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Le monde des ressources humaines (texte en

Dissertations Gratuits : Le monde des ressources humaines (texte en anglais). Recherche parmi 287 000+ dissertations
Par pspirate555 • 15 Janvier 2015 • 1 149 Mots (5 Pages) • 1 194 Vues

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Rewards are a good way to motivate and give some goals to employees.

Firstly, business purpose is completely different according to its entity. For example, a
private company will highlight its strategy while the public company will pay more attention to
costs. Recompense is a business strategy to improve the skills of employees.

Also, some companies like small start-up haven’t a specialist human resource but can give to
theirs employees a few benefits.

A reward isn’t automatic and haven’t a reward isn’t a bad thing in some cases, but rewards
should be an indication of a good performance of business.

Job evaluation is good to create a rank among the jobs according to criteria and thus allow
a person to climb the ladder in the organization with a better job and pay.

However this evaluation is subjective and it’s not beneficial for everyone as ‘knowledge worker’.

Firms are keeping the job evaluation for many reasons, for example: evaluate jobs, have
internal equity and confront the skills. Job evaluation pass by an analysis where information
are taken on the description of jobs or a discussion.

Furthermore, companies use this job evolution to develop a pay scale for employees; more
jobs require skills required precise and well-paid employment would be.

Moreover, companies use many ways to pay their employees to motivate them. In fact,
remuneration by merit, bonuses, commissions or shares of the company are ways to reward the
white collars that have met their objectives or just an additional pay. But, each category of
variable remuneration corresponds to a type of work.

Therefore, there are several pay structures. Some of them is decided by the manager and
negotiate with him and the only way to have an increase pay is to ask to the manager directly.
For the graded pay, it’s easier to have a promotion but also to explain and administer. But the
most interesting is the variable pay that give a pay according to the performance of the
employee. A merit pay, bonuses, commission or a participation in the company is very
profitable for everybody. Each of type of variable pay is use for a specific company and activity. 1/5
Secondly, Reward must to be consistent with the market, so you need to identify your
market (geographical, area) and find good pay for each market. Moreover, market pricing is
good to have a better recruitment and have a flexibility to pay the employee.
For the employees, you can have many benefits that the company can offer, like pensions,

The pension is very important because it’s a way to have a pay after the retirement. The
employee must choice between defined benefit or defined contribution. Moreover the employee
can choose a flex fund.

Recruiting process:

DETERMINING : cinema manager resigned last week, his place is unoccupied since.

JOB ANALYSIS : a job that will allow the theater to find a manager. The candidate must
know his team manager and restore economic growth to the cinema.

Recruitment method : Use media specialised in cinema (internet and newspapers) with
some advertisements and should also engage an agency specialised in recruitment .

Compose an advertisement : All information must be on the advertisement and give a good
image of the company

Design an application form is good to sort out the candidates potential rapidly and efficiency.

Basic details: Title : Cinema Manager

Grade: High School diplôma

Numbers doing job: Minimum one year of management in a retail environment.

Skills: The cinema manager should be responsible for its staff, finance and administration
of his cinema. He must also have the assets to recruit the people needed for good operation of
the cinema. In addition, it will have to charge their training within the company. In addition,
pay attention to customers is an important task of the manager, who should 2/5

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