Council of the Communist Party of India,
Language Controversy. Our Solution. 2477 Held in Delhi from 3 to 6 April 1977. 2617
Laski—The Teacher and the Political Scientist Lok Sabha Elections, 1989. Press Comments on
with a postcript on “The Dangers of Bharatiya Janata Party. 2339
Democracy in India.” The Laski Memorial Long-Term Dynamics of the Indian National
Lecture 1957 Delivered on the occasion of Congress. Presidential Address, Bipan
the unveiling Ceremony of Prof. Harold Chandra. Indian History Congress, Forty-
Laski’s Portrait at the Harold Laski Institute Sixth Session, 27–29 December 1985. 2986
of Political Science, Ahmedabad. 2875
The Laski Institute. A Brochure Giving a General M
Outline of the Nature and Work of the Harold M. S. Golwalkar. Thoughts on Some Current
Laski Institute of Political Science, Problems. 2825
Ahmedabad. 2894 Madurai Ideological Stand of the Communist
Latter-Day Anarchism. Politics of the American Party (Marxist). Resolutions Adopted by the
Beat Generation. 2914 Central Executive Committee of the
Law and Order. Whose and for Whom? Speech Communist Party of India. 2494
in Parliament Delivered on 4 July 1967 on Mahatma Gandhi and History. 2513
Home Ministry Demands. 2492 Makhdoom. A Memoir. 2524
Law, Lawyers and Judges. Inaugural Address by Manifesto for an advanced democracy for a
The Hon’ble Mr. Justice P. B. socialist France. Adopted by the Central
Gajendragadkar on the occasion of the Committee of the French Communist Party
Centenary Celebrations of the Advocates’ at its session on 5–6 December 1968 in
Association of Western India. 2245 Champigny-sur-Marne. 2520
Left Parties Call for Joint Struggle for People’s Manifesto of National Socialist Congress. 2797
Demands. 2573 Many Faces of Communalism. 2857
Lenin and India. 3098 Marxism and Its Application to Indian
Letter to Fraternal Communist and Workers’ Conditions. 2973
Parties on the Situation in Bangladesh. Marxism and the General Crisis of Capitalism.
From the Communist Party of East Pakistan 2378
(Bangla Desh). 2369
Marxism and the Role of the Working Class in
Let Us Defend Independency. Article of the India. 2650
Rodong Sinmun, August 12, 1966. 2490
Marxist Glossary (Third Revised Edition). 3082
Liberalism and the Modernization of India. An
Interpretation. 2921 Marx, Marshall and Keynes. 2862
Liberty in the Modern State. The Ninth Annual Mass Media and Communal and Ethnic
Lecture, 1963. 2916 Tensions. 3001
Liberty Versus Equality. Rebala Lakshminarasa Media Under Janata Rule. 2299
Reddy Endowment Lectures. Delivered by Menace of Multinationals. 2614
O. Chinappa Reddy, Judge, Supreme Court Menace on Northern Border. Text of a speech
of India, New Delhi, on Saturday, the 22nd delivered in the Lok Sabha on Sept. 12,
March 1986 at Sri Venkateswara University. 1959. 2777
3002 Menacing Multinationals in India. 2740
Lid Off Anhdra Anti-Communism. 2371 Middle Classes in India. 3056
Life as Revealed in Drama. Shri Pranlal Midterm Poll to 7th Lok Sabha. Speakers’
Devkaran Nanjee Memorial Lecture. Handbook. Vote for CPI. Vote for Left and
Seventh Lecture. 3095 Democratic Unity. 2641
Limits of Central Governments Discretion in Milestones in Friendly Co-operation. Twenty
Appointment of Chief Justice and Judges of Years of Indo-Soviet Diplomatic Relations.
Supreme Court and High Court. 2367 3020
List of Members of All India Congress Ministerial Accountability. 3114
Committee for 1964–1965. 2766

The Missed Opportunity. The Central Budget Netaji Subhas. Valiant Son of India. 2276
1967–68. 2844 The New Line and the Dogmatists. A Critique of
The Modern and the Contemporary in Life and the Chinese Position in the World
Literature. 2950 Communist Debate on Problems of
Monetary Impact of P. L. 480 Finance. 2932 Marxism-Leninism. 2459
“Mulki Tangle” in Andhra Pradesh. The New Model for Governmental Administration of
Communist Approach. 2546 Industry. 3103
Murder of Truth. Anti-CPI Barrage Exposed. New Situation and Our Tasks. Speech by Ajoy
2605 Ghosh as Amended and Adopted by the
Muslim Minority and the Communist Party. 2592 Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of
India, Vijayawada, 7–16 April 1961. 2441
Must She Resign? 2295
The New 20 Point Programme. 3027
My Meetings with Bhagat Singh and on Other
Early Revolutionaries. 2599 New 20-point Programme in Maharashtra. 3055
Nicaragua. A Revolutionary Decade. 2674
N Non-violence, War and Peace. G. V. Mavalankar
National Bourgeoisie and the Development of Memorial Lecture, 1963. 2913
State Capitalism. 2449 A Note on Sino-Tibetan Relations. 2852
National Campaign to Hold Price Line. 2618 A Note on the Programme of the CPI. 2457
National Committee for Review of the Notes on the History of Communist Party of the
Constitution. Interim Report. 3113 Soviet Union, 1890–1924. 2682
National Democratic Front for National Not “People’s Raj” but Police Raj. S. A. Dange
Democratic Tasks. Political Resolution Indicts Bombay Govt. 2375
Adopted by the Sixth Congress of the
Communist Party of India, Vijayawada, 7–16 O
April 1961. 2448 The Office of the Speaker. 2983
Nationalisation of Banking Monopolies. An The Ombudsman in India. 2974
Urgent Task. 3124 Once More on the Historical Experience of the
Nationalism, Democracy and Social Change. Dictatorship of the Proletariat. An Appraisal
2320 of the Fundamental Course of Revolution
National Liberation Struggle in Southern Africa. and Construction in the Soviet Union, Of
2623 Stalin’s Merits and Mistakes, Of the Struggle
Nationwide Demand for Postponement of Against Dogmatism and Revisionism and of
Constitution Amendment Bill. 3109 the Basis of International Solidarity of the
Naxalism. Ideology of Violence. 3034 Proletariat of All Lands. 3063
Need for a National Alternative. 3045 On Employees’ State Insurance Scheme. 3079
Nehru and International Political Modernization. On Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth Centenary. 2514
A View from the Seventies. 2958 On Marx’s Teachings. 2707
The Nehru Five Year Plan. 2390 On Organisation. 2406
Nehru Govt. Declares War against Toilers. On Our Programme. C. P. I. Discussion
Communist Party Attacked as People’s Pamphlet No. 1. 2389
Vanguard. Defeat the Capitalist-Landlord On the Agrarian Question in India. 2386
Offensive. 2377 On the Agrarian Question in India. 2399
The Nehru Legacy. A Symposium. 3092 On the British Communist Party’s Policy.
