Long List Research Thematics PHD Fisica e Tecnologie Emergenti Xxxix N

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PhD in Physics and Emerging Technologies -- Ciclo XXXIX

Research Thematics

Title: Electro-nanocatalytic approaches for sustainable

Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Renata Adami, Maria Sarno/Carmine Attanasio, Claudia Cirillo

Description: Electrochemical processes are now a real opportunity for obtaining various chemical
products at low temperatures and "easily", also from water and CO2. In this context, it is extremely
important to design nano-catalysts for the electrodes, through morphologies, thin film deposition,
couplings and “ad hoc” compositions to improve the processes performance. Electricity supplied from
renewable energy sources allows for sustainable productions, and can be a real smart approach.
Through electro-chemical approach water can be transformed in hydrogen and the mixture water/CO2
in chemicals, pharmaceuticals, or biofuels, e.g., syngas for mediated productions. Morphology
control, catalyst composition, support effect, and adjustment of precisely exposed crystallographic
facets were identified as the key parameters to improve electro-activity and selectivity of catalysts.
Contacts: msarno@unisa.it, radami@unia.it, cattanasio@unisa.it, clcirillo@unisa.it

Title: Multi-parametric geophysics approach for imaging and

monitoring of geothermal area.
Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Ortensia Amoroso/ Paolo Capuano

Description: One of the goals enshrined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda is to ensure access to
affordable, safe, sustainable, and modern energy for all and to contribute to addressing climate change
and its impacts. Renewable energy is an efficient and effective solution, one of the most sustainable
options is geothermal energy. In this context, it is evident the need for plans to increase the
exploitation of geothermal resources from the underground. These plans require knowledge of the
subsoil which, due to its complexity, makes classical diagnostics inappropriate for the purposes.
The objective of the research is developing and applying multi-parametric geophysics approach for
imaging and monitoring of geothermal area to provide and valuable insights into the properties and
processes of geothermal reservoirs. These insights arise from the inherently complementary infor-
mation carried by subsoil electrical resistivity and elastic/anelastic properties linked to fluid presence
and migration in the rocks.
Contacts: oamoroso@unisa.it, pcapuano@unisa.it
Title:Physical-mathematical modeling of the Earth ground
Tutor(s)/cotutor(s):Antonella Amoruso / Luca Crescentini

Description:The study of ground deformation is a powerful tool for investigating Earth’s behavior
at various spatial and temporal scales, from the core to the crust, from slow tectonic processes to
seismic, volcanic and hydrological phenomena. Interpreting ground deformation requires realistic
physical-mathematical modeling of the deformation sources, e. g. magmatic chambers and active
faults, and processes, e. g. magma migration and storage in volcanic areas, underground fluid
migration in volcanic and tectonically active regions, pre- co- and post-seismic phenomena. Beside
their intrinsic scientific interest, these studies are also increasingly important for identifying
precursors of geological disasters, like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Modeling is done by
means of both analytical and numerical methods.
Contacts: aamoruso@unisa.it, lcrescen@unisa.it

Title: Sviluppo di modelli matematici e metodi numerici per

processi stocastici con applicazioni alla fisica statistica.
Tutore: Annunziato Mario

Descrizione: La ricerca ha l'obiettivo di elaborare modelli matematici per fenomeni nel settore della
fisica statistica (inclusi i processi stocastici), che si trascrivono in equazioni differenziali alle derivate
parziali (EDP) di tipo parabolico ed iperbolico o anche integro-differenziali, nonché la loro risolu-
zione numerica. Il tema principale della ricerca è incentrato sulla risoluzione numerica dei cosiddetti
"problemi diretti", ma può comprendere collateralmente anche problemi di "controllo ottimo" ed "in-
Al candidato è richiesta la conoscenza di fisica statistica e di basi delle EDP, di calcolo numerico e
programmazione. E' apprezzabile la conoscenza del calcolo delle probabilità.
Il tema è rivolto a candidati inclini allo studio della fisica teorica, tuttavia potranno essere presi in
considerazione anche coloro che siano in grado di proporre un tema sperimentale. E' possibile la
collaborazione con istiuzioni con sede in Germania.

