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Marine Notice


Office of 03/23
Deputy Commissioner
of Maritime Affairs
Supersedes INDEX 02/23

NOTE: Liberian Marine Notices are identified by Subject matter and sequence number.
The applicable section of the Maritime Regulation or the Maritime Law will be
identified on the reference line where applicable.

Number Description Issue

ADM-001 Issuance of Liberian Marine Notices. 02/21
ADM-002 Official and Other Forms and Publications. 01/23
Consolidated List of Fees and Charges for Official Documents
ADM-003 and Services. 11/22

ADM-004 Cancelled

ADM-005 Services of Liberian Consular Offices. 07/20

ADM-006 Familiarization with Liberian National Maritime Legislation. 07/20
List of Certificates and Documents Required to be Carried
ADM-007 Onboard Ships. 11/22
IMO Unique Company and Registered Owner Identification
ADM-008 Number Scheme. 06/12
International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling
AFS-001 08/22
Systems on Ships, 2001.
FIR-001 Fire-Protection Systems and Appliances. 10/21
Fire Extinguishing Requirements for Flammable Liquid Lockers
FIR-002 07/20
including Paint Lockers.
Requirements for Engaging in Transshipment Activities on
FTP-001 the high seas, in ports, between ports and in regulated areas. 10/20
Requirements for Liberian Reefer Vessels Engaged in
Transshipment or Port to Port Transport of Fish Destined for
FTP-002 European Ports. 12/16

INS-001 Safety Inspections of Liberian Ships. 11/22

INS-002 Alternate Safety Inspection Program. 07/20
National Safety Requirements for Miscellaneous and Non-SOLAS
INS-003 07/20
Operations/Safety Checklist for SOLAS 1974, as amended,
INS-004 Regulations. 07/20
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Inquiries concerning the subject of this Notice should be directed to the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Republic of
Liberia, the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry, 22980 Indian Creek Drive., Suite 200, Dulles, VA 20166,
USA. The most current version of all Marine Notices are available in the Online Library at:
International Maritime Conventions, Protocols and Amendments
INT-001 04/18
to which Liberia is a Party.
INT-002 Cancelled
Maritime Transport Concerning Liberian and Chinese Registered
INT-003 Vessels. 01/19

International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) and SOLAS

ISM-001 11/22
74 Chapter IX, Management for the Safe Operation of Ships.
ISM-002 Cancelled
Harmonized International Safety Management (ISM) and
ISM-003 International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Audits. 01/23

ISP-001 International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). 10/21

ISP-002 Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR). 07/20

ISP-003 Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT). 06/22

ISP-004 Stowaways. 07/20

MAN-001 Manning of Vessels and Principles of Watchkeeping. 11/22

Periodically Unattended Machinery Spaces (PUMS);
MAN-002 Requirements for Safety of Operation and Reduced Manning. 07/20

MAN-003 Cancelled

MAN-004 Manning Requirements for Mobile Offshore Units (MOUs). 07/20

Implementation, Inspection and Certification under the Maritime
MLC-001 07/20
Labour Convention (MLC), 2006.
Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship under the
MLC-002 Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006. 07/20

Terms and Conditions for employment of seafarers under the

MLC-003 Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006. 01/21
Standards of accommodation, recreational facilities, food, water
and catering under the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 11/22
Health and safety protection, accident prevention, medical care,
welfare and social security protection of seafarers under the 07/20
Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006.
MLC-006 On-board Complaint handling procedures. 07/20
Safety of Navigation - Nautical Charts, Publications and Notices
NAV-001 to Mariners. 02/22
Danger Messages; Hydrographic and Meteorological
Information: Cooperation with Hydrographic Services and 07/20
NAV-002 Meteorological Organizations.
Protection of the Great Barrier Reef Region and the Torres Strait-
NAV-003 Compulsory Pilotage Requirement. 07/20

POL-001 MARPOL, Prevention of5Pollution from Ships.
2 of 11/22
Rev. 05/22
The Republic of Liberia
Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control Systems (ODMCS)
POL-002 Failures – Manual Means of Monitoring and Procedures for 11/21
Approval of Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans or a
POL-003 Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plans. 07/20
Useful and Practical Information about Cleansing Agents and
Their Impact upon Oil Pollution Prevention Equipment for 07/20
POL-004 Machinery Space Bilges.
POL-005 Ballast Water Management Plans (BWMP). 07/20
POL-006 Reports Alleging Inadequate MARPOL Port Reception Facilities. 07/20
Use of Halogenated Hydrocarbons (Halons) and Other Ozone
POL-007 Depleting Substances. 07/20

POL-008 MARPOL 73/78 Condition Assessment Scheme. 06/12

Implementation of Revised Annex VI, Regulations for the
POL-009 Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, of MARPOL. 10/22
Requirements for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
POL-010 04/10
Management Plans.
POL-011 Requirements for Ship to Ship Operations Plans. 05/14

