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Document Number : AVU-ENG-039 Effective Date : 01 Februari 2018
Replaces Document : None Pages : 4 (four)
Originator : Rokip Susanto Department : Engineering
Title : Chief Engineer
Task Ownership : All team member
Supportive Documents : None


Semua Engineering bisa melakukan perawatan dan penggunaan Fire Extinguisher agar dapat digunakan
memadamkan api bila terjadi kebakaran.
All of engineering team able to use and maintenance the fire extinguishers for to be used to extinguish the fire in
case of fire

Semua Engineering harus mengetahui posisi dan mengerti cara mengoperasikan Fire Exthinguiser
All Engineers must be understand and familiar, where and how to operate the fire extinguishers

1. Pastikan semua daerah terlindungi/terpasang Fire Extinguisher, penempatannya yaitu sebagai
berikut :
Make sure all areas are protected / installed Fire Extinguisher, with the placement as below :
a. Di masing – masing villa sebelah pintu masuk terdapat 1 tabung Fire Extinguisher
In every next of the door entrance that installed 1 tube of fire extinguisher
b. Di setiap koridor lobby terdapat fire extinguisher dengan jumlah 9 tabung
In every corridor lobby that installed fire extinguishers with total 9 tube
c. Di ruang pompa 101, 109, 110, 201, 206, 214, 220, 305, 312, 403, RO, Pump room Hilltop, Bottling
plan and LVMDP masing – masing terpasang 1 tabung fire extinguisher
In pump room 101,109,110, 201, 206, 214, 220, 305, 312, 403, RO, Pump room Hilltop, Bottling plan
and LVMDP that installed 1 tube of fire extinguisher
d. Di Male locker, My Time, Female locker, Clinic, Engineering Office, Engineering Workshop,
Carpenter, STP, Main Kitchen, FB Store, Ramp Connecting basement, corner tunnel, Generator
room, My Space, Communication host office, Purchasing office, HR office, Under Sunset Cabana,
Tunnel Water Feature, Security, Panel Room of Cliff Cabana, Guard House, General Store, Dry
Store, Receiving harus terpasang masing-masing 1 fire extinguisher
Di Male locker, My Time, Female locker, Clinic, Engineering Office, Engineering Workshop, Carpenter,
STP, Main Kitchen, FB Store, Ramp Connecting basement, corner tunnel, Generator room, My Space,
Communication host office, Purchasing office, HR office, Under Sunset Cabana, Tunnel Water Feature,
Security, Panel Room of Cliff Cabana, Guard House, General Store, Dry Store, Receiving must be
installed 1 tube of fire extinguisher
e. Di Host station 1, 2, 3, 4, Gas room1, Gas Room 2, SPA Villa 1, 2, 3, 4 dan 5 masing-masing
terpasang 1 fire extinguisher
Di Host station 1, 2, 3, 4, Gas room1, Gas Room 2, SPA Villa 1, 2, 3, 4 dan 5 that installed 1 unit fire
2. Perawatan Fire Extinguisher
The Maintenance of Fire Extinguisher
a. Lakukan perawatan dan general cek pada seluruh Fire Extinguisher setiap satu bulan sekali
Do the maintenance and general check of all fire extinguishers once in every month
b. Kontrol dilakukan oleh tim engineering dan security
The controlling are carried out by engineering and Security team
c. Lakukan pengecekan dengan mengocok fire extinguisher tersebut
Do the check by shuffling the fire extinguishers
d. Pastikan kartu maintenance terpasang dan diisi saat maintenance
Make sure the maintenance card is installed and writing during maintenance

3. Cara menggunakan Fire Extinguisher

Use of fire extinguisher
a. Tarik pin
Pull the pin
b. Arahkan di bawah sumber api
Navigate at the bottom of the fire source
c. Tekan tuas
Press the handle
d. Semprotkan satu sisi ke sisi yang lain
Spray from one side to other side

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HOD/Asst HOD:………………… Team member:

Title:……………………………………. Title:

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