Contatti: mannunzi@am-research.it

Title: Single-photon detectors based on NbRe/Ferromagnet

Tutor: Carmine Attanasio

Description: Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors (SNSPDs) are recognized as a mature

platform for many applications such as, for instance, quantum information and communication
technology or Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR).
The first NbRe-based superconducting single-photon detectors realized both in nano- and microstrip
form revealed the good potential of this material for the realization of high performance detectors at
an easily accessible cryogenic temperature. Indeed, disordered NbRe films combine a
superconducting critical temperature larger than the liquid helium temperature, low gap, fast electron
thermalization and localized phononic states. Moreover, there are solid indications that
Superconducting/Ferromagnetic (S/F) bilayers may show enhanced sensitivity, lower dark count
rates, and recovery times reduced of one order of magnitude. Despite these promising results, the
operation of S/F hybrids in this field was never tested. For this reason, we propose to realize NbRe-
based bilayers at this purpose. NbRe films will be used in combination with different ferromagnetic
metallic materials coupled by proximity effect starting from weakly ferromagnetic alloys (CuNi,
PdNi) which may assure longer penetration of the Cooper pairs in the proximized layer to traditional
strong ferromagnets (Co, Py). The work will be devoted to effectively tune the bilayers parameters,
such as Tc, resistivity, as well as quasiparticle relaxation times evaluated from electrical transport
properties also by the study of the vortex instability at high driving currents. The more promising
samples will be processed by optical lithography as micrometric strips and tested under illumination
at wavelength of 1.5 m and beyond in collaboration with the University of Naples.

Contact: cattanasio@unisa.it

Title: Out-of-equilibrium and strongly correlated quantum

Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Adolfo Avella

Description: The research project regards the development and the application of novel theoretical
methodologies for the analytical study and the numerical simulation of the optical (differential
transient reflectivity, absorption, and transmission) and the spectroscopical (TR-ARPES) response of
real quantum materials brought out-of-equilibrium in pump-probe and/or electromagnetic cavity
experimental setups. The main objective is the description and understanding of the out-of-
equilibrium behavior and time evolution of photo-injection processes, unconventional
superconductivity, topological behavior, and strong correlations in prototypical semiconductors and
transition-metal oxides for eventual application in future electronics. The research project is carried
out in close connection with a few teams of very excellent experimentalists in the field of ultrafast
out-of-equilibrium solid-state physics.
Contact: a.avella@unisa.it

Title: Eco-friendly and sustainable electronic devices

Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Carlo Barone/ Sergio Pagano, Giovanni Carapella, Veronica Granata

Description: Green electronics is an emerging topic that requires the exploration of new
methodologies for the integration of green components into electronic devices. Therefore, the
development of alternative, biocompatible, biodegradable, and eco-friendly materials as building
blocks of electronic devices is of great importance. The proposed research will deal with the design,
development, and characterization of such devices. More specifically, it will imply the study of
electrical (dc, ac, and noise spectroscopy), temperature, and morphological properties, that will take
advantage of in-house available facilities. Device fabrication and other characterizations will be made
through consolidated external collaborations. Beside the experimental activity, the design of new
green electronic devices will also require a modeling activity of the involved electrochemical
Contacts: cbarone@unisa.it, spagano@unisa.it, gcarapella@unisa.it, vgranata@unisa.it

Title: Quantum correlations in relativistic systems

Tutor: Massimo Blasone
Description: The study of entanglement and other quantum correlations in the context of particle
physics represents currently a very active research area, ranging from neutrino and Kaon oscillations
to spin correlations in top quarks. Another topic of interest is represented by the role of entanglement
in scattering processes in the framework of Quantum Field Theory.
Our group is active in this area in various directions:
- Quantum properties of neutrino oscillations (violations of Leggett-Garg inequalities, quantum cor-
relations in the framework of complete complementarity relations);
- Entanglement in QED processes at tree level;
- Spin correlations in lepton-antineutrino couples generated by weak interactions;
- Entanglement in special and general relativity;
- Emergence of entanglement and nonlocality in deterministic models.

