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Contractor policies acceptance and acknowledge form

The purpose of the form is to ensure Versar, VIAP and GEOMET contractors are knowledgeable
of Versar, Inc communication and network access policies and restrictions. The corporate name
Versar, Inc includes all Versar owned companies and subsidiaries. These companies are Versar,
Inc, VIAP and GEOMET Technologies, LLC.

The policies list below must be distributed, read and acknowledged prior to any electronic
account creation. The account includes access to any Versar, Inc file, print and e-mail servers.
Contractors will not be given access to corporate Intranet/Extranet servers.

The Versar, Inc supervisor must submit a written request to create, extend/renew/re-enable,
suspend or deletion of any account that’s active, expired or about to expire. Acceptable
requests methods are a completed User Access Form or an e-mail message justifying the action
and the duration if creating or extending access of an existing account. E-mail retention is
limited to 90 days of active e-mail on the e-mail servers. Messages older than 90 days are
automatically removed from the mail server nightly. It is the account holder’s responsibility to
archive any electronic messages from the e-mail account. Backup of the e-mail archive file(s) is
the account holder’s responsibility.

All accounts will be set to auto expire one year from the date of creation or less. The password
will be forcibly changed every 90 days. Minimum password requirements are:

Password length: Minimum of six characters

Capital letters: Minimum of one
Lower case letters: Minimum of one
Numbers: Minimum of one
Special Character or punctuation point: Minimum of one
No more the two repeating characters

I have received, read and understand the policies list below:

Versar Electronic Communication policy 75 Initials: __________

Versar Electronic Records Retention policy 77 Initials: __________
Versar Requirements for Password Policy Initials: __________

Name (printed) _________________________________________________________

Dlovan Abd Al-hnan

Signature: ____________________________________________
Digitally signed by Dlovan Abd Al-hnan
Date: ____________

Version 1 August 27, 2009

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