Nehru’s Internal Impact on India as Prime Correspondence Between the Central
Minister. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Committees of the Australian and British
Lecture, 1989. Delivered by Dr. Shanker Communist Parties. 2385
Dayal Sharmar at Union Society Building, On the General Election of March 1971.
Trinity College, Cambridge, 13 November Resolutions and Review Report of the
1989. 3038 National Council of the Communist Party of
Neither Janata Nor Congress But a Left- India. New Delhi, 23 to 28 April 1971. 2536
Democratic National Alternative. 2639

On the Indian Trade Union Movement. Reports Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
to a Convention of Communist Party Resolution Adopted by National Executive;
Members working in the Trade Union Condolence Resolutions; Reports; Interim
Movement, Calcutta, May 20–22, 1952. Report. Calcutta Corporation Election
2396 17.6.1990, Present Condition in Tamilnadu.
On the Move. 2813 National Executive Meeting, July 21–23,
On the Revisionist Disruption of the A. I. T. U. C. 1990, Madras Tamilnadu. 2345
Correspondence between CPI (M) and Right Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
Communist Party. 2698 Resolutions. National Executive Meeting,
On the 20th Congress of the CPSU. 2420 New Delhi, December 1–2, 1989. 2341
Opening Remarks by Shri A. B. Vajpayee; Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani;
Resolutions by National Executive. National Resolutions Adopted by National Executive.
Executive Meeting, New Delhi, 4–6 January National Executive Meeting, October 7–9,
1985. 2327 1988, Ahmedabad (Gujarat). 2335
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; Opening Remarks by Shri Murli Manohar Joshi;
Condolence Resolution; Press Note; Resolution Adopted by the National
Resolution on Regional Imbalance in Executive; Condolence; Political. National
Jammu and Kashmir. National Executive, Executive Meeting, New Delhi, 16 and 17
October 17–19, 1986, Jammu (J. & K.). March, 25 and 26 May and 20 and 21 June,
2330 1991. 2349
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; Opening Remarks of Shri L. K. Advani at the
Condolence Resolution; Resolutions National Executive Meeting at Jaipur;
Adopted by National Executive; Resolutions passed at the Jaipur National
Amendments to BJP Constitution Adopted. Executive Meeting. National Executive
National Executive Meeting, Udaipur Meeting, 31 July, 1 August 1993, Jaipur.
(Rajasthan), March 3–5, 1989. 2340 2361
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; Organisational Report. Adopted by Eighth
Condolence Resolution; Resolutions Congress of the Communist Party of India.
Adopted by National Executive; Atalji Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February
Welcomed; Report Presented to the 1968. 2499
National Executive. National Executive Organisational Report and Resolution on Party
Meeting, July 24–26, 1987, Sansadia Organisation. Adopted by Ninth Congress of
Soudha, New Delhi. 2334 the Communist Party of India. Ghatenagar,
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; Cochin, 3–10 October 1971. 2537
Condolence Resolution; Resolutions Organisation Report. Adopted by the Eleventh
Adopted by National Executive; Reports Congress of the Communist Party of India.
presented to the National Executive. Bhaka Nagar, Bhatinda. 31 March to 7 April
National Executive Meeting, Calcutta, West 1978. 2627
Bengal, April 6–8, 1990. 2342 Organisation Report. Adopted by the XIV
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani. Congress of the Communist Party of India,
Condolence Resolutions; Resolution Calcutta, March 6–12, 1989. 2676
Adopted by National Executive. National Organisation Report and Amendments to Party
Executive Meeting, New Delhi, 17 October Constitution. Adopted by the All India Party
and 9, 10 November 1990. 2343 Organisation Conference, September 24 to
Opening Remarks by Shri L. K. Advani; 26, 1986 and by the National Council of CPI,
Resolution Adopted by National Executive; September 27–28, 1986. 2667
Condolence; Resolution Adopted in Plenary Origins of Trade Union Movement in India. 2309
Session. National Executive Meeting, Our Culture. 2362
Plenary Session 31 January 1991 and 1, 2, Our Democratic Project. 2642
and 3 February, 1991, Jaipur (Rajasthan).
2347 Our Doc. Tributes to Comrade Gangadhar
Adhikari on his Seventieth birthday. 2509
Our Lord, the Leader. Some Reflections on
Ganeshopanishad. 2980

Our Parliamentary Progress [Four Lok Sabhas, Peasants Meet at Moga. 2408
1952–1970]. 2943 People’s Health. 2835
Our Tasks Among the Peasant Masses. The People’s March to Delhi. 2565
Resolution Adopted by the Central People’s Union For Civil Liberties. Constitution.