Contact: mblasone@unisa.it

Title: Machine Learning Techniques for Astroparticle Detection

and Study
Tutors: Cristiano Bozza, Luigi Antonio Fusco

Co-tutor: Dr. Chiara Poirè

Description: Machine Learning techniques are becoming increasingly common in Astroparticle

Physics and Neutrino Astronomy. They are used both for classification tasks and for regression and
estimation of physical quantities of high energy neutrinos detected in water Cherenkov counters, as
in the case of KM3NeT neutrino telescopes. State-of-the-art achievements already proved effective
in estimating the flavor of the final states of the neutrino interaction and in estimating the neutrino
energy, but could be further improved. The ability of Machine Learning methods in pointing back to
the astrophysical source of high-energy neutrinos is instead still unsatisfactory, and will require
dedicated efforts and investigation, with high scientific rewards.
The PhD candidate will participate to the activities of the KM3NeT Collaboration, working on data
preparation and analysis with machine learning tools, and should be involved in the international
efforts on machine learning applied to Neutrino Astronomy (Global Neutrino Network Machine
Learning Working Group).

Contacts: cbozza@unisa.it, lfusco@unisa.it

Title: Extrasolar planets and black holes
Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Valerio Bozza

Description: We have just started to be fascinated by the extreme diversity of worlds orbiting other
stars. Incoming space missions such as Roman by NASA and PLATO by ESA will provide a much
deeper view of planets in intermediate/wide orbits including the “habitable zone”. Possible projects
include the detection of planets with the transit method with our own Observatory in Fisciano within
the TESS and Gaia follow-up groups, and detections with the microlensing method within the
OMEGA and MiNDSTEp collaborations. We are world leader in the development of codes for
microlensing, which need to be extended and adapted for the incoming Roman mission. The
interpretation of the radiation coming from the matter surrounding black holes needs a deeper
understanding of gravitational lensing in strong fields, with the development of analytical formulae
describing the main features in high-resolution images.
Contact: vbozza@unisa.it

Title: Particle physics beyond the Standard Model, quantum

field theory and cosmological implications.
Tutor: Antonio Capolupo

Description: The research project is about the Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions. The
studies are mainly concerned with: Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and Theoretical Particle Physics,
Cosmology and Gravitational Physics, quantum field theory for several systems in low and high
energy physics. The topics of the doctoral thesis will be:
- QFT and non-perturbative interacting field theories addressing phenomena such as mixing and
oscillation in particle physics in the presence of space-time curvature and torsion, superconducting
systems, and analogues for the laboratory simulations.
- The analysis of the structure of the QFT vacuum and of the condensation effects induced by various
phenomena with application to cosmology and astrophysics, through the study of possible
connections with dark energy and dark matter and primordial universe.

Contact: acapolupo@unisa.it

Title: Spin-orbitronics for quantum materials

Tutor/cotutor(s): Roberta Citro/ Claudio Guarcello, Francesco Romeo

Description: Spin-orbitronics is emerging as a new fundamental field of research that differs from
traditional electronics as, in addition to charge and spin state of electrons, employes the orbital
degrees of freedom. The promise of spin-orbitronics is smaller, faster and far more energy efficient
devices, like solid-state memories and quantum bits that are of particular interest in the field of
quantum computing. The main objective of the research will be the theoretical investigation of spin-
momentum locking phenomena due to spin-orbit interaction in quantum materials, as oxides
interfaces and superconducting materials. The Ph.D. program will cover the comprehension of
charge-to-spin conversion, spin Hall effect and giant magnetoresistance phenomena interrelated to
the fascinating concept of topological properties of materials. The project will be developed within
established international collaborations.
Contact: rocitro@unisa.it, cguarcello@unisa.it, fromeo@unisa.it

