The Effects of Having A Romantic

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The Effects Of Having a Romantic

Relationship Of Selected Gr. 10

Students Of

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Course Requirements in
English 10

Submitted By:
Queen Stephanie S. Barizo

John Hervic Arnaiz

Mike Ellis Alay-ay

Zoowee Arcojada

Aira Aro

Jamayca Cantong

Marlianne Monique De paz

Submitted to:

Ms. Marieta Alcazar


The purpose of the study was to ascertain how romantic relationships affected
the academic performance of students in Grade 10.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the associations between academic
performance, motivation, anxiety, time management while studying, and time
spent with partners.

The variables were examined using a descriptive survey method with the help of a
researcher-made questionnaire.
The association between the variables was examined using descriptive and
inferential statistics.

It was discovered that the respondents' time management was unbalanced,

meaning that they were more focused on their romantic relationships than on
their studies. Academic performance was found to be highly influenced by anxiety
and partner time. However, because

The researchers found that M.B. ASISTIO Grade 10 students who were in a
relationship had reduced levels of anxiety when they were students, and they
came to the conclusion that the time spent with

The partner had the biggest impact on their academic achievement. Additionally,
it was discovered that the respondents' academic success was significantly
correlated with their level of desire. Given that the study is only able to include 50
participants, it is advised that a subsequent investigation be carried out with
larger samples.

Chapter 1
Before moving on to the study's main variables, the researchers first explore why teenagers are involved in
romantic relationships and how these interactions contribute to the growth and development of

In the following part, the researchers explore the correlations between the study's independent variables,
such as romantic relationships, which demand effort, motivation, and anxiety.

To determine if there were any associations between romantic relationships and people's academic
performance as well as their effects, these three variables were examined. In the final section of the
chapter, the researchers make an effort to examine past research on the topic of this study.

Particularly among teenagers, there are several reasons why they enter into romantic partnerships.

Because humans are "social animals," according to Aristotle, they aspire to form deep
relationships in which love can be freely given and received; this yearning is known as the
"need to belong" (Myers, 2010).
They can be sure of the affection and care shown by those near to them, and they are
comfortable in the trust and confidence that they are acceptable to individuals they can rely on
to meet their needs. Raman (2010) asserts that being physically intimate in a romantic
relationship involves chemical stimulation in people involved as well as providing them with the
affection and self-assurance they want.
This argument was expanded upon by Koob & Bloom (1982), who proposed that when two
people fell in lov Because humans are "social animals," according to Aristotle, they aspire to
form deep relationships in which love can be freely given and received; this yearning is known
as the "need to belong" (Myers, 2010).
They can be sure of the affection and care shown by those near to them, and they are
comfortable in the trust and confidence that they are acceptable to individuals they can rely on
to meet their needs. Raman (2010) asserts that being physically intimate in a romantic
relationship involves chemical stimulation in people involved as well as providing them with the
affection and self-assurance they want.
This argument was expanded upon by Koob & Bloom (1982), who proposed that when two
people fell in lovE
We, the researchers, would like to sincerely thank the following individuals for their
unwavering support and assistance in completing this study.

To Ms. Marieta Alcazar for her constructive criticism, tolerance for checking the grammar
errors, unwavering effort in sharing new ideas with us, and encouragement that motivated
us to complete this study successfully.

To our parents, who encouraged and supported us throughout this entire grade, for
voluntarily providing the moral and financial support for this study, and for their
understanding and tolerance of our quirks.

To our friends who were genuinely there to make us smile when things went wrong, and
for their cheers and motivational words when we were so depressed. When we had restless
nights while doing this study.

The Almighty God who gives us the strength to do this research and
forgiving us the insight to pursue this course.
It was really wonderful to have all of your support throughout the process of
completing this study.

To our respondents, the Grade 10 students, for their participation in this

study and for their time and effort in answering the questionnaires honestly.
Thank you a lot.


Education and romance have a detrimental effect on academic achievement, particularly when students
place an excessive amount of emphasis on their romantic connections.
This Situation primarily affects girls due to the "romantic milieu at school where romance is valued
higher. As opposed to that, The study revealed that guys perform academically - being” is marginally
This scenario is mostly impacted by the increased risk of sexual activity (Crissey, 2006). Nevertheless,
information from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (quoted in Allen, 20) suggests
that 10 indicated a contrasting finding, indicating that men'

The romantic atmosphere has a negative impact on academic performance being is marginally impacted.

Only a qualitative study by Stefan (2006) on the effects of romantic relationships on high school
girls' academic performance is applicable here. regarding western culture.
The study's findings demonstrated that there is a real "socialpressure" on young girls who date.
being” is marginally impacted.
This scenario is mostly impacted by the increased risk of sexual activity (Crissey, 2006).
Nevertheless, information from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (quoted in
Allen, 20) suggests that 10 indicated a contrasting finding, indicating that men'
The romantic atmosphere has a negative impact on academic performance.
Only a qualitative study by Stefan (2006) on the effects of romantic relationships on high school
girls' academic performance is applicable here. regarding western culture. The study's findings
demonstrated that there is a real "socialpressure" on young girls who date.
She was also made aware of this social the fact that ladies participate in this type of dating under pressure
circumstance just "because of some classmates' influences, tv, magazines, etc. Occasionally, if a girl
doesn't Some people might have thought Maria Clara was "weird" for dating, possibly because there are
no longer people like her in western society who are somewhat conscious about dating and romantic
The majority of people, she claimed, would anticipate that girls would already be dating when they
reached adolescence.
She was also made aware of this social the fact that ladies participate in this type of dating under pressure
circumstance just "because of some classmates' influences, tv, magazines, etc. Occasionally, if a girl
doesn't Some people might have thought Maria Clara was "weird" for dating, possibly because there are
no longer people like her in western society who are somewhat conscious about dating and romantic
The majority of people, she claimed, would anticipate that girls would already be dating when they
reached adolescence.
She was also made aware of this social the fact that ladies participate in this type of dating under pressure
circumstance just "because of some classmates' influences, tv, magazines, etc. Occasionally, if a girl
doesn't Some people might have thought Maria Clara was "weird" for dating, possibly because there are
no longer people like her in western society who are somewhat conscious about dating and romantic
The majority of people, she claimed, would anticipate that girls would already be dating when they
reached adolescence.

Quite an amount of research However, the majority of these studies concentrate on young people in
Western countries, particularly in the US. Asian and Western cultures are very different from one
another, especially in terms of social traits.
Think about how people view dating as an example. Western culture and Asian culture are distinct
from one another, notably in terms of social traits. Think about how people view dating as an
The researchers are unaware of any studies that focus especially on Asian romantic relationships.
She further added that this kind of dating is frequently regarded as the beginning or threshold of love
She came to the conclusion that dating and romantic relationships could have an impact on
someone's academic performance in both "negative and positive" ways after doing her research. – a
positive in that dating inspires and motivates

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