Committee of the Communist Party of India, 2802
April 1954. 2410
People’s Union For Civil Liberties
Our Tasks on Party Organisation. Adopted by Correspondence and Charter of Demands.
the Central Committee of the Communist 2803
Party of India (Marxist), At Its Calicut
Session, October 28 to November 2, 1967. People’s Victory—Second Phase. (An Analysis
2495 of the 1972 General Election to State
Assemblies). 2268
Our Unshakable Commitment to Democracy,
Socialism and Secularism. (Some Important Personal Behavior. 2759
Speeches of Rajiv Gandhi). 3028 Perspectives on the National Emergency. 2998
Our Views on E. M. S. Namboodiripad’s Critique A Phase of the India Struggle. How the Indian
of Draft Programme. 2466 Constitution Works. 3039
An Outline of the History of the A.I.T.U.C. 2306 The Pilgrimage and After. The Story of How
Out of the Clouds, Toward New Tasks. Prime Congress Fought and Won the General
Minister’s Broadcast to the Nation on April 4, Elections. Foreword by Gulzarilal Nanda.
1977. 3023 Introduction by R. R. Diwakar. 2252
The Place and Purpose of History in Our
P Education. 2907
Pakistan. Policies that Led to Break-up. 2545 Planned Underground Organization. Communist
Pakistan Military Dictatorship Exposed. Activity in Bombay State—1. 3040
Statement in Front of Military Tribunal by Planning & States’ Rights. 3046
Jam Saqi, Member, Central Committee, A Plea for Ideological Clarity. 2763
Communist Party of Pakistan. 2654 Points to Ponder. Some Constitutional Issues.
Pakistan Politics. 2515 3059
Parliamentary Democracy in India. A Polarise or Perish. Indian Politics after the 1967
Symposium. 2871 Elections and the need for Polarisation.
Parliament Can Amend Constitution. 3111 2737
Parliament is Supreme. Excerpts from the Police in A Welfare State. Foreword by Sri N. C.
speech of Union Minister of Law, Justice, Chatterjee. 3117
and Company Affairs, Shri H. R. Gokhale, Policy of Peace versus Doctrines of War. 2645
while moving the Constitution (Forty-fourth Policy Statement. 2829
Amendment) Bill, 1976 for consideration in
Policy Statement. (Adopted by the Second
Rajya Sabha on November 4, 1976. 3009
National Conference of the Praja Socialist
Parliament, Planning and the Law. The G. V. Party held at Gaya, 26–30 December 1955).
Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1980. 2962 2809
Parties of Right-Reaction. 2582 Political and Economic Implications of Our
The Partition and Freedom of India. Address Constitution. 2879
delivered on the Fifth Foundation Day of the Political Report. Adopted by Eighth Congress of
Indian School of International Studies, New the Communist Party of India.
Delhi. 2989 Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February
Party Education Series. Grade I Course. 2542 1968. 2500
Party Education Series. Preliminary Course. Political Resolution. Adopted at the Fourth
2543 Congress of the Communist Party of India.
Party Politics in India. 2905 Palghat, April 19–29, 1956. 2421
The Peasant in National Economic Construction. Political Resolution. Adopted by Eighth
2407 Congress of the Communist Party of India.
Peasant Question in Kerala. 2388 Karyanandnagar. Patna, 7–15 February
1968. 2501

Political Resolution. Adopted by the Eleventh The Present Political Situation. Resolution of the
Congress of the Communist Party of India. National Council of the Communist Party of
Bhaka Nagar, Bhatinda. 31 March to 7 April India. Hyderabad, June 9–15, 1966. 2481
1978. 2628 The Present System. Its Central Point of Rot
Political Resolution. Adopted by the XIV and Resurgence. The G. V. Mavalankar
Congress of the Communist Party of India, Memorial Lecture, 1981. 2963
Calcutta, March 6–12, 1989. 2677 Preserving India and Indianness. (Some
Political Resolution. Adopted by the Tenth Important Speeches of Smt. Indira Gandhi).
Congress of the Communist Party of India. 3029
Bhowanisennagar, Vijayawada, 27 January Presidential Address. Indian National Congress,
to 2 February 1975. 2593 Seventy-first Session. January 1968. 2768
Political Resolution. Draft by 21 members of the Presidential Address. 3rd Annual Session,
National Council. Sixth Congress of the Bharatya Jana Sangh. Jodhpur, December
Communist Party of India. Vijayawada, April 30th, 1954. 2314
7 to 16, 1961. 2442 Presidential Address by Acharya Narendra
Political Resolution. Third Congress of the Deva. The Praja Socialist Party. Second
Communist Party of India, Madurai, National Conference. Gaya, December 26,
December 27, 1953 to January 4, 1954. 1955. 2808
2412 Presidential Address by Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi
Political Review Report. Adopted by the at the 5th National Convention, Jaipur,
Eleventh Congress of the Communist Party 1 February 1991. 2348
of India. Bhaka Nagar, Bhatinda. 31 March Presidential Address by L. K. Advani. 9th
to 7 April 1978. 2629 National Council Session, Vijayawada
Political Role of the Army in Developing (Andrha Pradesh), January 2–4, 1987. 2333
Countries. 2574 Presidential Address by L. K. Advani. Plenary
Political Scene in Karnataka. 2296 Session, Ekatmata Nagar (Indraprashtha
Political Thesis of the Communist Party of India. Stadium) New Delhi, May 9, 1986. 2331
Passed by the Second Congress at Presidential Address by Shri L. K. Advani.