Title: Study of non-equilibrium processes in complex systems

Tutor: Federico Corberi

Description: The study of non-equilibrium, for which a general theory akin to equilibrium statistical
mechanics is currently missing, is at the frontier of modern research. The field embraces not only all
the branches of Physics, but also a wealth of interdisciplinary applications ranging from social
sciences, to biology, economy, and artificial intelligence, just to mention only few examples. Such
disparate sectors share the mathematical methods needed to be addressed, which are all rooted into
statistical-mechanics. Ph.D. thesis are available on themes such as the non-equilibrium kinetics of
physical systems with long-range interactions and/or quenched disorder, theoretical artificial
intelligence, biologically oriented active matter systems, statistical regularities as the Zipf’s law in
interdisciplinary contexts (social sciences, linguistic, big-data science, networks, biology etc…)
Contact: fcorberi@unisa.it

Title: Measuring and analysing the Earth's ground deformation

Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Luca Crescentini / Antonella Amoruso

Description:The study of ground deformation is a powerful tool for investigating Earth’s behavior
at various spatial and temporal scales, from the core to the crust, from slow tectonic processes to
seismic, volcanic and hydrological phenomena. The seismic process is not limited to an earthquake
event, but includes pre-seismic, co-seismic, post-seismic, and inter-seismic phases; the volcanic
activity includes various phases not always culminating in an eruption, including movement of
magma and/or magmatic fluids and possible interactions between neighboring volcanoes and/or
volcanoes and earthquakes. Ground deformation is measured by DInSAR (differential satellite
synthetic aperture radar interferometry), GNSS (global navigation satellite systems), and borehole
tensor strainmeters. This proposal includes the development of new analysis codes.
Contact(s): lcrescen@unisa.it, aamoruso@unisa.it

Title: Physics teaching and the Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL)

Tutor: Roberto De Luca

Description: The Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) approach is widely regarded as one of the most
promising teaching methods in the field of science education. It exploits the characteristic features of
knowledge construction within the scientific community to create a pedagogical framework that
fosters a similar educational process. Grounded in constructivism and previous research on IBL, the
5E Instructional Model, initially developed at the BSCS (Biological Science Curriculum Study)
Centre, places students as active agents in their own intellectual development. To achieve the
ambitious objective of empowering students to construct their own knowledge, teachers play the role
of facilitators. In the context of the scientific research area of FIS/08 (Physics teaching and history of
physics) and as part of the PhD thesis, original teaching and learning experiences will be proposed,
implemented, and analyzed.
Contact: rdeluca@unisa.it

Title: Low dimensional heterostructures for electronic and

optoelectronic applications
Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Antonio Di Bartolomeo / Arun Kumar, Ofelia Durante

Description: The study of low dimensional materials is an active and challenging field that involves
worldwide scientists dealing with fundamental and applied research. Low dimensional materials can
be combined in heterostructures with enhanced electrical and optical properties, suitable for a new
generation of optoelectronic devices and sensors. Their electrical transport and photoresponse are
investigated at different temperatures and pressures or under light and ionizing radiation.
The Ph.D. program involves fabrication and optoelectronic characterization of nanodevices based on
graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, black phosphorus or other layered materials in one- and
two- dimensional configurations. The project is developed in close collaboration with partners located
in Germany, UK and Ireland, offering knowledge of nanoscale transport, nano-fabrication, and nano-

Contacts: adibartolomeo@unisa.it, akumar@unisa.it, odurante@unisa.it

Title: Van-der-Waals/non-van-der-Waals hybrids for

superconducting spintronics
Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Angelo Di Bernardo

