Aashto T11-05-2013

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Standard Method of Test for Materials Finer Than 75-pm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing AASHTO Designation: T 11-05 (2013)' AS oD ASTM Designation: C 117-13 1. 14 12 13, 14, SCOPE ‘This test method covers determination of the amount of material finer than a 75-um (No. 200) sieve in aggregate by washing. Clay particles and other aggregate particles that are dispersed by the wash water, as well a water-soluble materials. will be removed from the ageregate during, the test ‘Two procedures are included, one using only water for the washing operation, and the other including a weiting agent to assist the loosening of the material finer than the 75-yum (No. 200) sieve from the coarser material, Unless otherwise specified, Procedure A (water only) shall be used, ‘The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard, ‘This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport fo auldress all of the safety concerns associated with is use. It is the responsibilty of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior 10 use. 24 22 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS: AASHTO Standards: M92, Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes M231. Weighing Devices Used in the Testing of Materials m T2, Sampling of Aggregates m1 T27, Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Ageregates wT 248, Reducing Samples of Ageregate to Testing Size ASTM Standards: C117, Standard Test Method for Materials Finer than 75-jum (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Agaregates by Washing & C670, Standard Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements for Test Methods for Construction Materials 34 ‘SUMMARY OF METHOD A sample of the aggregate is washed in a prescribed manner, using either plain water or water containing a wetting agent, as specified. The decanted wash water, containing suspended and Tse seasons ton Alin Tit ‘AASHTO. 2014 by the American Assooiation of § gags ereseved Dupiator hore ea dissolved material, is passed through a 75-ym (No. 200) sieve. The loss in mass resulting from the ‘wash treatment is calculated as mass percent of the original sample and is reported as the percentage of material finer than a 75--m (No. 200) sieve by washing, 44 42 SIGNIFICANCE AND USE Material finer than the 75-i1m (No, 200) sieve ean be separated from larger particles much more ‘efficiently and completely by wet sieving than through the use of dry sieving. Therefore, when ‘accurate determinations of material finer than 75 ym in fine or coarse aggregate are desired. this test method is used on the sample prior to dry sieving in accordance with T/27. The results of this test method are included in the calculation in T 27. and the fotal amount of material finer than 75 jum by washing, plus that obtained by dry sieving the same sample, is reported with the results of T 27. Usually the additional amount of material finer than 75 1m obtained in the dry-sieving process is a small amount. Ift is large, the efficiency of the washing operation should be checked. ‘A large amount of material could also be an indication of the degradation of the aggregate. Plain water is adequate to separate the material finer than 75 uum from the coarser material with ‘most aggregates. In some cases. the finer material is adhering tothe larger particles, such as some clay coatings and coatings on aggregates that have been extracted from bituminous mixtures. In these cases, the fine material will be separated more readily with a wetting agent inthe water, 5. BA. 52. 53. 5A, 56. APPARATUS AND MATERIALS Balance—The balance shall have sufficient capacity, be readable to 0.1 percent of the sample mass. or better, and conform to the requirements of M 231 Sieves—A nest of two sieves, the lower being 2 75-1um (No. 200) sieve and the upper being a sieve ‘with openings in the range of 2.36 mm (No. 8) t0 1.18 mm (No, 16), both conforming to the requirement of M 92, Comaiiner—A pan or vessel ofa size sufficient to contain the sample covered with water and to permit vigorous agitation without loss of any part of the sample or water. ‘Over—An oven of sufficient size, capable of maintaining a uniform temperature of 110 $C (230+ °F), Heuing .4gemt—Any dispersing agent, such as liquid dishwashing detergents that will promote separation of the fine materials, Note 1—-The use of'a mechanical apparatus to perform the washing operation is not precluded, provided the results are consistent with those obiained using manual operations. The use of some mechanical washing equipment with some samples may cause degradation of the sample. 