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Name: Hazel Krinezza M.

Pangan Date: January 28, 2023

I have observed that I scored higher in the table B and C with the score of 24 points. For
the first table, the criteria falls under the educational philosophy called “perennialism”. What is
the reason behind it? First, it refers on the application of the traditional methods in learning. It is
once believed that implying these ones, it can give a better quality of education. Second, it is
mainly focus on the skills and development of the individual rather than merely focusing on their
individual development. Third, it expresses the emphasis for having respect for the educators
and the other individuals behind them because they are the ones providing the information
being fed to one’s mind. Lastly, they aim to aid in the development of the child because it will be
beneficial for them to use it in their future. On the other hand, table C falls under the philosophy
of progressivism. It is deliberately giving attention to the development of the learners
themselves through the presence of various ways. There are various ways to prepare the child
to blend in with the society. First is to keep in mind that the curriculum itself can enlighten the
skills and needs of the learners. Second, the implementation of democratic classroom can be
beneficial to them in order to absorb the subject matters well. Also, they can enrich their
experiences by giving them enough time and freedom to explore. Lastly, it is a must to establish
an environment that can make learning more fun and memorable through the existence of
independency among them. As I have noticed, it is better to combine various ways in imparting
knowledge because I believe that learning will be more effective and efficient in a manner that
the learners can easily identify what must be done in a certain situation. Furthermore, classic
things must be preserved since they are already proven and tested for a long time but there is a
must to be innovative whenever someone is dealing with it because it may cause confusion
among them. Bear in mind that the usage of it must have certain control and restrictions in order
to be a successful one.

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