Description: The exfoliation of van der Waals (vdW) materials down to the two-dimensional (2D)
limit has led to the discovery of physical effects and quantum phases that do not have a bulk
counterpart. In this project, the Ph.D. candidate will study physical phenomena emerging at
superconductor/ferromagnet (S/F) vdW interfaces for the development of spintronic devices with
low-energy dissipation. The candidate will make 2D S/F vdW devices using state-of-the-art
nanofabrication techniques and investigate their low-temperature magnetotransport and spectroscopic
properties, also in collaboration with external research partners from Germany, Spain, and Israel. To
enhance the device performance, non-vdW nanoflakes will be also integrated, based on a technique
recently developed by us.
[1] A. Spuri, .., A. Di Bernardo (Under review), pre-print at

Contact: adibernardo@unisa.it
Title: Multi-messenger Astrophysics with Neutrino Telescopes
Tutors: Luigi Antonio Fusco, Cristiano Bozza

Co-tutor: Chiara Poirè

Description: Multi-messenger astrophysics has emerged in the last decade as a fundamental

complement to traditional astronomy and astrophysics. In particular, Neutrino Astronomy provides a
unique insight into some of the most energetic or hidden phenomena of the Universe, such as the
activity of supermassive black holes, stellar explosions and their aftermath, but also beyond standard
model physics.
Starting from the study of atmospheric backgrounds, and relying on machine learning techniques, a
few cosmic neutrinos should be extracted from the huge data stream coming from neutrino telescopes,
km³-scale detectors located at large depths in the Mediterranean Sea and continuously operated to
search for cosmic signals. The PhD candidate will participate to the activities of the KM3NeT
Collaboration, working on data preparation and data analysis with machine learning tools, and using
the most advanced statistical methods in searches for cosmic neutrinos.
Contacts: lfusco@unisa.it, cbozza@unisa.it

Title: Exploring the hadronization mechanism with ALICE at the

Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Gruppo di Fisica Subnucleare (ALICE/EIC)

Description: The fundamental process of hadron formation in ultrarelativistic hadronic collisions is

still not fully understood and is under intense debate in the scientific community. Light-flavor hadrons
constitute the bulk of particle production in hadronic collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
(LHC). Experimentally, the hadronization process can be studied via systematic measurements of
light-flavor hadron production in different collision systems and center-of-mass energies with
ALICE, which is one of the large experiments at the LHC. The successful Ph.D. candidate will join
the ALICE Collaboration participating in its scientific activities, collaboration meetings, and on-site
data-taking shifts. The project foresees the analysis of experimental data using highly-advanced
software and statistical tools.
Contacts: sdepasquale@unisa.it, ddegruttola@unisa.it, adecaro@unisa.it, tvirgili@unisa.it,

Title: R&D for the dRICH in ePIC experiment at EIC:

characterization and simulation of the SiPMs
Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Gruppo di Fisica Subnucleare (ALICE/EIC)
Description: The Electron Ion Collider (EIC) is a future electron-proton and electron-ion collider to
be constructed at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) located in Upton, New York (USA)
and foreseen to start operation in 2030. The experiment ePIC @EIC will allow one to explore the
secrets of QCD and to understand the origin of nucleons mass and spin by studying the complex
interactions and the observed properties of quark and gluons inside the hadrons. Moreover, the
collisions of electrons with ions will provide tridimensional images of the nuclear structure at very
high precision. The activity of the Salerno group is linked to the development of particle-identification
detectors for high-momentum hadrons by exploiting the RICH (Ring Imaging Cherenkov) technique.
Tests, characterization and simulation of SiPMs and of the dRICH apparatus will be the main
arguments of this project.
Contacts: sdepasquale@unisa.it, ddegruttola@unisa.it, adecaro@unisa.it, tvirgili@unisa.it,

Title: Measurements of charmed baryons with ALICE

experiment at the LHC
Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Gruppo di Fisica Subnucleare (ALICE/EIC)

Description: The hadronization mechanism is not completely understood. Recent measurements of

charm-baryon production in hadronic (proton-proton, proton-ion and ion-ion) collisions suggest that
the fragmentation of charm quark is not universal across different collision systems. The ALICE
experiment, installed along the LHC at CERN, is well suited to measure charm baryons. The Ph.D.
candidate will work within a scientific international collaboration contributing on-site data-taking
shifts, analyzing experimental data (by using highly-advanced software and statistical tools) and
reporting her/his results in collaboration meetings.
Contacts: sdepasquale@unisa.it, ddegruttola@unisa.it, adecaro@unisa.it, tvirgili@unisa.it,