64 62 ‘SAMPLING ‘Sample the aggregate in accordance with T 2. Ifthe same test sample is to be tested for sieve analysis according to T 27, comply with the applicable requirements of that method, Thoroughly mix the sample of aggregate to be tested and reduce the quantity to an amount suitable for testing using the applicable methods described in T 248, Ifthe same test sample is to be tested according to T 27, the minimum mass shall be as described in the applicable sections of that ‘method. Otherwise, the mass ofthe test sample, after drying, shall conform with the following: TSic TE cagpentalatdtonatet Ateghs resend: Dupin ca a teat THe ‘AASHTO 214 the American Asseotation oF ‘Nominal Maximum Size Minimum Mass THF mm [Ne thor smaller 5 95 mm( sin) v0 Wo mm cane 2si 37S mm/s or lager 000 ‘The test sample shall be the end result of the reduction, Reduction to an exact predetermined mass shall not be permitted, f the nominal maximum size of the aggregate to be tested is not listed above. the next larger size listed shall be used to determine sample size, w ~ SELECTION OF PROCEDURE 74 Procedure A shall be used, unless otherwise specified by the specification with whiich the test results are to be compared, or when directed by the agency for which the work is performed. 8. PROCEDURE A—WASHING WITH PLAIN WATER ce Day the test sample to constant mass at a temperature of 110 + 5°C (230-+ 9°F). Determine the rmass 10 the nearest 0.1 percent ofthe mass ofthe test sample, 82 Fhe applicable specification requires that the amount passing the 75-um (No. 200) sieve shall be determined on a portion of the sample passing a sieve smaller than the nominal maximum size of the ageregate, separate the sample on the designated sieve and determine the mass of the material passing the designated sieve to 0.1 percent of the mass of this portion of the test sample. Use this ‘mass as the original dry mass of the test sample in Section 10.1 Note 2—Some specifications for aggregates with a nominal maximum size of $0 mm or greater, for example, provide a limit for material passing the 75-jm (No. 200) sieve determined on that portion of the sample passing the 25.0-mm sieve. Such procedures are necessary because itis impractical to wash samples ofthe size required when the same test sample is to be used for sieve analysis by T 27 83. After drying and determining the mass, place the test sample in the container and add sufficient water to cover it, No detergent, dispersing agent, or other substance shall be added to the water Agitate the sample with sufficient vigor to result in complete separation of all particles finer than the 75-um (No. 200) sieve from the coarser particles, and to bring the fine material into suspension. The use ofa large spoon or other similar too! fo stir and agitate the aggregate in the \wash water has been found satisfactory. Immediately pour the wash water containing the suspended and dissolved solids over the nested sieves, arranged with the coarser sieve on tp. ‘Take care to avoid, as much as feasible, the decantation of coarser particles ofthe sample. 84 [Add a second charge of water tothe sample in the container, agitate, and decant as before. Repeat this operation until the wash water is elear Note 3—Ifmechanical washing equipments used. the charging of water, agit decanting may be a continuous operation Note 4 —\ spray nozzle ora piece of rubber tubing attached to a water faucet may be used t0 Finse any ofthe material that may have fallen onto the sieves. The velocity of wate, which may be inereased by pinching the tubing or by use of a nozzle, should not be sufficient to cause any splashing ofthe sample over the sides ofthe sieve 12, and 85. Return all material retained on the nested sieves by flushing to the washed sample. Dry the washed aggregate to constant mass at a temperature of 110 = 5°C (230 + 9°F) and determine the mass to the nearest 0.1 percent of the original mass of the sample. TS1¢ T1138 ‘AASHTO. = 2015 by the American Association ofS a nmrgnuat sons ton ts All ight reserved Duplo sw cae Na Note 5 Following the washing of the sample and flushing any materials retained on the 75-um (No, 200) sieve back into the container, no water should be decanted from the container except through the 75-im sieve, to avoid loss of material, Excess water from flushing should be evaporated from the sample in the drying process. 