2nd Week LAS Science 10

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Division of Masbate


Nabangig, Palanas, Masbate

Learning Activity Sheet in Science 10

Feedback Mechanism in Female Reproductive System
Name: _______________________________ Date: _____________________
Section: _________________________________
The various functions of the body are regulated by the
nervous system and the hormones. These are involved in
controlling the activity of the female reproductive system in a
regular monthly series of events known as the menstrual cycle.
What do you know about the important events during
the menstrual cycle? To know more about these mechanisms,
be ready to learn and accomplish the tasks ahead.
Describe the feedback mechanisms involved in
Fig. 1
regulating processes in the female reproductive system (e.g.,
menstrual cycle).
1. Define menstruation.
2. Identify the important events during the menstrual cycle.
3. Describe the feedback mechanisms in the female reproductive system.
Activity 1: I FEEL YOU!
Direction: Identify some of the symptoms of menstruation by arranging the jumbled letters, in each picture
in fig 1. Write your answer on your answer sheet.


Fig. 2


Concept and ideas
Menstruation — “aka having your period” — is when blood
and tissue from your uterus comes out of your vagina. It usually
happens every month.
What Causes a Period?
A period happens because of changes in hormones in the
body. Hormones are chemical messengers. The ovaries release the
female hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones cause
the lining of the uterus (or womb) to build up ( Refer to fig. 3). The built-
up lining is ready for a fertilized egg to attach to and start developing.
If there is no fertilized egg, the lining breaks down and bleeds. Then
the same process happens all over again. It usually takes about a
month for the lining to build up, and then break down. That is why
most girls and women get their periods around once a month. Fig. 3
Guide questions A:
1. What hormones are responsible for the thickening of the lining of Uterus?
2. What are the possible reasons why uterus thickens?
3. What happens if the uterus does not receive a fertilized egg?
Menstrual phase
The menstrual phase is
the first stage of the menstrual
cycle. It’s also when you get your
period. This phase starts when
an egg from the previous cycle
isn’t fertilized. Because
pregnancy hasn’t taken place,
levels of the hormones estrogen
and progesterone drop. (refer to
figure 4. for the menstrual cycle).
You may have period symptoms
like these:
Cramps, tender breasts,
bloating, mood swings,
irritability, headaches, tiredness Fig. 4
and low back pain.
Guide questions B:
1. Which part of the menstrual cycle where the cell travels through the fallopian tube where it can be
2. What particular phase is the thickening of the lining of the uterus in preparation for pregnancy?
3. What phase where eggs mature inside the follicle?
Feedback mechanism of hormones in the Female Reproductive System
The same hormones that control female puberty and oogenesis also control the
menstrual cycle: estrogen, LH, and FSH. Estrogen controls the secretion of the
two pituitary hormones by acting on the hypothalamus, which controls the
pituitary gland. (This is shown in Fig. 5). When the estrogen level rises in
the blood, it stimulates the pituitary (via the hypothalamus) to secrete more or
less LH and FSH.
In negative feedback, rising levels of hormones feedback to
the hypothalamus and pituitary gland  to decrease the production of the
hormones. In positive feedback, rising levels of hormones feedback to
increase hormone production. During most of the menstrual cycle, estrogen and
progesterone provide negative feedback (indicated by red line in the fig. 5) to
the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This keeps their levels more or less
constant. During days 12–14 of the menstrual cycle, however, estrogen provides
positive feedback (indicated by green line in the fig. 5) to the hypothalamus and
pituitary gland. This causes a rapid rise in the production of estrogen by the Fig. 5
ovaries and leads to ovulation.
Guide questions C:
1. Based on the information above and its figure. How do you think
negative feedback work?
2. Based on the information above and its figure. How do you think positive feedback work?
3. Estrogen and Progesterone provide a negative feedback to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
What do you think will happen next?
Activity 2: In Order Please!
Direction: Arrange the following menstrual phases in order. Use numbers 1 to 4, write your answer on the
answer sheet.
___ Ovulation
___ Luteal Phase
___ Follicular Phase
___ Menstruation
Hint: Menstruation would be the first.
Activity 3: Arrow-Arrow, Every Day!
Direction: Using the diagram below (Fig. 6) answer the following questions, write your answer in the space
provided for each number.
Fig. 6

Arrow down means decrease amount of hormones

Arrow up means increase amount of hormones
1. If there is a decrease level of estrogen, what do you think the hypothalamus will do?
2. If the hypothalamus increases the amount of GnRH, what do you think the Pituitary will do?
3. If the Pituitary increases the amount of FSH, what do you think the ovary will do?
4. What particular hormone initiates the start of negative feedback mechanism?

Activity 4: Valuing
Direction: Answer the following questions; write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. What will happen if one of the hormones involved in menstruation malfunctions?
2. How can we prevent hormonal imbalance to avoid menstruation problems?
Post Test
Direction: Read each question very carefully; encircle the correct answer.
1. Which of the following group of hormones is responsible for menstruation?
A. GnRH – FSH, LH, - Progesterone, Estrogen C. GnRH – FSH, GH – Testosterone, Estrogen
B. GnRH – FSH, ADH – Progesterone, Estrogen D. FSH, LH – Progesterone, Estrogen
2. What point in the menstrual cycle endometrium thickens?
A. Menstrual phase B. Follicular phase C. Ovulation D. Luteal phase
3. Negative feedback happens when _______________.
A. when the brain detects a high amount of specific hormone in the body and reacts by ordering the glands
to stop the production.
B. when the brain detects a low amount of specific hormone in the body and reacts by ordering the glands
to produce more hormones.
C. when the brain detects a low amount of specific hormone in the body and does not react.
D. when the brain detects a high amount of specific hormone in the body and does not react.
4. What hormones are responsible for the menstruation symptoms experienced by women before and after
A. GnRH and LH B. LH and FSH C. Progesterone and Estrogen D. Testosterone and Aldosterone
5. What part of the female reproductive organ sheds during menstruation?
A. Vagina B. Uterus B. Ovary D. Fallopian tube
Answer Sheet
Name: _______________________________ Date: _____________________
Section: _________________________________ Quarter 3 - Week 2

Activity 1: I FEEL YOU!

1. ______________ 3. __________________ 5. ______________

2. ______________ 4. __________________
Guide questions A:
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
Guide questions B:
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
Guide questions C:
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
Activity 2: In Order Please!
___ Ovulation
___ Luteal Phase
___ Follicular Phase
___ Menstruation

Activity 3: Arrow-Arrow, Every Day!

1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
Activity 4: Valuing
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
Post Test
1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4.______ 5. ______

Prepared by:
Science Teacher
Answer Key
Activity 1: I FEEL YOU! Guide questions A:
1. ABDOMINAL PAIN 1. estrogen and progesterone
2. HEADACHE 2. it prepares the body for possible pregnancy if not
3. ACNE menstruation.
4. MOOD CHANGES 3. Menstruation happens
Guide questions C:
Guide questions B: 1. Rising levels of hormones feedback to
1. Ovulation the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to decrease the
2. Luteal Phase production of the hormones.
3. Follicular Phase 2. In positive feedback, rising levels of hormones feedback
to increase hormone production.
Activity 2: In Order Please! 3. The Hypothalamus produce more of its GnRH.
4 Activity 3: Arrow-Arrow, Every Day!
1. Hypothalamus increases the amount of GnRH.
2. Pituitary increases the amount of FSH.
Activity 4: Valuing 3. Ovaries increase the amount of estrogen.
1. Answers may vary 4. Estrogen
2. Answers may vary
Post Test
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C

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