Title: Josephson Applications: Empowering Thermoelectricity

and Parametric Amplification
Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Claudio Guarcello / Roberta Citro

Description: This project delves into the theoretical study of Josephson effect, encompassing two
notable applications. First, it looks at the potential of Josephson junctions in the realm of quantum
thermoelectricity. Exploring the intricacies of novel physical aspects and performance optimization,
the research seeks to develop high-efficiency devices, offering promising advancements, even
considering non-conventional superconductivity, for energy harvesting/conversion. Then, it explores
the captivating field of parametric amplification. By analyzing the Josephson dynamic and quantum
properties, the research aims to optimize the device performance, paving the way for breakthroughs
in high-sensitivity signal amplification for quantum sensing applications. The project contributes
greatly to thermoelectricity and parametric amplification domains, framing the research activity in
established international collaborations.
Contacts: cguarcello@unisa.it, rocitro@unisa.it
Title: Classical and quantum aspects of gravity
Tutor: Gaetano Lambiase

Description: A theory of quantum gravity is logically desirable for unifying nature’s principles and
fundamental interactions in the form currently known. Over the years, many approaches have been
developed to consistently construct such a unified scheme, able also to solve the issues related to
renormalizability and unitarity. The objectives of the project are to investigate the formal
developments of these theories (considering for example asymptotically safe gravity, non-local
theories of QFT and gravity, etc), as well their consequences in the low energy limit (referred to as
effective field theories) in different frameworks: 1) Cosmology (Dark Energy and early Universe), 2)
Astrophysics/Astro-particles (focusing on Gravitational Waves as a tool for testing Dark-Matter and
physics beyond the standard cosmological model and particle physics model), 3) Entanglement in
gravitational backgrounds. 4) Experimental proposals which are essential to put the theoretical
models on firm ground.
Contact: glambiase@unisa.it

Title: Testing H0 tension from observables

Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Amata Mercurio

Description: The Hubble constant (H0) expresses the cosmic expansion rate, a critical parameter to
understand our Universe. However, nearly a century after its first estimates (Lemaître 1927; Hubble
1929), the value of H0 is still hotly debated. The recent measurements of H0 in the “local Universe”
based on the distance ladder and those obtained for the “early Universe” from Planck cosmic
microwave background data cannot be reconciled. They show more than 4s tension. Thus, this tension
remains a crucial and still open question in cosmology. During this PhD, we will take advantage of
newly available space telescopes and satellite data to investigate this tension. In particular, we would
address the following questions: What causes these tensions? Is there really necessary to go beyond
the standard model of cosmology? Could it be due to systematics? What kind of systematics?
Contact: amercurio@unisa.it

Title: Superconducting properties investigation: the physics of

vortex matter.
Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Angela Nigro / Antonio Leo

Description: Superconductors are materials in a quantum state characterized by electron pairs

capable of lossless current conduction, but only below a maximum critical value Ic. Few
superconductors can keep at bay the penetrating magnetic field, quantized in Abrikosov vortices,
under high bias current and magnetic field. The motion of vortices results in a finite resistance, but
they can be pinned by defects to achieve a zero-resistance state. The project aims to investigate the
pinning mechanisms preventing vortex motion and its features in wide ranges of temperature,
magnetic field, and field orientation in superconducting devices from macro to nanoscale. Modelling
will be used to capture the microscopic mechanisms leading to the sudden transition, known as
quench, to the normal state resistance above Ic. The activities will be carried out in collaboration with
national and international partners.
Contacts: anigro@unisa.it, aleo@unisa.it