Calcutta, February 28–March 6, 1948. 2380 Bharatiya Janata Party, National Council
Political Thesis of the Communist Party of India. Session, 18–20 June 1993, Bangalore. 2358
Passed by the Second Congress at Presidential Address of Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Calcutta. Feb. 28–March 6, 1948. 2381 Bharatiya Janata Party, Fifth National
Politics and Economics in India’s Five Year Council Session, Indore (M.P.), 6, 7, and 8
Plans. 2912 January 1984. 2324
Politics for the People. 2781 Presidential Address of Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi;
Politics of Jamaat-E-Islami-E-Hind. 2570 Opening Remarks by Dr. Murli Manohar
Poll Reforms. The Battle Must Continue. 2336 Joshi. National Executive Meeting,
Thiruvanathapuram (KERALA), September
Population Explosion. Most Serious Threat and 28–30, 1991. 2346
Action Plan. 3115
Presidential Remarks by Dr. Murli Manohar
Portrait of a Revolutionary. Senapati Bapat. The Joshi. National Executive Council Meeting,
Senapati Bapat Birth-Centenary Lecture. 13–15 March 1992, Sarnath (Varanasi) U.P.
2965 2350
Poverty, Environment and Development. 2858 Press and Politics. The G. V. Mavalankar
Praja Socialist Party Ninth National Conference. Memorial Lecture 1982. 2968
December 30–31, 1967; January 1, 1968. The Press and the Parliamentary Privileges.
Kanpur. General Secretary’s Report. 2814 2918
Preparing the Political Parties for the Prices and Production. 2836
Constitution. 3043
The Prime Minister on Constitution (Forty-fourth
The Present Explosive Situation and the Way Amendment) Bill 1976. 2288
Out. 2955

Principles of Party Organization. Thesis on the Programme of the Communist Party of India.
Organization and Structure of the Adopted by Eighth Congress of the
Communist Parties adopted at the 3rd Communist Party of India. Karyanandnagar.
Congress of the Communist International in Patna, 7–15 February 1968. 2502
1921, Together with the Statutes of the Programme of the Communist Party of India.
Communist International. 2686 Adopted by Eighth Congress of the
Problems of Economic Development in Afro- Communist Party of India. Karyanandnagar.
Asian Countries. Presented to the Second Patna, 7–15 February 1968. 2503
Conference of Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Programme of the Communist Party of India.
(Conakry, April 11–15, 1960). 2805 Adopted by the All India Party Conference.
Problems of India’s Agrarian Sector. 2528 October 1951. 2394
Problems of Public Administration. 2923 Programme of the Communist Party of India.
Problems of Secularism. Seminar Papers and Adopted by the Seventh Congress of the
Report. 2939 Communist Party of India. Calcutta, Oct. 31–
Problems of Unorganised Workers in Nov. 7, 1964. 2482
‘Agriculture Sector’. 2675 Programme of the Communist Party of India.
Problems that Urbanisation Poses. 2887 Adopted by the Third Party Congress.
Madurai, December 27, 1953 to January 4,
Proceedings of the 4th All India Whips 1954. 2411
Conference, 1962. 3010
The Programme of the Communist Party of
Proceedings of the Fifth All India Whips India. As Adopted by the Seventh Congress
Conference, 1966. 3011 of the Communist Party of India. Bombay,
Proceedings of the Sixth All India Whips 13–23 December 1964. 2476
Conference, 1967. 3012 Progress of Land Reform. A Critical Review.
Proceedings of the Seventh All India Whips 2438
Conference, 1969. 3013 Proletarian Internationalism. 2680
Proceedings of the Eighth All India Whips Promises. How Many Fulfilled? 2780
Conference, 1972. 3014
Proposals of the National Council for
Proceedings of the Ninth All India Whips’ Amendments to the Constitution of India.
Conference, Shimla, 1983. 3015 Adopted by the National Council of the
Proceedings of the Tenth All India Whips’ Communist Party of India (Trivandrum, 7 to
Conference, New Delhi, 1988. 3036 11 February 1976). 2610
Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of
Communist Party of India. Documents. India by the Committee Appointed by the
Bombay, 13–23 December 1964. 2473 Congress President Shri D. K. Borooah on
Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the February 26, 1976. 2285
Communist Party of India. Volume III, Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of
Discussions. Bombay, 13–23 December India by the Committee Appointed by the
1964. 2478 Congress President Shri D. K. Borooah on
Programme. 2830 February 26, 1976. 2286
Programme. Adopted at the Seventh Congress. Prospects and Potentialities in Gujarat During
Calcutta, Oct. 31 to Nov. 7, 1964. 2687 the Seventies. 2946
Programme. Adopted at the Seventh Congress Public Distribution System. AICC Central
of the Communist Party of India at Calcutta, Training Camp. NARORA, November 22–
October 31 to November 7, 1964. 24, 1974. 2282
Statement of Policy. Adopted at the All India Public Sector, An Overview. 2297
Conference of the Communist Party of India Punishment for Free Opinions. 2948
1951. 2699
Punjab. 16 Martyrs of CPI. They Gave Their
The Programme Explained. 2688 Lives for Communal Amity and National
Integrity. 2665
Punjab Problem. State Executive Resolutions.
15.5.1981 to 3.2.1984. 2326

The Pursuit of Plenty. The Sino-Indian Economic Report and Resolutions. Adopted by the
Race. 3084 National Council of the Communist Party of
India. Hyderabad, 4–8 August 1976. 2608
Q Report and Resolutions. Adopted by the
The Quest for Education. 3089 National Council of the Communist Party of
The Question Hour. The Fourteenth Annual India. New Delhi, 29 October to 2 November
Lecture. 2933 1978. 2630
Report and Resolutions. Adopted by the
R National Council of the Communist Party of
Rabindranath Tagore and Universal Humanism. India (Trivandrum, 7 to 11 February 1976).