94 92 8.3. 94. PROCEDURE B—WASHING USING A WETTING AGENT Prepare the sample in the same manner as for Procedure A, After drying and determining the mass, place the test sample in the container. Add sufficient water to cover the sample, and add wetting agent to the water (Note 6). Agitate the sample with sufficient vigor to result in complete separation of al particles finer than the 75-him (No. 200) sieve from the coarser particles. and to bring the fine material into suspension. The use of a large spoon or other similar tool to stir and agitate the aggregate in the wash water has been found satisfactory, Immediately pour the wash water containing the suspended and dissolved solids over the nested sieves. arranged with the coarser sieve on top. Take care to avoid, as much as feasible, ‘the decantation of coarser particles of the sample. Note 6-- There should be enough wetting agent to produce a small amount of suds when the ‘sample is agitated. The quantity will depend on the hardness of the water and the quality of the detergent. Excessive suds may overflow the sieves and carry some material with them. ‘Add a second charge of water (without wetting agent) to the sample in the container, agitate, and decant as before. Repeat this operation until the wash water is clear. Complete the test as for Procedure A 10. 104 CALCULATION Coloulate the amount of material pasinga 75pm (No. 200 sieve by washing as follows 4=[(8-C)/8] « 100 ” wher: 1 = percentage of material finer than a 75-pim (No, 200) sieve by washing: = original dry mass of sample, g; ane © = dry mass of sample after washing, g 1. 112, 12. 124 Tse REPORT Report the percentage of material finer than the 75-ym (No. 200) sieve by washing to the nearest 0.1 percent. except ifthe result is 10 percent or more, report the percentage to the nearest whole number. Include a statement as to which procedure was used. PRECISION AND BIAS Precision —The estimates of precision of this test method listed in Table | are based on results, from the AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory Proficiency Sample Program, with testing ‘conducted by this test method and ASTM C 117. The significant differences between the methods atthe time the data were acquired is chat T 11 required. and ASTM C 117 prohibited, the use of a Tita AASHTO (2014 by the American Asociation oS 2a ss at Tasha a As Soule eo ngeommmenmestarsa nis ‘rigs reserved: Duplicator vir fone ot 42135 1a wetting agent, The data are based on the analyses of more than 100 paired test results from 40 to 100 laboratories. Standard Deviation (s'% Comeansieae™ Singl-oeratiemeesion ow 2s Multilaboory prison ee Fine garest Singe-operat precio oss Malutaporsory proision 0x2 The uber eset the Tad a Pree ai edo reg ig mein aim iz of 10 thant pene Sarthe Pye 20 ee 244 ‘The precision values for fine aggregate in Table 1 are based on nominal S00-g test samples. Revision of this test method in 1996 permits the fine aggregate test sample size to 300-3. ‘minimum, Analysis of results of testing of 300-g and $00-g test samples from Aggregate Proficieney Test Samples 99 and 100 (Samples 99 and 100 were essentially identical) produced the precision values in Table 2, which indicates only minor differences due to test sample size. Table 2—Precision Data for 300-x and 500-g Test Samples Fine Agree Wine Baween Profiienes Sample Laboratory Labowtary Tenpie No Test Result See labs Ags Iss AARITTO TTT ASTAICTIT Ft ser nae oy 39010 oa ae No. 20 eet nis, wooy 364s ee) Note 7—The values for fine aggregate in Table | will be revised to reflect the 300-t test sample size when a sufficient number of Aggregate Proficieney Tests have been conducted using that sample size to provide reliable data. 122 ‘bias —Because there is no accepted reference material suitable for determining the bias for the procedure in this test method. no statement on bias is made. 13, KEYWORDS 19.4 Aggregate: size analysis: wash loss: 75-m (No. 200) sieve. " Except for Sections 5,1 and 6.2, and Note 4 this test method is identical with ASTM € 117-13. Tse T118 ‘AASHTO sana 2014 by the American Assooation oF S cep EY Al vghts reseed: Duplcairsetreee ar ier ua8

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