Title: Understanding strongly correlated systems using

quantum computers
Tutor: Canio Noce/Alfonso Romano

Description: Quantum computers have recently received plenty of hype since they promised to solve
several hard problems which no known classical algorithms can solve efficiently. We are currently
working in the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) regime which is an operational definition
that means that available quantum computers are subject to substantial error rates. Nevertheless,
NISQ quantum devices by means of quantum algorithms, such as the variational quantum
eigensolver, can significantly reduce the demands on the quantum hardware and software. The present
research project focuses on the correct and efficient application of variational algorithms to strongly
correlated systems using the quantum circuit formalism and/or tensor network analysis. We plan to
investigate efficient fermionic Hamiltonian mappings for mesoscopic lattices, the performance
analysis of variational parametrized ansätz circuits, with and without quantum noise models, optimal
measurements strategies and error correction and error mitigation protocols.
Contacts: cnoce@unisa.it, alromano@unisa.it

Title: Curvature-induced multiferroicity in magnetic

Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Carmine Ortix

Description: Multiferroics are materials which are crucial for prospective low-energy and high-speed
electronics as they allow manipulation of nonvolatile magnetic states by electric fields. This is distinct
to electrical current-based spintronic technologies. The synthesis of technologically relevant multifer-
roic materials has proven to be extremely challenging. This PhD research project is targeted at ana-
lyzing an alternative route in the search for multiferroics. The concept is based on modifications of
extrinsic properties of conventional materials, in particular the geometry of the material structure.
The latter can induce via curvature ferrotoroidicity and ferromonopolar order. There are active ex-
plorations of curvature effects in various systems including 2D materials and semiconductors– see
our review “Electronic materials with nanoscale curved geometries” [Nature Electronics 5, 551

Contact: cortix@unisa.it

Title: Superconducting devices for quantum technologies

Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Sergio Pagano/ Carlo Barone, Giovanni Carapella, Veronica Granata (co-tutors)
Description: Quantum technologies are at the forefront of advanced research. Among the various
implementation of quantum computing, those based on superconductive devices are the most
technologically advanced. The proposed research will deal with the experimental development of
superconducting devices for quantum computing and quantum technologies in general. It will address
the design, modeling, realization and testing of quantum limited amplifiers and other quantum devices
and will be inserted in the context of ongoing collaborations at national and international level. The
activity will deal with ultra-low temperature characterization of superconducting materials and
devices in their electrical transport and microwave properties. There will be also room for theoretical
modeling and numerical simulation of these advanced quantum systems.
Contacts: spagano@unisa.it, cbarone@unisa.it, gcarapella@unisa.it, vgranata@unisa.it

Title: The interaction between magnetism and

superconductivity in “Iron-based” superconductors, and its
effects on their electric transport properties.
Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Massimiliano Polichetti

Description: The discovery of superconductors based on Iron, with interesting characteristics also
for the applications of the superconductivity, has aroused a big interest on these materials where both
magnetic and superconducting properties coexist. For them it is important to analyze not only the
nature of this coexistence, but also the aspects potentially more interesting for the applications like,
for example, the effect of the magnetism on the vortex pinning, and so on the reduction of the
dissipation related to the electric current transport. A study in this topic will be performed by using
magnetic techniques, both in DC and in AC. For the latter, in particular, the correlation will be studied
between the behavior of the harmonics of the detected AC signal and the microscopic dynamics
involving the interaction between the magnetic field and the structure of the investigated materials.
Contact: mpolichetti@unisa.it

Title: Understanding interacting many-body quantum systems

by means of non-linear field transformations
Tutor: Francesco Romeo

Description: The research activity will be focused on aspects related to the interaction among
fermionic particles, of utmost relevance in contexts ranging from the quark composition of baryons
to the superfluid states of neutron stars. In this respect, for instance, going beyond a mean-field
approach to superconductivity, Richardson demonstrated, soon after the BCS formulation, the precise
structure of the many-body ground state. The Richardson solution suggests that interaction in many-
body systems can be addressed, at least for pairing Hamiltonians, by means of non-linear field
transformations (NLFTs). The objective of this research project is identifying NLFTs supporting the
emergence of fields whose nature (fermionic, bosonic, or anionic) is determined by the Hamiltonian
itself. These studies could be relevant in astrophysics, cosmology, nuclear and condensed matter
Contact: fromeo@unisa.it

