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Lesson 3

ESL Pals
Recap lesson 2

ESL Pals
Recap lesson 2 Read the
problems with
Addiction Concentration

Sleep Unsociable Eye problems

● Give a brief summary of each problem.

ESL Pals
Decide where to
Recap lesson 2 put the phrases on
the timeline.

● It’s certain that... ● It’s likely that... ● It’s probable that...

● It’s doubtful that... ● It’s unlikely that... ● It’s possible that...

ESL Pals
Check your answers Great job!

It’s unlikely It’s probable It’s certain

that... that... that...

It’s doubtful It’s possible It’s likely

that... that... that...

ESL Pals
Answers are

Complete the sentences open to


- It’s certain that… - It’s doubtful that… - It’s likely that…

- It’s unlikely that… - It’s possible that… - It’s probable that...

1. ___________ smartphones will not exist in the future.

2. ___________ phone screens will be bigger in the future.
3. ___________ the internet on smartphones will be faster in 2035.
4. ___________ everyone in the world will own a smartphone.
5. ___________ schools will be replaced by video class on smartphones.

ESL Pals
Smartphones verbs

ESL Pals
Present tense Complete the

install call back turn off turn down freezes

1. When I miss a call on my smartphone, I ________ immediately.

2. Before going to sleep I always _________ my phone.
3. I _________ the volume of my music when I am on the bus.
4. I like to _________ new games on my smartphone.
5. Sometimes the screen _________ when I am on a video call.

ESL Pals
Check your answers Great job!

install call back turn off turn down freezes

1. When I miss a call on my smartphone, I call back immediately.

2. Before going to sleep I always turn off my phone.
3. I turn down the volume of my music when I am on the bus.
4. I like to install new games on my smartphone.
5. Sometimes the screen freezes when I am on a video call.

ESL Pals
Past tense Complete the

installed called back turned off turned down froze

1. Last week, I _________ a new games app on my phone.

2. Last Friday, I _________ the volume of my music because it was too loud.
3. Last Monday, I missed my friend’s call so I _________ and spoke to her.
4. Yesterday, on skype my screen _________.
5. Last week, I _________ my phone for the whole day.

ESL Pals
Check your answers Check your

installed called back turned off turned down froze

1. Last week, I installed a new games app on my phone.

2. Last Friday, I turned down the volume of my music because it was too loud.
3. Last Monday, I missed my friend’s call so I called back and spoke to her.
4. Yesterday, on skype my screen froze.
5. Last week, I turned off my phone for the whole day.

ESL Pals
Question time

1. Do you install new apps every week? Do you like games apps?
2. If you miss a call, do you call back immediately?
3. Do you turn off your phone before bed?
4. Do you turn down the volume when you watch a video on the bus?
5. Does your screen freeze when you video call?

ESL Pals
Smartphone grammar

ESL Pals
Future tense
Subject Will Not (for negative) Infinitive verbs

I will not play

You will not dance

He, She, It will not sing Can you create

your own
We will not watch sentences your
different verbs?
They will not drink

Will not = Won’t. Example - I won’t eat a burger because I am a vegetarian.

ESL Pals
Question form

Will Subject Infinitive verb

Will I play Examples:
Will you dance Will you buy the shoes?
Will he, she, it sing Will they eat the pizza?

Will we watch Will he sing the song?

Will they drink

ESL Pals
When to use “will” Study the

● Express future actions decided at the moment of speaking

Example - I will turn the TV off.

● Express a prediction about the future

Example - I think Real Madrid will win the competition.

● Express a future fact

Example - The sun will rise tomorrow.

ESL Pals
Future tense

I + will = I’ll
1. What will you eat tomorrow? You + will = You’ll
2. Will you study English at the weekend? He + will = He’ll
3. Where will you go on holiday next year? She + will = She’ll
4. Will you watch a film at the weekend? We + will = We’ll

5. Will you learn another language in the future? It + will = It’ll

They + will = They’ll

ESL Pals
Future of technology

How will technology change in the future?

Flying Cars Hoverboards

I think that
Robots Virtual Reality
there will be...

Electric Cars Other

ESL Pals
Future of smartphones

ESL Pals
Internet connection What is the
probability of having
faster internet? Use
the timeline to help
Do you think there will be faster internet in the future? you...

It’s unlikely It’s probable It’s certain

that... that.. that...

It’s doubtful It’s possible It’s likely

that... that... that...

ESL Pals
Internet connection

By 2050, experts believe that every smartphone will have a very fast internet connection,
and everybody will want to be connected to wifi at all times. Governments will invest a lot
of money to ensure people are able to connect to wifi in all places, from cities to forests.
Connecting to the internet will be cheaper than today so everybody will be able to access it.

Fast internet will be positive for a lot of people because they will be able to complete tasks
faster and they will be able to connect with people faster. People who live in remote places
will have the opportunity to connect to the internet which is great. But there are negatives
of having a faster internet connection. A faster connection could encourage people to be
unsociable or lead to smartphone addiction.

ESL Pals
Bigger, folding screen
Do you think there will be folding phones in the future?

It’s unlikely It’s probable It’s certain

that... that.. that...

It’s doubtful It’s possible It’s likely

that... that... that...

ESL Pals
Bigger, folding screen

In the future some people believe that every smartphone will have a bigger screen
which folds. This is possible because technology is always improving and customers
want bigger screens. Customers want to have bigger screens because it is very
common for people to watch films, series and long videos on their smartphones.