2842 2607
Race Relations in South Africa. 2941 Report and Resolutions. National Council of the
Rajani Palme Dutt on Empire and Communist Party of India. Vijayawada,
Commonwealth. 3116 October 23–25, 1980. 2646
Rajiv Gandhi. An Introduction. 2782 Report and Resolutions Adopted by the National
Council of the Communist Party of India.
Ramjanma Bhoomi. 2337
New Delhi, April 6 to 9, 1987. 2670
Ramnath Goenka. A Fraud on Indian Press,
Report and Resolutions Adopted by the National
Politics and People. 3120
Council of the Communist Party of India.
Rationality of Development Planning. 2987 New Delhi, 26 to 29 July, 1987. 2669
Real Face of JP’s ‘Total Revolution’. 2571 Report and Resolutions Adopted by the National
Real Face of the Right Communists. 2576 Council of the Communist Party of India.
Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea. New Delhi, October 12 to 15, 1988. 2672
2961 Report and Resolutions of the National Council
Recognize Kampuchea. 2679 of the Communist Party of India. New Delhi,
Red Challenge in India. 2860 23–26 March 1974. 2575
Reflections on a New Kind of Revolution. 2931 Report & Resolutions of the Meeting of the
Central Executive Committee of the
The Reform of the Judiciary. 2729
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 24–27
Reforms in Higher Judiciary and Law October 1976. 2606
Commission Questionnaire. Report of the
Report & Resolutions of the National Council of
National Convention held at Madras, March
the Communist Party of India. New Delhi,
1982. 2855
29 March–1 April 1973. 2566
Relations of the Party with Government in
Report of General Secretary to the Seventh All
Parliamentary Democracy Under Our
India Conference of Bharatiya Mazdoor
Constitution. 3097 Sangh. Hyderabad, 9–11 January 1984.
Relevance of Gandhism. 2937 2364
The Relevance of JP Today. 3047 Report of Sub-committee on Democracy and
Reply from Prison. 2683 Socialism. 2767
Report & Resolution. On the International Report of the Congress Party in Parliament of
Situation, the World Communist Movement India for 1952–1953. 2715
and the Tasks of the Communist Party of Report of the Congress Planning Sub-
India. Adopted by the Ninth Congress of the committee. 2253
Communist Party of India. Ghatenagar,
Report of the Fourth National Conference of the
Cochin, 3–10 October 1971. 2538 Praja Socialist Party. Poona, May 25–28,
Report and Resolution on Organisation. Adopted 1958. 2811
by the Salkia Plenum, December 27–31,
Report of the General Secretaries. February
1978. 2706
1966–January 1968. 2257
Report and Resolutions. Adopted by National
Report of the General Secretaries. (December
Council of the Communist Party of India.
1969–May 1970). 2262
New Delhi, 1–8 August 1968. 2505
Report of the General Secretaries. (June 1970–
September 1971). 2265

Report of the General Secretaries. (June 1972– Resolutions. Adopted by Eighth Congress of the
August 1973). 2274 Communist Party of India. Karyanandnagar.
Report of the General Secretaries. (September Patna, 7–15 February 1968. 2504
1973–June 1974). 2278 Resolutions. Adopted by the Central Committee
Report of the Linguistic Provinces Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) at
appointed by the Jaipur Congress (Dec. its Meeting in Jaipur (Rajasthan) from
1948). 2756 August 7 to 11, 1968. 2694
Report of the Ooty Seminar (May 30–June 5, Resolutions. Assault on Democracy. Drought
1959). 2254 Situation. Political Situation. Economic
Report of the Third National Conference of the Situation. Statement on International
Praja Socialist Party. Bangalore, November Situation. National Executive Meeting,
25–28, 1956. 2810 August 28–30, 1982, Bangalore
(Karnataka). 2322
Report on International Developments. Adopted
by the Eleventh Congress of the Communist Resolutions. Budget and Economic Situation,
Party of India. Bhaka Nagar, Bhatinda. Corruption, Call for South Asia Summit,
31 March to 7 April 1978. 2631 Assault on Local Democracy. National
Executive, March 31–April 2, 1984,
Report on the All India Padayatra Campaign and Ahmedabad. 2323
Other Resolutions. Adopted by the Central
Executive Committee of the Communist Resolutions. National Executive; National
Party of India in Its Meeting Held in Madras, Council. National Executive Meeting 4–5
18 to 21 June 1976. 2609 January 1984; National Council Session, 6–
8 January 1984, Indore (M.P.). 2325
Reports & Resolutions Adopted by the National
Council of the Communist Party of India. Resolutions. Political Resolution On Party
New Delhi, 12 to 15 July 1980. 2647 Organization On the International Situation,
the World Communist Movement and the
Report to the All India Congress Committee. Tasks of the CPI. Adopted by the Ninth
2251 Congress of the Communist Party of India.
Resolution As Adopted by National Executive; Ghatenagar, Cochin, 3–10 October 1971.
As Adopted by National Council; Action 2539
Plan; Press Release; Report on Drought Resolutions. Seventh Annual Conference.