Title: Electro-nanocatalytic approaches for high added value

Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Maria Sarno, Renata Adami/Carmine Attanasio, Claudia Cirillo

Description: Electrochemical processes are now a real opportunity for obtaining various chemical
products at low temperatures and "easily", even starting from waste and biomass. In this context, it is
extremely important to design nano-catalysts for the electrodes, through morphologies, thin film
deposition, couplings and “ad hoc” compositions to improve the processes performance. Electricity
supplied from renewable energy sources allows for sustainable productions, and can be a real smart
approach. A large amount of agricultural wastes, other recycled feedstock’s and more in general
biomasses contain a high lipids and cellulose, emicellulose and lignin contents. In this scenario, the
exploration of carbon nanomaterials as catalysts support, due to their conductivity, large specific
surface area, high porosity, and relative chemical inertness results also of particular interest.
Contacts: msarno@unisa.it, radami@unia.it, cattanasio@unisa.it, clcirillo@unisa.it

Title: Neural Networks

Tutor : Silvia Scarpetta

Description: The research will focus on recent development of neural networks and machine
learning, both from a theoretical and an application point of view.
On the one hand the PhD student will study and develop recent machine learning techniques for
application to real data (such as geophysical and seismological data, biomedical signals, in particular
EEG, etc.), on the other hand she/he will study biologically plausible neural networks models to
capture the emerging collective dynamics observed in cortical neural nets in-vitro and in-vivo.
This research is part of the INFN iniziativa specifica (IS): "BIOPHYS: Biological applications of the
methods of theoretical physics".

Contact: sscarpetta@unisa.it

Title: Title: Assessment of climate extremes and amplifications

in hotspot areas using in situ surface and upper air
Tutor: Fabio Madonna (UNISA)

Description: Description: Understanding the amplification of climate changes in so-called hotspot

areas (polar and mountain regions, the Mediterranean basin, and urban areas) is key for predictability
and adaptation, which are often affected by extreme events. Climate models show increases in
extremely high temperatures, decreases in cold extremes and increases in intense precipitations. To
address these issues, long records of in situ and upper-air measurements are essential and the recent
contribution of reference networks, providing traceable measurements with quantified uncertainties,
can increase confidence in climate studies and decisions for adaptation.
The Ph.D. student will develop original methodologies to evaluate the impact of climate changes on
the frequency of extreme events as well as amplification in hotspot areas through statistical methods
and integrating multiple data sources, constrained using reference measurements.
To consolidate the background, the student will be also involved in regular measurement programs
and field and/or laboratory experiments.

Contacts: fmadonna@unisa.it

Title: Downscaling of seasonal climate predictions with

statistical, artificial intelligence, and numerical model-based
Tutor(s)/cotutor(s): Chunxue Yang (CNR-ISMAR), Fabio Madonna (UNISA)

Description: Seasonal climate predictions can forecast climate variability up to several months ahead
and support a wide range of societal activities. If seasonal climate conditions can be accurately
predicted a few months in advance there is potential to reduce the damage caused by climate
variability or take advantage of the benefits brought by it. The coarse spatial resolution of current
seasonal forecasts needs to be improved to the regional/local scale through statistical downscaling
aiming at learning empirical links between the large-scale and local-scale climate, i.e. a mapping from
a low-resolution gridded variable to a higher-resolution grid.
The Ph.D. student shall work on the design and implementation of novel downscaling solutions for
improving seasonal climate predictions using global and regional climate models, regression analysis,
neural networks, or machine learning methods.
Contacts: fmadonna@unisa.it, chunxue.yang@artov.ismar.cnr.it
This Ph.D. position is funded by CNR-ISMAR

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