POL-012 Electronic Record Books (ERB) for ships. 11/21

Implementation of Revised Annex V, Regulations for the
POL-013 11/22
Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships, of MARPOL.
Implementation, Survey and Certification under the
International Convention for the Control and Management of 11/22
POL-014 Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM Convention).
Approval of Operational Manuals for Oil Discharge Monitoring
POL-015 03/23
and Control Systems (ODMCS)
Measures to Improve Compliance and Minimize Risk of Port
PSC-001 State Control Detentions. 03/23

RAD-001 Required Documents for Ship Radio Stations. 07/20

RAD-002 Renewal of Ship Radio Station Licenses. 07/20

Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile Satellite Radio Services
RAD-003 Accounting Authority Approval and Operating Procedures. 09/22

RAD-004 Ship Radio Station Watchkeeping Hours. 07/20

RAD-005 Cancelled – Incorporated into RAD-008 06/12

User protocol, Activation, De-activation and Disposal of 406
MHZ Satellite Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon 07/20
RAD-007 Cancelled
RAD-008 Ship Radio/GMDSS Logbooks and Logbook Retention Policy 02/23
Radio Equipment – Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
INDEX (EPIRB). 3 of 5 07/20
Rev. 05/22
The Republic of Liberia
Vessel Reporting Systems to Assist Search and Rescue. AMVER,
REP-001 07/20
Reporting Certificate Fraud and Professional and Technical
REP-002 07/20
REP-003 Cancelled
REP-004 Reporting Incidents of Armed Attacks, Piracy and Robbery. 07/20
Reporting of Repatriation (MLC Liability Insurance) Coverage;
REP-005 Cancellation of Ship’s Officers Report on Form RLM-119. 07/20
Return of Completed Shipping Articles.
SAF-001 Lifesaving Equipment. 07/20
SAF-002 Prohibition of “Hot Work” in Tankers and Combination Carriers. 06/12

SAF-003 Procedures for Entering Enclosed Spaces and Enclosed Space 12/15
Entry and Rescue Drills.
SAF-004 Lifeboat and Emergency Drills. 07/20

SAF-005 Survival Craft, Rescue Boat and Launching Appliances – Testing,

Servicing and Maintenance. 07/20

SAF-006 Lifesaving Equipment – lifejackets. 07/20

SAF-007 Lifesaving Equipment – Immersion Suits and Thermal Protective
Lifesaving Equipment – Short Term Dispensation to Carry a
SAF-008 Number of Persons in Excess of that allowed by the Safety 07/20
Equipment Certificate.
SAF-009 Implementation, Survey and Certification under the International
Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code).
SAF-010 Approval of Ship Structural Access Manuals (SSAM) 01/23
SAF-011 Approval of Liquified Gas Carrier Cargo Operations Manual 03/23
SEA-001 Examination System for Merchant Marine Personnel. 02/22

SEA-002 Articles of Agreement between the Master and Seafarers in the

Merchant Service of the Republic of Liberia (Shipping 03/22
SEA-003 Approval of Maritime Training Center Courses and Programs. 07/20

SEA-004 Payment of Wages - Account. 03/22

SEA-005 Amendments to the STCW, 1978, as amended, regarding the
training and certification of ship security officers (SSO).
TEC-001 Issuance and Use of Statutory Certificates. 07/20
TEC-002 Cancelled
TEC-003 Stability and Trim Information to be Supplied to the Master. 07/20
TEC-004 Multiple Load Line Assignment Procedures. 02/22
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) and
TEC-005 Medical Oxygen Carriage Requirements. 07/20
TEC-006 Carriage of Grain. 4 of 5 Rev. 05/22
The Republic of Liberia
TEC-007 Mobile Offshore Drilling Units. 06/12

TEC-008 Passenger Vessels - Underwater Examination of Hull in Lieu of

Drydocking. 11/22

Mobile Offshore Units Standards including Mobile Drilling

Offshore Units. 07/20

TEC-010 Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System (BNWAS). 07/20


RLM-107 Liberian Maritime Law Rev. 07/18

RLM-108 Liberian Maritime Regulations Rev. 01/23
RLM-108A Liberian Maritime Fees Regulations Rev. 2002
RLM-100 Vessel Registration Requirements and
Mortgage Recording Procedures Rev. 10/22
RLM-118 Requirements for Merchant Marine Personnel Certification. Rev. 12/21
RLM-260 Requirements for Marine Investigations and Hearings. Rev. 11/02
RLM-109 Report of Vessel Casualty or Accident Rev. 04/22
RLM-109-1 Report of Personal Injury or Loss of Life Rev. 04/22

INDEX 5 of 5 Rev. 05/22

The Republic of Liberia

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