Situation. National Executive Meeting, Patna, March 6–10, 1949. 2832
October 8–9, 1985; National Council
Meeting, October 10, 1985; National Study Resolutions Adopted at the National Council
Camp, October 11–13, 1985, Gandhi Nagar Meeting. National Executive Meeting 30
(Gujarat). 2329 April and 1 May 1992; National Council
Meeting, Gandhi Nagar (Gujarat), 1–3 May
Resolution of the Central Committee of the 1992. 2351
Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. 2510
Resolutions Adopted at the National Council
Resolution on Splitters and Other Documents of Meeting. National Executive Meeting 16–17
the National Council of the Communist Party June 1993; National Council Meeting, 18–20
of India. New Delhi, April 10–15, 1964. 2463 June 1993, Sankalp Nagar, Bangalore
Resolution on the Present Political Situation. (Karnataka). 2360
(The following Resolution was adopted by Resolutions Adopted at the National Executive
the National Council of the Communist Party Meeting. National Executive Meeting held at
of India at its meeting held in February 1961. Bhopal, 22–24 August 1992. 2352
It will be placed before the forthcoming
Congress of Our Party as the Draft of the Resolutions Adopted by the Central Executive
National Council. All units of the Party Committee of the Communist Party of India.
should discuss the Resolution and send New Delhi, 6 to 11 July 1965. 2474
their comments and suggestions to the Resolutions Adopted by the National Council of
office of the National Council.) 2443 the Communist Party of India. Hyderabad,
Resolutions. Adopted at the Seventh Congress. June 9 to 15, 1966. 2484
Oct. 31 to Nov. 7, 1964. Calcutta. 2470 Resolutions Adopted by the National Council of
the Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 7–
15 January 1966. 2483

Resolutions Adopted by the National Executive Resolutions of the National Council of the
Meeting at New Delhi and Opening Remarks Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 19–24
of Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi at the National August 1965. 2475
Executive Meeting at Calcutta; Resolution Resolutions of the National Council of the
passed at the Calcutta National Executive Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 1 to 5
Meeting. National Executive Meeting held on October 1970. 2533
27 Feb. 1993, New Delhi; National Resolutions of the Tenali Convention of the
Executive Meeting held on 10–12 April Communist Party of India (Held on July 7 to
1993, Calcutta. 2359 11, 1964). 2469
Resolutions and Decisions of the National Resolutions Passed by the All India Congress
Council of the Communist Party of India. Committee, 9 and 10 May 1955. 2757
New Delhi, 7–17 June 1964. 2464
Resolutions Passed by The All India Working
Resolutions and Report. Adopted by the Committee. Rajahmundry (Andhra), Sept.
National Council of the Communist Party of 29, 30 & Oct. 1, 1962 & Emergent Meeting.
India (New Delhi, 25 to 28 August 1975). Delhi, Oct. 31 & Nov. 1, 1962. 2316
Resolutions Passed in the AICC Meeting held
Resolutions and Report of the National Council on 6th and 7th December, 1980 in New
of the Communist Party of India. New Delhi, Delhi. 2770
8 to 13 May 1970. 2532
Review of Fourth General Election. Adopted by
Resolutions & Reports Adopted by the National the National Council of Communist Party of
Council of the Communist Party of India. India. 2491
New Delhi, 1–4 September 1973. 2567
Review of Midterm Elections and Our Tasks and
Resolutions of the Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha Resolutions. Adopted by the National
and the Working Committee. Varanasi, Nov. Council of the Communist Party of India.
12–15, 1961. 2315 New Delhi, 5–12 April 1969. 2518
Resolutions of the Central Committee of the Review of National and International
Communist Party of India. Adopted at its Developments and Our Party’s Activities
meeting in Bombay, March, 1953. 2404 Since XIII Party Congress (Patna, 1986).
Resolutions of the Central Executive Committee Report Adopted by the XIV Congress of the
of the National Council of the Communist Communist Party of India, Calcutta, March 6
Party of India. New Delhi, 14–17 September to 12, 1989. 2678
1963. 2455 Review of National and International
Resolutions of the Eleventh Annual Session. Developments since the Varanasi Party
Ahmedabad, Dec. 28–30, 1963 and Working Congress. Adopted by the XIII Congress of
Committee, New Delhi, March 1–2, 1964. the CPI at Patna, March 12–17, 1986. 2668
2317 Review of the Armed Struggle in Srikakulam
Resolutions of the National Council of Region. (Unanimously passed in Regional
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 24–28 Plenum on 18th Aug. 72). 2701
August 1972. 2554 Revolt in Bihar. A Study of the August 1965
Resolutions of the National Council of Uprising. 3090
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 9–12 The Road Ahead. 2755
July 1977. 2619
The Role and Responsibilities of the Princes in
Resolutions of the National Council of the Republican India. 2940
Communist Party of India, Hyderabad, 14–
20 August 1962. 2450 The Role of a Private Member of Parliament.
Resolutions of the National Council of the
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, The Role of Broadcasting in International Affairs.
26 June–3 July 1963. 2454 The Third Annual Lecture, 1957. 2877
Resolutions of the National Council of the The Role of Governors. Report of the Committee
Communist Party of India. New Delhi, 5–11 of Governors (1971). 3037
April 1965. 2479 The Role of Judiciary in Parliamentary
Democracy. 2726

The Role of the University Teacher in a The Sino-Indian Conflict. The Motives and
Changing Society. 2904 Moves in China’s Aggression. 3086
RSS. The Guilty. Jamshedpur Riot Inquiry Sino-Indian Relations and Communists. 2993
Commission Findings. 2655 Social and Political Change. The Challenge to
RSS. A Secret Para Military Organisation. 3033 and Response of Political Science in India.
RSS. Bulwark of militant Communalism. 3032 2930
RSS. Double-talk Exposed. 2636 Social and Political Thought of Sarvodaya. 2909
RSS. Indian version of Fascism. 3021 Socialism and Development. Recent
RSS. In its own mirror. 3031 Experience. 2578
RSS. Reaction’s Sword Arm. 3132 Socialism and India. 1832–1917. 3112
RSS. Spearheading National Renaissance. Socialism at the Grassroots. The Feroze Gandhi
2824 Memorial Lecture delivered in New Delhi,
September 12, 1975. 2279
RSS. The National Urge. 2820
Socialism Reconsidered. 3068
RSS and Jana Sangh. A Menace to the Unity,
Integrity, Secular Democratic Set-up and A Socialist Alternative. PSP Election Manifesto
Progress of our Motherland. 2516 1967. 2812
The RSS Constitution. 2826 The Socialist Party. Its Rejection of Marxism.