There are negative aspects of having a big screen. Firstly, it is possible this screen will
encourage people to look at the screen for a long time - this is negative because it
could damage people’s eyes. Also, the screens could have a negative impact on
people's sleep if they watch the screens before bed.

ESL Pals
Colour change
Do you think you will be able to change the colour of a smartphones
in the future?

It’s unlikely It’s probable It’s certain

that... that.. that...

It’s doubtful It’s possible It’s likely

that... that... that...

ESL Pals
Colour change

By 2050, experts think that smartphones will change colour. People will be able to
choose a different colour for their smartphone each day. This will be possible because
there will be lights on the back of the phone. These lights will allow the colour of the
smartphone to change whenever a person wants.

Changing the colour of your smartphone will be positive for some people. Firstly, it is
positive because people like to personalise their phones. Secondly, changing the colour
of a phone will be a fun activity.

ESL Pals
Smart glasses
Do you think smart glasses will be more popular than smartphones
in the future?

It’s unlikely It’s probable It’s certain

that... that.. that...

It’s doubtful It’s possible It’s likely

that... that... that...

ESL Pals
Smart glasses

Some people believe that smart glasses will replace

smartphones. Smart glasses look like normal glasses but
they allow you to connect to the internet without looking
down at your phone. The aim of smart glasses is to combine
human vision with computer screens. Smart glasses have
very advanced technology installed in them so they can do
many different tasks such as take photos, record videos and
make video calls all without using a smartphone.

ESL Pals
No smartphones
Do you think smartphones will be unpopular in the future?

It’s unlikely It’s probable It’s certain

that... that.. that...

It’s doubtful It’s possible It’s likely

that... that... that...

ESL Pals
No smartphones
There is a possibility that there will be no smartphones in the future. It is true that fashion
changes and people's desires change all the time, so some experts believe that it is possible
smartphones will not be popular. People might prefer to use a different type of technology.

Many people believe that a world without smartphones would be positive. Firstly, there
would be no addiction to smartphones so people would feel free. Secondly, people would
be more sociable because they would not be looking at their phones all the time. Also,
without smartphones people would be able to concentrate on more important tasks e.g.
homework. However, a world without smartphones could be bad because people would not
be able to communicate instantly with anybody around the world. And, they would not be
able to surf the internet easily.

ESL Pals
Act out the
dialogues with a


ESL Pals
likely certain bigger addicted

David: What do you think about the future of smartphones?

Oliver: I think it is _________ that there will be a lot of changes!
David: Yes, I agree with you. What changes do you think there will be?
Oliver: It is likely that the screens will be _________.
David: Yes, that is _________! Do you think that is an improvement?
Oliver: Yes, because it is better to watch films and videos on bigger screens.
David: That is true! Will there be any problems with bigger screens?
Oliver: Maybe some people will become _________.

ESL Pals
Smartphone discussion 1

David: What do you think about the future of smartphones?

Oliver: I think it is certain that there will be a lot of changes!
David: Yes, I agree with you. What changes do you think there will be?
Oliver: It is likely that the screens will be bigger.
David: Yes, that is likely! Do you think that is an improvement?
Oliver: Yes, because it is better to watch films and videos on bigger screens.
David: That is true! Will there be any problems with bigger screens?
Oliver: Maybe some people will become addicted.

ESL Pals
likely screens probable communicate unsociable

David: Why do you think people will become addicted?

Oliver: Bigger _______ encourage people to spend more time on their phones.
David: Yes, that is true! What else will change in the future?
Oliver: I think it is ________ that the internet will be faster on smartphones!
David: I think that is very ________! Do you think that is a good thing?
Oliver: Yes, because people will be able to ________ quicker and easier.
David: That is true! But are there any negatives of faster internet?
Oliver: Yes, people will spend too much time on them, becoming ________!

ESL Pals
Smartphone discussion 2

David: Why do you think people will become addicted?

Oliver: Bigger screens encourage people to spend more time on their phones.
David: Yes, that is true! What else will change in the future?
Oliver: I think it is probable that the internet will be faster on smartphones!
David: I think that is very likely! Do you think that is a good thing?
Oliver: Yes, because people will be able to communicate quicker and easier.
David: That is true! But are there any negatives of faster internet?
Oliver: Yes, people will spend too much time on them, becoming unsociable!

ESL Pals
doubtful certain probable entertainment

David: Do you think it is ________ smartphones won’t exist in the future?

Oliver: I think it is ________ that smartphones won’t exist in the future.
David: Why do you think it is doubtful?
Oliver: Because smartphones are very useful, they have many ________!
David: What are the main benefits in your opinion?
Oliver: They can be used for education, __________ and communication.
David: Wow! There are many benefits!
Oliver: Exactly! So, I think it’s ________ smartphones will exist in the future.

ESL Pals
Smartphone discussion 3

David: Do you think it is probable smartphones won’t exist in the future?

Oliver: I think it is doubtful that smartphone won’t exist in the future!
David: Why do you think it is doubtful?
Oliver: Because smartphones are very useful, they have many benefits!
David: What are the main benefits in your opinion?
Oliver: They can be used for education, entertainment and communication.
David: Wow! There are many benefits!
Oliver: Exactly! So, I think it’s certain smartphones will exist in the future.

ESL Pals
Smartphones series: Recap

ESL Pals
Unit recap
Discuss each one
as a class!

Benefits of smartphones Problems with smartphones The Future of smartphones

Addiction Smart glasses Colour change No smartphones Concentration

Education Bigger screen Entertainment Camera Communication

ESL Pals
See you
next time!

ESL Pals

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