Rural Poor and the New Programme. 2588
Social Responsibilities of Business. 2733
The Russian Revolution. 2997
Some Aspects of Economic Development. Three
S Lectures by Maurice Dobb. 2861
S. V. Ghate. Our First General Secretary. 2540 Some Aspects of Economic Growth in
Underdeveloped Countries. 2869
Saboteurs of Land Reforms? [Secret
Confidential letter dated February 1, 1966 Some Aspects of the Agrarian Question.
addressed to Late Shri K. Kamraj Nadar, Resolution adopted by the National Council
former President, AICC.] 2304 of the Communist Party of India, 8–13
October 1958. 2429
SADR. Blossoms in the Desert. Saharawi
People Fight For Freedom. 2673 Some Comments on Constitutional Changes.
Sarvodaya and Communism. 2428
Some Economic Aspects and Problems of
Science and the Community. G. V. Mavalankar
Under-Developed Countries. 2723
Memorial Lecture, 1965. 2919
Some Forms of Transition from Capitalism to
Second Five Year Plan. A Critique. 2423 Socialism. With an Introduction by Ajoy
Secularism. The Indian Concept. 2353 Ghosh. 2419
Security of Developing Countries. The Laski Some Problems Concerning the Agrarian
Memorial Lecture, 1965. 2927 Movement and Our Tasks. Adopted by the
Self-Confession. White Paper on the Communist National Council of the Communist Party of
Party of India’s Position in Delhi State. 2793 India, New Delhi, 1–5 April 1975. 2595
The Shah Commission Final Report. General Some Questions Concerning Marxism and the
Observations. 3024 Peasantry. 2659
Shri D. K. Borooah, President, Indian National Some Questions of Party Policy. For Party
Congress, on Constitution (Forty-fourth Members Only. Fourth Party Congress
Amendment) Bill 1976. 2289 Document No. 4. 2414
Shri Guruji on the Muslim Problem. Dr. Jeelany’s Some Thoughts on Student Unrest. G. V.
Interview with Shri M. S. Golwalkar. 2823 Mavalankar Memorial Lecture, 1966. 2922
Significance of State Farming for Agricultural Some Thoughts on the Problem of National
Development and Its Practical Possibilities Integration. The Laski Memorial Lecture,
in India. 2471 1961. 2906
Sikkim. Retrospects and Prospects. 3101 Soviet Scholars on Mohandas Karamchand
Sind Provincial Congress Committee. Circular Gandhi. M. K. Gandhi’s Views and Activities
Letter, 16th December 1947. 2827 as They are Studied in the USSR. 3062

Speaker’s Handbook. New Age Supplement. T
February 6, 1972. 2556
Tashkent. An Episode or An Epitome? 2991
Speeches of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Swamy
Chinmayanand, Shri Lal Krishan Advani on Tasks Before the New State of Gujarat. 2898
Ayodhya Issue. 2355 Tasks on Trade Union Front. Resolution of the
Stability of the Indian Rupee. A Review of the Central Committee, Communist Party of
Foreign Exchange Situation. 2885 India (Marxist), April 1967. 2444
Statement issued by the National Integration Taxes in 1979 Union Budget. The Rationale.
Conference (September–October, 1961). 3025
3030 Technological Progress and Economic
Statement of Policy. 2806 Development. Three Lectures by J. B.
Condliffe. 3071
Statement of Policy of The Communist Party of
India. 2395 Ten Glorious Years of Kerala UF Government.
In the Service of People. 2637
Statement of Principles. 2839
The Terms of Reference of the Ninth Finance
Statement of the Polit Bureau of the Communist
Commission. A Correct Approach. 3048
Party of India (Marxist) on the Ninth
Congress of the Communist Party of China. Text of Resolution on “Political” and “Economic”
3135 Situation (as adopted by the Congress
Working Committee on April 17, 1973). 2272
Statement on the post-election situation.
Adopted by the Central Committee of the Text of Resolutions on Economic Policy and
Communist Party of India (Marxist) at its Political Situation. Adopted at (i) the 73rd
Meeting in New Delhi on March 26–27, ’77. Plenary Session of the Indian National
2704 Congress, Bombay, December 28–29, 1969;
(ii) the All India Congress Committee
State of Population in India. Presented at the
Meeting, Delhi, June 13–15, 1970; (iii) the
First Asian Conference of Parliamentarians
All India Congress Committee Meeting,
on Population and Development, Beijing.
Patna, October 13–14, 1970; (iv) the All
Oct. 27–30, 1981. 2752
India Congress Committee Meeting,
State Regulation of Industrial Disputes in India. Gandhinagar, October 9–10, 1972. 2271
Suggestions for Reform. The Laski Memorial
Theories and Practice of the Socialist Party of
Lecture, 1968. 2935
India. 2397
Statistical Handbook 1973. 2560
Theses for the Eighth Congress of the
Storm over Hyderabad. 3070 Portuguese Communist Party. 2620
Strong States Are Imperative For a Powerful They Gave Their Lives for the Cause (Profiles of
Centre. Speech Made by Shri Ramakrishna Communists). 3000
Hedge, Chief Minister of Karnataka in New
Thoughts on Parliamentary Procedure. 2956
Delhi on 16th September 1985. 3042
Thoughts on the American Presidential System
The Struggle for Building a Mass Communist
and its Relevance to India. 2967
Party. 2603
Threat to Party Unity. How to Avert it? Text of a
Student-Services in the Universities. 2952
Document by M. Basavapunniah and
Student Upsurge and Indian Revolution. 2310 Sixteen Other Members of the National
Studies in Indian Monopolies. 2531 Council with a Reply by S. A. Dange,
A Study of the Communist Movement in the Chairman, CPI. 2456
Punjab. 3077 Tiller Gets Land in Kerala. 2526
Subversion of Parliamentary Democracy in West Time Management. 2728
Bengal. 2710 Tomorrow’s Concerns. 3016
The Swatantra Party. Its Real Character and Towards A Debt Free India. 2356
Designs. 2828
Towards Socialism (A Compilation). 2712
Swatantra Party. Executive Committees and
Towards Socialist Unity. 2936
Councils at National, State/Regional Levels
(1970–1972). 2845 Traitors to the Cause. White Paper on the
Communist Party of India’s Position in India-
Swatantra Party. Souvenir, 1961. 2843
China Border Dispute. 2792

Triumph of Angola. 2598 Vishwa Hindu Parishad. The RSS Broad Outfit
True Picture of the Situation in Kerala (A for Spreading Militant Aggressive Hindu
Rejoinder). 2786 Communal Poison. 2661
Truth About British Socialism. 2376 Volunteer Organisation. Being A Collection of
The Truth about CPM. A Critique of the Resolutions Passed by the Congress,
Ideological-Political Line of the Communist A.I.C.C. and Working Committee since 1917
Party of India (Marxist). 2549 and connected matter. 2250
The Truth about Kashmir. 2776 Voting Behavior in the United States. 2880
Truth about Kerala (Statement issued by the W
Central Executive Committee, Communist
Warnings of History. Trends in Modern India.
Party of India and the Statement of Chief
Minister Namboodiripad on Prime Minister
Nehru’s reference to Kerala). 2430 War, Peace and Socialism. Three Soviet
Commentaries on the nature problems and
Truth about the Peace Corps. 2508
possibilities of our epoch. 2437
25 Years GDR. 1949–1974. 3105
The Weaker Aspects of the Indian Constitution.
25 Years of Independence and the Challenge of 2926
the Path. 2547
We Build for Socialism. Platform of the Socialist
Twenty-Point Programme and Democratic Party. 2837
Advance. 2601
West Bengal Accuses! Text of Memorandum
The 26th Session of All India Hindu Mahasabha. Containing Charges Against the Congress
1944. Presidential Address by Syamaprasad Government in West Bengal Submitted to
Mookerjee. 24 December 1944. 2741 the President of the Indian Union by the
Two Years of Congress Misrule. A Charge West Bengal State Council of the
Sheet. 2332 Communist Party of India. 2436
We Will Fight to the Last Ditch For Our Country,
U For Our Flag, For Our Leader. 2255
UNCTAD and Developing Countries. 2506 What Dange-Programme Reveals. A real face of
Underlying Philosophy of the Budget. 3018 Revisionists. A Criticism. 2465
Union Government’s Discrimination against What Do They Want to Achieve By This ‘Cultural
West Bengal in supply of Foodgrains and Revolution’ in China. 2488
Edible Oil. 3057 What Happened in Kerala. Review of the 30
The Union’s Financial Assistance to the States. months of Namboodiripad Government.
A Note on the Constitutional Position. 3049 2521
Union-State Relations. The G. V. Mavalankar What I Believe and Stand For. 2985
Memorial Lecture, 1972. 2951 What is CPI’s Programme? 2583
Unity and Democracy. A Report of a National What is Happening in Hyderabad? 2387
Convention. 2368
What is Marxism? 2596
The Unity of India. Political and Cultural. The
Fifth Annual Lecture, 1959. 2889 What is Marxism? A Simple Exposition That All
Can Follow Without Any Previous
UNP Organised Anti-Tamil Riots in Sri Lanka. Knowledge of Marxism. 2374
What Really Happened in Kerala. The story of
The Unsolved Tribal Problem. 2558 the disruptive game played by Rightwing
US-Sino-Pak Axis Threatens India. 2644 Communists. 2480
V What Should the Muslims Do in the Present
Situation? 2633
Vanarai. People’s Movement to Green India. White Paper on the Toppling of State
2851 Governments. Subversion of the
Vanarai. Sinhagad-Panshet Green Valley Constitution. 2779
Project. 2850
White Paper on Vijayawada. 2794
Vietnam in Chinese Strategy. A Documentation.
Whither Indian Planning? 2988

Who is Responsible for Politics of Terror and Working Class Under Congress Raj. 2439
Individual Murders? 2709 Working Group Report. Presented to National
Who Rules Pakistan? 2382 Executive, Bhopal, July 20, 1985. 2328
Why Hindu Rashtra??? A Summary of Speech Working of the Indian Constitution. 2899
Delivered by Prof. V. G. Deshpande, on the Work Report (Political) of the Central Committee
28th May 1949, the day on which Hindu to the Ninth Congress. Organisational
Mahasabha formally resumed politics. 2744 Position of the Party (Tables). Note on
Why Hindu Rashtra? Speech delivered by National Question and Amendment to Party
Parama Poojaneeya Sarasangachalak Sri Programme. Adopted by the Ninth
Guruji at Mercara, Karnatak on 25 Congress. Madurai, June 27–July 2, 1972.
November 1960. 2822 2700
Why Jansangh. Akhil Bhartiya Jansangh. Prati World Communist Movement. 1876–1914. 2581
Nidhi Sabha Session. Oct. 14, 1979.
Presidential Speech of Prof. Bal Raj Y
Madhok. 2319 Your Country and Its Defence. The National
Why No Nationalisation? Government’s Democrats. Day to Day Pamphlets. 2791
Industrial Policy Examined. 2383 Yugoslavia. Problems & Perspectives. 2561
Why Pricerise? 2635
Why the Jammu and Kashmir Special Powers
(Press) Bill, 1989. 3058
Will India Remain Hindu by 2000 A. D.? 3125


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